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2012-01-28 5:15 PM
in reply to: #4016255

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-01-28 5:28 PM

The Good News:  I rode with my new Power Meter

The "Less-Than-Optimal" News:  My Power/Watts were about 125 Average

Guys, I am discouraged.  It felt so HARD to turn the crank today.  Maybe the tire pressure was different... maybe I'm emotionally exhausted... in any case, I am concerned about my Ironman in June.  I just am not sure that I can actually gain the power I need to have a success on race day.

I'm just embarrassed by my power... and while I hope that I can improve, I am just not that sure I can push more wattage for 112 Miles.

Way too early to be discouraged about a June race, but there is some work to do! If it is hard to turn the crank, did you try an easier gear? An easier gear at a higher cadence will accomplish the same thing. I know you have a coach Carla, how many rides a week does she/ he have you doing? If it was me, I would have you riding 5 times a week, with 4 being about an hour and a long ride on the weekend. You should be in the 2:30 to 3:00 hour range except of for recovery weeks. With the bike being your weakness, 5 bikes with 2 to 3 (preferably 3) runs and swim sessions per week would go a long way for the next 4 to 6 weeks. The other thing I would be doi ng (and will be come Monday) is adding in some basic strength training. Core work and somelyometrics would be a good start. Just be careful not to go too hard too soon! Keep your chin up! You can do this with some hard work and determination!

2012-01-28 5:30 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Happy weekend to all!! I have my half mary in the morning..Going to go ahead a push it and try to pr hope it goes well...Backed off my running due to feeling some pains in my ankle so tapered it down some..Have got in some nice strength training during the past weeks..Swim, bike and run really starts back up next week..Will be around 13 weeks out for the first tri so my off-season is just about over...
2012-01-28 5:34 PM
in reply to: #4016331

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
shake-n-bake - 2012-01-28 6:30 PMHappy weekend to all!! I have my half mary in the morning..Going to go ahead a push it and try to pr hope it goes well...Backed off my running due to feeling some pains in my ankle so tapered it down some..Have got in some nice strength training during the past weeks..Swim, bike and run really starts back up next week..Will be around 13 weeks out for the first tri so my off-season is just about over...
I hope you have a great race Tim! Run well and have a good time! Looking forward to hearing ow of do!
2012-01-28 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Carla - so sorry to hear that you are frustrated.  I think Ken has some good advice and the power meter number is just a starting point. Make sure you let your coach know how you feel - part of their job is to keep you motivated and on track.  You have plenty of time! 
2012-01-28 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Tim good luck and have fun tomorrow!!!!!  Look forward to reading all about your PR!
2012-01-28 6:13 PM
in reply to: #4016308

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-01-28 5:15 PM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-01-28 5:28 PM

The Good News:  I rode with my new Power Meter

The "Less-Than-Optimal" News:  My Power/Watts were about 125 Average

Guys, I am discouraged.  It felt so HARD to turn the crank today.  Maybe the tire pressure was different... maybe I'm emotionally exhausted... in any case, I am concerned about my Ironman in June.  I just am not sure that I can actually gain the power I need to have a success on race day.

I'm just embarrassed by my power... and while I hope that I can improve, I am just not that sure I can push more wattage for 112 Miles.

Way too early to be discouraged about a June race, but there is some work to do! If it is hard to turn the crank, did you try an easier gear? An easier gear at a higher cadence will accomplish the same thing. I know you have a coach Carla, how many rides a week does she/ he have you doing? If it was me, I would have you riding 5 times a week, with 4 being about an hour and a long ride on the weekend. You should be in the 2:30 to 3:00 hour range except of for recovery weeks. With the bike being your weakness, 5 bikes with 2 to 3 (preferably 3) runs and swim sessions per week would go a long way for the next 4 to 6 weeks. The other thing I would be doi ng (and will be come Monday) is adding in some basic strength training. Core work and somelyometrics would be a good start. Just be careful not to go too hard too soon! Keep your chin up! You can do this with some hard work and determination!

