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2013-07-17 10:48 PM
in reply to: switch

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Jenison, MI
Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Another day another dollar. Almost forgot, rocked my core work at 11:30.

2013-07-17 11:00 PM
in reply to: switch

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Originally posted by switch

Originally posted by 4agoodlifeI am currently parked outside my daughter's door because she won't stay in her room for nap.... seems a good place/ time to get my 10 min in. Except I can't groan when necessary to get those last few seconds done. :/
Erin. Erin, Erin, Erin. Why is everyone setting me up today? People, I am in full on taper-crazy. Stop tempting me!

Forever prone to inappropriate innuendo....I like the cut of your jib there switch, you're alright in my book.

V ups are getting easier although I still contend I look like a broken lawn chair while attempting them, and planks are still the devils playground.
2013-07-18 12:31 AM
in reply to: switch

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core

Originally posted by switch
Originally posted by 4agoodlifeI am currently parked outside my daughter's door because she won't stay in her room for nap.... seems a good place/ time to get my 10 min in. Except I can't groan when necessary to get those last few seconds done. :/
Erin. Erin, Erin, Erin. Why is everyone setting me up today? People, I am in full on taper-crazy. Stop tempting me!

LOL! well, I didn't think moan was the right word...and I hate grunt. Groan is a good mix, right? Any good workout deserves an appropriately timed groan...moan...and even grunt if that's your thing. Innocent 

p.s. Tell Mr. Switch to get his tempting on!!!!!

2013-07-18 6:08 AM
in reply to: dsand97

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core

Originally posted by dsand97
Originally posted by switch
Originally posted by 4agoodlifeI am currently parked outside my daughter's door because she won't stay in her room for nap.... seems a good place/ time to get my 10 min in. Except I can't groan when necessary to get those last few seconds done. :/
Erin. Erin, Erin, Erin. Why is everyone setting me up today? People, I am in full on taper-crazy. Stop tempting me!
Forever prone to inappropriate innuendo....I like the cut of your jib there switch, you're alright in my book. V ups are getting easier although I still contend I look like a broken lawn chair while attempting them, and planks are still the devils playground.

Glad you joined the group, Don.  Inappropriate innuendo away...we're all about that in here.  I think we have 10 pages of azz quotes to back that up;)

Do you ever do your V-ups with one leg?  The other leg would be bent at the knee, foot on the floor.  This is a good exercise to do even if your V-ups are awesome--unilateral work challenging the stability sometimes a bit more.  Another modification of this is to place your  down leg's foot on a small ball.  Those swirly patterned kids' balls that are often on an end cap at Target (or wherever), that sell for $2, are a great tool to have in the core arsenal.  You can also take that same ball and place it between your lower legs and squeeze it as you're doing V-sits--little adductor work. 


2013-07-18 6:15 AM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Originally posted by switch
Originally posted by 4agoodlifeI am currently parked outside my daughter's door because she won't stay in her room for nap.... seems a good place/ time to get my 10 min in. Except I can't groan when necessary to get those last few seconds done. :/
Erin. Erin, Erin, Erin. Why is everyone setting me up today? People, I am in full on taper-crazy. Stop tempting me!

LOL! well, I didn't think moan was the right word...and I hate grunt. Groan is a good mix, right? Any good workout deserves an appropriately timed groan...moan...and even grunt if that's your thing. Innocent 

p.s. Tell Mr. Switch to get his tempting on!!!!!

Haha, is it ever off?  The man has just set some sort of vasectomy recovery record.  2 months to bring in a sample?  Yeah, how about less than 2 weeks.  The doctor stifled a laugh and said it was, ahem, "atypical".

I think I grunt/groan/moan the most during Trainer Road sessions.  And swear.  A lot of that. 

Erin, I would think your daughter would be used to hearing you groan by now, which I say that with only love and admiration;)

2013-07-18 6:24 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Originally posted by Asalzwed
The subtle changes our bodies make over time with consistent training is incredible.  With the combination of swimming and steady pull-up/flexed arm hangs my lats/delts/traps have increased in size so much I don't fit into my smaller sports bras (unfortunately it's not due to boobage-incease) and my legs are much thicker due to biking.
I was much more of a stick when I was running, especially about 4 weeks out from my last marathon. I weight 2-3 lbs more and that's just 13 weeks of tri training.

