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2012-11-26 9:18 AM
in reply to: #4510004

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
rstocks3 - 2012-11-26 9:36 AM

Thanks Nicole and yeah we have plenty of hills to ride on Long Island so I should be fine there. It's funny you mention it but I was concerned more about some of the turns on the course and being able to navigate those safely. I'll have to see if there is something close to that here that I can practice with. I know it's still early but I know I will be asking more about the bike course as the year goes on.


The turns on the course aren't bad at all as long as you are aware that you have brakes on your bike and this is an Ironman and not a sprint. If you are ever upstate and are looking for a ride I live in Binghamton and there are lots of great roads with little traffic and very similar to the IMWI terrain.

I would say I would look you up if I'm in L.I. but I'm "allergic" to downstate and the traffic down there. :-)

Bob thanks and I appreciate the offer and that is a little more reassuring about the those turns.  If I am going to be up your way I'll let you know. I can't say I blame you for not wanting to head downstate as you are absolutely correct. Too much traffic down here and the people drive like maniacs.

2012-11-26 1:02 PM
in reply to: #4414876

Sheboygan, WI
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
IM-Moo will be my first ironman. Just ordered RCV for the Computrainer. I'm looking forward to training on it all winter. It definitely will beat just motoring away on the regular trainer. For you veterans out there, was there a big jump from HIM to IM length? I did okay at the HIM (IM Racine in 6:20 last year) but how it doubling the length?

2012-11-26 8:14 PM
in reply to: #4414876

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

I was just reading through my race report from my first IMWI in 2007 and really started to get psyched about this year! For anyone interested, here's the link.

2007 IMWI Race Report

A couple things to note. It took me 5 IM races to realize I was taking in too many carbs on the bike and reading this report confirms that. I was a little aggressive on the first loop of the bike and ended up in someone's yard, that was another lesson learned about not hammering an Ironman distance race. Other than that it was one of the best experiences of my life!!

2012-11-26 8:29 PM
in reply to: #4510460

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
tkaufmann60 - 2012-11-26 1:02 PMIM-Moo will be my first ironman. Just ordered RCV for the Computrainer. I'm looking forward to training on it all winter. It definitely will beat just motoring away on the regular trainer. For you veterans out there, was there a big jump from HIM to IM length? I did okay at the HIM (IM Racine in 6:20 last year) but how it doubling the length?Thanks,Tim
. Depends due to so many factors, ex. weather, course, training, how you're feeling, etc. etc. I have read, with all things considering, easily double your time and add an hour from your best HIM time. NOTE: Racine is a fairly flat bike course so you can hammer, big difference compared to IM Moo.
2012-11-26 8:31 PM
in reply to: #4510952

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
rstocks3 - 2012-11-26 8:14 PM

I was just reading through my race report from my first IMWI in 2007 and really started to get psyched about this year! For anyone interested, here's the link.

2007 IMWI Race Report

A couple things to note. It took me 5 IM races to realize I was taking in too many carbs on the bike and reading this report confirms that. I was a little aggressive on the first loop of the bike and ended up in someone's yard, that was another lesson learned about not hammering an Ironman distance race. Other than that it was one of the best experiences of my life!!

. When I have some time, I'll read up on it and then post mine.
2012-11-27 10:22 AM
in reply to: #4510970

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
1stTimeTri - 2012-11-26 8:31 PM
rstocks3 - 2012-11-26 8:14 PM

I was just reading through my race report from my first IMWI in 2007 and really started to get psyched about this year! For anyone interested, here's the link.

2007 IMWI Race Report

A couple things to note. It took me 5 IM races to realize I was taking in too many carbs on the bike and reading this report confirms that. I was a little aggressive on the first loop of the bike and ended up in someone's yard, that was another lesson learned about not hammering an Ironman distance race. Other than that it was one of the best experiences of my life!!

. When I have some time, I'll read up on it and then post mine.

Forget posting mine!  That swim and bike were FAST, dude!

2012-12-01 2:37 PM
in reply to: #4414876

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
8 mile run today. Beat the rain that's coming through.
2012-12-02 2:14 PM
in reply to: #4414876

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
An unseasonal-type warm Dec. allowed me to run 9.4 today.
2012-12-03 7:45 AM
in reply to: #4518376

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

1stTimeTri - 2012-12-02 2:14 PM An unseasonal-type warm Dec. allowed me to run 9.4 today.


Nice! I got up and ran 2 this AM. Pales in comparison to your run Phil. I will say that with all the fog and mist I was thinking this is a perfect backdrop for a horror movie.

