BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bigDH's accountability training a.k.a Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society Rss Feed  
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2011-12-29 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3961027

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Qua17 - 2011-12-29 8:42 PM

I have been active for my whole life never anything crazy but a bit of running, mtn bike ect.  Trained for an Ironman 4 years ago and was in the best shape of my life... going from 213 to 164 for race day.  prior to that did countless small running races and 3 marathons.... bunch of sprints, olympics and a couple 1/2's.  Broke my ankle during the run of the IM at about mile 16... walked and hobbled my way to the finish line and completed but never happy with my time...  So 3 years later... 3 surgeries, therapy, massage, and injections i have been cleared and am going to give it another go. 

So today i have not been active for 3 years... went through a divorce, couple surgeries, gained a ton of weight... and I will do another IM in 2013 and complete it in the time i should have 4 years ago.

Chris - the fact that you were able to finish an IM with a broken ankle is astounding to me.  I can not even fathom doing something as hardcore as that...  Pushing the boundries of what is humanly possible is what draws me to tri's.  Just last week I went out for a ride.  It was my longest ride since September.  I really pushed it and rode 12 miles and averaged 13 mph.  Later that evening, I was reading about Kona and found out that the men's winner rode 112 miles (10x my ride) and averaged 26 mph (my average x2).  It staggers my mind that someone can ride that much further and that much faster.  I would put running the last 8 miles of a IM in that same category.  Amazing....



Welcome, Chris and Dave! Chris, you sound like a major bada$$. And Dave, I share that sense of being completely blown away when I think of what pro endurance athletes can do; that's definitely part of the appeal for me. Even though it's pretty much impossible for me to match the actual performances (speed, sponsorship, etc) I can share the course and push myself to the best of my particular ability... love it.

2011-12-29 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3960377

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
SportzVision - 2011-12-29 1:45 PM

January Goals 2012Tongue out

  1. Follow plan (A lot of swimming on weekends; I do not have access to the pool after work)
  2. Log my food intake on BT
  3. Find a yoga class - had one but it got canceled
  4. Start the New Year off with a 5K race (actually done on New Year's eve but it will be my kick off event)


I like your goals.  A suggestion on logging your food.  BT is good - but there are some good aps out there that make it easier.  I love Lose it - which is an app I have on my iphone.  It's so customizable and easy to use.  However, feel free to use whatever you think will help you reach your goals...

2011-12-29 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

I know it's really late, but you have room for one more?

I haven't been able to exercise or train because my prescription ran out on my inhaler for exercise induced asthma and it's taken me a while to get into the doc's so hopefully I'll be back by next week.

2011-12-29 9:16 PM
in reply to: #3961027

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

thanks for the positive responses on my Bio.  I was going to finish that race if it killed me lol...  I am not as careful as i should be but i am much more aware that i have an ankle and foot there... bit slower on the down hill trails and such.

As far as the utube vids for swimming help.  Total immersion is great - although it pisses me off a bit to see a guy take 4 strokes and make across a 50m pool lol  but there are tons other that will talk about elbow, reach, pull, drills, all preach about the same thing that it is all body position to keep you "hydrodynamic"  even more important in the pool than on the bike its just the swim is so short compared to the bike that you dont see as much of an advantage..

The pros are amazing, total machines, to hold 24 to 26 mph over 112 and then run 5:40's on the marathon... i just dont understand it...  fastest i have ever ran a mile in a race was 6:45 and that was almost straight downhill!!


Family obligations ate in to my workout today... so i cut it in half and plan to repeat tomorrow.  I have a big backpacking trip that i have to start working for so that will be butting in to my tri time and will have a bunch of hiking time till march when we hit the Ozarks

2011-12-29 11:48 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Hey, lots of great posts this evening. Sorry I can't respond, got to get some sleep in hopes of getting 2.5 hour run in tomorrow morning. I post that here to give me added motivation.
2011-12-30 2:12 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

Hope I'm not too late!

Name: Kevin

Family status: Married to wife (going on 10 years) Sarah, 2 daughters Esther 6, and Mercy 2.

