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2010-05-03 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2832115

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
furiousferret - 2010-05-02 6:57 PM Hey guys, I'm alive and well now.  Last night I wasn't doing too hot but it didn't kill me.  My achilles was fine, my asthma was fine.  Although I was grossly untrained I didn't think that beat me either, but more training would have helped.  Thanks for all the messages through the week, they helped me get as far as I got.  Unfortunately that was about 16 miles too short.

I'm still pretty bummed out, my wife is trying to tell me the positives, buts its still pretty painful that I didn't finish.  I think in a way its important that it does hurt.

Here's the race report I posted in the IMSG thread:

I woke up just fine, didn't really have any nerves for it being my first IM event; well I did days before but race morning I was fine.  I even slept on the bus to the swim.

Finished the swim just fine, a little slower than I wanted (1:49), I had to stop behind a buoy and use my inhaler (no biggie), stopped and sighted too much but the water wasn't too cold for me and I exited fresh.

Started the bike, immediately ate a Clif Bar, 2 GU's, and some Gatorade.  At about mile 22 I felt a tad bit off, half the food I ate would come up.  At the second loop I stopped eating and drinking which seemed to fix it.  The hills killed me, but I think they killed everyone else.  At about 4:30 and the winds started.  On the descent into St George I almost went down from a gust while going 45 mph.  That was sketchy.  My goal was to get off the bike fresh and my legs did feel good, not great, but ready to run.

I got off the bike and started the run.  I started cramping really bad and my lower back would just tighten up in pain; like someone put it in a vise grip.  When I tried to run it would get worse.  The plan then was to walk it off until it went away.  I tried everything at the aid stations, chicken broth, gatorade, coke, chips, it wouldn't go away.  Finally after 10 miles I saw an EMT, they told me I was dehydrated and I was sent to the med tent.  Being carted off the course was pretty humiliating, the driver didn't say a word to me, just asked for my bib and chip, and the racers were waving at me on the course.  I really don't wish it upon anyone.

When I got to the med tent tent, the volunteer told me they weren't seeing anyone.  I really didn't know what to do after that because at that point I really wasn't feeling good at all.  People were congratulating me on the race but telling them I did not finish put me in tears; good thing I had my sunglasses on.  I tried to walk back to my hotel, realized I wasn't going to make it, and laid down on a bench in front of a store, still in the same clothes I was running in.  I didn't want to talk to anyone, see anyone, I just wanted to be alone.  

I have no idea how long I was there but finally a nice local family asked if I was okay and I asked them to contact my wife on their cell.  She picked me up, got my bike and wetsuit and we left.  When I got to the room the cramps kept me up all night, they went away around 10 am today.  I still haven't slept.

Chris - I'm so sorry that your day did not go as planned, it sounds like it was really, really rough out there. Take some time to rest up and recover, I'm sure with a bit of time you'll start to feel better and see that even though you weren't able to finish you did the training and made it really far, which in itself is an amazing accomplishment. 

2010-05-03 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2833685

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

calimavs - 2010-05-03 2:11 PM Hi all - I'm finally back from Wildflower, I got back late last night and crashed right when I got home. I'm going to get caught up on what went on over the weekend now and then I'll write up a race report!

I am looking forward to hearing how your day went!!

2010-05-03 2:12 PM
in reply to: #2833685

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2010-05-03 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Race report is up here!

Thanks again to everyone for the inspires last week, I really appreciate all of the encouragement.

2010-05-03 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2833867

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
    As mentioned before it will be awhile before this race is not a painful memory for you.  However if I remember correctly you had a relatively recent injury which was pretty significant and had a major impact on your training.  To me that it was pretty damn gutsy and motivational to see you take on the Ironman.  Think about what you accomplished all things (injury, reduced training) considered... a 2.4 mile swim, 112 bike on one of the toughest IM bike courses, and a 10 mile run to boot.  Pretty inspirational if you ask me.

