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2008-01-21 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1164874

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Grosse Pointe, Michigan
Subject: RE: Wildflower Long Questionable
Hi Rich, Hi everybody. yeah, I know. I've checked out for a while, and I apologize. My life has been so ungodly busy, just like everyone else's. This is my first winter EVER training, and I have to say that I downright don't like it much. The only time I like it is when I get out there and actually TRAIN, and when the training is OVER. That's it. I don't look forward to jumping in a cold pool after trekking in from the car in sub-zero weather...and THEN going out for a run with wet hair. HOW FUN IS THAT?!

First of all, rich, I wish you a speedy recovery and do hope to see you at the race, even if you can't go. You CAN switch to an Oly or even the sprint distance, you know...Sprint distance is only 400K swim...You could side-stroke it and still blow half the field away I'm sure! Anyways, hang in there.

As for everyone else, I've been keeping a distant tab on you and hope everyone is well. As for me, well, I'm doing okay. Juggling the training, fundraising, work, home and everything else is getting the best of me, and the short days, overcast weather and bitter cold doesn't help much. I'm looking forward to some warmer weather.

The combination of all of that has put me into a bit of a slump (I just posted my thoughts on that yesterday in my blog, so check it out if you are truly interested or have spare time to I've already gotten some good feedback, and that alone made me get my arse off the sofa and onto the bike first spin outside of group practice since last year, I believe...and here I'm supposed to be training for a half pathetic. Well, thank goodness the Florida course is flat, right?!

So, I hope everyone is having a great new year despite all of the family and personal challenges that you may have faced lately. You are all awesome, and I really REALLY want us to all keep in touch, even if is sparatically (like me!). I may be out of sight, but you are not out of MY mind! I'll check back soon!!!

Many hugs to all,
Love Andi


MeWithGirls.jpg (34KB - 50 downloads)

2008-01-24 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1168926

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: How are we doing on the challenge?

Hey, folks!  Andi....your daughters are ADORABLE!!! Love the pix!!

I was wondering how everyone was doing on the challenge that Rich put out there this month? I was signed up for 200 miles on the bike and 70 miles on the run.  I think I'll make the bike if I get my workouts in for the rest of the month, but I'm probably going to come up short on the run.  How is everyone else doing?

My first race is already coming up quick (March 30) so I'm in full scale training mode already.  When is everyone else planning on getting ready for the 2008 season? Come on in! The water is fine!

2008-01-24 12:33 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hi Y'all,

Rich, how's the shoulder?  any news on a surgery date?

Andi, looking good in the pool girl!  Those water babies are pretty cute!

I'm still running alot!  Cowtown Marathon is Feb. 23.  Then I'll slow down on my running mileage and begin training for my first sprint tri in April.  I wanted to do the OLY in Galveston with Katz, but my son's birthday is that same weekend.  I would want to go without the kids, and the mother guilt would set in for not being home with my baby boy on his birthday.  I've been taking a great class at the Y.  It's a boot camp class and is so tough...I love it!  Each class is different, even different instructors so I'm not getting bored at all.  My weight has stayed constant over the last few months, and I can tell that my body is tightening up.  I would like to lose a few more pounds by spring, and bring my body fat % down a few more points.

Happy Training everyone!


***Katz, I'm trying to get in the just looks sooooo cold!!!  BRRRR NIPPLES!

2008-01-24 3:01 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich is checking in!
Hey Gang! Hope all is well! We had sleet and hail this morning on the freeway and if ya know anything about Southern California, those two components do not mix.....looked like a demolition derby! Accidents all over the place.... Let me off the road quick!

Andi: You and the Gals look GREAT in the pool! Very cute!

Angela: Doc and his office are working on the details....hopefully before 2/15 so I have time to recover to start training for Ironman AZ in late May......Wildflower is still a question, but I might use the race as a training day....if I finish(?), I finish......if not, it will be a very expensive workout!

KAT! I'm actually doing quite well......I'm at 216 on the bike and 67 on the run (200/100 was my goal). The shoulder hurts a little on the bike and can't get into the aerobars right now. Hopefully that will be corrected soon!

Anybody heard from the others? (Hello, hello, hello?)

Talk with you soon!

2008-01-24 4:36 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Sorry I haven't been checking in on the group as much as I would like -- crazy-busy at work.  And at home, forget about getting any computer time. 

Andi -- I plan to read your blog ASAP -- always interesting.  Hang in there! The days are getting longer already and before you know it, your AM swims will be sunny. I have not been motivated to do early morning training this winter, but necessity is about to move my butt -- SPIN bootcamp starts tomorrow (and every Friday at 6:00AM!). And I know, once I get in the habit, it will get easier to be an early-bird worker-outer again.  :-)

KAT -- So cool to hear about your long bike ride.  Can you imagine that some day you will ride 75 or 100 miles?  You will if you want to!

