BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-04-03 5:52 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Sorry to not check in with the higher volume its been more tight with time lately. Nice to see your check ins and very proud of your training and racing. Hang in there and keep fighting everyone. I want to hear about your weekends when I get a chance tonight so let em rip!

2011-04-03 12:08 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Official Finisher. Well I survived. It wasn't pretty and but I am happy because I slayed some demons on the course. 8:07. The swim was ridiculous! I thnk I zig-zagged the course so I think I swam a 1/4 mi more than should of. The high surf was evident by 4 foot swellas coming into the harbor. I breathe and be on the crest and the next breath in the trough. Freaky!!! On the bike I was going good for the first 3 mi then I lost the chain. About a quarter mi later I lost the chain again, it got sucked up and then I cranked it so hard it twisted the chain 180 degrees! Not kidding! I'll post a pick later. I brought an extra pin taped to a tire lever and broke the pin from the pin guide before could get it linked. So I removed another 2links and used the pin still on the link. I lost at least8 links on the chain and at least 45 min to repairs. Then a flat. The first half of course was smooth and wind less. The back side was windy and a couple short but STEEP climbs. Never got it in the big ring cuz of the shortened chain. Cramping began at 40 mi, but I don't hink from hydration but from muscle fatigue. The run was hilarious becuz I got into transx and people where already finished. I swapped shoes put on a visor and asked a guy on my rack who was done, "so I guess the run start is that way?". I was cramping hard on the run but stuck to the plan to the first turnaround. Actually did okay until 6mi turnaround then the shuffle/walk set in. I stayed hydrated and peed at every port a potty on the last 6. As I entered the finishing chute Mike Reilly( voice of Ironman) said "From Corona, California number 2471, Jeff Anderson you are an Ironman!". That did it. And I thought I wanted to quit at the end of the bike. I really have so much respect for all of you getting off your duff and going the distance, whether it sprint, oly, half, or full. Up next for me is XTerra Snow Valley in August and a Sprint in Sept.
2011-04-03 7:53 PM
in reply to: #3427466

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

well dang is all i have to say! way to gut it out after all of that stuff. true slayeresque performance. we are all very proud of you Jeff! Nice to see you are not put off and ready to come back for more.

Ashley lays out a nice schedule for your runs nicruns. I would second that.I am afraid to ask how much Ashley has done this weekend. you know she and Kate are hitting it!

get well mark. Hope things continue to improve with your child. the balancing act is very difficult. i struggle alot with it.

hoping Peter's running is coming along slowly but surely. I survived another build week and then shanks throws the bombs at me this week, ending off with a 120mi bike/4-5 mi brick run. not sure i can handle it haha...

2011-04-03 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

Run is coming along fine. I ran about 14 yesterday. it was a little rough this morning. nothing compared to Jeff's mechanicals but I  broke my second pedal in 2 weeks. I ended up riding the trainer. I only spun for about 45 min. I had no zip in the legs. Will plan a good ride and swim tomorrow.


Congratulations on finishing your first half.

2011-04-04 2:59 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

Well done Jeff on sticking in with it - you're inspirational!

I have a tough day yesterday, I did a long run but towards the end my hip pain came back that plagued my race a couple of weeks ago so I need to go and research that to see how to heal. 

I did a 60 minute spin session a couple of hours later and it wasn't too bad then. I'm at home most of this week so fingers crossed I get to train! Yay!

2011-04-04 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

Nice work there Peter and Kate! Hope that hip thing isnt anything.

One of my buddies and I went around on a debate about shoe fitting. he's a long term runner from high school through college and thinks that you can get into most new types of shoes (in a particular category like stability)and feel good in them. i recommended him getting a proper fitting by an expert to help prevent his ongoing injury issues. he balked. says the folks selling shoes are minimum wage types that are just trying to sell many cases, he is right.

thus, i had the owner of the running store in nj do my fitting, and ive had many others (including video gait analysis in england) some better than others. this guy put me back into neutral after years of stability and these brooks dyad 6s almost felt like a glove. so i was sold on fits again.

What are your thoughts about getting a fit before buying shoes (or a bike)?

