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2014-07-23 10:05 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

I went to see a sports doctor yesterday about my knee. They're not sure what the problem is they pinpointed a few different trouble spots and they think that one thing is acting as a catalyst for all the other problems (including IT band pain) but they can't pinpoint the root problem. They're going to schedule me a sonogram to  see what the problem is. I start physio on Tuesday to loosen and strengthen things up. They recommended I take some Ibuprofen and put Voltaren on it 3 times/day. I almost never use medications but I took an Ibuprofen yesterday before my bike race and there was no pain at all. That was nice. 

Speaking of the race, I had to ride 45km out to the start line and was late because of the appointment. I tried to chase the group down but after a lap and no sign of contact I stopped and waited. I was wiped by the time they came around again and I could only hang on for one lap. I had a 45km ride home again. On the way out I grabbed the wheel of a moped and drafted it for a good 10km at 40km/hr. That was fun. 

Just over 3 weeks to Ironman. I feel good about the swim and the bike but I'm worried about the run. I haven't done enough run training and with this injury I probably won't get many more runs in. 

I think after this Ironman (and maybe a half Iron in September) I'm going to give up triathlon. I might still do some Sprints and Olympics here and there but I can't do the running. I hate running and lately it always seems to cause me injury. Cycling has always been my number one passion and I would hate to injure myself running and not be able to ride for a month or more. Next year I'm going to race in the provincial road bike races here in Ontario so I say to hell with running. I broke my half marathon record earlier this season with a respectable 1:45 time. I'm happy to live with that. I do want to try for an Olympic PB next summer though. That may be my only next season. 

Congrats on everyone's races this past weekend. Sounds like everyone had good results and lots of fun. Keep up the good work. 

2014-07-23 2:38 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by adempsey10

Running is most likely the toughest on the body of our 3 disciplines. BUT, the great thing is that the other two balance extremely well the damage we may do to our body. I use to run half marathons and started to suffer from my knee (and yes, medications do work, otherwise, doctors and pharmacists would be out of work!), so I decided to swim and bike again, and now my knee is not suffering anymore, and my running times have improved quite a lot. But the distances that a full ironman involve are challenging for our minds as well as our bodies. I guess this is why HIM is becoming the most popular distance in our sport!
2014-07-23 6:27 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

I would love to join this group. A little about me. My name is Mark. I just moved to Houston TX from VA. I have always been into sports, mostly playing hockey. My body is broken from hockey with surgery after surgery on knees and shoulders. I started to train for a sprint tri a few years ago but came down with lymes disease. I picked up training again, but more serious this time. My goal is for an Olympic. I have done a sprint in the gym on my own for fun, it was hard, but I trained for a few weeks. I do most of my training in a gym. The pool is obvious, but I am looking for some open water swimming, just not around gators. I have a mountain bike and I am researching a proper road bike, so ALL of my biking is done in the gym on a spin bike. My running is tough. I have horrible achilles pain when I run. The treadmill us much better than outdoors, but my goal is to be an outdoor running, its getting better. I stretch my calfs/achilles a lot but i will often have to walk 25 yards or so during a 3 or 4 mile run to let the muscles relax.

I just started logging my training, but on Training Peaks. I need to log here. I am open for suggestions on a good beginner road bike, one where the wife wont fuss.

As for beer, I love it, but it doesn't love me. The gluten affects me when I drink to much, so I drink a LOT of wine. Love those training days on SAT or Sun after a few to many. I have always said that I workout so I can eat and drink what I want. That is kind of true. I eat healthy during the week, but enjoy food on the weekends.

Anyway I look forward to all the advice I can get. I have yet to follow a training program. To date I have been winging it. I need to find a program and follow it.


2014-07-23 9:11 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
It takes a toll on the body, no doubt. I have been in PT for a year for my knee while prepping for my fourth Half Mary last fall. My PT does restorative posture (I run sideways ever so slightly - destroys my knee on longer runs like a Half Mary). A marathon had been on my bucket list for a while but I've decided I like my knees and need them for things like skiing, hiking, and now cycling.
Frankly I think your plan is good! Olys are a great distance to give you decent cross-training without destroying your knees on a run. Sprinkle in an occasional HIM but focus on bike racing! Maybe you just need a year off from longer distance runs and you'll come back strong.
Just make sure you stay on Strava so I can follow you! It's fun to see what and how others are doing!
I hope your knee heals up and you have a good experience in your IM. Take care!
2014-07-23 9:21 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Checking in. Work's taking most of my time, and my workouts more.

