BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-04-04 8:21 PM
in reply to: PaulPerger

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Originally posted by PaulPerger

I just discovered this section of the BT website. Is it too late to join the group?

Never too late. Please post a bio, you can copy the format from someone's bio on the first couple of pages.

2014-04-04 9:53 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Originally posted by coachrains

Thanks nicole

Tri is tmrw morning. Scouted out road course, very hilly and roads in bad shape from winter, lot of speed bumps. Little concerened. Been vacationing a little, probably eat too much last couple of days. Anxious to get going and release some of these jitters. Wish me luck

Have fun tomorrow. You'll do great. Looking forward to hearing about your experience. And, be careful on the rough roads.

Edited by wenceslasz 2014-04-04 9:55 PM
2014-04-04 10:33 PM
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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Thanks For the Encouragement everyone!!!

I am done with my cycling shoes i cant keep spending for insoles,
i am doing one long bike this weekend if it persists time to replace.

I had long swim today and slowly my lungs are adjusting to my pacing in the lake.My first 500m i felt gassed after 100m and need to pause.I felt ok after the 2-4th 500m .I just realized as long as i continue with my pace and dont pause for 500m i am fine to make the cut off.It will be all OWS until raceday. I want to get this out of the way so i can enjoy racing sprints.

Thanks for teh nice words,
Race well on your 15km thats a fun 10 miler bro!!!

Goodluck to your race!!!! just finish and have fun and look forward to the next one!!!

Yes i do get discouraging thoughts when i am short of breath in the water, when ever my alarm turns on and i wish i am still in bed.
Goodluck to the Chicago Marathon!!! You'll get it.

Vball is a cool game to watch!!! hope you had a nice game.

hows HIM training going!!!

30K++ in the water woot! woot! and like you said i am going to have a discussion with my fitter!!


Glad your back bro!!! Where you moved to??

Train Safely Everyone!!!

Edited by strykergt 2014-04-04 10:38 PM
2014-04-04 11:01 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
I'm afraid I kind of screwed up today. My swim went great, a nice 2K then a group of us went to Tim Horton's (it's a Canadian thing) and I won a large Latte (it will be my first when I have it). Then at home I relaxed a bit then got ready and headed out for my 1:45 run.

I was really careful. Did a careful stretching and a slow (walking) warm-up. Made sure I was well hydrated (thanks Nicole). When I got running my calf felt pretty stiff but I wasn't aggravating it and I was moving fairly well - not too fast and I took a few walking breaks. I got to 10km and I was crossing a bridge and a highway so I got distracted and was a bit less cautious when I reached a 9" curb and using my right leg to push up, the extra muscle contraction was just too much for my calf and I felt my right medial gastrocnemious muscle tear. When it happened it felt like someone had shot me in the calf with a rock but before I could even turn my head to look for the rock I realized what had happened.

So I had a really slow fun limp home kicking myself the whole 2km.

So far it is not too painful and doesn't seem to be swollen but I don't think I'll be running for awhile. I'm hoping I'll be able to swim and cycle without any trouble. I am okay and I will be okay but will I be able to run my 10K next weekend?

Nicole - Thanks for your advice and cautions. I did remember and do it. I probably should have stopped at 10K and taken a few rest days. Live and learn, eh!

Markus - Glad you're back and I hope your wife is recuperating well. Given what's happened to you what are your plans for this season now?

Paul - Welcome to the group. The best way to get as much as possible out of the mentoring group you should jump right in and start asking questions and commenting. You'll find us pretty friendly and supportive.
2014-04-04 11:15 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Originally posted by wenceslasz

I'm afraid I kind of screwed up today. My swim went great, a nice 2K then a group of us went to Tim Horton's (it's a Canadian thing) and I won a large Latte (it will be my first when I have it). Then at home I relaxed a bit then got ready and headed out for my 1:45 run.

I was really careful. Did a careful stretching and a slow (walking) warm-up. Made sure I was well hydrated (thanks Nicole). When I got running my calf felt pretty stiff but I wasn't aggravating it and I was moving fairly well - not too fast and I took a few walking breaks. I got to 10km and I was crossing a bridge and a highway so I got distracted and was a bit less cautious when I reached a 9" curb and using my right leg to push up, the extra muscle contraction was just too much for my calf and I felt my right medial gastrocnemious muscle tear. When it happened it felt like someone had shot me in the calf with a rock but before I could even turn my head to look for the rock I realized what had happened.

