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2011-01-10 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Katie, spin classes will be great through the winter months to help prepare you for the spring when you will be road riding
Hope you were able to complete your water intake for the day!!!

2011-01-10 7:46 AM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Mark, I really liked your post about water! I do find that if I drink water when I feel hungry I am satisfied and NOT actually hungry. If I drink water and still want something to eat...I eat a lot less. I am trying hard to drink at least 6 ounces BEFORE each meal so that I decrease the  portions that I eat and still feel satisfied. Thanks for the great explanation!!!
2011-01-10 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
I want to talk about running shoes. It is very important that you have a good pair of running shoes. If you have grabbed an old pair of sneakers out of the closet...its OK for now.However, I would strongly suggest you go to a running store and have them look at your gait and fit you for a pair of running shoes. Good fitting shoes are important. You want to make sure there is plenty of cushion and ample space in the toe box. The people at the running store will look at your running and suggest a good pair and usually have you run on a treadmill in the store. This is a way of assessing where your foot strikes and what type of shoes best fit your gait.

Also want to talk about bikes. Again...its OK to use your bike that you have had in the garage but have not taken for a ride in a while!!! Before you go riding, take the bike to a bike store and have them check it out. That being said...a tune up on a bike can cost about $100. Talk to the bike store before you sign up for a tune up( sometime the bike isnt worth it). It is important that your bike is safe, and you can ask the to do a safety check, which would include tires and brakes. NEVER EVER ride your bike without a helmet EVER!!!!! NEVER EVER ride on the road with headphones. You will not be able to enter a race without a helmet.  For many of you it is winter and road riding is not an option right now. This is a good time to take a look at your bike, as the bike stores are usually NOT busy. Come spring, it takes a lot longer in the bike store!

Hope you are all drinking your 64 ounces of water/ day. Its a challenge for sure!!!
2011-01-10 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Holy cow...I had to play catch up in here and instead of replying to everyone individually I will give a blanket post. I've had computer issues so I haven't been able to get on here the last few days which almost makes me feel like i'm going through withdrawals. If nothing else I always visit BT on a daily basis

Welcome to all the new peeps in here and congrats to those of you who have entered your first race. As for those of you who are starting to train but haven't signed up for a race I will say that I have to agree completely with what Marianne said ~ sign up for one. I kept saying I wanted to do a triathlon but once I signed up for one it kind of made it "real" for me!

Water challenge ~ I'm totally in! I carry a water bottle with me EVERYWHERE but it has become so common place for me that I sometimes actually forget to use it. This will keep me on track again as I also have found that I am often thirsty and not hungry.

2011-01-10 10:31 AM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
My race...*sigh* I didn't get to do it My hubby got called into work late Friday night and wasn't home in time for me to make it as I didn't have anyone to watch my daughter and while I often run with her in the stroller it was too cold and 6.5 miles is beyond her stroller run breaking point. I looked for another one to do this month but the only other one is next weekend and I will be away at a scrapbooking weekend (which I can't wait for!!) Oh well...such is life sometimes!!
2011-01-10 10:41 AM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Marianne ~ I just realized you didn't provide a link to YOUR log in the graph!?! I would do it myself but I'm HTML challenged

2011-01-10 12:14 PM
in reply to: #3289294

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New user
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Day 2 water challenge - fail - only 48oz...

1.2 mi treadmill run: 5x3.0, 5x4.0, 5x4.5, 5x3.0
2.0 mile spin bike - 70 rpm

the swim portion of the tri I signed up for is indoors...  they're actually doing it backwards, because they "don't want icicles in their hair"...  so it's run, bike, swim.

1.4 mile run
4 mile bike ride
250 yard swim (in a pool)
2011-01-10 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3289315

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
thanks for the advice. I did sign up for the Boulder 5430 on June 19th. I'm actually going to do this. Undecided
Whew. Headed to the gym.
Is to late for the water challenge?
2011-01-10 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3290238

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
tkr2770 - 2011-01-10 10:33 AM thanks for the advice. I did sign up for the Boulder 5430 on June 19th. I'm actually going to do this. Undecided
Whew. Headed to the gym.
Is to late for the water challenge?

