BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open Rss Feed  
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2014-07-30 3:21 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Just another voice to second the notion of the logo on a bike jersey.

2014-07-30 3:23 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by adempsey10

Training update:

Lately I seem to have forgot that I am doing an Ironman in 3 weeks. That is not to say I haven't been training, I've just been biking all the time. I haven't had a decent run in two weeks because of my knee so I've had to overcompensate by biking a lot more. I've built a solid base on the bike and now I'm working on speed. I can hold 33kph (20.5 mph) comfortably for long distances. I've also noticed that my max heart rate has jumped considerably in the last few weeks. When I started I had a hard time getting it up to 170. Now in an all out sprint I'm hitting 182 and can hold 172 for a kilometre or more without lactate build up. Speaking of sprinting, I came second place in a road criterium race last night. I came around the last corner in 4th position and sprinted to a second place finish. 

Whatever I lose from lack of run training I'll make up for on the bike ahead of time with a stronger faster ride. I'm getting a little nervous about Ironman as it gets closer though. It's going to be a hell of a day. 

Glad to hear you are making progress despite your sore knee. Your speed is off the charts fast! I dream about being that fast. My goal is to average 14 mph and I will have to work my buttisimo off to achieve that. I've got to thaink that your knee will feel pretty good come race day once your legs are able to get some rest during your taper. Nice work showing those guys who's boss last night! Just think how awesome you would have looked if you had been wearing a BDAAS bike jersey.

As for the nerves - as long as we get better weather then they had at IMLP - I feel like we should be all set. Reading some of those race reports blows my mind.
2014-07-30 3:24 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Would love to join this group. I just posted an intro in the intro forum that I will post below. Thought I would add in my beer preferences here. I used to be much more of a wine drinker, but after I had my son in 2012 had a craving for beer. My favorites are IPAs, followed by porters and stouts. I will try anything. Looking forward to getting to know you all. I am 29 years old and new and yet to compete a tri, and am looking to train this fall/winter/spring with a goal of entering a race in early summer 2015 for my 30th birthday. Depending on how my initial 20 weeks of training goes I will decide whether I will do a sprint or tackle an olympic to begin with. I have been involved in various competitive sports throughout my life. I have mostly settled in to running and spinning the last few years, and I am looking for a challenge and a goal. I was a lifeguard in high school/college, but have not swam strokes in a long time, and while I have been spinning a lot, I do not have any real experience on the road. I have been lurking for a few days, and this seems like a great community for advice. I am going to start the 20 Week Sprint - 2x Balanced training plan next week.
2014-07-30 3:34 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Love the idea of a bike shirt and love the logo!!!! I would be in! When checking for minimums, can we see if that would include both female and male shirts? I should assume it wouldn't matter but you never know.

Okay, so 29/28 today with my "make up" tri! No warm Coors for me!! Yea! We couldn't really do proper transitions and had to drive a mile from the swim area to the bike area but I did three in a row.

For the swim I ended up doing about 3/4 mile, not the original 1/2 so that skews it a bit. I completely forgot to check my start time. The water was nice but the air was 50 degrees and fog was hanging on the water - cool yet eerie. The swim is quickly becoming my favorite to prep for.

Bike: a friend mapped out a 12 mile ride but Strava is telling me it was 11.8 so there you go. Her GPS said 12. Anyway 41:36 for that with 4 stops for traffic lights and a slow down for construction. I would comfortably take almost 5 minutes off my time to make it accurate. That being said, it took me 4 or 5 miles to really warm up. The first few miles my legs felt like lead. I had to wait almost an hour between the swim and bike as my friends were kayaking so I froze even with fleece on. My left toes had zero feeling in them at the start of the bike and by the end my right toes had little feeling. I ate 4 honey stingers en route but zero hydration (slap me now). I really need to focus on this particularly if I decide to pursue an Oly on Aug 30. I recognize the waiting around and chilling sapped some energy.

