BT Development Mentor Program Archives » tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED) Rss Feed  
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2011-02-18 7:37 AM
in reply to: #3361091

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
J,  I wish the helmet was in the budget right now because, as far as race gear goes, that is the next purchase I plan to make.  I am also not sure what size I wear so it would take me a bit to get somewhere to try one out to be sure.  Have you had any takers?

I had to work late last night to clean up a job we have been doing all week.  I got off about 7:30 and was starving, decided a 45-60 minute ride with no food might be ugly so I decided to ditch last night.  I have my long run scheduled for today and I think I will add a 45-60 minute ride after that sometime today as well.  But the run comes first.

As far as the dog bit goes I found out 2 things yesterday: 1. It is state law that a dog bite must be reported.  I had already spoken to law enforcement about what could happen to the dog and they have my phone number, so there is no way to keep from reporting it.  2. I found out the dog is not up to date on it's shots.  This one makes me care a lot less about the first issue.  And, in reality, makes me figure the owner are irresponsible people and shouldn't have the dog anyway.  So basically I don't care what happens to the dog anymore.  As I stated after I got bit, I will beat the animal to death the next time but I honestly think there will not be a next time with this animal.

I am going to the doc today for a tetanus shot and probably some precautionary antibiotics.  The worst punture wound has finally stopped seeping blood.  Obviously I hope there are no complications to this incident for a couple of reasons.  I don't want an infection to complicate things (DUH!).  And I hope I don't have to speak to the owners again.  I am quite unhappy that they were so irresponsible as to not keep dogs that are allowed to roam up to date on their shots.  These dogs are kept outside, as opposed to regular family pets, and who knows what they get into.

Okay, I am getting irritated again time to move on.  BTW, I will be getting something to carry on my runs as a defense against dogs.......pepper spray, mace, club, small caliber hand gun (I already have one of these), riot shotgun.

2011-02-18 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
My training took a hit this week, in the middle of a 15 hour shift right now but hey it's South Eastern Wildlife Expo so I have seen a bird of prey demonstration and caught some dock dogs plus it is 80 degress and I have my shorts on, so not all bad.

Dirk sorry about the bite, I love dogs but I am terrified of ones I don't know (have had a few close calls and almost had to shoot one when I was first out of the academy)  I would suggest either a club/batton or a firearm if the concealed carry laws in your state allow for it.  PM me and I can recomend some collapsable metal batons that are light weight and have several carry options.  I would stay away from any sort of stun gun/mace/pepper spray as they can enrage the dog off that much more instead of scaring them off.  As for me well I carry a small automatic in a modified "fanny pack" on early morning/late evening runs and will do the same when I get my bike worked out...

Hopefully I can get in the pool tomorrow, have been neglecting the swim WAY too much,  have a great weekend

edited to change po'd to enraged, bt doesn't like po'd apparently

Edited by Tripopo 2011-02-18 12:28 PM
2011-02-18 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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2011-02-18 5:46 PM
in reply to: #3361889

Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
Tripopo - 2011-02-18 1:25 PM

Dirk sorry about the bite, I love dogs but I am terrified of ones I don't know (have had a few close calls and almost had to shoot one when I was first out of the academy)  I would suggest either a club/batton or a firearm if the concealed carry laws in your state allow for it.  PM me and I can recomend some collapsable metal batons that are light weight and have several carry options.  I would stay away from any sort of stun gun/mace/pepper spray as they can enrage the dog off that much more instead of scaring them off.  As for me well I carry a small automatic in a modified "fanny pack" on early morning/late evening runs and will do the same when I get my bike worked out...

Hopefully I can get in the pool tomorrow, have been neglecting the swim WAY too much,  have a great weekend

Thanks, I never thought about pepper spray enraging the dog, though it seems to make sense.  Indiana does have a concealed carry law but I haven't had a permit for several years but I have been wanting to get one again.  I have a small 9mm that might be small enough to fit in a small fanny pack.  I have seen some of the expandable batons (kubaton) when I was a firefighter but I hadn't thought about that as an option but I am not sure that would have worked well in this case because the dog hit me and then stayed out of reach.  I ended up throwing a large rock at it and it finally took off. 

Training note: the ride I was planning for a ride tonight but I am going to defer so I can go out with my wife tonight.  We have the night to ourselves and that doesn't happen to often.

2011-02-20 3:38 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
pigged out last night watching a game, 0 guilt.
I then ran 15k this morning. feel fine, not tired, nothing. the human body is amazing. My next race is not till March 13, another 10k in which I want to run at least a 48...
2011-02-20 5:35 PM
in reply to: #3364158

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
Well I haven't even done my first tri, but I decided I would sign up for a HIM in August. The race was filling up so I decided to go for it. Crazy mmm maybe, I figure why not you only live once Laughing I noticed some open water in the lake behind me. I hope that means spring is close!

2011-02-20 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3364290

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
Well, for the first time in my 20-week training plan I missed quite a bit of training.  Only got about half of it in this week due to work.  Gonna get back on track starting tomorrow I hope.
2011-02-21 2:31 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
First race of the year in the books

ETA: Results unofficial as the times aren't posted yet...just going by my watch.

Edited by tri808 2011-02-21 2:32 PM
2011-02-21 3:46 PM
in reply to: #3365537

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
tri808 - 2011-02-21 2:31 PM First race of the year in the books

ETA: Results unofficial as the times aren't posted yet...just going by my watch.

