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2008-05-03 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Just did a brick of sorts - indoor bike on stationary bike (tougher than on my bike+trainer) plus short outdoor run.  It was tough:  I headed out a bit fast on the run.

Good luck on everyone on their races this weekend.  Look forward to the race reports.

2008-05-03 4:46 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Jameson - I don't know how fast you swim, but personally, the only way that shaving is going to help my swim is if I look like Grizzly Adams. For the pros, they may shave a few tenths over the course of a race, but for us - I don't think so. The one big benefit to shaving legs is if you crash on the bike, it's much easier to clean.

Speaking of swimming - I've followed in our mentors' footsteps, and am now the proud owner of a Nineteen Pipeline wetsuit. I went to the Endursport outlet this morning, and only tried on one suit, but it seems to be the right one. Completely different from the Blue Seventy's that I'd tried on, in that I managed to get the suit on by myself. Felt comfortable, and the staff helping me out said that everything seemed to fit right.

So, I'm a wesuit owner. I'll also be changing my name to "45" cause that's what is written on the name tag. It's one of their 2007 rentals, but if it did get used it was very lightly cause there are almost no marks on it. For $200, I'm a happy camper. Now I just need to find time to swim in it before June 1.

Hope racing is going well this weekend for our group - I did nothing yesterday and have been rained out of doing anything today. Fingers crossed for some sunshine tomorrow.

2008-05-03 5:22 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Thanks for the shaving info so far. I swim pretty fast, its probly my best event and i have a fast skin i plan on using for my triathlon so i plan on going even faster.

- Jameson

2008-05-03 8:44 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
I did year around competitive swimming in High School and some college. I also so trained in two swim suits. We shaved for big meets. For me, it was more a mental thing because you felt more smooth in the water. If you wear a wet suit it doesn't really matter.

Lake Berryessa Here I Come!!

2008-05-04 4:02 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
I'm back in town; sunburnt, very sore, and thouroughly disgusted.  I did a 4-man team 12-hour mtn bike race on Saturday morning.  I was the lead guy on the initial lap as there was a 100-yard sprint to our bikes.  (YOU'RE the triathlete, YOU go first!)  I'm not sure how many riders were in the initial wave, 75 or so.  Lot's of pro racers there.  There were about 300 riders total.  It had rained cats and dogs the night before, so the sun just started to peek out and the wind picked up to dry the track when we started.  However, on our 1st lap (10 miles), we had to push our bikes up hills.  The tires got so caked with sticky mud that the wheels wouldn't turn - while we were only pushing our bikes.  Lots of broken deraillures yesterday.  I expended so much energy on my 1st lap that I cramped up badly on my 2nd lap.  I finished it, but in not the time wanted to do so.  Very sore today from the leg cramps.  Got a run in today after getting home.
2008-05-04 7:49 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Ok group, I think I'm finally getting on track. I've found a coach for my swimming. I should be starting that in a week or 2. I'm still trying to figure out how to fill in the logs. I have perused the training plans and it seems they are all too, well basic. They start you out as walking for the most part. When I run I run a 5k distance, albeit at a slow pace. Should I just make it up as I go along and just try for better times?

I also purchased a Tanita scale with bf monitoring. I was a little disappointed in THAT reading. Oh well, you have to get a baseline right?  

2008-05-04 11:12 PM
in reply to: #1355942

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Well, my weekend brick workout was a bust. Just at the end of my bike ride I made a sharp turn not judging my speed or distance too well I took a fall off the bike, ouch! Got a lump on one knee and some road rash on the other leg but nothing too bad; I iced the knee and took an easy walk today to keep it from cramping up and it is feeling better now. How were the races that went on this weekend? Can’t wait to read the reports!

I only have 3 weeks left....reality is setting in lol

2008-05-05 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Hi- Everyone!

I was really happy with my Race Overall!! I decided not to wear the wetsuit which work out well after the body shock for the first minute or two. I felt I couldn't catch my breathe and I was upright trying to go forward but I eventually did and got my groove.

The Bike portion was challenging. There was a girl in front of me that I was trying to catch and did finally at the last Mile!! ( She passed in the run though Lots of hills. I worked it on the down hill to help with some part of the up hill. There was a group of 3 of us that kept passing each other. It was fun because we would cheer each other on but I was thinking - I am going to get you.

