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2011-01-29 6:15 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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North edge of nowhere
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

I managed to get on the trainer for 40 minutes. Again, it's not much, but it's better than nothing. Or, if I feel worse afterwards, it might have been worse than nothing, but I'm willing to take that chance. I watched the new Onion News Network while I rode. Worth it! Now I'll stretch and get on the foam roller. Not supposed to take asprin or motrin yet because of the surgery.

I'm using an Adamo Road saddle. I like it. No pressure where I used to feel it. It rubs my adductors a little strange, so it's not the absolutely most comfortable saddle possible, but it's the best I've used yet out of the 6 or 8 I've tried.

2011-01-29 6:23 PM
in reply to: #3328304

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
jgerbodegrant - 2011-01-29 4:13 AM Those helmets are pretty sweet too.  Not sure what the drag is like on them, you'll have to let us know if you can tell a difference.

Yeah...a free helmet is always sweet...LOL

It's funny because they have dimples on the tail.  I doubt it does anything...but I just think it's cute.

It does have a shorter profile, and supposedly is meant for longer distance triathlon racing where athletes are less likely to stay in a tuck the entire race.  So my guess is the aerodynamic benefit is not as good for shorter races...but when you put your head down, or do stuff like eat on the bike, bottle exchanges, or just stretch out a bit, there isn't as much penalty.
2011-01-29 6:23 PM
in reply to: #3328540

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
newbz - 2011-01-29 8:47 AM Nice job all around guys. I'll get back on and try and read all of the replies later and answer any questions, but i managed to eat it on my run this morning and knocked my head and hip pretty hard, so going to take a bit and see if i need to head ot hte Dr or not. For those of you running in snow/ice, be careful!

ouch...hope everything is okay
2011-01-29 7:31 PM
in reply to: #3256274

Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Not feeling great today so I skipped my long bike.  Not sure it is/was the right thing to do, but I have been going for 10 or so days straight without a day off and I just feel abit burned out.   Legs are stiff and last couple of workouts have felt very labored.  It's January so I am telling myself that missing one day won't kill me.  Will get back to it tomorrow assuming I feel abit better and do my long run.  Hope all is well with everyone.
2011-01-30 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL! have to take a break or you'll just burn yourself out.  It becomes less fun if you don't take those breaks (at least for me).  I've got a nice little hour on the trainer to do this morning.  Hope you all have a good Sunday.
2011-01-30 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Going to head out for a 12 mile run in a little while.

2011-01-30 11:22 AM
in reply to: #3256274

Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Did 10 miles this AM.  Felt 1000% better than the last 4 days after having taken a much needed day off yesterday.  Looking forward to go a good trainer ride tomorrow.  Need to start adding some extra time on the bike....
2011-01-30 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3256274

Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Took today off.  Got to the gym 6 days this week.  No huge mileage numbers but felt good knowing I got my big arse in there 6 days in a row.  Cardio is finally starting to feel pretty good. 

Gotta be strict with the diet this week.  Next Sunday the Steelers are in the Super Bowl so that is not going to do me any favors weight wise with the beer intake.
2011-01-30 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3329419

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
ClydeNewb - 2011-01-30 12:39 PM Took today off.  Got to the gym 6 days this week.  No huge mileage numbers but felt good knowing I got my big arse in there 6 days in a row.  Cardio is finally starting to feel pretty good. 

Gotta be strict with the diet this week.  Next Sunday the Steelers are in the Super Bowl so that is not going to do me any favors weight wise with the beer intake.

Ugh... I hear that. 
2011-01-30 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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North edge of nowhere
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
I was invited to a Super Bowl party, but I've ended up having to work that day. Darn, no nachos for me.

finally got out for a short, slow run. Hell, it was almost a walk, but I'm not going to complain much. 1.5 miles in just under 14:30. It was 58 degrees out, so I imagine molasses would have gone down the hill faster than I. Still, first run in 2 months, and no pain in my knee. I'll complain a little, but not very seriously.
2011-01-30 2:56 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
David, how's that head/hip feeling?  End up at the docs yesterday?

