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2013-02-28 8:41 PM
in reply to: #4641000

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
medeiros13 - 2013-02-28 4:54 PM

LOL Carol.  A man can only listen to his wife so much...thems the marraige rules lol.

Mike, the only concern about coaching is not keeping my foot elevated.  I'll just have to sit on the chairs and not move around...and that's not easy for me!

Jay, first I want to say that I'm thrilled that the surgery went well and that you are in good spirits!!!  Second, please come a little bit closer so I can SLAP YOU ON THE HEAD.  Even as I'm typing this, I know that you are at the game, in coach mode, and you don't have that foot elevated.  I pity your wife.  Boy, if Kylie wants to take care of you, sit back and enjoy it.  SIT BACK AND ENJOY IT! 

Steve, let us know what the doc says.  You have the patience of Job.

Crap, the crunch challenge goes to 90/day tomorrow.

Mike, recovery meal.  Ok, you may all have me committed but I'll tell you my recovery for long runs.  First, hubby has all kinds of weight lifting things and he has some Amino Acid that I mix with water and I carry it for long, long runs and then have some when I come home.  Or sometimes a protein mix (with Cassein) that I mix with milk.  But my favt is to have some peppers and potatoes cooked in olive oil.  Add eggs, spinach, herbs, and maybe tomatoes or feta or whatever else I have in the house (mushrooms, chicken?).  It's a great way to start the day with protein, a little carbs, and veggies.

Carol asked what position my son plays so I’ll take a paragraph to brag.  D can play every position except catcher.  This team has him at SS, Pitcher, and 3rd.  I love, love, LOVE watching him play 1st because he can bend, stretch, and pick balls beautifully but this team wants his arm.  He is a wicked pitcher; not a lot of heat but his balls move like crazy.  He is usually consistent, level, accurate, and smart.  He bats lead-off or second.  Currently he has the highest batting average and the lowest ERA but we have only played a few games and it can change quickly.  Ok, sorry for the brag.  He is just someone that loves to play baseball; as one teacher said, “Baseball is what makes his eyes sparkle.” 

Edited by Pink Socks 2013-02-28 8:54 PM

2013-03-01 1:29 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Mike... warmup 20 min flat out 30 min take Average HR from last 20 min .. 10 min cool down gets you your HR zones for the bike.

Mike recoery meal tends to be overly hyped.  If the workout is less than 90 min equals no recovery calories needed.  Basically if you go for a 90 min + workout eat something afterwards, glass of milk, half a pbj, whatever.  It is easy to eat more than you need to cover the calories spent.  Especially after swimming. You can get very ocd about this, but just balance your entire diet including after your long workouts.

Good news Jay on both counts.  This is one of those injuries that if you start back too soon and go too hard... you dont race anymore.  Please take the full recommendation and add 2 weeks to it.  I can't immagine they would have you doing anything at all for the next 2 months. 

Ok me, doc says "um hrm."  Which means that the exray x 4 showed bones are fine (not stress fracture type thing, bone spur, degenerated cartlidge) but doesn't show soft tissue (tendon, muscle, meniscus).  So he gave me a nice 3 inch shot of what looked like about 4oz of stuff (pain killer and not doping) and said well go run on it and let me know if it still hurts.  He twisted it in lots of ways and pushed on spots (meaning no actual full or significant rips or inflamation on the outsid of the knee).  So shot should let me run on it for a  couple days if it is a "bruised miniscus" (one of the more likely posibilities), but if the pain comes back with the first mile jog then it is probably a sllight tear of the two tendones where they hook up to the medial side of the external lateral tibia and fibula (left leg left side but the interior portion where pushing on it won't affect it so much).  2nd is my guess not his.  So they will try to get the insurance to cover an MRI and that will give the real whats what...hopefully.  Hate ghost in the machine stuff.  .... You did ask.  Forgive the lack of precision on biology terminology it has been 25 years since my human physiology class and im not quite ocd enough to look up all the right terms.  Night, ya work still busy hopefully with some clearing in 2 weeks.  Up to 3 kids threatening to shoot folks now (1not serious, 1 mostly not serious this year... ,  3rd meh we will see).  Politics starting to brew over the firings and hirings for next year.  School sare so .....nepotistic and we have not lived in this area since 1850... so ya.    


