Other Resources Challenge Me! » Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011 Rss Feed  
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2010-11-01 12:37 PM
in reply to: #3188877

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Edited by wgraves7582 2010-11-01 12:38 PM

2010-11-01 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3148934

Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011
I am training for a marathon in December so I have a long run of 20 miles on Saturday-hope the weather cooperates...you know... snow, rain, wind, whatever makes the points go up!
This sure is crazy, but it works to get me out there since I like a little friendly competition and I am a slow runner, so am out there longer, ie. MORE POINTS FOR ME!


Phil 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Like run a marathon when the last long run in the previous six weeks was an 8 miler!  It was not pretty or fast, but gotter done!
2010-11-01 12:42 PM
in reply to: #3188864

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011

wgraves7582 - 2010-11-01 12:28 PM
BikerGrrrl - 2010-11-01 12:20 AM

I have a question about the points too.  Let's say it's 33 degrees and clear and I am running 30 mins.  Since it's .5 pts for 30-35 deg, than technically speaking I would get 30 x .5 = 15 points?  And 0 points if it's warmer than 35 (and no wind or precip)?  So, if it's not warmer than 35 than no points at all for running?

Yet, if I am biking and it's say 38 degrees I get a single point:

(1 bike factor + 0 temp factor + 0 precip + 0 wind) x 40 min ride = 40 

Or, is there an assumed 1 point to start with?

Or, ...?

I guess I can see the logic there, but I went into this thinking there'd be points for all outside activity. But I guess maybe not.  And that's okay, but it just occurred to me today and I wanted to make sure I understood.


Also don't forget the wind if you are able to get temperature factor.

Basically - If you don't hit the temperature factor = no points  Biking always gets you 1 more point than running - And no I didn't set this up - I joined in when I first came to BT and just got permission to carry the challenge onward and upward!

                If you do hit the temperature factor - then you can add all other factors in as well.
the concept here is to get you out the door in bad weather.  that is subjective, but the first time around with this is was agreed that biking in the cold is worse than running so we built in a 5 degree cushion and gave an instant 1 point multiplier to any biking south of 40 degrees.  its not a hey lets get outdoor cuz its a beautiful day challenge.  it is all about embracing the suck and making training outdoors in the winter fun and actually giving folks a reason to get out of their warm beds when its crummy outside.  you dont need any incentive when its nice out (our shouldnt anyways). 

2010-11-01 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3188914

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2010-11-01 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3148934

Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011

Isn't it exciting! Another challenge begins. I was talking to an 85 year old at the library who did triathlons in his 60's and has climbed Pike's Peak more than once...inspiring. 

How about walking the sled up the hill for the four year old who is too tired.  JUST KIDDING!

Ice skating works, though?

Thanks for doing this-it's great 
p.s.  watching my shadow when I ran this morning-pretty cool...I have long, slender legs in my shadow!!!  Ha ha!  I am actually a 5 foot 4 person with short legs.

2010-11-01 12:52 PM
in reply to: #3148934

Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011
Yes, the suckage!

You are out there and you can see your breath and people drive by and either admire your discipline or think you are crazy and say, glad it's you out there and not me!

And you are thinking, maybe I can do an extra 10 minutes and mentally adding up what difference that will make in your points!

It's not for everyone, but for those it is for it is AWESOME!


2010-11-01 12:52 PM
in reply to: #3148934

Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011
suckage toppage!
2010-11-01 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3148934

Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011
I am not much for taking pictures, but Bill has got me thinking that I should make a scrapbook of my crappy winter weather challenge!  It's a great idea, don't you think! 

Last year, I did a half marathon that started out with 23 degrees and 19 mile per hour winds-and I have pictures of that, but not of the other runs I did.

I can see the kids, "remember this one, mom, you were so cold we had to cover you with 10 blankets and give you hot chocolate every half hour until you warme up enough!"

Seriously, remember to layer appropriately as it gets colder, people.  hypothermia is a real possibility.

2010-11-01 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3148934

Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011

The other day my husband commented that I could beat him at all the endurance sports, you know,

Running, biking, swimming, .....and talking!

Gotta go now and get some school done with the kiddos!

who may go for a bike ride after her run tomorrow..... if it's cold enough! 

2010-11-01 1:04 PM
in reply to: #3188929

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2010-11-01 1:05 PM
in reply to: #3188945

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2010-11-01 1:11 PM
in reply to: #3188968

, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011

The scoring totally makes sense now, I think I "got it" even before I posted that question.

Sadly, no points for anything today.  It's too nice!  I am sure this will change soon enough...

I will definitely take pictures.  Here's one from a few Novembers ago, for inspiration:

That 90 min ride would have netted a conservative 4 suckage factors for 360 pts, BTW...   And no snow even yet.

Edited by BikerGrrrl 2010-11-01 1:13 PM
2010-11-01 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3188994

Subject: ...
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2010-11-01 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3148934

Subject: ...
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(Ski-Bike Local 2-28-10 007-com.jpg)

Ski-Bike Local 2-28-10 007-com.jpg (52KB - 15 downloads)
2010-11-01 1:22 PM
in reply to: #3188994

Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011
BikerGrrrl - 2010-11-01 2:11 PM

The scoring totally makes sense now, I think I "got it" even before I posted that question.