When I started running my calves were so tight and the left one was cramping. I know I needed some gatorade/ gu or something. The first water station gave me water. The second one only had water and finally at the 2mile turnaround I had my gatorade. So I was walking/ stretching the first 2 miles Then the girl that was in the group I was biking with caught up to me and we started talking. I somewhat forgot about my cramping and tight calve. I ran the rest of the way with her. I definately negative split the run.

My time was 2:01:32.6!! Last Oct 2:05:07 (the swim was cut short in this race). In my Age group I was 23rd out of 70. I just have like 20mins. to cut to get #1 in my age group! Maybe next year lol! I will definately try for it!

Can't wait to do my next Trialthlon!!


2008-05-05 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1381328

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Gloria - I know how you feel about your Tri being 3 weeks away and reality setting in.  My Tri is 4 weeks away and thinking about it is making my palms start to sweat.  I just got the go-ahead to take Friday off, and I am taking my road bike down to the paths to see how long it takes me to cycle 16 km.

Hope you heal fast!

2008-05-05 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

Kristina & Terry - Great job on your races this weekend!!!

I'm just back from my race this weekend too. Oh how good it felt to be out at an event after the long cold winter this year! Well, my goal was to finish under 2:30, which I just met, finishing in 2:29:37. I could never have imagined how excited I would be finishing in 17,566th place! I shaved 19 minutes from my last 1/2 marathon which was last fall. I had an awesome time! The course was fun and there was a band playing every 1/4 mile for the entire length of the race, except for the lap we ran on the indianapolis motor speedway. The forecast was rain, thunder, and wind, BUT, we had clear skies and an absolutely beautiful day! Our hotel room was directly over the start finsih line. My wife really appreciated hearing the sound checks of the PA system at 5:00am! I was excited and couldn't sleep anyway.

Well, like Gloria and Tracy, my first tri is coming up as well! Four weeks and counting! I need to get wetsuit shopping now!

Hey John, how do you like that tanita scale? I was thinking of getting one as well.

Edited by Timmeh! 2008-05-05 12:47 PM
2008-05-05 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Way to go Tim!!!

Great job, Krsitina!!!

Tridahogirl - I hope your boo-boo heals quickly!

Next local mtn bike race is on the 18th.  I'll preride the course at race pace and try something new on the cramping issue.

Sprint tri on Memorial Day - Looking forward to that!  Will be nice to get out of the mud for a change!

2008-05-05 1:45 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Kinesio, good job!   That's longer than any race I have done so far.

 Gloria,  sorry about the fall.  Things do seem to get intense as races get closer.


I have been having a problem, but I don't know how big it is.  My first race is not untill July, but work and my calf injury have really hit me in the motivation department. 

The absence of pressure is making it harder for me to push, but I don't know how much I need to at this point.  I am already ahead of the longest swim I have to do (and that is not until September), and the bike was never a problem. 

I imagine I should cut myself some (mental) slack and just try to do what I can until summer gets here and I have more time.  I just seem to be beating myself up abut it (and I hope it is needless).

2008-05-05 1:47 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Kinesio, good job!   That's longer than any race I have done so far.

 Gloria,  sorry about the fall.  Things do seem to get intense as races get closer.


I have been having a problem, but I don't know how big it is.  My first race is not untill July, but work and my calf injury have really hit me in the motivation department. 

The absence of pressure is making it harder for me to push, but I don't know how much I need to at this point.  I am already ahead of the longest swim I have to do (and that is not until September), and the bike was never a problem. 

I imagine I should cut myself some (mental) slack and just try to do what I can until summer gets here and I have more time.  I just seem to be beating myself up abut it (and I hope it is needless).

2008-05-05 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Kinesio, good job!   That's longer than any race I have done so far.

 Gloria,  sorry about the fall.  Things do seem to get intense as races get closer.


I have been having a problem, but I don't know how big it is.  My first race is not untill July, but work and my calf injury have really hit me in the motivation department. 

The absence of pressure is making it harder for me to push, but I don't know how much I need to at this point.  I am already ahead of the longest swim I have to do (and that is not until September), and the bike was never a problem. 

I imagine I should cut myself some (mental) slack and just try to do what I can until summer gets here and I have more time.  I just seem to be beating myself up abut it (and I hope it is needless).

