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2008-05-19 7:56 AM
in reply to: #1410258

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Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
mandy7741 - 2008-05-19 7:53 AM

mqvn - 2008-05-19 12:57 AM

Great week of training for me.  Did my first 5 mile workout on Monday, then did the same thing again on Wednesday.  Friday, it was really hot outside, but I ended up doing close to 4 miles.  This is great for me since I'm really not much of a runner, but I can feel myself gaining the endurance with each week.

Flew up to the Bay Area on Saturday afternoon and the run Bay to Breakers the next morning.  My report is online here.  I had a blast.  The course is 12K (7.46 mi).  Ran a great pace - I started at 9-minute miles but paced myself enough and speeded up enough that by the end of the race, I had lowered my pace to 8:26 per mile.  I know next year if I decide to run it again, I should break one hour easily.

Now that the two road races I signed up for are done, time to start doing some more swimming and biking this week!

Congratulations - that was a heck of a week of running for you and a fast race, wow!

I'm slow at everthing I do to, especially right now. I'm coming to terms with it!

2008-05-19 10:19 PM
in reply to: #1410256

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Sherman Oaks
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!

Nice job Mandy!  Honestly, reading about your workouts and training inspires me!  I'm in good shape as far as lifting weights and hitting the gym, but I was never much of a cardio guy until I started this a few weeks ago.  Oh man, when I first started, I felt my endurance was so bad.  Reading about all your training and how you've managed to do a HIM and are working on your first IM is inspiring me.  I know I'm still at least one or two seasons away from that, but its something I want to try for depending on how my first sprint tri goes this September.

Don't worry about being slow.  When I first started working out, the best advice someone gave me was not to compare myself to anyone else - just do what you do and push yourself a little at a time.  I love your attitude about staying healthy and injury-free... I'm jumping into this thing but I know in the back of my head not to push myself too hard and over-train. 

2008-05-22 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: Be Safe! This weekend!
To all the Group:

I am going to be "out of touch" most of the weekend since I am racing at TTT in OH......I am ready for the pain!

So, please think kindly thoughts for the old guy and wish me luck!

For all of you.....this is an easy weekend to:

1) Train too much.....don't overdo the mileage or time....this is a holiday weekend take some time to enjoy as well as train! Overtraining or too much too soon is BAD!

2) Fall out of the "groove".......just the opposite of #1......remember to try to get in even "a little something".........if you have a big feast planned on Monday (BBQ and all!) try to plan a ride or run that morning to have some positive vibes stored for the day! Then when you have that extra rib or adult malted've earned it....but not too many!

Be Safe, Have fun!

2008-05-27 11:38 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Sherman Oaks
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!

Spent an awesome holiday weekend at Yosemite National Park.  Did some easy running in the mornings and some hiking during the afternoons.  What awesome views.  I used to go all the time when I was a kid, but I never appreciated it as much as now (I used to hate the long car rides).  I met a triathlete on one of the shuttles who was based in SF, and we talked for a while about different races in California, and now I'm getting pumped about what to do after my first tri in September... anyway, hope everyone else had a great weekend.

This week's goals - focus on swimming longer distances and keeping a steady pace to build up some endurance. 

2008-06-05 7:05 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Sherman Oaks
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!

Its been such a busy week for me, I've really had to squeeze things in.  This weekend, I should be able to get in some longer workouts.  Last weekend was tough because I think I over-trained and didn't get enough sleep, so I got a little bit sick.  Feeling better now though...

Oh, and I bought a road bike for $220 off of craigslist.  Its a vintage 1980's one, but it should work for my first triathlon.  Its been kept in really good condition.  Now all I need is a helmet and some other gear - stuff is on the way, so I'll hopefully be going for a bike ride this weekend!

2008-06-10 11:57 AM
in reply to: #1448472

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Great plan on the bike........have fun riding!


2008-06-10 11:59 AM
in reply to: #1357574

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: I'm BAACK!
Sorry I've been out of touch for a bit but between racing TTT and being on a family vacation to Alaska, my access to the net has been horrible!!!

Hope all of you are making progress towards consistent workouts and those of you fighting injuries have been able to hold back to avoid aggravating said injuries......

How about some updates??

2008-06-10 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
My therapist said i really need to re-learn how to run. I swing my legs out and around and also pound heavily on the left side. We think this is what is causing my issues.

I've pretty much made the decision to focus on cycling now as my run is essentially dead and is not going to be fixed overnight.