Edited by Baowolf 2013-03-01 1:50 AM
2013-03-01 6:26 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Steve, I'm sorry you are going through that.  I can't even begin to describe my aggrivation with health insurance.  I went through the same crap...get an xray when they know you need an MRI...but they have to do an XRAY first...why, who knows...but then health insurances complain about shelling out too much money when they don't allow us/doctors to do what we know we need.  My ortho had an ultrasound machine at their office and that's how they diagnosed my achilles?  Is that a possibiity for you?  No entering a mini hole and clanging and bonging that way!


Pam, I'll have you know that I really did sit the whole game with my leg up.  The game didn't go our way but thats okay.  We start the playoffs on Monday and have our last practice tomorrow.  I'm hoping all the kids show up so we can have some fun and I can talk to each of them about the season.  I always hated trying to do that after the last game as a kid....most of the time we lost our last one and my attention wasn't on what the coach was saying. 

Mike, this is probably a result of my bodybuilding background but I almost always have a protein shake or some kind of protein for muscle recovery.  Then, depending on how hard I workout out, possibly a banana or a simple sugar to spike my insulin levels back to normal.  It was pretty common for me to have a clif bar and a gatorade protein drink after a race.

Edit: Pam, I loved reading about your sons baseball exploits.  It doesn't matter if he throws hard or not.  Pitching is about changing speeds and hitting your spots.  Sounds like you got a good little ball player on your hands, enjoy it!  Full disclosure, I played a little bit of baseball in college as well...before I gave it up for basketball/baseball.

Edited by medeiros13 2013-03-01 6:29 AM
2013-03-01 6:41 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

So for recovery it seems that eating something sensible is the way to go, which is largely what I've been doing. So, I'll go with that. Thank you to all for the thoughts.

Did the bike test last night, and despite a tech fubar which ended up with me not getting any power readings, it appears average heart rate over the 'all out' was 155. Does that sound reasonable to anyone? I have no context for comparison purposes, but thats what my Garmin is telling me. Seems kind of low. Max was 175, but that wasn't average, just topped out there. Still feeling a bit of leg burn this AM when I woke up. It was a tough tough hour on the bike. I literally had a bucket next to the bike in case it was needed. It was not, thankfully

Went to my strength training session this AM and it felt great. Lots of good endorphins rushing about after that was over. If I could bottle how excellent that feels, and sell it, I'd be long retired.


2013-03-01 11:27 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Pam, that is very cool re: your son.  Especially the sparkle in his eye with regard to baseball.  Nice that he loves it (so puts in the work) and has some serious talent as well!

Jay, glad you kept the leg elevated and stayed seated.  Really like how you remember what it was like and then deal with the players on your team accordingly.

Mike, sounds like you put plenty of effort into that test.  I've only done one for the run, so no idea of any "should be's" on the bike.  My guess is that it is what it is and YMMV, and all that good stuff.

Steve, tough when root causes and treatment plans are not clear.  Careful with those steriod/painkiller shots masking pain.  Almost had to look up "nepotistic" then realized nepotism...oh..yeah.  I'm mostly happy to work from home as a hired gun and avoid the politics.  But of course that can backfire too.  When you are not physically there, it's easy to get thrown under the bus before you know what hit you sometimes.

Samantha, let us know how it's going for you girl!  Good/bad however it is you know you can share it here and find support.

Walked a couple miles yesterday with Katy the dog and did an easy 30 minute spin on the trainer last night.  Overall much improved and think I might just live to run another day.  There are always things to be done better training wise, and I could certainly go in 8-10 lbs lighter, but overall I feel like I put a lot into this marathon.  To not only see no improvement, but to have the wheels fall off completely so early in the race, leaves me wondering if I need to reconsider my goals.  Feel like I had mad cardio endurance, but my old imbalance/injury issues just didn't hold up to the task.  Maybe target halfs next season, which would allow me to focus on getting leaner/stronger/speedier/more balanced, and then see where it goes from there. 

2013-03-01 10:01 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Good news Jay.  Take it easy and heal.

Pam, brag away!!!  If you heard me talk about my 3 year old daughter you'd think she was superhuman!

Carol.  I've had great runs when I  thought I could barely get out and I've had horrible  runs when I was feeling great.  You know... we take the good days with the bad.  Your training is amazing and it will show! 

