BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj mentor group - back for another great season! CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-12-30 6:18 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
I must be one of the "lucky" folks. I hate alcohol and coffee. Dunno if that's a good thing or a bad thing. LOL!

I second when Ken is worth going into your local running shop that does detailed gait and foot analysis. I think they are mostly free. Due to this, I discovered that I was running in wrong shoes. Changed to Brooks Pure Connect and I love them. Yes they're pricey, but since I am not doing high mileages in these, they will last me for a while. I didn't need any support rt pets of shoes, and I do better in minimalists.

2012-12-30 6:27 PM
in reply to: #4554270

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN

CyborgQueen - 2012-12-30 6:10 PM Has anyone done a FTP/ LT and found disappointment after the ride? I did the 20 minute test. I know its not 100% accurate when using numbers from TrainerRoad without using a true power meter, but I didn't think the numbers were that low. My FTP is a bit embarrassing low. Could I have pushed it a little more? Perhaps, but my HR got pretty high up to the point that if it was that high on the road, I pushed it too hard, to the point where I'm out of breath. It was hard but not brutal. I am also a masher, not a spinner. What's everyone's thoughts on cadence? My sweet spot is 85 rpm. My problem with cadence is there are hills everywhere here, and its kind of hard (for me) to keep a cadence of 90+ in my easiest gear going up. If I try to just spin on the flats/rollers, my speed is 2-3 mph slower than normal. I see other people spin easily on steeper hills, while I'm struggling to turn the cranks (easiest gear at 34 front/28 back ) to the point that I feel like I'm mashing vs spinning. Would like to set up most of my indoor training to work on that. I suspect that its purely hamstrings issue. Any trainer/ non-trainer workouts you suggest to help that?Thanks! Looking forward to my last ride of the year tomorrow!


Trainer Road is advertised to be pretty accurate.  If you did the test right, you should feel hard at the start but at a pace you can hold the entire 20 minutes.  Then, ramp up the RPE as you get nearer the end.  Go with the number you got.  Do some workouts using it. LT workouts with shorter intervals of like 5 minutes X 3 at 80% or so and see how you feel at the end.  Work that into your schedule a couple of times with bike recovery days in between. Then move to longer intervals next week. See how it feels.  If it feels too easy, then set another test day a few days in advance, take a couple of taper days, and test again.   Not being there, hard to say but it sounds like you did it right.  DON'T GET HUNG UP ON NUMBERS.  They are what they are.  Embrace them and work forward from it.  My absolute all out three years ago is my 75% FTP point now and will be probably more like 70% by race time.   

Also, that gearing sounds good for hills.  90 rpm is not magic, but a great place to shoot for.  In your bike workouts over winter,  include an hour where you do skills with single pedal drills and high cadence step-ups.  Start 10 mins at 80, 10 at 85, 10 at 90, 10 and 95 and 10 at 100 plus if you can.  Keep working at it.  You will be so happy spinning up hills instead of mashing the gears.  You put so much effort into mashing that it will make the run harder, guaranteed.  



Edited by IceManScott 2012-12-30 6:28 PM
2012-12-30 6:34 PM
in reply to: #4542655


Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
I'm interested in joining if their is still room.

Let me know
2012-12-30 6:39 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN

Today is Day 1 of my HIM training plan for 70.3 FL!  I had a long run scheduled for the day and woke up to RAIN! Not snow, but rain - Until a day or two ago we haven't even seen temps above freezing since early October in Anchorage (thank you massive storm system the size of our state). Needless to say the roads were a mess.  Got the run in, but it was quite interesting!  My ice cleats worked awesome - to the point that running on the solid ice sheet was way preferable to the slush (and those were the only 2 options!).

The saddest part - no skiing for awhile.  The good part - maybe the melting of several feet of snow now will hasten spring break up and I will be able to get out on the bike sooner!

2012-12-30 6:41 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN

My goals for January are fairly simple.

1) stick to the training plan as close as possible

2) eat better, drink less

Those 2 things should take of the rest!


I remember last year's goal of recover from plantar fasciitis - I like these ones better!

