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2010-10-20 2:22 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Good luck in your races all!  I look forward to hearing more about it.  Looks like training is going well for everyone.  That's great!

2010-10-20 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Michael-are you feeling pretty good heading into the home stretch? Any specific goals you are willing to disclose?


2010-10-25 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Brian-how dif the HM go over the weekend?


2010-10-25 9:01 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Brian -- nice job in your race on Sunday!  just two minutes off your 'A' goal is great!

Randy (this is a little long because I'm working this out as I type):

Training has been really tough the past few weeks because of work and ill family.  Ive had to make several impromptu changes to the plan, but I think I'm on a decent track to the end now.  I did a 20 mile run today and that felt OK.

Goals.  Hmmm.  I honestly haven't thought about it -- my entire season was geared towards the Myrtle Beach race a few weeks ago.  The point of this IM was to get another one under my belt, because I really feel that at that distance, experience counts for a lot.

But OK, I'll make something up!  My swim training has been pretty awful, for a lot of reasons, many of them my fault.  On the other hand, the course is fast.  I'd be very happy with 1:10, but satisfied with anything under 1:20 to be honest.  I plan to 'coast' through the swim, and leave it to the bike and run to put in some effort.

Bike:  Course is flat, but can be windy.  Dialing back a bit from my HIM time on a similar course, let's say that 5:30 would be acceptable.  Anything faster than that would be great.  Depends on wind.

Run:  I'd be happy with anything under 3:30.  On a good day I think I could hit 3:20.  On a bad day it could be 3:45 (assuming it isn't so bad that I end up walking).

So I guess that makes my "if everything goes great" time (with 5 minute transitions) 10:10.  Anything under 11 and I'll feel that I did pretty well especially given my recent less than great training.
2010-10-26 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Michael-You have such a great base built up that I suspect you will do well despite the recent difficulties.  When is the race?

What is your "nutrition plan" for a HIM? I think I weigh a bit more than you-5'10-11 and 168lbs. In olympic races I will try to drink a bottle of Accelerade (120 calories) and a bottle of water on the bike, then a gel (100 calories) and water on the run.  Not many calories but of course the race is a good bit shorter.  I was thinking about 3 bottles of Accelerade (360 cal.) and water on the bike and then a gel every 30-40 minutes or so on the run along with water.  Of course, I would adjust depending on the heat but this is what I am thinking about. 

Anyone else-feel free to chime in.




2010-10-26 10:58 PM
in reply to: #3169946

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

As Michael said I was about 2 min off my A goal which was sub 2 hrs.  Time for my first Half-Marathon was 2:01:53.  Last mile was tough; tried to finish strong.   My watch read 2:00:23 but I went through some tunnels at the turn around and it might have affected my GPS; this may account for the time difference.  My best guess.

Race was wet and very hilly.  Right out of the gates we got hit with a huge downpour.   Up, up, up and down, down, down all day.  No flat racing to be had on this route.  Pace was a 9:18/mile.

Have another Half in Mid January that is basically flat.  I'll try to up my intensity in my intervals and speed workouts and try to do slow long runs with a slower pace to increase my mileage beyond 12 mile training runs.  13.1 is the furthest I have ever run even in training.

Good luck with everyones races.  I'll try to comeback at times and stay in touch.

Brian : )

2010-10-27 6:49 AM
in reply to: #3174173

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
TriGuyBri - 2010-10-26 11:58 PM Hi Everyone,

As Michael said I was about 2 min off my A goal which was sub 2 hrs.  Time for my first Half-Marathon was 2:01:53.  Last mile was tough; tried to finish strong.   My watch read 2:00:23 but I went through some tunnels at the turn around and it might have affected my GPS; this may account for the time difference.  My best guess.

Race was wet and very hilly.  Right out of the gates we got hit with a huge downpour.   Up, up, up and down, down, down all day.  No flat racing to be had on this route.  Pace was a 9:18/mile.

