BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!! Rss Feed  
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2012-09-14 10:16 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Just say nooooooo   Pinksocks.   Double dipping is like Soooo  lame  its like putting your entire FACE in the dip.  

Next questions:  

Are you master of your domain?   (on second thought please do not answer this)

Do you know what a calzone is?

Can you sing or play a musical instrument?

Is peeing in a wetsuit (come to think of it maybe that's why it is called that?)  something you look forward to?

Have you ever shopped at Costco?

Do you have Breaking Bad available on streaming netflix?

Have you ever been lucky enough to find the holy grail of Gatorade?  (cucumber lime)

We are happy you are here, in fact we have been totally waiting for you.    The Magical Mys-Tri tour rolls on, some of our rock stars have already introduced themselves  kind of.     now please read all 48 pages of Tour #2    we also had the original tour and I have the link to it somewhere if you want it.


2012-09-14 10:36 PM
in reply to: #4412390

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
oriolepwr - 2012-09-14 10:16 PM

Just say nooooooo   Pinksocks.   Double dipping is like Soooo  lame  its like putting your entire FACE in the dip.  

Next questions:  

Are you master of your domain?   (on second thought please do not answer this)

Do you know what a calzone is?

Can you sing or play a musical instrument?

Is peeing in a wetsuit (come to think of it maybe that's why it is called that?)  something you look forward to?

Have you ever shopped at Costco?

Do you have Breaking Bad available on streaming netflix?

Have you ever been lucky enough to find the holy grail of Gatorade?  (cucumber lime)

We are happy you are here, in fact we have been totally waiting for you.    The Magical Mys-Tri tour rolls on, some of our rock stars have already introduced themselves  kind of.     now please read all 48 pages of Tour #2    we also had the original tour and I have the link to it somewhere if you want it.


However, putting your entire FACE in the dip and motorboating in it is AWESOME!

2012-09-15 6:28 AM
in reply to: #4412390

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
oriolepwr - 2012-09-14 10:16 PM

Just say nooooooo   Pinksocks.   Double dipping is like Soooo  lame  its like putting your entire FACE in the dip.  

You guys are awesome!  I posted last night before going out with the girls for drinks.  I didn’t expect any answers until Sunday afternoon at the earliest.  I was delighted this morn when I got up this morn and had so many welcomes.  And tests?  Man, it’s early in the morn here and I was going for a long run but I’ll make a stab at answering.  Some of the questions, I know the p.c. answer and some I don’t.  But I’ll just answer honestly.

Notice I copied Dave’s post?  Is it because I’m an unbearable suck-up to one of our fearless leaders?  No, it’s because he had the most questions.

But first to answer Tom’s (Whoops, I think it was TJ's) question.  You are trying to trick me!!! Too little data from that pix for me.  But probably I would go to the kitchen, see if there was a fresh batch of salsa (or guacamole) and then hoard it all for myself.  Or I would find the saltiest Ruffles there and eat them dipless because I love my salty food.  {Strange tho, at races I don’t go for the chips but found that I’m an orange slice .  ‘Course don’t get me started on the orange slicing process and the hygiene issues there.  I just eat the orange slices.}

Dave, I HATE double dippers and freaked when I saw George doing that at the funeral.  Yuck.

Next questions:  

Are you master of your domain?   (on second thought please do not answer thisWhy Sir, I am from Georgia {originally} and a proper gentleman would never ask a lady that.

Do you know what a calzone is? Trick question?  My little running partner is half Italian so I know what I know as a calzone.  Is there another type I don't know about? Ew, please don't put a mental image in my mind that I can't get out.

Can you sing or play a musical instrument? Can't play a musical instrument.  Can sing beautifully no matter what anyone says.

Is peeing in a wetsuit (come to think of it maybe that's why it is called that?)  something you look forward to?  Absolutely. I have read about peeing on the bike too but I probably won't go that route - at least intentionally.  'Course when I began running, well I had to get advice {hint - poise } because I was an older woman who had given birth.

Have you ever shopped at Costco? Yep

Do you have Breaking Bad available on streaming netflix? Gulp, never heard of it.  Just googled it and I’m not sure if I’d get into it.  Sorry

Have you ever been lucky enough to find the holy grail of Gatorade?  (cucumber limeNo, where do I find that?  DH is into coconut water but I hate the taste of coconut.

