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2013-03-05 4:32 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Happy Birthday  Pam!!!!

2013-03-06 12:49 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
February's totals:
Bike:4h 03m  - 77 Mi
Run:4h 55m 24s  - 27.01 Mi
Swim:2h 20m  - 6000 Yd
2013-03-06 12:53 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Er lets see more amazing numbers than this for Feb. post em good or bad.

Happy birthday.

My knee is soo screwy no idea how it will feel even during the same walk/run.  Oh well.  It mostly behaved today.  Fitness is all gone though.  One day at a time.  Work was particularly crappy today, hate when your boss is being manipulative, acting all concerned and then stabbin ya in the back.  Oh well people will be people.   Not a big deal.  Actually my wife's family is faster than me, so hope they get her geenes.  My wife ran a 5:15 mile in high school. 

Ken hope you are feeling solid for your mary. 

2013-03-06 6:55 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Here is Feb's totals. Not great, but better than January. And some how, I'm on pace for a bigger 2013 than 2012.  I'm hoping for no blizzards and other natural disasters this month :-)

February's totals:
Bike:7h 00m  - 117.84 Mi
Run:4h 17m 37s  - 27.81 Mi
Swim:4h 40m 40s  - 17300 Yd
Core Training:30m
2013-03-06 7:21 AM
in reply to: #4544229

Blairstown, NJ
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Ok pretty poor numbers, for lots of reasons, but no excuses. Work has been crazy with another layoff, weather not very cooperative, dropped swimming to get the run and bike going (did not really work), and sooo much other stuff going on. Home improvements, day long track meets, family things… blah blah blah.

I am on a nice roll for March so far with something done each of the last 4 days. Already matched the swim total and half the run total and even with today’s winter storm, the weather looks much more training friendly. I am also glad to see the strength much higher in this my second season and looking forward to getting the endurance back.


2h 05m  - 28.54 Mi


2h 08m 05s  - 12.56 Mi


45m  - 2000 Yd

Spinning Class:

1h 00m

 It has been tough to keep up with this group and the energy level is super! 

2013-03-06 8:35 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Good morning all.  Here are my numbers for Feb.  

February's totals:
Bike: 14h 20m 25s - 248.72 Mi
Run: 19h 41m 55s - 154.79 Mi
Swim: 5h 10m 55s - 13500 Yd
Strength: 1h 51m

 All in all I had a pretty good month.  My next couple of months should equal these numbers.  I will be non stop until August.  Should be fun.  

I am as ready for this month's marathon as I ever will be.  I increased my weekly distance after Jan's disaster and now I am ready to revisit the site of my first marathon.  I want to say that I will run a smarter race this time.  

Steve, just continue to be smart.  I know that you will get back to old form in no time.  

Pam, Happy belated birthday.  My bd will be later in the month.  I hope I am able to relax and enjoy it as much as you did.   



2013-03-06 8:44 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hey Joe, good to see you!

Sorry about abandoning ship on the crunch challenge.  I just have not rediscovered my mojo on that since sick, marathon, recovery, etc.  But I'm still cheering on you crunchers just the same!

Here's February, and in March plan is to ramp up the bike miles to something respectable.  Still not sure where swimming fits in at the moment...think I would need a tri on the calendar to motivate me on that.

February's totals:
Bike:30m  - 7 Mi
Run:20h 56m 31s  - 120.22 Mi
2013-03-06 9:09 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Good morning everyone.  First off, Happy belated birthday to Pam!  I just returned from the doctors this morning where I had my space boot put on.  Its sure nice to be able to walk again...even if its slow and deliberate! 

Sorry I haven't been around too much but to be really honest, I'm getting a weebit depressed already.  Its disheartening to huff and puff just going up the stairs...granted its because I'm using crutches but still.  After a few days of having to go off the diet after surgery, I'm back on strong as ever.  Now, that I have this boot on and can move better, I'll start doing my daily pullups/dips so I can get something decent out of all this.

As I get caught up on the posts, I can't help but think we're quite the MASH unit right now.  Hopefully, everyone can get healthy soon and start cranking out the training!  I'd post my numbers but at this point...I don't think it matters   Have a good day everyone!


