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2009-12-17 10:01 PM
in reply to: #2565898

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
ransick - 2009-12-17 7:07 PM

Crazy Brick?

I don't have a road bike or stationary trainer yet so I've been riding the bikes at my local Y (not spinners, just old fashioned grandma seat bikes).  I wanted to ride for an hour tonight but get bored (plus you aren't supposed to hog a machine more than 20-30 minutes).  So I biked 30 then ran 20 on a treadmill, biked another 30 then ran 10.  I'm assuming that is just as good as biking an hour in a row.

This is good for confidence, how did it feel? Typically bricks are saved until a few weeks before a race, when most training plans increase the intensity, true bricks should be done at race pace around the time you are getting close to peaking. I think you kept the workout creative, thats a great thing!

2009-12-17 10:26 PM
in reply to: #2565972

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
nevergivin - 2009-12-17 10:01 PM
ransick - 2009-12-17 7:07 PM

Crazy Brick?

I don't have a road bike or stationary trainer yet so I've been riding the bikes at my local Y (not spinners, just old fashioned grandma seat bikes).  I wanted to ride for an hour tonight but get bored (plus you aren't supposed to hog a machine more than 20-30 minutes).  So I biked 30 then ran 20 on a treadmill, biked another 30 then ran 10.  I'm assuming that is just as good as biking an hour in a row.

This is good for confidence, how did it feel? Typically bricks are saved until a few weeks before a race, when most training plans increase the intensity, true bricks should be done at race pace around the time you are getting close to peaking. I think you kept the workout creative, thats a great thing!

It felt good.  I think I could have held a conversation while doing it until the last 15 minutes or so.  I really don't have a "race pace" yet.  I have a "finish a goal" pace which is what I did for my first 1/2 mary and pretty much all my work outs in the last year.  I hope to add some interval training this year to improve my speed.

Funny, the machines at the Y have tv's in them so if I watch hockey or UFC I have to grab the rails when there is a lot of motion to keep from falling off.
2009-12-17 10:30 PM
in reply to: #2564233

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Milkthecowbaby - 2009-12-17 9:07 AMoh i nearly forgot...i put out a weekly podcast too, (mostly weekly) on Triathlons. YOu can get it on I tunes called milk the cow Triathlon

Very cool.  I listened to episode 1 tonight.

Edited by ransick 2009-12-17 10:32 PM
2009-12-18 7:54 AM
in reply to: #2566001

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
ransick - 2009-12-17 11:30 PM
Milkthecowbaby - 2009-12-17 9:07 AMoh i nearly forgot...i put out a weekly podcast too, (mostly weekly) on Triathlons. YOu can get it on I tunes called milk the cow Triathlon

Very cool.  I listened to episode 1 tonight.

I just found it on iTunes!  Downloading all episodes now! Laughing
2009-12-18 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2556071

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
What is everyones plans for this weekend?
Im gong to a Team training, it is going to hone my bike skills doing drills with other riders. The afternoon Saturday will be group stuff doing pack drills and tactics. Sunday I must desperately do some Christmas shopping for my daughter. Oh and almost forgot, need to pick up and install my new crank and botton bracket on my bike, going from a double to compact.

Edited by nevergivin 2009-12-18 8:19 AM
2009-12-18 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2566313

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)

What is everyones plans for this weekend?
 Finishing up my Christmas cards and shopping.  Yep, super-late due to a business trip last week. 

Training-wise, I'm doing my long-run today (75 minutes with strides, or about 8.5 miles or so at my long-run pace.)  Tomorrow is a day off followed by a 2 hour bike and half hour run.  (Not a brick.)

2009-12-18 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2566367

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Warning:  Stupid Noob Question...

What's a Brick?
2009-12-18 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2564503

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
metiii - 2009-12-17 8:15 AM Since all my workouts are indoors for now, I like to listen to music will cycling. I found this site:  really helps. The podcasts are free with registration (I just made up my info) . My favorites are episode 4 (140 BPM), episode 18 (interval workout for cardio machines) and episode 7 (130 BPM for longer workouts).

okay that is a cool resource!  thanks so much for sharing it, i have been having a heck of a time finding music that is grouped by pbm.
2009-12-18 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2566388

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Panther - 2009-12-18 6:36 AM Warning:  Stupid Noob Question...

What's a Brick?

There are a fair amount of terms thrown around on BT. Dont feel foolish asking about them, there are many.

A brick is when you train two events together, your goal is to induce the effects of fatigue from one event and carry it over into the next event on purpose. From my experience there are two types, ones that are done at fitness pace to build confidence knowing your ability to cover the distance. The second is done at race pace to induce fatigue and help determine pacing, you are training to transition from one event to the other. When I do a race paced brick I am trying to find a balance in my pace, "do I need to bring my pace on the swim down", "do I have the ability to go harder on the bike". The later are used mostly as a race approaches, the confidence bricks can be used whenever you feel like it.
2009-12-18 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2565560

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
norcal_SAHD - 2009-12-17 3:02 PM

What's the conventional wisdom these days on how/when to stretch?

