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2013-03-19 7:36 PM
in reply to: #4665609

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
kmatt318 - 2013-03-19 7:50 AM

Crunch challenge

Ken - 78/78  Yes I even did them on 2 marathon days. 

Pam - 78/78  And I did on 1 marathon day, during 3 sick days, and a DU day.

Ken, I added my crunches above.  I think that you and I are the only ones left but I'm not sure.

Went swimming today and it was NOT a stellar day.  In-laws coming into town for a couple of days so it will probably make me get some more swim time in while they are here.

2013-03-20 3:22 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

From the MIA World I would like to say there are some impressive accomplishments in this group. Several marathoners, including a BQ, many injuries (non training related) that will be over-comed, and lots of encouragment. I am sorry I did not have more input. My work has been at an all time high so it has been tough on me. Do not hate but I do keep up to date while in the car but posting is another story! I have been logging 2.5-4 hours a day in the car for work.

Some of you have been obviously doing this for a while and your results show. Personally it is about #4 on my list (behind family, work, motocross, and sleep!) so training is not where I want. With that said I am 11 days away and feel ok. I am about 6 pounds away from my goal weight. Dropped about 10. My goal for my HIM went from 5:30 up to 6:00 hours. Who knows where I end up but it is my first and not my last. I could suprise myself, but will not be upset if I am SURPRISED! I feel like I just started to actually enjoy the longer rides and runs. Still not a fan of swimming but am least worried about the swim 

I have to say of everyone in this group I am really impressed by Kate!! I think she is in my range of experience but is crushing the training hours. I hope you enjoy your race!!!! You deserve it!

I head out this Friday for a weeks long vacation with the family to San Diego, then Disney Land, then back to Oceanside for my race on 3/30. I cant wait, hopefully I get more sleep than tonight  Thanks for all the advice and input.


2013-03-20 6:58 AM
in reply to: #4544229

Blairstown, NJ
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Pam - Yeah for motivation... where ever we find it.

Mike - Enjoy that new kitchen. I have managed to sneak in between the weather lately. Hope it clears up for you soon.

Brian - nice to hear from you. It is amazing how busy life gets and still have the passion to Tri.

Yesterday's run was interesting. The snow was melting as the temp rose above 45 degrees. By the time I got ready for my run and a dark cloud was looming off to the south west. What's the worst that could happen, so I set off. At about 1.5 miles out the winds picked up and at mile 2 a slight drizzle was coming down. So glad it did not deter me and provides a great amount of confidence in being able to handle such adversity, even if it is mostly mental. Very nice run with 5.3 miles at an avg 10 min pace with some areas I pushed. In the last mile I had .75 where I pushed a 8:30 pace. So finished strong and continued my build. Followed that with 1300 yards in the pool and felt great afterward.

2013-03-20 7:12 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Brian, enjoy your vacation.  Sounds like you have been really busy and a vacation is just what the doc ordered.  Good luck with your HIM.  

Took it really easy yesterday.  Did core and strength training and a 2500 yrd swim.  Still not quite ready too run.  That comes today.  We'll see. 

2013-03-20 8:24 AM
in reply to: #4667202

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Tri-solar - 2013-03-20 7:58 AM

 Very nice run with 5.3 miles at an avg 10 min pace with some areas I pushed. In the last mile I had .75 where I pushed a 8:30 pace. So finished strong and continued my build. Followed that with 1300 yards in the pool and felt great afterward.


Well done Joe!  Always good to see you have something left in the tank


Brian: I'm sure you'll do fine in your first HIM!  You seem to have a good mental approach to it.


So, at the risk of boring you all to death, I've been thinking a lot about dieting lately.  I have been doing some research on endurance training on a ketogenic diet and found some very interesting things.  First of all, most say NO, NO, NO!  However, I found this website http://www./2012/04/exercise-on-low-carbohydrate-diet/ with a doctor who does keto and does cycling/biking....I actually listened to his hour long interview and found it pretty interesting.  Since my wife is doing field hockey and some modified crossfit at the YMCA, she's testing out the theories using a combination of keto, Paleo, and Ideal Protein depending on her exercising for the day....results will be forthcoming.  I'm hoping to follow suit because I'm really dropping weight on this diet and am feeling really good. 

I only bring this up because I'm curious if anyone in our group knows anyone who uses keto and does tri's or running....if so, I'd love to hear about it.  I can continue to share if this topic sparks curiousity...if not, I can easily let it die lol.  Dieting is far more interesting to me than most people  

2013-03-20 1:14 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Hey, everyone. Seems its going well for everyone. Wish I could say the same. Its been one of those weeks.