We are happy you are here, in fact we have been totally waiting for you.    The Magical Mys-Tri tour rolls on, some of our rock stars have already introduced themselves  kind of.     now please read all 48 pages of Tour #2    we also had the original tour and I have the link to it somewhere if you want it.

You are all so crazy, sweet, precious, and sick and I really thank you for allowing me to join this group.  OK, I've got to get my butt outside and running if I can get rid of this dang headache (I swear, I didn't drink that much last night.}

Edited by Pink Socks 2012-09-15 10:03 AM
2012-09-15 7:41 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Hello Pink!! And welcome to the nut house!!!

Your answers were PC, insightful, and mostly correct....except one!!! Don't knock Breaking Bad!! It's like an addiction once you start watching....wait, maybe you shouldn't start watching. I don't know what I'm talking about anymore!!

2012-09-15 10:18 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Ok, Sarah, I've agreed with ya'll on most things so maybe I need to give Breaking Bad a try.  Or maybe not.

Well, I had a really good time reading over this thread!  I'm only about a third of the way thru (I'm still living in your April 2012 world) but I was going to comment  I’ve seen some of the most inspiring stories and also just laugh out loud hilarity.  So many of you have the same attitude I have about life – do your best, laugh at the mishaps, and then drink enough to forget some others. 

Comments thus far,

  1. It’s nice to see that many of you are parents with the same types of angst that I have.  I guess misery loves company.
  2. We have gone to Hash, Hound, Harriers and even done a red dress run.  It’s so much fun!  Each “kennel” can be different – many are a drinking club with a running problem and then some are just a drinking club period.  
  3. I ‘bout lost it when I read Quincy’s comment about nudity and how in her experience (I’m paraphasing.  She said it much better.), many times it’s the ones that you don’t want to see naked that you do and vice versa.  Yep, I hate when I can't unsee something.
  4. Ok, ya’ll brought it up (Think it was Sarah, Yvonne, and Shelly).  When I first started running, people asked if I would ever do a tri.  I responded “No, I didn’t want to swim with a few thousand of my closest friends on top of me.”  I’ve never experience a diagnosed full-blown panic attack but I have had a few mild attacks.  Then when I decided to enter a tri, I just focused on how crappy my bike skills were to take my mind off of that swim contact.  Now I’m freaking again about the people around me.  {deep breathes}   I think I may try Dave’s technique of embracing the contact during training.  Oh Lord tho, I’m scared now.
  5. I'm really going to try to get in the habit of checking RHR.  I have only used the HRM a few times because one day on an ez run it had my HR at 193 just as I started out.  I think that meant that I was dead and the stress from my demise made me pull off the monitor. I've since tried a few more times but it was never pretty.  I will lose every RHR contest because apparently I'm very unfit.  But now after reading Dave's commentary on RHR, I will start trying to take it as a sign of what's happening with my body.
2012-09-16 11:57 AM
in reply to: #4410585

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah keep it up.  I only train on time, so I won't have any distance entries, but that's o.k. with me.

2012-09-16 6:49 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Oriolepwr update:

So yesterday I got certified to be a spin instructor!    Fun day.   Me and another guy with like 30 women.  It was a tough tough day.  ;-)

Basically I won't be able to commit to a regular class and plus need to work with another instructor for a bit and do some classes together, but after that.  Will be a sub for the regulars in case they can't make it for a while.  

My thought for doing this is that.  Since I'm there at spin  anyhow  may as well get paid to be there.    One day I'd like to buy yet ANOTHER bike  (have 4 of them)  and I cannot justify it.   And with kids braces,  my house seemingly in "replace every major appliance" mode.  I just do not see how a new tri bike will ever be in the regular money flow justified expense to my DW.    Sooo  with the spin thing,  perhaps I can earn it in a new  "this $$ is hobby don'thavetofeelguiltyfund"

Plus have ideas to hopefully inspire some of the spinners into becoming cyclists.  


I am beta testing for a company that is producing a neat new app.  for the ipad   They have high resolution running courses for the ipad from all over the world.    Say like Central Park NYC      (actually that is one of the courses I am testing)     So what happens is,  there is an Ant + receiver that fits into the Ipad and you wear a foot pod and run on the treadmill.   The video tells you what/when to raise/lower elevation and the course video moves as you move.     So like a computrainer real course  but for the tready.       Exceptional video.   so you can feel like you are there.  and see the sights as you would if you were running there.   Pretty cool. 

