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2008-05-08 6:33 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
What I am doing right now, is that when my hand returns to the water near my head, I am entering with my thumb down vs. palm down.  What that does to my stroke is naturally push my hand/arm across my body simply by the force of the oncoming water.  It sets me up to "reset" my arm position before I even start any "power" to my pull.  Basically, the first 33% of my stroke is "reset" vs. power.  Additionally, when my arm moves across my body instead of straight forward, even more surface area is presented to slow me down on each stroke.   

2008-05-08 8:07 AM
in reply to: #1387609

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

I went from a 13 minute/mile to 9:30. Try the Runners World website. The have great running programs and a smart coach tool that tailors the program to your particular situation. I have incorporated one of their running programs into the BT Sprint Program.

Good Luck.

2008-05-08 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1389275

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Thanks!  I'll check into that today.  I can't wait to see improvements in running.

I was followed by a signigicant size snake in my last race for awhile and he alone increased my time quite a bit

2008-05-08 10:50 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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New user

Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Okay ladies and gents,

thanks for including me in this grou. I need the help and the motivation and I will return it to you in spades.

I am a 45 yo male with wife and two boys 8 & 11. I am 5'9 (on a tall day) and currently 240 lbs. I guess I should be around 160 ish to compete upper mop! So a little way to go . Before christmas I lost about 30 lbs (it's still off) and after an injusry had trained a little on bike and in the pool.

I need to work on the rest of the weight and get ready to do more competeing a various things (tri, running, hill running and cycling)

Haven't run for nearly 17 months and havent sum or biked for about 4 months.

Now, I know it isnt wise, but... I am doing a sprint in four weeks (LOL) so I am training up to being able to complete that first. So I will get a schedule sorted out for that then I want to do a 7 mile x-country race a month after. After that a good winter base building up to a half iron in august 09.

What more do you want to know? I'm not sure really.

I will read through the threads tonight and start to look at everyones logs and I will keep intouch and inspire as best I can.

In the immediate future I am signing up to a weight challange.

Take care all and be good.

2008-05-08 10:56 AM
in reply to: #1389113

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed


I think the general rule when riding with others or in a pace line is no aerobars, as it can pose danger to the riders around you.  I am not comfortable enough on my aerobars at this point whereby I would want to be down on them if others were real close to me.  However, given that you have now spent enough time in the aero position so that you are comfortable, I believe this to be a huge benefit to you.  A lot of people get aerobars, but not many spend enough time down on them to be comfortable or to take advantage of them.  Good for you.

2008-05-08 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1389275

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

jana0317 - 2008-05-08 8:07 AM Carla, I went from a 13 minute/mile to 9:30. Try the Runners World website. The have great running programs and a smart coach tool that tailors the program to your particular situation. I have incorporated one of their running programs into the BT Sprint Program. Good Luck. Jana

Wow, Jana, that is an incredible amount of improvement.  How much time did it take to go from 13 to 9 plus/mile?

2008-05-08 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1389778

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed


Your goals are ambitious based on your current training level, but do not let that stop you.  Congrats on the weight loss and more importantly keeping it off.  I think that many of us in this group are focused on weight loss or maintenance and struggle in this area a bit.  I do.  If you are going to do a sprint in 4 weeks,  you need to get busy, but I would be careful so that you prevent any injury.  I would start by getting in the water.  I know that when I have training droughts, my run and bike seem to come back fairly quickly but my swim not so much.  Four months out of the water makes me feel like I am struggling when I return.  I would start swimming immediately.  I think the best approach would be lots of frequency in all three areas but NOT much duration.  Short frequent workout will get your body moving in the right direction hopefully without getting toasted.


2008-05-08 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

RD,  it would also be good to set your goals appropriately for that sprint! 

My first sprint goal was simply to finish without injury!  We are all taking on a level of activity that very few people even consider, much less participate in.  Finishing a sprint is a great accomplishment!!!

2008-05-08 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1390049

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
ball6135 - 2008-05-08 12:04 PM

RD,  it would also be good to set your goals appropriately for that sprint! 