2013-03-06 9:36 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.


February's totals:
Bike:7h 05m  - 136.38 Mi
Run:4h 52m 16s  - 32.79 Mi
Physical Therapy:5h 00m

Feels good to be back on the board.  March will be more of the same.  Just building a base.  My pool opens back up soon so I will add my swims this month. 

After March if the foot is still working I will start to build up my miles a bit...

2013-03-06 5:11 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Jay, so sorry you are bummed.  Glad you have some things to focus on though with the diet and upper/core strengthening. 

I'm afraid Jay also called it on the MASH unit comment.  Just got back from the podiatrist and have a stress fracture in my cuboid bone.  Pretty small as these things go, so no cast or anything.  Just some compression and no running for a month or so.  It's weird...I almost cancelled the appt.  Just didn't feel like the pain level justified it.  Ran 5 miles on it this morning.  Anyway, my doc is a marathoner, ironman, etc., knows her stuff, and understands the desire to keep moving, so I'll listen.  I can bike, which is good given that the announcement on the church bike group is going to press.

MTA: Steve, sorry about the work stuff.  Hate, hate office politics.  Wonder how much GDP we lose each year due to that nonsense?!


Edited by squirt 2013-03-06 5:22 PM
2013-03-06 8:10 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Jay, can you bike at all? Just wondering if you could epoxy a cleat to the bottom of the boot, put on the other shoe, and give it a whirl. But I'm thinking that is probably still too far down the road? What about swimming? Have you been told when that may be a possibility? Regardless, I'm hoping the storm doesn't bear down too much on us, and all kinds of good healing thoughts sent your way.

Good day today -- started with 2500 yards in the pool and tonight I did just about an hour of intervals on the bike. I'm a big fan of the Sufferfest bike training videos, and I did "there is no Try" tonight. Also signed up for trainer road, and they have the entire workout in their set up, so you can ride along, and use 'virtual' power to keep you honest while you hammer away and try not to barf.

Tomorrow AM is a 45 min ride/15 min run brick, but the run may be weather dependent. Another big winter storm here, but tis largely rain/wind/snow/cold without too much accumulation.

2013-03-06 8:16 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

First, thank you all for the BD wishes!  I do appreciate all of the well wishes for the old lady.

Ken, I was wondering if your userid was an indication of your BD.  So 3/18?  And BigN321, are you a March BD too?

Jay, I'm so sorry!!!  Glad you got the boot and hope you can get back into a routine soon.

Carol, oh no!!!  I'm so sorry.  Take care of yourself.  Glad you can bike and that the bike program is taking off.

Steve, your wife is even faster than you????  Dang!  Your kids are gonna be eat up with talent.

Feb totals are below.  Happy the bike mileage is up and glad there is some swim time.

Bike:7h 35m  - 100 Mi
Run:12h 34m 53s  - 63.25 Mi
Swim:1h 15m  - 2100 Yd
Strength:9h 33m
Race Volunteering:3h 00m
Tennis:1h 00m

Tonight, I got 1 hour of "run" between rental showings.  The PF is being a nasty pain in the ..... but I guess I need to learn to live with it.  It was nice too get out - even if it's slow.  As I was runnng, I realized that it's pretty assine that I have a DU in just over a week.  Normally I'm around a MOP but this time, I'll be so solid BOP if I can even finish.

Edited by Pink Socks 2013-03-06 8:24 PM
2013-03-06 9:48 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Ugh, I feel for you Carol   As for me, I'm in the boot for 6 weeks.  I don't think I'm cleared for swimming until then...I'll ask my PT when the time comes what he/she thinks.  As for biking, that's going to be a big no....I can't even drive my standard transmission car!

Steve, I totally feel your pain on the office politics etc.  I got out of the business sector in part because of that....but law enforcement really isn't that much better!