2011-01-30 3:36 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

I had one of those days running this morning.  The good kind.  Felt really strong, and the miles just flew by.  I was actually going faster than half marathon pace most of the 12 miles.  Granted there were some longish breaks in the beginning to regroup and get water...but the last 7 miles or so was on my own, at my own pace, with minimal stops to drink.  Actually finished the last 2.2 miles under a 8 minute pace...which is the pace I'm hoping to race at for 8.1 miles in 3 weeks. effort level seemed lower than last week.  I did the exact same run...but 9:31 faster.

2011-01-30 6:16 PM
in reply to: #3329601

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
tri808 - 2011-01-30 3:36 PM

I had one of those days running this morning.  The good kind.  Felt really strong, and the miles just flew by.  I was actually going faster than half marathon pace most of the 12 miles.  Granted there were some longish breaks in the beginning to regroup and get water...but the last 7 miles or so was on my own, at my own pace, with minimal stops to drink.  Actually finished the last 2.2 miles under a 8 minute pace...which is the pace I'm hoping to race at for 8.1 miles in 3 weeks. effort level seemed lower than last week.  I did the exact same run...but 9:31 faster.

Nice run today! Mine was similiar, as I finally got that decently long run in that I have been trying all month on Sundays, but have had too big of distractions. Ran 7 miles and was able to hold just over an 8:00 pace without pushing my efforts to hard and my avg hr was below 160. To me this is a great sign with the effort that I was putting out for my spring running. Can't wait for this ground to thaw out!
2011-01-30 7:05 PM
in reply to: #3329773

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
chasingkona - 2011-01-30 7:16 PM
tri808 - 2011-01-30 3:36 PM

I had one of those days running this morning.  The good kind.  Felt really strong, and the miles just flew by.  I was actually going faster than half marathon pace most of the 12 miles.  Granted there were some longish breaks in the beginning to regroup and get water...but the last 7 miles or so was on my own, at my own pace, with minimal stops to drink.  Actually finished the last 2.2 miles under a 8 minute pace...which is the pace I'm hoping to race at for 8.1 miles in 3 weeks. effort level seemed lower than last week.  I did the exact same run...but 9:31 faster.

Nice run today! Mine was similiar, as I finally got that decently long run in that I have been trying all month on Sundays, but have had too big of distractions. Ran 7 miles and was able to hold just over an 8:00 pace without pushing my efforts to hard and my avg hr was below 160. To me this is a great sign with the effort that I was putting out for my spring running. Can't wait for this ground to thaw out!

Both of you had great runs.  I've got a ways to go but this past week was my recovery week in my plan, but I thought my "long" run yesterday went well.  Had a great 1 hour on the trainer today, really felt like I was pushing it hard during my intervals.

Skipped my swim today as I just wasn't feeling it later in the day.  Watching Harry Potter with my youngest seemed like so much more fun.  Still have my soccer game latter tonight though.  Late games on Sunday really throw off my Monday schedule.
2011-01-30 11:04 PM
in reply to: #3329575

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
jgerbodegrant - 2011-01-30 1:56 PM

David, how's that head/hip feeling? End up at the docs yesterday?

As of right now i can once again shake my head without it hurting....

the whole left side of my head is sore, but all headache type issues are gone, so good news there.

Hip, elbow, knee, and shoulder are hurting pretty solidly though. We'll give running a shot tomorrow and see how things go.

It's funny, i was sitting there tonight thinking what a waste this week was overall, i ran 3 days and that was it. but it's still almost what my ave weekly mileage was at this point last year, and most runs were close to a minute per mile faster than my easy runs last year. Funny how improvements sneak up on you!