RICH -- Sounds like a good plan to get the surgery over with during the winter (altough in sunny CA, I'm not sure it matters all that much). Hope everything goes smoothly.

I had a horrible day of candy-eating -- I had done so well all week -- cooking and eating organic veggies, etc.    Curse chocolate!  Anyway, my goal is to be down 15 lbs by April 1. 

The best news I have though is surely that Carl took me to a yoga class on Sunday; up the street from where we moved.  We both love it and after 2 classes, I already feel stronger and more flexible!  We may have finally found a "sport" we can do together! 

2008-01-25 8:23 AM
in reply to: #1174824

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Christine! Long time no hear from! I have those chocolate days, too.  And there's been way to much available at the house these days! I'm working diligently to reduce the supply so that I won't be so tempted in the future  

Btw, I just saw a hilarious thread on the forums that I thought I'd share.  Couldn't resist....

Love you guys!

Edited by katzchen55 2008-01-25 8:24 AM

2008-01-29 2:56 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Just thought I'd pop over and say hi. After a hiatus I am finally getting my butt back into gear.

Damn am I sore.
2008-01-29 10:23 PM
in reply to: #1182195

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Barb!

There you are! Getting back in the thick of things, huh?!?! If you're butt is sore, ask Mike to stop kickin ya! (Kidding!!!........about Mike kickin your butt!......OK...if he is kickin your butt, tell him to stop! pun intended....... I digress!)

Hope all is well! And don't be a stranger!

2008-01-31 10:51 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Guys!!

It has been a while since I have written anything, I have been reading the thread but have been too lazy to write or even keep my log up to date. But I began doing it and will try to continue.

I haven't stopped trianing since about....mmmm...well I don't really remember but I am feeling pretty good and ready foy my Marathon the 17th of February. How is everyone else doing? What big races do you guys have??

I want to do a Half Iron this year, since the the Full ones are all booked and I would have to go to brazil or somewhere else, and I don't think Im ready for that. Any suggestion for a half?? Unfortunately I won;t be in town for the one in Disney in May, but if any of you are doing one, maybe we could meetup, Im sure my sister will tag along.

Hope everyone's training is coming along well.

Take care,
2008-01-31 4:56 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Gang!

Just checking in to post my January Challenge. My goal was 200 on the bike and 100 on the run. Reached 241 on the bike and 101 and change on the run! Wooooooo Hoooooo!

Shoulder is sore and I'm afraid is getting worse.....I'm sure there is at least one tear if not multiple tears and stability issues are starting to show up. Am trying to get surgery scheduled for 2/15/2008 so that I have the three day weekend as a recovery weekend. I can start walking by Tuesday, running by Wednesday, and on the trainer by Thursday..... OK.... I can dream can't I? (Ssssshhhhh! I still have the outside dream .... if I behave...... of doing Wildflower Long!!!!) I dare you to hold me back!!!!!!!!

Good to hear from you Felipe!

I want you all to look up It is a new website that has some GREAT information. Take a peak and let me know what you think!

2008-02-06 9:02 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hi again!  Schedule is calming down a bit and I am getting into a rhythm again. We added power yoga to our schedule (2x week); something Carl and I both enjoy. Wow, is it challenging!

I'm getting my stitches out today (had dental surgery last week).  Back to full-on swim/bike/run.  It's getting easier to get up really early again and get workouts in pre-work. Even though I'm not doing tons of miles/time in my workouts yet, getting them in more often is a start towards improving again.

I'm going to check out everyone's posted goals.  What goals are you working on right now???

2008-02-07 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1187594

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Cyclingmaniac - 2008-01-31 4:56 PM

Hey Gang!

Just checking in to post my January Challenge. My goal was 200 on the bike and 100 on the run. Reached 241 on the bike and 101 and change on the run! Wooooooo Hoooooo!

Shoulder is sore and I'm afraid is getting worse.....I'm sure there is at least one tear if not multiple tears and stability issues are starting to show up. Am trying to get surgery scheduled for 2/15/2008 so that I have the three day weekend as a recovery weekend. I can start walking by Tuesday, running by Wednesday, and on the trainer by Thursday..... OK.... I can dream can't I? (Ssssshhhhh! I still have the outside dream .... if I behave...... of doing Wildflower Long!!!!) I dare you to hold me back!!!!!!!!