Had a rough outing at Ironman Racine 70.3 this weekend. Ran a 6:3X, which is the same as Quassy with about 5,000 fee *less* climbing. Leg cramps in the swim killed my run. Bike split was tasty, but I may have over-cooked it with a 139 avg HR. Run was a 2:38, for around 12:00/pace, which is 20 minutes longer than Quassy, and Quassy was a brutal up-hill run.

Need to get nutrition and salt dialed in.

Struggling with timing and workouts right now, and work is just so damn busy. I wish I could follow everyone more, but there's barely any time to read up and post advice. Sorry I am not contributing to this group.
2014-07-24 7:25 AM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
sandi - congrats!

Jenn- don't worry about back to back races, I just did it and it wasn't bad at all

Despite nagging injuries it seems like everyone is doing great. made it to 23/28 over the last few days. Going to the lake for the weekend so I will actually get an open water swim in. gotta work on getting my face down in the murky water. It doesn't help that last year I saw a cotton mouth rattle moccasin snake of death swimming in our cove. hahaha

2014-07-24 7:54 AM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by mirthfuldragon Need to get nutrition and salt dialed in.  

Salt is a hard one to master. As I've increased the intensity of my training I've noticed how hard it has become to balance sodium and water intake with output. The other day I sweat so much out that my lips and tongue got that chapped feeling like what happens when you eat a ton of salty popcorn at the movies. When I got home I mixed sea salt with my water to replenish but during activity electrolyte drinks are just not cutting it. My Mom uses salt tabs when she does Ultra runs so I might try that as well. 

Edited by adempsey10 2014-07-24 7:55 AM
2014-07-24 9:17 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Dave, I am happy to see the hip is holding up, that is great!! You have more than earned your beer.

22/28 today with a very short 7.8 mile bike (but made it last 30 minutes so it would count ). HUMID is an understatement and temp was 80 by 8:15 am. Legs felt like lead and I had zero energy
"Trust the taper" is my new mantra.....because I ain't feeling it right now. I also ate pizza over the weekend so that may be still making me feel blah too.
Rumor has it humidity should break by the weekend...

Okay, I have to edit this by adding these two sentences. I couldn't stand it and went out for just a short run (2.59) so now I stand at 23/28.


Love the "I just couldn't stand it and went out for a short run." Funny - that's what I said to myself last night when I was looking in the fridg, "I just couldn't stand it so I had another beer"

You are going to be shocked at how good you feel on race morning. Not only will the rest help - but the excitement of race day will give you more energy than any gu ever could. Good luck!
2014-07-24 9:23 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by adempsey10

I went to see a sports doctor yesterday about my knee. They're not sure what the problem is they pinpointed a few different trouble spots and they think that one thing is acting as a catalyst for all the other problems (including IT band pain) but they can't pinpoint the root problem. They're going to schedule me a sonogram to  see what the problem is. I start physio on Tuesday to loosen and strengthen things up. They recommended I take some Ibuprofen and put Voltaren on it 3 times/day. I almost never use medications but I took an Ibuprofen yesterday before my bike race and there was no pain at all. That was nice. 

Speaking of the race, I had to ride 45km out to the start line and was late because of the appointment. I tried to chase the group down but after a lap and no sign of contact I stopped and waited. I was wiped by the time they came around again and I could only hang on for one lap. I had a 45km ride home again. On the way out I grabbed the wheel of a moped and drafted it for a good 10km at 40km/hr. That was fun. 

Just over 3 weeks to Ironman. I feel good about the swim and the bike but I'm worried about the run. I haven't done enough run training and with this injury I probably won't get many more runs in. 

I think after this Ironman (and maybe a half Iron in September) I'm going to give up triathlon. I might still do some Sprints and Olympics here and there but I can't do the running. I hate running and lately it always seems to cause me injury. Cycling has always been my number one passion and I would hate to injure myself running and not be able to ride for a month or more. Next year I'm going to race in the provincial road bike races here in Ontario so I say to hell with running. I broke my half marathon record earlier this season with a respectable 1:45 time. I'm happy to live with that. I do want to try for an Olympic PB next summer though. That may be my only next season. 

