BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-01-13 6:15 AM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Take care of that MCL, sounds like you are doing the right thing and staying off to let it heal.

glad you got started on the P90X.....cant wait to see the before and after pics

Im off to teach butts n guts class this morning and a treadmill run or EFX.  My chest is still tight and nose blocked plus another hugh fever blister is popping out.  Im not feeling any more stress then a typical time in life so I dont know whats going on with all the fever blisters and why Im just kinda kicking the blahs around.  I'll be glad when spring comes.  Typically healthy until some allergy issues get me in June of July.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday...we were suppose to get some snow but nothing has they are saying a slushy mix during the day cant make a snow angel in slush

2009-01-14 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Stopped the P90X Plyometrics after 20 minutes last night or walking for the next few days would be difficult...mostly due to not keeping up with strength training.  The hammies and I were having a disagreement during the lunge portion of the WARMUP.

Tonight is Shoulders and Arms.

2009-01-15 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
Did...attempted is more accurate...the Ab Ripper program last night (monday was the first time through it).  I made it two minutes and the abs revolted and refused to fire.
2009-01-15 4:08 PM
in reply to: #1909830

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

tupuppy - 2009-01-15 1:07 PM Did...attempted is more accurate...the Ab Ripper program last night (monday was the first time through it).  I made it two minutes and the abs revolted and refused to fire.

Keep it up Ty....oh and HTFU 


2009-01-15 4:11 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
Its freezing cold here in southern Ohio.  Tonite its suppose to get to -1 with windchills of -15 degrees.  Thats enough to make anyone want to stay under the flanel sheets.
I have a friend coming over tonite to try to help me hook the dvd/tv that I have downstairs with the treadmill into my DJ equipment.....the tv itself isnt loud enough when you are running and so I thought why not hook it up so when I clomp my feet I can hear a movie or what not much better.....just thinking that will keep me on there a little longer.
2009-01-15 6:14 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hi Jenn & all the family!

How are you all?? I'm sorry i've been so quiet the last wekk, the truth is that i've been EXHAUSTED! Does anyone else know what i mean? I work full-time for my families non-profit, but the nature of my work can be emotionally draining (you know, dealing with homeless women and their children in african villages, etc..) so  I've been cheating by staying up to date with you all via thread emails. But not posting up on here! Naughty, i know...

The GOOD news is that i haven't quit my program...i've been out 3 times a week the last (almost) two weeks. I work out tues, thurs and sat between 6:30 and 7 am.

I've been doing the walk/run combo and my best time so far is an 9 min mile. I've been very disciplined NOT to go over the alloted times and to stretch properly which is just as well cause today my body is just plain tired! This morning, i just gave myself a break and walked the whole time then did a short sprint at the end. Felt like i was cheating..but well, at least i got up!

Gear: Other great news - i got a bike this Tuesday!! A lady donated one to me on craigslist - all very exciting. I've never owned a woman's mountain bike - last one i had was 10 yrs ago, when i was 20! It's a Teal-colored Magna Equator,  18 speed - needed minor repairs (brakes and seat) but is is great condition, barely used.

Questions: 1. FOOD - I'm hungrier and thirstier! Keep drinking water, but doesn't always help. Smaller portion sizes are hard to stick to - i keep wanting second helpings, have caved a few do you all manage this? And don't laugh but Is there a breathing technique that might help to reduce thirst? i.e. shallow breathing when running or something? 2. TIREDNESS - How can i boost my energy mid-afternoon (between 2-4) after a day of a run..i feel drowsy and lack motivation...

Right, now i have to get back to work..but i promise that i'll log in my workouts these last few days this evening. Thanks in advance for all your help!




2009-01-15 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1910767

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
annamariehope - 2009-01-15 6:14 PM

Hi Jenn & all the family!

How are you all?? I'm sorry i've been so quiet the last wekk, the truth is that i've been EXHAUSTED! Does anyone else know what i mean? I work full-time for my families non-profit, but the nature of my work can be emotionally draining (you know, dealing with homeless women and their children in african villages, etc..) so  I've been cheating by staying up to date with you all via thread emails. But not posting up on here! Naughty, i know...