So I had a really slow fun limp home kicking myself the whole 2km.

So far it is not too painful and doesn't seem to be swollen but I don't think I'll be running for awhile. I'm hoping I'll be able to swim and cycle without any trouble. I am okay and I will be okay but will I be able to run my 10K next weekend?

Nicole - Thanks for your advice and cautions. I did remember and do it. I probably should have stopped at 10K and taken a few rest days. Live and learn, eh!

Markus - Glad you're back and I hope your wife is recuperating well. Given what's happened to you what are your plans for this season now?

Paul - Welcome to the group. The best way to get as much as possible out of the mentoring group you should jump right in and start asking questions and commenting. You'll find us pretty friendly and supportive.

Oh George!!!

Yikes!! i hope theres any other way to learn our limits unless we feel the sharp pains are one of the indicators. IF its me in your position above i would ice it right away. 10K next week!! your recovery will tell for the next days i would use a pair calf compressions. Take care bro.

Edited by strykergt 2014-04-04 11:20 PM
2014-04-04 11:18 PM
in reply to: strykergt

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Carlo - If you're feeling gassed so early in your swim are you swimming too fast to start? I know I feel the same in my OWS but if I slow my stroke rate down and relax (plus I breath with every other stroke - on the same side - bad habit I know) then I get into a rhythm and I can just keep going.

I think that no matter what, if you keep at it you will soon find you will be able to swim the full distance without any rest breaks. It will get easier.

2014-04-05 5:51 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN

George! Oh no!  I hope it's settling down for you, R.I.C.E, R.I.C.E, and more of it, as carlo said. When I did my calf just after Christmas it was a little like that, I had been wilfully ignoring the creeping stiffness and twinges until eventually one day it tore. It felt like someone had stabbed me in the leg and I could barely hobble. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery!

2014-04-05 5:54 AM
in reply to: johnthecat

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN

Originally posted by johnthecat Guys I'm back. Had to take a break due to numerous issues. Wife had Gallbladder surgery with some complications so that took a few weeks out of my schedule and then we also bought a new house and fixed up the new old house so we can put it on the market. All work done now and I can jump back into working out. I hope everyone is doing great. I'll try to catch up on all the postings over the next few days. Markus

That sounds like major life upheaval! I hope your wife's back on track and the workout schedule is coming along too. Great to have you back!

2014-04-05 6:06 AM
in reply to: Taringa

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN

I've just finished packing up tonight for my last race of the season tomorrow. The bike's in the car, transition bag and normal bag packed and ready, as always I'm wondering what I've forgotten. Goggles, bike, shoes, helmet, running shoes, socks. Got the other peripheral stuff but really, that's the essentials sorted out. I'm looking forward to it, I know I'll be somewhere at the back but it'll be fun all the same.

Carlo--HIM training looking good, thanks for asking . Once tomorrow's sprint is out of the way I'll really start to kick it into gear. I re-read the HIM bike course description and looked at the map, there's a scary 18% incline hill we have to tackle twice so I'm really going to have to work on my bike strength over the next few months. I'm glad I found that now, not in July!

2014-04-05 11:43 AM
in reply to: Taringa

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Originally posted by Taringa

I've just finished packing up tonight for my last race of the season tomorrow. The bike's in the car, transition bag and normal bag packed and ready, as always I'm wondering what I've forgotten. Goggles, bike, shoes, helmet, running shoes, socks. Got the other peripheral stuff but really, that's the essentials sorted out. I'm looking forward to it, I know I'll be somewhere at the back but it'll be fun all the same.

Carlo--HIM training looking good, thanks for asking . Once tomorrow's sprint is out of the way I'll really start to kick it into gear. I re-read the HIM bike course description and looked at the map, there's a scary 18% incline hill we have to tackle twice so I'm really going to have to work on my bike strength over the next few months. I'm glad I found that now, not in July!