Congrats on everyone's races this past weekend. Sounds like everyone had good results and lots of fun. Keep up the good work. 

Shoot man! I am super sorry to hear about your continuing problems with your knee. There is no doubt that running is brutal on the body and training for an ironman is sure to expose any underlying physiological problems.

As for giving up long distance tris - I don't blame you. I think this will be the last IM I ever train for... Follow your passion and do what makes you happy!
2014-07-24 9:33 AM
in reply to: mawade

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Mark - Welcome to the BDAAS! We would love to have you!

I thank god that I don't have an allergy to Gluten. Just yesterday, I tried a gluten free beer yesterday and while it was better than most, there was still that - "what's up with this aftertaste?" aftertaste.

A suggestion about your achilles pain - have you ever used a roller? I used to be big on stretching but I've had a lot of success with a roller. Here is a site I just found on the internet that talks about stretching and rolling I used to really struggle with plantar fasciitis and achilles pain but rolling has made that pain a thing of the past.

It would be great if you started to log your workouts here - that way we can cheer you on. Finally - there are a lot of good plans on this site. I also like this plan which contains more info than the plans on this site.

Find something you like, choose a race and go from there.

Good luck!
2014-07-24 9:37 AM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Checking in. Work's taking most of my time, and my workouts more.

Had a rough outing at Ironman Racine 70.3 this weekend. Ran a 6:3X, which is the same as Quassy with about 5,000 fee *less* climbing. Leg cramps in the swim killed my run. Bike split was tasty, but I may have over-cooked it with a 139 avg HR. Run was a 2:38, for around 12:00/pace, which is 20 minutes longer than Quassy, and Quassy was a brutal up-hill run.

Need to get nutrition and salt dialed in.

Struggling with timing and workouts right now, and work is just so damn busy. I wish I could follow everyone more, but there's barely any time to read up and post advice. Sorry I am not contributing to this group.

Charles - Glad to hear about the 70.3 With all that is happening with you with work, it's no suprise that the race was challenging.

NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE for not contributing more to the group. We all go through ups and downs and you have been an outstanding and valuable contributor to the group in the past! Your advice - especially when it comes to biking has been invaluable. Let us support you for a while until work gets better and you crush IMWI!


2014-07-24 9:39 AM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by b2b14

sandi - congrats!

Jenn- don't worry about back to back races, I just did it and it wasn't bad at all

Despite nagging injuries it seems like everyone is doing great. made it to 23/28 over the last few days. Going to the lake for the weekend so I will actually get an open water swim in. gotta work on getting my face down in the murky water. It doesn't help that last year I saw a cotton mouth rattle moccasin snake of death swimming in our cove. hahaha

Snakes.... I hate snakes! F that! I don't swim anywhere near gators or snakes. You are a braver man than I...
2014-07-24 9:41 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by adempsey10

Originally posted by mirthfuldragon Need to get nutrition and salt dialed in.  

Salt is a hard one to master. As I've increased the intensity of my training I've noticed how hard it has become to balance sodium and water intake with output. The other day I sweat so much out that my lips and tongue got that chapped feeling like what happens when you eat a ton of salty popcorn at the movies. When I got home I mixed sea salt with my water to replenish but during activity electrolyte drinks are just not cutting it. My Mom uses salt tabs when she does Ultra runs so I might try that as well. 

I've had great luck taking salt tabs. I take one per hour when the temp gets above 80 and 1 every 2 hours when the temp is 70-79. They seem to help and help me avoid that - I'm going to puke feeling later in runs. I carry them around with my in a little canister. Give them a try. Hope they help!
2014-07-24 9:47 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
This morning I swam across the lake (a 2.4 mile race simulation) and back and completed it in 1:35... The swim felt pretty good so hopefully the exgtra rest I've been getting the last two days has helped. My finishing time is encouraging since it gives me a 45 minute cushion heading into the bike. I don't care how long the race takes me - just as long as manage to make my splits.

Last night I got to sample a decent IPA with a great name - Norms Raggedy IPA. Very subtle hop notes in a very balanced beer. My friend is up at the cabin now so its time to start drinking good beer again!

Tomorrow is my final 112 mile ride. Hoping to finish it with better than a 13.5 mph average. It will end at a brewary (Shorts) so that should provide all the motivation I need!