I have really tight muscles normally, starting training was hellish until I started stretching after workouts.  All the reading I have done indicates make sure you are warm before stretching. 

I have started adding yoga once a week to my training.... THAT will show you right away where you are tight.

This has helped me change training from a painful experience to just and exhausting one (the feel good exhausted )

2009-12-18 9:16 AM
in reply to: #2566313

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
nevergivin - 2009-12-18 6:13 AM What is everyones plans for this weekend?
Im gong to a Team training, it is going to hone my bike skills doing drills with other riders. The afternoon Saturday will be group stuff doing pack drills and tactics. Sunday I must desperately do some Christmas shopping for my daughter. Oh and almost forgot, need to pick up and install my new crank and botton bracket on my bike, going from a double to compact.

I am off this weekend, visiting family it is really my christmas weekend    back at it bright and early tuesday morning.

2009-12-18 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2556071

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
This weekend?

Well tonight my Daughter is coming home from Boot camp/ Army training and i have not seen her for 4 months!! SOOO excited!!! Shes home for 2 weeks!

Saturaday i am doing the 'double' They have 2 spin classses at the YMCA, 1 ant 7.15 and one at 8.15 both 45mins. I get on the bike at 7am and stay till 9am for both classes and its a super good workout. It gives me the jelly legs i dont normally get on 1 hour classes.

MY knee felt up to running today and last night i learnt a new form. They said it would be awkard at first and it was BUT my pace just went from 10-11min/mile to 8min/mile  mile!!!!! Holy cow it works fantastic and i feel like i am using less effort!!! I did 3.5 miles.

I will report back after 4-5 runs just to make sure it not just a one off run.

Hey thanks for downloading my podcast!! The early episodes are rough! hang in there and they get a little better as time goes by. i think episode 6 or 7 has a big blank space in it somewhere so sorry for that.
2009-12-18 1:13 PM
in reply to: #2556071

Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Weekend Plans

Leaving after my Y workout to go to Saint Louis for the night(hoping to catch KONA on tv), before my wife and I fly out sunday to South Dakota, to spend a week with her family. Have a nice week off of work, hopefully I can get all my days in at the gym on my brother-in-laws air force base.  The wife and I did xmas last night, got a Sport Count 100 for swimming in my stocking, can't wait to use it.
2009-12-18 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2566313

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Weekend Plans
Well, there are calling for 10 to 20 inches of snow where i am, so I am staying put.
Also, NBC is to show the Kona Ironman, so I will be be biking and watching that Saturday. Sunday will be the great digout so i can go to work Monday. But I did lay in supplies, videos and videos games, so as long as the power stays on, I am good.

Edited by metiii 2009-12-18 1:20 PM
2009-12-18 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2565560

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
norcal_SAHD - 2009-12-17 5:02 PM

What's the conventional wisdom these days on how/when to stretch?

I have read that stretching before a workout did not help prevent injuries. But that assumes that the muscles are warmed up before the exercise.
Personally, I jog in place, then stretch, then exercise, then stretch after. Sometimes i do a lite stretch before bed if i need to.

2009-12-18 3:46 PM
in reply to: #2556071

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Weekend plans

Saturday - sleep in, reformat a pc, swim, get fitted for a bike then grill out.
Sunday - church, out to lunch with the family, bike and/or run, grill out

Plus fit some chores in somewhere.

Edited by ransick 2009-12-18 5:50 PM

2009-12-18 4:56 PM
in reply to: #2567323

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
metiii - 2009-12-18 11:38 AM
norcal_SAHD - 2009-12-17 5:02 PM

What's the conventional wisdom these days on how/when to stretch?

I have read that stretching before a workout did not help prevent injuries. But that assumes that the muscles are warmed up before the exercise.
Personally, I jog in place, then stretch, then exercise, then stretch after. Sometimes i do a lite stretch before bed if i need to.

The trend now seems to be some sort of dynamic warmup, I think most routines take too much time. I modify it and keep it short doing bleacher or stair running.
2009-12-18 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2566313

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
What is everyones plans for this weekend?

Tomorrow I'll do a short run (I did my long run on Wednesday this week), watch the Kona Triathlon on TV, then we're getting a babysitter (my mom, actually) so my wife and I can go into San Francisco for an actual real live grown up party!  I might even dress nicely...

Sunday will be my rest day, and Christmas celebration number one (we'll end up having three this year) with my dad. 

And somewhere in there I've got to get a few more presents, wrap a bunch of stuff, and do Christmas cards (or New Years cards I suspect for this year...). 
2009-12-18 5:59 PM
in reply to: #2566583

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Milkthecowbaby -
MY knee felt up to running today and last night i learnt a new form. They said it would be awkard at first and it was BUT my pace just went from 10-11min/mile to 8min/mile  mile!!!!! Holy cow it works fantastic and i feel like i am using less effort!!! I did 3.5 miles.

What did you change?  That's an incredible difference!
2009-12-19 5:59 PM
in reply to: #2567900

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
norcal_SAHD - 2009-12-18 3:59 PM
Milkthecowbaby -
MY knee felt up to running today and last night i learnt a new form. They said it would be awkard at first and it was BUT my pace just went from 10-11min/mile to 8min/mile  mile!!!!! Holy cow it works fantastic and i feel like i am using less effort!!! I did 3.5 miles.