Nice job meeting your goals! But take it easy on the shoulder...that's not something to mess around with!
2008-02-08 8:30 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Good luck with your shoulder surgery, RICH!  I'm sure you will tackle rehab with the same determination as triathlons.  Remember the part about rest and recover as well!  ;-)
2008-02-08 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1200698

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
RRrrrr eee ssst? Rrrrrr eecov eeerrrrrrr y? I'm sorry I am unfamiliar with those terms. What do they mean? For some reason they are foreign terms and not part of my vocabulary. Hmmmmmmmm! :p

Well.... I followed up on the surgeon's office....the delay is the surgeon has to his insurance paperwork with the hospital. He is "working on it"! Grrrrrrrrr! OK....I was nice when I called the office......(last time I explained to the receptionist that I wasn't mad at her, but that I was PO'd!!)

Back to the previous two there a workshop on how to rest or a proper recovery technique? I'd like to know! :p

2008-02-11 7:19 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

I think all you have to do is throw up a post on this website asking about rehab experiences and how important the two R's are and you will find out!  :-)

Remember:  It is in the rest phase that we are rebuilding and getting stronger.

2008-02-12 1:57 PM
in reply to: #1204524

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Howdy folks! Rich, I know you are so not looking forward to the surgey and the rehab that follows, but think of how much better you will feel when it's all done! My hubby is rehabbing a reconstructed ACL right now, and the dr. says that when it's all healed up, it will be stronger than the other non-injured knee! So you could be swimming even faster after it's all done! Could be worth it....

At any rate, I'm off to a slow start this month - seems like nothing this year has been predictable so my schedule and routine have been totally thrown off.  Things might be a bit better in the coming two months, so I can hope.  I've gotten my workouts in this week along with picking back up on my strength training.  I might get that opera dress yet!!!

Love you, guys....

2008-02-12 5:29 PM
in reply to: #1207607

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
I hear ya KAT! you think I should get both shoulders done? ...... Doing only one will throw me off a side will be stronger than the other! (Kidding!) did you like

2008-02-14 4:04 PM
in reply to: #1208130

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Endurance Nation was okay, but I like BT better.  EN seemed to have a decent library of articles, but the way they are organized made it harder to find something on a specific topic.  The articles that I read were interesting though.  I think it has a lot of potential as they continue to develop the site.  I don't think I'll be leaving my BT friends anytime soon, though!!!
2008-02-14 10:47 PM
in reply to: #1212987

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
katzchen55 - 2008-02-14 4:04 PM

Endurance Nation was okay, but I like BT better.  ........ I don't think I'll be leaving my BT friends anytime soon, though!!!

I definitely won't be leaving my BT friends either.....not at all.....ya can't get rid of me that easily! Teeheeteeeeheee!

2008-02-16 12:51 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hi Everyone!  Just popping in to say I'm still here!  The marathon is next weekend, and I'm feeling ready.  Next week, I plan on doing some easy yoga and short, slow runs.  I hope the weather cooperates for the race.  Texas weather can be so unpredictable.  Rain or shine...I'll be there to run my race!

I HAVE to get in the pool soon...I've been procrastinating.  My first sprint tri is April water swim!  YIKES!   

Everyone's logs are looking good.  I see lots of pink squares.   Keep up the good work, team!




2008-02-16 6:30 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey gang!

Hey Angela: How do you get pink squares? Saw your note in my log! Yeah I'm trying to learn that "rest/recover" concept by tappering. Trying to follow the 10% rule in adding to rest/recovery! Thought that would be better than increasing the volume of rest/recovery too fast!

Seriously, I am SOOO frustrated with my surgeon's office. I filed an "official" complaint with the physician's association on Wednesday. Check this out....I agreed to the surgery on 1/21/08. Rec'd call on 1/22 to call surgeon's admin staff to schedule the surgery. I called on 1/23 and tried scheduling....that is when it was discovered that the surgeon had not submitted his own "surgeon's insurance documentation" with the hospital. The hospital will not schedule the surgery until he submits his documentation. On 2/13/2008, STILL no surgery.....this was ridiculous! This is when I called the physician's association and lodged the complaint! While I was on the phone, the representative from the association called the surgeon's office....their reply was that they were working on the paperwork.....that's what they said back on the 23rd of January. I doubt they can get me scheduled until the 3rd week of March. If I go ahead with the surgery, it would put me 3 to 4 weeks behind on my Ironman Training. Not a good thing!
I talked with my wife and said if they can't get this done by 3/14, then I'm going to blow this surgery off and live with the pain through the training. These delays are also impacting my scheduling at work as is trying to schedule me to conduct focus groups, but for the last month, I've had to depends on the surgery....that gets old real quick!!!!!

