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2009-05-05 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2093570

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Extreme Veteran
Olive Branch, MS
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
Mango-one question.

2009-05-05 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2093570

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Extreme Veteran
Olive Branch, MS
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
Mango-one question.

What do you recommend for nutrition the morning of the race.
One thing I've read is not to eat 1-2 hrs before. Instead, pop a gel a 15 min before.
What do you think?

Edited by stateu 2009-05-05 10:22 AM
2009-05-05 11:07 AM
in reply to: #2131133

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
stateu - 2009-05-05 11:20 AM Mango-one question. What do you recommend for nutrition the morning of the race. One thing I've read is not to eat 1-2 hrs before. Instead, pop a gel a 15 min before. What do you think?

I am assuming you are talking about half ironman distance. What I usually for a half ironman is I will eat 2-3 hours before the race I will eat breakfast. Eat something what you normally have for breakfast. Make sure NOTHING NEW!

One hour before the race I will start sipping on gatorade and water and then 15 minutes before the swim start I will down a gel. 

I know a lot of people who will limit their fiber intake a couple of days before the race to prevent GI problems. I try to go with that on race day morning.

2009-05-05 11:07 AM
in reply to: #2131120

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - OPEN
Freckles716 - 2009-05-05 11:14 AM I had trouble navigating the USAT site.  So  put my computer in for its well OVER DUE tune up.

I did check out the Hanover MA is Gorgeous, I am signing up.  They have two pools one is for lap swimming and training only the other is the kids..yeah!!

I also found another Sprint in September the Fantastic Nantasket.  It is a week later than the Duxbury.  The swim is 1/4 mile rather than 1/2, swim is my weakest so I am more comfortable with this.  But the offset is that you run on the beach, packed sand but still sand.

I am hoping I will find a coach at the Y.  My goal is to have my trianing plan in place by the end of this week, thus giving me over 4 mos to train for the event.

At this point Iam sure I will have lots more questions,


All good stuff!  
2009-05-05 12:15 PM
in reply to: #2093570


Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
Hey Mango I'm not sure if you saw a question I posted, but here it is again and thanks in advance for the adviceWorkout Question: Justin, I'm starting the 20 week Olympic 2x Balanced training program this week and was wondering if I should be running/biking a certain distance? The plan states time only. I'm a slow but very steady runner.Second question: After my race this weekend I felt extremely good, to the point that I think I should push harder next Sprint Tri in 4 weeks. However, I'm new to this sport, with one under my belt, so I don't want to go ALL out in the swim and bike, and have no gas left for the run. Do you have any suggestions how I can balance my swim, bike, and run equally so to better my time a little bit? Swim 13:32 Bike 46:36 Run 36 minutes.Thanks for the help.Shawn
2009-05-05 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2127788

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Big Flats
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED

Edited by wsolt 2009-05-05 8:40 PM

2009-05-06 6:22 AM
in reply to: #2131101

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - OPEN
Well you are always welcome to come up to Portsmouth and train with us!

Mango...any suggestions as to how long I should stay off the run until my shins heal?  My shins got pretty bad about a month ago and I tapered off running more than three miles at a time.  Eventually they just hurt all the time, so I stopped running and have been focussing on swimming and riding.  I recently got orthodics to help correct the problem and my shins feel good.  I've been wearing the orthodics for about a week now.  Should I give it a go or rest the shins for a little while longer.  I don't want to stay off running for too it is my weak point.

Thanks in advance,

2009-05-06 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2131502

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
ootman - 2009-05-05 1:15 PM Hey Mango I'm not sure if you saw a question I posted, but here it is again and thanks in advance for the adviceWorkout Question: Justin, I'm starting the 20 week Olympic 2x Balanced training program this week and was wondering if I should be running/biking a certain distance? The plan states time only. I'm a slow but very steady runner.Second question: After my race this weekend I felt extremely good, to the point that I think I should push harder next Sprint Tri in 4 weeks. However, I'm new to this sport, with one under my belt, so I don't want to go ALL out in the swim and bike, and have no gas left for the run. Do you have any suggestions how I can balance my swim, bike, and run equally so to better my time a little bit? Swim 13:32 Bike 46:36 Run 36 minutes.Thanks for the help.Shawn

I wrote back to you but never pressed the submit button. I guess that what happens when you post before you AM coffee.

To answer your first question you do not need to train by distance. I do most of my training by time and effort. So one of my workout might look like this: 90 min run at an easy effort (zone 2) with 4x 5 min hard effort (zone 4). The only time I use distance is if I am doing a century ride in prep for an Ironman or a couple of my really long run (20-25 miles).

Second question: funny you should ask that. I was just discussing this with a couple of triathletes last week. Triathlons need to be raced smart. The way to do this is to practice a triathlon (on a training day do a swim, bike and then run). This will also come with time. When I did my Ironman I felt like I held back because I did not know what was in store for me. I think you did the same thing for this race. Try to up your pace in your next race. If you really want to you could go be heart rate and zones for the race. 