2012-12-30 6:44 PM
in reply to: #4554290

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
IceManScott - 2012-12-30 6:27 PM

CyborgQueen - 2012-12-30 6:10 PM Has anyone done a FTP/ LT and found disappointment after the ride? I did the 20 minute test. I know its not 100% accurate when using numbers from TrainerRoad without using a true power meter, but I didn't think the numbers were that low. My FTP is a bit embarrassing low. Could I have pushed it a little more? Perhaps, but my HR got pretty high up to the point that if it was that high on the road, I pushed it too hard, to the point where I'm out of breath. It was hard but not brutal. I am also a masher, not a spinner. What's everyone's thoughts on cadence? My sweet spot is 85 rpm. My problem with cadence is there are hills everywhere here, and its kind of hard (for me) to keep a cadence of 90+ in my easiest gear going up. If I try to just spin on the flats/rollers, my speed is 2-3 mph slower than normal. I see other people spin easily on steeper hills, while I'm struggling to turn the cranks (easiest gear at 34 front/28 back ) to the point that I feel like I'm mashing vs spinning. Would like to set up most of my indoor training to work on that. I suspect that its purely hamstrings issue. Any trainer/ non-trainer workouts you suggest to help that?Thanks! Looking forward to my last ride of the year tomorrow!


Trainer Road is advertised to be pretty accurate.  If you did the test right, you should feel hard at the start but at a pace you can hold the entire 20 minutes.  Then, ramp up the RPE as you get nearer the end.  Go with the number you got.  Do some workouts using it. LT workouts with shorter intervals of like 5 minutes X 3 at 80% or so and see how you feel at the end.  Work that into your schedule a couple of times with bike recovery days in between. Then move to longer intervals next week. See how it feels.  If it feels too easy, then set another test day a few days in advance, take a couple of taper days, and test again.   Not being there, hard to say but it sounds like you did it right.  DON'T GET HUNG UP ON NUMBERS.  They are what they are.  Embrace them and work forward from it.  My absolute all out three years ago is my 75% FTP point now and will be probably more like 70% by race time.   

Also, that gearing sounds good for hills.  90 rpm is not magic, but a great place to shoot for.  In your bike workouts over winter,  include an hour where you do skills with single pedal drills and high cadence step-ups.  Start 10 mins at 80, 10 at 85, 10 at 90, 10 and 95 and 10 at 100 plus if you can.  Keep working at it.  You will be so happy spinning up hills instead of mashing the gears.  You put so much effort into mashing that it will make the run harder, guaranteed.  



Iceman - I am going to use this advice too!  I know when I do the test in the next week or so I will also be dissapointed. Thanks!

2012-12-30 7:00 PM
in reply to: #4554290

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
IceManScott - 2012-12-30 7:27 PM

CyborgQueen - 2012-12-30 6:10 PM Has anyone done a FTP/ LT and found disappointment after the ride? I did the 20 minute test. I know its not 100% accurate when using numbers from TrainerRoad without using a true power meter, but I didn't think the numbers were that low. My FTP is a bit embarrassing low. Could I have pushed it a little more? Perhaps, but my HR got pretty high up to the point that if it was that high on the road, I pushed it too hard, to the point where I'm out of breath. It was hard but not brutal. I am also a masher, not a spinner. What's everyone's thoughts on cadence? My sweet spot is 85 rpm. My problem with cadence is there are hills everywhere here, and its kind of hard (for me) to keep a cadence of 90+ in my easiest gear going up. If I try to just spin on the flats/rollers, my speed is 2-3 mph slower than normal. I see other people spin easily on steeper hills, while I'm struggling to turn the cranks (easiest gear at 34 front/28 back ) to the point that I feel like I'm mashing vs spinning. Would like to set up most of my indoor training to work on that. I suspect that its purely hamstrings issue. Any trainer/ non-trainer workouts you suggest to help that?Thanks! Looking forward to my last ride of the year tomorrow!