Good luck tomorrow! Click on races then checklist here on BT to help make sure you have everything.
2014-04-05 11:46 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Originally posted by wenceslasz

I'm afraid I kind of screwed up today. My swim went great, a nice 2K then a group of us went to Tim Horton's (it's a Canadian thing) and I won a large Latte (it will be my first when I have it). Then at home I relaxed a bit then got ready and headed out for my 1:45 run.

I was really careful. Did a careful stretching and a slow (walking) warm-up. Made sure I was well hydrated (thanks Nicole). When I got running my calf felt pretty stiff but I wasn't aggravating it and I was moving fairly well - not too fast and I took a few walking breaks. I got to 10km and I was crossing a bridge and a highway so I got distracted and was a bit less cautious when I reached a 9" curb and using my right leg to push up, the extra muscle contraction was just too much for my calf and I felt my right medial gastrocnemious muscle tear. When it happened it felt like someone had shot me in the calf with a rock but before I could even turn my head to look for the rock I realized what had happened.

So I had a really slow fun limp home kicking myself the whole 2km.

So far it is not too painful and doesn't seem to be swollen but I don't think I'll be running for awhile. I'm hoping I'll be able to swim and cycle without any trouble. I am okay and I will be okay but will I be able to run my 10K next weekend?

Ouch! Hope you recover quickly. I'm not sure what the healing time for an injury like that is.

2014-04-05 8:10 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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New user
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Got my first Tri in the bank today, it was not easy for me, but I did enjoy it from start to end. Even the swim, although it was pretty crazy out there at times and I got winded, I took my breaths as needed and finished with smile on my face. The bike was very very hilly IMO for a sprint, I don't think you could pile in anymore hills in a sprint, I had read this gripe on previous reviews...but it is what it is, and the BIG guy from Ky mashed on up em slow but sure. Downhills were a blast, I think they were thinking who is this crazed bear of a man that keeps flying by me on these downhill runs? Law of physics, I have to take advantage when I can. The run was going great till last mile and I thought "man I feel good, I am going to start pushing it and finish strong, started striding out and my right calf knotted up....geez! In one step I completely changed my finish strategy. I limped on in. Really sore right now. Ice and rest for couple of days, we will see.

Not sure of my times yet, doesn't really matter. I finished, I was not last, I had a good time. My wife was volunteer and worked on writing body numbers and T2 entrance. She had good time too.

I would say that is success

Lesson learned: Don't drink so much that you need to pee the entire bike ride and half of run till I found big Oak tree a little out of the way

21 days till next sprint!

George: I hope your calf gets better, I feel your pain. Thanks for your encouragement. That goes for everyone!

Taringa: Nothing but great luck and enjoyment for you, I am sure you will do great.

Paul: Welcome

Markus: Glad to meet you, and have you back. I am sorta new myself

Nicole: Hope all is well with you
2014-04-05 8:35 PM
in reply to: coachrains

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Congrats!! Glad you had Fun most important!! you will have more!!!
2014-04-05 8:38 PM
in reply to: Taringa

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Originally posted by Taringa

I've just finished packing up tonight for my last race of the season tomorrow. The bike's in the car, transition bag and normal bag packed and ready, as always I'm wondering what I've forgotten. Goggles, bike, shoes, helmet, running shoes, socks. Got the other peripheral stuff but really, that's the essentials sorted out. I'm looking forward to it, I know I'll be somewhere at the back but it'll be fun all the same.

Carlo--HIM training looking good, thanks for asking . Once tomorrow's sprint is out of the way I'll really start to kick it into gear. I re-read the HIM bike course description and looked at the map, there's a scary 18% incline hill we have to tackle twice so I'm really going to have to work on my bike strength over the next few months. I'm glad I found that now, not in July!


hope your race went well!!! want to know your race report!!!


2014-04-06 5:01 AM
in reply to: strykergt

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN

Hey coach, glad to hear your race went well and you had fun! As I sit here feeling a bit miserable about my race I should heed my own advice, "have fun!".

So my race was OK, but I just felt slow and like it just wasn't working for me. Everything was harder than it should have been: mentally, physically it just wasn't going well. I've been trying to analyse why: lack of intense training the past month (been leaning towards that HIM and doing pretty well everything in zone 2), lack of volume (life has been getting in the way and I've been having more time off), and just a loss of mojo I reckon.

So, it's onwards and upwards from here! More bike work, more hill work, more speed work. More variety .