Run: the route we choose starts off uphill, small dip then more uphill for 1 1/2 miles. It felt like we had a good clip going. About 3/4 mile from the end my left quad just above my knee sort of seized up - never had that happen before (perhaps a product of not hydrating on the ride). I pressed on. It hurt pretty good but I'm sure it affected my time. I walked a 1/4 mile after and it felt fine to walk on so I'm going to coin David's phrase and "roll and ice like it's my job" tonight. I finished that in 26:10 which I should be happy with but really wanted 8 min/miles in a non-competitive setting, hoping to go sub 8 in a race. I'll take it - it's the first time I've done all three, one right after the other.

So that's my "make up" sprint tri. Tonight I'll enjoy a Switchback IPA.


Jenn - congrats on finishing your make up race and making something positive out of what could have turned into a negative situation sorry to hear about the sore leg - but you would have still crushed me in terms of time. Just think how fast you will be when you finally get to race at the end of the month.

Hope y9ou don't mind a suggestion - but one of the things that helped me to make sure I don't forget to hydrate is to set an alarm on my watch. When ever I hear it beep i know it's time to drink (and eat every twenty minutes). It's become so ingrained in me that I took a sip of OJ during a recent breakfast when my friends alarm went off without even thinking about it.

Enjoy that switch back - you have earned it!
2014-07-30 3:36 PM
in reply to: jackie755

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

IPA--favorite...welcome to the group!! Stay involved and you will find a wealth of resources within the group!


Originally posted by jackie755 Would love to join this group. I just posted an intro in the intro forum that I will post below. Thought I would add in my beer preferences here. I used to be much more of a wine drinker, but after I had my son in 2012 had a craving for beer. My favorites are IPAs, followed by porters and stouts. I will try anything. Looking forward to getting to know you all. I am 29 years old and new and yet to compete a tri, and am looking to train this fall/winter/spring with a goal of entering a race in early summer 2015 for my 30th birthday. Depending on how my initial 20 weeks of training goes I will decide whether I will do a sprint or tackle an olympic to begin with. I have been involved in various competitive sports throughout my life. I have mostly settled in to running and spinning the last few years, and I am looking for a challenge and a goal. I was a lifeguard in high school/college, but have not swam strokes in a long time, and while I have been spinning a lot, I do not have any real experience on the road. I have been lurking for a few days, and this seems like a great community for advice. I am going to start the 20 Week Sprint - 2x Balanced training plan next week.

2014-07-30 3:53 PM
in reply to: jackie755

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by jackie755

Would love to join this group. I just posted an intro in the intro forum that I will post below. Thought I would add in my beer preferences here. I used to be much more of a wine drinker, but after I had my son in 2012 had a craving for beer. My favorites are IPAs, followed by porters and stouts. I will try anything. Looking forward to getting to know you all. I am 29 years old and new and yet to compete a tri, and am looking to train this fall/winter/spring with a goal of entering a race in early summer 2015 for my 30th birthday. Depending on how my initial 20 weeks of training goes I will decide whether I will do a sprint or tackle an olympic to begin with. I have been involved in various competitive sports throughout my life. I have mostly settled in to running and spinning the last few years, and I am looking for a challenge and a goal. I was a lifeguard in high school/college, but have not swam strokes in a long time, and while I have been spinning a lot, I do not have any real experience on the road. I have been lurking for a few days, and this seems like a great community for advice. I am going to start the 20 Week Sprint - 2x Balanced training plan next eek.

Jackie - Welcome to the BDAAS! We are so glad to have you! And listing off your Beer preferences right off the bat shows you're a perfect fit for our group.

Seriously - welcome to the sport! Coming into it with a background in swimming is a huge advantage and you'll have a leg up on the competition from the word go.

If I could make one suggestion - I'm not sure where you live but see if you could sign up for a sprint THIS year. If you've been been running and swimming recently, you won't have any problem finishing a late season sprint. Doing so will give you a goal to shoot for in the short term and will fuel your workouts over the winter. Even if it's only a duathlon or a 5K it will really help you get into a routine that will sustain you.