It really is amazing, isn't it? The swimming changes are crazy--lats, shoulder, tris I never thought they could get that big or defined.  It's a little freaky. 

Salty, do you find that the body changes impact your running form or speed at all?  Do your shoulders or back get more tired on runs now?

2013-07-18 6:46 AM
in reply to: MSU_Brad

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core

Originally posted by MSU_Brad Got a pretty solid 15 minutes of core in last night after a decent run on the treadmill. Still getting back in to running after the calf strain, but it is coming back slowly. What's your favorite lower abs move? I'm a beast with upper abs, but the lower is where I am slightly weaker. I can feel it coming back already with this focus, but I'd like to really focus there. Should be a help to my biking and running, I would think.

OK, well first you need one of these:

This little beauty (the equipment, not the woman) opens up all kinds of options for lower abs.

You can do this...


Or this...

Or this...

Or this...

Stability ball, lower abs I like this...

And these twins make me want to put a sharp object in my eye, but:

Roll Over: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg5H3GUqjnw

JackKnife: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OO-pYdd67c

Cork Screw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_qn6cX2-7A

Open Leg Rocker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccRGMvjo-7M

Control Balance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv8wWkf3SLQ

2013-07-18 7:07 AM
in reply to: MSU_Brad

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core

Originally posted by MSU_Brad Another day another dollar. Almost forgot, rocked my core work at 11:30.

JFTR, I believe it is sixty seven cents after taxes.

2013-07-18 7:15 AM
in reply to: switch

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
This little beauty (the equipment, not the woman) opens up all kinds of options or lower abs

I would say the options that piece of equipment offers extends well beyond the lower abs.....
2013-07-18 7:17 AM
in reply to: dsand97

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Originally posted by dsand97
This little beauty (the equipment, not the woman) opens up all kinds of options or lower abs
I would say the options that piece of equipment offers extends well beyond the lower abs.....
Indeed they do, though you do get some strange looks from people when you have one in the dining room instead of a table.
2013-07-18 7:19 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Originally posted by Asalzwed

The subtle changes our bodies make over time with consistent training is incredible.  With the combination of swimming and steady pull-up/flexed arm hangs my lats/delts/traps have increased in size so much I don't fit into my smaller sports bras (unfortunately it's not due to boobage-incease) and my legs are much thicker due to biking.
I was much more of a stick when I was running, especially about 4 weeks out from my last marathon. I weight 2-3 lbs more and that's just 13 weeks of tri training.

Huge fan here of subtle changes especially in regards to female delts, lats, and quads. Love the whole "strong is the new skinny" motto. As I've told my better half before "bones are for dogs, men need some meat"

2013-07-18 7:20 AM
in reply to: switch

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Originally posted by switch

Originally posted by dsand97
Originally posted by switch
Originally posted by 4agoodlifeI am currently parked outside my daughter's door because she won't stay in her room for nap.... seems a good place/ time to get my 10 min in. Except I can't groan when necessary to get those last few seconds done. :/
Erin. Erin, Erin, Erin. Why is everyone setting me up today? People, I am in full on taper-crazy. Stop tempting me!
Forever prone to inappropriate innuendo....I like the cut of your jib there switch, you're alright in my book. V ups are getting easier although I still contend I look like a broken lawn chair while attempting them, and planks are still the devils playground.

Glad you joined the group, Don.  Inappropriate innuendo away...we're all about that in here.  I think we have 10 pages of azz quotes to back that up

Do you ever do your V-ups with one leg?  The other leg would be bent at the knee, foot on the floor.  This is a good exercise to do even if your V-ups are awesome--unilateral work challenging the stability sometimes a bit more.  Another modification of this is to place your  down leg's foot on a small ball.  Those swirly patterned kids' balls that are often on an end cap at Target (or wherever), that sell for $2, are a great tool to have in the core arsenal.  You can also take that same ball and place it between your lower legs and squeeze it as you're doing V-sits--little adductor work. 


