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2008-04-27 8:07 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Great race, Robin! Sounds like you rocked it!

Nice work getting out there, Syndi! That first ride of the spring can be tough.

I did my first race of the year today, a short du.  The full report is up.  Short version, the run was uber-hard but the bike was good. 



2008-04-27 9:04 PM
in reply to: #1364040

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
froglegs - 2008-04-26 8:44 PM

Because the chain thing wasn't bad enough, today during my race I rode through a huge swarm of bees!!  I posted about it in TT.

My race went well, I bailed shortly after finishing and the results won't be posted until Monday, but I believe I finished in about 1:40 or so.  That means I may have actually swam the 450yds in less than 2:00 per 100.  My bike time was about 58min for 18 miles, and I felt slow during the run but was probably doing 10 minute miles, which is fast for me.  All in all, a successful day. 

 Awesome job on the race, Robin. Sorry about the bees!

2008-04-27 9:09 PM
in reply to: #1364901

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Good going! I did my first outside ride today. I don't know what happened to all of that time I put in on the trainer over the winter because the 12 miles I did this morning just about kicked my behind. Tomorrow I'm supposed to do a much longer ride. I think I'll find a less hilly route.

Way to get after it.  I had a 12 mile ride also and struggled on the hills.  The cold weather did not help. 

Edited by abake 2008-04-27 9:09 PM
2008-04-27 9:20 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

A lot of activity with our group.  Cool!

Jim - how was the OWS in beryessa?

Pattie - that's some crazy weather.  I'll have to check out the RR on your du.

Anne - That incident at the pool is totally gross.  I'm not sure if there's enough chlorine to make me not think about it every time I went in.  Glad you were able to get our for a ride today.

Tanya - great job on your bike ride.  80 miles i huge.  If you can do 80 now and get another couple rides in like that before your IM, you'll have the bike covered solid.  Bryan also has the Adamo saddle and loves it.

Robin - congrats on your finish.  That's a perfect tune up for next weekend!  Sorry to hear about the bees.

Syndi - glad you were able to get outside for a ride.  Do you log our workouts in your training blog?  looks like you received a couple inspires from the group here that you might want to check.

My ride on Saturday went well (finished it!) and my marathon today went well also.  All in all, an action packed weekend.


2008-04-27 10:13 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Hey Donato,
Awesome work this weekend. Man, that's a serious 2 days of endurance, dare I say, fun? You rawked it!!

My ows went fine, thanks. I did get a bit dizzy once out of the water, but I didn't have goggles or earplugs and I think keeping my eyes closed messed me up a bit. I'm camping at Lake Berryessa next weekend and will get another swim in on Saturday. I'm looking forward to watching the half-ironman folks on Saturday and picking up some tips.

Again, fine work this weekend, to all of you. This is a great group!!
2008-04-27 10:20 PM
in reply to: #1364040

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
froglegs - 2008-04-26 6:44 PM

Because the chain thing wasn't bad enough, today during my race I rode through a huge swarm of bees!! I posted about it in TT.

My race went well, I bailed shortly after finishing and the results won't be posted until Monday, but I believe I finished in about 1:40 or so. That means I may have actually swam the 450yds in less than 2:00 per 100. My bike time was about 58min for 18 miles, and I felt slow during the run but was probably doing 10 minute miles, which is fast for me. All in all, a successful day.

way to go Robin!!!

2008-04-27 10:42 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Thanks everyone   I am really looking forward to next weekend.  Wildflower, here I come!!!  I'll be taking it easy this week.

Donato, sounds like you had a great weekend!!!  I'm sure you will kick butt in your upcoming IM.


2008-04-27 10:53 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Anne and Syndi - Nice rides, way to get out there! Anne - that is completely yuck!!!

Pattie - Great result on the race and bike especially!!! Fastest time in your AG - that's great!

Tanya - WOW impressive = the 80 mile ride... great training for your IM!!! I get numbness too so I'll be interested to hear if anyone has some insight. Could it be frame size or saddle position? hope not - i just bought my lovely bike in March!

Donato - all i can say is you had a great weekend - Way to go on both races!