Other than that   I am REALLY in trouble for the Chicago Mary.   Though I'm a veteran of many marathons, that experience tells me just how bad this race is going to go for me.   I am like totally untrained for it.     But I will be running it anyhow.    Still am looking forward to the fun weekend that it will be!  


2012-09-17 4:58 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Welcome Pink Socks, I am the injured one of the group. So hope to see you in Memphis for our first Msy-tri tour Tri.

So everyone,
Looks like training will be on the easy side for a while once I get the ok from the doctors. Oct 25th is my surgery date to have my defibrillator replaced along with a catherization. Oh, so fun. So I will be reading and living tri through the rest of you for the next few months.

2012-09-17 5:32 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Dreary day in Chicago-Land.  

I was thinking about this strange experience I had a while back.   I don't think I've shared it here before. 

In a sense it's a race report.....  kinda    you know a good or bad race day can color the ENTIRE rest of your day/week/year/whatevs

Anyhow here it is..

"Oriolepwr-The Accidental Carny"
2012-09-18 4:25 AM
in reply to: #4415438

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
@Tom, thank you for the welcome.  Oh I'm so sorry that you are injured!  I'm reading thru all of the pages and trying not to skip ahead so I didn't know about the injury.  Best of luck on the surgery!  Your surgery is the day before my first ever tri so I'll race it for you.  I'll find an Orca to take with me thru the whole race.
2012-09-18 3:18 PM
in reply to: #4415952

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

I’ve read thru all of the tour posts.  Whoa, you are all studs!!!!  I’m so impressed!  You are all amazing people.

Shelly, I wish I had known you before that Atlanta tri!  My in-laws are near that area and I would have alerted you as to the hills.  You may already know about this but has a good elevation chart.  (Others use mapmyride but my mind grasps the RA map easier.)  Sometimes I cross reference with google maps too.  My first HM, I saw part of the course and immediately knew the elevation chart posted was wrong.  So afterwards, I used RA.  Now I map out my future courses, id the types of elevation, and then try to simulate them in training.

Mike brought up that wife is thinking of IMFL for them in 2013.  If so, or if anyone else is considering IMFL, let us know.  DH will be volunteering there this year; he says that he won’t be using the volunteer spot to gain entry into 2013 but I know him better than he knows himself.

 I added my future races, added you all as friends, and updated my training log for this month.  First, I’m sorry that I didn’t lists the times for many; I usually just record the miles.  Also, it’s not very impressive because I was sick with nada training for several weeks and had to start back SLOW.  Now I’ve got some back issues so I’m making myself rest for 2 to 3 days in an attempt to avoid the doctor’s office for the 5th time in a month. (5 flippin’ times?!?!  Sorry Sarah, I know you and DH are doctors but I hate going to the doctor.)

Also, I unintentionally tried Dave’s approach to swimming the other day.  I was practicing and my son jumped in and bumped up against me.  When I told him that it could help me learn contact, he took it as a personal challenge.  Before it was all over, I was fighting for my life a couple of times.  He does have 6 inches on me and a few pounds and he fights dirty.  As a mom, I didn’t want to hurt my baby but soon I was trying to give as good as I was getting.

2012-09-18 3:39 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Welcome aboard Pink Socks. Pretty impressive that you made it through the entire Tour. 

A quick baby update:

We had an appointment to be induced at 5am this morning. It got postponed due to all the beds being full. (It was a cold December this year and now the OB ward is pretty busy.) Her due date is the 22nd but the baby is a big-un and the doc would like to go ahead and get him/her out. Thankfully there have been no complications thus far.  Hopefully we will get a call soon and can head over and pop this kiddo out! I will update as soon as I can. Whoohoo!! Laughing

2012-09-19 1:42 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Dave - that sounds like a pretty cool gadget for the ipad. I'm a treadmill runner, so I'm always looking for something entertaining to watch...I might have to check it out!

Pink - I can't believe you spent the time to read all those posts!! I haven't even read them, and I've here since (almost) the beginning!! Anything I missed????

TJ - I have been wondering about your wife and baby!!! I'm excited for you. Can't wait to see pics of him/her!!

