BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed! Rss Feed  
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2011-12-30 11:25 AM
in reply to: #3961554

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - OPEN!

I think that when you start racing for more than two straight hours, you need to develop some sort of nutrition plan. 

A good place to start is 1 gram of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight per hour. I weigh about 130lb, which is 59kg. Each Gu or serving of shot bloks is about 25g of carbs. So, I'd need about 2 Gu's per hour. 

This is just a starting point, so you'll want to test it out, and decide if your body can handle more or less. 

I definitely must have run out of fuel.  At the time I weighed 195 lbs (89 kg) so that's at least 3 Gu's per hour.  I wasn't even close to that.  I hit the wall in my marathon last year at about mile 19, I'm wondering how much nutrition played a role there also.

Edited by reecealan 2011-12-30 11:27 AM

2011-12-30 11:49 AM
in reply to: #3961460

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - OPEN!
ramiedd - 2011-12-30 7:43 AM

I still dread the word "running", but it's getting better. The first time I ran, it was just painful... you really do use different muscles than you do for biking. 2nd time, was a little better. This last time I went I felt like I was finally getting into a groove. My goal is to be up to 5 miles by Feb and 10 miles by April.

As a cyclist, running was my biggest problem a few months ago... I hated running. One of the issues is that your cardiovascular system can handle the run miles, but your body cannot. So I would go out and run 3 and 4 miles and feel like crap with every joint in my body hurting. What I did (thanks to a lot of advice from this web site) was to start running 2.5 miles at a slow pace with my dogs. Take my time listen to music. If you look at my training log, most of my runs are slow and short with one longer run a week. after a month, , I can go out and run 4 miles to 5 miles and my body does not hate me for it. Last night I ran 7 and just plan on increasing my long runs very slowly in hopes of preventing injuries.

Weird thing about me is that I am the opposite. My body can handle the runs no problem its the cardio that shuts me down. Im actually hoping that taking up swimming will help me control my breathing better for a better run.

What I always hear about running is as runnes we focus on just running. But cross training is so important and I believe it helps. I started kickboxing before I started running so my body can handle pounding better. I always encourage some weight training when I encourage people to run.  

2011-12-30 10:32 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
Any big workouts planned this weekend?
2011-12-30 10:43 PM
in reply to: #3963131

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

ratherbeswimming - 2011-12-30 10:32 PM Any big workouts planned this weekend?

Tomorrow will be at least 3.3 mile run so I can exceed 800 miles for the year.  Might go on a bike ride if my buddies peer pressure me into it.  Won't be too long, maybe 30-40 miles, if it's too windy and/or below 50, probably won't happen.

New Years day is another story.  There's the annual masters 100 x 100 on 100, as some of you know is 100 yards, 100 times on the 100 second interval (1:40).  I did it once before back in April.  10,000 yard workout, I was hungry all friggin' day after that.  My other choice is a run with the local track club.  You can choose the distance 0 to 10 miles.  Two of my friends are doing this one.  The swim will take 2 hours 47 minutes.  I can run 10 miles in less than half that.

What to do what to do ........

2011-12-31 4:45 AM
in reply to: #3943970

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
Not a "big" workout but our Runners Club is having a 5K Trail Run in a few hours. A group of friends ask me to do a ten mile run Sunday, I will wait and see how long the party last tonight!
2011-12-31 5:39 AM
in reply to: #3963147

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
reecealan - 2011-12-30 11:43 PM

New Years day is another story.  There's the annual masters 100 x 100 on 100, as some of you know is 100 yards, 100 times on the 100 second interval (1:40).  I did it once before back in April.  10,000 yard workout, I was hungry all friggin' day after that.

OMG Surprised

My new screen name would be "RatherBeDead".  Wow...that's some serious swimming.  Ya, I think I'd be a little hungry after that one.

2011-12-31 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3963264

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
jmhpsu93 - 2011-12-31 6:39 AM
reecealan - 2011-12-30 11:43 PM

New Years day is another story.  There's the annual masters 100 x 100 on 100, as some of you know is 100 yards, 100 times on the 100 second interval (1:40).  I did it once before back in April.  10,000 yard workout, I was hungry all friggin' day after that.