Trainer Road is advertised to be pretty accurate.  If you did the test right, you should feel hard at the start but at a pace you can hold the entire 20 minutes.  Then, ramp up the RPE as you get nearer the end.  Go with the number you got.  Do some workouts using it. LT workouts with shorter intervals of like 5 minutes X 3 at 80% or so and see how you feel at the end.  Work that into your schedule a couple of times with bike recovery days in between. Then move to longer intervals next week. See how it feels.  If it feels too easy, then set another test day a few days in advance, take a couple of taper days, and test again.   Not being there, hard to say but it sounds like you did it right.  DON'T GET HUNG UP ON NUMBERS.  They are what they are.  Embrace them and work forward from it.  My absolute all out three years ago is my 75% FTP point now and will be probably more like 70% by race time.   

Also, that gearing sounds good for hills.  90 rpm is not magic, but a great place to shoot for.  In your bike workouts over winter,  include an hour where you do skills with single pedal drills and high cadence step-ups.  Start 10 mins at 80, 10 at 85, 10 at 90, 10 and 95 and 10 at 100 plus if you can.  Keep working at it.  You will be so happy spinning up hills instead of mashing the gears.  You put so much effort into mashing that it will make the run harder, guaranteed.  



Very good advice from Ice here!  The only thing to add is that the testing does take a little experience.  Until you have done it a few times, knowing how hard to start can be a little tricky.  Start too easy and you leave too much on the table, start too hard and you can't finish strong. 

If you are averaging in the 80's, you are far from a masher.  If I don't pay attention, I will average in the upper 60's!!  I think the value in cadence is more in the comfort level over a wide range.  Being able to produce good power numbers from 70 up to 90 plus offers a lot of advantages!! 

2012-12-30 7:00 PM
in reply to: #4554298

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN

elag - 2012-12-30 7:34 PM I'm interested in joining if their is still room.

Let me know


Post a bio to give us a little info about you!

2012-12-30 7:01 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
Good start to the goal posting people!! Nice!
2012-12-30 7:29 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN

NAME: acv/ Adam

STORY: I'm 43 years old.  I live on Long Island in New York.  My wife actually signed us up for our first tri. She never trained and I sort of trained for it. The kicker was that we had a wedding to go to the night before. I got 4 hours of sleep and almost packed it in during the swim. I was exhausted but pushed through to finish. It was a great experience!

This will be my 5th year doing tri’s. Last year was my best year so. I stepped up to some longer distance races and really enjoyed them.

FAMILY STATUS: I’ve been married 12 years, I have three children (all boys) 9, 8 and 4. I’m pretty busy with the family.

 CURRENT TRAINING: I’m getting into my winter running routine. This year I’m going to work in strength training – I always say this but this winter I’m going to do it!

 This past season I opened the season with a marathon and ended it w/ a half ironman. I mixed in some 5 & 10 K’s and a sprint.

2013 RACES:   I plan on starting off with a half marathon this year. I think I’ll do a sprint and oly mid season. There are few 5 & 10 K’s that I like to do during the season. Then finish off the season with a HIM, I have unfinished business with that course.

 Ugg, I’ve been off my training schedule the past few weeks and I’m around 195 right now which is way too much for me. At one time I was at 240. I need to back in action!

GOAL: Do better than last year!

I’m excited to be part of this mentor group again!

2012-12-30 8:01 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN

January Goals:

  • Stick to the running plan.  That's 6x/week with more intensity than I am used to, so I may slip some.
  • Don't completely blow off biking/swimming while getting in the runs.
  • Stretch - I borrowed this one from Michelle.  I've never been one to work on flexibility, but it's something I could do during work hours and really feel I should.
  • I won't make any eating/booze related goals.  Been down that road, I'd be setting myself up for a fall...

Year-long goal:

  • I need to get more thrifty with the triathlon thing.  I just closed my "books" for 2012 and worked our 2013 budget and was a bit surprised with how it all added up in terms of S/B/R.  I haven't decided yet if this will change my plan to buy a new road bike this winter or not.  If I was this poor at budgeting at work, I'd be looking for a new job...

2012-12-30 8:35 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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San Jose
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN

I'd like to join this group is there is still a spot.



