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2009-05-27 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2176756

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
wkwl2714 - 2009-05-27 4:40 PM
konichiwa - 2009-05-25 11:55 PM

Andrew - Check out this link for training plans;  I think you need to be a paying member to link the training plan into your logs but they do have some free basic plans that should help you to get started.  If you have any specific questions, let me know.

I checked out the 16 week 3x Balanced plan for Olympic and it looks good. If I become a Bronze member would it give me a more specific training plan other than just times i.e. 40 min run, 80 min bike, etc? If some of you who are experienced at tri's don't mind looking at it and let me know if it is a good program to go with I'd greatly appreciate it. The link is .....

Thanks for the help.

Thanks for asking this question Smile

Edited by KeriKadi 2009-05-27 7:01 PM

2009-05-27 7:02 PM
in reply to: #2176515

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
KeriKadi - 2009-05-27 3:25 PM

Currently trying to convince myself to get on the bike for a short ride.

I convinced myself, this is what happened.  I never did get the ride in.
2009-05-28 11:07 AM
in reply to: #2177001

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
You go girl!  Remember, men are pigs ...
2009-05-28 2:19 PM
in reply to: #2176955

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Andrew / Keri  -

Here are my thoughts on the 16wk 3x balanced oly plan;

- It does not included detailed workouts.  For that you need a silver plan.  e.g.

- I think the plan is a good plan for its intended audience....newer endurance athletes.  This is why you don't see any designated workouts...its focus is more on building general endurance through repitition.

- One of the best things a good plan will do is prevent you from overtraining and injury.   This plan should help you do this.

Andrew - It's tough for me to say whether this is the right plan for you or not since I don't really know enough about your background.  Making a couple assumptions based on your prior posts, it sounds like you are generally athletic, played intramurals at college (basketball, softball or what-not) but haven't done any dedicated/specific swim, bike or run training recently?  Being a college student, and the summer coming up, I'm assuming the available time isn't an issue for you.  As the instructions to the plan noted, if you can handle the week 1 volume without it being a huge challenge, then this plan is probably right for you.  My guess is the biking volume won't be too hard for you, running may or may not depending on how much you've run recently (you did say your friends are into marathons so I am guessing you've done some running) and the swim may be a bit challenging.  I wouldn't let the swim preclude you from using this plan though.  Oh and if you are working out, start logging them

Keri - If you are looking at this plan also, I think the biggest challenge you'd face is available time.  This plan starts at 6.5hrs/wk and works its way up to 12.5hrs/wk.  Given that your last couple of weeks have been 4-5hrs, I think its a slight jump to 6.5hrs, but more importantly, will you eventually have the time to dedicate 12.5hrs in a given week?  That's a question only you can answer.  You may want to consider the 16 Week Olympic - Swim Focused which give your 3 swims and then 2 bike and 2 runs per week.  The weekly hours range from 5-8hrs which may be more managable with the family etc.  You could even be swim-focused for 5wks, then bike focused for 5 and run-focused for 6. 

I'm not a coach so take my words with the proverbial grain of salt.  Hopefully you find it helpful. 

If you have any other Q's, just let me know.


2009-05-28 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2176515

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Hey gang.

My Wed was an evening brick.  I typically only do bricks the week or two prior to a race.  It worked out well this week b/c I had to be at work early in the AM (so no AM workout) and I am doing my first tri of the season on Sunday.  I did a 60min bike followed by a 30min run.  I'm in a taper/cutback week so the workout was relatively mild.  The goal was to do some short intervals near race-pace and then cruise the rest.  I did 2x5min z4 intervals (5min rec) on the bike during the ride and then I ran the first mile at a tempo pace before settling into a long-run type of pace.

Today (Thu) I swam a short swim (2000m) in the AM and then did an easy 4mi run over lunch.  Laura and I have our menu tasting for our upcoming wedding tonight so we both had to keep the evening open.

Tomorrow (Fri) will be a complete rest day.  I like to take a complete rest day two days before a race.

Sat will be a race prep workout...prob a 30min bike followed by a 2min brick run.  Again I'll throw in some short race-pace segments with ample rest into both.

Sunday, I'll hopefully go really really fast!

2009-05-28 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: Good luck to Tim on Sunday

Just wanted to wish you 'good luck' for your race on Sunday.
HTFU and kick some a$$

2009-05-28 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2179173

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
konichiwa - 2009-05-28 2:27 PM

Today (Thu) I swam a short swim (2000m) in the AM and then did an easy 4mi run over lunch.  Laura and I have our menu tasting for our upcoming wedding tonight so we both had to keep the evening open.

1) 2000 is a SHORT swim????  200 is SHORT!
2) Yum on the menu tasting, I hope it goes well Tongue out

3) Good luck Sunday - what distance is your race?