Jim-I haven't done an OWS recently and have tried to close my eyes in the pool and sight - it is a totally weird feeling, I can see how it would be disorienting. A few of the BT - PNW'ers (pacific northwestern'ers) are going to get together for an OWS - hopefully soon. I've been having some fears about the swim, even though I swam competitively for 15 years and am a good swimmer. I'm hoping once I get in a couple of OWS swims it will help calm those.

Overall we

Our tri group has three mini training tris which I'm really looking forward to to help with that fear as well as getting comfortable with the transitions, etc...

We have an awesome group and I can see I'll miss out on a lot if I don't hop on over the weekend!

2008-04-28 12:23 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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San Francisco
Subject: Which discipline?

Question out to the group - of the three disciplines in triathlon, which is your strongest and which is your weakest?  For your weakest discipline, what questions or concerns do you have about it?  In your strongest discipline, what advice would you give to others?

Edited by enginerd 2008-04-28 12:24 PM
2008-04-28 1:31 PM
in reply to: #1366733

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Which discipline?
I guess I'd have to say that swimming is my strongest and running is my weakest.  It's so ironic though, since I love to run and I despise swim training.  I'm by no means fast in the water, but I'm very comfortable swimming and can go for a long time.  Usually I get bored before I get physically tired.  I really like to run, but it doesn't love me.  My legs and feet are always giving me annoying little pains.  I've been to a few sports med docs and they suggest running as little as possible.  That ensures that I'll never get much faster.  I need to figure out how to balance running so I don't get hurt, but still get stronger.  That's a lot to ask though.
2008-04-28 2:54 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I'd say my strongest is the run and weakest is the swim. The best advice I have for running is when starting out, do most of your runs in zone 2. Save the higher intensity stuff until you build an appropriate base (at least 3 months... some say a year), then incorporate some higher intensity workouts such as tempo runs and steady zone 4 runs. You certainly risk injury if you go too hard, too fast.

Happy training.

2008-04-28 2:57 PM
in reply to: #1366990

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: Which discipline?

I think biking is my strongest and running is my weakest.  I spend the most time on the bike because I can push myself without getting injured (unlike running) and I really enjoy it (unlike swimming).  I live in a rather hilly area, so my rides contain a lot of climbing, which is great for my leg strength and overall endurance.

Swimming comes fairly naturally to me, I am slow but I can go long.  Pool availability is a limiting factor, and then once I get in the pool I usually do about 1500-2000 yards or so and then get bored.  I think I could be a pretty good swimmer if I went to the pool more than once a week and got coaching to improve my technique, or maybe tried some drills or something.

I have a love/hate relationship with running.  I used to hate it, then I started doing a lot of it, and now I love it, but my knee is killing me.  I think after Wildflower I'm going to take a few weeks off from running and possibly get my knee looked at.

2008-04-28 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I would say my strongest sport is swimming. Advice I would give to better your swimming is to practice swimming as much as you can, and work a lot on technique. The more you practice swimming and work on technique, the easier it gets.
My weakest sport would have to be bicycling. I have issuse getting my speed over 8 miles an hour. I know I should practice bicycling more, but I don't enjoy it as much as I enjoy swimming. Does anyone have any tips for going faster on the bike?
2008-04-28 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I'd say my strongest is swimming and my weakest is running.

I swam competitively 15 years - Junior Olympics through college. Although ALOT of time has passed, I have a solid base, see progress, and most importantly understand what my body is telling me around training ie. when to push harder, potential injuries, back to basics, etc.

Form is important in swimming; high elbows, rolling and using your full stroke, from entry to thigh, underwater.

Sustained running is the opposite. It's generally been more of a chore to me. I have no clue when I'm just tired as opposed to when I might be hurting myself. I ruptured my achilles in 2005 playing tennis and this has added to the dilemma. I've erred on the side of slow start and after 3 months I'm finally feeling like it's not complete torture to try to run (thanks to another BT'er who helped with a good start up approach). I'm embarrassingly slow. I'd love to get to the point where I at least feel like I'm doing OK and it would be even better to actually like it - speed would be a bonus!!!

2008-04-28 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Since I only learned to swim a few months ago, that's definitely my weakest link. I struggle with relaxing and breathing easily.  Some days it all falls into place, other times it's as if I can't get enough oxygen and have to swim on my side to relax a bit.

It would be good to hear suggestions from some of the accomplished swimmers in this group (and I know we've got quite a few!!).