Quick gripe on this topic.  My boys lost a tough game tonight against the best team in the league by 3 points.  They played so awesome...they just didn't have quite enough.  Well, I get home and have an angry email from a parent on my team...the reason, her son was upset that he doesn't get the ball much.  Hence, the email ranted about playing time and not teaching the kids teamwork etc....a classic lashout email because her son is upset.  To be fair, this game was more or less a glorified 1v1 game between the best two players on the floor...however, 4/7 kids on my team actually got baskets tonight...including my youngest who scored doubled his season output with 4 pts. (I was SO happy for him too!)  It just puts a damper on what was a really good game and what has been a really good season....and it illustrates one of my biggest pet peeves...redirecting frustration with your own situation on someone else.  Sorry, rant off.  Good night all

2013-03-07 7:07 AM
in reply to: #4544229

Blairstown, NJ
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Jay – Great job with the kids! Seems like these days many people need a reminder that this is a team game.

Carol – Sorry to hear your news but Glad you can still bike on that leg.

Mitch – The mantle is passing to you as the example of injury recovery.

Mike – The storm was a big dud here. Hope you have the same luck and get that brick in.

Pam – not you too. Take it easy and use some mild stretch/massage to recover. Be careful about living with it as is might morph into something else.

2013-03-07 7:31 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Good morning M*A*S*H Unit.  I hope everyone's takes it easy over the next couple of weeks/days.  This is just a small part of a bigger picture.  I know it's tough for us to sit on the sidelines while others are out doing things. But we must allow recovery.  Just like nutrition it is overlooked so often. Just hang in there.  

Jay, as a former coach, I understand your rant.  And unfortunately no matter how many preseason parent talks we have, we run into this.  I always tried to make it a teaching moment for the kids.  "This is not what you want to do". 

Carol, I hope you do take your doc's advise.  Take it easy.  Especially since you do not have anything pressing on your calendar right now.  Like you already said, take the time to focus on cycling. You will find that cycling will be much easier since you have spend so much time running.  

Pam, yes my bd is 3/18.  Last year I ran my first mary on my bd.  It was an awesome present to myself.  This year it will be the day before so I am really excited about it as well.  Hope your PF gets better.  I have been really fortunate to not have that issue but I do understand how incredibly painful it can be.

Today I changed my swim workout.  It was double my previous plan.  Swimming is such a challenge for me.  I keep putting up these mental obstacles.  But they are beginning to crumble and I am seeing progress. I am also feeling so much more confident in the water.   



2013-03-07 8:08 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Carol -- that is awful!!! so sorry to hear about that. So time to get back to bike/swim?

Everyone get healthy!   Lets get over this -->

Storm here is much worse in Boston (where I work) than it is at home; led to a 2+ hour commute this AM when it normally takes only 40 minutes. Got up late today (no bike/run -- tonight!) and ran out of the house in 5 minutes, straight into the commute from he11. I hope the rest of the day gets better.

Jay -- sorry about the loss and more so the cranky parent email. I've coached in youth sports for several years and its always amazing how crazy some parents can be when they feel any sort of slight/issue, however nonexistant it may be.

Ken -- any realtime tracking for the marathon you are doing? We can all follow along!

2013-03-07 8:46 AM
in reply to: #4649828

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Mike_D - 2013-03-07 8:08 AM

Ken -- any realtime tracking for the marathon you are doing? We can all follow along!

I am trying to find the link.  I will post as soon as I have it.  
2013-03-07 12:02 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Ken and Mike, thanks for the kind words.  My dad has been a high school coach for 10+ years now so I knew it was inevitable to deal with this.  The morning has brought even more to light...apparantly, it was his father who wasn't at the game lashing out bc his son was frustrated.  His mom is trying to do damage control now...I just hope they keep the kid in the dark on this one...its not his fault.  Again, I just shake my head.


Mike, I loved the video.  Seriously, we need to get healthy as a group.  If anything, we'll be the BEST resource for anyone who joins us in the future and gets hurt while training!  And, if we all keep posting while we're hurt, we'll be a heck of a resource when we all get rolling again.  Okay, enough with the bright side of things.  Have a good day all.

2013-03-07 3:59 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

I hope I will never have to deal with parents like that!  Takes a lot of patience.

Mike D - what a commute!  ouch...

Jay - I had a hard time logging on for a while there.  When I did get back into BT it really helped me stay motivated.  Keep your head up and heal. 

Carol - same to you.  Take this opportunity to get those other disciplines strong! Watch your gait when training.  Remember that everything is connected.