Here is an 11 month training plan I used for my first Tri.

Good luck and we are glad to have you!

2014-07-30 4:11 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Dave, that is brilliant - I will give it a try! Thanks! I love that you've become Pavlov's dog with the alarm! LOL Too funny.

Sandi, I've kind of run all my life - played sports since I was little. I played D1 college softball (though not much running). I ran off and on but nothing serious or with any plan or distance for probably 10 more years and finally four or so years ago I started 1/2 marathon training. I've done four so far and have a fifth on the docket for this fall. (I like my knees too much to do a full marathon) I think long, relatively slow distances actually really help speed and once a week I'll do fartleks - (pick-ups) for short distances/times in between a mile or two on each side. Once a week I'll also either do a tempo run or what I like to call ladders (this is good in the winter on a treadmill where you can control the speed) - I'll warm up for a mile then jack up the speed maybe for example from 5.5 to 6.5 for 2 minutes then drop back for a recovery for a minute but don't drop back as far - go to 5.7 for example. Then jack it up again to 6.7 for 2, then back to 5.9 and keep going as long as able - you may have to drop the high speed to 1 minute. On your final recovery I keep that speed as my "new normal" for the remainder of the run - maybe another mile or so then drop back a little more for a short recovery. This way I also finish faster than I started which I often strive for on most runs. Work the kick.
Anyway, sorry to be so lengthy but those are a couple of the key ones I do to work on speed. Everyone probably has their own sort of thing they like to do but this is what has worked for me in the last couple of years. 10 minutes miles used to be my forced slow runs, now I have a hard time running a 9:30/mile for a slow run. I now do about 9;00 for slow runs. It's just where your body finds it comfortable to be and everyone is different. Runner's World has lots of great stuff to look at too.
I wasn't too psyched for this run as my knee hurt (I ran 8 min/miles in a 10k I hadn't even prepared for a month ago in yukky heat) but I also hadn't done two other events right before it either. I have paid more attention to biking and swimming and took running for granted. Clearly I can't let that slide! The sprint I'm thinking of entering next weekend was won by a woman in the 55-59 age bracket and her run was 19 minutes and change!!!!! Holy cow!! I just hope to get 24 minutes!! She also had the fastest swim time for men and women!! 7 minutes and change for 600 yds! That's cooking!!

Don't you love ows!? This morning the air was only 50 degrees so there was nice fog rolling off the water. It was so cool to be out in the middle and look toward shore. I wish I had my camera out there! Be careful if you swim alone, please! That scares me. A woman was just hit by a boat here in a small lake - her buoy got caught in the guy's prop and pulled her in. She's okay I hear but I don't know what kind of injuries she sustained. Yuk.

Cheers! Time to crack the Switchback IPA!! :-P

2014-07-30 4:31 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Oh my God - I'm so excited! my one regret is that neither my wife nor my kids has expressed any interest in Triathlon. I've alway been so jealous of Alex and Thor and others whose kids have gotten active in the sport because I want my own kids to be healthy too.

Anyway - after welcoming Jackie to the BDAAS and suggesting that she sign up for a late season tri, I started to think about what I was going to do once I finished IMMT in August. I was stoked to find a HIM at the end of September and the best part - it has kids races. I told my kids about it hoping they would be interested and they both jumped at the chance to sign up. Now I just need to convince my wife to do it as well and we'll be able to get the whole family involved (except for our 5 year old who is too young). But how awesome would that be!

2014-07-30 5:14 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Qua17 Oh my God - I'm so excited! my one regret is that neither my wife nor my kids has expressed any interest in Triathlon. I've alway been so jealous of Alex and Thor and others whose kids have gotten active in the sport because I want my own kids to be healthy too. Anyway - after welcoming Jackie to the BDAAS and suggesting that she sign up for a late season tri, I started to think about what I was going to do once I finished IMMT in August. I was stoked to find a HIM at the end of September and the best part - it has kids races. I told my kids about it hoping they would be interested and they both jumped at the chance to sign up. Now I just need to convince my wife to do it as well and we'll be able to get the whole family involved (except for our 5 year old who is too young). But how awesome would that be!