2010-05-03 3:25 PM
in reply to: #2831333

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
dharris13 - 2010-05-02 12:51 PM ohh and i have never met anyone who is a bigger fan of the office than myself (dont know whether that is sad or awesome). Every day i send my friend an office Quote of The Day..usually a quote from Dwight.

The bike had 5000+ feet of climbing and then run 2000+

Any word on what happened to chris?

GREAT job with the race!!!

p.s. my husband and I watch too much The Office... one time we were driving down the highway and I look out the window, point up at the sky and say "That must be some sort of bird of prey!" Hubby rolls his eyes and says, "That is sooo something Dwight would say!"

2010-05-03 3:26 PM
in reply to: #2833300

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
JoshKaptur - 2010-05-03 10:16 AM
phxphotog - 2010-05-03 2:21 AM I don't know if anyone wants to see photos of an overweight person but I have put up a before and after (4 months) photos on my training log. I took a picture when I first started working out and one today. I still have about 20 pounds to go but I'll get there slowly. I can't believe I lived like that for so many years. Not ever again.

I love before/after pics.  It's been a long term goal of mine for some time to be able to post my own... I'm waiting until my abs show up to do it.

Congrats on your progress.  I'm sure you can FEEL the difference in training/racing too.  Just think how much better it will keep feeling if you keep losing... that helps me make better food choices big time.

I'm not going to be embarrassed about the picture because they are what they are. You lose weight so slowly that you can't always see it but I think you can see it in the pictures. I still have a ways to go and it might take another 6 months or longer but I'm going to get there. I feel so much better and healthier and it does help with your food choices. When you see the weight loss, you don't want to eat that bowl of ice cream at 10pm. I still have to work on diet and exercise but I'm proud of what I have done so far. I appreciate all the support i have gotten on BT.
2010-05-03 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2832115

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
furiousferret - 2010-05-02 9:57 PM Hey guys, I'm alive and well now.  Last night I wasn't doing too hot but it didn't kill me.  My achilles was fine, my asthma was fine.  Although I was grossly untrained I didn't think that beat me either, but more training would have helped.  Thanks for all the messages through the week, they helped me get as far as I got.  Unfortunately that was about 16 miles too short.

Thanks for updating us...I was worried!!  Got a little misty eyed for you reading the recap. Better luck next time my friend.
2010-05-03 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2834106

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
phxphotog - 2010-05-03 2:26 PM
JoshKaptur - 2010-05-03 10:16 AM
phxphotog - 2010-05-03 2:21 AM I don't know if anyone wants to see photos of an overweight person but I have put up a before and after (4 months) photos on my training log. I took a picture when I first started working out and one today. I still have about 20 pounds to go but I'll get there slowly. I can't believe I lived like that for so many years. Not ever again.

I love before/after pics.  It's been a long term goal of mine for some time to be able to post my own... I'm waiting until my abs show up to do it.

Congrats on your progress.  I'm sure you can FEEL the difference in training/racing too.  Just think how much better it will keep feeling if you keep losing... that helps me make better food choices big time.

I'm not going to be embarrassed about the picture because they are what they are. You lose weight so slowly that you can't always see it but I think you can see it in the pictures. I still have a ways to go and it might take another 6 months or longer but I'm going to get there. I feel so much better and healthier and it does help with your food choices. When you see the weight loss, you don't want to eat that bowl of ice cream at 10pm. I still have to work on diet and exercise but I'm proud of what I have done so far. I appreciate all the support i have gotten on BT.

That's definitely nothing to be embarrassed about, it's something to be proud of.  You are right about how slowly it comes off and you don't even realize it until months later.  Keep at it and you'll look back at BOTH of these and thing "wow, I can't believe I looked like that back then".