The GOOD news is that i haven't quit my program...i've been out 3 times a week the last (almost) two weeks. I work out tues, thurs and sat between 6:30 and 7 am.

I've been doing the walk/run combo and my best time so far is an 9 min mile. I've been very disciplined NOT to go over the alloted times and to stretch properly which is just as well cause today my body is just plain tired! This morning, i just gave myself a break and walked the whole time then did a short sprint at the end. Felt like i was cheating..but well, at least i got up!

Gear: Other great news - i got a bike this Tuesday!! A lady donated one to me on craigslist - all very exciting. I've never owned a woman's mountain bike - last one i had was 10 yrs ago, when i was 20! It's a Teal-colored Magna Equator,  18 speed - needed minor repairs (brakes and seat) but is is great condition, barely used.

Questions: 1. FOOD - I'm hungrier and thirstier! Keep drinking water, but doesn't always help. Smaller portion sizes are hard to stick to - i keep wanting second helpings, have caved a few do you all manage this? And don't laugh but Is there a breathing technique that might help to reduce thirst? i.e. shallow breathing when running or something? 2. TIREDNESS - How can i boost my energy mid-afternoon (between 2-4) after a day of a run..i feel drowsy and lack motivation...

Right, now i have to get back to work..but i promise that i'll log in my workouts these last few days this evening. Thanks in advance for all your help!




 Great job on sticking with it.  9 minute mile is great and very respectable.  I started out with a 9 minute mile last summer and made it.  I also started off with a mountain bike with my 2yo son in a trailer behind it, it was like a parachute....good stuff.  My appetite went way up too when I trained.  I just paid attention to what I was eating, and ate more but made sure it was good and healthy (ok, maybe healthier).  Try to eat more meals of smaller portions at the same time everyday.  If your body gets used to it coming in at the same time everyday, that seems to work for me.  I am sure there will be some more advice to come, the trick is to see what works for you.

2009-01-15 10:26 PM
in reply to: #1910767

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

That's wonderful to hear that you've been working out, now get to logging! 

Congratulations on the bike!  That's just huge.

Hmm, breathing better to reduce hunger?  I don't have any suggestions with regard to that, but I can tell you that taking yoga - even just the very, very small bit that I have - has helped me immensely with my running and biking.  Learning how to take and release those deep breaths is very beneficial.

Afternoon tiredness.  Hmm.  Maybe a little package of nut/dried fruit/granola could help.  Plus, that might help with hunger.

Well, all of that's just my two cents and are things that have worked for me.  Like Derek said, it'll take some experimenting on your part to see how your body responds.

Have a good night everyone!

2009-01-16 12:32 AM
in reply to: #1911230

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Thanks so much for this - eating smaller portions throughout the day sounds like something that might work for me....

granola and fruit  mix bags are a great idea..maybe i could have some natural yoghurt with that, too..i love yoghurt!

I actually took some yoga classes years ago and remember the basic idea was that you needed to take 'full breathes' which meant inhaling deeply (and pushing out the stomach) then exhaling fully (pulling in the stomach) - the opposite to what feels that right?

I think i might try that on saturday - see how it affects how i run...


Have a good night!



2009-01-16 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Nice work annamarie.  You might try a protein shake after that workout and see if that will boost your energy level.
So exciting about your bike!  I think it will be awhile till I can get outside on my bike, its 3 degrees today  
Cant believe its already the weekend.  Hope everyone has a good one.

2009-01-18 12:22 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
Quiet weekend around here.

2009-01-18 3:08 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
Yeah, nothing more than trying to stretch my knee, or just keep it moving from time to time so it doesn't completely tighten up on me.  Saw a couple guys out on tri bikes this afternoon in the 65 degree weather, I was very jealous.
2009-01-19 7:51 AM
in reply to: #1915066

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Big_D - 2009-01-18 4:08 PM Yeah, nothing more than trying to stretch my knee, or just keep it moving from time to time so it doesn't completely tighten up on me.  Saw a couple guys out on tri bikes this afternoon in the 65 degree weather, I was very jealous.

So, you were jealous of the tri bike guys.  I'm just jealous of the 65 degree weather.  Sigh...

2009-01-20 1:47 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hey, Jenn.  Any tips on how to "get into" working in the fitness industry?  I have a Bachelor's degree, it's just in political science, so that's kind of worthless.  Initially, I see myself teaching some kind of classes at the Y.