It's been hard over here.  The wife is having  a hard 1st trimester.  She had to take a leave of absence from her work.  So not much sleep for me.  2 hours last night and was too tired to do anything training wise. 

Gonna do a couple runs this weekend,  4 mile long for me.  Hopefully I'll get some rest!


Happy training to all

2013-03-02 10:02 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

I'm back y'all! Just when I think life can't possibly get any crazier, life throws me another curveball. Oh well! Whenever I wish for a day of nothing to do, I end up driving my wife crazy with my boredom. Anyway, work travel, a funeral, and sickness have all been keeping me busy and have taken priority over training. On a positive note I have kept my training log current and the runs I have been doing are fun and relaxing.

Carol, I haven't congratulated you on your marathon. I wanted to say you showed awesome mental toughness. The only marathon I did I ran a mile walked a mile for the whole thing because I was an idiot and didn't train. Long story short, it was a long, miserable day, but I think the walking was harder and more painful than the running. Kudos to you for not quitting when your hopes were derailed. Oh I was in Denton this week. Just up the road from Grapevine. I still get lost every time I visit the metroplex area. Too many mixmasters and roads going ever which way. And my indoor track is 1/10 mile. Not too small, but just small enough to give your inside leg a good workout after 30-40 laps.

Pam, baseball is also a love of mine! Well softball now that I'm a little older, but I can't wait to get back into a league. Sounds like your son has the talent and more importantly the love of the sport that will help him grow and expand those talents. Watch those curveballs. That was my signature pitch and I threw too many at a young age and I regret it now that my elbow hurts. Like Jay said, location and changing speeds can be just as effective, and the "cool" pitches will come easier once that is mastered.

Mike, glad to hear you kept the puke bucket clean! Sorry that it ended up just being a super tough workout and you didn't get any data. Sounds like something that would happen to me. I'm the guy that never reads directions.

Jay, heal quick buddy. I heard a commercial for deer antler velvet and thought hey it's weird but if it supposedly helped Ray Lewis heal quicker... Haha anyway don't push things too hard. If you can heal in time for your big race awesome! But if not cut your loses and plan another one. Nothing is more aggravating than an injury that keeps coming back.

Mitch, glad to hear you are getting the running back again. Is biking or swimming a problem? Hope you can continue being superman and juggle everything while also taking care of yourself. Hope your wife starts feeling better and stays healthy.

Steve, maybe deer antler velvet could for you too if the steroids and such don't help. I hope the injection does give the needed benefit to get you out of this rut. In any case, keep on staying patient and keep those kids safe!

Looking for a more productive March for myself- well training wise. Train smart and safe everyone!

Edited by Antwonathon 2013-03-02 10:58 AM
2013-03-02 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Anyone have any ideas for training in hotels. I don't stay in old, gross places by any means, but often the Holiday Inns/Comfort Inns don't have great equipment. I usually run outside to avoid the treadmills, but biking and swimming are another story. The stationary bikes are usually the recumbent style so I don't know how much benefit they would offer. The pools are usually made for kids to play in so they are too small to swim laps - although if I play swim golf I can actually get close to the pro scoresLaughing This last trip I brought a rope and tied one end around my waist and the other end to the ladder. It worked alright. I noticed it was harder to keep my body position as my legs would sink so maybe I could use those swims to work on keeping correct body alignment. Also, breathing is difficult because I am not moving so my head doesn't make a nice wake for my mouth to breath air. Hopefully some day soon i won't have to travel nearly as much, but for now it looks like there's no way around it. Anyone run into these issues and find something that works?
2013-03-02 11:38 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

So I completely bonked on a 4.27 miler just now.  It's frustrating because I'm just not sure what I can do yet!  I'm having some newbie issues that I totally forgot that new runners have.  Pacing issues, chafing, water,  etc.. etc...  I haven't had to worry about these things in many years of running.  I must stop and remember that a 4 miler right now feels like my 15 milers a year ago...  I do think that my lack of sleep has a lot to do with it.  I figured out that I have averaged just over 3 hours a night for the last 3 weeks! 

Also, my diet has never been an issue, I can eat whatever I want and not gain weight but it seems to be both a blessing and a curse these days.  My wife doesn't want to eat anything so I'm scrambling just to get her to eat anything, and so that's what I end up eating.  I forget that I need to fuel my body so i can train properly.  Starting this week I will eat to fuel...

