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2011-08-25 12:55 PM
in reply to: #3654755

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Lag - 2011-08-23 12:52 PM

I've condensed your maxim down to a checklist that I can write on my eating hand with a Sharpie (possibly to be upgraded to a tattoo later if it works really well).

    • [ ]  Food?
    • [ ]  Plant?
    • [ ]  Too Much?
    • [ ]  Beer?

[I added that last one; seemed relevant.]


2011-08-25 6:27 PM
in reply to: #3659188

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
All right Manatees -- I just watched this swim video from

Let me know what you think. I feel like I've been putting in the hours and strokes and time in the pool for four years and really haven't gotten much faster, read that as more efficient. Actually, I can swim pretty much forever, but not very quickly. My endurance helped me make it through the IM, but I'd really like to feel better and feel like I"m slipping through the water better. Yanti!!! So many times I've wished you were at my pool and could give me pointers. But since I don't have you there, I"m seriously thinking about the Total Immersion again. When I first started all this crazy tri stuff 4 years ago, I looked into it, but kind of opted for local coaches instead. Thought this might provide fodder for a swim discussion. No?

Here's another article by the TI guy Terri Laughlin: about using your core.

Thoughts, Manatees and beloved Yanti?
2011-08-27 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3659910

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
lmscozz - 2011-08-25 5:27 PMAll right Manatees -- I just watched this swim video from

Let me know what you think. I feel like I've been putting in the hours and strokes and time in the pool for four years and really haven't gotten much faster, read that as more efficient. Actually, I can swim pretty much forever, but not very quickly. My endurance helped me make it through the IM, but I'd really like to feel better and feel like I"m slipping through the water better. Yanti!!! So many times I've wished you were at my pool and could give me pointers. But since I don't have you there, I"m seriously thinking about the Total Immersion again. When I first started all this crazy tri stuff 4 years ago, I looked into it, but kind of opted for local coaches instead. Thought this might provide fodder for a swim discussion. No?

Here's another article by the TI guy Terri Laughlin: about using your core.

Thoughts, Manatees and beloved Yanti?
Of course yanti is the swimmer, but I did use the TI techniques early on and they helped me go from a 40 minute 1000 yards to 20 in a little over 3 weeks - swimming 2-3 times a week. I watched the videos (from library on VHS) and took notes. Then tried to duplicate by myself at the pool nThe only drills I did and still do are the kick drills on my sides and back to work my balance (push the buoy). I also just bough the book last weekend. Finally, I did a quick 600 druing lunch last week and the guard said i had the best form he has seen. So, worked for me. Btw - 50 yrd sprints with 30 sec rest are done at 39-42 sec per 50 with no flip turn.
2011-08-28 2:12 AM
in reply to: #3659910

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

lmscozz - 2011-08-26 8:27 AM All right Manatees -- I just watched this swim video from

Let me know what you think. I feel like I've been putting in the hours and strokes and time in the pool for four years and really haven't gotten much faster, read that as more efficient. Actually, I can swim pretty much forever, but not very quickly. My endurance helped me make it through the IM, but I'd really like to feel better and feel like I"m slipping through the water better. Yanti!!! So many times I've wished you were at my pool and could give me pointers. But since I don't have you there, I"m seriously thinking about the Total Immersion again. When I first started all this crazy tri stuff 4 years ago, I looked into it, but kind of opted for local coaches instead. Thought this might provide fodder for a swim discussion. No?

Here's another article by the TI guy Terri Laughlin: about using your core.

Thoughts, Manatees and beloved Yanti?

I know the swim video is simply fodder for discussion, but this is why I think it's useless: what your arms do above the water is pretty much irrelevant, and in an ocean swim with wetsuit and any kind of chop or swell, at least half the FOP swimmers are doing a straight-arm recovery anyway (at least on one side).

Just my opinion, especially with swimmers who have done a fair amount of swimming and are trying to get faster: train the pull, and the recovery will naturally follow. It's one of those motions that has a huge variety among successful swimmers, so why train it a certain way?

Which brings me to the article: it doesn't state it succinctly, but what it essentially says is: PULL WITH YOUR BODY (not your arms). And this is probably the number one top swimming tip ever. Every other decent swim tip, drill, focus, etc. is in order to do THIS.