Story:  I was very athletic growing up.  I have a wrestling background.  Running was always a natural supplement to wrestling training and weight cut.  I did my first half marathon when I was 20 to make a college wrestling team.  I started marathoning after watching the biggest loser t.v. show.  I figured if they could do it, I could.  I finished my first marathon in May of 2009.  I have done 3 since then.  I now have a goal to do an IM.  I love seeing the Kona wrap up show each December and have a goal to one day complete that race.  My goal is to do HIM this year, full IM next year, and KONA qualifier in 2014.  I am finishing up grad. school, a full time special ed. teacher, a hockey coach, father, husband, and fanatic of training.  I could use an accountability group to push me towards meeting and exceeding goals, and get me off the couch during holiday season.

Currently training for 2(A) races in 2012.  Windermere Marathon (5th marathon) in May.  Troika HIM.  (1st triathlon) in August.  Many other runs, and maybe 1 other tri in-between.

I am 5'6".  I have trained with weights off and on for last 20 years, and have built a stocky frame.  Now that I'm 34, the evening barly pops and snacks are taking a toll on my body as matabolism is slowing.  currently weighing in at 195 and hoping to drop 20-30 pounds this year.  I've been saying this for a year now, and could use help with changing eating habits.  HELP!

Hopefully you have room.  I know I would benefit from accountability as I have not built any contacts in tri since starting training last fall.




2011-12-30 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

Okay tentative races for this year:

Surf city 1/2 marathon Feb.6

Spring Run Off Edmonton 8k-April 8

Elements sprint Triathlon Spruce Grove June? TBD:

Heart of the Rockies Olympic Invermere BC, July 15-my A race

Alberta Challenge Olympic Triathlon August 19

Will probably try throw in one more sprint.

Did a 5 mile run this morning and feeling great! I love to get my workouts done early. I have much more energy for the rest of the day!

Reading everyones stories is inspirational. Being active within the group makes us all accountable!

Have a great day everyone!!

2011-12-30 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3961390

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
kevinbe - 2011-12-30 1:12 AM

Hope I'm not too late!

Name: Kevin

Family status: Married to wife (going on 10 years) Sarah, 2 daughters Esther 6, and Mercy 2.

Story:  I was very athletic growing up.  I have a wrestling background.  Running was always a natural supplement to wrestling training and weight cut.  I did my first half marathon when I was 20 to make a college wrestling team.  I started marathoning after watching the biggest loser t.v. show.  I figured if they could do it, I could.  I finished my first marathon in May of 2009.  I have done 3 since then.  I now have a goal to do an IM.  I love seeing the Kona wrap up show each December and have a goal to one day complete that race.  My goal is to do HIM this year, full IM next year, and KONA qualifier in 2014.  I am finishing up grad. school, a full time special ed. teacher, a hockey coach, father, husband, and fanatic of training.  I could use an accountability group to push me towards meeting and exceeding goals, and get me off the couch during holiday season.

Currently training for 2(A) races in 2012.  Windermere Marathon (5th marathon) in May.  Troika HIM.  (1st triathlon) in August.  Many other runs, and maybe 1 other tri in-between.

I am 5'6".  I have trained with weights off and on for last 20 years, and have built a stocky frame.  Now that I'm 34, the evening barly pops and snacks are taking a toll on my body as matabolism is slowing.  currently weighing in at 195 and hoping to drop 20-30 pounds this year.  I've been saying this for a year now, and could use help with changing eating habits.  HELP!

Hopefully you have room.  I know I would benefit from accountability as I have not built any contacts in tri since starting training last fall.



Hey Kevin, as a fellow hockey coach, father of 2(9 and 4) and husband, I know where you are coming from. I too was overweight from a few too many barley pops. Lost 90 pounds and started triathlons last year. I used to help me. Tracking, tracking tracking your food is key as well as portion control. Don't give up the pops just less of them!

If you have not done any triathlons, you may want to try a sprint or oly before your HIM as it is a totally different experience then any other sport. I find there is a huge mental aspect to it that is overlooked.

