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2009-05-28 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Besides the fall, which was at the end of my 10miles, I had a great ride!   I wanted to pay close attention to speed because I have been rather reluctant to go very fast.   I rode pretty steadily at about 18mph after warm up and even went a bit faster than that a few times.   I do have a question though....what do you do when you are out of gears going up a hill...and also out of oomph!?    I almost hit that spot once yesterday on a hill and it made me wonder.   Is it just that I need more cycle training?   Is there some wisdom about shifting/riding when approaching a hill?

Prayers going out for all injured Manatees!

2009-05-28 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

just wanted to add.


humidity out the yang.

upset stomach.

intenstines in knots.

legs felt like noodles.

listless.  all the energy drained out of my body.

pure hell.

alls i gots to say is...


woot (a little weak one...)

2009-05-28 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2179006

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2009-05-28 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2178648

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
mammatri's - 2009-05-28 12:19 PM Just got back from the chiro for my back. He is working on getting me scheduled for an MRI either tomorrow or Monday. He said not to do anything at all until after that. He also said we'd know better how to treat these flare-ups if we knew for sure what was causing them.

CATHY.  heres to your chiro finding the root cause.  if anyone can, a chiro can.

be well.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-05-28 4:21 PM
2009-05-28 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2179077

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
wgraves7582 - 2009-05-28 2:06 PM

skrtrnr - 2009-05-28 2:41 PM

just wanted to add.


humidity out the yang.

upset stomach.

intenstines in knots.

legs felt like noodles.

listless.  all the energy drained out of my body.

pure hell.

alls i gots to say is...


woot (a little weak one...)


I know you probably know, but on these days you have to pound the water and all that good stuff before heading out.  Also clothing is very important but by the picture you have in the avatar you know how to dress accordingly also.  Finally, you pushed through it instead of bagging it and that will only make you stronger in the end!

I hear you though.  Went out later last night and I could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.  Fortunately it had cooled down somewhat so it was not overbearing like it would be today!

Great job HTFU through it though

ahh.  thanks Bill for the kind pat on the back.

much needed on a day like today.

i *heart* you, my manatee mentor-mate. 


2009-05-28 7:03 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi everybody!

TR - You like the dentist? Want my appointment on Monday? People poking in my mouth with sharp, metal objects is not my thing.

Sharie - Welcome to the "fell down" club! Good job on the rest of the ride. I'm still getting used to "going fast" on my bike too. I've got no problem doing 75 or 80 on my motorcycle but going less than half that speed on my bike is still a little scary. Please don't tell my biker friends...

Stacie - Way to go on the run. Ditto what Bill said.

Bill - If that was me, I would had just driven directly into the tree.

Cathy - Good luck with the MRI. I only had one round of back pain and couldn't believe how painful it was.

Beth - Really sorry to hear about the ankle. I hope the time goes fast for you.


Edited by reid15 2009-05-28 7:03 PM

2009-05-28 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2179816

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Yes, please, I will take your dentist appointment. Seriously - I LOVE THE DENTIST!

I actually fell asleep last year during my spring cleaning. Literally - fell asleep in the chair with my mouth wide open and this sweet little girl scraping away at my teeth. I find it so relaxing!!!!!

I also fell asleep once getting my legs waxed, though, so ... and once while on a nightshift in the cardio ward at the hospital, while still nursing, I fell asleep standing up with my forehead resting against the wall ... and while policing I won't even begin to tell you the places I caught a nap. ;-)
I can sleep anywhere, anytime, it would seem! I like to believe it is because I have a clear conscious. LOL!

On to current life - as you all know, the past few weeks have been tumultous in my personal life (parent's visit, issues, ick) ... but what you maybe don't know is that it has also been very tumultous in my work life as well. We've had a problem at my clinic, and it's been .... weird.

I work in a Natural Health Centre. I own my own business - if you recall - and I have a great room that I rent. The centre is owned and operated by a Naturopathic Physician and she sub-lets to us. Also in the space was a weird little massage therapist - and he never quite clicked with myself and the ND. He's just weird. He would frequently tell us stories about how there are lots of vampires on Vancouver Island, and how he went out last weekend and slayed a demon at this party he went to ... just ... weird ...
Well ... he's disappeared the past month - seriously no one has seen him since April - and last week he sent an email saying he was moving out - breaking his lease and moving out - and that he was "done" with the business of massage. Whatever that means. He has a lease until Feb 2010.
BUT - he has yet to come pick up his stuff (which we gingerly packed up and put in a box in the front closet - taking up all kinds of space!) and he owes the owner money for May rent which he still has not paid (due May 1) ... he's just kinda dropped off the face of the earth. And neither of us can get a hold of him. He still has the keys and the alarm code ... not liking this at all. Do you think a vampire got him (hahahahaha).