What did you change?  That's an incredible difference!

Yes please do share! Running is my weakness!
I went to an all day race clinic that my race team held today. We started the day doing cornering drills , then we did no hand riding for balance during corners, and finished the drills by picking up various objects off the ground into and comming out of turns. Before lunch we did bumping  bodies and wheel crossing drills to practice control in tight races, then we played circle of death,30 riders in a circled off area try to push each other out, last one left wins. After lunch we worked on pack dynamics and time trialing, mostly pacelining and communication stuff.

Edited by nevergivin 2009-12-19 6:00 PM
2009-12-20 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2569062

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
nevergivin - 2009-12-19 3:59 PM
norcal_SAHD - 2009-12-18 3:59 PM
Milkthecowbaby -
MY knee felt up to running today and last night i learnt a new form. They said it would be awkard at first and it was BUT my pace just went from 10-11min/mile to 8min/mile  mile!!!!! Holy cow it works fantastic and i feel like i am using less effort!!! I did 3.5 miles.

What did you change?  That's an incredible difference!

Yes please do share! Running is my weakness!
I went to an all day race clinic that my race team held today. We started the day doing cornering drills , then we did no hand riding for balance during corners, and finished the drills by picking up various objects off the ground into and comming out of turns. Before lunch we did bumping  bodies and wheel crossing drills to practice control in tight races, then we played circle of death,30 riders in a circled off area try to push each other out, last one left wins. After lunch we worked on pack dynamics and time trialing, mostly pacelining and communication stuff.

Here is some video.
This is of our circle of death drill, its bumper cars on bikes.

2009-12-20 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2569662

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
Bumper bikes......Scary.....

Going for my bike fitting.  Still haven't decided road or tri.

Edited by ransick 2009-12-20 12:17 PM
2009-12-20 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2556071

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)

Strength training

Now that off season is upon us, its a good opportunity to add a strength training program to our training
that will help us when it comes time for our season to start, it helps increase power,speed,reduce bodyfat, increase muscular endurance, and for me its important because it ads some variety. Once racing season starts move into a regular core strength training program that can help with racing. Strength training differs from endurance training in that it is done for short sets and is considered anaerobic(using way less oxygen ) and does not have to include weights, more people are using bodyweight exercises,yoga,pilates, plyometrics. You can even customize a strength program that is sport specific and fits into your time schedule.
When setting up a program you need to consider how many sets and reps, keeping it between 6-8 reps and 3 sets is good for building strength and power, any higher and you are building muscular endurance, this in my opinion is better left to swimming, biking, and running. The idea is not to replace Triathlon training, its to get stronger, balance muscles,. Weight selection is also important, you should stay in the range of your 85-100% of the most weight you can lift. Rest is also important so that you are able to lift the maximum weight possible, 1 1/2 min to 3 mins, shorter restcreates a endurance workout which we are trying to avoid.
The equipment that can be used are dumbells, bands,stability balls,medicine balls,machines, freeweights, pullup bar.
Right now I am currently using bands,pullup bar, thats it.
Some of the common exercises for each sport are:
Swimming-pullovers,shoulder press, tricep pushdown,dips,bicep curl,superman,leg extension,leg curl,cal raises.
Cycling-Back extension,push up,bench press,dipswrist curls,lunges,step ups,squats,leg extension,calf raises.
Running-Hammer curls,shrugs,rows,squats,leg curls,leg press.

There are many workout programs that follow these guidelines, crossfit, P90x,simplefit, that can be used. Here is a sample workout for sprint distance races.
12 week program doing 2 sets per exercise for 4 weeks,3 sets for 4 weeks,4 sets for 4 weeks.
(upper body)
 dips                     6-8 reps
shoulder press        6-8 reps
bicep curls             6-8 reps
pullover                 6-8 reps
Bench press           6-8 reps
rows                     6-8 reps
(lower body)
Leg extension         6-8 reps
leg curls                6-8 reps
squats                  6-8 reps
lunges                  6-8 reps
Calf raises             6-8 reps
plank                      max
superman                max
flutter kicks             max
situps                     max

Go through entire workout twice to equal two sets for first 4 weeks, add one set
every 4 weeks.
Its important to use proper form and keep track of weight and reps done so that you
can look at your progress. There are many links on BT to get you started is some sort of
program, I just wanted to discuss some basic information to give everyone a starting point.
Please discuss if you would like me to be more specific about any information.
I can also discuss specific plyometric routines for each sport,stretching routines for each sport,
core routines for each sport.
Here are some BT articles:

2009-12-20 12:22 PM
in reply to: #2556071

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
What are pullovers and superman?
2009-12-20 12:27 PM
in reply to: #2569662

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Subject: RE: nevergivin's group (Closed)
I haven't really even thought about handling crowds...  in any of the sections

is this a big issue?

In general what are the thoughts on joining a club (if you have one in the area), does it help with training, or support, etc?

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