I had to share a pic today...while running I came across a 7 foot gator, so I had to stop and get a pic!! Last week I saw a fox...I always feel like I'm on some sort of Discovery adventure when I do my workouts!!



gator.jpg (66KB - 14 downloads)
2012-09-19 2:17 PM
in reply to: #4408000

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!



Name     Swim yrds/Bike miles/Run miles   Total time

Sarah     14760     260.44       44.72        27:47:28

Quincy    5724       129.50        41.09         16:57:51

Todd       ?             ?                42.00         12:05:00

Mike        0             26.40        63.60         11:17:13 *Obviously haven't lost the run mojo!!

Dave       0            104.00        31.00         11:06:05     

Alicia       0            120.06        0               08:12:06   

Pink         ?             38.50        54.10         08:09:00  *Nice run total!!!        

TJ            ?             70.57         ?               07:46:31  *You get extra credit for walking with PG wife!

Shelly      0             23.77         7.48          03:08:22

Jackie      0             0              15.90          02:28:24

Yvonne    0             21.07         1.02          01:39:25


2012-09-19 7:53 PM
in reply to: #4415480

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
oriolepwr - 2012-09-17 5:32 PM

Dreary day in Chicago-Land.  

I was thinking about this strange experience I had a while back.   I don't think I've shared it here before. 

In a sense it's a race report.....  kinda    you know a good or bad race day can color the ENTIRE rest of your day/week/year/whatevs

Anyhow here it is..

"Oriolepwr-The Accidental Carny"
Hilarious story Dave! :-)
2012-09-19 8:09 PM
in reply to: #4417298

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Lesandtj - 2012-09-18 3:39 PM

Welcome aboard Pink Socks. Pretty impressive that you made it through the entire Tour. 

A quick baby update:

We had an appointment to be induced at 5am this morning. It got postponed due to all the beds being full. (It was a cold December this year and now the OB ward is pretty busy.) Her due date is the 22nd but the baby is a big-un and the doc would like to go ahead and get him/her out. Thankfully there have been no complications thus far.  Hopefully we will get a call soon and can head over and pop this kiddo out! I will update as soon as I can. Whoohoo!! Laughing

Good luck with the baby! Can't wait to see pics.

2012-09-19 8:14 PM
in reply to: #4418997

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-09-19 2:17 PM



Name     Swim yrds/Bike miles/Run miles   Total time

Sarah     14760     260.44       44.72        27:47:28

Quincy    5724       129.50        41.09         16:57:51

Todd       ?             ?                42.00         12:05:00

Mike        0             26.40        63.60         11:17:13 *Obviously haven't lost the run mojo!!

Dave       0            104.00        31.00         11:06:05     

Alicia       0            120.06        0               08:12:06   

Pink         ?             38.50        54.10         08:09:00  *Nice run total!!!        

TJ            ?             70.57         ?               07:46:31  *You get extra credit for walking with PG wife!

Shelly      0             23.77         7.48          03:08:22

Jackie      0             0              15.90          02:28:24

Yvonne    0             21.07         1.02          01:39:25


My runs are feeling great! I look forward to every one of them and they aren't feeling like "work". I'm also enjoying the simplicity of running and not trying to fit eight workouts in per week. The big downside is that I'm sure I'm losing cycling fitness and at the end of August, I was in my best cycling shape yet. I'm good with it though. I need as many stress reducers as I can get right now.
2012-09-19 8:25 PM
in reply to: #4418893

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-09-19 1:42 PM

Dave - that sounds like a pretty cool gadget for the ipad. I'm a treadmill runner, so I'm always looking for something entertaining to watch...I might have to check it out!

Pink - I can't believe you spent the time to read all those posts!! I haven't even read them, and I've here since (almost) the beginning!! Anything I missed????

TJ - I have been wondering about your wife and baby!!! I'm excited for you. Can't wait to see pics of him/her!!

I had to share a pic today...while running I came across a 7 foot gator, so I had to stop and get a pic!! Last week I saw a fox...I always feel like I'm on some sort of Discovery adventure when I do my workouts!!


