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2013-05-21 9:36 AM
in reply to: bradaskins


Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I am not sure a propeller would have helped me with mine...My watch showed 1:20 when i made the last turn to come back to the doc...less than 1000 yards to go and I couldn't do it in an hour...The current was so strong the weighted down scuba divers at the bottom were holding on to the buoys for dear

2013-05-21 10:54 AM
in reply to: spie34

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Rose Lake, Idaho
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
My bib number is 2485.

Did 102 miles on the course yesterday, before some staples flattened my tires. Warm. Breezy. Headwind on the way out and tailwind on the way back. Course still quite dirty. I used to think the most annoying part was getting through town with the lights and traffic. On the second loop hungery and thirsty, the wonderful smells from the resturants and watching people drink a cold beer in the sunlight was very tough!
2013-05-21 1:37 PM
in reply to: rbalazs

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Hugo, MN
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by rbalazs

Originally posted by dkahns51

So now the weeks are slowing down to 15 1/2 hr weeks for those of you on the 36 week plan. Are you going to follow that or are you going to keep going big for this week and possibly next then cut it down for the last 3?

I have 3 big volume weeks remaining and then will begin taper 2 weeks out. The weekends 5, 4, and 3 weeks out have always been very big volume weeks for me and I've usually done a 3 week taper but due to the loss of a couple weeks becasue of injury I'm going with a 2 week taper this race.

Same here. 3 big weeks, 2 week taper. It's like we're on the same wavelength!
2013-05-21 5:53 PM
in reply to: silentcs42

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Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Did a 200K bike tour saturday and felt great the whole time. Granted our average moving speed was a slow 16 MPH, but it was nice to feel the distance in the saddle. Sunday was supposed to be a 4 hour run, but due to some scheduling issues and stomach issues it turned into a 1.5 hour suffer fest in near 90 degree weather with vomit looming the entire run. Note to self don't eat chips and pizza for lunch and expect to run 4 hours in extreme heat.
Just finished reserving the rental car and starting to plan out things for the road trip.
This is my last big week before the race. Then one moderate week ending with anothere 200K. bike ride on June 8th. Then all taper from there.

Brad. I know how you feel. last year at Steelhead 70.3 I hated life. The swim was OK, but I flatted on the bike, missed an aid station also on the bike and had to ride almost 20 miles without water. I walked almost the whole run and had a time of 6:30 or so. It was miserable. No wriies though. You'll bounce back and do fine in CDA. Here's to hoping for 70 and sunny with a water temp of 62-67.
2013-05-22 10:19 AM
in reply to: roywidget

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by roywidget

Originally posted by dkahns51

So now the weeks are slowing down to 15 1/2 hr weeks for those of you on the 36 week plan. Are you going to follow that or are you going to keep going big for this week and possibly next then cut it down for the last 3?

My plan is to stick to the plan. Last week was really tough, and I think my body is ready to cut it down to 15 1/2. Even saying that seems funny to me...

I think i will be sticking to the plan, but i will be adding more core work this week. I want to bump up the weekend ride.. but it clearly says stick to the plan. I feel oddly good though. I think i feel good this week because i moved my big run from Sunday to Wednesday last week and did my long ride on Sunday so i didn't have to recover from a huge packed weekend.
2013-05-22 12:12 PM
in reply to: dkahns51

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by dkahns51

So now the weeks are slowing down to 15 1/2 hr weeks for those of you on the 36 week plan. Are you going to follow that or are you going to keep going big for this week and possibly next then cut it down for the last 3?

I'm trying to follow pretty close this week. I cut down my bike today by about 20 minutes but went over on the bike yesterday by 10 on accident. I just didn't have time to get the full 2 hours in this morning.

I feel fairly decent right now. I can tell I am fatigued some but some of that has to do with my 2 year old waking me up 2-3 times a night every night it seems so sleep is what is causing my fatigue more than anything else.

I followed a plan last year that was similar to this one (regarding periodization and taper) for my HIMs and while I didn't feel I was ready for the races, the results of my second HIM showed what I felt as I had prepared properly.

Nonetheless though, people still need to listen to their bodies. If they hurt a little bit more than what should be normal, it might not hurt to cut back a touch to prevent injury. If they are feeling like they do not have any energy, take a rest day or cut out the event that you are stronger at that day and do the event you are not as strong at.