So .. the past week we've been trying to figure out what to do with the space. Do just her (the ND) and I want to make a go of it, or do we want to try and find a third person? What do both options mean for rent and overhead and fees ... what do both options look like for the hours and the way we run our businesses ... it's been a big week of decisions.

In the end - we've decided to make a go of it - just the two of us. We get along really well and have a great business relationship, so it'll work out fine we think .. but it means we're splitting the overhead 2 ways instead of 3. About $350 a month more for each of us. EEK!

So that's been my life!

I am SO UNDERTRAINED it's not funny. I have a triathlon in 4 weeks and I am not prepared. I will not be prepared. But - I will still go and do it and do my best ... I'll get through it - but it won't be pretty!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... real life ... training ... how do we make the two get along?!?!?!?!

2009-05-29 6:26 AM
in reply to: #2179002

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2009-05-29 7:27 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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2009-05-29 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2180347

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
wgraves7582 - 2009-05-29 7:27 AM

BTW - Good morning Manatees.

Trina - well as repeated previously - you are in my prayers.  Some times life takes over for serious training, but I still like to workout

I wonder if there is a difference in training and working out?  I am sure there is but some food for thought right?

Have a great weekend everyone!

Working out gets you into top physical shape, and training gets you into top mental shape for a competitve event. Just my 2 cents.

TR- just do what you can. Probably on race day, you just need to adjust your pace. Good luck with your decision. It sounds exciting to me.

Stacie, I hate running in hot weather. I suffer though it as much as I can, but often I just head for the treadmill in the air conditioned gym with a giant fan right behind the treadmills! I do lots of speed work and incline intervals and listen to really good music on my ipod to fight the boredom. sometimes if I'm lucky, one of my good running buddies will be on the one next to me & we'll just chat the whole time. It can get kind of boring, but I know I probably will get a better quality workout than if I try to slog it out in the 90 + degree temperatures and humidity approaching the same. Also, my water bottle is right there all the time, so I hydrate more frequently.
2009-05-29 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2178906

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
wgraves7582 - 2009-05-28 1:11 PM

Just remember it is not IF you fall, but WHEN you fall.

I avoided a nice one Saturday on the mountain bike.  Got to close to a tree with my bar end handles (which are now gone!) and whammy bike stops and does a cool circle and I am standing holding the right handle bar.  Saw it coming so I unclipped as I got closer to the tree.

Good reason to laugh at oneself!


the image that this conjured up in my head....

just made me laugh


[but yes, your absolutely right, the ability to laugh at oneself, NECESSARY in our chosen path of insanity. LOL]


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-05-29 10:36 AM

2009-05-29 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2180445

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
mammatri's - 2009-05-29 8:12 AM
wgraves7582 - 2009-05-29 7:27 AM

BTW - Good morning Manatees.

Trina - well as repeated previously - you are in my prayers.  Some times life takes over for serious training, but I still like to workout

I wonder if there is a difference in training and working out?  I am sure there is but some food for thought right?

Have a great weekend everyone!

Working out gets you into top physical shape, and training gets you into top mental shape for a competitve event. Just my 2 cents.

TR- just do what you can. Probably on race day, you just need to adjust your pace. Good luck with your decision. It sounds exciting to me.

Stacie, I hate running in hot weather. I suffer though it as much as I can, but often I just head for the treadmill in the air conditioned gym with a giant fan right behind the treadmills! I do lots of speed work and incline intervals and listen to really good music on my ipod to fight the boredom. sometimes if I'm lucky, one of my good running buddies will be on the one next to me & we'll just chat the whole time. It can get kind of boring, but I know I probably will get a better quality workout than if I try to slog it out in the 90 + degree temperatures and humidity approaching the same. Also, my water bottle is right there all the time, so I hydrate more frequently.

CATHY.  thanks for sharing.

im a weather woosy.  so im right there with you on the treadmill. 

hate 'extremes' of any sort.

though i have been trying to do more of my runs at least on the track, so that i can monitor my pace better.

i used to get into a race situation, and no have a clue as to what my pace was cuz i didnt have the TM readout/panel telling me.  LOL.

i think part of the issue yesturday was that i was fighting some intenstinal ICK...maybe a flu of some sort, who knows. 

i didnt go into the run feeling sick, but man oh man afterwards, even after i cooled off, hydrated, ate et al.  BLECHO.

i talked to a few friends about how i was feeling, apparently stuffs flying around

but.....turns out it, whatever it was, it was a less than 24 hour thing....feeling 110% better today.

also, i usually train alone, but this time i was meeting friends, and they had there usual day and time and place, so i just went with what they were doing.

if it were just me, i would have just stayed inside, w the AC&iPod.

live and learn.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-05-29 10:50 AM
2009-05-29 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL




monster ride tomorrow. 60+ miles

and a monster ride, albeit shorter 20+ mile on Sunday.

and speaking of Saturday.