Carla, positive thinking.  No negative thinking.  The race is hard enough.  You don't have to defeat yourself before the cannon.

I agree with Ken.  You've got a coach?  Use her/him.  I do 4 bikes, including 3 short tough ones and 1 longer base ride.  At this time of year, the shorter ones are strength exercises with 50-60 rpm and high watts or VO2 bursts of a minute each for 10 reps or pedal drills, high cadence drills.  The longer one is 60 to 65% of functional threshold power. 

The workouts are designed to show steady improvement with a peak at race time.  You aren't supposed to be pushing high watts now.  If you did you'd burn out before you got to the race. Or worse, you would get injured.


My time is spent trying to get smoother in the water so I spend less energy there, then get stronger on the bike so I can cruise at a lower wattage and make speed on race day and save the legs for the marathon.

Strength exercising is great too.  I'm getting incredible amounts out of SE this winter because I'm working with a personal trainer who knows his stuff. 

Stay positive.  Picture ourselves crossing the finish line.  Do the workouts religiously.  Take a rest day every week.  That means nothing, nada, but rest, hydration and eating good and doing something fun.

We can all do this.  That is the beauty of the sport.  It gives back what we put into it.  Love it.





2012-01-28 7:05 PM
in reply to: #4016353

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

robingray_260 - 2012-01-28 6:02 PM Carla - so sorry to hear that you are frustrated.  I think Ken has some good advice and the power meter number is just a starting point. Make sure you let your coach know how you feel - part of their job is to keep you motivated and on track.  You have plenty of time! 

Many thanks Robin & All,

Today was the first time I tried to really see what my output was just riding "Naturally" for two hours.  For those who are trying to lose weight, it was equivalent to stepping on the scale and seeing "THE NUMBER" what ever that number is for you... you know, looking anything directly in the face and realizing that it's a starting point is not always "pretty"... so this is my reaction to "THE NUMBER"... realizing that the sound wisdom and experience spoken by Ken and IceMan is grounded in Truth.

2012-01-28 7:09 PM
in reply to: #4016308

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

kenj - 2012-01-28 5:15 PMWay too early to be discouraged about a June race, but there is some work to do! If it is hard to turn the crank, did you try an easier gear? An easier gear at a higher cadence will accomplish the same thing. I know you have a coach Carla, how many rides a week does she/ he have you doing? If it was me, I would have you riding 5 times a week, with 4 being about an hour and a long ride on the weekend. You should be in the 2:30 to 3:00 hour range except of for recovery weeks. With the bike being your weakness, 5 bikes with 2 to 3 (preferably 3) runs and swim sessions per week would go a long way for the next 4 to 6 weeks. The other thing I would be doi ng (and will be come Monday) is adding in some basic strength training. Core work and somelyometrics would be a good start. Just be careful not to go too hard too soon! Keep your chin up! You can do this with some hard work and determination!

Kenj - You're so right... it is probably "Way Too Early" to feel discouraged... I just keep staring at the calendar, and the weeks are flying by like minutes in an hour. 

I'm inside of 21 weeks to Race day... and after spending the entire morning with my coach... voicing my concerns, hearing her approach, I just wanted to let that final bit of "Steam out of the pot" and post my heart felt reaction to my Wattage today. 

We did talk about additional bike sessions as well as Power Intervals that you speak of... she hasn't posted my work for next week as she is taking in everything we talked about today and will devise her "Master Plan".  My job is to do the work and to trust her.  I am, however, always interested in hearing how someone else may approach the same situation so your comments about what you would do are invaluable!

Many thanks to you!

2012-01-28 7:16 PM
in reply to: #4016364

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-01-28 6:13 PM

Carla, positive thinking.  No negative thinking.  The race is hard enough.  You don't have to defeat yourself before the cannon.