2013-05-22 12:55 PM
in reply to: spie34

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
My training is going well as well, going to have to juggle a few things around due to work schedule, and my youngest son's high school graduation but it's all coming together nicely. Did a HIM this past Saturday and was shocked to find myself ready to run the very next day. I did hold off to be safe and took my normal Monday off as well, got on the bike last night and legs felt very strong. Swam this morning and swam an extra 250m because I forgot to check my plan which is silly since it is on my computer, cell phone, tablet, etc. Feeling good all around.

What's up with the weather? Out here on base it is currently 39, feels like 32! Expected high is 48, it was 40 degrees warmer than that not all that long ago. Hoping for a quick turn around as I would hate to have to do my final big ride of 100 miles on the drainer!
2013-05-22 2:12 PM
in reply to: 0

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Can't believe my plan peaks next week, then it's three weeks of taper.

Signed up to run the half at the Cd'A Marathon this Sunday... wishing I hadn't because it messes with my schedule, but my son and wife wanted to do the 5k, so I signed up without really thinking it through.

I really need to ride about 90-100 on the course this weekend (Monday is not an option). Looking for some advice... I'm thinking if I do the ride on Saturday, the HM on Sunday will suffer (I hate being in a race and not going for a PR). Last week, my short run on the day following the long bike was pretty lackluster.

Or, I'm thinking of going for it on the HM, and then ride the course after an hour or two of rest. Those hills will be a killer on tired legs, but maybe that would be a good thing at this point in my training plan - before I go into taper mode.

What would you do?

Edited by PrivateIdaho 2013-05-22 2:17 PM
2013-05-22 6:48 PM
in reply to: PrivateIdaho

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by PrivateIdaho

Can't believe my plan peaks next week, then it's three weeks of taper.

Signed up to run the half at the Cd'A Marathon this Sunday... wishing I hadn't because it messes with my schedule, but my son and wife wanted to do the 5k, so I signed up without really thinking it through.

I really need to ride about 90-100 on the course this weekend (Monday is not an option). Looking for some advice... I'm thinking if I do the ride on Saturday, the HM on Sunday will suffer (I hate being in a race and not going for a PR). Last week, my short run on the day following the long bike was pretty lackluster.

Or, I'm thinking of going for it on the HM, and then ride the course after an hour or two of rest. Those hills will be a killer on tired legs, but maybe that would be a good thing at this point in my training plan - before I go into taper mode.

What would you do?

I would ride the course if you can on Saturday and then do your HM on Sunday as a training run rather than a race. I don't think trying to ride 100 miles afterwards would be a good idea nor going all out on Sunday on tired legs as you might have to miss a couple of other days of training.

Use the race as a guide for the run portion of the IM.

Or other option would be to run the race as you plan to do the run for the IM taking in nutrition like you will for the IM run and then wait a couple of hours and go for the 100 miles on the bike.

I know I would not run the HM at race pace due to chance of injury or extra fatigue that gets onset 2-3 days afterwards. Good luck in your race though.

2013-05-22 7:25 PM
in reply to: spie34

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
You could do a Run sandwich on Sunday.... bike 50, to HM, bike 50 more . If it was me I would just ride Saturday and run it easy sunday.
2013-05-22 8:37 PM
in reply to: dkahns51

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Rose Lake, Idaho
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I met a 65 year old Ironman today. I told him how aerobically good I felt, yet my body and joints are killing me on my long days. I said I feel like I still have not trained enough. He said " You really dont plan on winning your age group are you? You are better off enjoying the ride, than getting a season ending injury. Back off some and stay mentally and physically fit." For me at 51 years old, I found this to be good advice.

2013-05-22 11:50 PM
in reply to: MRGIBBS

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Thanks for the wind info

I'm on week 1 of 2 peak (19 hours scheduled, which will take me around 22-23 to do lol... coach tends to be aggressive with the paces ha I joke with her about how much longer it takes me to do my "assignments" ... although I have been able as of late to get pretty much on the dot with the times she has!), then 3-week taper. Runs are 7, 5 (brick), and 18, 1 90-minute bike interval, 135-140 average heart rate for 30 miles on the trainer, and 90 miles (brick), 2 pool swims (drills, intervals, etc.) and 40 minutes at the lake, and 1.5 hours of strength and some foam rolling. Next week will be about the same with that run being 20 miles and the bike being 100.

