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2010-12-30 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3268680

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Prairie Village, Kansas
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
My 2011 Goals:

Complete my first Sprint Triathlon in May.  I have a indoor sprint this February that should be a nice chance to compete before then.  I'm going to shoot for a top 3 finish in my AG for 20-24.  

Stay focused on training.  I have a tendency to jump right into things and get burned out quickly.  I understand that training for an IM or Tri requires time and dedication.  Im ready for both.

Finish an Olympic Triathlon, looking towards Sept/Oct

Finish the Men's Health Urbanathon in October.

Eat to live, not live to eat.

Looking at these makes me excited...  Hope everyone has a safe New Years, and meet 2011 with a renewed intensity!  

2010-12-30 8:34 PM
in reply to: #3256996

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!

2011 Goals..

1. Stay injury free
2. Place in my division at a local race (Target race - Liberty 1/2)
3. Sub 13:00 at IMWI

I know 13:00 isn't a great time, but it would be over an hour PR at this distance and sitting at 6'4" and 200 lbs, burning an average of 1200 kcal per hour with a max intake around 315 kcal per hour...  Not sure that much more is in the cards unless I won the lottery, quit my job and got back to my college weight in the high 170's...

2010-12-30 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3269039

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
ball6135 - 2010-12-30 8:34 PM OK...

2011 Goals..

1. Stay injury free
2. Place in my division at a local race (Target race - Liberty 1/2)
3. Sub 13:00 at IMWI

I know 13:00 isn't a great time, but it would be over an hour PR at this distance and sitting at 6'4" and 200 lbs, burning an average of 1200 kcal per hour with a max intake around 315 kcal per hour...  Not sure that much more is in the cards unless I won the lottery, quit my job and got back to my college weight in the high 170's...


Don't get too hung up on the time.  Any Ironman finish is a something to be proud of.  And shooting to shave an hour off your previous best sounds like a great goal to me!
2010-12-31 12:00 AM
in reply to: #3256996

New user

Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
IT'S OFFICIAL...just registered for my first paid triathlon.  I'll be participating in the Olympic Distance at the SGTri, May 21, 2011 .

I'm confident the distances on the bike and run are doable.  I just need to get some long open water swims to gain confidence for the swim.

Here are the local club events leading up to the tri.  

3/19/11 Sat – 8 am Duathlon 1 Mile Run, 11 Mile Bike, 5K Run

04/30/11 Sat – 8 am 1000 meter swim and 5K run 

5/15/11 Sun – 8 am Sprint Tri, 1000 yd Swim, 11 Mile Bike, 5K run

2010-12-31 4:39 PM
in reply to: #3269263

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
carolinahusker - 2010-12-31 12:00 AM IT'S OFFICIAL...just registered for my first paid triathlon.  I'll be participating in the Olympic Distance at the SGTri, May 21, 2011 .

I'm confident the distances on the bike and run are doable.  I just need to get some long open water swims to gain confidence for the swim.

Here are the local club events leading up to the tri.  

3/19/11 Sat – 8 am Duathlon 1 Mile Run, 11 Mile Bike, 5K Run

04/30/11 Sat – 8 am 1000 meter swim and 5K run 

5/15/11 Sun – 8 am Sprint Tri, 1000 yd Swim, 11 Mile Bike, 5K run


Congrats!  Funny how just signing up makes it feel so much more real.......and motivating!
2011-01-01 6:36 AM
in reply to: #3256996

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Cairns - Australia
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Well great start to the year - no training looks like tomorrow will have to be my training day if the rain goes away - I am sick of the rain - at least we are not flooded like the lower part of Queensland.  I can go for my 1 hour run tomorrow and then the ride if the roads are reasonably dry - Sunday is massage day yeahhhh!!!

2011-01-01 1:38 PM
in reply to: #3256996

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New Brunswick, Canada
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!

Hello again,

Well first, happy new year to everyone.

So here is my story.

NAME: thebrayon / Luc

STORY: I've been doing triathlons for a long time. I was only 15 when I did my first one. After my first few years of triathlons, I stoped almost everything during university. I did a few more triathlon here and there but I never trained to make PRs or be competitive. I used to do the triathlon just to finish them. However, in 2009 I started training with a plan and objectives. I did my first marathon in May 2009, a few sprint/duathlon/olympic/half marathon during summer and my first HIM in September. I almost PR'd all my races. Amazing what structured training can do....

In 2010, I did another HIM, another marathon as well as a few sprint/duathlon/oly.

FAMILY STATUS: 40, married, 2 boys

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently not doing much. Just running and playing hockey. I just registered for a half marathon in February called the hypo-thermic half. More motivating to train when there is an objective...

