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2013-10-21 10:16 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

Enjoyed reading the report, Carl. Sweet trophy. Great ride. Sounds messed up with the swim being cancelled, but you made the best! of it Way to go.

Had my Sprint yesterday. Sunrise was awesome. Swim was a different course than advertised, but I felt great and did well. Bike was going great but turned into a fiasco. Run was a tad slower than I had aimed for, but pretty good given the bike problems.


I enjoyed reading your race report. I'd love to experience a swell on my swim into a beach. It would be fun to feel that surge. I've never had much success with drafting in the swim but I do find there is a drafting benefit to just swimming with a group - preferably a faster group. And, Considering your bike, tire and ant issues you ride was really good.

I found riding without socks allowed my feet to dry and caused no chafing. Then when I was in T2 I put socks on for the run and it only took 5 secs to put each sock on. I also really like my "no tie" shoelaces. Definitely faster than doing up the laces.

Overall your times are great. I'd love to have transition times like yours and Carl's.

As I asked Carl - What's next for you?

2013-10-21 10:38 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by wenceslasz

Carl! That's a great result in your race. Congrats! 1/7 is really impressive. In my races, I really like it when people encourage each other like you were doing. That's a big part of the fun. Your medal and award are pretty nice looking as well.

Your bike and run paces were really good. I'd be happy to be that fast.

So what's next?

Its been a while George hopefully I am the last one to finish a Him this November 3..... The Sprints really help boost my confidence. Those Athenas are something else they maybe are ave speed on the bike , but some of them can run like gazelles , two of them finished 5k under 20 mins. This is just an uncommon incident i wont be in that division again next year they just let me in that div because i have been just racing for a month. The swim leg was cut off and thats my weakness. I am 40-45 next year which is still a competitive AG really have to continue swimming off season.

any new plans for you next year? Tri season in Texas starts at Mar.2014 , How about your running plans? i already signed up for 2 marathons.

Cheers Man

2013-10-21 11:05 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

For future reference i am just curious about Challenge Penticon Full Iron
I believe they are wave starts right?

one last thing do you know their schedule of wave starts cant find it online.

Let me know whenever you can.


2013-10-22 8:13 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

I enjoyed reading your race report. I'd love to experience a swell on my swim into a beach. It would be fun to feel that surge. I've never had much success with drafting in the swim but I do find there is a drafting benefit to just swimming with a group - preferably a faster group. And, Considering your bike, tire and ant issues you ride was really good.

I found riding without socks allowed my feet to dry and caused no chafing. Then when I was in T2 I put socks on for the run and it only took 5 secs to put each sock on. I also really like my "no tie" shoelaces. Definitely faster than doing up the laces.

Overall your times are great. I'd love to have transition times like yours and Carl's.

As I asked Carl - What's next for you?


Thanks for the feedback.

In terms of tri's, I wanted a 3rd sprint to end the season but I don't think it's going to work out because of travel plans. Plus, I'm a bit fed up with the hybrid bike. Going to focus on building a stronger swim and run base, and bike shopping! Keeping my eye out for a good running race in November. There is a "splash and dash" in mid-december: 1000 yd pool swim, then 5k. That sounds like a lot of fun and a bit challenging for me given the length of the swim. Will help me move in the direction of an Oly for next season. There is a Sprint in January, but it's wet suit weather even here in Florida. Temps projected in mid- to high-60's. If I have a road bike by then, I might give it a shot. I know Trial_of_Miles is coming down from the great white north to give that one a go. How about you?
2013-10-23 7:09 PM
in reply to: strykergt

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by strykergt

Originally posted by strykergt

Originally posted by PsyTri

Gator bait!

Any lakes down here in Florida have similar signs. Makes you want to swim in the pack. Don't be a straggler like on those wildlife shows where the predator always picks off the weak ones who can't keep up! Swim for your life!

Hope you had a great time.

Thanks Gary , its not really that interesting they cancelled the swim because of the rainy weather and danger of lightning. We only had BIke+Run. I did just fine. need to go back to training I believe you have one coming up to let me know bro.



race report

Awesome race and race report! AG win is awesome!
2013-10-23 7:19 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

Enjoyed reading the report, Carl. Sweet trophy. Great ride. Sounds messed up with the swim being cancelled, but you made the best! of it Way to go.

Had my Sprint yesterday. Sunrise was awesome. Swim was a different course than advertised, but I felt great and did well. Bike was going great but turned into a fiasco. Run was a tad slower than I had aimed for, but pretty good given the bike problems.