Have another Half in Mid January that is basically flat.  I'll try to up my intensity in my intervals and speed workouts and try to do slow long runs with a slower pace to increase my mileage beyond 12 mile training runs.  13.1 is the furthest I have ever run even in training.

Good luck with everyones races.  I'll try to comeback at times and stay in touch.

Brian : )


Again, nice race!  Was it chip timed?  In some chip-timed races everybody gets the same 'starting time' even if you start well back in the pack (i.e., there is no timing mat at the start, only at the end).  That could also account for the difference.
2010-10-27 7:04 AM
in reply to: #3173223

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
slornow - 2010-10-26 2:42 PM

What is your "nutrition plan" for a HIM? I think I weigh a bit more than you-5'10-11 and 168lbs. In olympic races I will try to drink a bottle of Accelerade (120 calories) and a bottle of water on the bike, then a gel (100 calories) and water on the run.  Not many calories but of course the race is a good bit shorter.  I was thinking about 3 bottles of Accelerade (360 cal.) and water on the bike and then a gel every 30-40 minutes or so on the run along with water.  Of course, I would adjust depending on the heat but this is what I am thinking about.


Just for comparison, I take in a lot less than you do in an Olympic race -- one gel before the swim, then about 150 calories of sports drink on the bike, and maybe 50 or so in randomly grabbed sports drink on the run.  If it is especially hot or I'm especially suffering, I might take a gel on the run.  I treat an Olympic race more or less as a long sprint, both in terms of how I race it and my nutrition.

That said, HIM is a totally different beast -- I try to come a lot closer to maximizing my intake of calories there, so our strategies would probably be much closer together at that distance.  Again I take a gel before the swim.  Then on the bike I eat one Cliff Bar (around 250 calories), a bottle of strong (~3-4x) sports drink (normally Heed but my stomach is generally OK with anything), and water to thirst (and to dilute the sports drink as I drink it).  (Water bottle goes on the aero bars and I swap that out on course as needed; sports drink goes on the downtube and stays there.)  I don't usually finish the sports drink (especially if it is cool), so we'll call that 300 calories.  I'll usually take one gel as well (another 100).  So that's 650 calories for a 2.5 hour ride, or 260/hour, which is getting close to what my body can absorb at that effort level.  On the run I'll typically take 2 gels and a few swigs of sports drink, so around 250 calories.

On the bike, I generally try to take some calories in every 15 minutes, and I generally try to alternate gels or solids with sports drink.

For me, regardless of the details, the important principles are these:

* Eat solid foods early (so first thing in my mouth is Cliff Bar); gels and liquids later.  (I need those solids to be, um, well-processed, by the time I'm running.)
* On the bike, eat to run; on the run, eat to survive.  (I.e., I take in a lot more on the bike than I do on the run, and by around mile 9 or so on the run I completely shut down nutrition and just take whatever water I need to stay 'hydrated' to the end).
* If at all possible, live off the course on the run.
* Drink water to thirst, not to schedule.

Good luck in your race!
2010-11-04 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Looks like the group is tappering down (pun intended). 

I'm chiming in because I just had a breakthrough today at swim and needed to share with people who understand.

I performed 12x25m  with 3 sets of easy;fast;faster;fastest.  Well, on my last fastest I broke the 20s with a 19 second for 25m.  I think the fastest I ever performed 25m last season was around 25 second and with a hard push off the wall.  I no longer push off the wall, its more like a toe push.  I decided that since I have no wall to push off in open water I might as well train like it.  Anyway, my first two fastest sets were at about 21s.  On the last one I visualized my swim during my 30s rest and went for it.   I believe I kept good form, felt like it anyway.  What a feeling.

I believe some of you have races coming up, good luck to all.

2010-11-05 2:33 PM
in reply to: #3196225

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-11-04 11:47 PM Looks like the group is tappering down (pun intended). 

I'm chiming in because I just had a breakthrough today at swim and needed to share with people who understand.