The best feeling as a parent, your kids falling in your foot steps! That is awesome news David! 2 down, 2 to go!


2014-07-30 8:21 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Hey y'all. David introduced me to this group in response to my hello post in the new user forum. It seems like you folks have your heads screwed on properly, so I'd really like to join into the conversation. I'm located in College Park, GA (the Atlanta airport is in College Park) and my primary background is in swimming, having coached for the last ten years or so. I completed my first HIM in Raleigh on June 1st and felt pretty strong, but know that I could drop 30 or 40 minutes if I really work at the bike and run. My wife enjoyed watching so much that she has registered with me for Ironman 70.3 Hawaii in May 2015. We had our first training swim today and it felt pretty good. Christy is still working on learning freestyle well, but you can only cross the finish line after taking the first step.

My favorite beers this summer have all been IPAs. Atlanta has a pretty awesome craft beer scene and a few local breweries. Monday Night Brewing has a great IPA and I've given them a whole lot of my money this summer. In the winter, I love Porters and Stouts. Pisgah Brewing Co makes an amazing winter beer called Cosmos that takes a Porter recipe but swaps in Trappist and champagne yeasts. The result has hints of bananas, chocolate, and coffee. I've made a home brew clone that was excellent.

Looking forward to preparing for Hawaii 2015 with some hints, tips, and motivation from y'all. Hopefully, I can help out as well.

I also like the idea for tri gear with beer on it. Again, heads are in the right place in this group.

2014-07-31 5:26 AM
in reply to: bobbydanny

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Hi Robby! Welcome to BDAAS!!

As promised, my extra pale ale I enjoyed last night. I thought you would appreciate the mug I drank it out of...yup there are still a couple around up here! (for those who know A&W)

(Switchback Extra Pale Ale.jpg)

Switchback Extra Pale Ale.jpg (1009KB - 3 downloads)

2014-07-31 10:18 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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New user
Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

I like the logo idea.  A bike jersey would be something I use a lot more than a tri suit.

2014-07-31 10:22 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by adempsey10

What about a climbing challenge? A King/Queen of the Mountain challenge. Whoever has the highest elevation by the end of the month takes the cake. 


This is a fun idea.  Combined run/bike elevation would spread it out a little.  And if anyone can find a place to swim uphill they can get double credit!

2014-07-31 10:30 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Thanks for the great advice! I originally started with planning on doing a sprint tri in early September because I can do all the distances separately, and thought a month would allow me to string them together. Unfortunately, none of the upcoming local races work with my schedule, but I am definitely planning on a couple races this fall. I'm planning on registering for the Runner's World Five & Dime and a Turkey Trot 5k. I had previously trained for marathons twice, and each time got a hamstring injury a couple weeks before and had to withdraw. That's when I started spinning, and feel tris are more my speed, as I do get very bored with just running. Looking forward to getting to know everyone! Thanks for the welcome.
2014-07-31 10:31 AM
in reply to: podemma

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Swim uphill: just find a river with a decent current

Speaking of swimming, yesterday I went for a great OWS out at the beach. The distance was about 1300m in great conditions, very little wind so there was almost no chop. After a month of only pool swims it was refreshing to get out in the open water.

2014-07-31 12:07 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by aviatrix802 Hi Robby! Welcome to BDAAS!! As promised, my extra pale ale I enjoyed last night. I thought you would appreciate the mug I drank it out of...yup there are still a couple around up here! (for those who know A&W)

Ha, we have A&W's throughout Canada! A thing of beauty!

2014-07-31 12:20 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Welcome aboard to both new members. I'm not sure about having our heads on straight but we have fun.