I do know generally what your swim training has been like over the last four years, and that you've done a lot of Masters. Here's the difficulty of swimming and triathlon: to get faster, and good, you need to put the time in (and barf-and-tears inducing interval work a la Coach Troy) swimming that you do on the bike. Unfortunately, swimming is nowhere near the time in triathlon that cycling or running is.

You do have the luxury, in your location, of having access to the top swim coaches and programs in the world, especially for triathlon and open water. I don't know whether to recommend TI for you or not. I have a very high opinion of the program for beginners and a fairly low opinion of it for more advanced swimmers, and Total Indecisiveness for those in between, which is where you fall.

But to be my usual blunt self: If you really want to get better, hire a personal coach (on recommendation from wicked fast BTers/STers/other, I'm sure we can find them, who are good swim advisers themselves, in your area) for a couple of sessions, and I think that's all it will take (maybe post refresher videos of yourself in BT Tri Talk from time to time). Then, for a season, better a year, put AT LEAST four 1.5 hour sessions (or equivalent) in masters style workouts where you really are considering vomiting and/or crying at least once a week (preferably once a session).

2011-08-28 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3659175

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
TriAya - 2011-08-25 12:51 PM
lounav - 2011-08-21 7:16 AM

Way to go on all the great racing last weekend.  I've found myself it a bit of a motivation rut.  I'm still getting out there and training, but lacking a little of the spirit behind it.  But, I may have cured it today.  Wait for it, I finally bought a bike!  I have been riding on a loaner bike from my neighbor since last November.  It is a nice entry level bike, but I've never been fitted on it and well, it's not mine.  So after lots of craigslist stocking, I finally did it.  

Of course now I have a few questions for anyone that wants to weight in.  I've been thinking about trying to get aero bars (on the cheap).  I'm not really ready for them (yet), but I am planning to get a fit soon and thought it would make sense to have them in place before I get fit.  So my question is if I do plan to get aero bars some time in the next year, should I be getting them now before I get fit?  Thanks everyone!!!

YAY for a new bike and YAY for T.I.T.S.!!!!!

Wait, have you gotten the fit yet? Why do I not see these posts for days? Bad Yanti Manatee, need spank.

Definitely get the aero bars before the fit. You'll be wanting to have a tri-specific fitting and bike configuration.

Shorties are fine



2011-08-29 1:44 PM
in reply to: #3654755

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Lag - 2011-08-22 10:52 PM
TriAya - 2011-08-16 4:49 PM
Lag - 2011-08-17 6:38 AM

Okay, I've only skimmed the previous pages.  I've been a bit out of commission for the last week or week and a half and so I didn't want to read about all the fun everyone was having without me and make myself sad. Cry  Got laid up with a knee injury.  You'd think I'd have mastered stairs by this point in my life, but a tricky poorly lit one got me.  Prolly just a sprain, so I started back at it today with an easy "run" and, if not quite perfect, it ain't bad.  Looks from skimming the previous pages as though injuries and accidents are kinda par for the course around here lately, so I feel in good company.  


I notice that the question of nutrition was brought up and I'm glad cause if someone else hadn't done it, I was gonna.  Yanti mentioned KISS, which is kinda my problem with nutrition: for something we do several times a day, eating (right) is complicated.  I like to cook; I'm even pretty good at it; I just don't wanna do it all the time.  I'm a bachelor.  Cooking for one is a PITA.  Among these eating right resource suggestions, y'all got any that are just plain dead stupid simple?  [I was even considering NutriSystem just cause it comes all pre-planned. Embarassed]  Or am I just gonna have to bite the bullet and put a little brain energy into learning this stuff?

[I'll go back and read more thoroughly later, so sorry if that's been answered in an earlier post and I missed it.]

Tony! So that's where you've been, tiger!

Wait ... you're SINGLE??? How come you didn't mention this before?!

Well, you never asked.

Okay, okay, nutrition. KISS was in reference to racing nutrition. I think. However, for the 99.999% of the time we're not racing, my favorite is: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."

In other words, anything that's had too much done to it, has an ingredient list more than a few items long, and/or doesn't closely resemble its source should be eaten in great moderation.