Edited by KeriKadi 2009-05-28 7:37 PM
2009-05-28 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Tim - I think I could train longer if I could train longer.  Does that makes sense?  I didn't think so.
Ok, right now I can take the girls to childcare M-F for 2 hours each day so that's 10 hours right there, then I usually get a long ride in on Saturday.  However, I cannot run or swim for 2 hours and I can probably only bike for 1.5 hours, maybe 2 at the most.
So even though I have the time I simply cannot train that long but maybe I could work up to it.  With summer right around the corner I will have more flexibility in my schedule with my teenagers home from school.  So I could build up to running for an hour in the morning and then maybe swim or biking in the later afternoon. 
2009-05-28 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: 2000 is short?
Tim and Keri --

2000 swim short.... ha
200 short... maybe
how about 20 !!!

I guess short is all in how you look at various events, and what your strengths are.  I think nothing of my weekly 3.9 mile Fun Runs.  I have been used to running after a year, so the run and distance seem "short".  But, to others, that distance is an eternity.

2000 yard swim... sort of like thinking I will be an astronaut & fly to moon.  Just so far out of reality for me.

But Tim... details on your race...  distances, where, your thoughts (excitement, nervousness)....  come on, spill it for us...

2009-05-29 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2179988

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: 2000 is short?

The race is a sprint distance...750M swim, 17mi bike, 3.4mi run.

I am very excited about the race b/c its my first tri of the season (have a oly in June and half scheduled in July) and I think I have a shot of finishing quite high.

Here is my race report (RR) form last year;

I finished 15/440 OA and 2/34 AG last year.  I think I should be able to improve my time/placeing since I had a below avg run last year.  Plus I compared this year's entry list to last year's top finishers and something like 5 or 6 of the guys that beat me are not signed up.  Although I prob should not think about who did or did not sign-up.  Completely out of my control...even last year I finished 2AG but my time was only good enough for something like 5th or 6th had I been in the 25-29 AG. 

Anyways, I think my swim time will be about the same...maybe slower as we had some ideal conditions last year.  Bike will hopefully be a min or so faster and then hopefully ~3min faster on the run.  In the end if all goes well, I should be around 1h28m +/- 3min.  Good race or bad race, it'll still be fun. 


2009-05-29 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2179869

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Actually Keri, I knew exactly what you meant.  If that is the case, then using the plan should be fine.  The plan doesn't call for any 2hr swims or runs...rather you may be doing a 2hr bike and 1hr swim on your busiest day late in the plan.  Overall, it appears the bike takes up 50% of the time with run and swim each taking ~25%. 

If you feel up for it, I'd say go for it.  Once you get started you can make some small tweaks/adjustments if needed.


2009-05-29 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2179847

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

ya I guess it's all relative. 

Here was one of my swims from 12/10/2004.

WU 200yds
4 x 50 drills to minimize strokes/lenth
3 x 50 (42s - 44s each)
3 x 50 w/ paddle (1:02 - 1:10 each)

We all had to start small and build it up, right?

I can also go back in my logs when I used to bike for 45-60min and I'd use the ~2mi to get the the trail as my warm-up.  Fast fwd ~5yrs and I am doing 6hr rides and sometimes i don't feel warmed-up for almost an hour

It's fun though and there are few things more rewarding that setting a new personal distance record in any of the three sports.  One of my best friends (weds19 here on BT), can still remember the times he first went over 50mi, 60mi......100mi on the bike.  He doesn't know his fastest days or best workouts, but he certainly knows a bunch of personal milestones.

2009-05-29 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2151526

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: ya I guess it's all relative.

I will remember the day I can swim 100m non-stop -- not sure when that day will be, but I will surely remember it!!!
2009-05-29 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2180867

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: ya I guess it's all relative.'ll be here before you know it!

2009-05-29 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
I agree - it will be here before you know it!
I had an awesome day in the pool today.
Just last week I swam 100 without stopping.
Today I swam 150 without stopping TWICE!!!

I am not sure if this will help anybody but this is what I learned today.  When I start off I can go 4 strokes before taking a breath.  At first I couldn't do that, then I could do it for 25, then 50 and now I'm close to 75 but then I HAVE to go to breathing every other stroke which before today would put me in panic mode.  What I realized today is to just keep doing it.  Even if I do have to breathe every other stroke that's ok, I can work with it and through it.  Just like running - when we start out we can probably breathe through our nose if we want to for a short while and then we breathe through our mouth because it is more comfortable and then we do it because we HAVE to and that is OK, it just takes getting used to.  We have that moment in the run when were are decidedly uncomfortable but we just keep going.  Well..... I did that in my swim today, I just kept going!!!
Only stopping for a short time between and I did those 500 in 11:12 swim time.