2012-12-03 7:58 AM
in reply to: #4414876

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East Dubuque
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread


So I am 14 weeks Pregnant!  it was very unexpected, and still chasing the IronMan Dream.  I have been cleared to keep up with training, as long as I "listen" to my body.  I ran a marathon 7 weeks pregnant successfully and didn't even know at the time I was pregnant.  I will have 3 months after the baby is born to really gear up for the race.  I Plan on training the whole pregnancy, I have been very lucky so far.  Go or No?

2012-12-03 8:39 AM
in reply to: #4519021

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

What does your Dr say about it? Do they know how intense IM training can be?

My .02 cents would be no go. Quick math has you delivering end of May/beginning of June. You are going to need some time to heal. I know that getting back on a bike may be rather uncomfortable after delivering. Flip side if you deliver via C-section, you wouldn't be able to bike swim or run until stitches are gone and the incision heals. Ive had abdominal surgery and was told no training for almost 4 months because the risk of a hernia are much higher.

Your bike will fit different as things have moved around to prepare for the birth and as you are getting closer to Ironman they will start to shift back so you are looking at have your bike fit redone a few times in that three months.

On the flip side if you can pull it off that would be amazing!

2012-12-03 2:03 PM
in reply to: #4519021

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
aarthofe - 2012-12-03 7:58 AM


So I am 14 weeks Pregnant!  it was very unexpected, and still chasing the IronMan Dream.  I have been cleared to keep up with training, as long as I "listen" to my body.  I ran a marathon 7 weeks pregnant successfully and didn't even know at the time I was pregnant.  I will have 3 months after the baby is born to really gear up for the race.  I Plan on training the whole pregnancy, I have been very lucky so far.  Go or No?

I would respectfully have you continue speaking with your doctor.  In my honest opinion, this is one question I would NOT leave up to a bunch of online triathletes in a forum.  Seriously.

On a lighter note, CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy!

2012-12-04 7:38 AM
in reply to: #4519770

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Did an odd trainer ride today. The first time I have ever ridden via cadence. Trying to decide if I am going to do the Badger CX race this weekend.
2012-12-04 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4414876

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
I officially kicked off my IM training yesterday. I got a decent swim session in during lunch and then kicked off day-1 of Jorge's winter cycling program last night. Wasn't too bad, I think they start you out slowly to lull you into a false sense of security and the bring on the workouts that cause you all the pain, agony, suffering and misery.
2012-12-04 4:08 PM
in reply to: #4519021

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Middle of Nowhere, Manitoba, Canada
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
aarthofe - 2012-12-03 7:58 AM


So I am 14 weeks Pregnant!  it was very unexpected, and still chasing the IronMan Dream.  I have been cleared to keep up with training, as long as I "listen" to my body.  I ran a marathon 7 weeks pregnant successfully and didn't even know at the time I was pregnant.  I will have 3 months after the baby is born to really gear up for the race.  I Plan on training the whole pregnancy, I have been very lucky so far.  Go or No?

I had a friend who completed Ironman Canada when her son was about 4-5 months old... in 16:51 hrs, but she did it.  Another friend of mine just ran a full marathon at 5 months pregnant... very slow, but she did it.... so training and racing are possible.  As for myself (a mom of two), despite being fit/active early in my first prenancy, my doctor put me on bed-rest for the last month, followed by a week-long stay in the hospital after birth plus long recovery due to some complications... none of which I could have ever predicted.  So everyone is different!!

If your doctor clears you, there's no reason why you can't stay active and training for most of your pregnancy... particularly since you are obviously in shape to begin with.  Be mentally prepared to pull out though (I think refund deadline is usually around July 1st?) or to not finish.  

And always keep in mind... you will never get those precious first few months with your baby/family back again; but there will always be many more Ironman races to do. 

2012-12-05 9:01 PM
in reply to: #4414876

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

1 hour drainer ride on bike - the first bike ride in months.  The first 40 minutes I was worried.

Now, I'm enjoying a Leinenkugel's Snowdrift Vanilla Porter.  Mmmmmmmmmm.

2012-12-08 3:14 PM
in reply to: #4414876

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Extreme Veteran
Somewhere, British Columbia
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

Hi all!

After a good finish at IMLP and a big fail in IMCoz this year (DNF on the swim, very strong current...), I decided that I had to take my revenge and just registered for IM Wisconsin with a foundation slot.

So here I am !!

Quick presentation of myself:

Name: playmobil31 - Real name Alex

What is your Ironman resume? IM#1 - IMLP 2012 finisher, IM#2 - IMCOZ 2012 DNF, this will be my #3

Why did you choose Ironman Wisconsin? I was supposed to take a break from IM distance in 2013, but after DNFing in Cozumel, I could not close this chapter on this. A few discussions with my wife and my coach, a quick assessment of the remaining open races (regular or foundation) and I picked IM Wisconsin because it's 2.5 hours from here I live, it's a "end of summer" race leaving plenty of time to re-train and because I heard about the "finish line".