I agree with Ken.  You've got a coach?  Use her/him.  I do 4 bikes, including 3 short tough ones and 1 longer base ride.  At this time of year, the shorter ones are strength exercises with 50-60 rpm and high watts or VO2 bursts of a minute each for 10 reps or pedal drills, high cadence drills.  The longer one is 60 to 65% of functional threshold power. 

The workouts are designed to show steady improvement with a peak at race time.  You aren't supposed to be pushing high watts now.  If you did you'd burn out before you got to the race. Or worse, you would get injured.

My time is spent trying to get smoother in the water so I spend less energy there, then get stronger on the bike so I can cruise at a lower wattage and make speed on race day and save the legs for the marathon.

Strength exercising is great too.  I'm getting incredible amounts out of SE this winter because I'm working with a personal trainer who knows his stuff. 

Stay positive.  Picture ourselves crossing the finish line.  Do the workouts religiously.  Take a rest day every week.  That means nothing, nada, but rest, hydration and eating good and doing something fun.

We can all do this.  That is the beauty of the sport.  It gives back what we put into it.  Love it.

You hit on two aspects of this challenge that I need to recommit to:

(1)  Staying Positive:  The mental Game

(2)  Strength - Which I have not yet fully embraced

As for staying positive, I will finish my "Picture Book" which will have photo images and text of those I look up to in the sport and in life in general.  I will also have photos of me having accomplished goals... showing myself at the finish line with medals..., etc. 

I have a lot of these "Tools" in my Tool Box, but now is the perfect time to really practice them! Thanks for the reminds.

As for Strength, I would rather do functional strength on the bike in place of "lunges" and "squats".  Neither of those movements are natrual to me and I feel like I'd do more damage than good trying to execute them.  I've already tweeked my knee doing lateral movements.  :/  Ugh.  In any case, I may talk to you offline about strength and how I can get better motivated to do it.

2012-01-28 8:05 PM
in reply to: #4016331

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

shake-n-bake - 2012-01-28 5:30 PM Happy weekend to all!! I have my half mary in the morning..Going to go ahead a push it and try to pr hope it goes well...Backed off my running due to feeling some pains in my ankle so tapered it down some..Have got in some nice strength training during the past weeks..Swim, bike and run really starts back up next week..Will be around 13 weeks out for the first tri so my off-season is just about over...

Good luck on your half marathon tomorrow!

2012-01-28 8:41 PM
in reply to: #4016331

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Morgan Hill, CA
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

shake-n-bake - 2012-01-28 3:30 PM Happy weekend to all!! I have my half mary in the morning..Going to go ahead a push it and try to pr hope it goes well...Backed off my running due to feeling some pains in my ankle so tapered it down some..Have got in some nice strength training during the past weeks..Swim, bike and run really starts back up next week..Will be around 13 weeks out for the first tri so my off-season is just about over...

Best of luck tomorrow, Tim! Ease into the "push it," then let loose when your body is ready. In my last half mary (in Oct.), I pushed too hard for the first 6 miles going for a PR. I also didn't hydrate enough, and cramped up. Lesson learned for me. Anyway, I'm sure you'll do great!

2012-01-28 9:06 PM
in reply to: #4016424

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Morgan Hill, CA
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-01-28 5:09 PM

kenj - 2012-01-28 5:15 PMWay too early to be discouraged about a June race, but there is some work to do! If it is hard to turn the crank, did you try an easier gear? An easier gear at a higher cadence will accomplish the same thing. I know you have a coach Carla, how many rides a week does she/ he have you doing? If it was me, I would have you riding 5 times a week, with 4 being about an hour and a long ride on the weekend. You should be in the 2:30 to 3:00 hour range except of for recovery weeks. With the bike being your weakness, 5 bikes with 2 to 3 (preferably 3) runs and swim sessions per week would go a long way for the next 4 to 6 weeks. The other thing I would be doi ng (and will be come Monday) is adding in some basic strength training. Core work and somelyometrics would be a good start. Just be careful not to go too hard too soon! Keep your chin up! You can do this with some hard work and determination!