Always cool running across wild life as long as they don't startle you (and vice versa). Specially when it's a gator ;-)
2012-09-20 1:33 PM
in reply to: #4418997

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-09-19 3:17 PM



Name     Swim yrds/Bike miles/Run miles   Total time

Sarah     14760     260.44       44.72        27:47:28

Quincy    5724       129.50        41.09         16:57:51

Todd       ?             ?                42.00         12:05:00

Mike        0             26.40        63.60         11:17:13 *Obviously haven't lost the run mojo!!

Dave       0            104.00        31.00         11:06:05     

Alicia       0            120.06        0               08:12:06   

Pink         ?             38.50        54.10         08:09:00  *Nice run total!!!        

TJ            ?             70.57         ?               07:46:31  *You get extra credit for walking with PG wife!

Shelly      0             23.77         7.48          03:08:22

Jackie      0             0              15.90          02:28:24

Yvonne    0             21.07         1.02          01:39:25



Awww crap, we're suppose to do all three sports right?!?! Well at least I'm getting out of the gym and biking in the real world for once!!! I can't seem to bring myself back to run a 5k next weekend and a sprint tri on October 6 Embarassed I'm volunteering at an oly this weekend so maybe that will give me some much needed inspiration.  Even my new awesome Garmin 910 isn't doing it for me....

2012-09-20 1:39 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Pinksockspam - you know when I read how Q typed that, I saw Pink Sock Spam, weird

Welcome! You will fit right in here I can already tell.  First, don't listen to Dave regarding the cucumber gatorade, doesn't exist, urban legend, the whole tour is looking for it yet he is the only one who ever finds it, the mythical unicorn of endurance sports drinks.  But yes, I still look everywhere, I have a problem.

I feel your pain regarding the clip less pedals, totally terrified me, still does but been riding with them since December and haven't busted it yet, now I need some wood to knock on.  Did you know that you can adjust the tension on them? I didn't before but thanks to one of the mystri peeps I found out, loosened them up, and SO SO much easier to get in and out of now.

Can't wait till you crack open the wine, noob tour members are always responsible for the wine, did the fearless leaders tell ya that?! Wink

2012-09-20 1:39 PM
in reply to: #4417298

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Lesandtj - 2012-09-18 4:39 PM

Welcome aboard Pink Socks. Pretty impressive that you made it through the entire Tour. 

A quick baby update:

We had an appointment to be induced at 5am this morning. It got postponed due to all the beds being full. (It was a cold December this year and now the OB ward is pretty busy.) Her due date is the 22nd but the baby is a big-un and the doc would like to go ahead and get him/her out. Thankfully there have been no complications thus far.  Hopefully we will get a call soon and can head over and pop this kiddo out! I will update as soon as I can. Whoohoo!! Laughing


Hope for an update soon!!! Good Luck!

2012-09-20 1:59 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Hospital is still full. This baby don't care no mo. Here comes... Updates to come.
2012-09-20 5:19 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

@Yvonne, ew that would be scary to see pinksock spam.  I won't spam you tho - promise.  I have opened the wine last night - and then I finished it since no one showed up.  I'll open up a new one now.  Get the feeling it's gonna be gone quick tho.  My back issues aren't going away; meds don't seem to be helpiing so the wine is the preferable alternative.

@TJ, glad the time has come.  Can't wait to hear about it and see pix.  Hope it's a wonderful delivery.

2012-09-20 10:26 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

OK, just to keep everyone apprised without stealing thunder I will share that TJ's spawn has arrived safely, healthy and beautiful. I will leave the details to TJ...gender, name, weight (ahem).

Happy baby day! Can't wait to hear more about it!


2012-09-20 10:29 PM
in reply to: #4418893

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-09-19 1:42 PM

Dave - that sounds like a pretty cool gadget for the ipad. I'm a treadmill runner, so I'm always looking for something entertaining to watch...I might have to check it out!

Pink - I can't believe you spent the time to read all those posts!! I haven't even read them, and I've here since (almost) the beginning!! Anything I missed????

TJ - I have been wondering about your wife and baby!!! I'm excited for you. Can't wait to see pics of him/her!!

I had to share a pic today...while running I came across a 7 foot gator, so I had to stop and get a pic!! Last week I saw a fox...I always feel like I'm on some sort of Discovery adventure when I do my workouts!!


OK, not to be alarmist, but...this would freak me out...there's always some story about a jogger (always female, wtf) getting eaten by a gator! Let's just keep our speedwork fresh, shall we?, and maybe run with a tazer.

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