Pam - happy belated BD, Please watch the PF.  It was a big problem for me and when I ran I changed my gait and then all H*** broke loose.  Down for a year...

I LOVE the MASH reference.  I live by Malibu State Creek Park, where MASH was filmed.  It's one of my trail runs.  When I was young there were still Tents etc..but the fires took those away,  Now there is a burned down Jeep and some new signs with some cool info and pictures.  It's very, very cool.  The video shows my trail in one scene.

Off today for me, run and spin tomorrow, with a couple runs this weekend.

2013-03-08 6:49 AM
in reply to: #4544229

Blairstown, NJ
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

The snows last night brought a nice winter scene this morning. Although the hour commute took a little longer. While the flakes were falling last night it was nice to be in the pool. A steady 3150 yrds mixing it up with free and breats strokes. Not sure why but my calves have a tendency to  cramp up in the pool and slowed me down a bit. Still feeling it a bit this morning

Weather outlook is for 50 degrees tomorrow! Cool

2013-03-08 8:26 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hey all!  Geez, you guys in the northeast have had an interesting winter!  Hope spring comes sooner rather than later.

Love the MASH video!  What a great show that was.  Mitch, very cool about you running through the place it was filmed. 

Jay, hang in there.  Your path is going to take a while, but you are moving forward day by day.

Steve, sure hope you get some answers so you can figure out what your path is!

Ken, I have a feeling some good things are going to happen in your marathon.  Sounds like you are coming into it really strong.

Samantha, worried about you girl.  Time to check in !

Pam, I agree with the others who have cautioned on being really conservative on the PF issues.

Kate, ready to taper?

Thanks for all the sympathies re: the foot.  I was really surprised that it was anything like that given the minimal pain level.  I hear you on addressing the connected issues.  Funny, the running club is having a free injury prevention session next week, so think I'll go see what I can learn.  Anyway, it hit 70+ yesterday afternoon, so arranged work around getting outside for a ride .  I'm dog slow, but it was really nice!  Going to the pool today for the first time in months.  Scary!



2013-03-08 8:29 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Still snowing, and even harder than expected this AM. Today I took the train . No run this AM, but I'll give it a shot later if the roads are OK. If not, I'll just get on the bike, and run tomorrow.

First race of the year (HIM) is 3 months a 1 week away, and I'm feeling the first mild twinges of  "Im not ready" panic. Just need to stick to my plan, and I'll be fine, I think, but the past 2 months have gone by quickly. Too quick! I need to get my butt moving!
2013-03-08 12:13 PM
in reply to: #4544229

New user
Norwalk, Ohio
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Hey guys.  Sorry to hear about everyone's injuries.  To those of you from Steve's last mentor group, I just wanted to stop in and say high.  I'm still working at staying in shape.  I've lost a few more pounds, still eating healthy, and am riding the exercise bike and running a bit.  I've been focusing lately on weight lifting and bodybuilding, to sort of change things up.  I wanted to stop by and say hello so you didn't think I was sitting on the couch with a large pizza and a twelve pack of PBR watching t.v.  Good luck to everyone that is racing this spring and summer.
2013-03-08 1:01 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Larry, great to hear from you!  Glad you are doing well, and good for you for changing things up.  You have truly made a lifestyle change, and I would definitely not picture you on that couch.

Mike, nothing like an upcoming race to make things real.  Hope the winter weather breaks for you soon.

Did anyone feel a tremor originating from Texas?  I (gasp) swam today!  Didn't count laps, but stayed in constant motion for 30 minutes (free/kickboard/few drills).  The water felt nice and wasn't too cold (as I had thought it would be).  I clocked the last 50 yards at 0:50.  No way I could maintain that for any length of time, but, ha, I don't have to


2013-03-08 1:38 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Larry -- happy to hear all is well, and you are still going strong. Awesome! And there's nothing wrong with a pizza & a 12 pack, as long as you're sharing with 6 other people, maybe

Carol - congrats on the swim. First time in a while no?

If there is any silver lining to this snow storm, its that the half mary I had signed up for (but recently decided to DNS) is postponed a few weeks, so maybe the entry fee didn't go to waste afterall .

Yes, the race realization has made me sit up a bit.

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