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2010-04-30 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2828845

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
kz9jvq - 2010-04-30 12:58 PM Hey guys, tomorrow is my first triathlon.  I'll post a race report probably on Monday.  You all have a good weekend and good training!

Good Luck Kz9!!!  Have fun and be safe.  Looking forward to hearing all about it!

2010-05-03 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2829607

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hey everyone, I completed my first triathlon!!!  That was the first victory!  I completed a race report.  It is at:

Overall, the race was excellent and the weather was great.  No wind about 76-80 during the race but very humid.  What do you expect in the Houston area right?

I did much better on the bike portion than I thought - 19.3 mph pace on my mountain bike.  Run was a little slower than expected but I have to watch intake of anything but water.  Someone handed me an accelerade at a water station and I felt like I was made of lead for about 10 minutes after!

2010-05-03 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2833609

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
kz9jvq - 2010-05-03 12:53 PM Hey everyone, I completed my first triathlon!!!  That was the first victory!  I completed a race report.  It is at:

Overall, the race was excellent and the weather was great.  No wind about 76-80 during the race but very humid.  What do you expect in the Houston area right?

I did much better on the bike portion than I thought - 19.3 mph pace on my mountain bike.  Run was a little slower than expected but I have to watch intake of anything but water.  Someone handed me an accelerade at a water station and I felt like I was made of lead for about 10 minutes after!

Awesome job Scott!!    It is a great feeling isn't it?  Your bike split is impressive...on a mountain bike none the less!! WOW.   Congratulations on your first tri.  Hopefully one of many now.   

2010-05-05 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2834657

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Thanks Claire.  It is!  I am already planning the next one.  I think I am going to do an Olympic in Sept.  Boy, can this be addictive?!  What about you?  When is your next one?
2010-05-05 2:07 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
kz9jvq - really great job!!! I'm very impressed at your bike time. That's crazy fast on a mountain bike. This is a fantastic first triathlon for you!
2010-05-05 3:27 PM
in reply to: #2838509

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
kz9jvq - 2010-05-05 10:58 AM Thanks Claire.  It is!  I am already planning the next one.  I think I am going to do an Olympic in Sept.  Boy, can this be addictive?!  What about you?  When is your next one?

I'm planning on doing a sprint tri sometime in June but haven't decided which one.  Of course now all the tris this summer will have OWS which will be new for me.  Yikes!  Gotta take the plunge sometime right?

Scott, is a road bike or tri bike in your future?  Cycling could be your strong event.

Does anyone have any races coming up in May or June?

Heather,  looks like the weather won't be too bad.  I think the latest I heard was sunny and lows in the high forties for the morning of the half mary this Saturday. 

Edited by cggale 2010-05-05 3:29 PM

2010-05-05 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2772211

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hey Jeff/StrayDog, 

I just saw on your log that you did your first half mary last week...and you rocked it in under two hours!!!!  Awesome job!!

LOL about pouring the electrolyte drink on your head instead of water to stay cool.  It is hard to drink from a cup.  No matter how much you try, you still get it all over you. 

I hope you are proud of yourself.  Running 13.1 miles is a great accomplishment. 

Edited by cggale 2010-05-05 3:46 PM
2010-05-05 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2839487

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
cggale - 2010-05-05 3:27 PM

kz9jvq - 2010-05-05 10:58 AM Thanks Claire.  It is!  I am already planning the next one.  I think I am going to do an Olympic in Sept.  Boy, can this be addictive?!  What about you?  When is your next one?

I'm planning on doing a sprint tri sometime in June but haven't decided which one.  Of course now all the tris this summer will have OWS which will be new for me.  Yikes!  Gotta take the plunge sometime right?

Scott, is a road bike or tri bike in your future?  Cycling could be your strong event.

Does anyone have any races coming up in May or June?

Heather,  looks like the weather won't be too bad.  I think the latest I heard was sunny and lows in the high forties for the morning of the half mary this Saturday. 