Sadly, no points for anything today.  It's too nice!  I am sure this will change soon enough...

I will definitely take pictures.  Here's one from a few Novembers ago, for inspiration:

That 90 min ride would have netted a conservative 4 suckage factors for 360 pts, BTW...   And no snow even yet.

That looks like the Resolution Run jacket that Running Room gave to participants last year. This year it's the same style but orange. I signed up and get to pick up my new jacket during the final week of December, and the run is on Dec 31st.
2010-11-01 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3148934

Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011

It looks different but similar, here's a picture.

(Resolution Run Jacket.JPG)

Resolution Run Jacket.JPG (68KB - 16 downloads)

2010-11-01 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3148934

Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011

I went out to put my name on the list and almost gave up. 246 points and its still the first day of the challenge. Wow. I'm sure I won't win competing against you guys up in Canada and the border states but it will be good to get me out more this winter.

Last week I could have earned points every day but this week its going to take some wind or snow to get some points.

2010-11-01 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3148934

Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011

Thought I would post this before it changes,

I am in SECOND place!!!!  may not ever happen again...

now back to school

2010-11-01 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3189033

, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011

mbasta - I love that jacket, it's a Pearl Izumi wind breaker and the ultimate layering piece.  I am also a safety nerd, so I love the bright color when biking.

Bill - I am a total ham, what can I say... 


I have a good snow bike picture from last year, but it's in FB and I am too lazy to copy it over.  Good excuse to get out for a new ride with the new bike when the snow flies!

I am excited for ski helmet/goggles weather.  Yesterday at about 40 degrees it was chillier on my head/face than I like.

2010-11-01 1:34 PM
in reply to: #3189040

, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011

Well I am in Minnesota and have a big fat zero so far, so you never know.

Where is Slackerville, anyway?

pdbman - 2010-11-01 1:31 PM

I went out to put my name on the list and almost gave up. 246 points and its still the first day of the challenge. Wow. I'm sure I won't win competing against you guys up in Canada and the border states but it will be good to get me out more this winter.

Last week I could have earned points every day but this week its going to take some wind or snow to get some points.

2010-11-01 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3189040

Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011
pdbman - 2010-11-01 1:31 PM

I went out to put my name on the list and almost gave up. 246 points and its still the first day of the challenge. Wow. I'm sure I won't win competing against you guys up in Canada and the border states but it will be good to get me out more this winter.

Last week I could have earned points every day but this week its going to take some wind or snow to get some points.

Don't get discouraged Paul,
just pretend Bill is not there and you will be fine...for now!
it's great fun, just get out there and do something and watch your points add up!
who really is going to see how her students did on there writing assignments, since I gave them extra time to complete them!

2010-11-01 1:38 PM
in reply to: #3148934

Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011

yes, I used "there" instead of "their"  just to see if anyone caught it, now I really have to go!

you doesn't have internet at home, because it is too much of a distraction, but has now spent 2 hours at the library!!!!!  At least we live just 2 minutes away!

2010-11-01 1:39 PM
in reply to: #3189058

, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011

You know there is an Edit button, right?

Congrats on the 2nd place!

nichip - 2010-11-01 1:38 PM

yes, I used "there" instead of "their"  just to see if anyone caught it, now I really have to go!

you doesn't have internet at home, because it is too much of a distraction, but has now spent 2 hours at the library!!!!!  At least we live just 2 minutes away!

Edited by BikerGrrrl 2010-11-01 1:39 PM
2010-11-01 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3189048

Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011
BikerGrrrl - 2010-11-01 2:33 PM

mbasta - I love that jacket, it's a Pearl Izumi wind breaker and the ultimate layering piece.  I am also a safety nerd, so I love the bright color when biking.

Bill - I am a total ham, what can I say... 


I have a good snow bike picture from last year, but it's in FB and I am too lazy to copy it over.  Good excuse to get out for a new ride with the new bike when the snow flies!

I am excited for ski helmet/goggles weather.  Yesterday at about 40 degrees it was chillier on my head/face than I like.

I have their regular Running Room jacket as well, but I don't know it's name. Posted picture below... I like it's safety features as well.

When I was younger (teenager) I couldn't care less about safety. J-walk across a dark street wearing all black and baggy trip-on-the-bottom jeans... or wear those same clothes to frogger across a busy multi-lane road with heavy traffic. Ever since I have started investing in myself with training and seeing what injuries do to people (kinesiologist) I am SO careful now. Will still J-walk, but I look 2x on each side and if it's busy I will go to the intersection. I even look 4x at intersections with my right of way because drivers can be so careless.

Edited by mbasta 2010-11-01 1:43 PM

(Running Room Jacket.JPG)

Running Room Jacket.JPG (7KB - 16 downloads)
2010-11-01 1:44 PM
in reply to: #3189042

Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2010-2011
nichip - 2010-11-01 12:32 PM

Thought I would post this before it changes,

I am in SECOND place!!!!  may not ever happen again...

now back to school

I was tied for 3rd until someone else posted some points, now most of us are tied for 4th (or last depending on how you want to look at it). So far there is enough of a wind that I can get some points if I go for a run tonight. We'll see how it goes.

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