I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself the last week of June lol Can we start a Post-Ironman Blues Thread?

First Ironman. I'm in good shape to finish by the cutoff. I've been going over 14 MPH on the bike on hillier terrain. I need 3:00/100 on the swim, 14 MPH on the bike, and 14:40 on the run, and I've been hitting all three. I'm dreading the day after, though, specially if I do accomplish that medal. I've been training for it for a year and a half.

For my first HIM I had such a delicious high that lasted for a whole week and then I crashed, hard. And it's funny because I remember thinking, I'm undergoing post-race blues, awesome, I didn't actually think it could happen to me. That was in October. I skipped a couple of training sessions because I didn't feel like doing them. I had a hard time going back to long distances. I finally just had a talk with myself. I said Debbie, it's ok if you don't want to do the Ironman. $650 lost, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not the end of the world. If that's not a goal anymore, that's ok. Move on, pick something else. But if you want to do the Ironman, you cannot skip more training sessions. Who cares about the two training sessions, let them go, don't even worry about them. But you better decide now whether you still want the Ironman or not. And if you want it, you go back into training now.

That's how I got myself out of the post-HIM funk. But I figured if that's what it was with the HIM, I can't imagine the IM lol. For my second HIM in April it was just another training day. I told my coach I don't care if she has me running one hour miles, I want to be back doing SOMEthing as soon as possible, hopefully 1-2 days after the race. I don't care what it is, or the intensity, but I want to be back in training within days of the IM because my mind works better that way.
2013-05-23 9:46 AM
in reply to: GatorDeb

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Northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I just realized that it is the 23rd today. One month! The next time it is the 23rd we will be racing!
2013-05-23 3:57 PM
in reply to: PrivateIdaho

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by PrivateIdaho

Can't believe my plan peaks next week, then it's three weeks of taper.

Signed up to run the half at the Cd'A Marathon this Sunday... wishing I hadn't because it messes with my schedule, but my son and wife wanted to do the 5k, so I signed up without really thinking it through.

I really need to ride about 90-100 on the course this weekend (Monday is not an option). Looking for some advice... I'm thinking if I do the ride on Saturday, the HM on Sunday will suffer (I hate being in a race and not going for a PR). Last week, my short run on the day following the long bike was pretty lackluster.

Or, I'm thinking of going for it on the HM, and then ride the course after an hour or two of rest. Those hills will be a killer on tired legs, but maybe that would be a good thing at this point in my training plan - before I go into taper mode.

What would you do?

I agree with what others have said, use it as training. I like the suggestion of getting some riding in before the run and using the HM as a chance to dial in your pace and nutrition for the IM. What about doing 70 to 80 on Saturday and then 20 or 30 before the HM Sunday morning?
2013-05-23 4:02 PM
in reply to: GatorDeb

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
The 23rd......anyone else feeling anxious?

Gatordeb......thanks for sharing your back story. Sounds like you are more than ready for this race. Your tenacity is contagious.
2013-05-23 4:09 PM
in reply to: MRGIBBS

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by MRGIBBS

I met a 65 year old Ironman today. I told him how aerobically good I felt, yet my body and joints are killing me on my long days. I said I feel like I still have not trained enough. He said " You really dont plan on winning your age group are you? You are better off enjoying the ride, than getting a season ending injury. Back off some and stay mentally and physically fit." For me at 51 years old, I found this to be good advice.

Probably is some good advice.......a lot training down the drain if you get a serious injury now.

2013-05-23 9:55 PM
in reply to: johnyutah5

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Got my first open water swim in today. I went to medical lake because its warmer there... but still cold on the face getting in. I had no one with me, or no one at the park so i stayed pretty close to shore the whole time being that it was my first time OWS. I got in 1/2 a mile and called it a day, it started to rain a little. I did panic a little but at least i went ahead and got the first one out of the way to make room for longer ones to come!
2013-05-24 8:57 AM
in reply to: dkahns51

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Big weekend ahead! This is my peak week (I'm assuming) with 20 hrs. 15 of those hours are Fri-Sat-Sun. The good news is that I have Monday off - I just have to survive to enjoy it.