Kenj - You're so right... it is probably "Way Too Early" to feel discouraged... I just keep staring at the calendar, and the weeks are flying by like minutes in an hour. 

I'm inside of 21 weeks to Race day... and after spending the entire morning with my coach... voicing my concerns, hearing her approach, I just wanted to let that final bit of "Steam out of the pot" and post my heart felt reaction to my Wattage today. 

We did talk about additional bike sessions as well as Power Intervals that you speak of... she hasn't posted my work for next week as she is taking in everything we talked about today and will devise her "Master Plan".  My job is to do the work and to trust her.  I am, however, always interested in hearing how someone else may approach the same situation so your comments about what you would do are invaluable!

Many thanks to you!

Carla, you'll eventually get where you want to be on the bike. It just takes some time. We all have our weaknesses. Mine is definitely the swim. I've been focused on trying to fix my swim this winter, and let the bike and run fade a little bit. The mental aspect is tough. Whatever you can do to add some fun to your bike workouts also might help. I find that when I think too much about the "numbers," the fun starts to drain away. Maybe you can find some new routes to ride -- even if you have to drive a few miles to get to them. Hopefully, you have a good bike fit and are comfortable in the saddle. That's REALLY important... Best of luck!

2012-01-28 9:34 PM
in reply to: #4016556

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
sdswriter - 2012-01-28 9:06 PM

Carla, you'll eventually get where you want to be on the bike. It just takes some time. We all have our weaknesses. Mine is definitely the swim. I've been focused on trying to fix my swim this winter, and let the bike and run fade a little bit. The mental aspect is tough. Whatever you can do to add some fun to your bike workouts also might help. I find that when I think too much about the "numbers," the fun starts to drain away. Maybe you can find some new routes to ride -- even if you have to drive a few miles to get to them. Hopefully, you have a good bike fit and are comfortable in the saddle. That's REALLY important... Best of luck!

sdswriter - "Fun" and Variety are very much a key to success.  I will look for opportunities to make riding fun.  Multisport is quite the juggling act where as single sport we can go "heads down" and focus solely on improving one aspect of our fitness. 

Definitely hang in there with the swim.  It is quite the challenge even for myself and I love swimming.  I will keep the faith... I just don't know success with respect to cycling for myself so it's hard for me to just relax into the plan and trust that if I do the work I will somehow see the results. 

Cycling is the largest portion of the triathlon... so I envy those who are strong in this area. 

I wish you all the best at improving your swim... and I will keep you posted on my progress on the bike!

I appreciate your time and responses!

2012-01-28 9:41 PM
in reply to: #4016331

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

shake-n-bake - 2012-01-28 5:30 PM Happy weekend to all!! I have my half mary in the morning..Going to go ahead a push it and try to pr hope it goes well...Backed off my running due to feeling some pains in my ankle so tapered it down some..Have got in some nice strength training during the past weeks..Swim, bike and run really starts back up next week..Will be around 13 weeks out for the first tri so my off-season is just about over...

Go Get 'em Tim!!! "May the road rise up to meet you and may the wind always be at your back..."

2012-01-28 9:43 PM
in reply to: #4016429

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-01-28 7:16 PM
IceManScott - 2012-01-28 6:13 PM

Carla, positive thinking.  No negative thinking.  The race is hard enough.  You don't have to defeat yourself before the cannon.

I agree with Ken.  You've got a coach?  Use her/him.  I do 4 bikes, including 3 short tough ones and 1 longer base ride.  At this time of year, the shorter ones are strength exercises with 50-60 rpm and high watts or VO2 bursts of a minute each for 10 reps or pedal drills, high cadence drills.  The longer one is 60 to 65% of functional threshold power. 

The workouts are designed to show steady improvement with a peak at race time.  You aren't supposed to be pushing high watts now.  If you did you'd burn out before you got to the race. Or worse, you would get injured.