Anyway, race report is here:      


2014-04-06 10:52 AM
in reply to: coachrains

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Originally posted by coachrains

Got my first Tri in the bank today, it was not easy for me, but I did enjoy it from start to end. Even the swim, although it was pretty crazy out there at times and I got winded, I took my breaths as needed and finished with smile on my face. The bike was very very hilly IMO for a sprint, I don't think you could pile in anymore hills in a sprint, I had read this gripe on previous reviews...but it is what it is, and the BIG guy from Ky mashed on up em slow but sure. Downhills were a blast, I think they were thinking who is this crazed bear of a man that keeps flying by me on these downhill runs? Law of physics, I have to take advantage when I can. The run was going great till last mile and I thought "man I feel good, I am going to start pushing it and finish strong, started striding out and my right calf knotted up....geez! In one step I completely changed my finish strategy. I limped on in. Really sore right now. Ice and rest for couple of days, we will see.

Not sure of my times yet, doesn't really matter. I finished, I was not last, I had a good time. My wife was volunteer and worked on writing body numbers and T2 entrance. She had good time too.

I would say that is success

Lesson learned: Don't drink so much that you need to pee the entire bike ride and half of run till I found big Oak tree a little out of the way

21 days till next sprint!

George: I hope your calf gets better, I feel your pain. Thanks for your encouragement. That goes for everyone!

Taringa: Nothing but great luck and enjoyment for you, I am sure you will do great.

Paul: Welcome

Markus: Glad to meet you, and have you back. I am sorta new myself

Nicole: Hope all is well with you

Congrats coach! I remember feeling so alive after my first sprint.

2014-04-06 10:57 AM
in reply to: Taringa

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Originally posted by Taringa

Hey coach, glad to hear your race went well and you had fun! As I sit here feeling a bit miserable about my race I should heed my own advice, "have fun!".

So my race was OK, but I just felt slow and like it just wasn't working for me. Everything was harder than it should have been: mentally, physically it just wasn't going well. I've been trying to analyse why: lack of intense training the past month (been leaning towards that HIM and doing pretty well everything in zone 2), lack of volume (life has been getting in the way and I've been having more time off), and just a loss of mojo I reckon.

So, it's onwards and upwards from here! More bike work, more hill work, more speed work. More variety .

Anyway, race report is here:      


Sorry you had a rough race. It sucks when you want to go faster and you're body won't cooperate.

When is your HIM?
2014-04-06 9:44 PM
in reply to: Taringa

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Originally posted by Taringa

Hey coach, glad to hear your race went well and you had fun! As I sit here feeling a bit miserable about my race I should heed my own advice, "have fun!".

So my race was OK, but I just felt slow and like it just wasn't working for me. Everything was harder than it should have been: mentally, physically it just wasn't going well. I've been trying to analyse why: lack of intense training the past month (been leaning towards that HIM and doing pretty well everything in zone 2), lack of volume (life has been getting in the way and I've been having more time off), and just a loss of mojo I reckon.

So, it's onwards and upwards from here! More bike work, more hill work, more speed work. More variety .

Anyway, race report is here:      



Good job!! you just wanted to learn from your race to use for your training. You totally nailed your analysis. i am sure you will have more sprints in the future and you'll be flying!!

2014-04-06 10:36 PM
in reply to: Taringa

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Anna - I had a look at the Challenge Goldcoast website (I think it is this one you're doing). The bike ride looks interesting with several pretty intense climbs and then equally steep downhills. Is there a chance you could go to the race site and ride the route a couple times or just ride the steep hill a couple times? Whenever I find a hill that initially seems daunting I find the more times I can ride it the more easy it becomes.

I was surprised to see the cut-off time for the race is 7.5hrs.

I also read your race report. Sorry it didn't go as well as you hoped but you still finished well and better you struggle today in order to be better prepared for your Challenge.
2014-04-06 10:49 PM
in reply to: coachrains

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Sounds like you had a good race Coach. Great your wife got involved and enjoyed it as well. If you get a chance it is a lot of fun to volunteer at an IM event. I really enjoyed the registration tent, bike lot and finish line catcher.

