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2019-08-17 8:56 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

You're not meant to take your own into cricket grounds but miraculously a can of stella fits into a tube of pringles with some pringles then put on top to snack on! And a bottle of rose wine looks like pre-made apple and blackcurrant squash. just saying...


On the beer front I tried a lemon radler last night:



Northern Monk x Queer Brewing Project West Coast Routes Lemon Radler Patrons Project 20.01 2.8% 

A radler-style super - sessionable light IPA blended out with the great zesty character of comminuted lemons.

There's a place in Birmingham that serves food and has a blackboard with 25 or so ales on it to try from. Definitely going back there! How is everybody else doing? Weekend plans?

2019-08-18 10:06 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
It's been a while since my last post, still been training, just not posting much.

I followed my 5 1/2 hour week with a 5 hour, and 5:45 week. Which of course are the only 3 weeks over 5 hours SBR since 2017. So I'm happy that I've been moving back to some consistency again. This week, life very much got in the way, I had to make an emergency dash to the other end of the country to help one of our customers with a machine, which sort of screwed up the start of the week. So after my 3 biggest weeks in 2 years I turned this week into a bit of a rest week.

Now I'm looking to get back into the start of some run training for some end of year half marathons, so all going to plan my biggest week since 2017 record should fall quite frequently over the next couple of months

Have a good week everyone.
2019-08-25 4:15 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Hi Guys,

Well, my mate really wanted to do them... so I've gone and entered the 5 race Half Marathon summer series again. Its more for the social aspect of doing some events with my mate (he's not a comfortable swimmer at all, so no interest in Ironman) So I'm going to be treating them as catered training runs in the build up to Ironman. And hopefully a crack at a good time for the last race of the series using the Ironman fitness.

I've had another 'biggest week since 2017' (3rd time in the last 5 weeks) And, other than cutting one of my rides 30 minutes short hit all my targeted workouts for the week.

How is everyone else doing? Anything exciting?

Gretchen, how did your race go?
2019-08-25 11:10 PM
in reply to: #5253131

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Hi all! I’ve been keeping up in the thread; great convo about beers and sports! I’ve had a few BOW but can’t post the pictures via the mobile app.

Good luck in your race Gretchen!!

Andrew, well done on regaining consistency. Those races you have lined up will keep you going for sure!

Ryan, glad to hear the ankle is feeling good.

Rode 30 miles today down in KY before starting work. Friday I had spin class for an hour followed by 1700 yds in the pool and swam 1700 yds the day before that.
I’m in Dallas, TX for the overnight and will be here all day tomorrow so I’m hoping to run and lift at the hotel gym. The rest of the week will be tough with short overnights everywhere I go.

My hubby gave me permission to sign up for Ironman Mont Tremblant next summer. Sign ups start tomorrow. Eek.
He saw how I react when I’m at a race whether I’m in it or not (it’s my happy place), and said, you need to sign up again. Yay. He gets me. Now to figure out how to do the training on the road with crazy backside of the clock schedules. Hahaha. A new puzzle to figure out.
2019-08-26 7:41 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Hey, everyone.  Just finished up a recovery week that started in Cancun and ended with a 20' time trial on the bike Saturday.  Sort of an FTP test - held 245W for the 20' which is about what I expected given a bunch of turns and slowdowns where my reading would be zero.  Aquabike next weekend - this will be the biggest training week in over five years this week then I'll taper pretty hard.  The weather here has finally cooled off a bit (which is good because I'd really like a wetsuit legal swim).

2019-08-26 5:42 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Hey all from this side of the pond. I was in Wales for the weekend so got to swim in the sea (cold and wavey but managed about 15 minutes!) and try this from a local brewery


Sunrise 3.8% Citrus Pale Ale Sunrise 3.8% – A pale, refreshing ale with good citrus flavours and a crisp, grapefruit bitterness.

Any Gretchen news???

2019-08-27 9:39 AM
in reply to: #5262046

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Was Gretchen’s tri this past weekend or the upcoming weekend?