I performed 12x25m  with 3 sets of easy;fast;faster;fastest.  Well, on my last fastest I broke the 20s with a 19 second for 25m.  I think the fastest I ever performed 25m last season was around 25 second and with a hard push off the wall.  I no longer push off the wall, its more like a toe push.  I decided that since I have no wall to push off in open water I might as well train like it.  Anyway, my first two fastest sets were at about 21s.  On the last one I visualized my swim during my 30s rest and went for it.   I believe I kept good form, felt like it anyway.  What a feeling.

I believe some of you have races coming up, good luck to all.


Way to go Sylvain!  Swimming breakthroughs sure do feel good (and for me at least, are as rare as hen's teeth).
2010-11-07 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Well, finished my first HIM today in Conroe Texas. It was 36 degrees when we started-water temp was 75. This was my first wetsuit legal race and it gives an extra degree of security. Swim was 39-40 minutes. Slow T1 as I had to dry off and then put on a couple layers of clothing due to the cool temps-it was cold enough that my helmet visor was covered in frost. Bike was around 2:44-45, about 4-5 minutes slower than planned but we hit some wind over the last 15 miles or so and it hurt me. I clocked my run at 1:54 and was pleased with that-I knew I would have to have a good run to break 5:30. My watch showed 5:28:11

Not sure what my "official" time will be. When results were posted I was not listed. Talked to the timing guy and they did not have my run time.  He took what I had from my watch but not sure he was really paying attention-we will see.  Overall I'm satisfied as goal was 5:30. Cold weather made my transitions really slow-dread seeing them.  Will post my RR when results are published.  Thanks to all for your support.


2010-11-07 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3199517

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Way to go Randy! Happy to see you met your goal!  5:30 for HIM is also my goal, now I really can't wait till Sept 2011.

2010-11-08 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Iron Star race report posted. Final time 5:27:55.


2010-11-09 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Brian, congrats on your 1/2 M.  Given the conditions, that sounds like a really good run for your 1st one.  I'm guessing in Jan, with this one to build on, an easier course, and better conditions, you'll be around 1:55.

Randy - awesome HIM.  I was always impressed with you guys who could do HIMs and now that I've done one, your times and achievements are probably even more impressive.  Well done.

I'm scheduled for my likely last race of the season on Saturday - 1/2 M.  I was feeling very positive until this weekend when I had a slow run, felt lousy on Sunday and again last night.  Seem to be fighting some kind of infection.  Everyone around here has had some kind of cold or something.  Usually I get sick for a day or two and then I'm over it.  Hope that's the case this time as well.  The headaches really suck.  Anyway, have been pretty much on track with my training, so if all aligns, I'll have a shot at sub 2hr - my goal as well Brian.  There's one more local 1/2 M in Dec that I might do - more than anything just to push a little farther / harder on the run training at the end of this year vs. last year and hopefully carry that into 2011 (not to mention, to keep me honest at Thanksgiving!)

2010-11-09 7:29 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Nice race!  That's a great result, Randy.
2010-11-09 7:39 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Thanks guys!  Michael and Stu good luck in your races this weekend.  I may try to do a half marathon in Dec. and another in January if I can stay healthy and avoid injury.  Like Stu pointed out having a race on the horizon is a good way to stay focused and motivated.

2010-11-09 11:49 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Nice Job on the 1/2 IM Randy.  I'll go read your race report as it might contain answers to my questions.  Stu good luck on the 1/2 M.  Hope you get to feeling better.  Sub 2 all the way!!!

By the way (Real Sucky kind of story) one of the Drs. my wife works for was out in Florida for the Ironman and he trained all year for the race.  I was tracking him and his tracker said DNF and this was toward the start of the race.  My wife found out today that he got kicked in the face and then hit in the head during the swim and he aspirated so much salt water and was coughing up blood.  They had to pull him from the water and into the Medical tent and he couldn't continue.  Really just too bad.

Good luck on your upcoing races everyone.