I have a 5K tomorrow.  You guys know I struggle with my run but I am looking forward to this one.  I will be running with my husband and 14 year old son, it should be fun.  I am going for a PB which shouldn't be hard because my last 5K race was 37:12.  I will take anything sub 35.

I am very excited for you Tim, I can't wait to hear all about it.  I can't imagine the mindset of going into a race thinking you could place - it's beyond my comprehension and SO exciting!!!
2009-05-29 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2182104

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Keri -

Great job with the swim.  Once you get the breathing down, whether you prefer to breath on 2, 3 or 4, you'll be able to go longer and longer. 

Enjoy the 5k.  I am sure you can go go well under 35 based on your 5mi run last wknd.


2009-05-30 6:45 AM
in reply to: #2151526

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: Keri & TIm 's training
Tim - So cool to even be considering placing.  I am still just trying to get out of the pool under my own power!

Keri - you seem to be getting the hang of swimming -- trade you some of my run for your swim!
2009-05-30 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
The 5K was AWESOME!!!  It was very cool running with my husband and son.  They ran together the first 2 miles but I put myself a little further back which was a mistake at first but it all worked out.
My time for my May 2nd 5K was a miserable 37:12.  My time today was 33:06!  Nothing like shaving 4 minutes off in a month!  I have to say I am very happy with my time.  My ultimate goal is a sub 30 5K, I'll get there.

My husband's time was a PB at 26:11, impressive since he only started running about 8 days ago.  He used to run 3-4 miles but hasn't run in over a year.
My son ran a 26:26, this is his first 5K and he only ran once on Thursday in preparation - must be nice to be 14 years old!

This race was sponsored by the Astros/Minute Maid Park so the post race refreshments rocked!  You can't beat a cold Michelob and Kolache at 8:30am Tongue out not to mention the Pei Wei lettuce wraps - YUM!

Edited by KeriKadi 2009-05-30 10:20 AM
2009-05-30 11:38 AM
in reply to: #2151526

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: Keri's run

Way to rock!

And great improvement on the course to a new PB!


2009-05-31 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2182952

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Congrats on your race!  I was reading your prior post about your swimming.  I had a similar situation where I was struggling to swim any significant distance.  I kept at it and before I knew it things just came together.  I think the key is persistence...

Can't wait to hear our fearless leaders race results.

Meanwhile, I am scheming on how I can convince my wife that I need a bike.  I think she is beginning to realize that this is not a fad and that I really intend to complete a triathlon this summer.  The 42 mile bike ride on Memorial day made her a believer! 

I'm thinking instead of spending big bucks on a triathlon bike I should just buy a 10 speed and maybe get clipless pedals?  I suppose I can get those aero handlebars later?  I have been looking on Craigslist for a triathon bike without any luck and I am getting impatient.  I want to compete in a triathlon at the end of July and am thinking I need to get riding on something soon.

Does anyone have any recommendations on my bike situation?
2009-05-31 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Charlie - My original plan was also to find something on Craigslist. I didn't need a tri bike but I did need a 56cm which I realized was hard to come by. There were 54's posted almost daily but they were too small this long legged girl.I found and ordered my bike from them. The bike came in less than a week. My husband who is NO bike mechanic and has never put a bike together in his life but it together for me - it comes 90% assembled. I took it to my LBS and had them check the brakes and calibrate the derrailer which cost me $35.00. This is the bike I got comes with the pedals AND the aero bars and shipping is FREE! It was a great deal even the guys at my tri shop and LBS think so. I got the components I was looking for at a savings of $400-$600 anything I saw in a LBS.

2009-06-01 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2184176

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Hey is the short answer as far as how I did this wknd;

TOTAL: 1:28:26  5/61 AG but took 3rd b/c of rolldown.   11/330 M

Laura finished in 1:36:24 and took 3/39 AG and 6/211 women. 

I should have my RR done later today.  I am kinda busy today but I'll catch up on the posts too.  Looks like the gang had a good wknd including a 5k PR!


2009-06-01 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2186067

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
konichiwa - 2009-06-01 9:20 AM

Hey is the short answer as far as how I did this wknd;

TOTAL: 1:28:26  5/61 AG but took 3rd b/c of rolldown.   11/330 M

Laura finished in 1:36:24 and took 3/39 AG and 6/211 women. 

I should have my RR done later today.  I am kinda busy today but I'll catch up on the posts too.  Looks like the gang had a good wknd including a 5k PR!


You guys totally ROCK!!!  Looking forward to both RRs Smile

2009-06-01 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2186067

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Tim & Laura -

Great results.
Looking forward to reading your RR's.
2009-06-01 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2186105

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
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