BT Development Mentor Program Archives » swbkrun with us!!! - Closed Rss Feed  
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2011-01-05 8:25 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Does anyone participate in races while they are training for a particular event and how do you incorporate it with scheduled workout for the day.

2011-01-05 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3278986

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fowlmood - 2011-01-05 9:25 AM Does anyone participate in races while they are training for a particular event and how do you incorporate it with scheduled workout for the day.

absolutely.  tell us what plan you're using to help answer this.
2011-01-05 8:46 AM
in reply to: #3278319

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

dalessit - 2011-01-04 9:25 PM
badgerintx - 2011-01-04 10:22 PM ************  Rant on ***************

So my lovely bride and I finally sit down again tonight to compare schedules for the next couple of months and I discover the 1/2 marathon I had preliminary scheduled for later this month, that she told me earlier conflicted with one of the girls competetions really doesn't conflict.  She had the weekend wrong on her calendar.....    Yell

So, I figure, I am not really ready for a 1/2 marathon running-wise but it would be a good fitness test.  So I long on to register and then I find come to out it has already sold out......   AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!   Yell

************ Rant Off  *******************

I guess every race needs volunteers!!!!  I will just have to schedule a long run that weekend!!!


HA wanna run 39.3 miles this weekend for m?

You did that to your self Mr. Goofy-Man....

2011-01-05 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3278986

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

fowlmood - 2011-01-05 8:25 AM Does anyone participate in races while they are training for a particular event and how do you incorporate it with scheduled workout for the day.

All the time, as a matter of fact, the other races are integral to my training process as they help get me both in the race mindset and also practice at those little things that can derail a big race like making sure the bike is in the right gear in the rack and that transition is set up right, etc...

2011-01-05 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3278770

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Chris, I can only hope it get's better quickly! When I say Forever, I really mean like 9 months and it was pretty spotty before that.  I decided to try and get myself to the pool twice a week and work on building up to 1500 meters which for most of you I know isn't a big deal but since I've been there and done that this is all I want to make time for.   Once that is done, I want to get with a local coach and have her work on my stroke. 

Actually, I'm not sure which I should do first.  See the coach or work on the distance.  Thoughts?

2011-01-05 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3278776

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

sdalessio - 2011-01-05 7:14 AM So Early AM Accountability Call - who was up early?

I was of course since I'm asking.  Tongue out  I was up before 5am after a few short hours of sleep for Masters practice.  Last night packing for our trip and trying to settle down 2 wild, excited children. 

Me - up at 5:00 and then on the bike for 45 minutes after getting the bike and body all set...  The metal man was a tough adversary this morning...  Time to do a littel run at lunch today...

ETA - ya'll have a great time at Mouse land!  I am sure the kids are climbing the walls...

Edited by ashort33 2011-01-05 8:51 AM

2011-01-05 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3279065

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

tri-chic - 2011-01-05 8:48 AM

Chris, I can only hope it get's better quickly! When I say Forever, I really mean like 9 months and it was pretty spotty before that.  I decided to try and get myself to the pool twice a week and work on building up to 1500 meters which for most of you I know isn't a big deal but since I've been there and done that this is all I want to make time for.   Once that is done, I want to get with a local coach and have her work on my stroke. 

Actually, I'm not sure which I should do first.  See the coach or work on the distance.  Thoughts?

Coach first - it will make getting to the distance happen sooner...  Just a few coaching sessions made tremendous improvement in my swim - I mean like night and day...

2011-01-05 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3278841

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Plainsman AU - 2011-01-05 7:43 AM
sdalessio - 2011-01-05 7:14 AM So Early AM Accountability Call - who was up early?

I was of course since I'm asking.  Tongue out  I was up before 5am after a few short hours of sleep for Masters practice.  Last night packing for our trip and trying to settle down 2 wild, excited children. 

I WAS!  Out the door at 5:45 for an easy 2 mile run.  Would have been an easy morning to bail, as I only had a short run to do, and it was pouring rain, but I truly felt like an IRONMAN out there this morning in the dark and pouring rain.  As car lights would hit me, I am sure the passers by were thinking "what an idiot".  It was actually pretty fun.