+1 on the bike jersey I wouldn't wear a tri suit. On a related note I am doing my first HIM beach to battle this year and wondered should I wear a bike jersey (I don't own one) or just my normal tri top?

David congrats on having your kids join you. My daughter wants to do another kids race, but I won't let her until she learns to ride without training wheels. I am using a local kids race in sept to keep her motivated.

also +1 on the advise to go ahead and sign up. I signed up for my first sprint before I owned a bike or had even tried to swim (as exercise I knew how to swim). It gave me a race to compare my progress from last year to this one. I was able to shave 11 min off my time which was a great confidence boost after a rough off season.
2014-07-31 12:28 PM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Note: This is strictly my opinion for someones question about which to wear, not in anyway related to choice of garment for a BDAAS jersey. On that I vote bike jersey for practicality. 

Advantages of bike jersey: 

You can carry more in the pockets

They're generally more comfortable.

You have less exposed skin (less worry about burning)


Advantages to Tri-top:

You can swim in a tri top, be it on its own or under a wetsuit (though having two pieces always makes getting a wetsuit on and off more tricky)

It's technically more aero (but only if its tight fitting and its only really a benefit if you're riding 30+ km/h)


In my opinion a tri singlet is a useless piece of material. Either go bike Jersey with a full zip so you can put it on quickly after the swim and swap it easily for the run or go with a full tri-suit if you want to swim/bike/run in the same outfit and are worried about aerodynamics. Full suit is also more comfortable because you don't have to worry about a jersey or singlet riding up during the bike and run. 

Edited by adempsey10 2014-07-31 12:29 PM
2014-07-31 12:42 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

As for our BDAAS apparel, I am fine with a cycling jersey.

As for races, I own one and two piece tri-suits. Oly and shorter I would absolutely go with tri gear. The only clothing item you put on in transitions is your shoes(I don't wear socks) and you are off! No problem taking wetsuit off with one or 2 piece. I actually like the one piece tri suit, something I wasn't so sure I would like.

2014-07-31 1:43 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I can speak of Pactimo also. I have ordered a jersey from them for my sponsor, Fluid. It is super comfy. I am putting in another order for my tri top and tri shorts today. The quality is excellent.
2014-07-31 1:45 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Well even being on vacation for a week I squeezed in 30/28 after tonight's OWS. Thank goodness no Coors Light for me this month.

As for the climbing challenge next month I call no fair! The highest point we have here in SW FL is the bridge which sits at a whopping 100+/- ft. Unless I go over and back for hours I think I have no chance! HAHA

2014-07-31 1:58 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Burd Well even being on vacation for a week I squeezed in 30/28 after tonight's OWS. Thank goodness no Coors Light for me this month. As for the climbing challenge next month I call no fair! The highest point we have here in SW FL is the bridge which sits at a whopping 100+/- ft. Unless I go over and back for hours I think I have no chance! HAHA
You can pick the cycling challenge in January...while we are all in snow...

2014-07-31 2:20 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by thor67

Originally posted by Burd Well even being on vacation for a week I squeezed in 30/28 after tonight's OWS. Thank goodness no Coors Light for me this month. As for the climbing challenge next month I call no fair! The highest point we have here in SW FL is the bridge which sits at a whopping 100+/- ft. Unless I go over and back for hours I think I have no chance! HAHA
You can pick the cycling challenge in January...while we are all in snow...

Good point lol
2014-07-31 3:04 PM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

My wife and I ordered support crew t-shirts for my Ironman. There's an Iron Dad, Iron Wife, Ironman, Iron Sister (she's three), Iron Mom and Iron Mayden (for my 'step-mom' who isn't really a step mom but we didn't know what else to call her so she picked Iron Mayden (Maiden was copyrighted).



Edited by adempsey10 2014-07-31 3:05 PM


10547634_10152253640622113_8623639201443187688_n.jpg (49KB - 3 downloads)
2014-07-31 5:08 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open the Iron Maiden t-shirt for my mother-in-law!
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