GO PENS!  its a GREAT day for hockey!


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-05-29 10:49 AM
2009-05-29 6:57 PM
in reply to: #2181006

Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

Stacie -- You crack me up! Hope your long ride is a good one.

And, TR -- I do LOVE my new a kind of big brotherly uncle type of way. Good experience.

Bill, thanks for the riding info tips. I always wonder if I'm in too easy a gear when approaching a hill. I think my mind says "Ooohh a big freakin' hill" and automatically shifts to a lower (easier) gear when I could probably wait a bit. And, glad to know my out of the seat technique is what I'm "supposed" to do. 

Sending good vibes for everyone this weekend. Anyone racing?


Oh, I am...almost forgot..I'm doing a relay in the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon. I'm running the third leg, which is about 8 miles and depending on how I feel I may end up running the last 5 with a friend. The expo was cool today. Fun times...


2009-05-29 7:21 PM
in reply to: #2181006

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

monster ride tomorrow. 60+ miles

I read this a 60 minutes and was seriosuly impressed. Then I realized it said 60 MILES and I almost fell off my chair. Wow!


2009-05-30 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2180445

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Lynn: GOOD LUCK in your relay! Sending you lots of white light and positive fast feet running vibes. ;-)

Cathy & Stacie: I TOO hate running in the heat! It's just awful. Yesterday morning when I headed out for my planned 10K, my thermometer outside my kitchen window was already reading 38 degrees in the sun .. I think that's close to 100 in American. lol. No idea what the humidity was, but you could cut it with a knife - remember I live in a rainforest!

Just couldn't pull it out. I bonked at 3K and had trouble even making it back to my car ... so ... it's back to the treadmill for me! I'll just have to get up super early enough to get my long runs in before it gets too hot, I guess.

Well - I'm off to spend my day at a WaterFront Festival - good day for it - hot, sunny ... yummy.

2009-05-30 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2182307

Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
LaurenCO - 2009-05-29 8:21 PM

monster ride tomorrow. 60+ miles

I read this a 60 minutes and was seriosuly impressed. Then I realized it said 60 MILES and I almost fell off my chair. Wow!


I'm with Lauren. Whenever I get a little impressed with myself I check out what some of you guys are doing and it brings me back to earth (in a good way).

Lynn - Good luck in your relay! I think that's a great way to share the experience with friends.

2009-05-30 10:33 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: Bike help
Hi Guys,
I need some bike help...if possible. I went into Performance Bikes tonight and put a bike on layaway. The reason I didn't outright buy it was because I have some reservations about it. Mostly the fit. It is a "small" and I am 5'2 with super short legs. I felt pretty stretched out, when extended my legs were 100% straight. The guy said that was optimal, but since I've gotten home and googled a seems that I should have a light bend to my knee. The seat btw was as low as it could possibly go. However, other that my legs being extended fully I felt pretty comfy. I was far far from touching my feet to the ground....maybe sitting on the seat with my legs danging they were a foot off the ground.

I'm 100% ignorant about bikes (current bike is Wal Mart mother in law hand me down). Any ideas about this sizing?

2009-05-31 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi Manatees!

First of all thank you for your words of encouragement and support - there's always a silver lining, right?  I'll probably permanently smell like chlorine after May and June   as of today, i've exceeded my all time record volume for swimming and i still have today to go

Sharie - welcome to the official world of biking   i fell once when i was standing completely stil, it was pretty funny - Bill's right, it's not if it'w when

Cathy - you'll be in our thoughts tomorow when you have your MRI, I hope that you get speedy results and can determine a course of action quickly

Bill - glad you avoided the fall   thank you as always for providing the great support and advice for all the manatees!

Stacie - sometimes we all have a bad run, especially when the weather conditions start to change, as Bill mentioned, make sure you have enough nutrition and liquids - good job on pushing through it!  and also congrats on all your awesome progress in training!

TR - you've had quite a lot thrown your way this year, and we've all experienced times where life just gets in the way.  the good news is that your race is a sprint, and although you don't have the base you want, there's still time to get some training in if you can.  just focus on doing what you can, and don't be hard on yourself if you don't get something in

Lynn - have a great time at the relay, that sounds like  a blast!

Lauren - how's the knee doing?

Art - how's everything with you? 

2009-05-31 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Liverpool, New York
Subject: training vs working out
Training vs working out - interesting question Bill

It's interesting, because right now I can't quite decide which it is I'm doing - I'm not working toward any particular event, but I feel like I'm doing more than working out

I've always thought of training as being the preparation for an event and working out as getting in shape - similar to what Cathy said

maybe training is also somewhat of a mindset?