2008-05-05 10:10 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Timmeh! I have been like a little boy with a new toy with the scale. I weighed myself twice last night and again this morning. I got different readings for weight and bf each time. Read some of the other opinions on the site before you buy. I primarily bought it because, well I needed a scale and didn't have one. I used to do a weekly weigh in at my gym but their scale disappeared. I think the bf accuracy isn't spot on but compared with other methods of checking bf I think it's accurate enough. I will FORCE myself to only weigh in once a week. The important thing is to see a general trend downward. There will be daily fluctuations and if you micromanage it you can drive yourself batty.  The consensus was to weigh at night when well hydated for the most accurate readings. As a side note the scale seems pretty durable and has a 10 year warranty.   
2008-05-06 7:43 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

BTW - Triple post is courtesy of a really stupid computer system at work.


2008-05-06 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Invigilator - it's ok. We all know you just really wanted that Veteran status

On a personal note, I ran during lunch at work for the first time. Felt a bit wierd walking out the office in a pair of shorts, but it means I got my workout in during the day and have my evening free (especially since I swam last night and hope to ride hill repeats tomorrow night).

Question then - when do the rest of our happy group find the time to train?

2008-05-06 3:14 PM
in reply to: #1385299

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

I think something was weird with the posting system because I ended up double posting somewhere else too (I think it was in Kristina's race report), yesterday.

I mainly work out at lunch as I am terrible about getting up extra early in the mornings, and my kids usually demand my time after work.  I am hoping to get some morning and afternoon bike commutes in, as soon as my schedule allows it (starting next week).  I'm really lucky because I work about 2 minutes away from the downtown Y and we have bike parking/showers here at work.

I've also started doing some early evening workouts (last night, I squeezed in 30 minutes before supper and 20 minutes after on the stationary bike; Wed. nights I have been doing a short swim while my kids have their lessons). 

Squishy - don't worry about how you look leaving work.  You are setting a good example for your co-workers!


ETA - my husband *loves* our Tanita body fat scale.  He loves the 'little wins' of 0.2 pounds lost etc.  It has never really provided great news to me (despite how hard I've worked out) so I'm not a big user of the scale!


Edited by tracyhmcd 2008-05-06 3:23 PM
2008-05-06 7:00 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
By the way - since this was a major oversight on my part - Congrats to everyone on their weekend races. Still waiting for mine to arrive, but June 1 seems awfully close.
2008-05-06 9:56 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Time is always an issue. I was going to run a lunch today too. Unfortunately there were a bunch of kids on the track. i suppose you have to expect that at a school. Laughing I am going to try and get up early to hit the gym tomorrow. Going at night is much more crowded.
2008-05-07 7:15 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
I usually have to fit in my weekday workouts between the end of school (I am a teacher) and the kids bed time.  Morning workouts don't always workout for me, and our school lunch system means the track is being used.  If I run down the county roads, I encoutner kids that I don't want to have to deal with.

2008-05-07 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Hello all,

I’m so very sorry that I haven’t posted in a while. Work has been absolutely insane lately. I’m off on a business trip next week to the Cayman Islands (hey, someone’s gotta do it ) and I’m trying to wrap up some loose ends before I go and so have been running around like mad. To top it off my daughter’s been sick with the stomach flu so we’ve had some interesting and long evenings. Thank goodness she’s finally feeling better.

So here’s my giant catch up post.

orange223 - Terry
That sounds like a really fun event! Especially the caked with mud bit. I'd love to try something like that one day. So how does the 4 man team 12 hour event work actually. Do you all take a 3 hour stint or two stints of 1.5 hours, etc?

cdale - John
Yeah, if it you run 5K straight, I certainly wouldn't be walking it. What training plans did you look at? Maybe we can find the right one for you or we can take one of the existing ones and change it a bit to suit your specific needs.

triidahogirl - Gloria
Ouch, that doesn't sound pleasant. How's the knee doing now? Do you still have a lump on it or has it gone down?

Kinesio - Kristina
Congratulations on your completing the Sprint tri! I looked over your race report and you did really well! Awesome! Shame about the cramps in your legs during the run. That must have been both disappointing and painful. While some fluids would probably be good to take in during the bike, cramping is more often than not a sign of fatigued muscles. I'm not sure how much running you normally do per week but you probably need to increase the frequency and maybe distance of those runs. Great job!!! Any pics?

