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2008-05-01 4:12 PM
in reply to: #1352162

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Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

clipless crisis! Ah!  How are you guys doing?  When I got my first road bike 8 years ago, I just went ahead and bought clipless pedals and suffered right from the get go.  Oh but I have fallen over at stop signs before.  Usually I clip out the right foot, but somehow managed to fall to the left. Embarassing.

 It freakin SNOWED here today (some of you saw that on my training blog). Seriously, I'm so ready for warm weather to STAY.  I'm so trying to motivate myself to go swim this afternoon before yoga class.  Ugh.   I know once I get back into  swimming regularly,  it'll feel better, but right now I just want to crawl back into bed!

THis weekend I'm running a 1/2 marathon.  Its slightly downhill and mostly flat which is going to be so so nice! These Garden of the Gods training runs are absolutely killing me!  

And I will say that today is my LAST DAY IN THE ARMY! I should receive my discharge papers in the mail very soon.  Say it with me "Woohoo!"

Happy Thursday everyone  

2008-05-02 7:40 AM
in reply to: #1352162

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Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

I need motivation!!  I really don't feel like doing a darn thing today!  I am sure I'll drag my sorry butt to the Y and do something BUT, I don't want too!  

 Enough whining.  TGIF everyone!

 Norine, enjoy your first day of civilian life!

2008-05-02 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1377302

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Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
ebshot - 2008-05-02 6:40 AM

I need motivation!! I really don't feel like doing a darn thing today! I am sure I'll drag my sorry butt to the Y and do something BUT, I don't want too!

I feel ya! i'm literally going to have to drag myself to the Y to go swim

have a good one!

2008-05-02 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1352162

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New user

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

I keep forgetting about my training log--perhaps I will update it for my Friday afternoon procrastination at work.  My eyes are beginning to cross from all of the spreadsheets.

My first official bike ride with the new pedals was a success--I am actually having a harder time clipping in than I am clipping out.  The more I practice, the easier I am sure it will become.  Some friends and I did 18 miles last night, and it was gorgeous.  

Tomorrow, I have a 20 mile ride and 1 mile run, and Sunday I am doing the Run Like A Girl 8k trail race.  Should be a lot of fun, as long as the weather cooperates.

Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend!  Rest day today for me, and I am going to enjoy being a slacker!


2008-05-02 11:08 AM
in reply to: #1352162

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Woo Hoo, Norine! Welcome to civilian life. Sending good vibes your way for your 1/2 mary this weekend. I can't wait to hear all about it. Anyone else racing this weekend?

Today is a planned rest day for me, and I'm so thankful. I've had a crazy busy week at work, but still made sure to get in at least some training time every day. When I was on the stationary bike at the gym yesterday, I could really tell my week was catching up with me. I only went 3 miles in the amount of time I normally would cover 5. I just couldn't convince my legs to move any faster, regardless of the coaxing or promises made to them.

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! I don't have too much on tap other than moving some more stuff down to my spare garage. I'm working on doing some MAJOR decluttering in my main living space. My criteria has been that if I haven't touched/worn something in the last 2 months, it can be migrated to the spare garage.

Edited by BunnyB 2008-05-02 11:12 AM
2008-05-02 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1377866

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Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
flinster - 2008-05-02 9:57 AM

My first official bike ride with the new pedals was a success--I am actually having a harder time clipping in than I am clipping out. The more I practice, the easier I am sure it will become. Some friends and I did 18 miles last night, and it was gorgeous.

Yay for firsts!  And really, I still have a hard time clipping too! 

2008-05-02 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1352162

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Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Melissa, thanks for the good vibes and the "woohoo!"  I can now get rid of my boots and uniforms and other army things I no longer need   So, I'm with you on the de-cluttering!

 Have a great weekend everyone.

2008-05-02 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1352162

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2008-05-02 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1377801

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
daisy2908 - 2008-05-02 8:31 AM
ebshot - 2008-05-02 6:40 AM

I need motivation!! I really don't feel like doing a darn thing today! I am sure I'll drag my sorry butt to the Y and do something BUT, I don't want too!

