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2011-03-31 12:55 PM
in reply to: #3423268

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
BamaDC - 2011-03-31 10:57 AM
cornfed - 2011-03-30 5:08 PM
BamaDC - 2011-03-30 6:03 PM

titeloops - 2011-03-30 10:41 AM wish we had doen this over the winter. I took my FTP up 14 watts in 8 weeks. I also believe I have not perfected the testing protocol, and tend to undervalue my FTP.

I think most of my gains will be in the FTP to weight division.

I was thinking about this today and trying to figure out which would be harder, increase my FTP or drop this gut.  Then I decided to swing for the fences and do both!   I can post my current numbers but I'm not sure it will be apples to apples if you do the 20 & 3 minute tests and I do 95% of my 20 min test.  I'll do a 5 minute test when I get back and post the results then.

Do the 3 minute test.  That's what his plans are using. 

What should we make the end date?  I for most of us our biggest races are in September.?

My A race is October 1st and isn't Augusta the end of Sept so seems like the end of Sept would work for most of us.

Edited by cornfed 2011-03-31 12:57 PM

2011-03-31 5:38 PM
in reply to: #3423649

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
titeloops - 2011-03-31 12:48 PM
BamaDC - 2011-03-30 1:47 PM
BamaDC - 2011-03-29 9:41 PM

My biking is terrible. 

CP 20 -  259 watts

CP 3 -  312 watts

CP 60/FTP - 250 watts


I'm 173.6 lbs or 78.9 kg.  That puts me at 3.16 watts/ kg.


If I calculated right, I'm at 2.54 w/kg.

Last time I did the testing I was at 3.35 w/kg.  Dunno what I am at now, but I need to get on it to keep progressing.

On my end, my shoulders fell off last night. Third straight swimming day. Capped off 2500 with a 5x200 set leaving every 3:30. I hit 2:41-42 on every set.  I am reasonably pleased with that.

2011-03-31 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3423649

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
titeloops - 2011-03-31 12:48 PM
BamaDC - 2011-03-30 1:47 PM
BamaDC - 2011-03-29 9:41 PM

My biking is terrible. 

CP 20 -  259 watts

CP 3 -  312 watts

CP 60/FTP - 250 watts


I'm 173.6 lbs or 78.9 kg.  That puts me at 3.16 watts/ kg.


If I calculated right, I'm at 2.54 w/kg.

My numbers are sad compared to y'all.

CP 20 -  185 watts

CP 3 -  248 watts

CP 60/FTP - 174 watts


Check me, but I think it's 2.02 w/kg.  This is according to the testing I did a month ago.

2011-04-01 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3424279

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
sand101 - 2011-03-31 5:38 PM
titeloops - 2011-03-31 12:48 PM
BamaDC - 2011-03-30 1:47 PM
BamaDC - 2011-03-29 9:41 PM

My biking is terrible. 

CP 20 -  259 watts

CP 3 -  312 watts

CP 60/FTP - 250 watts


I'm 173.6 lbs or 78.9 kg.  That puts me at 3.16 watts/ kg.


If I calculated right, I'm at 2.54 w/kg.

Last time I did the testing I was at 3.35 w/kg.  Dunno what I am at now, but I need to get on it to keep progressing.

On my end, my shoulders fell off last night. Third straight swimming day. Capped off 2500 with a 5x200 set leaving every 3:30. I hit 2:41-42 on every set.  I am reasonably pleased with that.


Sands, please take this question as it's intended, trying to learn as the swim is definitely my weakest sport. But if I understand your post correctly, your swam the 200's at 2:41, then went off the wall for next 200 at 3:30. So does this mean  basically 45 seconds rest between the sets? Here's my question, if you are swimming that far under your interval time, why not shrink the interval? go off on say 3:00. Asking cause my swim coach has me swimming on 1:40 intervals. i can hold that for about half my workout, but then it all goes south. My point to her is that I should swim on a slower interval, to make it further into the workout before I fall apart. She disagree's. Your input is appreciated.

2011-04-01 1:08 PM
in reply to: #3424919

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
titeloops - 2011-04-01 7:43 AM
sand101 - 2011-03-31 5:38 PM
titeloops - 2011-03-31 12:48 PM
BamaDC - 2011-03-30 1:47 PM
BamaDC - 2011-03-29 9:41 PM

My biking is terrible. 

CP 20 -  259 watts

CP 3 -  312 watts

CP 60/FTP - 250 watts


I'm 173.6 lbs or 78.9 kg.  That puts me at 3.16 watts/ kg.


If I calculated right, I'm at 2.54 w/kg.

Last time I did the testing I was at 3.35 w/kg.  Dunno what I am at now, but I need to get on it to keep progressing.