I got my 3 mile run in yesterday on the treadmill in Dallas, TX followed by weights. Trying to stay in zone 2 and that is hard. I wanted to run faster but I’m sticking to the plan of zone 2 build.
I just arrived this morning in San Bernardino, CA and have to day-sleep so we’ll see if I can get anything in today before I head out at 6:00pm tonight.
2019-08-27 9:50 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Shakopee, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

I got my 3 mile run in yesterday on the treadmill in Dallas, TX followed by weights. Trying to stay in zone 2 and that is hard. I wanted to run faster but I’m sticking to the plan of zone 2 build.
I just arrived this morning in San Bernardino, CA and have to day-sleep so we’ll see if I can get anything in today before I head out at 6:00pm tonight.

Nice job getting the workouts in while on the road. I know from experience that somehow, some way, airplanes kill exercise motivation for about 36 hours. It's a mystery......

43 miles of running for me last week in four runs, plus a 2200m swim.
7.58 miles of hills
10 miles at long run pace (8:34)
7.21 mile run with a 5 mile tempo pace (7:20 per mile)
18.27 miles at long run pace (8:37)

Today was 7.03 miles of hills repeats. This Sunday is my first of two 20-milers.

Anybody follow the Lifetime Triathlon series? My Olympic in July was the Minneapolis Tri by Lifetime. Since then, the series has had a tough run. NYC (their premier event) was cancelled by the Mayor due to heat. Then this last weekend in Chicago they cancelled the swim due to sustained easterly winds. The swim was changed to a .75 mile run from swim start to bike transition. I've never participated in a race (run or tri) that was modified late like that. I don't think I would be happy - ESPECIALLY if I had traveled for the event. I understand the safety aspect, but I still wouldn't be happy about it.
2019-08-28 7:13 AM
in reply to: rpaulson7

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

My first "triathlon" was an indoor one that Lifetime Fitness did way back in 2007.  You would swim 10 minutes in the pool, bike 30 minutes on a spin bike, and then run 20 minutes on a treadmill with a 10 minute "T1" and a 5 minute "T2" to change and move to the next stations.  I trained a total of two days for it LOL and only got in 350 yards of swimming in those 10 minutes.  I placed really high in the bike as weight didn't matter, just revolutions, and then did OK on the treadmill.  It was fun and really well organized.  I think I still have the t-shirt somewhere.  That would really suck to have part of a tri cancelled like that, but weather happens and Lake Michigan is no joke when the wind is coming off the lake in Chicago.

Really nice running and great pacing.  Your long run paces and tempo paces seemed a little too close (mine were about 2'/mile apart, based on Daniels Running Formula), but if you're comfortable running at 8:40 forever then I guess keep at what works.

2019-08-28 3:41 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Gretchen was in starting her taper, 3 weeks ago. So I assume that means that her race has been and gone. Some quick stalking of her training log shows a couple of runs this week. So she's still around. Hopefully it all went well.

So far this week

M: 40 minute fast finish run to my parents place after work
T: Lunchtime swim, easy (Z1-Z2) evening 30 minute spin
W: Easy 15 minute jog before breakfast, quick lunchtime swim and 60 minute bike with Vo2 max intervals in the evening.

Today, the little boy slept in, so, so did i! this mornings run can shift to tomorrow Some Z3 work on the bike tonight, either fast finish or tempo, will depend on how I'm feeling when we get there.

So, on track for another good week.

I've never experienced a race being modified like that, but Ironman NZ has been shortened has been shortened twice over the last 15 years or so, once in 2006 to no swim, half ironman bike and run at an 11am start. And in 2012 to a complete half ironman the following day. I know a guy who was supposed to be doing his first full ironman in 2012, he did the race but withdrew from the course at the start of the finishing chute. It would be devastating to have done all the training and the weather gods took it away... but what can you do
2019-08-29 8:24 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Hi All! Many apologies for being derelict in my updating duties for nearly a month. Life got in the way. Just as taper started we had some construction on our house (new roof and chimney removed/patio door installed) that took some time. They still aren't finished! They got the roof done and the chimney taken off the side of the house, mostly, but there is still 18" of chimney sticking off the side of our house. At least the new patio door is in and we love that change!