OMG Surprised

My new screen name would be "RatherBeDead".  Wow...that's some serious swimming.  Ya, I think I'd be a little hungry after that one.

I hated those workouts! Of course, in college, I was a sprinter, so any sets that long were evil. Now, I understand the mental toughness developed through something like that. 

2011-12-31 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3963249

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

metcalf34 - 2011-12-31 5:45 AM Not a "big" workout but our Runners Club is having a 5K Trail Run in a few hours. A group of friends ask me to do a ten mile run Sunday, I will wait and see how long the party last tonight!


I've got a 20 miler on the schedule for this weekend. It is getting done today, because I'm fairly certain there will be lots of alcohol consumed tonight

2011-12-31 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3961460

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - OPEN!

So far my only running has been on a treadmill. B/c of my asthma I have to focus a lot on my breathing and making sure I don't let it get out of control. So far it's been working for me to walk 2 minutes and then run 5 minutes and repeat. But I'm open to suggestions if anyone has a different combination of walking/running I should try.

Edited by crazylife99 2011-12-31 3:21 PM
2011-12-31 3:46 PM
in reply to: #3963968

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - OPEN!
crazylife99 - 2011-12-31 4:21 PM

So far my only running has been on a treadmill. B/c of my asthma I have to focus a lot on my breathing and making sure I don't let it get out of control. So far it's been working for me to walk 2 minutes and then run 5 minutes and repeat. But I'm open to suggestions if anyone has a different combination of walking/running I should try.

Once you settle into the 5:2 run:walk, meaning you're comfortable and problem free, then you can go to 6:2, or 4:1, for the same total time as you've been doing 5:2. 

If you want to start going longer, keep the 5:2 ratio, or even go 5:3 or 4:2, and add some time on. 

This give you a good idea of progression: It gives you total times, so you just break them down into ratios that work for you.

2011-12-31 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
working on my goals for 2012.   What are some of the goals you have set?  

2011-12-31 6:32 PM
in reply to: #3964080

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

handyhammer - 2011-12-31 5:41 PM working on my goals for 2012.   What are some of the goals you have set?  

Triathlon: Get faster and stay injury free! 

Life: Watch less TV and read more.

How about everyone else?

2011-12-31 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3964080

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

handyhammer - 2011-12-31 4:41 PM working on my goals for 2012.   What are some of the goals you have set?  

Still working on my goals also.  So far......

  >  Crush last years IMKS 70.3 time of 5:41 which entails:

             - Improve swimming, biking and running ability

            -  Develop a good nutrition plan

            -  Improve transitions

            If I do all of the above, my OLY times should improve as well as 5K and HM times.

  >  Be a good mentee/mentor to my new friends in Elaines Awesome Start to 2012 Group

  >  Crush last year's IMKS 70.3 time of 5;41 (did I mention that already?)

2012-01-01 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3964080

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

handyhammer - 2011-12-31 5:41 PM working on my goals for 2012.   What are some of the goals you have set?  

Goals for me:

Participate in 3 triathlon races. one 70.3 and to Oly distance....

Become better at balancing my time

Focus on the important aspects of my life. I tent to hyper focus on little thing that are trivial and let important things go unattended.

2012-01-01 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3964080

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!


Triathlon:   2 podium finishes overall  Planning 9 races this season and might fill in a few other sprints

Oly time sub 2:10 min.   

HIM: sub 5 hrs.   

Swim 165,000 yrds.

Bike 2500 miles

Run 500+ miles.  


2012-01-01 6:00 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

Happy New Year everyone!!!

What is/was your FIRST workout of 2012?

I ran 20 yesterday, so today is a rest day I'm off tomorrow, so I might just have to take the tri bike to the beach...

2012-01-01 7:41 PM
in reply to: #3965284

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
first workout I cranked out a p90x cardio and a speed workout at the high school track down the street. 
2012-01-01 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3943970

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!