I've slacked on the bike the last few weeks but will pick it back up.  My pool should be open this week so back in the water for me too!

2013-03-02 12:20 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Mitch -- if you are averaging 3 hours a sleep a night for the last 3 weeks, you are running on such an empty tank its surprising you can type. Wish I were joking, but as a life long sufferer of sleep apnea, its amazing what happens when you are in a sleep deficeit, and have experienced it. My doc told me at my last appointment that even averaging just 5 hours a night for a week, your brain will operate as if you've not slept in 24 hours. with just 3 hours, its struggling mightily. You need rest, and sleep.

2013-03-02 2:55 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Back from my long run (7.1 mi) and feel good. Funy thing, it took me almost 5 miles before I found my real groove. But once I did, I felt like I could have kept going for ages. Beautiful almost-like-spring day with tons of sun, and running along the water just makes it so beautiful. Lots of folks out running, biking, walking, etc. At one point I had to stop as my right sock bunched up and was driving me insane. Fixed it, and it was like I had a new foot . Steve -- what are those socks you recommend? May be time to try them.

Hope healing is going well, Jay.

Same for you Steve -- hope you get out there as soon as possible in the way you want to.

Tomorrow is a 2.5 hour trainer ride. Oh, joy!

2013-03-02 5:00 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Happy Saturday everyone.  I am sorry that I have been lurking lately.  Not feeling well but still training.  Today was a long run.  20 miles.  Not concerned with time, just logging the miles.  My last long run before my marathon in March.  
2013-03-03 5:34 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Quick checkin because I'm beat.  I gave blood this morn at church, finished up, and then got into the santuary as they were doing communion.  I passed out at the alter rail - not flat-on-the-floor passout because my son caught me but more like a drunk-swaying-in-the-breeze.  How embarassing!

DH had already signed us up for a swim clinic this afternoon so I decided to go (after fluids, food, and a nap).  It was informative and also depressing.  I don't breathe out in the water, I pull my head out too far, I take short crossover strokes, and I frog kick.  I did work on the breathing in the water and my head turn and I "felt" like I was floating well at the end.

I hope everyone starts feeling better.  Ken, amazing that you can get the 20 miles still feelling so bad.  And Mitch, 3 hours of sleep, it's amazing you can function.  Sorry about your wife's bed rest.

Steve, have you tried the running after the shot to see how it went?  Hope it went well.

Anthony, you had me chuckling about the rope in the pool but I think it's pretty inventive.  DH travels a lot and his first question to every hotel is if they have a guest pass to a gym.  Recently he would run 1.5 miles to the gym that opened at 5am, workout, and then run back.  He got some good workouts in.

Edited by Pink Socks 2013-03-03 5:37 PM
2013-03-03 11:43 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Mike what is your run LT.  I would think you would be a bit higher if you maxed at 175 .. was that for the last 20 min of the 30 all out?  I would think closer to 165 if you maxed at 175. Mine is 165 bike 175 run... but if your fitness is lower you might have to do it again in 2 months to get it up to 165 for that long.

Carol you were all set for a 4:15 to 4:20 marathon before your leg issue came up.  Your training was spot on.  The only issue I saw at all was that warning sign about 3 months ago when you had leg issues, but your long runs lately have been really good.  I think that is just something one can't always control.  Not sure what to say but you were totally in shape for a PR, a significant one.  Which isn't to say that your body like mine needs a significant break.  I dont remember you taking a big offseason break last year.

Mitch, take care of that wife of yours.  She is gona need a little more support, way more important than some training.

When out of town often you can get a  1 day pass at a YMCA to swim for like $5-10 or look up a high school or something.  Have to do some research before you travel though.

Good mob Ken, yup just get in your longs, let a short run or bike go if you need to.  Get well.

You also can get a swim bungie thing to tie to a ladder in a small pool if on vacation in a 10 foot long hotel pool. 

Was my first missed race today.  My 18 year old did 3 miles in 19:55, 15 year old did 3 in 20:55, 11 yar old did 1 mile in 7:55, 8 year old did 1 mile in 8:21 after losing his shoe half way through the race. 