I was kind of testing the shoulder in the water this morning and did a 90 minute swim....(see my log....only 1000 free). Seemed OK. Little sore at first.....probably until it swelled sufficiently to stop any pain. :0 I'll know tomorrow morning if the test worked.

The positive side if I blow off the surgery.....I'm going to do Wildflower Long....I just have a lot of training catch-up to do. (More on the bike than anything else!) Not worried about the swim. Need to start adding hill runs and hill repeats on the bike. Soooo in one way I'm hoping for the surgery and in other ways, I'm not hoping for the surgery. Needless to say, if I blow this surgery off, I am NOT going back to this surgeon! I'll demand a different one!

For those doing Wildflower Olympic.......find yourself some long hills and start running them. First part of the run are some steep rollers.....followed by a 2 plus mile uphill with some "flat" in the middle followed by a mile downhill (You ride up and down Lynch Hill and you get to run down Lynch Hill before heading for the finishline!

Enough of my ranting and raving! Have a GREAT weekend......


2008-02-17 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1216319

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Oh, Rich....I'm sorry about your frustrations with the surgeon.  I would definitely get someone else.  If they can't get their act together enough for some basic paperwork - which should be old hat to them by now - then phbbbbbbttttt on them!  It may just be paperwork to them, but it's greatly affecting your life and they're obviously not keeping the right perspective on their patients! Good for you for filing the complaint, too.....hang in there!

My first oly is coming up in six week - the LoneStar in Galveston.  Fortunately, the bike and run are pretty flat, unlike the Wildflower (you crazy people, you!!).  Training has gone pretty well, but my schedule has been whacked out lately, so I've had to do some shifting around here and there.  I think I've gotten about 80-90% of my planned workouts in, so I'm feeling good about it.  Now, if I could just lose this Christmas weight.....

2008-02-19 8:17 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey Y'all,

I just got home from a triathlon training orientation.  I'm so jazzed.  It's an 8 week program designed to have us complete a sprint tri in May.  It's actually the first tri I did last year.  I've signed up.  I need motivation to get back in the pool.  We'll meet on Sundays as a group to train.  Several of the coaches have completed full ironmans.  They have a range of talents that I can't wait to tap into!  I might actually learn to swim!  WOOHOO!  The Cowtown Marathon is this Saturday so I'll have a few weeks of recovery before I begin training March 10.  It works out perfectly. 

So Rich, you had to open a can of whoop-a$$ on the doctor's office!  Hang in there.  I'm so glad you've decided to find another dr.  Take it easy!

I hope everyone is doing well...Take care!


2008-02-22 3:09 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Gang!

Angela....I did the a$$ whoopin sooooo good, the original surgeon is back pedaling. My surgery is Tuesday (2/26). They arranged for pre-op exams / tests/ blood tests for Monday morning immediately followed by my meeting with the surgeon to go over the details.
I report to the hospital at 9:00 AM for an 11:00 AM surgery. With the recovery period of 12 weeks, I will have recovered just in time to start my Ironman Arizona training. As far as Wildflower..... I'm not sure what my status is......I know I won't be racing.

Switching topics: Tour of California is in full swing. Levi L. commented last night that yesterday's weather was in the top 3 worst days of riding that he has experienced. This is California....47 degrees today with wind and rain. It will get that wind chill factor temp down real quick. Yesteday's ride was along the peaks and bluffs with the full Pacific Ocean on their right side. This tour makes up for the GREAT weather we had during the last two years. THe last stage of the race ends at the Pasadena Rose Bowl. The time trial portion is where we do our Wednesday Night Bricks. Not sure I can make it to the race, because we will have a house full of people for our annual Oscar wife is in the industry so she has a keen interest in outcomes of the awards.

Switching topics: Hey you are meeting up with one of my co-workers prior to your upcoming race. Very fun! Katz? You going to the dinner?

Let's hear from you......I feel like the "Punxsutawney Phil". Spring is just around the corner....I can feel it! It is time to get our training plans and our training itself in full swing....... I need to live/train through you guys!


2008-02-24 7:25 AM
in reply to: #1229404

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Cyclingmaniac - 2008-02-22 3:09 PM  Very fun! Katz? You going to the dinner?

I haven't decided yet - still planning out the trip.  My mom is flying in from Georgia to watch me race (she comes for one race a year), and my hubby and kids will be along for the fun and to cheer me on. Lots of details to manage still, but I'm considering it.

I'll be praying for you on Tuesday - I hope that all goes well with the surgery.  Be sure to let us know you're okay whenever you are awake enough and have a chance and then energy to type!

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