I'm trying to get in shape for a road race at the end of july but I'm not too sure about that one...
2008-06-10 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1457019

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Extreme Veteran
Clayton/Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: I'm BAACK!

Hi there! Hope you had a good vacation. I have had a pretty easy past couple of weeks. I've still been keeping some volume there - I think I had 2 weeks that were 400 minutes and 1 week that was 600 minutes. And I am really trying to focus on biking and lay off running to make sure my running legs are all healed up and ready to go, and lay off swimming because I was honestly just burnt out on swimming and needed a break. My IM plan starts exactly 1 week from yesterday. Then I'll be at it full swing again. I plan to really really make an effort to get in every IM workout unless I really have a good reason not to and to be accountable for my workouts. I have been giving myself pep talks about this. I am ready to get started.

 Since I am hoping to learn some things from this mentor group, I am going to ask a question for answer and/or discussion every now and then, hopefully this is ok. Today's question is actually several questions but has to do with the heat. Where I live in NC, we have had a week of over 100 degree heat (and high humidity here too). It is a killer. First question - do you find your workout times naturally slow in the heat? Second question - do you find you need more sleep in the heat? Third question - other than more fluid and electrolyte intake, do you alter anything else training-wise because of the heat? Last question - how do you decide your electrolyte/fluid intake? Do you do the sweat test I have heard people talk about?

2008-06-10 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1457280

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Sherman Oaks
Subject: RE: I'm BAACK!

mandy7741 - 2008-06-10 11:15 AM

Since I am hoping to learn some things from this mentor group, I am going to ask a question for answer and/or discussion every now and then, hopefully this is ok. Today's question is actually several questions but has to do with the heat. Where I live in NC, we have had a week of over 100 degree heat (and high humidity here too). It is a killer. First question - do you find your workout times naturally slow in the heat? Second question - do you find you need more sleep in the heat? Third question - other than more fluid and electrolyte intake, do you alter anything else training-wise because of the heat? Last question - how do you decide your electrolyte/fluid intake? Do you do the sweat test I have heard people talk about?


Good to see everyone back on the thread! I felt like I was talking to myself for a while.  Anyway, to answer some of your questions Mandy...

I hate working out in the heat.  It *really* slows me down.  I'd rather run hills and trails than run in the heat.  I haven't found that I need more sleep, but it does tire me out more, so maybe that's it.  I try not to do any running in the heat.  Its starting to get hot here in Southern California as summer is pretty much here, so I end up running before the sun gets up or after it goes down.  If I'm going to do something in the afternoon, I'll swim. 

I don't know what the sweat test is.  I drink a lot of water/fluids before I work out.  I pretty much can tell how hydrated I am by how clear my pee is.  If it is too dark, I know I need more fluids.

2008-06-10 4:48 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Sherman Oaks
Subject: Update

So my short update:

I joined a tri club.  LA Tri Club.  They're really big down here and very active.  I think I can mostly train on my own and I'd be okay, but I was talking to someone else in the Bay Area who was part of a club and he said the benefits would be really good for someone like me.  I know that I'll have to work on open water swimming, and doing it with a team would be safer and easier.

2008-06-10 4:52 PM
in reply to: #1457280

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: I'm BAACK!
That's what this group is for.....the more discussion points, the better:

So onto the current points HEAT!

First question - do you find your workout times naturally slow in the heat?
---When going long, yes....otherwise I try to stay at the "correct" pace

Second question - do you find you need more sleep in the heat?
---No, but this may be an indication that you are not fueling properly......don't forget fuel in addtion to fluids......

Third question - other than more fluid and electrolyte intake, do you alter anything else training-wise because of the heat?
---Sometimes I target my workouts for certain parts of the day to avoid the brunt of the heat....sometimes I actually try to exercise in the hottest part of the day (short workouts...)...again I'll stress....keep the fuel going...2 reasons: 1) your body is working hard to keep you needs energy to do this....2) you need to know what energy source your bod can tolerate in the heat!

Last question - how do you decide your electrolyte/fluid intake? Do you do the sweat test I have heard people talk about?
---Did someone mention pee test.....yup that's me.....that and I make sure to monitor my post workout situation.....did I pee during the workout? Right after? Or am I still parched an hour afterwards.....practice, practice, practice...and if you develop an issue during a workout...try to figure out what might have caused it.......

Hope that helps!

2008-06-12 11:57 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Sherman Oaks
Subject: Bike Question

So I went on my first real bike ride yesterday.  Took me a little bit of time to find the entrance to the bike path around here, but once I found it, I rode it a couple miles before turning around and coming back home.  However, my butt was really sore on the ride home, such that whenever I saw a bump coming up, I was getting out of the saddle to ride across it.  My butt is still a little sore today... I was hoping to go for a ride this weekend.