2014-07-24 10:13 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Mark as a fellow ex hockey player, I feel your pain. Where did you play hockey?  There is a light at the end of the tunnel! The stretching helps as does the roller(as per David!) I think over time you will find you get used to running outside as long as you continue the stretching/rolling. I know there is a tendency to jump up the mileage to soon. Keep it in check and get used to it first. baby steps.

As for a bike, I would suggest going to your local bike ship (LBS-you will see this a lot!) Set a budget and talk to them. Fit is king. Personally I would add the cost of bike shoes and clip in pedals if you are buying. Keep in mind you do not need a road bike.

Sign up for a sprint ASAP and commit. 

Stay active and involved in the group, it helps you stay committed.

Sorry about your luck on the least they are coming up with more selections of gluten free beer...

Lastly, I think there are a few of us who tie reward eating/drinking to our workouts...welcome to the club!

PS: I was visiting some friends in Cypress in the spring. I know they have a triathlon there, I think in the fall. Looks flat and fast! Might not be a bad one to try!

Originally posted by mawade Hello, I would love to join this group. A little about me. My name is Mark. I just moved to Houston TX from VA. I have always been into sports, mostly playing hockey. My body is broken from hockey with surgery after surgery on knees and shoulders. I started to train for a sprint tri a few years ago but came down with lymes disease. I picked up training again, but more serious this time. My goal is for an Olympic. I have done a sprint in the gym on my own for fun, it was hard, but I trained for a few weeks. I do most of my training in a gym. The pool is obvious, but I am looking for some open water swimming, just not around gators. I have a mountain bike and I am researching a proper road bike, so ALL of my biking is done in the gym on a spin bike. My running is tough. I have horrible achilles pain when I run. The treadmill us much better than outdoors, but my goal is to be an outdoor running, its getting better. I stretch my calfs/achilles a lot but i will often have to walk 25 yards or so during a 3 or 4 mile run to let the muscles relax. I just started logging my training, but on Training Peaks. I need to log here. I am open for suggestions on a good beginner road bike, one where the wife wont fuss. As for beer, I love it, but it doesn't love me. The gluten affects me when I drink to much, so I drink a LOT of wine. Love those training days on SAT or Sun after a few to many. I have always said that I workout so I can eat and drink what I want. That is kind of true. I eat healthy during the week, but enjoy food on the weekends. Anyway I look forward to all the advice I can get. I have yet to follow a training program. To date I have been winging it. I need to find a program and follow it. Thanks, Mark

Edited by thor67 2014-07-24 10:26 AM
2014-07-24 10:23 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Charles-First off congratulations on your HIM. Anytime you finish, it is a success! Work has a habit of sucking the life out of a guy.

Once a BDAAS, always a BDAAS. Take care of the home fires first and stay in touch when you can!

Alan-Absolutely focus on your bike. Jenn said it best, sprinkle a few sprints and olys when you can. we do this for enjoyment, not a job!

Scott-cotton mouth rattle moccasin snake of death-Nice, I need one of these for my lane swim...

David-As per usual great job on the training! Awesome planning ending the ride at brewery! I would make sure I have limited money as I would probably drink them dry after a 112 mile ride!

Finally, I am also at 23/28! Great job for all those taking part!

Edited by thor67 2014-07-24 10:24 AM

2014-07-24 3:41 PM
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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Went for a bike ride today as a final workout before my sprint triathlon this weekend and rode most of the bike course. I've done it before so I know the terrain, however the wind killed me. On the way back there was a steady headwind (edit: 10-20mph) making even the down hill segments feel like up hill and it felt like I was over cooking my legs. It it's like this on Sunday I probably won't beat my time from last year, even on the faster bike!

Edited by MOlsen 2014-07-24 5:28 PM
2014-07-24 8:58 PM
in reply to: #4996400

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Just think of it this way in one direction it will be a tail wind and will give you a push! Good luck!
  • ..
  • Still training, still watching my diet, fuel, still struggling!
    I'll check in more often as I've been drinking more beer and being held less accountable....
    2014-07-24 8:58 PM
    in reply to: #4996400

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
    Hey - Just think of it this way in one direction it will be a tail wind and will give you a push! Good luck!
  • ..
  • Still training, still watching my diet, fuel, still struggling!
    I'll check in more often as I've been drinking more beer and being held less accountable....
    2014-07-24 9:41 PM
    in reply to: Clarkey77

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

    You make drinking more beer sound like a bad thing...