Congrats on a great race! I love Yanktz laces myself. Regarding getting socks on wet feet, the night before the race I put my socks on them roll them off. Then on race day, you roll them on like a condom. They roll perfectly onto to wet feet.

Bummer about the ants and the low tire. Never know what's going to happen on Rae day.

2013-10-23 8:01 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Sorry that I am late to the party guys. Strykergt nicely done winning your division and knowing you could've gone faster has got to feel good. And psytri that is some crazy speed on a non-road bike my man, I can only image your speed with a race bike and I also am a big fan of the yanks laces.
2013-10-24 9:51 AM
in reply to: TRIal_of_miles

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

Hi Guys -

I'm trying to catch up after being sick. :/

PsyTri - Great race and way to stick it out in spite of bike issues. I always think I have a flat, during races and training, especially when I turn on to a rough road. I have decided to ignore that worry. If it's really flat, it will be obvious. Otherwise I'm gonna keep going. I also use Yankz and love them. Good time to bike shop is now - year end deals.

Stryker - Awesome trophy race! Yay! Cancelled swim happened to my hubby once too. He was happy - doesn't like swimming. I'd be pretty annoyed. How did they start the race with bikes? Was it start from transition?

To make my goal of 70 miles this month I have to run 6.1 miles per day for the next week. Gah!


2013-10-24 10:03 AM
in reply to: miche033

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by miche033

Hi Guys -

I'm trying to catch up after being sick. :/

PsyTri - Great race and way to stick it out in spite of bike issues. I always think I have a flat, during races and training, especially when I turn on to a rough road. I have decided to ignore that worry. If it's really flat, it will be obvious. Otherwise I'm gonna keep going. I also use Yankz and love them. Good time to bike shop is now - year end deals.

Stryker - Awesome trophy race! Yay! Cancelled swim happened to my hubby once too. He was happy - doesn't like swimming. I'd be pretty annoyed. How did they start the race with bikes? Was it start from transition?

To make my goal of 70 miles this month I have to run 6.1 miles per day for the next week. Gah!


Hi Rebecca

I feel a bit incomplete without the swim though its my weakest and probably what landed me to the trophy. We started time trial from transition i am the last rider.

Glad your running again look like your polishing running very good with the 10k everyday thats great just give yourself some recovery phase in between days you can still run just alternate between slow pace and fast pace. You remind me of the Athenas in my group they may be middle to above ave. on the bike , but this ladies can be fishies and gazelles. i posted before two of them are sub 20mins in 5k.

Anyways its nice your hubby is participating in your sport , both of you share the fun.

My season next year starts a little late around March. Gary starts very early.


2013-10-24 11:22 AM
in reply to: strykergt

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

Alright all.  I'm making a concerted effort to get back into things.  My main home projects I've been working on wrapped up this weekend.  Starting to run again.  As noted previously, had to quit masters but I added myself to my wife's membership to the local gym for $10/month.  After doing only masters for three years I'm a bit of a pool snob but it's going to have to do.  I've set some price alerts on Amazon for a couple mid to low end trainers, because it's hard to get out with how late the sun rises now.  And I'm reluctantly starting to eat better.

Frankly even during training this year I really let my eating habits get out of control, so that's going to be a point of focus now and in the coming year.  The lowest I could get myself down to was 203lbs.  This year I'd like to focus and get that down to 195.  Not sure if it's possible, but I'm going to try.  Of course I have a long way to go because in the last two and a half months I've put on around 10 pounds, so I'm up to about 215.  Ugh.  I'm just not a guy who does well at controlling my food intake.


2013-10-24 8:11 PM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Kind of fell off the face of the earth and I'm totally failing at all things fitness right now. Between the infant and the 70 hour work weeks I just haven't had much time to make it to the gym. Someone please motivate me!

2013-10-25 8:55 AM
in reply to: dannywilliams83

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
I feel for you, man. It's ok to put training 2nd or 3rd behind such important things. Maybe with those commitments, you can scale back your expectations of yourself as far as training goes.

That being said, balance is a good thing, and making time for yourself and your health/fitness is pretty important, too for your mental and physical wellbeing. Unless you are training for a big race (I forget if you are), maybe you can scale back your plan and shift your fitness efforts away from the gym and toward the home, if possible and affordable (e.g., treadmill, trainer, weights/strength). Just make a date for that one or two days at the gym, like an appointment, and find a way to schedule around it.

Without knowing your situation, I have no idea of these suggestions make any sense. What I do know is that making time for yourself in anyway is really important and will keep you balanced and able to take on the other parts of your life.

Good luck.