Here is a comparison between November '08 when I decided to quit smoking and get back into endurance sports after 7+ years: (170lbs, 23.5% body fat [measured by a personal trainer] ) and the beginning of April (1 year and 5 months later): (155lbs, guestimating at 12% body fat)


And no... I was not sticking my gut out on in the first picture and I wasn't sucking it in in the second picture ;-

2010-05-03 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2834237

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-05-03 4:07 PM
phxphotog - 2010-05-03 2:26 PM
JoshKaptur - 2010-05-03 10:16 AM
phxphotog - 2010-05-03 2:21 AM I don't know if anyone wants to see photos of an overweight person but I have put up a before and after (4 months) photos on my training log. I took a picture when I first started working out and one today. I still have about 20 pounds to go but I'll get there slowly. I can't believe I lived like that for so many years. Not ever again.

I love before/after pics.  It's been a long term goal of mine for some time to be able to post my own... I'm waiting until my abs show up to do it.

Congrats on your progress.  I'm sure you can FEEL the difference in training/racing too.  Just think how much better it will keep feeling if you keep losing... that helps me make better food choices big time.

I'm not going to be embarrassed about the picture because they are what they are. You lose weight so slowly that you can't always see it but I think you can see it in the pictures. I still have a ways to go and it might take another 6 months or longer but I'm going to get there. I feel so much better and healthier and it does help with your food choices. When you see the weight loss, you don't want to eat that bowl of ice cream at 10pm. I still have to work on diet and exercise but I'm proud of what I have done so far. I appreciate all the support i have gotten on BT.

That's definitely nothing to be embarrassed about, it's something to be proud of.  You are right about how slowly it comes off and you don't even realize it until months later.  Keep at it and you'll look back at BOTH of these and thing "wow, I can't believe I looked like that back then".

Here is a comparison between November '08 when I decided to quit smoking and get back into endurance sports after 7+ years: (170lbs, 23.5% body fat [measured by a personal trainer] ) and the beginning of April (1 year and 5 months later): (155lbs, guestimating at 12% body fat)


And no... I was not sticking my gut out on in the first picture and I wasn't sucking it in in the second picture ;-

It looks like you shrunk 4 inches in height!  That or your picture was raised
2010-05-03 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2834281

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
GRB1 - 2010-05-03 3:26 PM  

It looks like you shrunk 4 inches in height!  That or your picture was raised

haha, never even noticed that.  The picture actually wasn't moved either.  But, the angle of the camera was different, The first time it was set on a box, the second time I had finally bought a tripod, so it was probably a 3 foot height difference there.  I can't remember if I was wearing shoes in the second picture either, which could account for another inch. 

2010-05-03 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
The goatee was probably 2 pounds just by itself. I'm not buying the camera angle thing...I think you shrunk in every direction. Congrats on the weight loss and the big difference in your body. I'm also digging the Road Id.
2010-05-03 5:09 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2010-05-03 6:46 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
It's funny because some of you guys are East Coast and talk about the day as if it was over but we still have so much time out here on the West coast. I'm not much of an early morning worker outer so I usually get it done after work. Being that I work in TV news, I don't get off until 6:30p, so my workouts start at about 7pm or later. We don't have kids so that doesn't interfere with my workout schedule. I always feel like a slug because everyone has their workouts done for the day and I'm still waiting to start.

I'm going to do my 7 loop 5K run in my neighborhood. Each lap is .44 miles and it has nice lengths to run and walk. I have got the 5K down to about 38 min right now. I hope to get it down to 35 in the next month and keep reducing the time. At some point I'm going to have to increase mileage because of the 1/2 marathon in the 1/2 IM.

Hope everyone had a great workout day.
2010-05-03 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Just went out for an easy 40min run.  I stepped outside and it started raining, but I had already decided to run, so I went anyway.  I usually come up with an excuse not to run when it's raining, but I'm glad I went.  It was so nice out, and the rain felt good once I was wet   Less than 5 weeks 'til my first multisport event of the season (sprint du).  I can't wait!
2010-05-03 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2833953

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I'm in a better state today, still not happy about what happened but I'll channel that energy into my training.  I think its good to feel pain in failures, but that should only last for a day or 2 then its back to business...