Me... well I was able to jog 2 miles on Friday until the pain stopped me, yesterday I was able to get in 4 mile jog and today 0.3 miles.  So ya not sure if it was the shot or the 2 weeks off that got me 1 1/2 days of jogging more than .7 mile continuous before returning to no functional run distance.  Oh well logging pain ratings for walk and jog portions with giving the leg .5 mile to recover and trying to jog again, strat not being helpful.  So ya still at ground zero in diagnostics.  Maybe insurance allows the MRI in a week or 2.  Very busy week next week.  Time for bed.  If I missed ya say it again, hope I caught most of ya. 

Oh my favorite socks are 2xu for regular wear and smartwool for cold/rain/snow/slush. 

Edited by Baowolf 2013-03-04 1:36 AM
2013-03-04 10:09 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Tought day or two here. Missed my long ride yesterday due to a zillion to-do's & general life interference things and today on the way to work my wife calls and tells me our youngest is really sick and I need to come home. Oy. I did make it to the pool this AM and put in 2500 yards, but really disappointed about the bike yesterday. Little one should be fine, but not having a good day.
2013-03-04 11:02 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Mitch - hope you can catch up on sleep.  I would not even think about training on that little sleep!

Mike - nice run...hang onto that feeling!  Sorry life and training did not play nicely together over the weekend.

Steve - hope you can get that MRI.  Seems like you have tried about everything short of that, so hopefully the insurance co will get on board.  Funny about your little one running half the race with one shoe.  Yeah, I'm defering any longer term decisions right now, but leaning at the moment towards the thought that the longer distances may not be good for me physically or mentally.  I don't really ever rest completely, but summer is usually lower volume due to me and the heat not getting along.  For overall health reasons, I like keeping some consistency going year-round.

Pam - I think swimming is just a humbling sport in general for those of us who came to it later in life.  Have you previously followed any type of program/system/instruction?  Getting the breathing down makes it much more pleasant and relaxing to be in the water.  Good that you got that feedback. 

Anthony - great to hear from you!  Glad you are able to get in some fun, relaxing runs.  Funny you were in Denton!  I grew up (from about 6th grade on) there, and graduated from UNT.  If you are back that way again, they have a very nice natatorium that hosts tri's.  Might be able to get in for some swims there. 

Ken - glad that last LR is in the tank for you!  I really have no idea how you and others run much at all when you are sick.  Time to rest up now anyway so you can arrive at the start rarin' to go.

Samantha - it's been a while since we have heard from you.  Hope you are doing OK, and will let us know when you can.

I'm able to jog about 3 miles now before my rt foot protests.  It's weird, like I sprained my ankle/outer foot slightly, but I didn't.  Rt. knee is feeling OK and hasn't really bothered me since the race.  Rt. glute is a bit cranky as usual, but manageable at least for short distances.  Also rode my bike outdoors for about 11 miles yesterday.  Working on getting the bike group going, and figure that should involve some actual bike riding! 


2013-03-04 12:15 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Yang Min Shan, T'ai-pei
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Hey All,

I am checking back in after some time away.  My race was Saturday.  It was a full adventure since my wife and I decided to drive from to Doha to Abu Dhabi.  Driving through the desert in Saudi Arabia puts a whole new meaning on road trip.
The Abu Dhabi International was a great event.  It had some big players including Alistair Brownlee who won the short distance in record time.  It was very cool seeing him blaze by me on his bike.

I had a great time and finished the event.  Although I was surprised by how difficult the swim was, I did make it to shore and when I looked back, I even saw many bobbing heads still in the water.  The 50K bike was flat with a few spectators cheering throughout.  By the time I finished the ride the temp was approaching 33 Celsius.  I finished the run with some cramping in my right flank but overall feeling great.  I am so happy I decided to compete.  

I have not posted a lot but I do appreciate all of the great advice that comes from the group.
2013-03-04 12:43 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Did you get to ride by Macca & his broken Zipp wheel??
2013-03-04 4:20 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Glad you enjoyed your race, I knew you were ready for it. Sorry that you had some minor muscle issues. 

Carol, it might be fun for you to just do some half marathons for a year and try to get faster and not worry about a full mary for a year or 2.  I am abivalent about the full IM's the same way.  To meet a qualifying time I need to really get my HIM's a lot faster... but to get in under the longevity clause I need to do an IM every year at any pace for 11 years to get in that way, so I'm torn.  HIM training is soo much more reasonable than IM training time wise.  But... as I can't do either, I will put such thoughts off for a bit.  Take care of you at whatever distnace you decide on... for now.  (but you can make the Boston cutoff....).