2013-10-25 11:12 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Psy Tri - a January Sprint in Florida could be fun. Last winter I had a good long look at an Olympic in Key West and this summer a woman I trained with tried to convince me I should enter the Florida Ironman because she thought I could finish it even if I'm slow. I'm not planning any travel to Florida for now but I'd never say never.

Miche - good luck with the running and glad you're feeling better.

Carl - Challenge does have wave starts for the swim. I didn't save my athletes instructions from the race but if I recall correctly the Pros went at 6:45am then the youngest people went at 7:00am and waves followed at 5 minute intervals after for progressively older age groups until 7:30. So a 40 yr old person would go about 7:15-ish. The relay swimmers were last to go.

It was a lot of fun and for next year they've added a HIM course as well. I'm a fair bit torn about what I want to do for it. The full IM course is nicer than the HIM course (especially the bike course which includes some really rough roads) but I'm not sure I want to put in that much time for training to do a full course.

Joe - I'm in a similar situation - trying to finish some chores before the weather worsens (so far it is fairly mild but we can see it snowing on the mountains around us). I have only been to the pool once this week (today) and not feeling very motivated. Plus, as you noted, I seem to be insatiable - and worse, I'm eating really bad for me and all the Halloween candy in the stores is not making it any easier for me.

Danny - a 70 hr work week is a tough master. The baby is a good thing and will get better but your work week is harsh. What kind of work is it?
Psy Tri is right you do need to strike some kind of balance between work, home and working out. It definitely isn't easy but good luck.
2013-10-27 5:09 AM
in reply to: dannywilliams83

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by dannywilliams83

Kind of fell off the face of the earth and I'm totally failing at all things fitness right now. Between the infant and the 70 hour work weeks I just haven't had much time to make it to the gym. Someone please motivate me!


The training plan i gave you is Don Fink's intermediate program , but if your going to have time constraints and just worried about finishing . I can give you Don Fink's Just Finish program which takes lesser time if you want.

Anyway take it easy at work and have fun with the kid.

2013-10-28 10:35 PM
in reply to: strykergt

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

So a buddy of mine, one of the guys I did the tri in April with, is going to try to sign up for Vineman 70.3 this Friday.  I'd love to do it with him, but my money situation is a little precarious at the moment.  I should have a better idea after the new year what my finances are going to be like, so I think what I'm going to do is try to get on the wait list and in an ideal world I'd get the call around January or February and I'll know whether I can take it or not.  So we'll see.  I wouldn't normally sign up for a race this early but I guess Vineman sells out really fast, last year it sold out in like 20 minutes, then the wait list gets closed shortly after that.  But they end up taking like 500-800 people off the wait list every year because of dropouts.

2013-10-29 10:46 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Joe - Sounds like a reasonable risk to go on the wait list. I don't usually like to register too early either. Where does Vineman take place?

Edited by wenceslasz 2013-10-29 10:47 PM

2013-10-29 10:49 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

It's in Sonoma here in California.  Hence the "vine", the whole thing takes place in and goes through some beautiful wine country.  Vineman and Wildflower are two of the biggest races on the west coast and they're both here in northern California. 

2013-10-29 11:03 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Joe - again - I'll have to look up Vineman just out of curiosity. I'm not familiar with Sonoma so I'll check that out as well. Our area here has a lot of vineyards as well.

All - I went today for my first indoor cycling session. It wasn't too bad for the first but the coach promised us a 20 minute time trial next week. They're always killers. From now to Christmas i'll be cycling 3 times per week and 3.5hrs per week. It feels good to be doing something again.
2013-10-29 11:43 PM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by Fresno_Joe

It's in Sonoma here in California.  Hence the "vine", the whole thing takes place in and goes through some beautiful wine country.  Vineman and Wildflower are two of the biggest races on the west coast and they're both here in northern California. 


It's been a while man. How's it going looks like your planning on another HIM. My brother in law at South Cali wants us to do VM but like you said other than have to travel 70.3s are expensive. Any chance your friend prefers a none branded HIM like HITS Tri Napa Valley it's still Wine a Country.