Not sure what is going on but I have been in a funk the past few days. Maybe its just being worn out with snow/ice/winter, who knows. Today just put the exclamation point on it. Woke up feeling just awful -- very tired, sluggish, upset stomach, and the ever present left glute/hammy irritation. Managed to get out the door and went ot the gym and just did fast walking on the treadmill for 45 minutes. Just wanted to move, and running wasn't doing it for me today. Finished that up and while my swim class was coming up, I didn't go. Wasn't feeling it at all, and wanted to do nothing more than lay down for a while. Still a bit foggy now. Kids have been sick the past few days so maybe I have some of what they have. Regardless I'm just feeling down about things, and hopefully its a temporary funk.

If anything is on the plus side today I did find out the half mary I was going to DNS a couple weeks ago has been rescheduled to May 5, which should give me time to get fit enought to do it. And I'm waiting to hear back from an ART guy who I used to fix a foot issue a couple years ago to work on my glute issue. Putting on my Dr. Google hat, I think the condition I have is called piriformis syndrome which is an inflamation of some oddball muscle in the glute/hip area which can press on the sciatic nerve, causing pain exactly where I have it. Hopefully this guy can fix this as well as he fixed my foot. Would be very psyched if he could!  Also, my biking is coming along, and I'm *really* enjoying the bike work. I'm getting back on that tonight, and it doesn't bother my butt pain.

So, onward and upward, despite the obstacles. Keeping my eye on the race date - June 15th!

2013-03-20 8:00 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Mike, I hear you on the cold, snowy weather. Everyday I wake up and watch the news hoping the 7 day forecast has some warm weather predicted. I remind myself of being a kid waiting for the school cancelations. Glad to hear you are still making progress on the bike. Hopefully that hammy lets up with some therapy.

Mitch, awesome work on the building! Keep up the strong work and the discipline to not push too much.

Jay, I haven't read much about the keto diet. I do know my grandpa, who just turned 82, has been on the low/no sugar diet. It sounds somewhat similar, and he swears by it. He eats whatever fats and proteins he likes and stays far, far away from sugar. He has always been active and still bikes, walks, or cross-country skis everyday, but he lost 30 some pounds quickly and easily when he started this diet. He feels great and his arthritis has subsided. I can't be sure if it is all because of the diet, but I do think refined sugar is an evil substance in our diets. Any diet that helps restrict simple carbs is a winner in my book especially if you can stick with it and you still enjoy your meals, which it sounds like is the case for you. You've got me curious. I'm gonna do some reading. Keep up the strong work!

I found some good spin instructors lately, and I am really enjoying the extra kick in the pants they are giving me during my workouts. Now to get back in the pool. Hopefully that begins tomorrow morning. Keep training safe and strong everybody!

Edited by Antwonathon 2013-03-21 1:36 PM
2013-03-20 9:34 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hey all, sorry to hear that winter is lingering.  First day of spring today, so hopefully a thaw is on the way.

Congrats to those who are still in the crunch challenge!

Re: the ketogenic diet, I certainly don't mind learning about it.  I would never take away from what is working for someone else, but am not convinced that it would be right for me. 

Been out on my bike a couple of times this week, and generally feeling better.  Had a first today....misplaced my car keys right before a long overdue haircut appointment.  So put on my bike shoes and helmet, hopped on my bike and rode to the salon.  Have never ridden my road bike in normal people clothes like that, and had to roll up my pants to keep them out of the chain.  Then got there and had to ask to bring the bike inside since I had no place/way to lock it up outside.  Yes, I have become the weird lady who rides her bike to inappropriate places!  Shop owner came over and said I could put my bike in her office any time .   

2013-03-21 7:06 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
I've had a bit of time to think, and feel I'm on the road to recovery from my problems this week. I did speak to the doc and before he sees me, he wants me to try some stretches to help with it. He sent me a link for a video of 3 different things, and while they are a bit painful, they do seem to work so far. Feel better this AM. He also suggested I incorporate walk breaks into my runs (10' run, 1' walk,etc)  and even do a couple quick stretches during them to help with the muscle spasms. Seems reasonable, and I trust the guy - one of his best known patients is Ryan Hall. So I shall go forth doing things this way and see how it goes.