Just my 2 cents(canadian cents at that!) as a wily 4 race triathlon vet!Smile


2011-12-30 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3961719

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
thor67 - 2011-12-30 9:00 AM

Okay tentative races for this year:

Surf city 1/2 marathon Feb.6

Spring Run Off Edmonton 8k-April 8

Elements sprint Triathlon Spruce Grove June? TBD:

Heart of the Rockies Olympic Invermere BC, July 15-my A race

Alberta Challenge Olympic Triathlon August 19

Will probably try throw in one more sprint.

Did a 5 mile run this morning and feeling great! I love to get my workouts done early. I have much more energy for the rest of the day!

Reading everyones stories is inspirational. Being active within the group makes us all accountable!

Have a great day everyone!!

Kudos on getting the run in early. 5 miles - that's not too shabby as we say up here in NE. I'm way behind you but determined to catch up - so l'll head out this afternoon for a 3 mile trail walk.Good luck on meeting all your goals. Your year is jam packed!
2011-12-30 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3960796

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

Qua17 - 2011-12-29 3:50 PM Hi All:My name is Dave and I'd like to join if there is still room for me. I'm actually using my wife's brand new Nook and will read up and write more once she has a chance to give it a test drive.


I too love that quote!!

2011-12-30 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3961390

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
kevinbe - 2011-12-30 2:12 AM

Hope I'm not too late!

Name: Kevin

Family status: Married to wife (going on 10 years) Sarah, 2 daughters Esther 6, and Mercy 2.

Story:  I was very athletic growing up.  I have a wrestling background.  Running was always a natural supplement to wrestling training and weight cut.  I did my first half marathon when I was 20 to make a college wrestling team.  I started marathoning after watching the biggest loser t.v. show.  I figured if they could do it, I could.  I finished my first marathon in May of 2009.  I have done 3 since then.  I now have a goal to do an IM.  I love seeing the Kona wrap up show each December and have a goal to one day complete that race.  My goal is to do HIM this year, full IM next year, and KONA qualifier in 2014.  I am finishing up grad. school, a full time special ed. teacher, a hockey coach, father, husband, and fanatic of training.  I could use an accountability group to push me towards meeting and exceeding goals, and get me off the couch during holiday season.

Currently training for 2(A) races in 2012.  Windermere Marathon (5th marathon) in May.  Troika HIM.  (1st triathlon) in August.  Many other runs, and maybe 1 other tri in-between.

I am 5'6".  I have trained with weights off and on for last 20 years, and have built a stocky frame.  Now that I'm 34, the evening barly pops and snacks are taking a toll on my body as matabolism is slowing.  currently weighing in at 195 and hoping to drop 20-30 pounds this year.  I've been saying this for a year now, and could use help with changing eating habits.  HELP!

Hopefully you have room.  I know I would benefit from accountability as I have not built any contacts in tri since starting training last fall.




Welcome to the group Kevin. I enjoyed reading your post. I've never heard the term barly pops but I too struggle with my passion for beer. The key for me is to cut back rather than cut out. if you put in the exercise and burned the calories - you deserve a couple of beers to keep you motivated.I hear you about accountability. Let's keep each other honest.

2011-12-30 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3961754

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Qua17 - 2011-12-30 8:13 AM
thor67 - 2011-12-30 9:00 AM

Okay tentative races for this year:

Surf city 1/2 marathon Feb.6

Spring Run Off Edmonton 8k-April 8

Elements sprint Triathlon Spruce Grove June? TBD:

Heart of the Rockies Olympic Invermere BC, July 15-my A race

Alberta Challenge Olympic Triathlon August 19

Will probably try throw in one more sprint.

Did a 5 mile run this morning and feeling great! I love to get my workouts done early. I have much more energy for the rest of the day!

Reading everyones stories is inspirational. Being active within the group makes us all accountable!

Have a great day everyone!!

Kudos on getting the run in early. 5 miles - that's not too shabby as we say up here in NE. I'm way behind you but determined to catch up - so l'll head out this afternoon for a 3 mile trail walk.Good luck on meeting all your goals. Your year is jam packed!

