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2009-09-01 2:28 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Charleston, SC
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
About coming in late;  did weigh yesterday for my Log.  I'm not motivated by Gift Cert, but rather by the challenge/peer presure.  Yesterday when I signed for IMKY 2010 I told myself that sugars (aka Pepsi) had to go in order to reach my 20 year goal of racing in Kona.  I've lost 30lbs so far (188 down to 158) and looking to lose 10 more and completlye refocus my nutrition choices.

2009-09-01 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Palm Desert, California
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
First off I'd say let the late comers in. I feel this challenge is more about making good food choices and learning about what we put into our bodies. More than a technicality. With that said this challenge has been posted for two-weeks)                                                                                      Sure i"d like to lose a few lbs, who doesn't? But I think just the health and educational benefits will do everyone involved a lot of good.
First day has been OK. Didn't sleep very well last night. I have my first half marry on Sunday. I'm really worried about that. Wish I would have done a 16week training program instead of a 12 week program. Also skipped breakfast, not a very wise choice. Had grilled chicken and fruit salad for lunch. I'm going to have a power bar then off to the gym for a run. ( to hot to run outside 110 at 5:00)!!!!! Not sure what I'm going to do for dinner????
Good luck to everyone.
2009-09-01 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Thank you to whoever (Karla, I'm assuming) put in my weight on the spreadsheet.  I realized today that I posted it in here but not on the spreadsheet!

As for those of you worried about the coffee, I totally feel your pain and trust me (and everyone else who has already stated it) you will come to like it the new way!  I used to use a (overflowing) spoonful of splenda AND enough flavored creamer to turn my coffee completely white and now I use some skim milk and am totally content with it!  I actually discovered there is a difference in the taste when using different brands!

Latecomers ~ I believe (and this is just MY opinion) that the reason NOONE was allowed to enter late was because of the prize (in this case, the gift cert) so I am ok with anyone joining at any time BUT they will not be eligible for the gift cert.  While I personally could care less about the prize as I just like the accountability and the challenge (as I'm sure is the reason we all joined this challenge), I think it's only fair since those were the rules set forth!  However, I completely understand wanting to be a part of this awesome challenge to better yourself so if someone wants to join us late then put an asterisk by their name on the spreadsheet, make sure they understand they are not eligible for the gift cert, and let them join.  Again, this is just MO!
2009-09-01 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009

I am sooooo hungry today which means the sweets are calling me.  Good thing I don't have any...although I did find the will power to pick around the choc covered nuts in my trail mix.  I made the mistake of going grocery shopping while hungry and even though I didn't pick out anything that would blow it for me, I was STARVING when I got home.  Now, I just can't seem to get over that starving feeling.  Ok, now that I've cried an ya'lls shoulder I will go guzzle some water and do the dishes to get my mind off food!! The excitement in my life, huh?!

2009-09-01 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2382074

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
zwest - 2009-09-01 3:19 AM Good luck everyone.  Got my last bite of sugar last night with dinner.   Found some bagels and other items that qualify so breakfast is covered.    Hardest part will be no creamer in my coffee anymore. 

Looking forward to a bite of Apple Cake on 12/24.   Wow, my math geek side just reduced that to 1/2.  

I am so NOT mathematically inclined that it took me a second to realize what you were even talking about!   Pathetic, I know! My poor child will get absolutely no help from me when it comes to anything other than 1+1. 
2009-09-01 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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scottsdale, az
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
SO HARD!! So far so good though.

latte and banana

snack: peanuts ( 330 calories worth)

Lunch: protein smoothie ( odwalla, no added sugar)

Snack: a few cashews

Dinner:? Hopefully some veggies!

2009-09-01 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Okay.  I definitely don't want to deprive anyone of all of the wonderful potential personal rewards of participating in this challenge, but I do feel that the rules were laid out early enough and pretty clearly.  There has to be some cut-off and someone will always just miss it by a day. 

If the two who inquired about joining this morning would like to participate with the understanding that they will not be eligible for the REI gift card prize, you are welcome.  I will add you to the spreadsheet with an asterisk, as Michelle suggested.  It will be great to have more people to share the support and swap stories.  And in addition to all of the personal benefits, you will certainly be eligible for bragging rights in the end, if not the material prize.

Please confirm, if you would like to be added.
2009-09-01 10:06 PM
in reply to: #2351616

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Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Okay, I have a question about the rules...