Thanks for the concise rules.  Thousands of pages of nutrition books distilled down to just the good bits.  Sadly, making things too complicated for laymen and turning simple concepts into thousand page books seems to make the publishing world go round.  (Nobody buys pamphlets.)  You'd think, with all the lazy people in the world, that your straight-forward sort of advice would be more prevalent. 

I've condensed your maxim down to a checklist that I can write on my eating hand with a Sharpie (possibly to be upgraded to a tattoo later if it works really well).

    • [ ]  Food?
    • [ ]  Plant?
    • [ ]  Too Much?
    • [ ]  Beer?

[I added that last one; seemed relevant.]

I'd consider getting that tattoo as well Wink that beer one gets me every time 

2011-08-30 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3434942

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Hey Manatees, hope all is going well!  Just signed up for the marathon that will be in November.  I am considering one more triathlon Sept. 17.  Just need some butt kicking to get back in the water, LOL.  

Also, want to brag a little.  Not for myself, but for my sister.  My twin (yes, there is a taller version of me walking around, lol) sister did Ironman Louisville this past weekend and qualified for Kona!!  She was 3rd in her AG 40-44.  She rocked out an 1:00.35 swim, 5:32 bike, and 4:09 run for a total of 10 hours 55 minutes!!!  Here's the kicker,  this was not her best race.  She crashed her bike at mile 70.  Some guy does a double pass while my sister is passing someone and clips her front tire going 21-22mph.  she skidded across the road and received terrible road rash on her legs, back, and elbow.  Despite her injuries, pulled abdominal muscles, cracked helmet, broken aerobars, she manged to finish the bike.  She also got a drafting penalty at mile 30 and had to wait for 5 minutes before she could continue.  She was in a lot of pain during the run and just couldn't go faster even if she wanted to.   She had to be carted off in a wheelchair after the race.  Talk about adrenaline and guts taking over.

My sister is who inspired me to start triathlon in the first place.  She was disappointed in what could have been the race of her life.  We all know that things could have played out differently if the crash and penalty never happened, but were all thankful that she didn't seriously hurt herself.  My sister admitted yesterday that it was the scariest feeling crashing on the bike, and that it really "got to her" the rest of the race.  

I am so proud of my twin sister.  She is my best friend and inspires me to keep working out and participate in races.  

FYI, she had to DECLINE the Kona spot....what?!!!!  Unthinkable to some, but she knew even if she did qualify, she didn't have the time, or money to go this year.  She is going to plan in the next couple of years to make it a reality and a dream vacay for her family.  I have no doubt she will.   I told her that when that day does comes, I fit nicely in a med. size suitcase.  Wink

Edited by cggale 2011-08-30 8:08 AM
2011-08-30 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3665303

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
cggale - 2011-08-30 7:58 AM

Hey Manatees, hope all is going well!  Just signed up for the marathon that will be in November.  I am considering one more triathlon Sept. 17.  Just need some butt kicking to get back in the water, LOL.  

Also, want to brag a little.  Not for myself, but for my sister.  My twin (yes, there is a taller version of me walking around, lol) sister did Ironman Louisville this past weekend and qualified for Kona!!  She was 3rd in her AG 40-44.  She rocked out an 1:00.35 swim, 5:32 bike, and 4:09 run for a total of 10 hours 55 minutes!!!  Here's the kicker,  this was not her best race.  She crashed her bike at mile 70.  Some guy does a double pass while my sister is passing someone and clips her front tire going 21-22mph.  she skidded across the road and received terrible road rash on her legs, back, and elbow.  Despite her injuries, pulled abdominal muscles, cracked helmet, broken aerobars, she manged to finish the bike.  She also got a drafting penalty at mile 30 and had to wait for 5 minutes before she could continue.  She was in a lot of pain during the run and just couldn't go faster even if she wanted to.   She had to be carted off in a wheelchair after the race.  Talk about adrenaline and guts taking over.

My sister is who inspired me to start triathlon in the first place.  She was disappointed in what could have been the race of her life.  We all know that things could have played out differently if the crash and penalty never happened, but were all thankful that she didn't seriously hurt herself.  My sister admitted yesterday that it was the scariest feeling crashing on the bike, and that it really "got to her" the rest of the race.  