2011-04-04 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
mgalanter-- i'm actually doing the goodlife full
(still really shocks me that they just HAD to schedule the SAME DAY as mississauga! so ridiculous.)
ever done the goodlife full or half before?
(i haven't... but i'm gonna!)
& thanks for the advice nerdjock!
i'll admit.... i took a solid week OFF of running after the 30k race
but! my legs are rested & ready to go!!
and as much as i'm looking forward to the 10 mile fun run i've got coming up THIS Sunday... i'm still worried b/c it doesn't really fit into the plan
(but nerdjock-- i complete agree: a 20 mile run WILL be a great confidence booster.)
actually, & ODDLY enough, the "magic number" i had in mind to complete just ONCE before the full was 35kms...
not entirely sure if that'll happen though.
SO NERVOUS (& excited!!)
i hope i like it....

Edited by nicruns 2011-04-04 8:36 AM
2011-04-04 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
as for getting fit for shoes & bikes...
i'm for it!
(especially given that i had NO CLUE what i was doing or what i was looking for as i went shopping!)
but i'll admit. i didn't get a formal bike fit.
a salesman was bored in a nearly empty store, so he did a bit of a quick fit (with the measuring stick on a spring-thing you sort of sit on... plus arm measurement... plus bent-arm measurement...?)
not sure if THAT made sense...
but he gave me a top tube measurement of 52cms to aim for
(so that at least narrowed it down a little!)
and the shoe fit i found very helpful.
at first, i was running in crosstrainers (back when i started running)
& making the move to ACTUAL running shoes that FIT felt like HEAVEN!!
i love new shoes... i really do!
(& thanks for the reminder: one of the pairs i alternated between for winter training is getting close to retirement....)
2011-04-04 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

Spin this morning. 7x 90" with 90" rest. (Spinnerval 23 #1)


I am a big believer in fitting shoes (and bikes). I go to a guy at a local running store who is well known for his fittings.

I had a friend who is a little older than me start running. He was having hip issues and went to the Foot Locker at the mall. He was told by the sales person that the entry level shoe $65 was not adequate but instead he needed the $165 dollar shoe but if he wanted really good protection from hip injuries he needed a $235 dollar shoe. I ask him if the salesman made him walk or run and he told me no. I sent him to the guy at the running store and he was fitted properly. I really think the guy at the mall based his advise off of price alone. New runners are surprised at how reasonable good running shoes cost. A lot of people are intimidated by the initial fitting process because they don't feel like real "runners"

2011-04-04 3:05 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
& a somewhat relevant question...
as far as massage therapy goes.
do you guys incorporate it into your regular training schedule/recovery plan?
or do you save it as a treat for post-event recovery??
(i'm debating when to book my post 1st marathon massage-- the day RIGHT after... or two days later?)
2011-04-04 3:32 PM
in reply to: #3429299

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

I appreciate your input Peter. Thanks.

Nicruns, I used to get massages 1x/month but not I am lucky to get more than 1x/year. My massuese graduated nursing school and quit and I never really got in a flow with anyone else yet. But I'd have them 1x/week if I could afford the $ and time.

Lots of folks get massages right after long course events. They set the tents up for massages before and after, often for 1$usd/per minute or free is what I have seen. I never like anyone touching me much after a race. I am too busy trying to not die, get drunk, and/or regain composure afterward. However, you may want to go right in the tent.

The next day or two I am fine with body work. Love it to help me relax and it makes me feel nice. However, for some reason, as I mentioned before I don't stretch, which gives me the same feeling. I guess I just want to be pampered being a slayer haha

2011-04-04 3:59 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

Nice job, Jeff!  Sounds like you really toughed it out out there!  Great job!!!  Your next one will be downright easy in comparison Laughing