I did fine spinning at the gym, but now that I'm going for rides, I'm assuming its going to wear on me more...

Question for you more experienced bike riders: Is this something that I'm just going to get used to after more riding?  Is it my saddle?  Clothing?  Combination of all of the above?

FYI: I bought my bike used... its an older road bike, but its been well-maintained and the (replacement) saddle isn't really a racing saddle or anything, but I'm assuming even those are even less comfortable?

2008-06-13 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1357574

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New user

Westchester County
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Congrats to all on your accomplishments.

I am very happy that I have remained injury free and been ramping up intensity on my workouts.
I have enrolled in an October Half Marathon, and began a long 18 week training plan to keep me steady with increases.
I have finally joined a pool and will get my swimming back into gear after a long hiatus.

Look forward to reporting on progress and hearing from all of you on your own.
Keep it GOING!!

2008-06-14 9:57 AM
in reply to: #1464163


Subject: RE: Bike Question
mqvn - 2008-06-13 12:57 AM

So I went on my first real bike ride yesterday.  Took me a little bit of time to find the entrance to the bike path around here, but once I found it, I rode it a couple miles before turning around and coming back home.  However, my butt was really sore on the ride home, such that whenever I saw a bump coming up, I was getting out of the saddle to ride across it.  My butt is still a little sore today... I was hoping to go for a ride this weekend.

I did fine spinning at the gym, but now that I'm going for rides, I'm assuming its going to wear on me more...

Question for you more experienced bike riders: Is this something that I'm just going to get used to after more riding?  Is it my saddle?  Clothing?  Combination of all of the above?

FYI: I bought my bike used... its an older road bike, but its been well-maintained and the (replacement) saddle isn't really a racing saddle or anything, but I'm assuming even those are even less comfortable?


Hi all,

If you have a good LBS, go and get fitted. It will be the best $50 or less you will spend on your bike. From my experience and research, about 85% of everyday aches, pains, and numbness directly related to biking can be traced back to improper fit issues. Good luck and congrats on the bike!


So I have been focusing on getiing back into proper bike shape and have let the running and swimming alone for a while. The upside is that I no longer feel like I am going to die on my commute to and from work, and I have started focusing on cadence and form this past week. I have some fit issues of my own but I can spin comfortably at 90-95 rpm but anything higher and I start to wobble. Weather has been iffy here in the D but I am riding most days of the week and feeling pretty good. Hope evryone else is doing well!



2008-06-14 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Sherman Oaks
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!

Haha thanks cmoe for quoting info I should already know.  I guess I was just excited to get out and ride.  I'm taking it to the LBS later this week to do this now. 

On another note, I ran over 11 miles this morning in a longer training run.  Feeling great! 

2008-06-15 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1357574


Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!

Wow, 11 miles! Grats! One day I will grow up and get my big boy legs! Till then I will stick with my 30 minute gasp/run/puff/walk/stagger/cry sessions. And glad the info helped.



2008-06-15 7:39 PM
in reply to: #1464163

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Subject: RE: Bike Question
mqvn - 2008-06-12 11:57 PM

So I went on my first real bike ride yesterday. Took me a little bit of time to find the entrance to the bike path around here, but once I found it, I rode it a couple miles before turning around and coming back home. However, my butt was really sore on the ride home, such that whenever I saw a bump coming up, I was getting out of the saddle to ride across it. My butt is still a little sore today... I was hoping to go for a ride this weekend.

I did fine spinning at the gym, but now that I'm going for rides, I'm assuming its going to wear on me more...

Question for you more experienced bike riders: Is this something that I'm just going to get used to after more riding? Is it my saddle? Clothing? Combination of all of the above?

FYI: I bought my bike used... its an older road bike, but its been well-maintained and the (replacement) saddle isn't really a racing saddle or anything, but I'm assuming even those are even less comfortable?

Your butt will build up its tolerance. I'm always sore when I start after a layoff. The spin bike seat is much more padded. Your sitz bones will eventually get used to it. Also, what are you wearing? Bike shorts vs. Tri shorts have more padding in the chamois and may be what you need to get used to it. I always start w/bike shorts and sometimes move to tri shorts, sometimes not.
2008-06-17 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1464163

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Extreme Veteran
Clayton/Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Bike Question
mqvn - 2008-06-13 12:57 AM

So I went on my first real bike ride yesterday.  However, my butt was really sore on the ride home, such that whenever I saw a bump coming up, I was getting out of the saddle to ride across it.  My butt is still a little sore today... I was hoping to go for a ride this weekend.