Hope that helped a little,

2009-05-06 10:26 AM
in reply to: #2133196

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - OPEN
jgerbodegrant - 2009-05-06 7:22 AM Well you are always welcome to come up to Portsmouth and train with us!

Mango...any suggestions as to how long I should stay off the run until my shins heal?  My shins got pretty bad about a month ago and I tapered off running more than three miles at a time.  Eventually they just hurt all the time, so I stopped running and have been focussing on swimming and riding.  I recently got orthodics to help correct the problem and my shins feel good.  I've been wearing the orthodics for about a week now.  Should I give it a go or rest the shins for a little while longer.  I don't want to stay off running for too it is my weak point.

Thanks in advance,


This is a very tricky subject. I would start at 3 miles a day and DO NOT run more than two days in a row. I would then up my mileage every week but still not running two days in a row. I would do this over the month and then see what two day in a row will do. 

Listen to your body.  Aches are ok....pain is NOT! make sure to stretch and ice.  Keep us all informed

2009-05-06 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2133814

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - OPEN
mangorunner123 - 2009-05-06 11:26 AM
jgerbodegrant - 2009-05-06 7:22 AM Well you are always welcome to come up to Portsmouth and train with us!

Mango...any suggestions as to how long I should stay off the run until my shins heal?  My shins got pretty bad about a month ago and I tapered off running more than three miles at a time.  Eventually they just hurt all the time, so I stopped running and have been focussing on swimming and riding.  I recently got orthodics to help correct the problem and my shins feel good.  I've been wearing the orthodics for about a week now.  Should I give it a go or rest the shins for a little while longer.  I don't want to stay off running for too it is my weak point.

Thanks in advance,


This is a very tricky subject. I would start at 3 miles a day and DO NOT run more than two days in a row. I would then up my mileage every week but still not running two days in a row. I would do this over the month and then see what two day in a row will do. 

Listen to your body.  Aches are ok....pain is NOT! make sure to stretch and ice.  Keep us all informed


Okay.....sounds like a plan.  I'll try that out.  I have a five miler the first weekend in June, so I want to at least get up to that.

On another subject:  Has anyone used training?  Looks like a good place to pick up an easy to follow training regimen for sprints.
2009-05-06 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2133806


Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
Thanks Justin, I have another Sprint on May 31st, and I'm going to try to push the swim and the run. I feel that I can recover from my swim during the bike, and still have enough for the run. Again thanks.

2009-05-07 2:09 AM
in reply to: #2093570

New user

Big Flats
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
Leavin tomorrow morning for a 300+ mile, four day bike ride.  Can't wait to see how I feel when it is over.  Be back in a few days.
2009-05-07 6:03 AM
in reply to: #2093570

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Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
Hey Justin,

Just an update:  I've devised a plan increasing my total training time by 10% each week over the next two months.  This should put me close to 9 hours a week by the time the ironman training starts.  Sound good?

In other news, I had a sprint tri on Sunday.  Race report.  Went pretty well as a whole, but its clear I need to get faster on the bike.
2009-05-07 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2135684

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
wsolt - 2009-05-07 3:09 AM Leavin tomorrow morning for a 300+ mile, four day bike ride.  Can't wait to see how I feel when it is over.  Be back in a few days.

Good Luck!  
2009-05-07 9:23 AM
in reply to: #2135729

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
steveseer - 2009-05-07 7:03 AM Hey Justin,

Just an update:  I've devised a plan increasing my total training time by 10% each week over the next two months.  This should put me close to 9 hours a week by the time the ironman training starts.  Sound good?

In other news, I had a sprint tri on Sunday.  Race report.  Went pretty well as a whole, but its clear I need to get faster on the bike.

great job!! It is good that you could identify your weakness. I think you should swim a couple of time in your wet suit just get the the feel. I had the same thing happen to me when I swam for the first time with a wet suit. I felt like my breathing was a little out of whack and also moving was a little but harder while swimming.

Overall AWESOME!!! Can't wait to hear more stuff! 

Now remember to relax and take it easy for a couple of days.
2009-05-08 5:40 AM
in reply to: #2093570

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
So when your schedule gets really busy and you have to miss a big workout mid week, should you do it on your next day off or just continue with the plan?  About once a week something comes up and I miss a long bike ride.  Any suggestions?

2009-05-08 7:47 AM
in reply to: #2138043

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
jgerbodegrant - 2009-05-08 6:40 AM So when your schedule gets really busy and you have to miss a big workout mid week, should you do it on your next day off or just continue with the plan?  About once a week something comes up and I miss a long bike ride.  Any suggestions?