Take care of your calf. Give it some time to recover - you don't want to follow in my footsteps.
2014-04-07 1:12 PM
in reply to: 0

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Hello Hashers and Mashers!! So good to see the group is still together!! I'm starting a new season of training...just a few months late. Anyway, just stopped by to say hello!

Edited by Sarah73 2014-04-07 1:12 PM

2014-04-07 10:22 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
So far my calf is improving quite quickly so it must be a minor tear. The first time I tore my calf (same location) it took 6 weeks to heal and I had a lot of trouble walking and going up and down stairs. This time I can walk and climb stairs but I have to be careful going down stairs.

I went swimming today and had no problems at all. In fact I could swim more comfortably than I can walk. We did a LOT(!) of kicking and drills and I found I could do everything although I didn't whip kick hard and I was careful kicking off the walls at each end. I did find I didn't swim as far as I usually do but that could be due to all the kicking.

I think I can bike as well so I will try an easy ride tomorrow. I'll avoid any major climbs and stay close to home.

I won't do any running this week and probably next week but I am keen to get going again.
2014-04-07 10:51 PM
in reply to: Sarah73

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Originally posted by Sarah73

Hello Hashers and Mashers!! So good to see the group is still together!! I'm starting a new season of training...just a few months late. Anyway, just stopped by to say hello!


Glad your able to drop by. Hope you can check in more often.

Take care!!!
2014-04-07 10:52 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Originally posted by wenceslasz

So far my calf is improving quite quickly so it must be a minor tear. The first time I tore my calf (same location) it took 6 weeks to heal and I had a lot of trouble walking and going up and down stairs. This time I can walk and climb stairs but I have to be careful going down stairs.

I went swimming today and had no problems at all. In fact I could swim more comfortably than I can walk. We did a LOT(!) of kicking and drills and I found I could do everything although I didn't whip kick hard and I was careful kicking off the walls at each end. I did find I didn't swim as far as I usually do but that could be due to all the kicking.

I think I can bike as well so I will try an easy ride tomorrow. I'll avoid any major climbs and stay close to home.

I won't do any running this week and probably next week but I am keen to get going again.

Good you seems to be your recovery is on track!!! good decision on the 10K!!!!

2014-04-08 12:26 AM
in reply to: Taringa

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New user
Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers Part 2 - OPEN
Originally posted by Taringa

Hey coach, glad to hear your race went well and you had fun! As I sit here feeling a bit miserable about my race I should heed my own advice, "have fun!".

So my race was OK, but I just felt slow and like it just wasn't working for me. Everything was harder than it should have been: mentally, physically it just wasn't going well. I've been trying to analyse why: lack of intense training the past month (been leaning towards that HIM and doing pretty well everything in zone 2), lack of volume (life has been getting in the way and I've been having more time off), and just a loss of mojo I reckon.

So, it's onwards and upwards from here! More bike work, more hill work, more speed work. More variety .

Anyway, race report is here:      


Hey Anna,

I'm sorry you didn't finish the season on a high. It really does suck when you have a race not go to plan, but I reckon you have to experience the lows to appreciate the highs (and not just in triathlon). Just focus on your HIM. It will be worth all the ups and downs.

Stick with it...


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2014-05-14 7:37 AM Dominion
date : June 14, 2012
author : IndoIronYanti
comments : 4
MAPS is Meditation, Acclimatization, Practice, and Strategy, which are key for giving you the confidence and skills to execute the open-water swim in a triathlon well.
date : September 15, 2011
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Don't be scared for the swim! Gain more confidence for your open water swims with these tips
date : December 17, 2007
author : LukeTX04
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I learned in this race that in order to finish the swim, you have to know where you are going. And in order to know where you are going, you have to learn to sight.
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author : Tri Swim Coach
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author : Tri Swim Coach
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You can practice several things like bi-lateral breathing, sight less and use long strokes to help you swim straight
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author : TriDDS
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Stroke after stroke, my pace was pulling me out into the middle of the lake quickly. The cover seemed to be getting thicker. But still in the distance, the little boathouse was my lighthouse.
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The DVD assumes little-to-no experience with competitive swimming and starts off in the pool citing the need to build confidence in a controlled environment.
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author : acbadger
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The swim is ALWAYS a cause for concern when it comes to competing in a triathlon. This is the event for which you need to concentrate on RELAXING.