2012-12-30 9:32 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
Awesome advice Iceman! I agree, I need a few more experiences with testings and going "all out". Thanks for the tips! Is there a workout (not really a workout but more of a "check") to see if you are actively engaging your hamstrings while cycling?
2012-12-30 11:49 PM
in reply to: #4542655

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
Got a little time so I'm posting my bio:

NAME: omahabritt/Ali Britt

STORY: I'm 41, although I still get carded occasionally, which just makes me laugh. I'm a runner at heart, ran hs track successfully, but it was a small town. I got into tris about 5 years ago, but only super sprints (swimming always held me back). Last year I decided it was time to step it up. Read some books, started swimming with my head under the water, got a few private swim lessons, & completed my first HIM at the HIM Kansas. The conditions were tough, but I LOVED it. An Ironman has always been on my life list so this year I volunteered again at IM Moo & signed up the next day. (My tri claim to fame--I made the IM Moo video for this year. I was in a kayak on the inside of the first turn buoy, moo'ing in the video) I'm most comfortable with running with my favorite being the HM distance, I think I've done about 10. I always said "I never wanted to run a marathon unless it's at the end of an Ironman". Well, after signing up for IM Moo, my type-A personality thought doing a marathon in prep would be a good idea. I choose a hilly course on purpose. I'm glad I did it, but it's not my distance. I find the most true joy in cycling, it's just so-much-fun!! Swimming is my struggle. I made great strides last year. I am very comfortable in the water but not fast. I think I may have some form issues. I'm happiest swimming 3 days a week in training, but it's not something I would default to for exercise. I'm extremely fortunate to be able to stay at home with our kids. During the school year they are in school during the day so I have a lot of time to train.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my wonderful, understanding & supportive husband, Kevin for 13 yrs. Two kids- a boy 9 & girl 7.

CURRENT TRAINING: Throughly enjoying the "off season". I'm still going to the gym, but not following a plan & giving myself some flexibility. I ran my 1st Marathon in mid November, so obviously I had a big run focus the months prior. I haven't been to the pool since September, when the outdoor pool closed. Starting Jan I'll be reacquainting myself with the water & focusing on getting all 3 disciplines in more equally.

2012 RACES: 3 HM, HIM, Marathon, a handful of 5ks, couple urban adventure races, & 40+ flight stair race, sure I'm forgetting some others

2013 Races: just starting to think about this year, so far I've only got IM Moo in Sept & a stair race in Feb. I'll probably do HIM Kansas again, but for time & others to keep me honest & motivated.

WEIGHTLOSS: The holidays have not been kind. Need a serious detox in Jan! I could stand to loss about 30lbs to be my idea weight. Hoping to get some off before focused plan training starts in March.

I really enjoy the insight & motivation the mentor groups on BT provide. I'm not a complete newbie, but still have SO MUCH to learn. Looking forward to the exchange of information & getting to know you all better!
2012-12-31 6:22 AM
in reply to: #4554342

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
acv - 2012-12-30 8:29 PM

NAME: acv/ Adam

STORY: I'm 43 years old.  I live on Long Island in New York.  My wife actually signed us up for our first tri. She never trained and I sort of trained for it. The kicker was that we had a wedding to go to the night before. I got 4 hours of sleep and almost packed it in during the swim. I was exhausted but pushed through to finish. It was a great experience!

This will be my 5th year doing tri’s. Last year was my best year so. I stepped up to some longer distance races and really enjoyed them.

FAMILY STATUS: I’ve been married 12 years, I have three children (all boys) 9, 8 and 4. I’m pretty busy with the family.

 CURRENT TRAINING: I’m getting into my winter running routine. This year I’m going to work in strength training – I always say this but this winter I’m going to do it!

 This past season I opened the season with a marathon and ended it w/ a half ironman. I mixed in some 5 & 10 K’s and a sprint.

2013 RACES:   I plan on starting off with a half marathon this year. I think I’ll do a sprint and oly mid season. There are few 5 & 10 K’s that I like to do during the season. Then finish off the season with a HIM, I have unfinished business with that course.