It is funny, i was running with my wife Christmas day. We did a 10k. 2 years ago I was probably heading to heart attack weighing in around 300lbs. It is hard to believe how much we can achieve when we put our minds to it. My running started out with 100 meter walk/100 meter run.

Of course I still hate running but still get er' done!

2011-12-30 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
well thanks guys for giving me the motivation to get out there and get those 2.5 hours of running in.

Try it, post that killer workout you are fearing, it will give you that added boost to get started and keep going (both of which I needed today)
2011-12-30 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3943114

Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

I would like to join.

Name: Jerrett

Family status: Married ten years, daughter 9, son 6, daughter 2

Story: Very atheletic in high school. Football, basketbal and track. Played football on a full ride in college. I got burned out of working out and basically went 10 years doing nothing. Got way fat and in September of 2010 decided it was time to change my lifestyle. Started doing adventure races and really loved them. Then decided to do tri's to maintain over the summer months. I am very inexperianced in the water but started working with a coach in December.  

I love cycle racing and I will do more of that this coming year.

2012 Plans: I have not locked in any specific races but I am going to a couple sprints and a couple olympics this year. As well as an adventure race or 2. My also try to do some crits, gravel grinders and will for sure race a cyclocross circut in the fall. I am going to start a modified 20 week 1/2 IM traing the second week of Jan.

I am 6'5" 230 Lbs. I was at 290 in Sept of 2010. I raced last summer at 220 and want to race this summer at 210.  


2011-12-30 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3961163

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
swimmindy - 2011-12-29 8:15 PM

I know it's really late, but you have room for one more?

I haven't been able to exercise or train because my prescription ran out on my inhaler for exercise induced asthma and it's taken me a while to get into the doc's so hopefully I'll be back by next week.

Hey Mindy, welcome aboard
2011-12-30 10:53 AM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Okay so who do we have:

HammerOZZ Andy
Emmanem Emmy
Sportzvision Cynthia
Kathie - Kathie
Pdc33 Pauline
rn86314 Chris
tdotnewtri2 Jayson
qua17 Dave
kevinB KEvin
laser beam Jarrett

That is 15. We are offically closed.

2011-12-30 10:53 AM
in reply to: #3961390

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
kevinbe - 2011-12-30 1:12 AM

Hope I'm not too late!

Name: Kevin

Family status: Married to wife (going on 10 years) Sarah, 2 daughters Esther 6, and Mercy 2.

Story:  I was very athletic growing up.  I have a wrestling background.  Running was always a natural supplement to wrestling training and weight cut.  I did my first half marathon when I was 20 to make a college wrestling team.  I started marathoning after watching the biggest loser t.v. show.  I figured if they could do it, I could.  I finished my first marathon in May of 2009.  I have done 3 since then.  I now have a goal to do an IM.  I love seeing the Kona wrap up show each December and have a goal to one day complete that race.  My goal is to do HIM this year, full IM next year, and KONA qualifier in 2014.  I am finishing up grad. school, a full time special ed. teacher, a hockey coach, father, husband, and fanatic of training.  I could use an accountability group to push me towards meeting and exceeding goals, and get me off the couch during holiday season.

Currently training for 2(A) races in 2012.  Windermere Marathon (5th marathon) in May.  Troika HIM.  (1st triathlon) in August.  Many other runs, and maybe 1 other tri in-between.

I am 5'6".  I have trained with weights off and on for last 20 years, and have built a stocky frame.  Now that I'm 34, the evening barly pops and snacks are taking a toll on my body as matabolism is slowing.  currently weighing in at 195 and hoping to drop 20-30 pounds this year.  I've been saying this for a year now, and could use help with changing eating habits.  HELP!

Hopefully you have room.  I know I would benefit from accountability as I have not built any contacts in tri since starting training last fall.




welcome kevin
2011-12-30 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

NAME: Melinda, but my family calls me Mindy or Mel

STORY: I was a D1 swimmer and "retired" in 2008.  I have a love hate relationship with the pool.  I started looking into triathlons because a teammate of mine was doing them and planning on an IM.  I needed something to use as a goal, especially since I'm so competitive.  I have a M.S. in Sport Psychology.  I have about 40 more lbs I want to lose after successfully taking off 20 over the past 3 months.