2010-11-13 11:02 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Hi All,

Had a great run today and a perfect way to end my season on a high note.  Took about 9 min off my time from last year and came in 2+ minutes under my whisper goal in a time of 1:52:41.  Just nailed the race!  I'm beat now though, but did put together the race report.  Pacing was just right and had enough in the tank for the end.  I couldn't believe it when I saw the clock at the end.  Just kept banking the 8:30s and never had to withdraw them :-)

Looking forward to hearing about B2B... that may be on my list for next year.  Hope Michael had better luck with the swim this time!

2010-11-14 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3209910

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

juneapple - 2010-11-13 11:02 PM Hi All,

Had a great run today and a perfect way to end my season on a high note.  Took about 9 min off my time from last year and came in 2+ minutes under my whisper goal in a time of 1:52:41.  Just nailed the race!  I'm beat now though, but did put together the race report.  Pacing was just right and had enough in the tank for the end.  I couldn't believe it when I saw the clock at the end.  Just kept banking the 8:30s and never had to withdraw them :-)

Looking forward to hearing about B2B... that may be on my list for next year.  Hope Michael had better luck with the swim this time!


Stu-that is a great way to end the season. An outstanding result.  Just read the race report-hope that blister gets better. Whats up next for you?


2010-11-14 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3209910

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
juneapple - 2010-11-14 12:02 AM Hi All,

Had a great run today and a perfect way to end my season on a high note.  Took about 9 min off my time from last year and came in 2+ minutes under my whisper goal in a time of 1:52:41.  Just nailed the race!  I'm beat now though, but did put together the race report.  Pacing was just right and had enough in the tank for the end.  I couldn't believe it when I saw the clock at the end.  Just kept banking the 8:30s and never had to withdraw them :-)

Stu that is an awesome result.  Really, you absolutely nailed that race.  That's a performance to remember.

Looking forward to hearing about B2B... that may be on my list for next year.  Hope Michael had better luck with the swim this time!

Um, no.  But I'm happy with the race.  Report here.
2010-11-15 6:27 AM
in reply to: #3210718

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-11-14 9:57 PM   Um, no.  But I'm happy with the race.  Report here.

"Um, no" would be putting it mildly.  I don't know where your inner triathlon beast comes from Michael, but I want some of that elixir.  If we show our true colors in the face of obstacles, you're at the head of the pack.  Great, epic race, Michael.  Congrats!

2010-11-15 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3210065

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
slornow - 2010-11-14 9:20 AM  Whats up next for you?

An excellent question.  Learned from my HIM that I better have something to aim for after a big race or I quickly lose motivation.  My "duct tape" answer is that there's a local .5M in 3 weeks that I will plan to do just to keep my focus over Thanksgiving.  Then I need to think through whether there's a marathon in my 2011 plan or not.  I'd really like to consolidate this run base that I built this Fall and keep the weight loss going.  Somehow I need to get to Jan 1 at (or close to) 200lbs.  I really don't want to race another season in the Clydes.

It would be great to hear everyone's thoughts/plans for the 2011 season.  I'm also going to put together a "what did I learn in 2010" list over Thanksgiving.  I was thinking that could be a good reflection process... again, would love to hear others' thoughts in that arena.  One resolution I have for 2011 is to never switch to breaststroke in the swim again :-)

2010-11-15 6:07 PM
in reply to: #3209910

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
juneapple - 2010-11-14 12:02 AM Hi All,

Had a great run today and a perfect way to end my season on a high note.  Took about 9 min off my time from last year and came in 2+ minutes under my whisper goal in a time of 1:52:41.  Just nailed the race!  I'm beat now though, but did put together the race report.  Pacing was just right and had enough in the tank for the end.  I couldn't believe it when I saw the clock at the end.  Just kept banking the 8:30s and never had to withdraw them :-)

Looking forward to hearing about B2B... that may be on my list for next year.  Hope Michael had better luck with the swim this time!


Great job Stu, nice finnish to your season.  Well deserved PB.  You've trained hard and come a long way.
2010-11-15 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3210904

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
juneapple - 2010-11-15 7:47 AM
slornow - 2010-11-14 9:20 AM  Whats up next for you?