- Thanks Phxphotog, I hate to say it but it does feel good that I wasn't the only dnf; I guess misery loves company.  I'm sure your friends are feeling about as bad as I am. 

p.s. nice improvement there, you look very close to were I am right now.  You'll definately start noticing it on the climbs.  At the IM I noticed that I was one of the few guys who doesn't have a sunken cheeks and 8% bf, we'll both get there soon enough..

- PennState, thanks.  Feel free to look at my logs.  December is off a tad but the rest should be accurate.  I really don't blog, and the large gaps are either injury or sickness.  The volunteers were great, hundreds were awesome,  the girl at the med tent wasn't really rude, I just wasn't really lucid and in a real bad state and lets be honest, there's really no nice way to ask for someones bib and chip. 

Josh - I think that's alot of what happened; it was a tough race and alot of people finished with some form of problem.  The run course was probably only flat for 6 miles and the rest were hills, I think alot of finishers were dehydrated.

Margot - Thanks.  In hindsight, I didn't think it was as bad as I thought it would be.  My strategy was to save the legs for the run, which I did but the cramps did me in.  I could have ran 10 miles the next day...if I wasn't still cramping.  In retrospect, I'm proud of what I did. 

Sara - I'm glad you enjoyed the report and I almost didn't put it up.  I really didn't want people to feel sorry for me, in the end this is a hobby and it was better to fail at an Ironman then not to toe to the line.

GRB1 - 2010-05-03 12:36 PM Chris,
    As mentioned before it will be awhile before this race is not a painful memory for you.  However if I remember correctly you had a relatively recent injury which was pretty significant and had a major impact on your training.  To me that it was pretty damn gutsy and motivational to see you take on the Ironman.  Think about what you accomplished all things (injury, reduced training) considered... a 2.4 mile swim, 112 bike on one of the toughest IM bike courses, and a 10 mile run to boot.  Pretty inspirational if you ask me.



I had a partial achilles tear in October and it took and it didn't really heal until mid January.   I reagravated it when I watched the US / Canada hockey game on my trainer and the next day I told my wife my IM was done.  A few weeks later I tried it out and it felt okay. My wife thinks I should have done more long distance stuff but I never had time to build volume (10% a week) and my goal was to get to the start line in decent shape and hope my years of running and cycling would carry me through. 

Here's a pic of my achilles the day after I injured it; that bruise is the tear: 
Achilles tear

Edited by furiousferret 2010-05-03 7:45 PM

2010-05-03 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2834561

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

phxphotog - 2010-05-03 7:46 PM It's funny because some of you guys are East Coast and talk about the day as if it was over but we still have so much time out here on the West coast. I'm not much of an early morning worker outer so I usually get it done after work. Being that I work in TV news, I don't get off until 6:30p, so my workouts start at about 7pm or later. We don't have kids so that doesn't interfere with my workout schedule. I always feel like a slug because everyone has their workouts done for the day and I'm still waiting to start.

I'm going to do my 7 loop 5K run in my neighborhood. Each lap is .44 miles and it has nice lengths to run and walk. I have got the 5K down to about 38 min right now. I hope to get it down to 35 in the next month and keep reducing the time. At some point I'm going to have to increase mileage because of the 1/2 marathon in the 1/2 IM.

Hope everyone had a great workout day.

I'm a morning person that works out early from the east coast on an extended west coast trip!  I have to sit and play on the computer to wait for it to get light enough to go for a run!

I did get into the hotel pool, which is bigger than most, after work tonight. 

2010-05-03 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2832115

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
furiousferret - 2010-05-02 9:57 PM Hey guys, I'm alive and well now.  Last night I wasn't doing too hot but it didn't kill me.  My achilles was fine, my asthma was fine.  Although I was grossly untrained I didn't think that beat me either, but more training would have helped.  Thanks for all the messages through the week, they helped me get as far as I got.  Unfortunately that was about 16 miles too short.