I am so proud of my twin sister.  She is my best friend and inspires me to keep working out and participate in races.  

FYI, she had to DECLINE the Kona spot....what?!!!!  Unthinkable to some, but she knew even if she did qualify, she didn't have the time, or money to go this year.  She is going to plan in the next couple of years to make it a reality and a dream vacay for her family.  I have no doubt she will.   I told her that when that day does comes, I fit nicely in a med. size suitcase.  Wink

Wow, that is an impressive and inspiring story! A 4:09 marathon with those kinds of injuries! Wow! 

I think the biggest takeaway from this story for me is that she didn't quit. She just kept going and despite what most would consider a "major setback" she still qualified for Kona. 

2011-08-30 1:12 PM
in reply to: #3665303

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
cggale - 2011-08-30 9:58 PM

Hey Manatees, hope all is going well!  Just signed up for the marathon that will be in November.  I am considering one more triathlon Sept. 17.  Just need some butt kicking to get back in the water, LOL.  

Also, want to brag a little.  Not for myself, but for my sister.  My twin (yes, there is a taller version of me walking around, lol) sister did Ironman Louisville this past weekend and qualified for Kona!!  She was 3rd in her AG 40-44.  She rocked out an 1:00.35 swim, 5:32 bike, and 4:09 run for a total of 10 hours 55 minutes!!!  Here's the kicker,  this was not her best race.  She crashed her bike at mile 70.  Some guy does a double pass while my sister is passing someone and clips her front tire going 21-22mph.  she skidded across the road and received terrible road rash on her legs, back, and elbow.  Despite her injuries, pulled abdominal muscles, cracked helmet, broken aerobars, she manged to finish the bike.  She also got a drafting penalty at mile 30 and had to wait for 5 minutes before she could continue.  She was in a lot of pain during the run and just couldn't go faster even if she wanted to.   She had to be carted off in a wheelchair after the race.  Talk about adrenaline and guts taking over.

My sister is who inspired me to start triathlon in the first place.  She was disappointed in what could have been the race of her life.  We all know that things could have played out differently if the crash and penalty never happened, but were all thankful that she didn't seriously hurt herself.  My sister admitted yesterday that it was the scariest feeling crashing on the bike, and that it really "got to her" the rest of the race.  

I am so proud of my twin sister.  She is my best friend and inspires me to keep working out and participate in races.  

FYI, she had to DECLINE the Kona spot....what?!!!!  Unthinkable to some, but she knew even if she did qualify, she didn't have the time, or money to go this year.  She is going to plan in the next couple of years to make it a reality and a dream vacay for her family.  I have no doubt she will.   I told her that when that day does comes, I fit nicely in a med. size suitcase.  Wink

That's an incredible story. Super congrats to her!!!

I see that you both really are cut from the same cloth. And hey, you like curling up in suitcases too?

2011-08-30 1:12 PM
in reply to: #3665303

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
cggale - 2011-08-30 9:58 PM

Hey Manatees, hope all is going well!  Just signed up for the marathon that will be in November.  I am considering one more triathlon Sept. 17.  Just need some butt kicking to get back in the water, LOL.  

Also, want to brag a little.  Not for myself, but for my sister.  My twin (yes, there is a taller version of me walking around, lol) sister did Ironman Louisville this past weekend and qualified for Kona!!  She was 3rd in her AG 40-44.  She rocked out an 1:00.35 swim, 5:32 bike, and 4:09 run for a total of 10 hours 55 minutes!!!  Here's the kicker,  this was not her best race.  She crashed her bike at mile 70.  Some guy does a double pass while my sister is passing someone and clips her front tire going 21-22mph.  she skidded across the road and received terrible road rash on her legs, back, and elbow.  Despite her injuries, pulled abdominal muscles, cracked helmet, broken aerobars, she manged to finish the bike.  She also got a drafting penalty at mile 30 and had to wait for 5 minutes before she could continue.  She was in a lot of pain during the run and just couldn't go faster even if she wanted to.   She had to be carted off in a wheelchair after the race.  Talk about adrenaline and guts taking over.