Hi Terry,
Good for you signing up. 
5430 sounds like a very long race.  How far is the swim?
Cheers, Mark

2011-01-10 3:44 PM
in reply to: #3290274

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - OPEN
The 5430 is the elevation, it is a sprint tri. 1/2 mile swim, 17.2 mile bike and 3.1 run. I downloaded the couch to sprint 12 weeks and have started it slow, I hope to be up to the beginning times by the end of the month.
2011-01-10 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
One didnt only made 2/3 of your goal. Better luck today!!!!

Terry sounds like a great sprint

Michelle, sorry about not getting to do your race, its a little too chilly to have a baby out that long.

2011-01-10 5:23 PM
in reply to: #3290980

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Day off for me. Still working on the water for today- seriously behind but did complete it yesterday.

What do I need to know when picking out clipless pedals and shoes?
2011-01-10 5:47 PM
in reply to: #3291019

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Shoes - There are 3 styles; MTN, ROAD, and TRI, plus one other.  Get yourself a pair of mountain bike shoes for training and later get a pair of Tri specific shoes for race day.  If you get to the point where you want to shave a few minutes off your time. 

MTN Bike shoes have enough tread that you can walk indoors or on trails without damaging the floor of the house (important), the cleat on the bottom or slipping and falling.  The triple clamping mechanism is comfortable on a long ride but can be tricky to get off in a hurry.  The lugged sole make this style of shoe a bit heavy.  Not a problem in training, maybe something to think about on race day. 

ROAD Bike shoes - smooth on the bottom and made of light weight materials like carbon and kevlar.  The closure is very mechanical that cranks on tight and stays put.  These are stiff platforms and specially designed for Road Racing.  These are nice for group training ride and for that Century Ride every tri athlete has on the training schedule.  Every Cyclist who has more than 3 pair of shoes should have several of these.

TRI Specific shoes - smooth on the bottom and made of similar materials to ROAD but have velcro straps.  Closure is made of velcro so that you can have you shoes already attached to the bike. Run up, jump on, and ride away.  After the bike is at cruise speed you slip your feet inside the shoes and close the velcro one handed.  This can save about 45 seconds.  But it's important not to crash while you're putting your feet inside and pulling the velcro closed.

The other style of shoes look like tennis shoes but have a cleat mounting point on the bottom.  These very comfortable but are soft soled and don't provide a good platform for endurance rides.

2011-01-10 10:54 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
20 min Bike, 78-90 RPMs, 2.5 miles
completed strength training as suggested on program.

surprised to find it easy today, hoping not to be to sore tomorrow.
80 oz's of water.
2011-01-11 6:12 AM
in reply to: #3261680

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Good morning! Kind of quiet in here yesterday. I am assuming because you are all out there trainingWink

If you havent registered for your first time like the present. Register and tell a few people!!!!!

If you dont have any questions , post what your workout of the day was and how it went.

Dont forget your water.

Snow coming our way, expecting more than a foot...YAY (not)
2011-01-11 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3261680

New user

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Rest day for me - which is convenient as the roads around here are still impassable due to ice and snow. Atlanta isn't equipped to deal with this type of weather at all - we rarely get hit this badly! Hopefully it will be cleared up enough to make it to the gym tomorrow for my swim. If not, I'll have to do some rearrangement of my training plan this week.

Did terribly on the water challenge so far.

2011-01-11 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3261680

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED


I'm trying to figure out what days are best to use as my rest days. Sounds crazy but my work schedule is not consistant everyday and it makes it difficult. I think I just need to commit to myself and go with it. f it doesn't work then be willing to change it up. My fear is that I'll just stop as I've done in the past. Now that you all know that maybe it will be easier.

Have a good day - I'll try the water challenge.
Julie Gibson

2011-01-11 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3292059

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
jgibs - 2011-01-11 6:50 AM


I'm trying to figure out what days are best to use as my rest days. Sounds crazy but my work schedule is not consistant everyday and it makes it difficult. I think I just need to commit to myself and go with it. f it doesn't work then be willing to change it up. My fear is that I'll just stop as I've done in the past. Now that you all know that maybe it will be easier.