Thanks for the tips, although I may be cursing your name down the road as I attempt to implement them.
2013-07-18 7:21 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Jenison, MI
Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by MSU_Brad Another day another dollar. Almost forgot, rocked my core work at 11:30.

JFTR, I believe it is sixty seven cents after taxes.

No, I was talking about what I owe, not what I made!
2013-07-18 11:16 AM
in reply to: MSU_Brad

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Switch, those exercises look pretty cool, not to say I could execute most of them properly!  I do see something that looks similar to hanging abs, one of my absolute faves.  I do them with a 15 pound dumbbell between my feet and find they definitely engage the lower core.
2013-07-18 11:16 AM
in reply to: MSU_Brad

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Switch, those exercises look pretty cool, not to say I could execute most of them properly!  I do see something that looks similar to hanging abs, one of my absolute faves.  I do them with a 15 pound dumbbell between my feet and find they definitely engage the lower core.
2013-07-18 11:52 AM
in reply to: switch

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Originally posted by switch
Originally posted by Asalzwed
The subtle changes our bodies make over time with consistent training is incredible.  With the combination of swimming and steady pull-up/flexed arm hangs my lats/delts/traps have increased in size so much I don't fit into my smaller sports bras (unfortunately it's not due to boobage-incease) and my legs are much thicker due to biking.
I was much more of a stick when I was running, especially about 4 weeks out from my last marathon. I weight 2-3 lbs more and that's just 13 weeks of tri training.

It really is amazing, isn't it? The swimming changes are crazy--lats, shoulder, tris I never thought they could get that big or defined.  It's a little freaky. 

Salty, do you find that the body changes impact your running form or speed at all?  Do your shoulders or back get more tired on runs now?

I think the thing I notice most is just being heavier. It's definitely a "disadvantage" although slight. Definitely not more tired or anything. 

I'm hoping these hunched shoulders are from chugging milk and not the increase in muscle 

2013-07-18 12:02 PM
in reply to: noelle1230

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Hey all...

Checking in for yesterday and today..

Yesterday 1 min each 15 sec rest 2 rounds

Plank to Push-up hold
Crunch Toe Touch


13 mile ride then abs when i got home. 1 min each 15 sec rest 2 rounds

Dying bug
3 Position leg raise

Be back next week!!!!
2013-07-18 12:10 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Originally posted by Asalzwed 

I'm hoping these hunched shoulders are from chugging milk and not the increase in muscle 

Damn, but look at those lean yet muscly legs.  You go on with your bad self.

Yes, I love running but no I don't like when I get the "skinny" look.  Lately with shorter distance training my weight training has been so much better in quality.  And my body fat % went down without losing scale weight, so I guess that means I scored some muscle, woo hoo!

2013-07-18 12:12 PM
in reply to: caffer

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core

Originally posted by caffer Hey all... Checking in for yesterday and today.. Yesterday 1 min each 15 sec rest 2 rounds Plank to Push-up hold Superman Crunch Toe Touch Bicycle V-Abs Today 13 mile ride then abs when i got home. 1 min each 15 sec rest 2 rounds Plank Scissor Flutter Dying bug 3 Position leg raise Be back next week!!!!

Have fun and try not to fall off the core wagon while enjoying vaca Laughing

2013-07-18 12:54 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Originally posted by Asalzwed
Originally posted by switch
Originally posted by Asalzwed
The subtle changes our bodies make over time with consistent training is incredible.  With the combination of swimming and steady pull-up/flexed arm hangs my lats/delts/traps have increased in size so much I don't fit into my smaller sports bras (unfortunately it's not due to boobage-incease) and my legs are much thicker due to biking.
I was much more of a stick when I was running, especially about 4 weeks out from my last marathon. I weight 2-3 lbs more and that's just 13 weeks of tri training.

It really is amazing, isn't it? The swimming changes are crazy--lats, shoulder, tris I never thought they could get that big or defined.  It's a little freaky. 

Salty, do you find that the body changes impact your running form or speed at all?  Do your shoulders or back get more tired on runs now?

