Other Resources Challenge Me! » The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!! Rss Feed  
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2010-02-25 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2693423

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
ceilidh - 2010-02-25 1:16 PM Hi Kendra!

later Ghoulies.

Hi - Bye

2010-02-25 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2693430

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
kns57 - 2010-02-25 2:19 PM
ironannekidd - 2010-02-25 10:40 AM
I don't understand this busy at work thing. Can someone please explain?

Busy at work = Cut hours by 30%, staff down by 40%, business only down by 5%, which means in each hour that we are open we are doing 160% of what we used to do per hour, but each person has to do about 200% of what they used to do.  AND THAT CUTS INTO MY BT TIME!!!

I've got lots of free time at work. Want some help?
2010-02-25 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2693438

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
ironannekidd - 2010-02-25 1:20 PM
kns57 - 2010-02-25 2:19 PM
ironannekidd - 2010-02-25 10:40 AM
I don't understand this busy at work thing. Can someone please explain?

Busy at work = Cut hours by 30%, staff down by 40%, business only down by 5%, which means in each hour that we are open we are doing 160% of what we used to do per hour, but each person has to do about 200% of what they used to do.  AND THAT CUTS INTO MY BT TIME!!!

I've got lots of free time at work. Want some help?

Oh, yes.  Today I only have 2 hours to actually try and work on my job.  The other 6 are out on the floor helping customers because i don't have enough staff today.  And tomorrow and Saturday are going to be just as bad. 
2010-02-25 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2693417

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2010-02-25 1:29 PM
in reply to: #2693430

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2010-02-25 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2693479

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2010-02-25 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2676918

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2010-02-25 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2676918

Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!

did someone mention that im off taking young handsome bartenders off to someplace quiet?

i will have you know.  i had an UBER PRODUCTIVE DAY TODAY....and met a NEW cute boy bartender 

my original tour for Joseph got flushed down the crapper because of all this fcking snow we've been having, but im happy to report, that all the dates have been rescheduled for the end of April/beginning of May.  woosh!

i thought.  all that work.  only for the tour to be cancelled.  that would me NO MONEY for me.   that would be bad.

but a rescheduled tour.  thats' good.

and i had a great workout, MAXED OUT the spin bike resistance on the standing climb.  never did that before.  and still felt that i had more to give.  HTFU!!

then a nice/easy/short strength training session afterwards.

i even got the sweetest compliment from one of the guys at the Y that my compression socks were quite attractve/sexy.  LOL.

after my workout, i needed to make phone calls/answer emails for Joseph, so i headed to Mad Mex.  im SO over Panera.  its nice, they have free WiFi....and cute bartenders.

my friend wasnt there, but i met two guys.  one from Boston, a pharmecutical rep.  and a headhunter from PGH, who LOVES to travel.  we were swapping Boston and travel stories.

uber fun afternoon AND yes, i got some work done.

all in a good day.

2010-02-25 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2676918

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2010-02-25 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2693678

Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
wgraves7582 - 2010-02-25 3:45 PM Ghoulies - can you do me a favor and check out our bike ride website and give me any constructive feedback - either here of PM



Hey Bill, it looks really good. I would make just one small change,...... You need to use this photo of you, not the work one.
2010-02-25 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2676918

Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
I'll be on the road again tomorrow. I'll check in sometime in the afternoon.

Later Ghoulies

2010-02-25 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2693763

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2010-02-25 5:26 PM
in reply to: #2692474

Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
ironannekidd - 2010-02-25 7:09 AM
wgraves7582 - 2010-02-25 9:06 AM
ironannekidd - 2010-02-25 8:59 AM
wgraves7582 - 2010-02-25 8:54 AM
ironannekidd - 2010-02-25 8:50 AM
wgraves7582 - 2010-02-25 8:46 AM
ironannekidd - 2010-02-25 8:46 AM
wgraves7582 - 2010-02-25 8:45 AM What brought her state of po on?

If that was the question let's just say I reacted inappropriately to a couple of situations at home!

Sorry. I should have been more specific. What makes her think you are anorexic?

Oh because I workout and am skinny I guess!

Alrighty then

Yes and you thought I needed to lose weight!

I would like to lose weight. I think you look fine. You can post some more pictures of your workouts though if you want us to be a better judge.

I have a theory...

I have noticed it a lot on this forum, but also with conversations I have had with people lately. People are grumpy. Is it because we want winter to be over and can't wait to get outside? Is it the economy? Is it because NO ONE, ANYWHERE is gettin' enough? It's just weird. It is this overwhelming phenomenan I have noticed lately.

Hopefully it passes soon and everyone can relax and enjoy life again and quit being so dam grumpy.

Sounds good to me!  S*X is the key to happiness!

And yet so many people put a lock on that door. It's just sad.

What month are we making that the secondary challenge? [/QUOTE]

Just saw tis...hahhha...