And what better way to get reinvigorate my motivation than to sign up for 2 more races? A local 10k on 4/7 and a 1 mile "Sharkfest" swim across Boston Harbor in September. The harbor swim is a 1 mile point-to-point swim and is a unique thing, so I'm in. They stop all boat traffic in the harbor for it, so despite the likely cold water (65-ish) it should be fun. Hoping to break 28 min for this. Plus there is a big party at the finish, so the quicker I get there, the more fun I have
2013-03-21 12:34 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Yang Min Shan, T'ai-pei
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Mike, swim for the party!I am planning to buy a new bike this summer. I am looking at a Felt AR 3 or Cervelo S 5. Has anyone ridden either bike? Does anyone have other suggestions for aero road bikes?

Edited by TK 2013-03-21 12:35 PM
2013-03-21 12:52 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Tom: I have a Felt and I like the bike...but I'm very inexperienced.  My humble opinion, buy the cheaper one because more experience should lead you to the bike you prefer.


So today was my first PT session and I feel bad for the woman that had to deal with me.  She was nice enough but I don't think she was ready to deal with my intensity!  I was told I could ride a bike...awesome, lets hop on the bike and go!  She brought me over to the bike...began thinking about how to get me on...well, enough of that nonsense, I hopped on and started going!  She was a bit perplexed.  I was cleared to swim so tomorrow, I can swim, bike, and do weights!  All I could think of was Carol telling me not to overdo the good angel/bad angel that you used to see on cartoons   Overall, I was happy with the session and excited to get more active.  As for the poor PT, she won't see me again until she has to retest me to document improvement....I don't think she's upset about it either.

I'm glad some of you are at least a little interested in keto.  I don't know how it will work as I increase my intensity but my wife is doing it today because she did a crossfit class at the Y this morning.  She's feeling great but the high fat foods are messing with her head....after 5 months of very little fat, she's struggling to realize its okay to eat those foods right now.  On the positive side, the taste of her food is off the charts yummy :D


Hope you all are having a great day.  Off to see if I can find a late season Oly race somewhere in New England that I can mark as a hopeful :D

2013-03-21 2:56 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Jay -- glad to hear about your progress!

And there *IS* a late season Oly -- on Cape Cod, no less. Just a short hop over the canal for you. New race this year.   Sept 8. I know the RD and he puts on a good race. Plus you get to ride around/through Otis AFB as part of the bike.

2013-03-21 8:10 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

I do believe that Kate's HIM is this weekend!  Really hoping you have a wonderful experience reaping the fruits of your training.  Your consistency in training has been incredible, and I am praying you arrive at the starting line refreshed and ready to go.  You have much to celebrate, and what better way to do it than with a race?! 

Jay, that's great news that you have more options now!  Enjoy the freedom, but not too much

Mike, glad you are feeling better re: the hammy/glute.  You and Jay together would make a dangerous combo signing up for races and such.

TK, sorry, I went with a road bike (Trek Madone) so don't have much to offer on the bike decision.  Excited for you that you are getting a new bike though!

Went back to the podiatrist, and was cleared to run earlier than planned. X-ray showed that my foot has healed up well.  Just need to avoid uneven surfaces and ease back in.  Hmmm...what to do tomorrow?  Why am I picturing the same devil / angel thing that Jay was?


2013-03-21 9:57 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Thanks so much for your encouragement Carol and Brian!

Wishing everyone a good weekend. 

Edited by KateTri1 2013-03-21 10:00 PM
2013-03-21 11:14 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Ken - Stoked you get to do Boston, and glad you're not doing it in the same year as your HIM! As for riding in the rain I didn't have much choice. I was in the middle of nowhere and did an out-and-back, so quiting meant sleeping outside for the night...haha. Great swim too.

Mike - I think of you when I want to complain about the weather here in Idaho. Definitely hope it lets up and you can get outside sooooooon! For what it's worth - I watched the Biggest Loser this season and something Jillian Michaels said all the time was "Don't think just do what I say". As I have been struggling with motivation and just over-all feeling very blah, much like you described, saying those words to myself has really helped. I actually say "Don't think just do". It gets my mind off how I feel.

Joe - Yes the cold is getting to me this year. Probably because my job is taking care of elderly people who get cold easily, so 40hours of my week are spent in 80 degrees. Way to persevere through weather. I had a friend who would always say "I never cancel due to weather" and I've adopted that philosophy to a certain degree. Yeah for the races you committed to.

Mitch - Thanks! I hear you on getting bored with the same routes. I watched a documentary on Netflix called "Fixed" or something like that. It was about the fixed gear biking world and much of it was focused on riding in L.A. It looked crazy, so I don't blame you for not wanting to get out in that traffic. So glad you are pretty well recovered!

