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2013-01-21 8:30 PM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Good job on the swim leather. It sounds like you are making some good progress. Keep it up!

2013-01-22 8:44 AM
in reply to: #4588580

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

sounds like lots of good swim workouts going on.

I bit the bullet yesterday and bough nhl gamecenter so I can watch hockey games on my computer (also great because I'm an Ottawa fan and live in Toronto, so the Ottawa games aren't usually televised). Logged another 34 minutes while watching the first period, was great). Watched second and third while reading my new book (iron fit, I put off getting it for way too long), I was supposed to start LP plan 4 weeks ago to follow Fink, and I can't really run for another 6 weeks till I move, so I am making up my own plan, which is sure to end in disaster, but I'm going to do my best!)

I also realized that I should pick up a heart rate monitor if I'm going to use Fink, anyone have any suggestions for one that works well for a Clyde?


2013-01-22 9:18 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on where to buy a "week stretcher".  My training plan calls for 3 swim, 3 run, 3 bike and 2 strength work outs a week.  Oh, and it does have a rest day.  I am having trouble getting all 11 workouts into 6 days.  I'm thinking if I had 2 more days a week it would work (must be weekend days, no way I want to add work days!). 
2013-01-22 11:45 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Kent,  my wife bought me a Timex Global Trainer and I absolutely LOVE it!  I don't know what all a Garmin 910XT can do that this doesn't but I can tell you that for right now the Timex does everything I need.  It doesn't work real well in the pool, but then again, none of them do.  For less than half the money, I'd buy it again.

Okay, I went looking for the differences.  Apparently the 910XT will count laps, strokes and such for your swims, which the Timex won't.  I should also note that I have never been real happy with the pace graph in Training Peaks.  It's all over the map.  However, GPS data, average speed, average pace, all of the time functions and most especially heart rate all seem to be fairly accurate.  And since it was HRM data that I wanted the most I have been quite satisfied with it.  Just wish the pacing showed a smoother graph, not so erratic.

Mike, when you find those week stretchers let me know the website.  I definitely need one.

I think I am about to drastically change my schedule.  I am considering waking at 5am to be in the Y at 5:30 for a morning swim.  Then I'll teach and tutor until 4:30 and return for a treadmill workout 2 or 3 days a week.  I can hit my trainer rides the other two days a week and put in a long ride on the weekends.  Theoretically, that gives me 4 swims, 2-3 treadmills, and 2-3 "drainers" a week.  That should hold me over until I can start working outside again.

2013-01-22 12:12 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
I was looking at last year’s results for the White Lake tri that I am doing on April 7th. This part of what they call the NC Triathlon Series. Sort of makes me wish I lived in NC again. There were 19 Masters Clydesdales (over 40 yrs old and over 200 lbs) and all but one of them finished in under 2 hours! The one was a DNF. That’s a 750 meter swim, a 14 mile bike, and a 5k run in under 2 hours. I have got to do some SERIOUS adjustment to avoid embarrassing myself.
So here is the schedule for what I “think” I want to do, starting tomorrow. Reveille at 0500, in the pool at 0530, school from 0730 to 1630, back to the gym at 1700, and home by 1830.
M – Swim am (45-60 mins) – Treadmill pm (~45 mins)
T – Swim am (45-60 mins) – Trainer ride pm (45-60 mins)
W – Swim am (45-60 mins) – Weight Watchers meeting
T – Swim am (45-60 mins) – Treadmill pm (~45 mins)
F – Swim am (45-60 mins) – Trainer ride pm (45-60 mins)
S – Treadmill (~45 mins)
S – Trainer ride (60-90 mins)
If I blow anything off I would think it will be the Wed am swim, to create a total rest day. Not doing any swims on the weekends should allow more recovery time also. I’m going to attack this tomorrow and see how it feels for a week, then re-evaluate.
2013-01-22 1:39 PM
in reply to: #4589079

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Mfechter67 - 2013-01-22 9:18 AM I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on where to buy a "week stretcher".  My training plan calls for 3 swim, 3 run, 3 bike and 2 strength work outs a week.  Oh, and it does have a rest day.  I am having trouble getting all 11 workouts into 6 days.  I'm thinking if I had 2 more days a week it would work (must be weekend days, no way I want to add work days!). 