I know that's kind of vague, but I'm at a crossroads in my career and when I consider what it is that I love, it's now triathlons, of course, and with that has come a passion for fitness in general.

Anyway, thanks for your time.

2009-01-20 2:23 PM
in reply to: #1859975

Bayside, NY
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
I am so sorry I haven't commented anyones wonderful accomplishements of the week. I have been in bed since saturday sick as a dog. today is my first day without waking up without a fever! i have bronchitis and still feel pretty crappy. I can't wait to get back to training and actually getting out into the world, what is everyone up to for this week? How is training?
2009-01-20 2:23 PM
in reply to: #1918468

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
lkagop - 2009-01-20 2:47 PM

Hey, Jenn.  Any tips on how to "get into" working in the fitness industry?  I have a Bachelor's degree, it's just in political science, so that's kind of worthless.  Initially, I see myself teaching some kind of classes at the Y.

I know that's kind of vague, but I'm at a crossroads in my career and when I consider what it is that I love, it's now triathlons, of course, and with that has come a passion for fitness in general.

Anyway, thanks for your time.

I know most people that become involved are just like you.  Started taking classes at the local club and loved it and then just speak up to the manager and let them know you are interested and usually things just fall into place.  Group fitness class wise you probably want to look into ACE Group Fitness certification.  Buy the study materials and usually a place in Cincinnati or Columbus will host a study class and then take the exam.  If you are interested in Personal Training they have a personal training cert as well.

NSCA is a little more in debt certification for personal must hold a Bachelor degree in order to even take there test.  But after passing there test you can work with special needs patients as well.

If you wanna have some fun in Feb come to the SCW Fitness Mania conference in Philly.  You will learn so much there! 

2009-01-20 2:25 PM
in reply to: #1918554

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

woj143 - 2009-01-20 3:23 PM I am so sorry I haven't commented anyones wonderful accomplishements of the week. I have been in bed since saturday sick as a dog. today is my first day without waking up without a fever! i have bronchitis and still feel pretty crappy. I can't wait to get back to training and actually getting out into the world, what is everyone up to for this week? How is training?

Hope you get feeling better soon!  I have finally given in to antibiotics and went to the doctor today for this sinus stuff.  I figure if my body has not fought it off by itself by now then it needs some extra help.  Glad your fever is gone and get rested up.

2009-01-20 4:12 PM
in reply to: #1918555

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
Jungle Jenn - 2009-01-20 3:23 PM
lkagop - 2009-01-20 2:47 PM

Hey, Jenn.  Any tips on how to "get into" working in the fitness industry?  I have a Bachelor's degree, it's just in political science, so that's kind of worthless.  Initially, I see myself teaching some kind of classes at the Y.

I know that's kind of vague, but I'm at a crossroads in my career and when I consider what it is that I love, it's now triathlons, of course, and with that has come a passion for fitness in general.

Anyway, thanks for your time.

I know most people that become involved are just like you.  Started taking classes at the local club and loved it and then just speak up to the manager and let them know you are interested and usually things just fall into place.  Group fitness class wise you probably want to look into ACE Group Fitness certification.  Buy the study materials and usually a place in Cincinnati or Columbus will host a study class and then take the exam.  If you are interested in Personal Training they have a personal training cert as well.

NSCA is a little more in debt certification for personal must hold a Bachelor degree in order to even take there test.  But after passing there test you can work with special needs patients as well.

If you wanna have some fun in Feb come to the SCW Fitness Mania conference in Philly.  You will learn so much there! 

That Fitness Mania does look fun.  I checked out ACE, too.  If you go to Fitness Mania, it looks like you can get certified in things like pilates or yoga, no?  So, do you belong to both?  Should I just talk to my Y's director and found out which one they prefer, if there is a preference?

Thanks for getting me pointed in the right direction.


2009-01-20 4:48 PM
in reply to: #1918566

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
Jungle Jenn - 2009-01-20 3:25 PM

woj143 - 2009-01-20 3:23 PM I am so sorry I haven't commented anyones wonderful accomplishements of the week. I have been in bed since saturday sick as a dog. today is my first day without waking up without a fever! i have bronchitis and still feel pretty crappy. I can't wait to get back to training and actually getting out into the world, what is everyone up to for this week? How is training?