On my end, my shoulders fell off last night. Third straight swimming day. Capped off 2500 with a 5x200 set leaving every 3:30. I hit 2:41-42 on every set.  I am reasonably pleased with that.


Sands, please take this question as it's intended, trying to learn as the swim is definitely my weakest sport. But if I understand your post correctly, your swam the 200's at 2:41, then went off the wall for next 200 at 3:30. So does this mean  basically 45 seconds rest between the sets? Here's my question, if you are swimming that far under your interval time, why not shrink the interval? go off on say 3:00. Asking cause my swim coach has me swimming on 1:40 intervals. i can hold that for about half my workout, but then it all goes south. My point to her is that I should swim on a slower interval, to make it further into the workout before I fall apart. She disagree's. Your input is appreciated.

You have the set right.  Finish in 2:41, leave 50 seconds later.  No worries about insulting me or anything! 

I do both - harder swims with longer rests and more tempoish swims with shorter rests.  This was the first time in a while I've done 200s (which I find to be the hardest length for me - right in between fast and pace).  I'll do 10x100 with 10 seconds rest in between on occasion.  The other day I did 10x100 on 1:45 holding about 1:18, so about 25 seconds rest in between.  It just depends on how masochistic I feel.

The 5x200 set was more than enough for me.  My triceps *still* hurt.

Edited to add:  I don't have a coach.  I just make the sets up as I drive to my swim for the day.  In other words, I wing it.  I do fine in competition and I've worked myself to the point I'm pretty sure I could rip off a sub minute 100yd. So the results are there even if I do screw up in training constantly!

My sets will be getting tougher and longer through May.  My swim is May 22nd and I am planning on about 70k yards between now and then.

Edited by sand101 2011-04-01 1:13 PM
2011-04-01 1:37 PM
in reply to: #3256548

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
So for a swimmer at my level, do you think I should be doing most of my workouts on interval? I'm getting a little faster even though I'm only swimming maybe twice a week. Obviously my form must be improving, cause my swim fitness is not great. Today I got a quick 30 minute swim in during lunch. Did 10x100 on 1 minute and held .41 to .45 for all the sets. Just cannot get that 50y time below .41 no matter how hard I try.

2011-04-01 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3425619

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED

titeloops - 2011-04-01 1:37 PM So for a swimmer at my level, do you think I should be doing most of my workouts on interval? I'm getting a little faster even though I'm only swimming maybe twice a week. Obviously my form must be improving, cause my swim fitness is not great. Today I got a quick 30 minute swim in during lunch. Did 10x100 on 1 minute and held .41 to .45 for all the sets. Just cannot get that 50y time below .41 no matter how hard I try.


I see no reason to do anything but intervals.  Longest I do is 500yds straight in the pool.  If you have a coach who is helping with form then the only thing you need to add is volume.  There is no magic bullet.

2011-04-01 9:29 PM
in reply to: #3425619

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED

titeloops - 2011-04-01 1:37 PM So for a swimmer at my level, do you think I should be doing most of my workouts on interval? I'm getting a little faster even though I'm only swimming maybe twice a week. Obviously my form must be improving, cause my swim fitness is not great. Today I got a quick 30 minute swim in during lunch. Did 10x100 on 1 minute and held .41 to .45 for all the sets. Just cannot get that 50y time below .41 no matter how hard I try.

Your 50yrd time is :41, yet your 100yrd is 1'? How am I reading that wrong?

I love the intervals. I do like the longer straight swims every now and then, but the intervals keep it fun. Where you are, I'd work on the intervals. Sets of 100s - 500s.

This is where Sands and I may vary a little (and he's faster so you may want to listen to him).

Part 1: When you do several sets of 100s (say 10x100s), your goal should be to swim fast enough so that you get some sort of RI, but not so fast that you cannot complete the workout. Usually, form and technique are the first to go. When they do, the effeciency goes down, the work goes up, and the outcome gets ugly.

Part 2: Try to be as consistent as possible. If doing 10x100s, you will learn pacing better if they are all close to each other. It won't do you a whole lot of good if your first one is 1:18, and your last is 1:50. Try to shoot to get them all as consistent as possible.

Like Sands, I like the 200s, but find them rather difficult. I prefer the 300s to 500s. I'm about to start ramping my swim volume (since my running sucks due to injury) and try to blow the doors off of the May swim. I'm going to shoot for 10-12k/wk throuh May...

2011-04-01 10:47 PM
in reply to: #3256548

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
Question for Jacques and Robert.  Do you guys do any paddle work?  I've recently added it back into my sets and I like the change of pace.  By change of pace, I mean my lats and tris are burning and not my lungs.
2011-04-01 10:49 PM
in reply to: #3256548

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED

Time for some March Totals.  I hope to bring up the Run and Swim in April.