Hah, I love this!  I can totally relate

I struggle with the two workouts/day too.  I tend to do them one right after another, although it's really a challenge in the winter with wardrobe changes.  For instance tomorrow I have a longish bike session (which I will do on the trainer at home) and then a 10 minute run (outside, I don't have a treadmill).   In Minnesota that requires a whole different outfit!   For 10 minutes!   If I wanted to do this at the gym, my bike workout suffers because I am on a less than ideal bike. 

Swims plus something else are a bit easier, since I will swim in the morning before work and then do the "other" after.  I admit in every scenario that I struggle getting the strength workout in and that's the first to go if anything.  I have a coach who writes a personalized workout for me, which is motivating and I assume she has a long term goal. But I often wonder how she things this is realistic. I do know that she works from home, and has a treadmill, so I guess that's her perspective...

What happens is I am often doing a bit of cramming on the weekends.  Don't tell my coach

2013-01-22 7:13 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

38 mins on the DREADMILL!  I had to wait 20 minutes just to get on one.  I really can't wait for the "Resolution Rush" to dwindle.

5m warm-up, 10 intervals of 1m jog/2m walk, 5 min cool-down.  I'm not going to say I enjoyed it, but it didn't kill me.  And I had a wonderful sense of accomplishment afterward.  (Endorphin release?  Not sure I've ever felt that.)

2013-01-22 7:27 PM
in reply to: #4590192

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
leatherneckpa - 2013-01-22 8:13 PM

38 mins on the DREADMILL!  I had to wait 20 minutes just to get on one.  I really can't wait for the "Resolution Rush" to dwindle.

5m warm-up, 10 intervals of 1m jog/2m walk, 5 min cool-down.  I'm not going to say I enjoyed it, but it didn't kill me.  And I had a wonderful sense of accomplishment afterward.  (Endorphin release?  Not sure I've ever felt that.)

Nice job and yes,  very possibly that endorphin release.  I applaud you for waiting the 20 minutes for the treadmill,   I probably would have found something else to do instead.  I worked today and don't know if it was because of the weather or the resolution rush is already dwindling but there were definitely fewer new faces at the Y today, and when Mike and I were there last night during Danny's basketball practice, we were both able to get onto a treadmill without a wait.

2013-01-22 7:28 PM
in reply to: #4588508

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
leatherneckpa - 2013-01-21 8:20 PM

I went low tech on the lap count tonight.  I had four dumbbells on the deck.  For every interval I moved one into the gutter.  When they were all in the gutter it was time to switch to the next interval set.  For the middle interval I simply moved one weight for every 100 yards.  When the last one went in the gutter I knew I had only 100 yards to go.

But I think this payday I might just spring one of the ones Randy uses.

Very creative and heck, you got some weight lifting in while you were at it. Wink

2013-01-22 7:31 PM
in reply to: #4589079

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Mfechter67 - 2013-01-22 10:18 AM I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on where to buy a "week stretcher".  My training plan calls for 3 swim, 3 run, 3 bike and 2 strength work outs a week.  Oh, and it does have a rest day.  I am having trouble getting all 11 workouts into 6 days.  I'm thinking if I had 2 more days a week it would work (must be weekend days, no way I want to add work days!). 

Just wait, in another month or two we start baseball cage practice and then in a couple more months we have 4 baseball games a week to add to the insanity.  Oh the joys of being a parent.

2013-01-22 7:39 PM
in reply to: #4589005

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
kent2233 - 2013-01-22 9:44 AM

sounds like lots of good swim workouts going on.

I bit the bullet yesterday and bough nhl gamecenter so I can watch hockey games on my computer (also great because I'm an Ottawa fan and live in Toronto, so the Ottawa games aren't usually televised). Logged another 34 minutes while watching the first period, was great). Watched second and third while reading my new book (iron fit, I put off getting it for way too long), I was supposed to start LP plan 4 weeks ago to follow Fink, and I can't really run for another 6 weeks till I move, so I am making up my own plan, which is sure to end in disaster, but I'm going to do my best!)

I also realized that I should pick up a heart rate monitor if I'm going to use Fink, anyone have any suggestions for one that works well for a Clyde?



Guess I should be glad that we don't need NHL gamecenter plan for Flyers hockey, just wish they would win a game, rather depressing start to the shortened season so far.


As for HRM,  I have an older model Polar HRM that I really liked but have since passed it along to Mike.  It has some great features but I know there are better options, check out for some ideas on what's out there.  I don't know about shipping to Canada but I did order my HRM from them and they had great customer service to help with the selection process.