If you go out to eat, are you judging what is allowed and not by the total content of the dish, or by potential sugars in the top 3 ingredients of each of the dish's ingredients.

What I mean is, if I order a turkey club w/ no mayo at one of my local restaurants, it consists of:
Turkey (real turkey, not lunchmeat)

So, what I've learned over the past few days is that bread can but does not always have sugar in the top three ingredients. 

However, I'm looking at the dish thinking to myself that the ingredients are Turkey, bread, tomatoes...etc.  So, the sugar in the bread (if present at all or in the top three ingredients of the bread...which is something I can't even tell in a restaurant), is definitely not present in a larger quantity than the other ingredients of the dish (turkey, tomatoes, avacado, etc.

So, to me, that is okay...and it is the top three ingredients of the dish that we are considering.  And if I'm incorrect in thinking that, how do we eat out w/o cheating???

But, if we are at home making our own meal, we should be counting the top three ingredients of each ingredient we use to prepare a dish...correct?

2009-09-02 6:04 AM
in reply to: #2383856

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2009-09-02 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2351616


Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Oh that last cup of café au lait coupled with a chocolate chip cookie sure tasted amazing, I going to miss you Starbucks!! 

starting weight is 167, cant wait to come back to my racing weight 155
2009-09-02 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2384050

Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
jessm - 2009-09-01 11:06 PM Okay, I have a question about the rules...

If you go out to eat, are you judging what is allowed and not by the total content of the dish, or by potential sugars in the top 3 ingredients of each of the dish's ingredients.

What I mean is, if I order a turkey club w/ no mayo at one of my local restaurants, it consists of:
Turkey (real turkey, not lunchmeat)

So, what I've learned over the past few days is that bread can but does not always have sugar in the top three ingredients. 

However, I'm looking at the dish thinking to myself that the ingredients are Turkey, bread, tomatoes...etc.  So, the sugar in the bread (if present at all or in the top three ingredients of the bread...which is something I can't even tell in a restaurant), is definitely not present in a larger quantity than the other ingredients of the dish (turkey, tomatoes, avacado, etc.

So, to me, that is okay...and it is the top three ingredients of the dish that we are considering.  And if I'm incorrect in thinking that, how do we eat out w/o cheating???

But, if we are at home making our own meal, we should be counting the top three ingredients of each ingredient we use to prepare a dish...correct?

Great questions!  This is where it does get tricky.  In your example of the sandwich, if honey were the second ingredient in the second ingredient (the bread) then theoretically, it could be in the top three ingredients, but realistically, I'm sure you are right that there is more tomato and avocado than added sugar.  There are always going to be some cases where it is impossible to know for sure and you just have to use your best judgment.  For example, if the bread has honey in it's name (like Honey Wheat Bread), then it probably has a fair amount of added sugar and it should be avoided. 

Here are some suggestions to do the best you can away from home:
1. Choose restaurants that offer healthy choices.
2. Do some research online before you go.  A lot of places provide good info. these days (like Panera, Chipotle, Wegman's).  My experience has been that the less info. they provide, the more likely it is a place that I should avoid altogether!
3. Ask the restaurant.  Sometimes you can get good help choosing menu items that don't have or are very low in added sugar.  Other times they have no clue, and you do the best you can.
4. Ask for sauces on the side.  Avoid meats w/glazes.  Either bring your own dressing or order oil and vinegar on the side.  (Some vinegars actually contain sugar, but I just don't see how you can know that in a restaurant.)
5. For events like concerts, picnics, parties, and movies - take your own.  Pack some food to share with your group that you know is okay for you, and then share in whatever other healthy, low/no sugar options are available.
5. Act in good conscience when it comes to the challenge.  We all know what we are trying to do here.  If you suspect that the item in question is either nutritionally void junk food, or that it has added sugar, then you are probably right. Either make a better choice, or choose to enjoy it and take the ding.

One thing I found in this challenge last time, was that as I learned what types of foods likely had added sugar, it got easier to make safe choices even when no ingredient list was available.  I generally avoid peanut butter away from home, but I asked Panera about the ingredients in their pb and it was all natural - peanuts and salt.  Excellent!

Another interesting learning experience - I went into Pei Wei and asked which of their sauces did not have added sugar.  Answer - They all have added sugar!!!!  So beware of Asian food in general!  Now, I pretty much stick to steamed meat and veggies, brown rice, and soy sauce.