Hope you get feeling better soon!  I have finally given in to antibiotics and went to the doctor today for this sinus stuff.  I figure if my body has not fought it off by itself by now then it needs some extra help.  Glad your fever is gone and get rested up.

Well, that's good news that you've got no fever anymore.  Sorry you've been feeling bad - period.

Hope those antibiotics kick out the crap, Jenn.

2009-01-20 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1918826

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
lkagop - 2009-01-20 5:12 PM
Jungle Jenn - 2009-01-20 3:23 PM
lkagop - 2009-01-20 2:47 PM

Hey, Jenn.  Any tips on how to "get into" working in the fitness industry?  I have a Bachelor's degree, it's just in political science, so that's kind of worthless.  Initially, I see myself teaching some kind of classes at the Y.

I know that's kind of vague, but I'm at a crossroads in my career and when I consider what it is that I love, it's now triathlons, of course, and with that has come a passion for fitness in general.

Anyway, thanks for your time.

I know most people that become involved are just like you.  Started taking classes at the local club and loved it and then just speak up to the manager and let them know you are interested and usually things just fall into place.  Group fitness class wise you probably want to look into ACE Group Fitness certification.  Buy the study materials and usually a place in Cincinnati or Columbus will host a study class and then take the exam.  If you are interested in Personal Training they have a personal training cert as well.

NSCA is a little more in debt certification for personal must hold a Bachelor degree in order to even take there test.  But after passing there test you can work with special needs patients as well.

If you wanna have some fun in Feb come to the SCW Fitness Mania conference in Philly.  You will learn so much there! 

That Fitness Mania does look fun.  I checked out ACE, too.  If you go to Fitness Mania, it looks like you can get certified in things like pilates or yoga, no?  So, do you belong to both?  Should I just talk to my Y's director and found out which one they prefer, if there is a preference?

Thanks for getting me pointed in the right direction.


sending you a pm

2009-01-21 10:00 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
P90x:   Shoulder/Bicep/Tricep  +  Ab Ripper

2009-01-22 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1921618

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

tupuppy - 2009-01-21 11:00 PM P90x:   Shoulder/Bicep/Tricep  +  Ab Ripper

Nice Ty.... Hows it feeling?

2009-01-22 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1918468

Bayside, NY
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

It's great you want to get started in the Fitness Industry!! These may sound like elementary questions but: what part of fitness? Strength training, group instruction? what kind of population? triathletes, disabled kids, overweight women, etc. Why?

When I first started in the fitness industry I was 18 and wanted to be a personal trainer. I look back to what I did then from what I know now and laugh. I did a lot of volunteering in sports med clinics, was always at the gym and went to many different conferences such as the ECA, NSCA, NATA, and ACE. It has been a great ride so far. If I an help in anyway let me know! The fitness industry is fun!!

2009-01-22 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hi all!

It's great to see you are all going strong. I've not had too great a week i'm afraid. Frown

Just been a bit too stiff and tired, plus sore feet and ankles, which has resulted in two lost workouts...

I'm not too worried - guess i just have to get back to it on the weekend.

To be honest, I've had ankle problems in the past which were treated by acupuncture, so i was concerned they might flare up again and swell. But this didn't happen! (Thank the Lord)

Plan to get back to it on Saturday.

Anyone else having a slow week?? Or is it just me?

2009-01-22 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Nicole - Sorry to hear that you've been sick! That's icky..but not surprising with our crazy climate. Yesterday it was over 70 in CA, today? Rainy and wet....Glad you are doing better now Smile

Lora - that's so great about you thinking about going into the fitness industry full sound like you love it so much. Could be a great plan! Keep us posted.. Surprised

Bg D - Hmm, thinking bout what you posted about your knee. That could be my problem...not stretching enough maybe? I tend to just stretch before my warm-up and after my cool-down...but not on the rest days in between..maybe that's what the problem is? Undecided

I'm so new to all this!

Jenn, help!! Embarassed

*Sorry, went 'smiley-face" mad for a minute there. Been locked inside in front of my pc at work for too long. I think i need some air....*
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