Today: 3700 m pool swim, 3.5 hr ride with ~4k ft of climbing, 35 min run
Sat: 1.5 hr OWS, 1 hr run
Sun: 7 hr ride

I just need to take it easy and get 'er done.
2013-05-24 11:02 AM
in reply to: mountain_erin

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Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Erin I know how you feel mine looks like this:
Satruday 1 hour swim/5 hour bike
Sunday 2 hour run
Monday 5 hour bike/3 hour run
So much for the holiday weekend, but it's all taper from there for me. See everyone in a few weeks.............
2013-05-24 11:48 AM
in reply to: maverickbassets

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I wish my big weekend was this week, I am tempted to swap this weekend with next weekend especially since I will be working. Trying to figure out how to fit in a 100 mile bike, 20 mile run and a 4000m swim while being at work 9 hours or more each day is not working for me at the moment.
2013-05-24 12:26 PM
in reply to: johnyutah5

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Big weekend for me too... only one more after this:

Today - 3500 yds in the pool and a 2:30 run.
Saturday -  5:30 bike (90-100 miles on the course)
Sunday - Cd'A Half Marathon
Monday - Masters swim, 1:00 recovery run

Thanks  johnyutah5, dkahns51,  spie34 for the advice on my long bike and HM this weekend.  You're right, the bike ride should be the primary workout, so I will will do that standalone on Saturday... the HM on Sunday should just be a workout (where I get a shirt and a medal) - not a race.

2013-05-24 1:00 PM
in reply to: 0

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

When I get some spare time, over the weekend, I was thinking that since I'm the one that started this thread, I would take on the task of compiling a table with everyone's bib numbers, screen name and real first names. Might be useful for meeting-up before the race or "looking strong!" shout-outs during the race - not sure I can remember or pronounce all the screen names.

I'll go back and find all the posts where people posted their bibs and start creating the table.  Other than bib#, screen name and first name, any other columns you'd like to see?

- Home Town?

- Date arriving in Cd'A?

- Where staying in the area?

- Family with you (kids/ages)?

- Race kit?

- Race bike?

- Age Group?

- Going to Welcome banquet?

- This will be Ironman number __ for you.

- Any other?


Edited by PrivateIdaho 2013-05-24 1:07 PM
2013-05-24 1:06 PM
in reply to: PrivateIdaho

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Missed a day yesterday working out. I feel guilty somewhat about it but I haven't gotten good sleep the last few nights (2.5 year old daughter does that to you at times) so I decided to skip my workouts yesterday.

I am planning on replacing yesterday's longer swim workout with today's shorter swim workout and then replacing tomorrow swim workout with todays and on Sunday doing Saturday's swim workout since my swim workouts have taken the biggest hit of them all.

Here is what is on my plate for the weekend. I had really thought about getting over to CDA to do my Saturday workouts but with the weather hit and miss I think I'll just stay in Spokane instead and attempt to get everything done by noon on Saturday and on Sunday I hope to have everything done by noon as well. That will give me time to start ripping out carpet and walls in my house to keep the wife happy.

BIKE 3:30

RUN 0:45

SWIM 0:45


RUN 1:30

BIKE 1:00

SWIM 0:30


Continue to work on ripping my house apart and possibly go for a hike at Riverside State Park with the family
2013-05-24 1:08 PM
in reply to: dkahns51

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by dkahns51

Got my first open water swim in today. I went to medical lake because its warmer there... but still cold on the face getting in. I had no one with me, or no one at the park so i stayed pretty close to shore the whole time being that it was my first time OWS. I got in 1/2 a mile and called it a day, it started to rain a little. I did panic a little but at least i went ahead and got the first one out of the way to make room for longer ones to come!

You should go down to the lake and swim close to the shore in the swim area. It will be cold but you still need to get your body adjusted to it.

2013-05-24 2:00 PM
in reply to: spie34

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by spie34

Originally posted by dkahns51

Got my first open water swim in today. I went to medical lake because its warmer there... but still cold on the face getting in. I had no one with me, or no one at the park so i stayed pretty close to shore the whole time being that it was my first time OWS. I got in 1/2 a mile and called it a day, it started to rain a little. I did panic a little but at least i went ahead and got the first one out of the way to make room for longer ones to come!

You should go down to the lake and swim close to the shore in the swim area. It will be cold but you still need to get your body adjusted to it.

I agree, I have done swim in both lakes recently and there is a night and day difference between the 2. I swam Medical last Saturday and I can tell you it was a fair bit warmer than CDA was last year on race day.
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