Another observation - in sandwich meat, the meat, water, and salt tend to be the top 3 ingredients, but in reading labels at the grocery store/deli, I discovered that many contain some form of sugar in the top 3.  I buy "Just Turkey" sliced turkey from the deli now - no added ingredients at all.  But, I do order sandwiches out, occassionally, too, on the premise that the meat is probably okay (no honey glazed ham, or the like, though).

As for cooking at home - yes.  Apply the "top three ingredient" rule to at least the top three ingredients of your recipe.  Beyond that, it's your call.

Whew!  I'm feeling long winded this morning!  : )

2009-09-02 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2351616

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2009-09-02 2:03 PM
in reply to: #2384662

scottsdale, az
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
wgraves7582 - 2009-09-02 9:34 AM

I have a crazy question for those who have done this in the past:

How much weight loss did you see regularly.  I dropped from 178.0 to 176.8 from yesterday morning to this morning and I know the weight will fluctuate but does cutting sugar help that much that quickly?

I did not have a huge sugar content before hand but now I stopped pop and candy and have really been very healthy.

Just wondering what others results have looked like in the past.  Hoping the 176.8 turns to 170.0 by month end

And Karla - thanks for setting this up!


sugar is PURE carbs. It's possible to lose a bit of weight because carbs retain water. In carbo-loading, the body retains a few pounds of water.
2009-09-02 3:39 PM
in reply to: #2383054

Randomly scattered in at least 3 states
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
kcovert1 - 2009-09-01 2:38 PM
zwest - 2009-09-01 9:19 AM Good luck everyone.  Got my last bite of sugar last night with dinner.   Found some bagels and other items that qualify so breakfast is covered.    Hardest part will be no creamer in my coffee anymore. 

Looking forward to a bite of Apple Cake on 12/24.   Wow, my math geek side just reduced that to 1/2.  

Hey, Zac,  just wanted to say I am a UGA alum ('96)...I'm guessing from your avatar that you have some affection for Athens too!!

For my coffee, I use just cream...after a few weeks you'll be surprised at how good it tastes!  And this is coming from a total (recovered) Splenda addict!!

I was class of '99 technically, but went from 94 to 99.. 6 fall terms.  Lived in Athens from 88 to 99

On the coffee front, I'm actually getting used to it with nothing added.  The only cream we have at work is sweet, so I have to avoid that.

Hope everyone had a good second day.   The hardest day for me will be this Saturday when college ball starts back up.
2009-09-02 6:50 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Silver member
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Has anybody addressed alcohol on this challenge?  I re-read the rules, and I can't see anything about alcohol. I ask because my hubby and I are going out to eat with a group of BT'ers to our favorite micro-brew restaurant, and I planned to have a couple of beers since alcohol doesn't seem to be specifically banned. But alcohol turns to sugar in your system, so it doesn't seem to make sense that I can't have a zero calorie diet Coke, but I can have two beers at 150 calories a piece.

Can I have my beer (or wine, or port, etc.), or is this a no-alcohol challenge too?
2009-09-02 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2384662

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
wgraves7582 - 2009-09-02 4:34 AM

I have a crazy question for those who have done this in the past:

How much weight loss did you see regularly.  I dropped from 178.0 to 176.8 from yesterday morning to this morning and I know the weight will fluctuate but does cutting sugar help that much that quickly?

I did not have a huge sugar content before hand but now I stopped pop and candy and have really been very healthy.

Just wondering what others results have looked like in the past.  Hoping the 176.8 turns to 170.0 by month end

And Karla - thanks for setting this up!

Bill, I don't recall exactly how much weight I loss the first go round but I want to say it was around 5 lbs and that was with a little (read: month long) hiatus in the middle of it due to a family emergency.  However, I noticed a HUGE difference in my body composition...I was a lot leaner and it showed!

Edited by Happychick 2009-09-02 8:07 PM

2009-09-02 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Water is my friend.  I've been struggling with my water consumption lately and since I use it to stop me from grabbing those sweets, my intake is back to where it should be...and then some!
2009-09-02 8:11 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Robbinsville NJ
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Off to a slow start so far but not too worried as I'm learning good stuff already. Planning on a "clean" day tomorrow. I'm also interested in the alcohol question as I might be tempted by a cold one as I sit on the deck overlooking the Atlantic tomorrow night!
2009-09-02 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2386005

Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Rotorkim - 2009-09-02 7:50 PM Has anybody addressed alcohol on this challenge?  I re-read the rules, and I can't see anything about alcohol. I ask because my hubby and I are going out to eat with a group of BT'ers to our favorite micro-brew restaurant, and I planned to have a couple of beers since alcohol doesn't seem to be specifically banned. But alcohol turns to sugar in your system, so it doesn't seem to make sense that I can't have a zero calorie diet Coke, but I can have two beers at 150 calories a piece.