My time is spent trying to get smoother in the water so I spend less energy there, then get stronger on the bike so I can cruise at a lower wattage and make speed on race day and save the legs for the marathon.

Strength exercising is great too.  I'm getting incredible amounts out of SE this winter because I'm working with a personal trainer who knows his stuff. 

Stay positive.  Picture ourselves crossing the finish line.  Do the workouts religiously.  Take a rest day every week.  That means nothing, nada, but rest, hydration and eating good and doing something fun.

We can all do this.  That is the beauty of the sport.  It gives back what we put into it.  Love it.

You hit on two aspects of this challenge that I need to recommit to:

(1)  Staying Positive:  The mental Game

(2)  Strength - Which I have not yet fully embraced

As for staying positive, I will finish my "Picture Book" which will have photo images and text of those I look up to in the sport and in life in general.  I will also have photos of me having accomplished goals... showing myself at the finish line with medals..., etc. 

I have a lot of these "Tools" in my Tool Box, but now is the perfect time to really practice them! Thanks for the reminds.

As for Strength, I would rather do functional strength on the bike in place of "lunges" and "squats".  Neither of those movements are natrual to me and I feel like I'd do more damage than good trying to execute them.  I've already tweeked my knee doing lateral movements.  :/  Ugh.  In any case, I may talk to you offline about strength and how I can get better motivated to do it.


I'm sure your coach will have you do the functional strength training on the bike.  They are called SEs by my coaching group, Strength Exercises...low cadence of 50 to 60 with higher power ....I started with sets of 5 mins with 5 mins in between three times.  Then stretched to 10, 15 and longer.  They are just like grinding out long hills, or hill repeats.  They are great in that they target specifically the muscles we use.   Coupled with VO2 drills, we get more muscles in the right places and more endurance = more power over longer periods. 

You are an Ironman, girl.  You can do it.  I honestly meditate with images of successful swims, bikes and runs.  Crossing the finish line. Positive self talk during the exercises.  Drifting off to sleep thinking about crossing the line.  There was never a doubt in my mind on 9/11 that I was going to finish no matter a hernia, no matter cramps.  Nothing was going to stop me.  Nothing did.  

You can do this.  We all can do this.  Whatever the goal, persistent commitment to workouts day in and day out while remembering this is supposed to be about FUN will get us through to the end. 






2012-01-28 10:12 PM
in reply to: #4016308

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-01-28 4:15 PM
CarlaLThompson - 2012-01-28 5:28 PM

The Good News:  I rode with my new Power Meter

The "Less-Than-Optimal" News:  My Power/Watts were about 125 Average

Guys, I am discouraged.  It felt so HARD to turn the crank today.  Maybe the tire pressure was different... maybe I'm emotionally exhausted... in any case, I am concerned about my Ironman in June.  I just am not sure that I can actually gain the power I need to have a success on race day.

I'm just embarrassed by my power... and while I hope that I can improve, I am just not that sure I can push more wattage for 112 Miles.

Way too early to be discouraged about a June race, but there is some work to do! If it is hard to turn the crank, did you try an easier gear? An easier gear at a higher cadence will accomplish the same thing. I know you have a coach Carla, how many rides a week does she/ he have you doing? If it was me, I would have you riding 5 times a week, with 4 being about an hour and a long ride on the weekend. You should be in the 2:30 to 3:00 hour range except of for recovery weeks. With the bike being your weakness, 5 bikes with 2 to 3 (preferably 3) runs and swim sessions per week would go a long way for the next 4 to 6 weeks. The other thing I would be doi ng (and will be come Monday) is adding in some basic strength training. Core work and somelyometrics would be a good start. Just be careful not to go too hard too soon! Keep your chin up! You can do this with some hard work and determination!

That is exactly what I have been thinking for some time. Carla, I hope your talk with your coach was a good one.