Sam and Tony, have fun on your trip.  How long will you guys be down there.  I am headed down to Orlando on Tuesday for the International Home Builders Show.

Way to get it done!  War Eagle!  You up for in the morning again?  Me - have to do a swim - training plan says 3000yds, but I am hoping to get half that on  my first week back...

2011-01-05 8:55 AM
in reply to: #3278674

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-01-05 7:20 AM

Gosh, I woke up and realized it's WEDNESDAY!!!!!  Who's racing? and how're you going to handle it??

For the rest of us, when do you officially start training for your first A race? has it already begun? how's it going?

Not sure I'd call what I'm doing this weekend racing but as stated earlier Sam and I doing the Goofy challenge.  My goal is to complete the race without further injury to my knee...
2011-01-05 8:56 AM
in reply to: #3279086

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
ashort33 - 2011-01-05 9:54 AM

Plainsman AU - 2011-01-05 7:43 AM
sdalessio - 2011-01-05 7:14 AM So Early AM Accountability Call - who was up early?

I was of course since I'm asking.  Tongue out  I was up before 5am after a few short hours of sleep for Masters practice.  Last night packing for our trip and trying to settle down 2 wild, excited children. 

I WAS!  Out the door at 5:45 for an easy 2 mile run.  Would have been an easy morning to bail, as I only had a short run to do, and it was pouring rain, but I truly felt like an IRONMAN out there this morning in the dark and pouring rain.  As car lights would hit me, I am sure the passers by were thinking "what an idiot".  It was actually pretty fun.

Sam and Tony, have fun on your trip.  How long will you guys be down there.  I am headed down to Orlando on Tuesday for the International Home Builders Show.

Way to get it done!  War Eagle!  You up for in the morning again?  Me - have to do a swim - training plan says 3000yds, but I am hoping to get half that on  my first week back...

I woke up at 6:00 does that count?  Swam around 7:15ish.
2011-01-05 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3278674

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

SSMinnow - 2011-01-05 6:20 AM

Gosh, I woke up and realized it's WEDNESDAY!!!!!  Who's racing? and how're you going to handle it??

For the rest of us, when do you officially start training for your first A race? has it already begun? how's it going?

No racing for me this week.  I officially start my training for my first A race next Monday.  This week's training is more about re-aclimating to the trisports schedule...   12 1/2 weeks to Gateway! 

2011-01-05 9:05 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
2011-01-05 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Crap, I just typed up a big long message, and it didn't go through.  Ughhhh...

Now I'll just summarize, I guess...

NEW new year's resolution - keep up with you guys on this forum.  I will try my best...

Did I tell you guys I got a garmin 310xt for Christmas?  It's awesome.  New favorite thing ever.

Disney sounds awesome.  I wish I was going, too!

I wish I could go to the tri on May 15 with everyone, but I'll be running my first ever half-marathon on that day, and Ryan will be running his first ever marathon and trying to BQ that day.  I'm too pumped for this race to change it!

No races this weekend, but I'm doing a biking time trial (with Dave, actually) on January 22.  So Dave, cover your ears/eyes....  I'm super nervous and worried that I'm going to pull the team down!  And I have no idea what to expect.  ...Okay Dave, now you can read again.

I was up at 5am on the drainer!  But since Ryan is up at 4am every day, it doesn't feel like much of an accomplishment anymore!

I quit my job on Monday, also!  My last day will be January 28, which is awesome because it means more studying/training time.  And I get away from my monster of a boss.  Yessss!


(1)  I want so badly to do the Door County HIM in July, but I'm super nervous that I will not be ready for the swim, especially because a majority of my training will be for the half mary in May.  Any tips for starting from scratch?  I haven't swam since like August...yuck.