Race--MiTi. I don't know if anyone followed it, but the race was disrupted I guess is probably the best way to describe it. All week before the weather forecast varied for race day from about 81F and sunny to 87F with 80% chance of thunderstorms. Every day it would change dramatically, but really, there is nothing you can do about the weather. Race morning there was a line of lightening and storms along the western shore of Lake Michigan and the RDs decided to cut the full down to a HIM. Anyone in the HIM could also bump to the Oly or to the Aquabike, but they were going to be closing the course early and if there was any lightening the race was completely cancelled immediately. I am REALLY glad I had already decided months ago to wait another year for the full. I would have been so disappointed! Anyway, I looked at the weather and decided I'd much rather be able to finish a race than be pulled from one for lightening, so I switched to the HIM distance Aquabike. In hindsight, I am super happy I did. The swim was great--water smooth, I was fast, and I even passed several guys who started in the wave in front of me. My sighting was crap though, so I ended up swimming an extra 250yds according to my Garmin. Out of the water and onto the bike all good, although this is the largest transition I've ever been in and I had to zip tie my bike to the rack because it kept falling off. The bike was a tough course with lots of hills for this flatlander. At about mile 22 (21 of those miles were up hill) I was ready to call it quits. My adductors hurt so bad I wasn't sure I could even continue. Plus, I kept hearing something like a break pad rubbing, but after two stops I couldn't find anything wrong with my bike. I kept going because after 22 miles I was already out in the middle of no where and there was honestly no one around to drive me back to transition. About 5 minutes after I made the decision to keep going, it started to rain. Not bad, nothing major, just a little light rain, which was actually cooling me off some. Then...well, then it started to blow. The wind kicked up and all the sudden it was windy and rainy, but still nothing terrible. About mile 35 though, well, that is when the hail started. I have never hoped for lightening so badly in my life. At least if it started lightening, I could quit. This was awful. The hail didn't last long, but once it was over there was 30+mph wind gusts that kept blowing me out into traffic (still raining too). Finally, I hit mile 49 and from mile 49 on, it is a net downhill ride--there were still some climbs to make, but the downhills were greater than the uphills. I finally got to have some fun on that part, but still battling the rain and the winds. I've never been so happy to hit the dismount line...and even happier that I didn't have to then go out and run a half marathon! Not more than 10' after I finished, the rain stopped, the sun came out and the rest of the day was completely gorgeous. I spent quite a long time in the beer tent enjoying several milk stouts I can't remember the name of while watching the Ultra distance national champions finish up. All and all, it was a very tough race. I was glad that I had switched to the aquabike, but it left me feeling like the race season was incomplete, so I changed my registration for my season ending Oly next weekend to the HIM at the same race!

Oh...and I nearly forgot. After the race I went to a local liquor store and bought a 4/6pack of every craft beer they had in stock that wasn't cold. I ended up with 11 different local beers from Grand Rapids area. Last weekend, my wife and I worked our way through tasting 10 of those (sharing beers--we didn't drink the entire 6pack!). We set one aside when we were unloading and totally forgot. Right now, it is the only one I can remember the name of (George's Cherry White Ale). We also had an ice cream ale, peanut butter and jelly stout, and tiramisu stout. All were good, some better than others.

2019-08-29 3:15 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove  After the race I went to a local liquor store and bought a 4/6pack of every craft beer they had in stock that wasn't cold. I ended up with 11 different local beers from Grand Rapids area. Last weekend, my wife and I worked our way through tasting 10 of those (sharing beers--we didn't drink the entire 6pack!). We set one aside when we were unloading and totally forgot. Right now, it is the only one I can remember the name of (George's Cherry White Ale). We also had an ice cream ale, peanut butter and jelly stout, and tiramisu stout. All were good, some better than others.

Now that's how to handle the situation!

That was a wild race - wow! 

2019-08-29 3:54 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
45' run this morning and a 2700yd swim at lunch time. Getting back at it....just in time to taper for HIM next weekend. Oh well...

I don't know if I've mentioned this here before or not, but I think I've come to the point where I have to be much more careful taking my dog on runs with me. It is a sad, sad realization when your dog can't keep up with you anymore (especially when you are slow!). She is almost 12 and a 65# pit mix. Big, but not too big. She is just slowing down a lot over this season and she really cannot do the long runs anymore at all. This morning I took her on a 45' run and she was lagging by the end. I guess she gets to go on short recovery runs from now on. I'll miss her on my long runs (but, I will NOT miss carrying a bag of poop with me for 8 miles, that I will not miss).
2019-08-30 4:28 PM
in reply to: #5262091