March's totals:
Bike:21h 15m  - 392.8 Mi
Run:9h 08m 51s  - 72.18 Mi
Swim:8h 14m 43s  - 27200 Yd
Strength:1h 55m
2011-04-01 10:54 PM
in reply to: #3256548

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED

Any idea on an end date for our bike challenge?  What kinda of goals do you guys have?

My goals are for weight to be 160 lbs or 72.72 Kgs by my September HIM. 

As for Power I'd like to see my FTP in the 285 range.  That should put around 3.9 watts/kg.

I know the power thing is a stretch.  But after taking most of last year off, my mojo has returned.

2011-04-02 6:40 AM
in reply to: #3256548

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
March's totals:Bike: 17h 20m 44s  - 338.32 MiRun: 9h 52m 49s  - 63.79 MiSwim: 5h 42m 08s  - 15150 Yd
2011-04-02 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3426162

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
LostSheep - 2011-04-01 9:29 PM

titeloops - 2011-04-01 1:37 PM So for a swimmer at my level, do you think I should be doing most of my workouts on interval? I'm getting a little faster even though I'm only swimming maybe twice a week. Obviously my form must be improving, cause my swim fitness is not great. Today I got a quick 30 minute swim in during lunch. Did 10x100 on 1 minute and held .41 to .45 for all the sets. Just cannot get that 50y time below .41 no matter how hard I try.

Your 50yrd time is :41, yet your 100yrd is 1'? How am I reading that wrong?

I love the intervals. I do like the longer straight swims every now and then, but the intervals keep it fun. Where you are, I'd work on the intervals. Sets of 100s - 500s.

This is where Sands and I may vary a little (and he's faster so you may want to listen to him).

Part 1: When you do several sets of 100s (say 10x100s), your goal should be to swim fast enough so that you get some sort of RI, but not so fast that you cannot complete the workout. Usually, form and technique are the first to go. When they do, the effeciency goes down, the work goes up, and the outcome gets ugly.

Part 2: Try to be as consistent as possible. If doing 10x100s, you will learn pacing better if they are all close to each other. It won't do you a whole lot of good if your first one is 1:18, and your last is 1:50. Try to shoot to get them all as consistent as possible.

Like Sands, I like the 200s, but find them rather difficult. I prefer the 300s to 500s. I'm about to start ramping my swim volume (since my running sucks due to injury) and try to blow the doors off of the May swim. I'm going to shoot for 10-12k/wk throuh May...

You are reading correctly, I typed it wrong. That should have read 10x50 on 1 minute, not 10x100. I wish, right. My 100y time is roughly 1:30.
2011-04-02 4:11 PM
in reply to: #3426201

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED

BamaDC - 2011-04-01 10:47 PM Question for Jacques and Robert.  Do you guys do any paddle work?  I've recently added it back into my sets and I like the change of pace.  By change of pace, I mean my lats and tris are burning and not my lungs.

Some paddle work. To me, it's great to reinforce technique. Use the finger straps and ignore the wrist straps. If you're sloppy, the paddles will let you know. Occasionally, I'll use them to help "go fast" so I don't forget what the feeling is like, but I definitely don't harp on using them.

2011-04-02 4:13 PM
in reply to: #3426203

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
BamaDC - 2011-04-01 10:49 PM

Time for some March Totals.  I hope to bring up the Run and Swim in April.


March's totals:
Bike:25m - 7.8 Mi
Run:8h 41m 53s - 58.54 Mi
Swim:2h 39m 01s - 8600 Yd
Strength:3h 49m
Physical Therapy:7h 46m

Lowest volumes in a LLOONNGG time!

2011-04-02 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3426201

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED

BamaDC - 2011-04-01 10:47 PM Question for Jacques and Robert.  Do you guys do any paddle work?  I've recently added it back into my sets and I like the change of pace.  By change of pace, I mean my lats and tris are burning and not my lungs.

200-500 every swim.  Some designed around getting the pull right, some designed around torturing my shoulders, lats, and tris.


On my end I completed the hardest ride I have in some time.  There were some strong guys out today for a 41 mile ride.  Average power was 222w, which is about what the front runner guys do in the Tuesday night rides.  I definitely hit some levels I haven't been before.

Tried to get in 2000+yds in the pool after, but during the first 500 my hamstrings, quads, calves, and feet all cramped at various points.  I called it at 1500.

Edited by sand101 2011-04-02 7:32 PM

2011-04-03 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3256548

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED

March totals:

Bike - 156.45, 12h 17m

Run - 48.82, 7h 22m

Swim - 16683.33, 6h 4m

I've finally ramped up and had a huge week last week.  Also, had a run morning.  Ran 10 miles at 9 minute pace and felt awesome!  I'm really improving on the running - been a runner my entire adult life and I've been a consistent 10-10:30 per mile on long runs.  Something finally clicked in the past few months and it feels great.  Never thought a 90 minute 10 miler would feel like an "easy" day!