My sister is who inspired me to start triathlon in the first place.  She was disappointed in what could have been the race of her life.  We all know that things could have played out differently if the crash and penalty never happened, but were all thankful that she didn't seriously hurt herself.  My sister admitted yesterday that it was the scariest feeling crashing on the bike, and that it really "got to her" the rest of the race.  

I am so proud of my twin sister.  She is my best friend and inspires me to keep working out and participate in races.  

FYI, she had to DECLINE the Kona spot....what?!!!!  Unthinkable to some, but she knew even if she did qualify, she didn't have the time, or money to go this year.  She is going to plan in the next couple of years to make it a reality and a dream vacay for her family.  I have no doubt she will.   I told her that when that day does comes, I fit nicely in a med. size suitcase.  Wink

That's an incredible story. Super congrats to her!!!

I see that you both really are cut from the same cloth. And hey, you like curling up in suitcases too?

2011-08-30 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3434942

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

^^^ so impressed I had to repeat myself

In other news, although I had planned to do Melbourne, it turns out I was VERY LUCKY to get a spot ... it sold out in FIVE MINUTES FIVE SECONDS!!! Yay for me!

2011-08-30 2:22 PM
in reply to: #3665303

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
cggale - 2011-08-30 5:58 AM

Hey Manatees, hope all is going well!  Just signed up for the marathon that will be in November.  I am considering one more triathlon Sept. 17.  Just need some butt kicking to get back in the water, LOL.  

Also, want to brag a little.  Not for myself, but for my sister.  My twin (yes, there is a taller version of me walking around, lol) sister did Ironman Louisville this past weekend and qualified for Kona!!  She was 3rd in her AG 40-44.  She rocked out an 1:00.35 swim, 5:32 bike, and 4:09 run for a total of 10 hours 55 minutes!!!  Here's the kicker,  this was not her best race.  She crashed her bike at mile 70.  Some guy does a double pass while my sister is passing someone and clips her front tire going 21-22mph.  she skidded across the road and received terrible road rash on her legs, back, and elbow.  Despite her injuries, pulled abdominal muscles, cracked helmet, broken aerobars, she manged to finish the bike.  She also got a drafting penalty at mile 30 and had to wait for 5 minutes before she could continue.  She was in a lot of pain during the run and just couldn't go faster even if she wanted to.   She had to be carted off in a wheelchair after the race.  Talk about adrenaline and guts taking over.

My sister is who inspired me to start triathlon in the first place.  She was disappointed in what could have been the race of her life.  We all know that things could have played out differently if the crash and penalty never happened, but were all thankful that she didn't seriously hurt herself.  My sister admitted yesterday that it was the scariest feeling crashing on the bike, and that it really "got to her" the rest of the race.  

I am so proud of my twin sister.  She is my best friend and inspires me to keep working out and participate in races.  

FYI, she had to DECLINE the Kona spot....what?!!!!  Unthinkable to some, but she knew even if she did qualify, she didn't have the time, or money to go this year.  She is going to plan in the next couple of years to make it a reality and a dream vacay for her family.  I have no doubt she will.   I told her that when that day does comes, I fit nicely in a med. size suitcase.  Wink

BIg, HUGE Congratulations to your sister, Claire. Please give her the Manatee flipper five! It's so nice to "feel" the love you have for her. I have a feeling you'll both get to Kona someday, one way or another. :-)
2011-08-30 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3662502

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
I had replied to your suggestions, Yanti and of course, they were brilliant, hilarious and quite intelligent, but the BT bug ate them all. Suffice it to say, I honor your bluntness and would expect nothing else. I'm considering the coaching, throwing up thing. Just may need to "suck it up" and be prepared to suffer a bit for my swim.


And, fantastic. When is that?
2011-08-30 2:31 PM
in reply to: #3666138

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

lmscozz - 2011-08-31 4:24 AM I had replied to your suggestions, Yanti and of course, they were brilliant, hilarious and quite intelligent, but the BT bug ate them all. Suffice it to say, I honor your bluntness and would expect nothing else. I'm considering the coaching, throwing up thing. Just may need to "suck it up" and be prepared to suffer a bit for my swim.


And, fantastic. When is that?

That happens frequently with my blog posts! Rrrrrg ... but I create the really epic, photo-dense ones in FrontPage first.