Timmeh! - Tim
A 19 minute reduction on your last half marathon time is huge! And of course, you did beat your goal which is fantastic. Way to go!!! The event sounds like it must have been a blast. I can't imagine what 35,000 participants must have been like. That's huge! Running on the Indy track must have been neat too. Wow!

Invigilator - Rob
Stop beating yourself up about this and just enjoy. Don't forget to keep our sport in perspective. We're not pros. We're not doing this to earn a living. We're doing this for fun, for fitness and for the pure enjoyment that it gives us to accomplish something great. If you're stressing too much about stuff you're going to miss all the fun. Who cares if you come in last? Did you get out there and do it instead of sitting on the couch? Did you have fun? That's the most important thing!!!

squishybelly - Neil
Lunch time training is a huge part of my routine. Up to last year when I was training for my first Half Ironman, I trained everyday at lunch and had a long ride and long run on Saturday and Sunday respectively. This year, training for IMLP, I'm getting workouts in at lunch and usually in the afternoon and continue to do long training session on Saturday and Sunday. Lunch time training is really great as it gives me a mental break from work and leaves me energized for the afternoon. The other bonus is that my family time isn't impacted which is critical; not only because I find it unfair to my wife but also because I love hanging out with her and my daughter. The other thing to do is to incorporate workouts early in the AM. For example, if I have a 2 hours run scheduled for Sunday I will get out by 6:30 so that I can be back home just as they're starting breakfast and we have the rest of the day together.

Okay, so now I'm caught up. What's everyone up to this weekend. I've got a long bike and medium run scheduled for Saturday and sure hope the weather holds up.

2008-05-07 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1386642

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
caius - 2008-05-07 9:14 AM

Invigilator - Rob
Stop beating yourself up about this and just enjoy. Don't forget to keep our sport in perspective. We're not pros. We're not doing this to earn a living. We're doing this for fun, for fitness and for the pure enjoyment that it gives us to accomplish something great. If you're stressing too much about stuff you're going to miss all the fun. Who cares if you come in last? Did you get out there and do it instead of sitting on the couch? Did you have fun? That's the most important thing!!!

Thanks for the encouragement.  Most of that was a sort of cascade from a really bad week with my leg.  I started to get worried that this injury was going to be very long term.  It's a bad, circular thinking that I get into sometimes.  Not suprisingly, I had a really good run that made me feel better.  My group did a 2.7k run at a 6 minute K pace, and I didn't  have any problems.  I'll keep taking it easy on the leg, but I am really looking forward to being able to run like my lungs tell me I can.

I have taken some pressure off of myself for the summer.  Instead of doing the Windsor Triathlon, and am going to repeat their try-a-tri that I started out with last year.  I am going to use it as a training race, and to see what 5 months of preparation will do compared to 5 weeks.

Edited by Invigilator 2008-05-07 11:16 AM
2008-05-07 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1386642

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

I am doing a Mother's Day 10K this Sunday.  It is a huge race (10000+ people) and while I look forward to having my hubby and kids at the finish line I also feel bad that they have to come down with me and wait in the crowds until I finish.  I hope they enjoy it.

The race should probably be a "C" race for me, considering I haven't been training for it really hard.  However, I last ran the race in 2004 when I was in the 35-39 age group (59:34) and I'd like to beat that time now that I'm in the 40-4x age group!  So I'll probably be pushing myself a bit.

I will do a race report on Sunday.

Have a good weekend everyone.


2008-05-07 12:22 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Caius - I took the 1st lap at the 9:00 AM start and the next guy on our team was waiting at the fininsh line and he took off when I crossed, and so on for the 3rd guy and 4th guy.  I estimated what time the 4th guy would cross the line and I was there about 20 minutes beforehand.  We had chip timing.

Regarding training time - I swim in the mornings twice a week before work.  Was up at 5AM this morning to be at the pool at 6.  It is hard to do, but with 2 school age kids, I'd rather be there for them in the evenings.   Wife works part time.  In the late spring and summer (daylight), I can get runs and biking done in the mornings too.  Otherwise, I run or bike immediately after work or sit on the trainer/dreadmill.


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