I'm still pretty bummed out, my wife is trying to tell me the positives, buts its still pretty painful that I didn't finish.  I think in a way its important that it does hurt.

Here's the race report I posted in the IMSG thread:

I woke up just fine, didn't really have any nerves for it being my first IM event; well I did days before but race morning I was fine.  I even slept on the bus to the swim.

Finished the swim just fine, a little slower than I wanted (1:49), I had to stop behind a buoy and use my inhaler (no biggie), stopped and sighted too much but the water wasn't too cold for me and I exited fresh.

Started the bike, immediately ate a Clif Bar, 2 GU's, and some Gatorade.  At about mile 22 I felt a tad bit off, half the food I ate would come up.  At the second loop I stopped eating and drinking which seemed to fix it.  The hills killed me, but I think they killed everyone else.  At about 4:30 and the winds started.  On the descent into St George I almost went down from a gust while going 45 mph.  That was sketchy.  My goal was to get off the bike fresh and my legs did feel good, not great, but ready to run.

I got off the bike and started the run.  I started cramping really bad and my lower back would just tighten up in pain; like someone put it in a vise grip.  When I tried to run it would get worse.  The plan then was to walk it off until it went away.  I tried everything at the aid stations, chicken broth, gatorade, coke, chips, it wouldn't go away.  Finally after 10 miles I saw an EMT, they told me I was dehydrated and I was sent to the med tent.  Being carted off the course was pretty humiliating, the driver didn't say a word to me, just asked for my bib and chip, and the racers were waving at me on the course.  I really don't wish it upon anyone.

When I got to the med tent tent, the volunteer told me they weren't seeing anyone.  I really didn't know what to do after that because at that point I really wasn't feeling good at all.  People were congratulating me on the race but telling them I did not finish put me in tears; good thing I had my sunglasses on.  I tried to walk back to my hotel, realized I wasn't going to make it, and laid down on a bench in front of a store, still in the same clothes I was running in.  I didn't want to talk to anyone, see anyone, I just wanted to be alone.  

I have no idea how long I was there but finally a nice local family asked if I was okay and I asked them to contact my wife on their cell.  She picked me up, got my bike and wetsuit and we left.  When I got to the room the cramps kept me up all night, they went away around 10 am today.  I still haven't slept.

I am glad u are ok now though. And i am truely sorry that it ended like it did
2010-05-03 9:18 PM
in reply to: #2832444

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
. I have learned the most from self-analysis of my poorer race performances.

Fred, i completely agree. it sucks...but thats how we learn best
2010-05-03 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2834281

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
GRB1 - 2010-05-03 5:26 PM
zionvier - 2010-05-03 4:07 PM
phxphotog - 2010-05-03 2:26 PM
JoshKaptur - 2010-05-03 10:16 AM
phxphotog - 2010-05-03 2:21 AM I don't know if anyone wants to see photos of an overweight person but I have put up a before and after (4 months) photos on my training log. I took a picture when I first started working out and one today. I still have about 20 pounds to go but I'll get there slowly. I can't believe I lived like that for so many years. Not ever again.

I love before/after pics.  It's been a long term goal of mine for some time to be able to post my own... I'm waiting until my abs show up to do it.

Congrats on your progress.  I'm sure you can FEEL the difference in training/racing too.  Just think how much better it will keep feeling if you keep losing... that helps me make better food choices big time.

I'm not going to be embarrassed about the picture because they are what they are. You lose weight so slowly that you can't always see it but I think you can see it in the pictures. I still have a ways to go and it might take another 6 months or longer but I'm going to get there. I feel so much better and healthier and it does help with your food choices. When you see the weight loss, you don't want to eat that bowl of ice cream at 10pm. I still have to work on diet and exercise but I'm proud of what I have done so far. I appreciate all the support i have gotten on BT.