Clearly catchin up on the action today now...
2010-02-25 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2676918

Ames, IA
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
Good evening ghoulies!
2010-02-25 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2676918

Ames, IA
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
I'm up for a March bike challenge.  Although looking at the 10 day forecast we are going to stay under freezing for the first week.  I need it to hit upper 30s to consider heading outside for a ride.  Hopefully I can be about 50/50 with the outdoor/trainer time for the month.  I'm really itching to start bike commuting too
2010-02-25 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2693678

Ames, IA
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
wgraves7582 - 2010-02-25 2:45 PM Ghoulies - can you do me a favor and check out our bike ride website and give me any constructive feedback - either here of PM



I think the website is very well done.  Very professional looking.  Should be fun following your blogs that month.

2010-02-25 11:23 PM
in reply to: #2676918

Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
Its quite tonight! Wonder whhere everyone is?? Hmmmm...

Keyboard not working aain...but my replacement board is here!

Just watched Joannie Rochette skate! BRONZE! I don;t know how she did it!

Now ggoin to bed...woooo! 

No one commented on your pole installer comment on te profession post Ann! ahha...Maybe its just too muchh of an inside joke? 
2010-02-26 1:21 AM
in reply to: #2676918

Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
Hi guys, just got home from work...thought I'd stop by and chat with myself for a while. But then I just tried to put my water bottle in to chill--in the cereal cabinet instead of the fridge! Maybe I'm a little more tired than I thought. Off to bed with me.
See you in the morning, I hope. I am taking a last minute trip with hubby to a conference in Phoenix Saturday morning. Apparently he needs another person with him at the company booth at the expo. I have to get things settled for the multiple sitters that will be staying with the kiddos while I'm gone. oh boy. I gotta go to bed. 'Night!!
2010-02-26 5:29 AM
in reply to: #2676918

Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!

posting from the Y.

the 530 crowd is already through.

should be quiet the rest of the morning.

the after 9 crowd probably wont be here.  the schools are on a two hour delay....so far.

glad im working this morning instead of home.


DH closes today on his townhouse.  not that it really means much in terms of moving forward for me, really.  i wish it was moving day too, but....a girl cant have everything.  not all at once anyways.

though.  still a very important marker.  i'll take it.

hoping to get in a short swim session this afternoon.  then its a 3 hour spintacular tomorrow...and then work....and then a gathering in remembrance of my nephew.

a couple times a year my nephews friends get together to remember/celebrate C's life.  so, this Saturday they're gonna have a party at one of the uber cool resturants down on the North Shore of the city. 

TOTALLY looking forward to it. 

C's friends are as awesome and fun as he was, so it should be a very good time.

oh yea.

the weather is really sh^tty....AGAIN!!!!


2010-02-26 5:47 AM
in reply to: #2676918

Ames, IA
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
Hiya ghouls!

Happy Friday!
2010-02-26 5:54 AM
in reply to: #2676918

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
Good morning everyone!

No getting up at 4:15 for me this morning. I HAVE THE DAY OFF!!! WOOHOO!!!

Once I have the kids off to school I'm heading to the Y. Big swim today and a run on the treadmill.

I was going to lift but my elbow hurts, I can't straighten my arm completely, so no arm weights for me. I am still going to swim though, as long as it doesn't bother me.

After the Y I'm picking up large envelopes and packing up Ghoulie shirts. I'll have them in the mail either today or tomorrow.

Have a slam dunk day everyone!!!

2010-02-26 5:55 AM
in reply to: #2694549

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
mndymond - 2010-02-26 12:23 AM Its quite tonight! Wonder whhere everyone is?? Hmmmm...

Keyboard not working aain...but my replacement board is here!

Just watched Joannie Rochette skate! BRONZE! I don;t know how she did it!

Now ggoin to bed...woooo! 

No one commented on your pole installer comment on te profession post Ann! ahha...Maybe its just too muchh of an inside joke? 

They may not have known what it even meant.
2010-02-26 6:37 AM
in reply to: #2676918

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
What's the plan for the weekend?

Is everyone just going to crash here tonight after the party? I put the pole in the basement. The music, pool table, a TV, the Wii, the projector and movie screen are all down there. We will just have to carry the bottles downstairs.

It's suppose to still be windy tomorrow so we'll have to figure out a way to sneak you all into the Y.

We can just hang out in the afternoon and nap before we head to Hooter's for wings and beer.

That's what I'm thinkin'.
2010-02-26 6:38 AM
in reply to: #2676918

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
So are we doing the bike challenge for March?

I'm riding 250 miles in March. Hopefully a portion of that will be outside.

2010-02-26 6:49 AM
in reply to: #2676918

Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
Morning everyone.  Missed hanging out in the village this week.  Company meeting finished.  Most people made it out yesterday, but a few still stranded due to weather.  Office is closed although I have a couple calls to make this morning.  BUT, then I will be outside on the snow shoes this afternoon!!!

I'm not sure how much snow we have.  A lot of it melted yesterday morning but it got cold over night and is still coming down.  No sign of the plows yet.  Gotta love a Friday snow day Cool 
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