I have a pretty decent running background, but biking is my strongest suit. It just seems to come naturally to me. I do think (hey Rowdy Paint) that growing up riding horses helped immensely with developing a good sense of balance and learning to pick your line and keep the eyes focused ahead, rather than looking down. I do a fair amount of mountain biking and believe that helps with balance, turns and just confidence in general.

With the bike, I truly believe in the importance of having the bike adjusted to fit your body properly. Just a few small tweaks can make a difference in comfort and performance.

2008-04-28 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1366733

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Subject: RE: Which discipline?
I would say my bike and swim is above avg. My run is the weak link. Just need to get in the miles and with a little help it will improve. The bike just feels good to me. Just putting in saddle time will help out with the bike leg of the race. Throw in hill workouts and when its nice and windy ride into the wind and not with it. Joining a master swim club has help my swim out beyond belief.

2008-04-28 6:04 PM
in reply to: #1367641

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
abake - 2008-04-28 2:40 PM  

With the bike, I truly believe in the importance of having the bike adjusted to fit your body properly. Just a few small tweaks can make a difference in comfort and performance.

I agree it is a good idea to get an expert opinion on your bike fit, especially if you have been riding your bike for awhile and something feels wrong or uncomfortable and you can't seem to figure out what it is.

As far as how to get faster.... other than a good fit, I don't know if there is anything else that you can do besides putting in hours on the bike ("ride lots" or "T.I.T.S." as I've seen others say).  Road, mountain, hills, flat, trainer, I think it all helps.

2008-04-28 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1353607

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I'm not fast in anything, but running is probably my strongest. I've run since high school. I'm comfortable with the long distances. Swimming is my weakest. I'm comfortable in the water, but I'm not that effecient and I get bored easily doing laps. I don't like drills for drills sake. Tell me what I'm doing wrong and how the drill will help and I'll be happy to do it.

WAY OT... I went out for a bike ride today. Anyone from the Sacramento or SF area: They're really starting to clean the roads up here. The paved trail from Truckee to Lake Tahoe is clean and so is most of the road near the lake. The sweepers have been going nonstop to get the winter's gravel off of the roads. Come on up!
2008-04-28 11:34 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
The run is definately my strongest, and I think that is because for me its the easiest! I am still slow, and I get knee pains and other pains, but I feel secure running and know I can make the distance I want, even if I have to walk a bit. Swimming is ok for me, but I am struggling with panick in the open water. Biking is my weak link, and I think it has most to do with the fear of things going wrong. So many things can happen on a bike. My first few experiences of tipping, blowing tires, chains falling off, all before I really knew what I was doing didn't help!! I am slowing gaining confidence, but it has been a challenge. the last two weeks have really made a big difference. Now I need to work on my speed. I am getting worried that I won't make the time restraints and may not get to run!
2008-04-29 12:23 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Running is definitely my strength. I ran track/crosscountry/marathons in highschool. I'm not the fastest of runners but I can hang in there through cramping and whatever else happens, and have the killer instinct to catch people on the hills.

My tip is after you build your running base then focus on strength and speed. I do tempo runs on rolling hills where I power up the hills and coast down the hills. And I also run 8 miles or so then do hill interval work on semi-used legs. That builds strength and endurance.

Biking and swimming are definitely my weaknesses. I started swimming mid 2007, a month or so before my first sprint tri. I body surf swim, but not long-distance swim. But been working on my technique and getting pool work. I plan to join the local masters program to improve.

I started biking in late 2006, and bought my road bike mid 2007. IM Cal was the first time that I rode 56 miles non-stop. Up until then my focus was on endurance and "finishing the distance." Now that that's done I will take the next step and work on speed.

Biking, like running, I need to start doing interval work, speed work, etc. As Donato says, I have strength and I have endurance, I need to improve my strength endurance.

Lastly I hit the gym to work on weak areas, for me that'd be my glutes and shoulders. I love the gym so that's not too difficult to get motivated.
2008-04-29 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1366733

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: Which discipline?

Lots of great advice from everyone!