I feel ya! i'm literally going to have to drag myself to the Y to go swim

We all share the same ups and downs. Achieving our training/weight/race goals usually involves hard work over a long periods of time. It is a pretty hard thing to do if you think about it. One way I deal with it is by looking around me (not here on BT, but in real life) and determining how many people I know who can do what I do? How many people in my first and second circles of life had participated (not to mention completed) a 5K, 10K or a 1/2 marathon race? let alone a triathlon? How many people around me lost as much weight as I did? and so on.

It is not about being better than others, but it's about doing something for ourselves that many others do not do; It is about being a healthier person while many other Americans are going in the other direction; It is about setting an example to others how they can turn their lives into healthier, better and possibly longer life.

So, by looking at the positive side of things, we all had taken a decision to reach a tough goal and we will get there. It is time to refocus, review the goals and set the right expectations and then move on. Skipping a workout here and there is acceptable as long as it is not becoming a habit... after all, we need to listen to our mind and body...

Good luck!



Congrats on completing your military service and thank you so much for serving the country!!


2008-05-02 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1352162

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2008-05-02 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1352162

I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

I ran across this quote today and I definitely plan to print it out for those days when I don't feel like working out.

We don't make sacrifices. If we truly love this sport and we have these goals and dreams in the sport, or in life, they're not sacrifices. They're choices that we make to fulfill these goals and dreams.

Deena Kastor

2008-05-03 9:31 PM
in reply to: #1352162

Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Ok, crap, I've missed a lot on this group!  Sorry for being out of the action lately, but I've been busy getting my arse handed to me with my new HIM training plan.  Got my arse double handed to me on a very hilly ride today.  Well, hilly for me...

Congrats to everyone getting used to clipless pedals - it really does get easier!  But even seasoned veterans go down once in awhile.  As long as you don't hurt yourself (or your bike), it's usually a great source of entertainment for your riding partners.

Norine - congrats on your military retirement.  So exciting!  A big 'WOOHOO' for sure!  And have fun at your half mary tomorrow!

Melissa, I don't think I've said hi yet.  Welcome to the group!

Ronen, thanks soooo much for the daily inspires.  Seriously, they are a total pick-me-up.

Okay, I'll try to be better at checking in and leaving inspires.  Thanks again Mixie for being our mentor!!!

2008-05-04 11:03 AM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Well, I did end up ditching my workout on Friday.  I don't feel too bad, I really needed a day off.  I had a good workout with the tri group yesterday.  A quick 5 miles on the bike followed by a 3 mile run.  It was a good run.  Took a bit to get in the groove but oh well.  It was nice to be outside.  I dropped my bike off at the LBS and won't get it back until the 14th.    Oh well, I don't think I would have too many chances to ride anyway.  Hope everyone has had a great weekend!
2008-05-04 10:38 PM
in reply to: #1380569

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2008-05-05 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1352162

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Hi Everyone! Sounds like a busy weekend for us all!

The best part of my weekend was to see the smiles on the faces of the 2 swimmers I swam next to - as their swim buddy. I did not do much other than swim next to them, guiding them to the next buoy, encouraging them and providing moral support. The first swim was a 400 meters and the second was 200 meters long. So apparently, volunteering can be very rewarding in a different way.

On a less positive note, I was at a party last night and I ate way too much!!!  

2008-05-05 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1381298

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
mixie - 2008-05-04 8:38 PM

What is your favorite f the three?

Mine is the bike ride too. I am a very slow swimmer and a slow runner. The bike is the only discipline that I feel average - so it is my favorite of all too. For this very reason, I spend most of my training time, on swimming and running - to get better in them and hopefully, feel average too.


2008-05-05 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1381939

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
Ronen - 2008-05-05 9:03 AM

Hi Everyone! Sounds like a busy weekend for us all!

The best part of my weekend was to see the smiles on the faces of the 2 swimmers I swam next to - as their swim buddy. I did not do much other than swim next to them, guiding them to the next buoy, encouraging them and providing moral support. The first swim was a 400 meters and the second was 200 meters long. So apparently, volunteering can be very rewarding in a different way.