That's definitely nothing to be embarrassed about, it's something to be proud of.  You are right about how slowly it comes off and you don't even realize it until months later.  Keep at it and you'll look back at BOTH of these and thing "wow, I can't believe I looked like that back then".

Here is a comparison between November '08 when I decided to quit smoking and get back into endurance sports after 7+ years: (170lbs, 23.5% body fat [measured by a personal trainer] ) and the beginning of April (1 year and 5 months later): (155lbs, guestimating at 12% body fat)


And no... I was not sticking my gut out on in the first picture and I wasn't sucking it in in the second picture ;-

It looks like you shrunk 4 inches in height!  That or your picture was raised

Wow those are some amazing pics! Keep it up!!!! You are doing great
2010-05-03 9:24 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I did not mention my post race in my brief little race report. Immediatly after i fnished the race..i felt like i got hit by a bat. I became dizzy...disoriented..and confused. I made my way to the medical tent and was there for over an hour getting 2 bags of IV. BUT...i was SO ontop of my hydration...i am confused. during the race i felt absolutely fine...but after it was like night and day. i DID use more enurolytes and HEED than normal during the a significant amount bc i knew it would be hot out. ANy way that the extra sodium/electrolytes could have caused this?

2010-05-03 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2834365

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

PennState - 2010-05-03 5:09 PM Great job on the weight loss folks. Anyone train today. I had a Meh swim and am now having a beer and bbqing


Got a nice swim in today.  Trying not to hate the pool, stroke felt pretty good today.

2010-05-03 9:54 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
We had a GREAT swim workout this morning! I can't believe how challenging it was and we weren't even trying to hit hard paces!  Swimming with 100% kick/50% pull is TOUGH.

So here's a question I posted on the IMLP board, but I think it's better suited for you guys:

Who is following the BT plan for IMLP????

I need guidance from someone following it!  I started early and now I'm on my last week of training before "tapering" I need to figure out if I need to just cycle through the last couple of weeks again as is or add to what I've already done the second time around (and then wait until July to taper).

I know I HAVE to start nailing my times on the bike.  My 50 mile rides aren't going to cut the mustard come July 25th.  I was hurting after my 50 mile ride/2 mile run this weekend.  I feel like I should be doing more brick workouts like this.  I've got a friend that would have 8-10 hour training days when he was getting ready for IMKY, I think I was expecting that for my own IM training.

Can I really complete an Ironman if most of my training sessions are only about 2 1/2 hours/day with a 5+ hour day on the weekend?!
2010-05-03 10:03 PM
in reply to: #2831283

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
dharris13 - 2010-05-02 8:56 AM

I just sent this to Fred...but here is a brief race report as i am too lazy right now to really write one. here are the impotant (to me) details.

It went amazing!! I am still trying to wrap my head around how i did so well..and i cant come up with how. I PR'ed the swim by almost 2 minutes...and PR'ed the run by almost 10 minutes. The course was HARD HARD. I really just cant understand how i did so well for myself. I Beat my 70.3 PR time by 1 min 37 seconds on by far the hardest course i have done.
Swim: 37:56
Bike: 3:07:48
Run: 1:48:54
Transition times were in top 5% of all finishers.

Overall i went 5:38:23
Top 20% of all finishers.

Thank you everyone for your help and support!!

Great job!  Those are some incredibly fast times and I'm proud of you.  Awesome performance!
2010-05-03 10:16 PM
in reply to: #2834310

Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-05-03 5:42 PM
GRB1 - 2010-05-03 3:26 PM  

It looks like you shrunk 4 inches in height!  That or your picture was raised

haha, never even noticed that.  The picture actually wasn't moved either.  But, the angle of the camera was different, The first time it was set on a box, the second time I had finally bought a tripod, so it was probably a 3 foot height difference there.  I can't remember if I was wearing shoes in the second picture either, which could account for another inch. 

Old you had better taste in socks

Congrats on the progress man!
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