 Ugg, I’ve been off my training schedule the past few weeks and I’m around 195 right now which is way too much for me. At one time I was at 240. I need to back in action!

GOAL: Do better than last year!

I’m excited to be part of this mentor group again!

Thanks for the updated bio Adam!! It is good to have you with us again! 

2012-12-31 6:23 AM
in reply to: #4554372

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
bdenehy - 2012-12-30 9:01 PM

January Goals:

  • Stick to the running plan.  That's 6x/week with more intensity than I am used to, so I may slip some.
  • Don't completely blow off biking/swimming while getting in the runs.
  • Stretch - I borrowed this one from Michelle.  I've never been one to work on flexibility, but it's something I could do during work hours and really feel I should.
  • I won't make any eating/booze related goals.  Been down that road, I'd be setting myself up for a fall...

Year-long goal:

  • I need to get more thrifty with the triathlon thing.  I just closed my "books" for 2012 and worked our 2013 budget and was a bit surprised with how it all added up in terms of S/B/R.  I haven't decided yet if this will change my plan to buy a new road bike this winter or not.  If I was this poor at budgeting at work, I'd be looking for a new job...

Good goals Bill, the cost of this can add up, especially when you consider the travel expense etc. 

2012-12-31 6:24 AM
in reply to: #4554403

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
50andgettingfit - 2012-12-30 9:35 PM

I'd like to join this group is there is still a spot.



Still room Johanne!! Post a bio when you get a chance!

2012-12-31 6:28 AM
in reply to: #4554550

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN

Omahabritt - 2012-12-31 12:49 AM Got a little time so I'm posting my bio: NAME: omahabritt/Ali Britt STORY: I'm 41, although I still get carded occasionally, which just makes me laugh. I'm a runner at heart, ran hs track successfully, but it was a small town. I got into tris about 5 years ago, but only super sprints (swimming always held me back). Last year I decided it was time to step it up. Read some books, started swimming with my head under the water, got a few private swim lessons, & completed my first HIM at the HIM Kansas. The conditions were tough, but I LOVED it. An Ironman has always been on my life list so this year I volunteered again at IM Moo & signed up the next day. (My tri claim to fame--I made the IM Moo video for this year. I was in a kayak on the inside of the first turn buoy, moo'ing in the video) I'm most comfortable with running with my favorite being the HM distance, I think I've done about 10. I always said "I never wanted to run a marathon unless it's at the end of an Ironman". Well, after signing up for IM Moo, my type-A personality thought doing a marathon in prep would be a good idea. I choose a hilly course on purpose. I'm glad I did it, but it's not my distance. I find the most true joy in cycling, it's just so-much-fun!! Swimming is my struggle. I made great strides last year. I am very comfortable in the water but not fast. I think I may have some form issues. I'm happiest swimming 3 days a week in training, but it's not something I would default to for exercise. I'm extremely fortunate to be able to stay at home with our kids. During the school year they are in school during the day so I have a lot of time to train. FAMILY STATUS: Married to my wonderful, understanding & supportive husband, Kevin for 13 yrs. Two kids- a boy 9 & girl 7. CURRENT TRAINING: Throughly enjoying the "off season". I'm still going to the gym, but not following a plan & giving myself some flexibility. I ran my 1st Marathon in mid November, so obviously I had a big run focus the months prior. I haven't been to the pool since September, when the outdoor pool closed. Starting Jan I'll be reacquainting myself with the water & focusing on getting all 3 disciplines in more equally. 2012 RACES: 3 HM, HIM, Marathon, a handful of 5ks, couple urban adventure races, & 40+ flight stair race, sure I'm forgetting some others 2013 Races: just starting to think about this year, so far I've only got IM Moo in Sept & a stair race in Feb. I'll probably do HIM Kansas again, but for time & others to keep me honest & motivated. WEIGHTLOSS: The holidays have not been kind. Need a serious detox in Jan! I could stand to loss about 30lbs to be my idea weight. Hoping to get some off before focused plan training starts in March. I really enjoy the insight & motivation the mentor groups on BT provide. I'm not a complete newbie, but still have SO MUCH to learn. Looking forward to the exchange of information & getting to know you all better!