2009-05-31 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2183819

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Bike help

LaurenCO - 2009-05-30 11:33 PM Hi Guys,
I need some bike help...if possible. I went into Performance Bikes tonight and put a bike on layaway. The reason I didn't outright buy it was because I have some reservations about it. Mostly the fit. It is a "small" and I am 5'2 with super short legs. I felt pretty stretched out, when extended my legs were 100% straight. The guy said that was optimal, but since I've gotten home and googled a seems that I should have a light bend to my knee. The seat btw was as low as it could possibly go. However, other that my legs being extended fully I felt pretty comfy. I was far far from touching my feet to the ground....maybe sitting on the seat with my legs danging they were a foot off the ground.

I'm 100% ignorant about bikes (current bike is Wal Mart mother in law hand me down). Any ideas about this sizing?

I'm not an expert, but it sounds like it's too big for you.  Did you have anyone assist you with the fitting?  Sounds like there was someone helping you, but did he really do anything to see about the fit.

I'd really shy away from buying a bike that's too big for you - if at all possible, I would encourage you to get a professional fit before you buy a bike

I'd try to find a LBS (local Bike Shop) that is staffed with people that actually bike or do tris, not just know how to ride a bike, does that make sense?

I bought a bike and had someone 'help' me, a year later I had a fit done because I was having some issues, turns out my bike was too big for me - she was able to make some adjustments that really helped, but it will never be an optimal fit.

The extra $$ for the fit is really worth it if you can afford it.

Thoughts from other Manatees?



2009-05-31 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2184089

Subject: RE: Bike help
I'm not one of the Manatees so I hope you don't mind me chiming in on the matter. At 5'2" (my wife's height) I can say, emphatically, that a SMALL anything off the store floor will NOT fit you. The reach will be way too long..and if you wanted to add aeroabrs you are surely looking at dangerous handling. You should get nothing larger than an XS in any bike frame and likely nothing larger than a 49cm (if they're measuring that way) depending on torso length. You were a pretty smart cookie to not BUT it outright. Save the money if need be and make sure you get the right'll have way better results and enjoy riding a lot more with the right fit.
2009-05-31 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2184109

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Bike help
kentiger - 2009-05-31 10:02 AM I'm not one of the Manatees so I hope you don't mind me chiming in on the matter. At 5'2" (my wife's height) I can say, emphatically, that a SMALL anything off the store floor will NOT fit you. The reach will be way too long..and if you wanted to add aeroabrs you are surely looking at dangerous handling. You should get nothing larger than an XS in any bike frame and likely nothing larger than a 49cm (if they're measuring that way) depending on torso length. You were a pretty smart cookie to not BUT it outright. Save the money if need be and make sure you get the right'll have way better results and enjoy riding a lot more with the right fit.

kentiger - we don't mind at all!

Thank you for the insights

Have a great day!

2009-05-31 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2184109

Victoria, BC
Subject: Happy Sunday
Good morning Manatees!

Wow - what a difference a good sleep makes, huh.

Thanks for everyone's words of encouragement - this is actually why I QUIT tri's last year ... it seems things go swimmingly for me, then I start "training" (reference to our other convo) and life falls off the rails. Last year I quit training and pulled out of my registered races - and life started going my way again.
This year I am NOT quitting.

But weird, huh. Must be my challenge - didn't face it last year, must face it this year. ;-)

I plan to have a GREAT 3 weeks until my sprint ... I'm feeling confident about it - except for the OWS ... but I've done sprints on less training and muddled through.
I'm going to have a FABULOUS 9 weeks until my Olympic - not so confident, but hopefully 8 weeks from now that will be a different story. The luck of the deal is - both races are in the exact same spot - same lake, same bike course, same run course - totally different races, though. So I'm looking at my sprint as a training/practice run for the Oly. I've raced this location before, but only on Oly relay teams.

So - anyone wanna buy some cool tshirts with all proceeds going to African-based charities? I also have very cool necklaces made by a women's income-generating group in rural Uganda (their only source of income - a charity here buys the necklaces directly from the women, I bought them from the charity) ...

I had these shirts made, and bought the jewellery, to raise money for a charity I had agreed to help with this year - Off The Mat Into The World and their 2009 African Humanitarian Tour. I realize now I am not reaching the goal - $20,000 - and will not be going to Africa with the group in Feb ... but I'm ok with that. It's too much work to live my life AND raise $20,000 for charity. And where on earth would I ever get a month off to go to Africa?!?!?! lol.

I've partnered with an amazing woman in Pennsylvania, and I've agreed to put whatever I raise towards her total so hopefully she'll hit the $20,000 mark and she can go for the both of us.

Well - I'm off to do my Sunday chores - happy weekend everybody!
2009-06-01 7:06 AM
in reply to: #2184152

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