I also want to do one HIM again this year at the end of the summer. Nothing is decided yet for the rest of the summer, but will be any mix of sprint/oly/duathlon as last year. 

2011 RACES: one HIM and some sprint/oly/duathlon/half-mary 

2010 RACES: 1 marathon, a few half, 2 duathlons, 1 oly, 1 sprint, 1 HIM.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I would probably benefit losing 10-15 pounds, but it is not the reason I train, I really enjoy doing the races and being on the courses.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD STUDENT: I really love the sport and am motivated. I want to improve and do some PRs in 2011.   


2011-01-01 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3256996

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Happy New Year everyone!

I got in a trainer ride today.  Now I can justify planting myself on the couch and watching football for the rest of the day

Hope you all are having a good start to the new year!
2011-01-02 6:23 AM
in reply to: #3256996

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Cairns - Australia
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Well I woke up to rain again   - as mentioned earlier - it took me all day to find some motivation or guilt!!  The casserole was cooking going to take a couple of hours, the rain had gone - sooo I put on the runners and did my hour run.........and I did a PB - yeahhh and feel so much better.  I think I'll do my training early tomorrow - I'm feeling pumped.
2011-01-02 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3256996

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Prairie Village, Kansas
Subject: Base Training
Since I am a serious newbie to the sport, I was hoping everyone could help me out with the base training.  All the training plans I have looked into talk about having a good base before your season starts.  Since I have a somewhat limited endurance background, should I mainly be concentrating on my volume, as opposed to speed workouts?  Let me know what you all did when you first started!  That would be very helpful!
2011-01-02 10:00 AM
in reply to: #3272260

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: Base Training
m.a.burghart - 2011-01-02 9:37 AM Since I am a serious newbie to the sport, I was hoping everyone could help me out with the base training.  All the training plans I have looked into talk about having a good base before your season starts.  Since I have a somewhat limited endurance background, should I mainly be concentrating on my volume, as opposed to speed workouts?  Let me know what you all did when you first started!  That would be very helpful!

personally i would definitely not worry about speed yet.  In order to stay healthy i would just work on your volume.   And try to get a "long" run and ride in a week. (something around and hour, for now)

2011-01-02 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3256996

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
OK.... here in the cold north, I am inbetween my yaktrax and the treadmill in the basement.  Problem is some of the roads are clear from last week's strange warm weather?  Don't want to ruin the yaktrax, but really don't like running inside!?

Anyone have any experience?  Maybe I should head out to a local snow covered trail (luce line) and run?  driving to run just seems weird to me!?   
2011-01-02 4:01 PM
in reply to: #3256996

New user

Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Ok I am the serious underdog here. I biked 10 miles yesterday and felt pretty good. But now my I can only run two miles and my leg starts to hurt. My swimming is atrocious. I signed up for some training on technique. So my resolutions:1. Starting 100 days eating clean in the morning- no cheats2. Increase my running distance without injuring my leg3. Create a half decent swimming technique4 Not look like a fool at the tri in July. ?
2011-01-02 4:03 PM
in reply to: #3256996

Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!

Got in the first ride of the year today.  Temp was nice, in the low 50s, but we had sustained 15-25 mph winds.  Rode 38.48 miles and felt pretty good.

2011-01-02 4:31 PM
in reply to: #3272712

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Cairns - Australia
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
ball6135 - 2011-01-03 7:33 AM OK.... here in the cold north, I am inbetween my yaktrax and the treadmill in the basement.  Problem is some of the roads are clear from last week's strange warm weather?  Don't want to ruin the yaktrax, but really don't like running inside!?

Anyone have any experience?  Maybe I should head out to a local snow covered trail (luce line) and run?  driving to run just seems weird to me!?   

I live in a built up area and sometimes I just want to run somewhere different and drive down to our waterfront or if I want a bit of a hilly course drive to the lake area.  It does feel strange but it beats the treadmill.
2011-01-02 4:33 PM
in reply to: #3272792

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
lizmoll - 2011-01-02 4:31 PM
ball6135 - 2011-01-03 7:33 AM OK.... here in the cold north, I am inbetween my yaktrax and the treadmill in the basement.  Problem is some of the roads are clear from last week's strange warm weather?  Don't want to ruin the yaktrax, but really don't like running inside!?

Anyone have any experience?  Maybe I should head out to a local snow covered trail (luce line) and run?  driving to run just seems weird to me!?   

I live in a built up area and sometimes I just want to run somewhere different and drive down to our waterfront or if I want a bit of a hilly course drive to the lake area.  It does feel strange but it beats the treadmill.