(2)  What is everybody's favorite piece of workout clothing?  I'm always curious to know! back to work!
2011-01-05 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3279065

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tri-chic - 2011-01-05 8:48 AM

Chris, I can only hope it get's better quickly! When I say Forever, I really mean like 9 months and it was pretty spotty before that.  I decided to try and get myself to the pool twice a week and work on building up to 1500 meters which for most of you I know isn't a big deal but since I've been there and done that this is all I want to make time for.   Once that is done, I want to get with a local coach and have her work on my stroke. 

Actually, I'm not sure which I should do first.  See the coach or work on the distance.  Thoughts?

Get the coach.  Why ingrain bad form to get to the distance?
2011-01-05 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3278674

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-01-05 7:20 AM

Gosh, I woke up and realized it's WEDNESDAY!!!!!  Who's racing? and how're you going to handle it??

For the rest of us, when do you officially start training for your first A race? has it already begun? how's it going?

The hubby is still racing cx every weekend so that is what we are up to. Started the IM training on Monday and I think my mind is in a different place than my body. It's only been 3 days but I am starving and exhausted.  There is no way my workouts caused these feelings but I think my mind is saying, "training mode means feel like xyz." 

Every race this year is in preparation for the big dance. Coach suggested throwing in a few sprints just to test different components.  Gosh, I remember when a few sprints were the A races of my season. How far we've come.
2011-01-05 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3278776

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sdalessio - 2011-01-05 8:14 AM So Early AM Accountability Call - who was up early?

I was of course since I'm asking.  Tongue out  I was up before 5am after a few short hours of sleep for Masters practice.  Last night packing for our trip and trying to settle down 2 wild, excited children. 

Way to go, Sam! Have a great time this weekend!! 

2011-01-05 9:11 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Kelly - good job on hitting that pool.  As a good friend once told me, "you won't melt." Wink  I second Andy's advise on the coach first. It will make all your effort and time on building distance much more efficient and kinder on your body. There's nothing worse than unlearning bad habits.

Tony - sorry about the car accident. Glad the family is okay.

Chris - every running distance is a great accomplishment.  The completion of my first 5K is still one of my proudest racing achievements.   On the local trail I run there are green benches spaced about every 500yds. When I first started I couldn't make it between benches without walking.  Now everytime I pass one I smile and think, "hey look, green bench."  Its the little things that make the difference.

Sam and Tony - I don't know if Goofy is a strong enough word to describe what you two are doing.  Amazing. Have a wonderful time and please take extra special care of yourselves.
2011-01-05 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3279126

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SoccerGK - 2011-01-05 9:06 AM Crap, I just typed up a big long message, and it didn't go through.  Ughhhh...

Now I'll just summarize, I guess...

NEW new year's resolution - keep up with you guys on this forum.  I will try my best...

Did I tell you guys I got a garmin 310xt for Christmas?  It's awesome.  New favorite thing ever.

Disney sounds awesome.  I wish I was going, too!

I wish I could go to the tri on May 15 with everyone, but I'll be running my first ever half-marathon on that day, and Ryan will be running his first ever marathon and trying to BQ that day.  I'm too pumped for this race to change it!

No races this weekend, but I'm doing a biking time trial (with Dave, actually) on January 22.  So Dave, cover your ears/eyes....  I'm super nervous and worried that I'm going to pull the team down!  And I have no idea what to expect.  ...Okay Dave, now you can read again.

I was up at 5am on the drainer!  But since Ryan is up at 4am every day, it doesn't feel like much of an accomplishment anymore!

I quit my job on Monday, also!  My last day will be January 28, which is awesome because it means more studying/training time.  And I get away from my monster of a boss.  Yessss!


(1I want so badly to do the Door County HIM in July, but I'm super nervous that I will not be ready for the swim, especially because a majority of my training will be for the half mary in May.  Any tips for starting from scratch?  I haven't swam since like August...yuck.

(2)  What is everybody's favorite piece of workout clothing?  I'm always curious to know! back to work!