Question for you more experienced bike riders: Is this something that I'm just going to get used to after more riding?  Is it my saddle?  Clothing?  Combination of all of the above?

FYI: I bought my bike used... its an older road bike, but its been well-maintained and the (replacement) saddle isn't really a racing saddle or anything, but I'm assuming even those are even less comfortable?

 I've always had a problem with the sore butt (and sore girly parts even more) on the bike. Some of it will go away after you get some more miles in on the bike. Part of it could be solved by a fit by a bike shop, and ask them about your saddle and if you should look into buying a more comfortable one. I went through a lot of saddles before I settled on the one I have now which isn't great but it is acceptable so I decided not to mess with it anymore. I don't know if oyu are male or female, but if you are female, check out the Terry Butterfly saddle. It has been recomended to me by lots of people and when I go out on group rides, I'm always shocked to see how many people are using them. That is what I'm using now and it is better than the others I have tried.  


2008-06-23 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Sherman Oaks
Subject: Weekly Update

Hello mentoring group!

Just wanted to give you all my weekly update.  As some of you may know, I recently joined a triathlon club here in LA, mostly so that I could do some training with other people.  So yesterday (Sunday), I did my first open water swim ever!  Now I've done plenty of swimming before, and I was a club and varsity swimmer back in high school, so I consider myself a decent swimmer, but I was scared to go in the open water by myself.

I was given a brightly colored swim cap and one of the club members even let me borrow one of his extra wetsuits, and it fit me pretty well.  It took me a while to get into it, with the help of lots of Body Glide.  Once I got into the water, it took me a little bit of time to adjust to the waves and the fact that I couldn't even see where I was swimming.  But after about 10 minutes or so, I think I was okay, and I was able to get into a regular swimming stroke.

We ended up swimming for about an hour and going a little bit over a mile total, by our estimates.

Anyway, I just wanted to say I'm happy that I got that out of the way, and it looks like I might be purchasing the used wetsuit for use in future open water swimming workouts.  For whatever reason, open water swimming has been a big mental block in my head because of the temperature of the water and the waves and stuff.  But I think after a couple more of these workouts, I'll feel a lot better during my race.

So that's my update.  I set a personal best in pacing during a 5-mile race last week.  I also ran 14 miles on Saturday as I'm building up a good endurance base in my running for my marathon later this year.  So overall, its been a great weekend for me.

Hope everyone else has had a great week!  Happy summer!

2008-06-23 3:37 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Extreme Veteran
Clayton/Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
CONGRATULATIONS to our head honcho mentor dude who finished IMCDA yesterday with a kick-butt time!!!

Edited by mandy7741 2008-06-23 3:37 PM

2008-06-24 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1484268

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Sherman Oaks
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!

mandy7741 - 2008-06-23 1:37 PM CONGRATULATIONS to our head honcho mentor dude who finished IMCDA yesterday with a kick-butt time!!!

Congrats Paul!  One question though... You couldn't beat 12 hours?  Geez...

646     12:09:32 SCHON, PAUL            SAINT LOUIS   MO  USA      61/205 M45-49
2008-08-20 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1357574


Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!

I would like to join your group if I could...
I am new to this site, so I hope 'Full Up' doesn't mean it is full, if it does I am sorry!


I tried to do a Sprint Triathlon last year but it was down-graded to a Duathalon due to weather... I did finish though, 2 hours... I am 250 and female so quite over weight but still very active.

My father passed away in on October 13 2007, and it amazed me that after years and years of just dreaming of doing a triathalon, I actually forced myself to do it, and my father was there to great me at the finish line.  Unfortunately he died soon after... and that is when I started to seriously consider the Ironman.  Although I have a LOT of work ahead of me, the Iron Mna 2012 is on the exact date of my fathers death, October 13... and the 2007 Ironman was also on the exact date of his death... it has motivated me like nothing else... but God knows I will need help!


I am doing a Try-A-Tri in Sept, I just finished a 5km, and I have a half marathon at the end of Sept...

Like I said, I can use ALL the help I can get! 

2008-10-06 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1485790

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!

I know, I suck....:-(....really have been reeling ever since TTT...just this month has life and training begun to be real again........


For all of you wondering.....TTT is a bit close to IMCDA unless your build is already done....there is no way to recover from TTT and then get your final build done and then taper....too much in too few weeks! 

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