My first workout was a 10k I did this morning. It was tough as I have not worked out. Added 3 minutes to my last 10 which was in July. So I'm ok with that considering I have not been training.

I havent set any goals and I should probably get on it.

2012-01-01 11:27 PM
in reply to: #3965284

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
ratherbeswimming - 2012-01-01 6:00 PM

Happy New Year everyone!!!

What is/was your FIRST workout of 2012?

I ran 20 yesterday, so today is a rest day I'm off tomorrow, so I might just have to take the tri bike to the beach...

Wow, nice job on toughing out that run Elaine.  My first workout was the annual New Year's day hundred hundreds with the local masters group :P

2012-01-02 6:41 AM
in reply to: #3943970

Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
My first workout was an 8 mile run into town. It felt really good. I have been doing most of my running on a treadmill it was an extra special treat!

Goals for the year:

1)Conitinue, and improve on the consistent training that I started at the end of 2011.

2)Complete some fun events (and others if time allows):

Epic Dartmouth (I think the Epic distance as opposed to the Iron distance...although that's tempting)

Hypothermic Half

Bluenose marathon??

Cross Border 10k.

My goal is to finish each with a smile on my face.

3) Try to keep work and life balanced as much as possible (this is a big year work-wise)

4) Eat responsibly

Happy New Year to you all!
2012-01-02 7:33 AM
in reply to: #3965284

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
ratherbeswimming - 2012-01-01 7:00 PM

Happy New Year everyone!!!

What is/was your FIRST workout of 2012?

I ran 20 yesterday, so today is a rest day I'm off tomorrow, so I might just have to take the tri bike to the beach...

Ran 4 miles yesterday and will do a 1  hour bike workout on the trainer tonight.

2012-01-02 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3965284

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
ratherbeswimming - 2012-01-01 6:00 PM

Happy New Year everyone!!!

What is/was your FIRST workout of 2012?

I ran 20 yesterday, so today is a rest day I'm off tomorrow, so I might just have to take the tri bike to the beach...

I ran a Resolution 5 miler on Saturday, it was my first run in over a month.  It felt great, avg 7:25/m and I had a great time pushing my buddies.  Rest New Year's Day and have a killer hill run today.  I think the time off after the marathon will be great for my fun running   Happy New Year all and add me to your friends lists if you like!

2012-01-02 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3965284

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
ratherbeswimming - 2012-01-01 6:00 PM

Happy New Year everyone!!!

What is/was your FIRST workout of 2012?

I ran 20 yesterday, so today is a rest day I'm off tomorrow, so I might just have to take the tri bike to the beach...


Rode on my trainer. I have today off from work, so I might try and get out for a run.

2012-01-02 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3953503

Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - OPEN!
ratherbeswimming - 2011-12-25 6:58 PM

Hopefully I'll be racing Rev3 Maine with you!!

Welcome to the group

Congrats on knocking those 30 lbs off.

It's awesome that despite some races that weren't stellar, that you're still into triathlon. That's great, and I'm sure you'll have a smart season this year.

What are your winter workouts like right now?

I have to admit I've been a bit of a slacker the past few weeks.  I had some winter creeping crud for close to 3 weeks that just had me constantly exhausted and kept me from getting more than 90 minutes sleep at a time.  I have started running trails near work with a coworker, and I also meet with various groups in my area as well.  Also went on my first ride in almost 2 months yesterday.  I've recently met a local tri coach through a half marathon program I spent about 6 weeks with, so I would like to start working with her relatively soon.  I've just been doing my own thing up until now.

2012-01-02 10:49 AM
in reply to: #3965284

Subject: RE: Elaine's Awesome Start to 2012 Group! - Closed!
ratherbeswimming - 2012-01-01 7:00 PM

Happy New Year everyone!!!

What is/was your FIRST workout of 2012?

I ran 20 yesterday, so today is a rest day I'm off tomorrow, so I might just have to take the tri bike to the beach...

12k group run with friends.  Tough course, but lots of fun!

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