There are some workouts that are more important than others. If you are in your peak part of training you should make it up. I either combine workouts the next day or move the heavy workout on a day that is scheduled for an easy day and erase the easy workout. 

If you are in the taper part of training I would just throw it out and maybe the next day add a little bit more to that workout.

Hope this helps,

2009-05-11 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2093570

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Extreme Veteran
Olive Branch, MS
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
Well, I suffered a complete and total come apart on the run portion of my HIM Saturday.

Not sure where to go from here.

2009-05-11 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2127800


Cary, NC
Subject: RE: Touching Base

I am just touching base. I have been seeing my times get better as I have been training over the last few weeks. I have increased my running training and I am doing that more than swim and bike.

What other suggestion do you have for nutirtion as I get closer to my June 7th race I want to improve what I am eating. Any suggestions?


2009-05-11 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2093570


Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED

Hey Mango,

I'm looking for some nutrition help, plans, or ideas also.  I see that a couple of us are asking the same question, and I was wondering if you could give everyone a overview for training days, pre-race, and post race.

I personally know that this is something that I have no idea about.  I can swim, bike and run, but fueling up is another issue.

So any help would be great.


2009-05-12 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2133814

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - OPEN
mangorunner123 - 2009-05-06 11:26 AM
jgerbodegrant - 2009-05-06 7:22 AM Well you are always welcome to come up to Portsmouth and train with us!

Mango...any suggestions as to how long I should stay off the run until my shins heal?  My shins got pretty bad about a month ago and I tapered off running more than three miles at a time.  Eventually they just hurt all the time, so I stopped running and have been focussing on swimming and riding.  I recently got orthodics to help correct the problem and my shins feel good.  I've been wearing the orthodics for about a week now.  Should I give it a go or rest the shins for a little while longer.  I don't want to stay off running for too it is my weak point.

Thanks in advance,


This is a very tricky subject. I would start at 3 miles a day and DO NOT run more than two days in a row. I would then up my mileage every week but still not running two days in a row. I would do this over the month and then see what two day in a row will do. 

Listen to your body.  Aches are ok....pain is NOT! make sure to stretch and ice.  Keep us all informed


All right, so I did a slow three miles on Saturday (10 min pace)  Felt all right.  Getting used to the orthodics is a bit weird.  They feel like golf balls under the center of each foot.  Either way, so far not pain in the shin area.  My right hip started to feel like I have a damn bone spur in the socket though....that is very strange and new.  May have to do with sciatic nerve acting up. 

Second swim lesson tonight.  Working into total immersion drills.  It's been a blast and I see improvement already!!!

2009-05-12 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2143446

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
ootman - 2009-05-11 12:40 PM

Hey Mango,

I'm looking for some nutrition help, plans, or ideas also.  I see that a couple of us are asking the same question, and I was wondering if you could give everyone a overview for training days, pre-race, and post race.

I personally know that this is something that I have no idea about.  I can swim, bike and run, but fueling up is another issue.

So any help would be great.


Just to give you an idea.  because I'm up to snuff on the meal stuff..haha.  Okay, sorry that was bad.

It's really going to depend on a combination between your maintenance and energy calories used per day.  Now that has factors ranging from age, weight, goals, you name it involved and of course exercise.  The following is my personal plan.  I'm 28, 200 lbs and don't want to lose any weight at all (that part isn't working).

Total Calories:  3654

Total servings per day:
22 carbs
8 oz protien (226 grams)
7 fruits
5 vegetables
5 dairy
6 fats
This is spread out over a breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.
Are you guys looking for actual meal ideas?  Or examples of what a serving of each would be or......??

Edited by jgerbodegrant 2009-05-12 2:23 PM
2009-05-12 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2142954

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
stateu - 2009-05-11 10:26 AMWell, I suffered a complete and total come apart on the run portion of my HIM Saturday. sure where to go from here.
2009-05-12 2:44 PM
in reply to: #2142954

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
stateu - 2009-05-11 10:26 AM Well, I suffered a complete and total come apart on the run portion of my HIM Saturday. Not sure where to go from here.

Hey man...just got a chance to check out your results.  I know I can't give you much but encouragement being that I'm a newbie, but this is only a bump in the road.  You already know you've got it.  Minor adjustments make a huge difference.  Great job on the swim and bike as far as I'm concerned!
2009-05-13 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2142954

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Mango's Group - CLOSED
stateu - 2009-05-11 10:26 AM Well, I suffered a complete and total come apart on the run portion of my HIM Saturday. Not sure where to go from here.


I first want to congratulate on completing the half ironman, no easy task.

second, the ability to recognize what went wrong is key. It is obvious that you needed to hydrate and more nutrition. How much water did you have on the bike? How many calories id you consume on the bike?

How do your legs feel now? You have to take this experience and learn from it. It is inevitable that someone bad will happen to us at one point or another. How we react to it is what is important. take this experience and learn from it. When is your next race?

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