Brian - good to hear from you and your post was very uplifting. I love that you know what your priorities are and adjust life accordingly - keeps things simple. I hope you surprise yourself on race day!

Carol - you have actually become the awesome lady who rides her bike the short distances that don't reallly need to be driven, and you looked really cool I'm certain!

Jay - I laughed out loud and hard when I read your PT story. I would pay to have seen it in person and I'm glad she has something to think about down the road and I hope she laughs too. So pleased to hear about your progress and your enthusiasm to get back to training is exciting! And I know nothing about Keto or dieting in general. I like to eat, that is all!

Kate - So excited about your race. YOu have worked so hard and it's all gonna pay off!

So things are moving along. Swim class last night and I received some very positive feedback from my coach. Did my long run today and it was, interesting. I had a roller coaster of issues from feeling sick, to feeling unmotivated, having to stop at the bathroom more than once, walking because running just wasn't working, blah, blah, blah...But I finished all 13 miles. Tomorrow I is my long swim, 4,000 I think. I will try to get in a short bike as well. I feel like I'm getting back into a groove as my excitement for race day grows.

Happy traiinng everyone!

2013-03-22 5:45 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Go Kate!!!!

2013-03-22 7:15 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Good luck this weekend, Kate!  Race day is made in the months before and you've put in your time and effort - enjoy the fruits of your labors!

Jay, I did the Atkins diet 8 years ago or so which I think is along the lines of what you're doing.  Lost 40lbs pretty quickly, but wasn't exercising much (but some) while I was doing it.  Can't say I felt great either, but was happy about losing the weight.  The weight started coming back after the focus of the diet left (my wife and daughter are big carb folks, so it wore on the family a bit).  After gaining back 20 or so, started doing the triathlons which has been a slower, more balanced approach to weight management and I've felt considerably better and generally kept things in check.  I completely agree about the refined sugars (and processed foods in general), which was my big take-away from the Atkins diet.  My latest "trick / motivator" is that I can eat as much as I like at the Whole Foods salad/hot bar so long as it is veggies/nuts, until I reach 200lbs again, then I'll add back in plain meats as my reward :-).  I find that between that, training, and keeping the refined sugars at bay, I'll lose about 1 lb / week.  I keep a bag of almonds nearby for snacking which seems to help with the cravings.  As soon as I bring back pastas or mess with ice cream or any of my other weaknesses, I head in the wrong direction.  And there's a high correlation with work stress and the wrong eating.  So, while I understand the cause/effect, I don't always act on it.  I do find that one key is physically being separated from the places that are dangerous (e.g. fridge at night, lunch with people who aren't thinking about eating right, etc.).  One day at a time. 


2013-03-22 8:22 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Samantha, you are doing a great job of living out your tag line.  Have a setback or time of low motivation?  You are getting back up and getting it done.  13 mile run when you are feeling like carp, 4K swim, long bike in the freezing rain (glad that was unintentional or I'd start to worry about your sanity).  You are not the same person who started with me in this mentor group a couple years ago.

Stu, sounds like you have found what works for you on the intake front.  Making salad the base of a meal is a big help. 

When you have diabetes, there are a lot of "food police" who think they understand what you should and should not eat, or that if you just eat cinnamon you will be cured, or want to tell you about their aunt who lost all her toes one at a time because she ate ice cream, etc.  I know you guys/gals are not like that, but it is still hard for me to let people in on that aspect.  I have counted carbs to calculate insulin doses for the last 20 years, met with dietitians to review food logs containing every morsel I've eaten, and taken chemisty and nutrition classes to increase my understanding.  My perspective is that I won't make any changes that I do not believe are sustainable in the long term. So I opt for a more moderate approach.  When I focus on losing weight, I reduce the calories across all of the macronutrients, keep them fairly equal, and increase the quality.  I do think keeping the carbs from being too high a % of the calories is very key, but don't cut them to the levels of the ketosis or atkins style diets.  My biggest problem is snacking after dinner, falling asleep, and not testing my blood sugar until the next morning.  I'm working on that now, and am actually increasing how much I eat at dinner so I won't feel the physical need for a snack later in the evening.    

2013-03-22 9:16 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Kate,  I am sure will do an outstanding job this weekend.  I will be thinking about you.  

2013-03-22 10:56 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Samantha: I'm glad I could make you chuckle with my story.  To be honest with you all, my wife was cracking up when I told her about it!  I'm glad to see that you keep on, keeping on with the training.  I watched Biggest Loser this season too...I'm happy Jillian inspires you!  I'm a Dolvett "hard work, dedication" guy   And for those who did watch, Danni kicked some serious butt...amazing transformation she made!