"I'm considering the coaching ,throwing up thing" LOLOL (heh, I startled the cats)

Melbourne is 3/25/11. It's going to be a batch trying to wed IM training to massive swim volume. Or not. We'll see

All of you are hereby politely requested to remind me to BACK OFF training once in a while ...

2011-08-30 6:05 PM
in reply to: #3666169

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

All of you are hereby politely requested to remind me to BACK OFF training once in a while ...

OOOOOhhhhhh -- we get to tell Yanti what NOT to do! Won't that be fun?
2011-08-31 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3666523

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
lmscozz - 2011-08-30 6:05 PM

All of you are hereby politely requested to remind me to BACK OFF training once in a while ...

OOOOOhhhhhh -- we get to tell Yanti what NOT to do! Won't that be fun?

Yesssssssssssss! Revenge for her not "letting" me try to run a marathon with a time goal and no training Wink

2011-09-01 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3434942

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

Anyone else using or tried using Training Peaks software?  I got a killer discount at the Boulder 70.3 and have been playing with it.  Disappointed to say the least.


2011-09-01 12:24 PM
in reply to: #3669185

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
mackjenn - 2011-09-01 10:12 AM

Anyone else using or tried using Training Peaks software?  I got a killer discount at the Boulder 70.3 and have been playing with it.  Disappointed to say the least.


Hey John  -- Yes, I've used TP a couple of times because my coaches liked it. I think they give coaches a good deal for their athletes. Anyway, it took some getting used to, but I managed to learn it. I did have to download from my Garmin and then convert the file and save it and then import it to TP. I wasn't ever able to get it to sync with BT though. I know there's been talk of that happening, but not sure if it's just Good luck with it. I did like the daily reminders it would send me via email.
2011-09-03 12:54 PM
in reply to: #3501949

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Pueblo, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Cha Ching!!!! Just set a personal best on an oly with 2:53:18. In addition, it was at almost 8000 ft elevation and was almost 30 minutes off my time for the same course from last year!!! Only one more this year - sprint next weekend and I'm looking to break 1:15 on that race.
2011-09-03 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3671956

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

mackjenn - 2011-09-03 12:54 PM Cha Ching!!!! Just set a personal best on an oly with 2:53:18. In addition, it was at almost 8000 ft elevation and was almost 30 minutes off my time for the same course from last year!!! Only one more this year - sprint next weekend and I'm looking to break 1:15 on that race.

CONGRATULATIONS JOHN!!!!  It's a great feeling to set a pr.  Good luck next week!!  

2011-09-03 1:38 PM
in reply to: #3671956

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

mackjenn - 2011-09-04 2:54 AM Cha Ching!!!! Just set a personal best on an oly with 2:53:18. In addition, it was at almost 8000 ft elevation and was almost 30 minutes off my time for the same course from last year!!! Only one more this year - sprint next weekend and I'm looking to break 1:15 on that race.

SSSSSSSSSSSSmokin' Speedy John!!! Sub-3 is wicked fast and a massive PR at that? woohoooo

2011-09-03 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3671956

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

mackjenn - 2011-09-03 12:54 PM Cha Ching!!!! Just set a personal best on an oly with 2:53:18. In addition, it was at almost 8000 ft elevation and was almost 30 minutes off my time for the same course from last year!!! Only one more this year - sprint next weekend and I'm looking to break 1:15 on that race.


Congrats!  I love hearing stuff like this.

2011-09-04 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3671956

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
mackjenn - 2011-09-03 10:54 AM Cha Ching!!!! Just set a personal best on an oly with 2:53:18. In addition, it was at almost 8000 ft elevation and was almost 30 minutes off my time for the same course from last year!!! Only one more this year - sprint next weekend and I'm looking to break 1:15 on that race.
Happy Dance for you John!! Congratulations, looks like you're on a roll. 
2011-09-06 11:35 AM
in reply to: #3671956

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Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL
Awesome! Nice work!
2011-09-07 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3671956

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti and Lynn, Mentors of the Manatee Melee: FULL

So, John, you gonna cough up a race report or continue to keep us salivating for the details?

And what's everybody else up to? Quiet manatees ... me too, I've been training mad volumes with the combo of massive swim volume + IM training.

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