2011-04-03 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3427718

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED





nitris - 2011-04-03 5:10 PM

March totals:

Bike - 156.45, 12h 17m

Run - 48.82, 7h 22m

Swim - 16683.33, 6h 4m

I've finally ramped up and had a huge week last week.  Also, had a run morning.  Ran 10 miles at 9 minute pace and felt awesome!  I'm really improving on the running - been a runner my entire adult life and I've been a consistent 10-10:30 per mile on long runs.  Something finally clicked in the past few months and it feels great.  Never thought a 90 minute 10 miler would feel like an "easy" day!


Great month!  You are really getting some good work in.  My March:

Bike:11h 24m 18s  - 215.23 Mi
Run:8h 29m 36s  - 61.45 Mi
Swim:8h 12m  - 24600 Yd

 Light run month.  Bike is getting back into the swing.  The race result showed how far I have to go.  Ramping up the swim and I am planning on 70k over the next 7 weeks to get ready for Pensacola.



2011-04-04 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3256548

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED

How was everyone's week?


8400.00 Yd, 2h 34m 28s
37.70 Mi, 1h 50m
26.60 Mi, 3h 18m 26s
2011-04-04 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3256548

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
This cycle of the mentor groups is about to come to an end.  It's been a blast chatting with everyone.  If everyone wants to keep the group together I'm in.  But,  I think one of you guys should take the lead on the next round. 
2011-04-04 10:48 AM
in reply to: #3426203

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
BamaDC - 2011-04-01 10:49 PM

Time for some March Totals.  I hope to bring up the Run and Swim in April.



Bike:57m 21s  - 15.2 Mi
Run:13h 23m 19s  - 72.88 Mi
Swim:1h 22m  - 4100 Yd


2011-04-04 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3428502

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
BamaDC - 2011-04-04 9:18 AM

How was everyone's week?



Week Totals
S:  3650.00 Yd  1h 13m
B: 15.20 Mi  57m 21s
R:  10.69 Mi  1h 57m 44s

 Anyone have suggestions on improving my run times?  I'm just not satisfied with my progress since last year.  I'm trying to keep my run mileage up and work in some tempo work maybe once a week (as my hamstring gets sore with too much tempo work).  Hill repeats?  more volume?  run faster?  not pushing hard enough on my runs?  Lose weight?   All of the above?

My goal is 10/min miles on my LSD runs, and I've been hovering around 11min/miles on my longer runs.  Shorter runs, I can get in some good 10:30 pace runs.  Races I can get a little under 10, if it's 10k or under and cool outside.  What's realistic improvement over 9 months to a year's time frame?

2011-04-04 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3428753

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
pilotzs - 2011-04-04 10:57 AM
BamaDC - 2011-04-04 9:18 AM

How was everyone's week?



Week Totals
S:  3650.00 Yd  1h 13m
B: 15.20 Mi  57m 21s
R:  10.69 Mi  1h 57m 44s

 Anyone have suggestions on improving my run times?  I'm just not satisfied with my progress since last year.  I'm trying to keep my run mileage up and work in some tempo work maybe once a week (as my hamstring gets sore with too much tempo work).  Hill repeats?  more volume?  run faster?  not pushing hard enough on my runs?  Lose weight?   All of the above?

My goal is 10/min miles on my LSD runs, and I've been hovering around 11min/miles on my longer runs.  Shorter runs, I can get in some good 10:30 pace runs.  Races I can get a little under 10, if it's 10k or under and cool outside.  What's realistic improvement over 9 months to a year's time frame?


It takes time and miles!  I started keeping track of my workouts in 2006. My yearly totals and average paces for the runs:

2006 - 740.21 miles

2007 - 700.99 miles, 8:55/mi

2008 - 862.50 miles, 9:21/mi

2009 - 927.68 miles,  8:14/mi

2010 - 1143.23 miles, 7:38/mi


2011-04-04 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3256548

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North Alabama
Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED

Hey Sands, I know you can crush this, but I just wanted you to know I found the pool today.

WU/CD 100ea (1:27/1:28)
MS 10x200 @ 3:20

Fast: 2:55/200, Slow: 3:01/200, Avg RI: 22",

2011-04-04 6:21 PM
in reply to: #3428515

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Subject: RE: BamaDC's Mentor Group v3.0 - CLOSED
BamaDC - 2011-04-04 9:22 AMThis cycle of the mentor groups is about to come to an end.  It's been a blast chatting with everyone.  If everyone wants to keep the group together I'm in.  But,  I think one of you guys should take the lead on the next round. 
Buehler,,,,, Buehler. Crickets

Edited by titeloops 2011-04-04 6:23 PM
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