My first sprint goal was simply to finish without injury!  We are all taking on a level of activity that very few people even consider, much less participate in.  Finishing a sprint is a great accomplishment!!!

Once I was sure I could finish, I also set a goal of 2 hours for my first sprint.  I gave me something to race against. 

2008-05-08 1:45 PM
in reply to: #1389806

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
It took me about six months running consistently 3-4 times per week.

I also had to change the way I ate. More lean meats with fruits and vegetables and lots of water.

I was amazed at how water had a major impact on my running.

2008-05-08 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Red Dragon,
Why the rush on the first tri? And how come no more tri's after that? I'd suggest doing lots of sprints this summer as a way to stay motivated to train for the longer range goal of the HIM next year. Maybe an oly at the end of the summer? Can you get a half marathon in sometime this year?

2008-05-08 4:11 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

I just got the photos from my first finish from my first tri

I'm trying to post them, but having probs. 

Edited by carlacrews 2008-05-08 4:18 PM
2008-05-08 8:14 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Here is a link to some triathlon photos of my wife (Michelle) and I...

Robb & Michelle's Website


Edited by ball6135 2008-05-08 8:21 PM
2008-05-08 9:19 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Carla - I'm looking forward to your pics - how great that you have them to remember all the sweat and pain and... never mind.

Rob, what a great thing to share with your wife. You are a mighty fine looking couple.

I hate when my hubbie is right, and it is too often, but he was saying that my cal intake was too high to lose weight. I thought other than the junk food, I should be losing. Well, I recorded a junk food free day on and it was 2100 cals. which is fine if I want to maintain my 168 lb. body - I do not!
I'm writting out a daily meal plan and it worked for me today. I'm commiting to record my daily cals.
Today was 1335.
Of course now I expect to lose 5 lbs. by tomorrow!
2008-05-08 10:52 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed


Well...I just finished a late Spinervals workout - Big Gear Strength. The weather in Iowa continues to be cold and windy...thus I train inside. It's safer too!

Ball6165 -  I see you are a gold member. I am thinking about upgrading. I actually thought about either getting the nutrition upgrade or just go to gold. Have you noticed more detailed questions about nutrition in the "gold" forum. I am not overweight, but for as much as I workout I should be more lean. Also, I see you are from MN...I just moved from there a couple years ago. I thought about finding a Tri around there this summer.

Jana - share more about what your workouts were to come from 13 to 9...that's amazing. I'm going to work on building endurance. I have heard getting in at least 4 runs a week makes a difference.

Friday = day off! Plan for next week.



2008-05-09 3:11 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Hilo, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Just checking in...had a busy night and tough day.  George, I group ride once or twice a week, but we don't pace line much so aero isn't much of an issue.  We did a ride w/ 30 or so people once and because you have to respond quickly to the rest of the group I spent most of the ride sitting up.  It actually made me more saddle sore to ride that way.

2008-05-09 4:32 AM
in reply to: #1389834

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New user

Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

gatjr33 - 2008-05-08 7:05 PM Your goals are ambitious based on your current training level, but do not let that stop you. 

Hi there and many thanks and thanks for the inspire message. Yes they are but to be honest I think getting a wet suit and getting into it and out will be far maore challanging just at the moment.

Seriously I will be doing short bursts often but I usually go camping at the weekends but I will get some work in when I am away to. After my run last night I realise just how much ground I have lost. Still only way is up.

2008-05-09 7:01 AM
in reply to: #1391606

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
ctnord - 2008-05-08 10:52 PM


Ball6165 -  I see you are a gold member. I am thinking about upgrading. I actually thought about either getting the nutrition upgrade or just go to gold. Have you noticed more detailed questions about nutrition in the "gold" forum. I am not overweight, but for as much as I workout I should be more lean. Also, I see you are from MN...I just moved from there a couple years ago. I thought about finding a Tri around there this summer.


The main difference is access to detailed questions for the trainers.  There are more detailed questions and responses from people that do this for a living or atleast as more than a hobby as most of us do... 