2013-03-05 1:29 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Nice race TK!  Sounds like you did very well and enjoyed!  My hat is off to you and others who do ocean swims.  I'd be happy just to survive one of those!

Steve, glad I'm not the only one who is ambivalent re: balancing overall health and goals.  And down time = plenty of time to think about such things.

Have any of you read race reports re: the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon?  I would like to go on record as saying NEVER to that one!  I cannot imagine jumping off that boat into the cold, choppy bay...unless the boat was sinking, and even then I might have to think about it!

Rode the trainer this morning, and will try another short run in the morning.  My foot seems to be pretty good for about 3 miles, but gets more achy after that, even just walking.  May resolve itself with time, but going to see my podiatrist tomorrow for a more informed opinion.  Church bike group is coming along.  I wrote up the announcement for the first ride last night.  It's funny, I posted in my BT log re: doubts about if we would have enough leaders, and a friend I met here on BT saw that and offered to help out.  I couldn't have thought of anyone more perfect for it .

OK, so we have Ken's marathon, and Kate's HIM coming up this month I think.  Anyone else?


2013-03-05 1:32 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Hope everyone is feeling good  today, and enjoying whatever it is you happen to be doing. I'm in the midst of a major lunch coma, and while there's little chance of being productive, I'll at least get a post or two done on BT   Awesome salad of spring greens, with some walnuts, feta, and dried cranberries w/low cal/fat balsamic vinegarette. Yum. A  small cup of veggie  & chicken noodle soup on the side, and it was great.

Started taking a boxing class on Monday nights, which is a whole new world of fitness from our 'straight ahead' tri type stuff. Wowza - an hour of that and I'm ready for a good long nap. No hitting anyone (yet!) just footwork, technique, etc. never knew it was so hard to fight.

Off for a nice 1 hour run (6+ mile) run this evening. Getting into the swing, and its feeling better all the time.

Was supposed to do a half mary this weekend, but no  way am I even close to ready, but I'll at least pick  up my t-shirt

2013-03-05 1:48 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

I am feeling much better.  Loving these tapering weeks.  I am excited to get this marathon under my belt and get ready the full on Tri season. 

Had a good swim this morning and pretty good core workout today.  I am still on track with the Crunch challenge.  Are we still tracking it?  

Ken - 65 for 65

2013-03-05 2:31 PM
in reply to: #4647432

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
kmatt318 - 2013-03-05 2:48 PM

Crunch challenge.  Are we still tracking it?  

Ken - 65 for 65

Pam - 65 for 65

I forgot to report on the crunch challenge yesterday.  I didn't count up but I'm up to date so I'll use Ken's 65.

Ken, glad you are feeling better and enjoying taper.

Steve, awesome job to all of your kids!  They inherited their speed from their dad obviously.  Good luck to you on the insurance hurdle.  I really hope they can find the root cause soon.

TK, great finish time on your race!!!!  Sounds like it was fun and an education.

Today is my BD and son had a mid day ortho appt so I used that as an excuse to take off this afternoon.  Just went swimming and had moments of beautiful clarity (or so I thought).  Now I'm going to take a nap with my puppy before family comes home and takes me out to dinner.

2013-03-05 2:52 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

TK, that race sounds so cool!  good job

Pam, swimming is so technical.  I found the only thing that helps is time in the water.

Anthony, glad you are enjoying those runs!

Ken, great job getting that last LR in.   You are going to kill that marathon!

I've been trying to get more sleep.  I just have never been a good sleeper.  I can't remember the last time I got over 6 hours sleep.   My wife is now home on a leave of absence so I've been taking melatonin to try and get a bit more.  Almost 5 hours last night.  3 the night before`.  Oh well.  I work with what I can.

Did 2.5 miles on the treadmill this morn then 30 min of core, strength and stuff my PT taught me.  Lots of balancing stuff on the Bozu Ball, planks etc...  Felling pretty good all things considered.  I know my training is secondary to my Family but after over a year down I'm finding the balance.  Races are not going to be a priority this year, or next prob but I still like to have something on the books to work towards.

2013-03-05 2:55 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Oh yeah, Steve... How cool for you kids.  That must be amazing to watch!  I hope my fitness rubs off on my little ones.  That would be something special!  You should be very proud.
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