Can I have my beer (or wine, or port, etc.), or is this a no-alcohol challenge too?

Good question!  Remember, we are trying to eliminate added sugars and sweeteners; not all carbs.  White flour and other refined carbs are converted to sugar in our system and some fruit is super high in sugar.  We are just trying to adjust to a more whole-foods, less sweets-dependant, less processed diet.  There are lots of different versions of low-sugar diets out there that serve different purposes (medical conditions, etc.).  It might seem that there are some inconsistencies here, but I think these rules were selected simply as a fairly do-able lifestyle improvement to include nutrient rich foods and to eliminate a lot of the junk.

My understanding is that beer and wine are fine, but most mixed drinks and liquours are not.  I found this on  It mostly talks about carbs, but gives some good info. about added sugar.

"Fermented beverages, by definition, start as a high-carb plant, usually grapes or a grain. During the fermentation process, the yeasts eat up the carbohydrates, producing alcohol. Whatever sugars are left contributes to the carbohydrate in the beverage, which will vary from one to another. A dry wine has little residual sugar, whereas a sweet wine can have quite a bit. Liqueurs have sugar added, often quite a lot.

Distilled spirits (vodka, rum, whiskey, etc.) have nothing left but the alcohol, so are zero carb. However, mixers are often sugary, so watch for this. Just two ounces (1/4 cup) of “sweet and sour mix,” often used for whiskey sours, daiquiris and margaritas, has 17 grams of carbohydrate. As an alternative, you can ask for lemon or lime juice, and add your own sweetener. When you're home, here's How to Make Low-Carb Cocktails."

I am a big port fan, so I looked this one up last time - it is a fortified wine made with fermented grapes fortified by brandy (which is distilled wine) so the only sugar comes from the grapes.  No added sugar = legal.  Yay!

Sorry for all the lengthy answers, but you guys are bringing up some great stuff right off the bat!
2009-09-02 11:52 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Extreme Veteran
Louisville KY
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
I lost about 10 pounds during the last contest.
2009-09-03 6:41 AM
in reply to: #2386107

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2009-09-03 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Bill - Good job on the back-to-school event!  That's a tough one!
Now, I need a little strength - off to a Jimmy Buffet concert for HOURS of food, fun, and music.  I'm taking wine and my own sandwich so I will be equipped no matter what is there.

Keep up the good work, guys!
2009-09-03 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Silver member
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
Thanks for the info on alcohol, Karla! I was prepared to put on X on the board for last night's two-beer night at the local pub, something I don't do very often, but just happened to come up during these first few days of the challenge. But with beer and wine being OK, I don't need to add an X yet.

This challenge has been great! No soda for the past three days, and I've been avoiding my co-worker's stash of chocolate (I usually steal two or three pieces of dark chocolate every day). There's also a bin of little lemon cakes someone brought in on Monday. So I had one on Monday because I could, but not since. This weekend will be tough as we'll be visiting grandparents for a 96th birthday party (about 30 people invited, and grandpa loves to make pies and cakes). I'll have to hold off to the allowed ONE piece of birthday cake, but to avoid grandpa's pies -- well, I don't want to hurt his feelings. A piece of grandpa's pie might have to be the first X! Will let you know on Tuesday when we get back (no Internet access where they live in Northern Wisconsin, ya der hey!).
2009-09-03 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2351616


Palm Desert, California
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
So far so good. I have a question: Lipton brisk ice tea unsweetened? The kind you get out of a convenient store soda fountain.
2009-09-03 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2351616

Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Fall 12-Week No-Sugar Challenge 2009
I understand about the rules and it's ok if I'm not eligible to the prize It's very much for health issues that I wanted to join and I wasn't sure if the cutoff was August 31 or September 1st. I'll do this 'unofficially' and it's fine with me. So I'll go post my starting weight (that I took on September 1st).

Yesterday was my birthday so I definitly had cake lol (good way to start the challenge huh!) Tonight I'm going out for diner and it will be a challenge to try to avoid process sugar but I'll try. I'm glad we can have beer cause I'm having one tonight....

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