What are you goals for IMWI 2013? The first one was to finish, the second one was "for fun", this one is for my redemption. Goals are not setup yet but I would say something in the 12/13h range.

What are you most looking forward to? The training up to the race. Being able to track my progress and see the improvements on all the 3 disciplines. Also, I'm really looking to be at the finish line and feeling that I've done the work, and nothing will block me this time to complete my goal.

 Veterans any advice you can give early on? Train, not only on the 3 disciplines but also on the fourth discipline of the triathlon: Nutrition. Train with the nutrition that you will use on race day. Tweak your nutrition to make sure that on race day, you don't have to think, you will just have to follow the plan that you put in place for the previous few months. Without fueling right, there will be no success.

2012-12-08 5:47 PM
in reply to: #4414876

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Welcome in, Alex. Here's to redemption for you!
2012-12-08 5:48 PM
in reply to: #4414876

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
9.4 hilly miler today in sub-30 deg. F temps. Winter is finally arriving, albeit slowly.
2012-12-08 6:02 PM
in reply to: #4414876

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

Week 1 of Jorge's winter cycling program is in the books and I managed to survive. I did the first long ride of the program and I was in a world of hurt after finishing it and it will only get worse from here on out. And just think the first two weeks are a warm up for what's to come. So 1 down 15 more to go, bring on the pain.

2012-12-08 6:39 PM
in reply to: #4527500

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
strikyr - 2012-12-08 6:02 PM

Week 1 of Jorge's winter cycling program is in the books and I managed to survive. I did the first long ride of the program and I was in a world of hurt after finishing it and it will only get worse from here on out. And just think the first two weeks are a warm up for what's to come. So 1 down 15 more to go, bring on the pain.

. like.

2012-12-10 8:28 AM
in reply to: #4527523

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
1stTimeTri - 2012-12-08 6:39 PM
strikyr - 2012-12-08 6:02 PM

Week 1 of Jorge's winter cycling program is in the books and I managed to survive. I did the first long ride of the program and I was in a world of hurt after finishing it and it will only get worse from here on out. And just think the first two weeks are a warm up for what's to come. So 1 down 15 more to go, bring on the pain.

. like.


Hey Phil, have you ever done one of the theme rides at Speed in Fitchburg?

2012-12-10 11:13 PM
in reply to: #4414876

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

Hey everyone!  Great to be here and I am pretty stoked about listening and learning from all of you.  IMWI has basically controlled my thoughts since the day I "hit send" and made it official.  I just started running endurance this year and it has changed my life in so many ways.  Hope to get to know some of you and make some new friends. 

Name: Rope12 ... .real name Mike

What is your Ironman resume?
First time for me... Olympic is all I have in the bag and it wasn't pretty!  Well, the swim.

Why did you choose Ironman Wisconsin?
There was never a doubt.  I grew up in Beloit (the Ironman capitol of the world and kept hearing IMWI was the best.  So, I gathered 4 Nashville buds and we're road trippin' to Madison. 

What are you goals for IMWI 2013? 
Great question.  For now, let's just stick with finish.  I'll know more as the year unfolds.  I'm pretty sure "just finish" will be replaced with something typically unreasonable, though. 

What are you most looking forward to?
I'm really looking forward to training with four other great guys.  I'm looking forward to racing in front of tons of family and friends I rarely see since I moved.  The challenge, the crowds, the swim start, the rolling hills, and hanging around at the family cottage in Lake Geneva after the race.

2012-12-11 8:15 AM
in reply to: #4528874

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
jhouse4 - 2012-12-10 8:28 AM
1stTimeTri - 2012-12-08 6:39 PM
strikyr - 2012-12-08 6:02 PM

Week 1 of Jorge's winter cycling program is in the books and I managed to survive. I did the first long ride of the program and I was in a world of hurt after finishing it and it will only get worse from here on out. And just think the first two weeks are a warm up for what's to come. So 1 down 15 more to go, bring on the pain.

. like.


Hey Phil, have you ever done one of the theme rides at Speed in Fitchburg?

No, as a matter of fact, I haven't heard of this.  Clue me in a little more, please!

2012-12-11 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4530380

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

Sunday’s at 10:30 at Speed in Fitchburg they have these “Themed” rides. The rides are 2 hour Computrainer rides that you ride along to a video being projected on a large screen of some people actually doing the ride. The rides are usually mountain rides from somewhere in Europe although this year they have included one from the Tour of California. I have done Alpe d'huez, Passo Gavia(over and back), Mortirolo. For me it’s usually 2 hours of suffering. But it gets me out of the house and a longer(ish) ride in during the winter.

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