2013-01-22 7:43 PM
in reply to: #4588575

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

DBGlobal - 2013-01-21 9:26 PM I go even lower tech. I was going to purchase a lap counter when I was doing the 0-1650 plan, but I read somewhere on the forum somebody saying that they spell 4 letter words, one letter per length, one word per 100 (4 lengths), and progress through the alphabet. So for say a 300 set, I would spell Ants, Bats, Cars. For 1650 you would go to P, but have to remember to spell a 6 letter word at P. It actually worked pretty well for me. I haven't put anywhere near that distance in one set since, but still use it for anything more than 200.

And speaking of swimming, I also swam today. The workout was 1900 yd total. It went well enough, but I had a hard time getting into it. I just felt like I had no energy, and I was a little sore from yesterday's run. Unfortunately my rest day isn't until Saturday, but at least I had the day off to rest up today, and rest I did.

tomorrow is a hard day, with a shorter, but harder bike in the morning, and swim class in the evening. Hopefully I will have a bit more energy than today.

I applaud you for being able to keep track of your laps with words and spelling them out.  I don't think it would ever work for me.  I would probably forget which letter I was on, as it is, I can sometimes not remember to push the button on the lap counter.

2013-01-22 11:14 PM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
It takes some getting used to, but once you do, its sort of fun. I always try to think of different words each swim to further reduce the monotony of staring at a black line.

Tough day today. 45 minutes on the trainer, including isolated leg drills. I can already see a major improvement in my bike. Was able to maintain >90rpm for all but the last 5 minutes of the workout. But since that was the cool down, I didn't really care. Even the saddle wasn't so bad today. How is it that the saddle on the trainer at the gym can be so much more padded, yet so much more uncomfortable?!?

Followed my bike up with what I felt was a pretty solid swim class tonight. 2500 yards, and mostly speed work. Quick (for me) 50s and 100s. Felt pretty good that I maintained a consistent 46-47second 50 yard pace for all 8x50s (done towards the end of class) I was thinking about my swim fitness test a few weeks ago and my fastest 50 was 47 seconds and I was giving it every ounce of effort I had, I definately was not tonight. I guess that means I'm becoming a bit more efficient. One thing I noticed is that I kick a lot. Spent the class working on a 4 beat kick, because my current kick like Hell beat wears me down too quickly.

Good news, we're almost Halfway to the weekend!
2013-01-23 4:34 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Do I get credit for swimming for getting out of bed at 5am, going out in the freezing cold to the y to only find out the lifeguard didn't show up and the pool is closed? Too bad I let my lifeguard cert expire or I could have covered so at least mike could have swam.
2013-01-23 6:30 AM
in reply to: #4590545

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Fechter99 - 2013-01-23 5:34 AM Do I get credit for swimming for getting out of bed at 5am, going out in the freezing cold to the y to only find out the lifeguard didn't show up and the pool is closed? Too bad I let my lifeguard cert expire or I could have covered so at least mike could have swam.

I take that back.  I did end up getting into the pool when the aquatics director arrived to cover for her lifeguard. Swam for 28 minutes and got 1150 yards finished. Skipped the drills and did a straight swim. My arms are a bit sore from the strength training yesterday.  On tap this morning,  an easy 60 minute ride on the trainer.  Like I said to Mike this morning, never thought I would be happy for an "easy 60 minute ride".  I remember when 15 minutes seemed like a hard/long workout. Mike did a great job on the treadmill and I couldn't just sit there like a bump on a log, heck I got out of bed for a workout so I had to take advantage of the time and the empty pool.

Have a great day everyone!


2013-01-23 7:20 PM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Glad to hear the early morning wakeup wasn't for nothing. It's always frustrating when your best intentions don't go as planned due to circumstances out of your control. At least you got a swim in, even if it was a bit more abbreviated than planned.

Today's workout was a 45 minutes on the treadmill, which I did on my lunch break. Unfortunately I forgot to pack a pair of socks. I had a choice between running in thick wool socks, or going sockless. Now I'm not sure sockless was the best choice, I have a couple good sized blisters on my feet. I know a lot of people go sockless when they run and bike, but I will not be one of them. Anyways, I got through 40 of the planned 45 minutes, 27 of which were running, but my feet just couldn't take anymore. Luckily tomorrow is deep water running and swimming, so that shouldn't affect my blisters too much.