An excellent question.  Learned from my HIM that I better have something to aim for after a big race or I quickly lose motivation.  My "duct tape" answer is that there's a local .5M in 3 weeks that I will plan to do just to keep my focus over Thanksgiving.  Then I need to think through whether there's a marathon in my 2011 plan or not.  I'd really like to consolidate this run base that I built this Fall and keep the weight loss going.  Somehow I need to get to Jan 1 at (or close to) 200lbs.  I really don't want to race another season in the Clydes.

It would be great to hear everyone's thoughts/plans for the 2011 season.  I'm also going to put together a "what did I learn in 2010" list over Thanksgiving.  I was thinking that could be a good reflection process... again, would love to hear others' thoughts in that arena.  One resolution I have for 2011 is to never switch to breaststroke in the swim again :-)


For me, since I have no race planned until May, I have broken my off season in three parts. Swim and strength focus until January, then Run and strength focus until May 29 (half marathon race), and finish with a bike focus session up until my first Oly (long Oly IE: 2K swim) in June.  For the rest of summer I will balance out training between the three until my first HIM in September.  I have other planned races during the summer which I will use to iron out weaknesses’.   I haven’t set any concrete goals for each sport yet, but I plan on improving my avg pace for swim to near or under 2min/100m for any long race.  I struggled last season on swim because of poor technique, my swim focus will be to perfect my form and that should give me my goal.  Run, my current goal is 1:45 for half marathon; my ultimate goal is 1:30.  For the HIM, I would really like my run to be near 1:45.  Bike, I would really like to hit 21 mi/hr avg by June Oly.  I’m hitting the weights hard to help me achieve this, and will build a good endurance base during the winter.

Those are my plans and I am really excited about next season. 


2010-11-16 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3212372

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-11-15 8:15 PM

For me, since I have no race planned until May, I have broken my off season in three parts. Swim and strength focus until January, then Run and strength focus until May 29 (half marathon race), and finish with a bike focus session up until my first Oly (long Oly IE: 2K swim) in June.  For the rest of summer I will balance out training between the three until my first HIM in September.  I have other planned races during the summer which I will use to iron out weaknesses’.   I haven’t set any concrete goals for each sport yet, but I plan on improving my avg pace for swim to near or under 2min/100m for any long race.  I struggled last season on swim because of poor technique, my swim focus will be to perfect my form and that should give me my goal.  Run, my current goal is 1:45 for half marathon; my ultimate goal is 1:30.  For the HIM, I would really like my run to be near 1:45.  Bike, I would really like to hit 21 mi/hr avg by June Oly.  I’m hitting the weights hard to help me achieve this, and will build a good endurance base during the winter.

Those are my plans and I am really excited about next season. 


Thanks Sylvain... 1:30... can't even imagine... wow!  May is a long way to wait for a race... you're a better man than I if you can keep a good training focus for that long :-

Weights... good issue and would love input from others on this.  I've been thinking about doing some upper body work for my swimming.  Something is going on with my swimming pace and one of the possibilities is the need for more strength.  I had done some work with weights when I started swimming again and I think that might be part of the puzzle.  But I've heard mixed reviews on weights on the boards here.  Not so much for swimming, but for running/biking.

Related to this is a strange question.  I've found that although I can run 10 miles and not feel particularly winded (seriously, it's my muscles that are holding me back on the run), when I walk up stairs, I feel like a friggin' old man.   Is this indicative of a weakness in a particular set of muscles... and if so, are they important to run/bike?  I also find that I rapidly fall behind people on the run on inclines... I've always chalked this up to having more weight to lug up the hill, but maybe it is something else that should be addressed and related to the stair issue.  I ran a hilly route last night that highlighted this issue for me.  I don't avoid hills on my training runs, I'm just particularly slow on them. 

Thanks for any thoughts on this... will have a marathon question for you runners later this week.  Just have to figure out what the question is... hahaha!

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