2013-10-30 10:57 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

Originally posted by wenceslasz Joe - again - I'll have to look up Vineman just out of curiosity. I'm not familiar with Sonoma so I'll check that out as well. Our area here has a lot of vineyards as well. All - I went today for my first indoor cycling session. It wasn't too bad for the first but the coach promised us a 20 minute time trial next week. They're always killers. From now to Christmas i'll be cycling 3 times per week and 3.5hrs per week. It feels good to be doing something again.
Sonoma County is the sister to Napa County in Northern California.  Napa is the number one destination for wine lovers in the US, and Sonoma is a close second, and right next door.  Of course, being from northern California I know that the wineries in Napa and Sonoma are A) overrated, B) way overpriced, C) aware of their status and therefore tend to be snobby and not as friendly as other wine spots (I recognize I'm a little jaded here).  I don't see any reason to go to Napa and Sonoma in general to pay 20 bucks for a sample of wine when I can go to just as good if not better wine areas around here and be encouraged to sample everything for a couple bucks at most.  Between Paso, Lodi, Madera, and the San Jose area, I've got plenty of great spots to go.  Also, their grapes are outsourced a lot of the time anyways, they just bank on the Napa and Sonoma names.

But that doesn't mean Sonoma isn't beautiful.  It certainly is.

2013-10-30 12:52 PM
in reply to: 0

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

Originally posted by strykergt
Originally posted by Fresno_Joe

It's in Sonoma here in California.  Hence the "vine", the whole thing takes place in and goes through some beautiful wine country.  Vineman and Wildflower are two of the biggest races on the west coast and they're both here in northern California. 

Joe It's been a while man. How's it going looks like your planning on another HIM. My brother in law at South Cali wants us to do VM but like you said other than have to travel 70.3s are expensive. Any chance your friend prefers a none branded HIM like HITS Tri Napa Valley it's still Wine a Country.
Well I'm thinking about it anyways.  We'll see.  Hits Napa Valley wouldn't be much cheaper though.  My buddy and I both did the HITS Napa valley Olympic this year.  It was nice for a very cheap bare bones race, but they doubled the entry fees for this coming year.  By the time I'm looking to register, which is January/February (when I should know whether or not I'm getting furloughed a bunch and therefore whether I can afford any race), the dues for HITS Napa Valley 70.3 are actually more expensive than I'd pay for Vineman.  And it's difficult for me to see how HITS justifies the cost increase, there were few volunteers, I didn't see any course marshalls (and we could have used them, I almost got ran over twice on the bike), and they misspelled the name of the race on their own ribbons for the medal.  Maybe they need twice as much money for a spell checker or something.

Anyways, if I'm going to pay that much money I'd rather do a race as universally loved as Vineman.

Edited by Fresno_Joe 2013-10-30 1:06 PM

2013-10-30 9:34 PM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by Fresno_Joe

Originally posted by wenceslasz Joe - again - I'll have to look up Vineman just out of curiosity. I'm not familiar with Sonoma so I'll check that out as well. Our area here has a lot of vineyards as well. All - I went today for my first indoor cycling session. It wasn't too bad for the first but the coach promised us a 20 minute time trial next week. They're always killers. From now to Christmas i'll be cycling 3 times per week and 3.5hrs per week. It feels good to be doing something again.
Sonoma County is the sister to Napa County in Northern California.  Napa is the number one destination for wine lovers in the US, and Sonoma is a close second, and right next door.  Of course, being from northern California I know that the wineries in Napa and Sonoma are A) overrated, B) way overpriced, C) aware of their status and therefore tend to be snobby and not as friendly as other wine spots (I recognize I'm a little jaded here).  I don't see any reason to go to Napa and Sonoma in general to pay 20 bucks for a sample of wine when I can go to just as good if not better wine areas around here and be encouraged to sample everything for a couple bucks at most.  Between Paso, Lodi, Madera, and the San Jose area, I've got plenty of great spots to go.  Also, their grapes are outsourced a lot of the time anyways, they just bank on the Napa and Sonoma names.

But that doesn't mean Sonoma isn't beautiful.  It certainly is.

$20 to sample wine!! I'd pass on that. I'd say our local wineries are overpriced ($20/bottle avg) and pretentious but so far they don't charge for wine tasting although it can't be long before someone tries to start charging.
2013-10-31 10:57 AM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
I hear ya Joe i you register HITS now its $150.00 which is dirt cheap for any Half Iron distance, My half iron is $180.00, but add the hotel and travel its an expense that needs to be justified.after 12/8/13 its $225 after 1/8/14 its $270.00 which is close to 70.3, your right might as well
2013-10-31 11:40 AM
in reply to: strykergt

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Here are the October stat (see attached).

Way to go, you (still) top dogs!

Way to pick up the training, Sarah, Carl, Jill. Keep it up!

HMOct2013Tot.xls (15KB - 13 downloads)
2013-10-31 2:20 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Good job Gary!!!!

Wont be racking up my miles and hours taper time for me raceday is this weekend.


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