FAMILY STATUS: Single, living at home, in-limbo

CURRENT TRAINING: Mostly on my own, sometimes my dad will swim or bike with me.  I couldn't afford to renew the BT silver membership so I printed out a couple sprint and sprint-oly transitions to make a plan.

THIS YEARS RACES: I'm hoping to make the Marineland Sprint my first tri in March/April.  The swimming and biking are right on pace, but I am so not a runner.  After 2 knee surgeries (1 on each knee) I stopped running in college.

GOALS for 2012: Lose 40lbs., complete 1 sprint and 1 oly, begin my Ph.D. program

I'm currently not able to train bc I have exercise induced asthma that was diagnosed in college and I don't have an inhaler  I have to wait until I can get into a doctor probably early next week to get back into it, so I start posting training sessions when I can.  Until then, I plan on doing a lot of stretching and maybe some low impact core work.  

And of course running after my 2 year old niece!

2011-12-30 1:41 PM
in reply to: #3962296

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
swimmindy - 2011-12-30 11:53 AM

NAME: Melinda, but my family calls me Mindy or Mel

STORY: I was a D1 swimmer and "retired" in 2008.  I have a love hate relationship with the pool.  I started looking into triathlons because a teammate of mine was doing them and planning on an IM.  I needed something to use as a goal, especially since I'm so competitive.  I have a M.S. in Sport Psychology.  I have about 40 more lbs I want to lose after successfully taking off 20 over the past 3 months.

FAMILY STATUS: Single, living at home, in-limbo

CURRENT TRAINING: Mostly on my own, sometimes my dad will swim or bike with me.  I couldn't afford to renew the BT silver membership so I printed out a couple sprint and sprint-oly transitions to make a plan.

THIS YEARS RACES: I'm hoping to make the Marineland Sprint my first tri in March/April.  The swimming and biking are right on pace, but I am so not a runner.  After 2 knee surgeries (1 on each knee) I stopped running in college.

GOALS for 2012: Lose 40lbs., complete 1 sprint and 1 oly, begin my Ph.D. program

I'm currently not able to train bc I have exercise induced asthma that was diagnosed in college and I don't have an inhaler  I have to wait until I can get into a doctor probably early next week to get back into it, so I start posting training sessions when I can.  Until then, I plan on doing a lot of stretching and maybe some low impact core work.  

And of course running after my 2 year old niece!

Welcome Mel! I am similar to you in that my strength is swimming and it goes down hill from there.... Make sure you sign up for a race and let everyone know. Make yourself accountable!

2011-12-30 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3961779

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Extreme Veteran
Munich, Germany
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
Qua17 - 2011-12-30 4:22 PM
Welcome to the group Kevin. I enjoyed reading your post. I've never heard the term barly pops but I too struggle with my passion for beer. The key for me is to cut back rather than cut out. if you put in the exercise and burned the calories - you deserve a couple of beers to keep you motivated.I hear you about accountability. Let's keep each other honest.

Gosh NOW I got it. DUHHHH hehehehe

Beer. Yeah. I live in Bavaria. We have the best beer in the world. And here's an exercise for all of you. Try to read this one out loud. I'll tell you later what it means!

"Sieben Bier san a Schnitz'l und zum Schnitz'l brauchst a Bier."

Would be so much fun to see videos of you guys saying that :p It means "seven beers are a Schnitzel and with a Schnitzel you need a beer." That's why most bavarians have a Bierwampn (beer belly). And our beer comes in horrible sizes. A regular beer is 1 liter and a "small" one is half a liter. So yeah... But it's soooo goooood. Where I live (south of Munich) every little town has their own brewery and beer is part of our culture. We don't even consider it to be alcohol. It's one of our staple foods - or as we call it "liquid bread".