Hope everybody had a great day!

2013-01-24 11:37 AM
in reply to: #4591915

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

blisters suck...

Got 34 minutes on the trainer last night, I feel like I might be slowly breaking in my saddle, still might buy a new one but that is once expense I am hoping to avoid, moving to a new condo at the same time as getting into triathlon is a bad idea! Swim planned for tonight, I missed my last one due to having to work late, so hopefully I can get a good swim in tonight. I might try a transition workout tonight and go for a quick bike afterwards, I left the trainer all set up so it will be ready for me!

2013-01-24 7:49 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Swim - 1500 yds - 35m 28s - 2:22/100 avg

The middle 500 seemed fairly comfortable.  And I actually slowed down on my cool down laps for a change.

But that 0500 trip to the pool is SO not happening! 

Getting up at 0500 to get to the gym when the outside temp is ,,,,, ZERO was just asking too much of myself at this point in time. Besides, I started thinking about it. I am NOT podium competitive. The goal here is to be able to go the distance, not win the darned thing. But I might be able to see my way clear to doing a 30-60 minutes bike workout before I shower for work. Sounds more realistic to me. I’ll let you know when I figure out the details.


2013-01-24 9:30 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

It's official!  I just finished registering my daughter and I to do the Tinman Triathlon in Topeka KS on June 15th.  She's doing the short course for her first tri.  I will be doing the long course as a step up in distance, and as training for HITS Hunter Mtn HIM in September.

I am SO proud of her for taking this step.  Father/daughter finish line pic will be posted.

2013-01-25 6:23 PM
in reply to: #4593796

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
leatherneckpa - 2013-01-24 10:30 PM

It's official!  I just finished registering my daughter and I to do the Tinman Triathlon in Topeka KS on June 15th.  She's doing the short course for her first tri.  I will be doing the long course as a step up in distance, and as training for HITS Hunter Mtn HIM in September.

I am SO proud of her for taking this step.  Father/daughter finish line pic will be posted.

That is so great to hear!   I am sure there will be some amazing memories made that day!

2013-01-25 6:27 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

No workouts this morning for Mike and me.   Our furnace died last night which led to a stressful night and morning.  We just were in no mood to head to the pool to swim to only come home to a freezing, cold house.  Mike is away with the boys, camping in the cold of all places with Boy Scouts.   Sent them with a portable propane heater since it is snowing and frigid here in NJ this weekend.  We have amazing friends.  Some of them lent us portable electric heaters to use and another was able to repair the heater for us and I am warm and cozy this evening.  Looking forward to a good night's sleep since I had zero last night.  Been a busy day moving stuff around the basement to make accessing the furnace easier so we were far from couch potatoes, besides it was too cold to sit still for long.


Trainer ride on tap for the morning and then a long needed massage.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

2013-01-25 7:31 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

ModC25k - 3rd workout - 38 mins - 10m running

Another Dreadmill workout. It was 14*, snowing, and blowing when I came out of school. I SO did not want to go the gym tonight. But I did. And as usual, I was glad I did after I finished. The best thing I can about it is that at the end I wasn't staggering or tripping.

Also feeling pretty good that I have actually done all three Dreadmill workouts this week.



2013-01-25 8:52 PM
in reply to: #4595170

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

I like the name dreadmill. As weird as it sounds I am looking forward to getting to start working on the dreadmill, I'm worries about the run and not being able to train for it. Although I'm worried about all three disciplines...

Back to back transition workouts for me, both yesterday and today did 1km swim and then 15 minutes on the drainer when I got home. Drainer is on tap for tomorrow. Still continuing to count calories whenever I can (when cooking some stuff it is hard to estimate). It seems to be making a big difference, although I started serious training at the same time, so it has been a nice one two punch!

2013-01-26 9:25 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
No workout planned for today. I'm figuring I'll burn enough calories trying to stay warm. Camping with the Boy Scouts. It was 9 last night, now it's up to about 18.
2013-01-26 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4595527

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Hey Mike, if anybody ask don't EVER admit to camping in this weather.  I did back in 1980 and wound up getting shipped to Norway (350 km above the Arctic Circle) for three months to teach other Marines how to camp/survive in arctic warfare conditions.  Just look around quietly and snicker when the other guy raises his hand.
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