I believe a shoe fitting is imperative to good, injury-free running.  You have to go someplace good.  The difference between a mall store and a true runners' store is night and day.  I always encourage people to get a good fitting, even if they're only going to be running short distances.  I seem to wind up going to the running store with lots of people when they get fitted so I can ask all of the pointed questions.  Also, not all shoes of one type (ie: stability, etc.) are the same.  Insoles should also be discussed with the shoe people.  Insoles can be necessary even with the "right" shoe.  Some jackbooty kid told my mom she definitely didn't need insoles with the right shoe...she has really high arches.  Guess what.  She needs them.  I was a runner before I became a triathlete and I'm shocked at how many people just pick out the most visually appealing shoe.  Not the right way to go.  Okay, I'll step off my soapbox now.  Let me know if you have any questions about that Tongue out

Massage?  I think they're great, even if just for relaxation.  I shoot for one a month, but wind up going every few months.  For me, I need the help relaxing and massage is great for that.  Like Harv, immediately after races, I'm pigging out and swigging good stuff, so I'm not interested in massage.  The day after or a couple of days after work for me.  After my first marathon, though, I would have been too sore for a massage and two days after would have worked better.  

Had a crazy, windy bike ride yesterday. Thought I might die a couple of times but it turned out fine.  Kind of a crazy week for me (have to turn in a draft of my dissertation this week), but I'm going to nail the training anyway.  Today is supposed to be a rest day for me, but I'm not very good at those, so we'll see.  

Have a great training week everyone!  Looking forward to hearing what you're doing.

2011-04-05 3:31 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

I was fitted for my running shoes by a running shop which was OK but could have been better. 6 month previously I was 'properly' (running on treadmill and walking) fitted and told that despite earlier assumptions I was actually neutral so bought the shoes and knackered my heels. I went back to the shop I trust and was told that the shoes I'd bought didn't have enough support. Even running shops can vary so if you can go with recommendations. 

I'm thinking of having a cycle shoe fitting cause they're just so uncomfortable but it's soooo expensive.

2011-04-05 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

I have never had a cycling shoe fitting but I have had the cleats fitted. Cycling shoes are expensive but they last a long time. I have 4 pair in service now. My mountain bike shoes which are very uncomfortable due to the base being too soft, a road bike shoe which simply gets too hot in the summer but comfortable otherwise, a tri-shoe with a plastic but rigid sole that get the bulk of my training, and a carbon sole shoe that I use for my races.

The carbon sole tri-shoe is the most expensive, newest and probably the least comfortable of my road shoes.


I don't really care for massages especially after races. I feel sorry for anybody who has to touch or sit near my nasty sweaty body. My wife loves her massages and gets one after every race and sometimes brings her own masseuse when he is available. It's just not my thing. 

Edited by pschriver 2011-04-05 10:40 AM
2011-04-05 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
what a day....
BUT! i have a good lead on a trainer!
fingers crossed-- my search for my own road machine MAY have just come to an end....!
(fingers REALLY crossed!)
& thanks for the massage advice.
(i'll wait until the 2nd day after the marathon to book an hour)
and as far as cycling shoes went...
i went to a store with a BIG selection and tried on as MANY pairs as they'd let me!
(women's shoes AND mens... tri specific AND road)
and from there, i picked the comfiest.
but...i've yet to take them on the road...
here's hoping i get that trainer!
THEN i'll be able to (safely!) get used to being clipped in....
6k run after work last night (was WAY warmer than i thought & i was totally overheating!)
yoga planned for tonight...
& then an 8k run + swimming tomorrow
nice to be back in the swing of things!
2011-04-05 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

hell yeah im pigging out! drinking beer, which is rare for me, eating ice cream, and chocolate. fries and burgers. whatev i want lately. mind you, i am putting in 20 hour weeks.

nicruns finally getting a trianer, just in time for warmer weather.

my bike shoes fitting was part of my bike fitting as cleats are contact points for power transfer, a very important part of the whole maximization of power.

who's got a race this weekend? Im still 3+ weeks out. have a dang 120 mile/4mi brick on friday. should be nice weather at least.

2011-04-05 10:19 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED


no kidding, eh?
(except that we had a bit of snow on & off today) GROSS!

STILL just going over the final details with the seller

but fingers crossed that this works out!
(yoga in the books for tonight.... i needed that stretch)

2011-04-05 10:20 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

i have a 10 mile event this weekend

(more for fun & to keep me on my toes after the 30k a couple weeks back....)