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open’s ride went from stupid to bad. Started off as an outdoor ride. I got about three blocks from my house and had a flat. Don’t know why, maybe pinched the tube while changing from trainer to road tire, maybe hit a rock. Anyway, walked my bike home since I was close and didn’t want to use CO2 canisters unless I need them. Got home and realized the only spare tube I have is in my bike bag. That made it so I needed to ride the trainer because no spare tube+Wife’s car in the shop (new breaks)+Wife being at work and my truck being at home=no pickup if I end up with another flat. Changed tire and popped it on the trainer and the trainer is weird. It feels like I’d riding over a rumble strip on the road. A cyclical bump, bump,!? Get off, check the’s fine. Try again. Weird bumping persists. Check the trainer and t is tight enough...bumping persists. Finally watch the rear wheel while riding and realize the trainer drum is jumping every revolution. Like a little hiccup. I tried googling it to see what the hell. Nothing. Tried calling cycling friend (not home). So, I ended up calling it quits early because the thumping got much worse when I upped the power a little and I am concerned I could do more damage.
Went to the lbs to stock up on tubes and asked them. They think it sounds like a drum bearing going bad, which they seemed to think was an easy fix. Don’t know, but I’ll be doing tomorrow’s ride outside!
2019-08-31 1:52 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Ah! that sounds a nightmare! Glad you are now stocked up on spare tubes! been a low volume amount of commuting this week, but did get to try this ale last night whilst at a cricket match.



61 Deep. Newest brew on the Burton block. 61 metres. That’s the depth of the well at the Brewery that gives this refreshing pale ale its name. The five American and Australian hops give it its fresh, zesty aroma, whilst the tropical fruit and citrus notes make it extremely drinkable. Dive in. - 3.8% abv.





2019-09-01 12:29 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove’s ride went from stupid to bad. Started off as an outdoor ride. I got about three blocks from my house and had a flat. Don’t know why, maybe pinched the tube while changing from trainer to road tire, maybe hit a rock. Anyway, walked my bike home since I was close and didn’t want to use CO2 canisters unless I need them. Got home and realized the only spare tube I have is in my bike bag. That made it so I needed to ride the trainer because no spare tube+Wife’s car in the shop (new breaks)+Wife being at work and my truck being at home=no pickup if I end up with another flat. Changed tire and popped it on the trainer and the trainer is weird. It feels like I’d riding over a rumble strip on the road. A cyclical bump, bump,!? Get off, check the’s fine. Try again. Weird bumping persists. Check the trainer and t is tight enough...bumping persists. Finally watch the rear wheel while riding and realize the trainer drum is jumping every revolution. Like a little hiccup. I tried googling it to see what the hell. Nothing. Tried calling cycling friend (not home). So, I ended up calling it quits early because the thumping got much worse when I upped the power a little and I am concerned I could do more damage. Went to the lbs to stock up on tubes and asked them. They think it sounds like a drum bearing going bad, which they seemed to think was an easy fix. Don’t know, but I’ll be doing tomorrow’s ride outside!

You're having quite a time of it cycling, aren't you?  Yikes!  I've had those days...I once flatted in the driveway.  I've also crashed in the driveway. 

2019-09-01 12:35 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Just finished my biggest training week and month, maybe all-time but definitely in the last five years.  Got in a wetsuit-aided 1K pool time trial (16:57...very pleased with that) and 40 miles on the bike yesterday with some Strava KOM chasing (1 out of 3, 3rd on the other two).  Bikram yoga this morning which was awful I was so toast.  Taper starts now; daughter and I are going to get in some OWS practice tomorrow and a short ride.  Looking forward to letting it rip next Sunday - haven't swam "in anger" in over five years or raced the bike in over four.  That's a lot of pent up energy!!!    

2019-09-01 9:02 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Gretchen: It sucks that your race was 'weather disrupted', must be super frustrating to have been all primed for a half Iron and have to change your plans. But it is good to see that you're happy with your AquaBike choice. Good on you for pushing through the urge to quit. I've definitely been there myself, it can be really tough.

I can't offer anything on your dodgy trainer, but have you considered buying a cheap (craigs list etc.) rear wheel dedicated for the trainer? That's the set up I used to use, way easier to swap out a complete wheel than change a tire 2-4 times a week depending on your indoor/outdoor needs. Much less chance of flatting from a rushed tire change too.

Mike: Congratulations on the big training week, enjoy the taper madness.