2012-01-28 10:13 PM
in reply to: #4016331

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

shake-n-bake - 2012-01-28 4:30 PM Happy weekend to all!! I have my half mary in the morning..Going to go ahead a push it and try to pr hope it goes well...Backed off my running due to feeling some pains in my ankle so tapered it down some..Have got in some nice strength training during the past weeks..Swim, bike and run really starts back up next week..Will be around 13 weeks out for the first tri so my off-season is just about over...

Best of luck!!!

2012-01-29 5:25 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Happy Weekend folks.  

Left knee is sore since last Thursdays run.  Rested it since.  Gonna take today off as well.  

Hopefully, a temporary set back.

I wonder, sometimes, whether my running "career" is over...

2012-01-29 10:32 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

I didnt want to go outside and play in the cold wind and snow covered roads, so I did 9 on the treadmill before heading to Sunday morning spin class!  It all felt pretty good for the most part.

Whats everyone else doing today?

Richard, I hope the knee doesn't wind up being too serious this time.  Wise to rest it though!

2012-01-29 5:12 PM
in reply to: #4016943

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-01-29 8:32 AM

I didnt want to go outside and play in the cold wind and snow covered roads, so I did 9 on the treadmill before heading to Sunday morning spin class!  It all felt pretty good for the most part.

Whats everyone else doing today?

Richard, I hope the knee doesn't wind up being too serious this time.  Wise to rest it though!


OMG!!! I've fallen in love with Mountain Biking! Did my first Mountain Bike ride today...and I did 12+ miles.  The other folks were impressed because they all have only done 3 miles or less before attempting longer miles.   The motto for today was NO FEAR!  Sure there were some parts that I walked my bike due to lack of MTB hill climbing experience, but overall it was just so much fun. You learn bike handling very quickly! I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow, so if I'm very sore, I will either do easy swim or easy trainer ride.  

It's nice to have a bit of a change from just SBR.  I also go on hiking trips as well. I still treat it as training because you will be using different muscles for Mountain Bike and Hiking than just SBR. 

2012-01-29 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
On my run today, I met a guy who looked like he was working out(sweat pants and ipod), all while smoking.

I guess he was at least canceling it out, but i never expected to have to dodge second hand smoke on my run.

2012-01-29 6:32 PM
in reply to: #4017434

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Wow. Lots to catch up on here.  My big observation from the weekend was this : If you have body issues, go to an indoor water park and you will immediately feel better about how you look
2012-01-29 6:51 PM
in reply to: #4017502

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

gator22 - 2012-01-29 4:32 PM Wow. Lots to catch up on here.  My big observation from the weekend was this : If you have body issues, go to an indoor water park and you will immediately feel better about how you look


Where's the like button???

2012-01-29 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3943039

New user
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Looking foward to hearing how Tim's half went today.  I hope everything went well.


Carla - Everyone else has said it but June is a very long way to go.  You're going to be fine.  Just keep up your training.


And now a question about swimming.  Dj was talking about breathing every 3,5,7 and even 9 strokes.  Early in my swim I can sometimes go 5 without a breathe but that's about my limit.  Once I get in a rhythm, I'm breathing every other stroke.  Is there a drill or some trick to being able to make a breathe last longer or is it something that just comes with time.     

2012-01-29 8:34 PM
in reply to: #4017595

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2012-01-29 5:34 PM

Looking foward to hearing how Tim's half went today.  I hope everything went well.


Carla - Everyone else has said it but June is a very long way to go.  You're going to be fine.  Just keep up your training.


And now a question about swimming.  Dj was talking about breathing every 3,5,7 and even 9 strokes.  Early in my swim I can sometimes go 5 without a breathe but that's about my limit.  Once I get in a rhythm, I'm breathing every other stroke.  Is there a drill or some trick to being able to make a breathe last longer or is it something that just comes with time.     

I'm not an expert at swimming, but if you're breathing every stroke because you feel like you have to're going too fast.    Same idea as for running, if you're breathing way too fast/panting/cannot talk - you're going too fast. I kind of think it's the same way.   When you swim, you want to exhale slowly. Over time your stroke/speed will catch up. 

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