Assuming you can get in the pool to train you have plenty of time to train for it.  I dug back in your log and looked at the Oshkosh Sprint.  How'd you feel about it? are you comfortable in OW?  Only reason I ask is Lake Michigan can be nice or can be very choppy depending on weather conditions.  Since it's more protected than Racine 70.3, it does tend to be warmer, but not warm.  How would you feel about that?

My favorite piece of workout clothing in the winter is my Under Armour face mask.  I didn't wear it today and really wished that I had....
2011-01-05 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3279127

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-01-05 10:06 AM
tri-chic - 2011-01-05 8:48 AM

Chris, I can only hope it get's better quickly! When I say Forever, I really mean like 9 months and it was pretty spotty before that.  I decided to try and get myself to the pool twice a week and work on building up to 1500 meters which for most of you I know isn't a big deal but since I've been there and done that this is all I want to make time for.   Once that is done, I want to get with a local coach and have her work on my stroke. 

Actually, I'm not sure which I should do first.  See the coach or work on the distance.  Thoughts?

Get the coach.  Why ingrain bad form to get to the distance?

Definitely coach first. She can also give you tips on building your distance back up safely and comfortably.
2011-01-05 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3279076

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
ashort33 - 2011-01-05 8:50 AM

sdalessio - 2011-01-05 7:14 AM So Early AM Accountability Call - who was up early?

I was of course since I'm asking.  Tongue out  I was up before 5am after a few short hours of sleep for Masters practice.  Last night packing for our trip and trying to settle down 2 wild, excited children. 

Me - up at 5:00 and then on the bike for 45 minutes after getting the bike and body all set...  The metal man was a tough adversary this morning...  Time to do a littel run at lunch today...

ETA - ya'll have a great time at Mouse land!  I am sure the kids are climbing the walls...

up at 5:30am, out the door at 7:30am...LAME, right?
2011-01-05 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
One more and then I'll stop.   For the record I have a fabulous husband!!!!   We only have one power meter and both of us race.  The hubby had it all last year and loves it. I've never used it so in a way I don't know what I'm missing. However he agreed to sacrifice the power meter for me to have and train with this year.  Kiss   Now I really need to find a job so I can buy my hubby power. (wait, how about I give him his back and I'll get the new one.....yhea, much better idea.)

2011-01-05 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3279122

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tri-chic - 2011-01-05 10:05 AM

Trevor and John- Did you see this?  HA!


awesome!  remember her reaction when i asked what science was behind it and could she refer me to it?  LOL!!!!
2011-01-05 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3279155

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tahrens - 2011-01-05 9:15 AM One more and then I'll stop.   For the record I have a fabulous husband!!!!   We only have one power meter and both of us race.  The hubby had it all last year and loves it. I've never used it so in a way I don't know what I'm missing. However he agreed to sacrifice the power meter for me to have and train with this year.  Kiss   Now I really need to find a job so I can buy my hubby power. (wait, how about I give him his back and I'll get the new one.....yhea, much better idea.)

Haha, this is awesome!  And funny, because when my husband and I found out he was getting a Garmin 310xt for Christmas from his mom, I told him that I would just borrow his every now and then.  He went out and bought me one for Christmas, too, so that he wouldn't have to share!

And I agree, you deserve the new one!
2011-01-05 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3279159

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

fattyfatfat - 2011-01-05 9:16 AM
tri-chic - 2011-01-05 10:05 AM

Trevor and John- Did you see this?  HA!


awesome!  remember her reaction when i asked what science was behind it and could she refer me to it?  LOL!!!!

I am sorry I missed that discussion...  Who was the advocate?

2011-01-05 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3278674

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-01-05 7:20 AM

Gosh, I woke up and realized it's WEDNESDAY!!!!!  Who's racing? and how're you going to handle it??

For the rest of us, when do you officially start training for your first A race? has it already begun? how's it going?

No racing for me this weekend, but this is my first semi-official week of HIM training! I'm still trying to settle on a training plan, so this week is just about adjusting back to training in all 3 disciplines. Getting back in the pool is the biggest mental hurdle for me, so wish me luck as I'll be off to swim at lunch time!

Good luck to Tony and Sam at Goofy!  
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