Dude, you dominated that thing...  #beastmode
2011-02-21 4:02 PM
in reply to: #3365537

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2011-02-21 8:09 PM
in reply to: #3365537

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
tri808 - 2011-02-21 1:31 PM First race of the year in the books

ETA: Results unofficial as the times aren't posted yet...just going by my watch.

Nice run!

2011-02-21 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3365537

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
tri808 - 2011-02-21 2:31 PM First race of the year in the books

ETA: Results unofficial as the times aren't posted yet...just going by my watch.

Great job!
2011-02-21 9:35 PM
in reply to: #3365537

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
tri808 - 2011-02-21 2:31 PM First race of the year in the books

ETA: Results unofficial as the times aren't posted yet...just going by my watch.

great job! congrats!  
2011-02-21 9:57 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
I got an 11 mile run in tonight... back in the saddle baby!
2011-02-21 11:05 PM
in reply to: #3366197

Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
I'll catch up on everything tomorrow.  I just got off work and it has been a LONG MONDAY.  Almost 18 hours today.  I am just winding down for a few minutes before heading to bed.

2011-02-22 5:16 PM
in reply to: #3366197

Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
pistuo - 2011-02-21 10:57 PM I got an 11 mile run in tonight... back in the saddle baby!

When is the HIM?  Looking at your logs you seem to be getting pretty close as far as your runs are going. 

2011-02-22 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
Legs are still a bit sore from yesterday.  Decided to pass on running today, but will ride after work to hopefully shake the legs out.
2011-02-22 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
Ahh!  I am loving tonight!!!!  I am watching college wrestling with my daughter.  This makes me very happy!!!! 

#3 Iowa vs. #6 Minnesota. Two powerhouse wrestling teams.  Yeah I know, I am probably the only one who cares about this but really this post is about sharing another interest with my daughter.

2011-02-22 10:08 PM
in reply to: #3367666

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
DirkP - 2011-02-22 5:16 PM
pistuo - 2011-02-21 10:57 PM I got an 11 mile run in tonight... back in the saddle baby!

When is the HIM?  Looking at your logs you seem to be getting pretty close as far as your runs are going. 

It's April 10... I started learning all 3 sports about this time last year. I figured the toughest thing for me was going to be swimming, followed by long distance running and then biking easiest... it's turned out to be exactly the opposite... I picked that swimming up pretty fast and am doing decent at the running... biking seems to be my weakest link right now
2011-02-22 10:53 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
7k run. 5k mark at 22.15 baby. very glad about that.

bad thing. was that some idiot druglords decided to have shootout near the park where I was running.  it didn't last long and I didn't hear it but my sister and a friend did. so there was a bit of panic in the place. sad thing is we are getting very used to this kind of things now, life has to go on. but its NOT nice. oh well... 
2011-02-22 11:35 PM
in reply to: #3368059

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
Prince of Denmar - 2011-02-22 5:53 PM 7k run. 5k mark at 22.15 baby. very glad about that.

bad thing. was that some idiot druglords decided to have shootout near the park where I was running.  it didn't last long and I didn't hear it but my sister and a friend did. so there was a bit of panic in the place. sad thing is we are getting very used to this kind of things now, life has to go on. but its NOT nice. oh well... 

wow...scary stuff.  Glad you weren't "nearby".  Stay safe out there.

2011-02-23 4:48 AM
in reply to: #3368059

Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
Prince of Denmar - 2011-02-22 11:53 PM 7k run. 5k mark at 22.15 baby. very glad about that.

bad thing. was that some idiot druglords decided to have shootout near the park where I was running.  it didn't last long and I didn't hear it but my sister and a friend did. so there was a bit of panic in the place. sad thing is we are getting very used to this kind of things now, life has to go on. but its NOT nice. oh well... 

You guys are drawing a lot of attention down there because of the drug wars.  I hope you and your family continue to remain safe. 

Nice run despite the distraction.

2011-02-23 5:56 AM
in reply to: #3368059

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2011-02-23 5:59 AM
in reply to: #3368059

Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
Prince of Denmar - 2011-02-22 11:53 PM 7k run. 5k mark at 22.15 baby. very glad about that.

bad thing. was that some idiot druglords decided to have shootout near the park where I was running.  it didn't last long and I didn't hear it but my sister and a friend did. so there was a bit of panic in the place. sad thing is we are getting very used to this kind of things now, life has to go on. but its NOT nice. oh well... 

Stay safe man and good luck.

Well after my wife and I busting our butts at work we are hitting a couple of goals so I will be able to get a slightly used or newer off brand bike by the end of the month, thank goodness b/c I am about done with trying to get on that exercise bike at the gym...

Last week was supposed to be my long week and this was my recovery week but since I missed so many workouts I'm redoing last week ( was able to get my short run in last night after work, hope to hit the long bike today and head to the local tri store for a weight lifting for triathlete session tonight.
2011-02-23 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
I guess I can't complain much, as I don't have drug lords shooting at me during my runs

Trying to learn to do perceived exertion of 1 on scale of 1-whatever (7 I think is the conventional max). I have a lot of trouble with this, but have been forcing myself to keep very nonintense just to see how I feel, and see if it helps with my injuries.

So far, so good, I feel great!
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