Me: Another good training week, 2 swims, 4 indoor bikes, 3 runs for 6 1/2 hours total. And for the 4th time in the last 6 weeks, my biggest week since Ironman 2017. Also capped off my biggest month (by far) since peak Ironman training. 26 1/2 hours total S/B/R for August.

Unfortunately the little man has brought home a little flu from the snot factory (kindergarten) again, so I skipped my Sunday run, and will likely skip the next couple of days to get over it. This week is scheduled to be a cutback week anyway, so I suppose its a good time to gave a head cold.

The other bad news is the lap pools at my local pool is going to be closed until November for repairs/renovations. My swimming plan had been lunchtime swims on quiet work days (as the pool is about 5 min from the office) Now that's well and truly off the table. There are other pools I can use, but they are all a bit of a commute, so require planning and making the effort, no chance to pop in if the opportunity arises. I will do some swimming over the next couple of months, I'm just not sure when/how I'm going to fit it in.

everyone else: Hope you're all doing well, and had productive weekends.
2019-09-03 11:14 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Tapering again! Due to MiTi weather issues, I upped my season ender Oly to the HIM at the same race. So...I'm tapering...again. Today was a 2000yd swim and an hour on the bike. My trainer is still down (I haven't had a chance to do anything with it), so I just rode really easy around my neighborhood. The days are getting SHORT! I couldn't get it in between sunrise and the morning commute, so I had to go home after dropping my wife at work (her car is getting new breaks) to do it then.
2019-09-04 12:07 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Short 30' run this morning and that is it for the day. At some point, I guess I should think about packing my gear for the race on Saturday, but for right now, I'm too busy at work! The ideal taper involves sitting in a chair for more than four hours straight, right? That was yesterday. I didn't even realize I'd been at my desk that long until my stomach started to growl at 3:30!
2019-09-05 7:10 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove Short 30' run this morning and that is it for the day. At some point, I guess I should think about packing my gear for the race on Saturday, but for right now, I'm too busy at work! The ideal taper involves sitting in a chair for more than four hours straight, right? That was yesterday. I didn't even realize I'd been at my desk that long until my stomach started to growl at 3:30!

Following the same tapering plan as I sit here eating cookies. 

Yesterday was 45' on the bike with some 3' intervals at 105-105% and a 1K swim, today a shorter bike with 10' at race pace (97%) and will get in a swim this afternoon.  We're headed up to Troy, NY, tomorrow to visit a college (Rensselear Polytech - the engineering school my friends in high school and I wanted to go to but had NO chance to get in), so I'm done biking.  Our hotel has a little indoor pool so I'll get in a quick WU swim in Saturday morning and then we fly back home.  Race is Sunday about an hour from here so 4 AM wake-up.

I'm probably a little short on my taper as I killed myself last week, but this race was kind of a last minute decision anyway.  I'm just hoping to break 30' on the swim (assuming it's wetsuit legal) and push an hour on the bike for the 23 miles.  I just hope it's not windy.


2019-09-05 9:31 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
New rule! Taper MUST involve cookies!
2019-09-05 10:54 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove New rule! Taper MUST involve cookies!


Life must involve cookies!


Image result for cookie monster gif

2019-09-05 1:20 PM
in reply to: #5262169

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Solid I skip my lunchtime swim to, you know, actually eat lunch.
2019-09-05 4:39 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Count me in on the cookie taper!
(Like I don't eat enough already)

Life/training/and an annoying change to either the site or my mobil browser has kept me from posting lately. I've been keeping up though;
Gretchen, grats on your tri turned aquabike! Replacing a trainer bearing might not be that hard, getting the parts might be harder.

Sappho, thanks for reminding me the world cup is on! Most English or Irish pubs here will have the games on if the pub is any good. If they're not too busy most sports bars here can put a game on by request, though I think they may need to pay extra for the world cup, can't remember how that works. I played men's union for about 5 years then stopped after several dislocated shoulders. Coached high school for another 4 years.

I've got my first Olympic next Saturday!
Training has been going pretty well. My running isn't where I had hoped it would be, but my heel is almost 100% so I'll take it. The bike is about where I thought it would be, and I think I'm finally getting the hang of the swim, feeling good, feeling strong.

I took a spill on my bike this past Saturday. I left a little skin on the pavement, my bar tape is destroyed, and my very old, very uncomfortable, already ripped saddle got another little rip. (Good excuse to get a new saddle) Other than that I'm good and the bike is ok.
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