Stu: Thanks for sharing your Atkins experience!  The reason I started doing it was because I couldn't exercise because of my achilles injury so I wanted to continue my weight loss I started this year.  In the interim, I've found that I have good energy and I like how I'm feeling on a keto diet.  So now, I'm trying to figure out how to make this work with the level of exercise I plan on doing when I get back.  Realistically, with all the crossfitters around, Paleo would probably be an easier option but staying in ketosis and having your body use your fat stores as energy seems logical to me.  I'm glad you've figured out what works for you   The key with anything revolving around diet or training is to be consistent.

Carol: I'm sorry you've been through so much with your diet due to your diabetes.  Believe me, I didn't bring up my keto diet to rehash those memories   

Mike: Thanks again for the link to that race...hopefully, everything works out and I'll be cleared to train in time to take a shot at that race.


Today I went to the gym with my wife and did more weight training.  Unfortunately, there's only 1 swimming lane open when we went and I'm nervous sharing a lane using a pull I stuck to weights.  Its ironic that I'm talking about dieting a lot in this post because I'm fighting myself mentally with my body image.  I've lost weight but when I look in the mirror, I LOOK muscle at all.  Thankfully, I still have some strength but this was the issue I spoke about when you all first met me coming to light.  As my wife correctly told me, that HAS to happen to reach my goals with triathlon.  I'm hoping to get on my trainer and ride this afternoon for 20 minutes while watching basketball....I just need to be careful with how I get on the bike since I'll have my boot off (that was approved by my PT!) and I have clip in shoes.


Hope you all have a great Friday! 

Edited by medeiros13 2013-03-22 10:57 AM
2013-03-22 11:23 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Hey Jay, I'm not sorry at all that you posted re: the keto diet.  I'm all for doing what works for you, and am very glad that it is.  Another friend of mine is also having good success with it and it truly seems to be a lifestyle change with her and her hubby.  Ha, and it's not your fault I have "issues".  It's actually very good to get to express some of that, so thanks for letting me share.  Glad you get to ride the trainer today!

2013-03-22 2:21 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Go Kate Go!

Carol - you are an inspiration in the way you handle diet!

Jay!  On the bike!  Yeah baby!  Just take it easy...

Gonna run with a running group tomorrow.  RUN mdr.  I've never ran with group before so it should be  interesting.  My PT leads the group. 

Did a 3 miler this morn.  I seem to be pushing every run for some reason.  I was trying to go out today for a nice easy run at 8:50 - 9:00 pace, but ended up with a 8:24 or so.  No need to gain speed right now as it's only been 4 weeks of running... Just the A type coming out!

2013-03-23 1:41 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Kate rip it up at your HIM. 

Ya ive been touching base now and again.  Hang in there and do what you can good weather is around the corner. 

As for me I am back down to nothing.  Work also is at a crazy pace.  We have had a bunch of layoffs... I think we are down to 7 solid staff members 1 or 2 of whom will probably retire next year (at the teacher or higher rank). Of those 7 at least 2 are looking for work elsewhere.  Anyway hoping the MRI does something, but not optomistic.  Just time for me to focus on other things atm I spose.   


2013-03-23 10:00 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Yang Min Shan, T'ai-pei
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Kate, Bon Courage!

For me, I decided to follow an intermediate BT Oly plan.  I am doing 4 runs, 3 bikes and 4 swims per week.  I figured i needed another swim per week considering I thought I was going to drown during my sprint race.  I just finished my first base week and finished all 11 workouts and added two core/leg workouts.  I hope I can make the schedule stick since the stress of the move will start to build in the coming weeks.  I just found out yesterday that there may be some issues with shipping our dog to Taipei.  I hope to have them worked out this week.   This is the first hiccup of many to come.

I hope everyone has a good, healthy weekend of training!

2013-03-23 12:57 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Did my first swim today...only 400yd ladder but it felt good to get out there.  I was pleasantly surprised that I wasn't huffing and puffing so perhaps all of my endurance hasn't gone away yet!  I have to admit that it sucks not to be able to kick but I know that's what I need to do to get healthy.  Next step is to get on my bike tomorrow...I chickened out yesterday   I'm nervous about something going wrong on my trainer while clipped in...but I'll hopefully solve that tomorrow.


Does anyone know if Kate's race is today or tomorrow??

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