2008-05-09 7:19 AM
in reply to: #1391522

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

MuscleMomma - 2008-05-08 9:19 PM ...Rob, what a great thing to share with your wife. You are a mighty fine looking couple. 

LOL.. I will certainly pass on the compliment to Michelle!!!!   We do enjoy it, although with two little girls, not much time to train together!  We only have one race scheduled together this year...  She just raced in IronGirl LasVegas and finished 88 out of 244!!!  3rd out of the water with 15 minutes of training in the past 3 months (4 time NCAA Nat. Champion in the 50 and 100 free)...  gotta love her!

2008-05-09 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1389171

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Ball, funny I never really gave this part of my stroke much thought.  Yesterday in the pool I did.  I am not saying that anything changed drastically with my stroke, but I really focused on the entry of my hands.  I will say that things felt smoother.  We shall see if this makes a different in the long run.  Thanks.
2008-05-09 7:34 AM
in reply to: #1390566

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

MuscleMomma - 2008-05-08 2:38 PM Red Dragon, Why the rush on the first tri? And how come no more tri's after that? I'd suggest doing lots of sprints this summer as a way to stay motivated to train for the longer range goal of the HIM next year. Maybe an oly at the end of the summer? Can you get a half marathon in sometime this year?

RD, MM is giving great advice here.  It does not sound like you want to make this a one and done.  Rushing and most likely suffering might not make this all that enjoyable (don't ask me how I know).  If you are determined to do this first one in 4 weeks, have at it, but then take some time to step back to train and do a few more races this year.  Stepping up to an oly by the end of the year is great advice, as is the half mary. 


2008-05-09 8:56 AM
in reply to: #1391606

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
ctnord - 2008-05-08 10:52 PM


Well...I just finished a late Spinervals workout - Big Gear Strength. The weather in Iowa continues to be cold and windy...thus I train inside. It's safer too!

Ball6165 -  I see you are a gold member. I am thinking about upgrading. I actually thought about either getting the nutrition upgrade or just go to gold. Have you noticed more detailed questions about nutrition in the "gold" forum. I am not overweight, but for as much as I workout I should be more lean. Also, I see you are from MN...I just moved from there a couple years ago. I thought about finding a Tri around there this summer.

Jana - share more about what your workouts were to come from 13 to 9...that's amazing. I'm going to work on building endurance. I have heard getting in at least 4 runs a week makes a difference.

Friday = day off! Plan for next week.



A good base is very important. Go to and they have a free smart coach that will give you a running schedule to accommodate your schedule and your fitness level. Another key to running is hydration. When I drink a bottle of water 45minutes to an hour prior to running I have a great run. Running is also mental. Sometimes during my runs I pretend I am in a race. I have even put my arms up in the air like I won. I also try to run as much as possible on our gym's outdoor track. I have not yet set foot on a treadmill.
2008-05-09 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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New user

Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

hi all

At last read the whole thread so starting to get to know it. Just had a crcazy day at work and Im out camping this weekend but on monday I will start to address all your kind posts. Take care all for the weekend and be good.

2008-05-09 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1391833

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

gatjr33 - 2008-05-09 7:28 AM Ball, funny I never really gave this part of my stroke much thought.  Yesterday in the pool I did.  I am not saying that anything changed drastically with my stroke, but I really focused on the entry of my hands.  I will say that things felt smoother.  We shall see if this makes a different in the long run.  Thanks.

I began working with it this morning.  I have to say that there is certainly a "smoother" feel to the stroke as you mention.  My times weren't radically faster, but I was certainly a bit more tired.  (new muscle groups is my guess)  Going to keep this up for the next week or so and will ask Kris (my local coach) about the "more tired" aspect.

The entry of the hand does seem minor, but in the underwater video, it was amazing to see how much of my forearm (and even some tricep) was showing in the front view!!!  lots of resistance there!

2008-05-09 3:05 PM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
I have a "not stupid question." I have never biked competively. I understand drafting makes it easier for the cyclist. I also understand it is illegal in the race. I read the rules and they say you have to be so many meters away from another cyclist. I really don't understand this. Can someone explain this better? Where is the best spot to be and where shouldn't I be?


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