I saw the weather forecast and it's perfect for a run! Should be a good time.
2010-05-06 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Got out for a ride today; my first in maybe a month.  I'm really unhappy with my fitness right now but circumstances really got the better of me in April.  With an oli just 4 weeks away I have a ton of work to do in the next 3 weeks to get myself back into race form.  I was hoping to hammer the course when I signed up and right now I just want to finish it comfortably.  I hate to lower expectations, but at least I get to do this same race again in August, so I can see how much I can progress in 3 months.
2010-05-07 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2772211

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hot!  Now that I'm back on the training wagon I went for my first "long" run at my revised distance.  At 8AM it's already 80+ degrees and with high humidity, full sun and no wind I just fry out there.  I have to switch to my summer routine for running which means run only from dusk to dawn, or find a treadmill. 

2010-05-07 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2839212

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!

Thank you Heather!  That is good to know.  It felt really good but wasn't sure how good it was for a first.

2010-05-07 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2839212

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!

Thank you Heather!  That is good to know.  It felt really good but wasn't sure how good it was for a first. 

2010-05-07 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2839212

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!

Thank you Heather!  That is good to know.  It felt really good but wasn't sure how good it was for a first.  I

2010-05-07 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2839487

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
June huh?  Boy, that is right around the corner!  But you already have one under your belt for the season.  The OWS wasn't too bad.  If you have swam in lakes or rivers before, that seems like it is half of it.  For me, the hard part was all the people and runnning into them.  If you can get to the outside of them on your first one, it should go more smoothly - at least you won't be running into them!

Road bike or tri bike?  Good question.  I am trying to learn about the differences and leaning toward a tri bike.  I still love to mountain bike and think that anything I do on the road will be tri related.  Any suggestions on which way to go?
2010-05-08 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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New user

Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Well, I feel good after taking so much time during my vacation. I didn't have a chance to swim this week but plan on doing quite a bit next week. I only have 6 weeks until my baby tri. I need to run more. I don't think the swim or bike will be an issue, but I am a slow runner.
2010-05-11 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2772211

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hey folks, just checkin in.  I feel like I'm getting back in to the swing of things, but I'm paying the price for my layoff.  I'm kinda sore & stiff so I'm trying to get lots of sleep until I work the kinks out.

I dodged a bullet on Sunday.  I went out to ride a couple hours and hooked up with a big group (30+) right at my turn around.  Fast group, running 23-26 mph so I just found a tire and hung on the back.  We hit a bridge and the group split as some people slowed and other pulled off.  I made two solid charges to try to re-connect with the front group and had them back in sight when they all went down.  I'm not sure what happened, but someone got too close to someone else and the 6 or 7 people in that lead pack wrecked.  I checked to see if I could offer any help but they were too busy moaning & groaning or shouting at each other.  I've never felt so lucky to get dropped by a fast group in my life.

2010-05-11 7:20 PM
in reply to: #2851174

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Spleen - 2010-05-11 10:59 AM Hey folks, just checkin in.  I feel like I'm getting back in to the swing of things, but I'm paying the price for my layoff.  I'm kinda sore & stiff so I'm trying to get lots of sleep until I work the kinks out.

I dodged a bullet on Sunday.  I went out to ride a couple hours and hooked up with a big group (30+) right at my turn around.  Fast group, running 23-26 mph so I just found a tire and hung on the back.  We hit a bridge and the group split as some people slowed and other pulled off.  I made two solid charges to try to re-connect with the front group and had them back in sight when they all went down.  I'm not sure what happened, but someone got too close to someone else and the 6 or 7 people in that lead pack wrecked.  I checked to see if I could offer any help but they were too busy moaning & groaning or shouting at each other.  I've never felt so lucky to get dropped by a fast group in my life.

Glad to hear you weren't in the middle of that mess.  I get nervous riding amongst a bunch of people anyway.  Lack of experience I suppose.  Sounds like your riding is going well.   Keep up the great work.     I'm still really sore in my left calf from the half mary last Saturday.  I think I'll be swimming and biking until the leg gets better.  Hope everyone is doing well.
2010-05-13 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2772211

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hey everyone.  I need some suggestions... I'm going to Disney Sat. night with the family for a few days.  My wife has a trade show there and she got hooked up with free rooms and some tix.  We live in West Palm Beach so its just a couple hours in the car to get up there.  I'm trying to figure out how I'll train on this little trip.