Have a good day - I'll try the water challenge.
Julie Gibson

If not easier then at least you know we will be here and some days that may be the only thing that gets you out the door
2011-01-11 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
I'm doing really well on the water challenge so that's a plus! However, I seriously need to get my butt in gear with my workouts. I'm slacking more than I should and while using the cold as an excuse to not get outside isn't justifiable, I hate doing it at 8 at night which (right now) is the only time I am able to.
With that being said, I am hoping to get in the pool today during my daughters swim class. This will be the first time in forever since I have been dealing with a shoulder issue. I plan on swimming a lap to see how it feels then just focus on drills. As long as my Sammi does ok in her class and isn't distracted by me being in the pool at the same time then this will work out perfectly on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
2011-01-11 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
I am sometimes (ok, most of the time) computer illiterate and I was trying to import the bike and swim portion of one training plan into my log while importing the run portion of another. I thought I could do this but after importing the bike and swim portion I found that my run plan was deleted. Am I wrong in thinking I could do this or am I just missing something?
2011-01-11 10:32 AM
in reply to: #3291057

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Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Thanks for the run-down on the shoes. I'm looking right now, but apparently, we're between the 2010s and 2011s.

Does anyone have advice on buying a bike? Is there anything between the walmart version and the $900 and up version at the bike stores? I know the extra $$ gets you extra quality, but I'm just not good enough for it to matter to me... yet...

First on the agenda is to get fitted, but then what? Shop for used ones or spring for a new one?

Hope y'all are having a good Tuesday. Those of us on the east coast are snowed/iced in. 

2011-01-11 10:53 AM
in reply to: #3292274

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New user

Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
Thanks for the support Michelle! Good luck at swimming today Cool
2011-01-11 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3292337

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED
heatherb555 - 2011-01-11 8:32 AM Thanks for the run-down on the shoes. I'm looking right now, but apparently, we're between the 2010s and 2011s.

Does anyone have advice on buying a bike? Is there anything between the walmart version and the $900 and up version at the bike stores? I know the extra $$ gets you extra quality, but I'm just not good enough for it to matter to me... yet...

First on the agenda is to get fitted, but then what? Shop for used ones or spring for a new one?

Hope y'all are having a good Tuesday. Those of us on the east coast are snowed/iced in. 

By no means am I an expert on bike buying but it was my experience that now is the time to buy since it's the off season and they have usually marked down their 2010 models to make way for the 2011s. I was looking for the same thing as you...something in between and wasn't really able to find anything. I wasn't comfortable buying used since I didn't trust that I would get what I was actually paying for (just MY opinion!!) I ended up finding a $1000 entry road bike on sale for about $650 and I still use it. What's funny is that I have found myself passing others in races riding those nice (expensive) tri bikes. Just goes to show that training means more than equipment ~ at least at our stage of the game
2011-01-11 11:38 AM
in reply to: #3261680

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Day 4 water challenge complete.  Thank you Mav, may I have another?

We have a new coach at the pool today.  She's a former collegiate swimmer from Cal with some experience teaching age groupers.  So far she seems very quiet.  I'm very lucky to have found a good club with good coaches.  2800yard swim today.  Wished I'd had time for a 200 cool down, but as soon as the workout is done, I have to jump out of the pool, shower quick and drive fast to make it to work on time.

Tuesday's 60min swim workout.
  5x100 - Swim
  5x50 - Extra warmup
  6x75 - Fist,Tips,Swim
  1x400 - Paddles
  3x400 - 1x200@4:10, 4x50@1:05

2011-01-11 3:32 PM
in reply to: #3261680

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Mav's mentor group - CLOSED

Well I got my swim on and boy did it feel good to be back in the pool. I will know how my shoulder feels about it tonight or tomorrow I plan on doing it again Thursday but my daughters instructor said that Sammi kept calling for me and wasn't as happy as usual so if she is the same way Thurs then I will go back to watching as I don't think it's fair to Sam or her instructor.

As for water ~ I'm a little more than half way there so I know I will make it today. Now off to do school work. *Sigh*

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