Ok now as I read through all this again it sounds as if we Bavarians are all alcoholics and do nothing but drinking beer. It's not like that. But we sure enjoy "a Mass" (1 liter of beer) from time to time


Ok back to the topic. Why am I here again? Oh yeah wait. I want to get rid of my Bierbauch. I tried a class named "Body Fit" at the gym today. It's barbell training with music and you just go with the rythm. And my trainer seems to like squats. Have I mentioned that I hate them?! With a passion?!?! Yeah well I've never liked them and today it felt like all I did was squats. No of course not - but women love to exaggerate... But it was fun. My muscles were twitching like crazy at times but the skinny girl in front of me wasn't doing any better. I was quite relieved. Afterwards I hit the stationary bike for 20 mins to shake out my legs. Then in the evening I had a training lesson with my horse. My legs felt really empty and I'm pretty sure that they'll ache until next year. But that's ok. I deserve that for being lazy for so long and I kind of like that feeling (as long as I can still walk up the stairs). I was supposed to run today but after the body fit thing I decided to do that tomorrow. So yeah. Someone kick my butt tomorrow please :D

Alrighty. Sorry for the rant. Before I go another quote I heard today (and it will explain this loooong post) "If there is a God it for sure is a man. If it were a woman it would speak to us" :D Night night!
2011-12-30 4:34 PM
in reply to: #3962491

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business

kathie - 2011-12-31 1:01 AM
Qua17 - 2011-12-30 4:22 PM Welcome to the group Kevin. I enjoyed reading your post. I've never heard the term barly pops but I too struggle with my passion for beer. The key for me is to cut back rather than cut out. if you put in the exercise and burned the calories - you deserve a couple of beers to keep you motivated.I hear you about accountability. Let's keep each other honest.
Gosh NOW I got it. DUHHHH hehehehe Beer. Yeah. I live in Bavaria. We have the best beer in the world. And here's an exercise for all of you. Try to read this one out loud. I'll tell you later what it means! "Sieben Bier san a Schnitz'l und zum Schnitz'l brauchst a Bier." Would be so much fun to see videos of you guys saying that :p It means "seven beers are a Schnitzel and with a Schnitzel you need a beer." That's why most bavarians have a Bierwampn (beer belly). And our beer comes in horrible sizes. A regular beer is 1 liter and a "small" one is half a liter. So yeah... But it's soooo goooood. Where I live (south of Munich) every little town has their own brewery and beer is part of our culture. We don't even consider it to be alcohol. It's one of our staple foods - or as we call it "liquid bread". Ok now as I read through all this again it sounds as if we Bavarians are all alcoholics and do nothing but drinking beer. It's not like that. But we sure enjoy "a Mass" (1 liter of beer) from time to time _______________ Ok back to the topic. Why am I here again? Oh yeah wait. I want to get rid of my Bierbauch. I tried a class named "Body Fit" at the gym today. It's barbell training with music and you just go with the rythm. And my trainer seems to like squats. Have I mentioned that I hate them?! With a passion?!?! Yeah well I've never liked them and today it felt like all I did was squats. No of course not - but women love to exaggerate... But it was fun. My muscles were twitching like crazy at times but the skinny girl in front of me wasn't doing any better. I was quite relieved. Afterwards I hit the stationary bike for 20 mins to shake out my legs. Then in the evening I had a training lesson with my horse. My legs felt really empty and I'm pretty sure that they'll ache until next year. But that's ok. I deserve that for being lazy for so long and I kind of like that feeling (as long as I can still walk up the stairs). I was supposed to run today but after the body fit thing I decided to do that tomorrow. So yeah. Someone kick my butt tomorrow please :D Alrighty. Sorry for the rant. Before I go another quote I heard today (and it will explain this loooong post) "If there is a God it for sure is a man. If it were a woman it would speak to us" :D Night night!

That's so funny.  I was stationed at a Kaserne in Ansbach in Bavaria for 2 years during my formative years.  I quickly fell in love with Hefeweisen.  .5 Liters of lovely wheat barly pop.  It's so true, It's like having a meal in a glass.  Heavenly.

BTW, you have a lovely country and very friendly accomodating people.  Nothing more beautiful than looking at those Bavarian Alps.  Octoberfest in Munich was amazing.

2011-12-30 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3943114

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!

I was reading all the comments and stories in our group and am very inspired and amazed at all of your stories.  Each one is at different spots in there training and has their own very unique goals. 