Good point... it does beat the treadmill!

2011-01-02 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3272755

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Cairns - Australia
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
MMF0710 - 2011-01-03 8:01 AM Ok I am the serious underdog here. I biked 10 miles yesterday and felt pretty good. But now my I can only run two miles and my leg starts to hurt. My swimming is atrocious. I signed up for some training on technique. So my resolutions:1. Starting 100 days eating clean in the morning- no cheats2. Increase my running distance without injuring my leg3. Create a half decent swimming technique4 Not look like a fool at the tri in July. ?

Which part of your leg hurts and is it during the run or aftewards?  I remember my first tri and it was only a very small distance 150m swim - 6 km bike - 1.6km run - for the swim I ended up doing breast stroke and resting at each end of the pool, enjoyed my bike ride then come the run thought and this is fun!!!  I was at the back but you know what - you get the biggest cheers and the end.  So it doesn't matter what stage your at come July, you won't look like a fool because triathlon isn't that kind of sport - its the achievement at the end.  I now do Half Ironmans still coming crossing the line at the back but I finish and thats the main part.
2011-01-02 4:39 PM
in reply to: #3272760

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Cairns - Australia
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
nealham12 - 2011-01-03 8:03 AM

Got in the first ride of the year today.  Temp was nice, in the low 50s, but we had sustained 15-25 mph winds.  Rode 38.48 miles and felt pretty good.

I live where it about 86 all the time - I wouldn't have even got out of bed with your temperature - congrats of a great ride
2011-01-02 4:43 PM
in reply to: #3272260

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: Base Training
m.a.burghart - 2011-01-02 7:37 AM Since I am a serious newbie to the sport, I was hoping everyone could help me out with the base training.  All the training plans I have looked into talk about having a good base before your season starts.  Since I have a somewhat limited endurance background, should I mainly be concentrating on my volume, as opposed to speed workouts?  Let me know what you all did when you first started!  That would be very helpful!

Well since I have only done one triathalon, I know were you are. I did the Silverman half distance for my first one. This is what I can tell ya. I looked up the beginner plan for a half ironman and then followed the schedule.  It really eased my into everything. I can honestly say that I did not do all of the workouts. Life, work, and exhaustion sometimes go in the way. But I did stay consistent and made sure that I got in most of the work. It was hard to do, most of the time I had no idea why I was doing what I was doing, I just trusted the training plan.

Trust the training plan. I did the Silverman in 7:16:28, not real fast but I DID DO IT!.  It was so amazing to finish, I was sooo happy, it truly was a highlight in my life. Now I am hooked.

Hope this helps
2011-01-02 7:42 PM
in reply to: #3256996

New user

Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
It's my tibia. I don't know what to do with it. Tried different shoes, not running for weeks- then starting over. It's frustrating. Guess I will focus on biking and swimming and small amounts of running. I'm hoping building strength and endurance through those will help my running performance.
2011-01-02 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3256996

New user

Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Does anyone have fb? You can find mine under my email [email protected]

2011-01-02 10:59 PM
in reply to: #3273166

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Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
MMF0710 - 2011-01-02 6:13 PM Does anyone have fb? You can find mine under my email [email protected]

Yes sent you a friend request
2011-01-03 6:34 AM
in reply to: #3273166

Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
Yes on the FB.  I just sent friend request.
2011-01-03 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3272260

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Base Training
m.a.burghart - 2011-01-02 9:37 AM Since I am a serious newbie to the sport, I was hoping everyone could help me out with the base training.  All the training plans I have looked into talk about having a good base before your season starts.  Since I have a somewhat limited endurance background, should I mainly be concentrating on my volume, as opposed to speed workouts?  Let me know what you all did when you first started!  That would be very helpful!

Since you are new to endurance training you are going to see a lot of gains in your first year just by training consistently and slowing building volume.  Speedwork likely isn't necessary.

I didn't do any speedwork until my second year of training and then last year I cut it out since I was coming back from an offseason injury.

That said, if after a few months of training you've plateaued and aren't seeing any progress then it may be something to consider.
2011-01-03 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3273105

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: disturbed275's Mentor Group - Closed!
MMF0710 - 2011-01-02 7:42 PM It's my tibia. I don't know what to do with it. Tried different shoes, not running for weeks- then starting over. It's frustrating. Guess I will focus on biking and swimming and small amounts of running. I'm hoping building strength and endurance through those will help my running performance.

Shin splints?  Those can be annoying.  I've been battling them for the last month or so and finally had to take a couple of weeks off to get things under control.
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