2011-01-31 5:56 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
I got my swim in yesterday but skipped my short (30 minute) bike on the trainer--my scheduled just did not open up.  I may juggle my training this week not sure as the weather may cause this--trying to plan it out now.  I will run today so that is set Wink 

I think I had a good training week last week even with some juggling due to weather.

For got to weigh my self this morning Frown

2011-01-31 6:15 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Was able to get in a 3 mile run today.  Didn't push the pace too terribly much, but was still able to hold a 9 minute pace and could have gone another 1-2 miles at that pace. 

Was hoping that I was going to be able to fly out of here on the 2nd, but they've pushed my departure date back to the 7th.  The blessing in that is that starting tomorrow, I won't have anything to do but workout.  So I'll actually be able to get some solid training in before I leave country.  Planning on doing another 3-4 miles tomorrow, and a long run on Wednesday of 5-7 miles. 

Weight this morning was 195...haven't really had the time to go run the past week, so gained a couple lbs.  But those should come off in the next week with the consistent running.
2011-01-31 6:16 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Good morning!

I haven't been around the forums in a few days, but came in to work a little early to get caught up   Weighed in at 186.5lbs this morning, .5lb better than my goal for the week.  Looking to have a Monday morning under 185lbs next week (I've made it there mid-week, but haven't been able to hold on through a weekend yet).

I should be able to get a couple workouts in this week, but they will be short, since I only have about 20min at night during my supper break.  I have Thursday night off, so I may be able to get to the gym. 

Yesterday, I rolled over 100miles on the bike for January, which is huge for me.  In 2010, I did about 280miles total!  Even though January got busy, I had a MUCH more productive month than I did last January, so I can't complain.
2011-01-31 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3328540

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
newbz - 2011-01-29 2:47 PM Nice job all around guys. I'll get back on and try and read all of the replies later and answer any questions, but i managed to eat it on my run this morning and knocked my head and hip pretty hard, so going to take a bit and see if i need to head ot hte Dr or not. For those of you running in snow/ice, be careful!

Ouch!  Take care!
2011-01-31 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3330193

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Wooden Bell - 2011-01-31 7:16 AM 

Yesterday, I rolled over 100miles on the bike for January, which is huge for me.  In 2010, I did about 280miles total!  Even though January got busy, I had a MUCH more productive month than I did last January, so I can't complain.

Great job! 
2011-01-31 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Hugo, MN
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
168 lbs

Goals: 35+ miles this week running, at least 2 trainer sessions on the bike (4 is ideal), core work

2011-01-31 9:53 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Fall River, WI
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Newb, glad to hear your doing a little better.

Weighed in at home today vs the gym and came in a 230lb.  Really hoping this scale is off.  My diet was pretty good for the week.  Not sure when I will be able to get back to the gym since it is our turn to get the snow.  Between now and Wed were looking at up to 20 inches.

Today is the start of a recovery week.  Should I also go easy on the weight and core training?
2011-01-31 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
193.7 this morning. about 1.5 down from last week.  Pretty happy with that.

Goal for this week is to try to hold the same wattage as january during our indoor time trial on Wednesday.  I have a feeling like it may be a bit lower, but I've also lost about 5 lbs since we'll see how my average comes out.

Newbz, glad to hear you're on the mend and great to hear that you're still progressing!
2011-01-31 10:03 AM
in reply to: #3330658

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
guys great start to the week for everyone!

I'm better ish, things are sore but the head is ok, going to try and get a run in later after work.

no weigh in this week for me (or until later in the week at least), but up a tiny bit, probably due to sitting on the couch most of the week!

Goals are to get back into trainign full time and hopefully get a million and one things around here done that i've needed too, and get all of my shoots for the next 3 weeks scheduled today.
2011-01-31 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
157.6 this morning...pretty much what I was last week, which is what I was hoping for.

Also pretty much met my training goals...3 sessions/~100 miles/~30 miles of s/b/r respectivly.

Same goals for this week.
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