I started my day off with a mile swim (long swim day).  I completed it in 43 minutes.  It amazes me to think that next year I will swim 2.4 miles.  I then got the green light to go down to the river and fish.  I ate a modest lunch of two fried eggs, and a slice of ham on a piece of toast.  I then had a mandarian orange and an apple.  (I only type this to put it out there so for accountabilities sake.)  Tommorrow, I hope to make up my long bike workout indoors on the training cycle at the Y.  Sunday I have an 8.2 mile long run scheduled.  My longest of this next marathon training cycle.

Thanks for your posts and encouragement.  Keep posting my friends.  You are all inspiring me to do better at this.

2011-12-30 7:18 PM
in reply to: #3962031

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
BigDH - 2011-12-30 11:53 AMOkay so who do we have:HammerOZZ AndyEmmanem EmmaSportzvision CynthiaKathie - Kathie Thor67Pdc33 Paulinern86314 Chriskatieduffylhaysertdotnewtri2 JaysonCathydqua17 DaveSwimmindykevinB KEvinlaser beam JarrettThat is 15. We are offically closed.
Fixed my name for you ... Anyone know how to make one of those nice charts with our names and links to this thread to put in our training logs?
2011-12-30 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3962296

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training -- closed -- good luck out there!
swimmindy - 2011-12-30 11:53 AM

NAME: Melinda, but my family calls me Mindy or Mel

STORY: I was a D1 swimmer and "retired" in 2008.  I have a love hate relationship with the pool.  I started looking into triathlons because a teammate of mine was doing them and planning on an IM.  I needed something to use as a goal, especially since I'm so competitive.  I have a M.S. in Sport Psychology.  I have about 40 more lbs I want to lose after successfully taking off 20 over the past 3 months.

FAMILY STATUS: Single, living at home, in-limbo

CURRENT TRAINING: Mostly on my own, sometimes my dad will swim or bike with me.  I couldn't afford to renew the BT silver membership so I printed out a couple sprint and sprint-oly transitions to make a plan.

THIS YEARS RACES: I'm hoping to make the Marineland Sprint my first tri in March/April.  The swimming and biking are right on pace, but I am so not a runner.  After 2 knee surgeries (1 on each knee) I stopped running in college.

GOALS for 2012: Lose 40lbs., complete 1 sprint and 1 oly, begin my Ph.D. program

I'm currently not able to train bc I have exercise induced asthma that was diagnosed in college and I don't have an inhaler  I have to wait until I can get into a doctor probably early next week to get back into it, so I start posting training sessions when I can.  Until then, I plan on doing a lot of stretching and maybe some low impact core work.  

And of course running after my 2 year old niece!

Ahhhh Melinda, awesome, WE HAVE A SWIMMER. Ha. Think I already said welcome but I will say it again. How far are you into setting up a plan?
2011-12-30 8:18 PM
in reply to: #3962018

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Subject: RE: bigDH's accountability training Open For Business
laser beam - 2011-12-30 9:47 AM

I would like to join.

Name: Jerrett

Family status: Married ten years, daughter 9, son 6, daughter 2

Story: Very atheletic in high school. Football, basketbal and track. Played football on a full ride in college. I got burned out of working out and basically went 10 years doing nothing. Got way fat and in September of 2010 decided it was time to change my lifestyle. Started doing adventure races and really loved them. Then decided to do tri's to maintain over the summer months. I am very inexperianced in the water but started working with a coach in December.  

I love cycle racing and I will do more of that this coming year.

2012 Plans: I have not locked in any specific races but I am going to a couple sprints and a couple olympics this year. As well as an adventure race or 2. My also try to do some crits, gravel grinders and will for sure race a cyclocross circut in the fall. I am going to start a modified 20 week 1/2 IM traing the second week of Jan.

I am 6'5" 230 Lbs. I was at 290 in Sept of 2010. I raced last summer at 220 and want to race this summer at 210.  


Hey Jarrett, what type of cycling races do you do, is it just cyclecross or do you do track and crits?

Also, what are you doing until the second week of Jan?
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