Thanks for the bio Ali! 

Swimming is a common weakness for a lot of us.  Especially those of us that didn't swim competitively as kids.  I have been working on my swim through some lessons at the Y.  Worth every penny of the cost and time, especially with my shoulder surgery last year. 

Don't be afraid to spend this time of year in the pool doing mostly drills. 

2012-12-31 6:30 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN

Started off the day with a swim, the main set was 3 X 300 test to determine T pace.  Easy run later on, more than likely on the treadmill.

What are the rest of you up to today?

2012-12-31 7:11 AM
in reply to: #4554372

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
bdenehy - 2012-12-30 9:01 PM

January Goals:

  • Stick to the running plan.  That's 6x/week with more intensity than I am used to, so I may slip some.
  • Don't completely blow off biking/swimming while getting in the runs.
  • Stretch - I borrowed this one from Michelle.  I've never been one to work on flexibility, but it's something I could do during work hours and really feel I should.
  • I won't make any eating/booze related goals.  Been down that road, I'd be setting myself up for a fall...

Year-long goal:

  • I need to get more thrifty with the triathlon thing.  I just closed my "books" for 2012 and worked our 2013 budget and was a bit surprised with how it all added up in terms of S/B/R.  I haven't decided yet if this will change my plan to buy a new road bike this winter or not.  If I was this poor at budgeting at work, I'd be looking for a new job...

I'm working on a budget and building myself a pretty nice tri bike right now. I have spent more than planned, but still going to be way under what the "retail value" of the bike would be when complete.

2012-12-31 7:13 AM
in reply to: #4554625

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
kenj - 2012-12-31 7:30 AM

Started off the day with a swim, the main set was 3 X 300 test to determine T pace.  Easy run later on, more than likely on the treadmill.

What are the rest of you up to today?

Man, step away for a day or two and miss a lot!

Today is just going to be a trainer ride for an hour and a half tonight after work. Have tomorrow off, so I'll most likely have a swim and run on tap.

2012-12-31 7:28 AM
in reply to: #4554649

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Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
What are you building? I just went through the same process. I love to build bikes during the winter time and sell them later in the year to start again.
2012-12-31 7:35 AM
in reply to: #4554666

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY
Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN

ramiedd - 2012-12-31 8:28 AM What are you building? I just went through the same process. I love to build bikes during the winter time and sell them later in the year to start again.

Oh this won't be going anywhere. Like I said, I'm on a budget and have read some good reviews about the chinese carbon fiber frames.

I'm getting this frame. 

Components: New SRAM Red 53/39 cranks, New Vision Vector aerobars, DuraAce RD, Ultegra FD, KMC x-10sl chain, DuraAce BES, Ultegra 12-17 cassette. Had brake levers, but they don't fit in my bars, so I have to get vision levers. No calipers yet since I don't need them on the trainer.

Wheels will be a Mavic Ksyrium SL rear w/ wheelbuilder cover and some kind of carbon front...haven't decided how deep to go...404/808??

Edited by zee744 2012-12-31 7:46 AM
2012-12-31 7:35 AM
in reply to: #4553941

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Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
Thanks for the advise and you may have just changed my January goals and plan. I definitely need to add some running frequency. I do walk my two German Sheppard dogs 1.5 miles every day and sort of treat that as just a cool down or warm up before a run. I never count that towards training time. I could start running another time or two a week when the kids go to bed. I have read about doing 30 minute transitional runs after a good indoor work out.

So with that in mind, my January goal will be 5 runs a week and sprinkle in a couple of indoor trainer workouts. it will be a lot easier for me to add distance and time to my cycling later on in the year, but I have to focus on running at this point.
2012-12-31 7:37 AM
in reply to: #4542655

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Subject: RE: kenj mentor group - back for another great season! OPEN
Today's activity will be preparing to dance the night away. I hope everyone has a happy New Year!!!
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