I think the thing I notice most is just being heavier. It's definitely a "disadvantage" although slight. Definitely not more tired or anything. 

I'm hoping these hunched shoulders are from chugging milk and not the increase in muscle 

Shoulders? Oh... sorry, distracted...yeah, milk. Ok
2013-07-18 12:56 PM
in reply to: noelle1230

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Originally posted by noelle1230
Originally posted by Asalzwed 


I'm hoping these hunched shoulders are from chugging milk and not the increase in muscle 

Damn, but look at those lean yet muscly legs.  You go on with your bad self.

Yes, I love running but no I don't like when I get the "skinny" look.  Lately with shorter distance training my weight training has been so much better in quality.  And my body fat % went down without losing scale weight, so I guess that means I scored some muscle, woo hoo!

Yeah, my BF went down a hair and I gained 3 lbs, HA!

I like my skinny look, but only because I know it means I am faster. But everyone else, most important my lady, much prefers this.

2013-07-18 12:56 PM
in reply to: noelle1230

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Originally posted by noelle1230Switch, those exercises look pretty cool, not to say I could execute most of them properly!  I do see something that looks similar to hanging abs, one of my absolute faves.  I do them with a 15 pound dumbbell between my feet and find they definitely engage the lower core.
yeah, it's the same exact exercise, though I never need to add weight to feel it, but I'm thick like that;)
2013-07-18 12:59 PM
in reply to: dsand97

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Originally posted by dsand97
Originally posted by Asalzwed
The subtle changes our bodies make over time with consistent training is incredible.  With the combination of swimming and steady pull-up/flexed arm hangs my lats/delts/traps have increased in size so much I don't fit into my smaller sports bras (unfortunately it's not due to boobage-incease) and my legs are much thicker due to biking.
I was much more of a stick when I was running, especially about 4 weeks out from my last marathon. I weight 2-3 lbs more and that's just 13 weeks of tri training.

Huge fan here of subtle changes especially in regards to female delts, lats, and quads. Love the whole "strong is the new skinny" motto. As I've told my better half before "bones are for dogs, men need some meat"

Uhhh hmmm, I guess I don't exactly love that quote as my sport requires me to be quite thin to be competitive. But to each their own.

But I get what you are saying. I think it's great that women are becoming less scared of "bulking up" and are coming to realize they aren't going to look like men from lifting heavy.

2013-07-18 1:46 PM
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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core

Originally posted by switch
Originally posted by noelle1230Switch, those exercises look pretty cool, not to say I could execute most of them properly!  I do see something that looks similar to hanging abs, one of my absolute faves.  I do them with a 15 pound dumbbell between my feet and find they definitely engage the lower core.
yeah, it's the same exact exercise, though I never need to add weight to feel it, but I'm thick like that

You are my kinda thick!

I feel like the grass seems greener on the other side sometimes as a woman.  When I was young before I discovered exercise I wished I had curves.  Then I found weight training, got a booty and wondered if it was too big.  Now as primarily an endurance athlete I wish it was a little bigger.  But even at 14% bf I can always find a SOMETHING that I wish would tighten up a little.  While at same time wondering do I look too skinny???


Edited by noelle1230 2013-07-18 1:49 PM
2013-07-18 2:15 PM
in reply to: noelle1230

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Subject: RE: 100d x 10m = 1 strong core
Originally posted by noelle1230

Originally posted by switch
Originally posted by noelle1230Switch, those exercises look pretty cool, not to say I could execute most of them properly!  I do see something that looks similar to hanging abs, one of my absolute faves.  I do them with a 15 pound dumbbell between my feet and find they definitely engage the lower core.
yeah, it's the same exact exercise, though I never need to add weight to feel it, but I'm thick like that

You are my kinda thick!

I feel like the grass seems greener on the other side sometimes as a woman.  When I was young before I discovered exercise I wished I had curves.  Then I found weight training, got a booty and wondered if it was too big.  Now as primarily an endurance athlete I wish it was a little bigger.  But even at 14% bf I can always find a SOMETHING that I wish would tighten up a little.  While at same time wondering do I look too skinny???


Woah, you are 14%?

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