On a less positive note, I was at a party last night and I ate way too much!!!

 Swim buddy? Was this during a race? That sounds really fun actually and a good way to get more time in the water - esp if its open water.

Thanks for the inspire and encouragement for the 1/2 marathon! I did up my race report and posted it this morning if you want to take a look   I had such a good time at the race - my friends and I are definitely doing it again next year. 

2008-05-05 11:23 AM
in reply to: #1352162

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

oohh.. my favorite of the 3 is the bike. I just love being on my bike! The run, right now, is my strongest but I am cutting that down to 3x a week and focusing on cycling. I have a century in about 3.5 weeks that I really don't feel very prepared for.  Today though the weather is supposed to be really nice, so I'm going to try to do an easy 45min spin and then tomorrow go for a longer ride.  I do need to give my legs a break, so today's spin might be short.  Oh, and tomorrow during the Garden training runs I am so running with the "social group". I do not want my a$$ handed to me tomorrow by either of the trail groups or the "middle of the pack" group. Ah!

Hope everyone had a good weekend  

2008-05-05 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1382139

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
daisy2908 - 2008-05-05 9:20 AM

Swim buddy? Was this during a race? That sounds really fun actually and a good way to get more time in the water - esp if its open water.

Yes, in a race. A group of us was standing on the water line, wearing a different colored cap which was also marked with "SWIM BUDDY" text. When each wave approached the water line, the announcer mentioned that any swimmer can ask for a swim buddy. The folks who needed it would approach us and ask for our help...

2008-05-05 12:41 PM
in reply to: #1352162

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2008-05-05 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1382413

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
mixie - 2008-05-05 1:41 PM

Is there anyone who dosen't like to ride their bike ;)

I enjoy my bike BUT, I'd love it if: a) I had a road bike b) I went fast! :)

Oh well, I will be CONTENT (my word for 2008) with what I have and strive for better.

Verna, how was the NCAA Vollyboy Volleyball Finals? I watched on ESPN and was admiring the players er plays! Laughing

Edited to fix typing error. I hate that!!!

Edited by ebshot 2008-05-05 1:28 PM

2008-05-05 2:46 PM
in reply to: #1381298

I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
mixie - 2008-05-04 8:38 PM

What is your favorite f the three?

I don't really have a favorite yet. I guess I'll go with running even though I'm still wogging since 1) I'm still actually learning to ride a bike, and 2) I suck at swimming. LOL However, I refuse to let any of these deter me from my goal of finishing a tri!
2008-05-05 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1382841

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2008-05-05 6:18 PM
in reply to: #1381298


Columbus, WI
Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)
mixie - 2008-05-04 10:38 PM

What is your favorite f the three?

I don't really have a favorite yet, but the bike seems to be the easiest for me right now. I don't have a real problem with the running, but I still am working on my breathing due to my asthma. The swimming still scares me a little bit. I guess I should say I am fine swimming in a pool but the OWS scares me because everytime I have been in a lake swimming it has been with a life jacket on.

2008-05-06 10:27 AM
in reply to: #1352162

New user

Subject: RE: mixie's group Closed :)

Howdy, everyone!  Sounds like everybody was busy this weekend.  I did a 20-mile bike ride, followed by a 1-mile run on Saturday, and an 8k trail race on Sunday.  Had a blast with both, but my quads were seriously grumpy towards the end of the very hilly trail race.

 Not sure I have a favorite event--depends on the day, my mood, how the stars are aligned.  I do feel like I am getting pretty good at swimming and starting to get more comfortable on the bike.  My running is what it is for now--I can cover some distance, but I'm slow.  Once I feel 100% recovered from my heel injuries, I will put a little more focus in that direction.

Hope everyone has a great week!  Not sure how much I'll be around because I'm trying to tie up my loose ends at work before my trip to CO next week.  Norine...I'll send you a separate e-mail to see if we can try to meet up while out there.



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