For me, weakest to strongest are the same as the order in a tri - swim is weakest, then bike, and then run is my strength.  The one big advantage of this in a race is that I'm net passing people in each discipline

The advice I'd have is:

Swim: on the swim, technique is critical.  Swimming is the most technical of the disciplines and because you are dragging your body through water (instead of air), you can literally go faster with less effort if your technique is good.  re: fear of OWS, the general advice I have is that calm and confidence can come from familiarity and experience.  The more you become familiar with the situation (i.e. the fewer unknowns), the less likely you'll panic; start with smaller steps (e.g. maybe do some OWS with a friend or with someone in a kayak so you have a safety net, venture out on your own) and build your way up.

Bike: since the bike is non-impact, you can do huge volumes without injury (assuming your fit and biomechanics are okay).  endurance only comes from putting in the miles.  long on the weekends and consistency during the week are key.  over half of any tri is on the bike, so it's worth putting in time here.  don't hammer the bike ride during a race because everything you do sets you up for the run and if you toast your quads during the bike, it'll be a miserable run.  You want to maintain a high cadence (e.g. 90 rpm or so) whenever you can (exception being bigger hills) so that you are engaging your slow twitch muscles for endurance.  Because biking has the most equipment, it can be daunting. Being familiar/having experience (maybe a class on basic bike repair) with how to use and even repair your bike will give you a greater comfort level with it.

Run: running is tough because your soft tissue all takes a pounding.  running needs to be approached with a gradual build up to allow the body to adapt (e.g. 10% rule) and strengthen to handle this impact or injury can easily occur.  The key to building endurance is also your weekly long run.  A couple of you have mentioned building base first and then later building speed; I wholeheartedly agree.  Honestly, I don't ever truly focus on speed/strength for anything and have really spent the last 2+ years just building base.  As you get more fit, a lot of speed will come automatically as you drop weight, improve your biomechanics/run more efficiently, and naturally gain strength.

Two things we haven't mentioned are nutrition and rest, which are almost the 4th and 5th disciplines for a tri.

2008-04-29 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
So how important is strength training?
2008-04-29 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1368976

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

chikopiakomak - 2008-04-29 7:31 AM So how important is strength training?

I used to do some upper body strength training, but I stopped doing it just because my weekdays are so jam packed, it's all I can do just to fit in s/b/r..... so if I find myself at the gym, I'm going swimming.

2008-04-29 10:18 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
The one thing Donato has told me over and over, and it wasn't until after my last race that I finally *got it* is, "Consistency." My training is up-and-down so I never really build a solid base in anything. That and yes, the bike is half the race so strengthen the biking. I used to only bike once/week thinking the long weekend ride was enough, but it isn't... that's just the endurance part of my bike training. So now I'm focused on speed/strength during the week.

As for strength training, I'm probably plenty strong enough for tri's, but I just like hitting the gym. And I know my glutes and shoulders are disproportionately weaker so I'm strengthening those. My glutes especially are the first to give out on the bike.

And lastly when I focus on one discipline(s), I just do enough training in the others just to maintain my fitness in those areas. Its hard to be hard-charging in all 3 disciplines at once.... that's another Donato tidbit.
2008-04-29 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Tucson, Arizona
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Ok, so I'm a little late in answering the question of strengths and weaknesses, but here it is.

Without a doubt, swimming is my weakest discipline.  No matter how many yards or time I put in the pool, I can never get sub 2 min splits.  Donato, I know you mentioned that technique is everything with swimming and I've tried to read/watch as many articles on swimming technique as possible.  I guess I'm just going to have to join a masters swim program and get someone to help me out.  The problem is always time though, so we'll see if I can fit it in.

Running is my strongest, but I enjoy cycling the most.  Cycling has never been too big of a problem for me in races I think because I get out and ride quite a bit in training.  So getting that endurance base has probably been the reason.  I've always tried to ride at a high cadence (90-95), but sometimes I'll catch myself riding at about 80.

As for running, someone once mentioned to me that cadence is something I should pay attention to.  It was recommended that it should be around 85-90.  The theory was that if you always run at the higher cadence then all you need to do is lengthen your stride if you want to go faster, or shorten it to go slower.  The logic also followed that it's easier to lengthen your stride than it is to pick up the tempo in a race.  I've been doing that and it has seemed to work, but I'm curious as to what everyone's thoughts are on this technique.  Does it make sense?  Will it help/hurt? 



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