& the forecast is MISERABLE!
(YET-- i can't wait)


2011-04-06 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3431715

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

Your weather blows. I suppose you may get some use of that trainer this season if you get it. I actually use mine in summer sometimes because its too hot.

Have fun at the race!

2011-04-06 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

36 degrees this morning. Did a spin 5 x 10 min with 2 min rest at ftp followed by 45 min run. Feel pretty good. Really working on my pacing.


It may be a little late to make any adjustments but I had a question about long course nutrition. I currently take in 250 cals every 30 minutes. I alternate between Gel, pre-packaged peanut butter crackers and payday candy bars. I have tried Sport Beans but I think they upset my stomach. I like the Cliff Shot Blocks but they tend to melt and get sticky and I have a hard time getting them out of the package. I love plain Gummy Bears and may try them. Any other suggestions?

2011-04-06 8:35 PM
in reply to: #3431852

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Rural Ontario
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
phatknot - 2011-04-06 7:57 AM

Your weather blows. I suppose you may get some use of that trainer this season if you get it. I actually use mine in summer sometimes because its too hot.

Have fun at the race!


Hey! Our Canadian weather is not that bad. July is positively perfect... at least the second half of it... Laughing

2011-04-06 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3432094

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

damn thats a lot of cals Peter. even for a big boy. i cant tell you what will work for you, only what works for me.

again, first off, to quote billy joel, dont go changing...

having said that, i am a liquid guy. i hit two scoops of carbo pro per hour up to 3 hours per bottle of gatorade endurance powder or powerbar perform powder. then i drink it buy the hour on the bike. so if i make a 3 hour bottle, then i drink a third per hour and the rest is water in the inviscid. if its 6 hours on the bike, then i make two 3 hour bottles. i may bring a stinger waffle, gu bloks, or powerbar too for something to chew on. but the bottom line is liquid cals and for me about low300s per hour.

i eat hearty the night and morning before even waking up in the night to consume a 1000 cals at 1-2am.

on the run, i drink water and perform/gatorade on course until the last portion (mile 18 on an IM) then switch to coke. I try to gulp a gel on course per 5k or so.

finally i should note that i tend to take hammer electrolytes at the beginning of the race, but this year i am substituting EFS powder for the other powders because it has the electrolytes in it, eliminating the need for extra electrolytes. so far so good but its not as sweet.

does that help any? carbo pro has been the key in getting me through long rides and bricks. the long runs i can live on gu bloks (black cherry with caffeine) and a bottle or two of EFS.

Edited by phatknot 2011-04-06 8:41 PM
2011-04-06 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3432094

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Rural Ontario
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

pschriver - 2011-04-06 10:06 AM    I had a question about long course nutrition.

I'd like to add to that question. After 4 hours of trainig or racing I find I can't take any more sweet stuff - gels, gummies, etc. all make me feel nausia just thinking about them.  I find I crave salty, more substatial fare - has anyone tried chicken broth or potatoes for long events?

2011-04-06 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3433419

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
mark, our posts crossed. have you tried those pb and j sandwich packets? i had them on a century once and loved them. personally, as i told peter, i am all about liquid cals on the bike. 
2011-04-06 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

FOOD!  My favorite topic.  This year I'm using Infinit (220 cal/hour) for bike rides.  I like to eat snacks, too.  On long runs/races, I can drink pretty much whatever sports drink they have on course and I take a gel every 4-5 miles.  I've worked this out through 5 full marathons and a bunch of long runs.  

Here are some of my favorite snacks:

swedish fish

jelly beans

gummy bears/worms

cinnamon bears

peanut m&ms

goldfish (awesome when you get sick of sweets)

pb filled pretzels (even better if dipped in chocolate and it's not hot outside)

trailmix (good for sweet and salty)

nut clusters

granola clusters

meat sticks (like slim jims)

carrots, snap peas

sunflower seed butter (comes in individual packets.  Squeeze and go)

beef/turkey jerky

I'll try to think of more.  My bf and I go on lots of long rides and are always looking for food options.  We've stopped for subs before, which we consumed while riding.

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