I can't take my bike with me.  I know I can run, but that could get tedious for 4 straight days.  Think they'll let me swim in their lake?  I don't just want to go to the weight room 'cause right now I need miles more than I need biceps.  Honestly I'm just trying to figure out if I should train in the AM and maybe be a bit tired while running around the parks all day, or is it better to train at night though I might already be worn out from a long day?

Actually, the Orlando 70.3 is on Sunday so I'll be more than happy to just cheer folks on while they race.  I know two guys who are doing the race so I'll look for them out on the run.  

2010-05-14 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2856420

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hey Spleen.  Travel does make it tough.  I don't have a lot of luck training while on the road with the family.  Usually too many things going on to fit it in.  I usually try to train around the trip - double up before and after going and use the vacation time as an extended rest.  When I do train while travelling I usually run and do it in the morning before everyone gets up and then just tough it out at the end of the day.  Better than training already exhausted.  You could get some swimming in at the pool too in the AM to mix it up.  Have fun on the trip!
2010-05-16 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hope everybody got some good training in this weekend! I'm going to peek at your training logs.
2010-05-25 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
What's up everyone.  I had a decent week-end training and such.  I volunteered for a race for the first time this past Sunday.  I bodymarked, helped out at the swim start and then ran part of the finish.  It was interesting to see every single person cross the finish line.  There were some people I saw before the race that looked like animals yet struggled to the finish while some folks that didn't look athletic at all cruised easily in the front of the pack.  

My training is getting back on track.  Did a 50 mile ride yesterday to get acclimated to a longer effort before my oli in 12 days.  I only have a few more days to do meaningful work that will amount to better fitness on race day.   Running is tough now because it's so damn hot right now, but it's going to be hot on race day too so I might as well get used to it.

2010-05-26 6:21 PM
in reply to: #2880999

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Spleen - 2010-05-25 12:53 PM What's up everyone.  I had a decent week-end training and such.  I volunteered for a race for the first time this past Sunday.  I bodymarked, helped out at the swim start and then ran part of the finish.  It was interesting to see every single person cross the finish line.  There were some people I saw before the race that looked like animals yet struggled to the finish while some folks that didn't look athletic at all cruised easily in the front of the pack.  

My training is getting back on track.  Did a 50 mile ride yesterday to get acclimated to a longer effort before my oli in 12 days.  I only have a few more days to do meaningful work that will amount to better fitness on race day.   Running is tough now because it's so damn hot right now, but it's going to be hot on race day too so I might as well get used to it.

Volunteering sounds like a neat experience!  I think when my kids get a little older, it could be a fun and worthwhile family activity.

Wow 50 miles.  I think you'll defineltely be ready for the Oly.  Yeah, the temps have been hot hot hot here as well.  Of course that Florida heat is scorching, so be careful. 

Keep up the good work Spleen.  Looking forward to hearing about your race.

Anyone else out there? 
2010-05-28 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Thanks for the vote of confidence!  I'm feeling a little more positive about next week's race after my ride today.   I did 26 miles at about 19.5 mph which gives me the confidence to think I could ride 1-1.5 mph faster on race day.  So my bike is in good shape but my run fitness is mediocre and my swimming training has been negligible.  I'll cross the finish line OK (knock wood) but I don't expect to be burning up the course.

What else is up guys?  Heather, have you started a training plan for your IM?
2010-06-05 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2772211

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hey folks.  I'm racing tomorrow so I'm checking out for the week-end.  I'll let you all know what happened on Monday.
2010-06-08 1:22 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Brutal race Sunday.  Super, super hot.  I was totally under-trained for the swim and heat and humidity took the wind outta my sails on the run.  The good news is I beat my last bike split on the same course by a minute and a half.  I get to do this course again in August so I have plenty of time to get myself back in to shape and post a better result.
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