    Originally posted by Clarkey77 Just think of it this way in one direction it will be a tail wind and will give you a push! Good luck! ... Still training, still watching my diet, fuel, still struggling! I'll check in more often as I've been drinking more beer and being held less accountable....

    2014-07-25 11:49 AM
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    Calgary, Alberta
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
    Currently at 18/28. Not sure I will make the goal this week. I had to drive to work for 2 weeks to drop my kids off at a day camp so lost out on racking up work-outs on my comute. I am on vacation the next 2 weeks and hopefully I can get in some good training.

    Positive note I had my Sis-in-law visit for a couple of weeks and she is a PT. Provide some treatment in exchange for room and board My foot is feeling much better. Went for my first pain free run since December! Plus I really changed the way I am running based on advice from my brother-in-law. He is an ultra-marathon runner and during their vacation here in AB he competed in a 100 mi run. He didn't finish but with ultra's i think that is pretty common. He underestimated the Rockies a bit, got dehydrated and had to pull out after 67 mi. I figure anyone who can walk a day after running 67 mi can help me run 5 km! Anyway my new running style is via heart rate and probablly as slow right now as I walk but I am assured that if I stick with it it will improve my stride, strengthen the muscles that need it to keep PF away. Plus I have been doing many of the exercises recommended by this group for PF! I have a sprint in Sep I am training for so let’s hope all goes well.

    Thor: you were lookin for another race? There is a sprint not too far from you in Sep. It is a pool swim so you won't need your wetsuit.

    Edited by Jeakins 2014-07-25 11:51 AM

    2014-07-25 12:35 PM
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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

    Originally posted by Jeakins Currently at 18/28. Not sure I will make the goal this week. I had to drive to work for 2 weeks to drop my kids off at a day camp so lost out on racking up work-outs on my comute. I am on vacation the next 2 weeks and hopefully I can get in some good training. Positive note I had my Sis-in-law visit for a couple of weeks and she is a PT. Provide some treatment in exchange for room and board My foot is feeling much better. Went for my first pain free run since December! Plus I really changed the way I am running based on advice from my brother-in-law. He is an ultra-marathon runner and during their vacation here in AB he competed in a 100 mi run. He didn't finish but with ultra's i think that is pretty common. He underestimated the Rockies a bit, got dehydrated and had to pull out after 67 mi. I figure anyone who can walk a day after running 67 mi can help me run 5 km! Anyway my new running style is via heart rate and probablly as slow right now as I walk but I am assured that if I stick with it it will improve my stride, strengthen the muscles that need it to keep PF away. Plus I have been doing many of the exercises recommended by this group for PF! I have a sprint in Sep I am training for so let’s hope all goes well. Thor: you were lookin for another race? There is a sprint not too far from you in Sep. It is a pool swim so you won't need your wetsuit.

    Yeah, I am debating that one. My son has hockey tryouts that weekend so it will be a last minute decision!

    As far as ultraman, you should read one of our founding members(big dh) race reports for an ultraman he is an epic race report. Well worth the read!


    On a side note, he did complete it the next year!

    Edited by thor67 2014-07-25 12:36 PM
    2014-07-25 2:40 PM
    in reply to: thor67

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    Auburn, AL
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

    Originally posted by thor67

    As far as ultraman, you should read one of our founding members(big dh) race reports for an ultraman he is an epic race report. Well worth the read!


    On a side note, he did complete it the next year!


    Thank you for posting this!!  I went for a run at lunch and it was horrible.  Really got me down about being able to run the 13.1 miles of my half in September.  Reading that report helped me realize how mental stuff is. 

    2014-07-25 4:03 PM
    in reply to: podemma

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    , Vermont
    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
    25/28 with my last workout before the race Sunday.
    OWS for 0.58 or so. Felt good, glad I went.
    Went to the chiropractor this afternoon. Hoping for a great sleep tonight as I won't tomorrow night!

    Cheers beveraging for me until Sunday after the race!
    2014-07-25 7:01 PM
    in reply to: aviatrix802

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    Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
    Good luck this weekend, Jenn!!!
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    Discussions on balanced meals, recommended amount of protein, losing weight for an Ironman, is pizza good? and beer as a recovery drink.