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2013-01-08 2:46 PM
in reply to: #4543641

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
Booked my hotel for Tony's training camp in Monteray, CA today!  Psyched!!! Sealed

2013-01-08 4:05 PM
in reply to: #4568545

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
Meulen - 2013-01-08 2:46 PMBooked my hotel for Tony's training camp in Monteray, CA today!  Psyched!!! Sealed
2013-01-08 4:49 PM
in reply to: #4568445

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Waukegan, IL
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN

samwear - 2013-01-08 2:05 PM Great PR, what time are you now thinking of to set in the Xterra 1500mt?


I like to set ambitious goals that will take a lot of work to get to. If I don't and I feel like I can do it with slacking off, I will try to do it by slacking off. So, I want to do a 1500m swim in sub 28:00. It's ambitious for me. I'm working on planning out my training through October or November now with that specifically in mind. Most of my planned Xterra swims are only 800m. I'd love to go sub 15:00 on that, but that would be an end of the season goal.

I'm pretty proud of the 1:37 PR as I started swimming less than a year ago. In August, I was coming in at 2:15/100 in a balls out 100. I did it at the cost of some cycling, so I need to pick that up now.


- Joel

2013-01-08 4:57 PM
in reply to: #4543641

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Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
Re: trail shoes, I'd say it depends on the course. Our course goes through jungle with lots of clay, slick rocks, and a waterfall that you have to get down. Definitely helps to have some traction. They make some really light trail shoes these days.
2013-01-08 10:21 PM
in reply to: #4543641

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN

Hump day.  

Who's doing what?  

Who's feels like crap? 

Who's ready for the weekend!?

2013-01-08 11:02 PM
in reply to: #4543641

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Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
Yesterday I got up and ran before 5am in the rain, then at lunch I took the mountain bike through the 1st part of the Xterra bike course. Goes up a 3 mile hill that leads to the drop into the hills. It was raining then too. I was going to swim last night, but it was rainy and windy, and I was bone cold and tired so skipped it.

I was supposed to hit the gym at lunch, but I still had that overall exhausted feeling so I came home and napped so hard I was having crazy dreams. Dreamed I was looking for sponsorship selling my mad swimming skills. LOLZ FOREVER!

I feel much better after that nap. I'm about to do the shoulders/arms and abs workout from my P90X set, then when husband gets home, a 5 mile run.

Edited by Blanda 2013-01-08 11:03 PM

2013-01-09 6:13 AM
in reply to: #4543641

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
Looks like Kettlebell and bike trainer today

I feel like crap! ?? Terrible trainer ride last night. Weight training drains my legs. Can't seem to get a quality workout in the day after. Not sure if I recover from weights quick enough like I do s/b/r

I'm ready for Friday, that's my rest day, but you know that already! ??
2013-01-09 6:34 AM
in reply to: #4543641


Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
tested myself this morning in the pool, 1000mts in 25mins,at testing, (but not killing)  pace, to figure out my swim training for the coming period
2013-01-09 7:15 AM
in reply to: #4543641

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Waukegan, IL
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
Just got back from my a.m. 4mile run. Swim this afternoon. Probably 2000m. Maybe a short spin bike session after.Feel very good today. My day off is Tuesday so I feel great.
2013-01-09 8:39 AM
in reply to: #4543641

Alberta, Canada
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
Hey still here, Just been lurking!

yesterday was a rest day, but I think I will run 3-5 miles!

Only 15 more days of work then I am going to get about 7-14 days of solid training in!

2013-01-09 5:54 PM
in reply to: #4543641

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Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN

Felt absolutely fatigued on my run last night, and strained my neck on the pullup bar. Got home, made a berry and coconut water smoothie with some honey. Thought maybe not enough carbs. Had dinner with the family, then took a pain reliever and went to bed at 8:30pm.

We have a super sprint this weekend. Just got a road bike and have no idea how to shift gears on it. I've done everything in that last 1.5 years on my mountain bike. I guess I should figure it out before Sunday, ha!

Tonight is swim and run training with my groups.

Have a great evening!

2013-01-09 6:30 PM
in reply to: #4543641

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
That smoothie sounds great! Good luck on the tri, let us know how you do!
2013-01-09 7:52 PM
in reply to: #4543641

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Waukegan, IL
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
10x200 swim after work today. I'll have to remember to not go to Wal-Mart afterwards next time...every thing looks good to eat.

I wanted to eat it all... 
2013-01-09 11:42 PM
in reply to: #4543641

Alberta, Canada
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
3.31 mi @ 40.06

mostly endurance pace and a hill to finish!

I have really been diligently logging all my food, nothing is more satisfying then man I can still eat 500 more calories but I am kinda full!
2013-01-10 8:07 AM
in reply to: #4543641

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN

Joel, I find sitting in the sauna after a swim helps curb the hunger.  It's actually pretty common and some people attribute the hunger after swimming to the water cooling your core.  Heat the core back up and hunger goes away


Kyle, man you're lucky!  That NEVER happens to me! LOL


My legs are still toasted!  At 37 I don't think I recover from weight training like I used to.  I'm thinking that's why I have no strength in my legs.  After adding the strength training to my program I've been worthless on the bike.  I can't get near the power numbers I'm supposed to be at on my workouts.  I can't get my HR up at all, there is just no energy in my legs.  Is this just a matter of getting used to the strength training?

A couple of other things are going on too which is making it hard to pinpoint why I can't get a quality workout in.  The diet!  It's probably tough to recover without carbs...right?  And I did have a day this week I got very little sleep.  Like 1-2 hours.


Any comments? suggestions?

2013-01-10 8:14 AM
in reply to: #4543641

Alberta, Canada
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
well IMO wieght training is a funky beast! if your legs are toasted and it is affecting your run, you may be doing to much. how much protein are your eating and when? Are you using any post work out recovery supplements!

And stretching, people forget to stretch after strength training people always for get to stretch!

2013-01-10 8:16 AM
in reply to: #4543641

Alberta, Canada
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
and lack of sleep can have its impacts but you know that! Have a nap man!
2013-01-10 8:19 AM
in reply to: #4571484

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN

Ktieulie - 2013-01-10 8:14 AM well IMO wieght training is a funky beast! if your legs are toasted and it is affecting your run, you may be doing to much. how much protein are your eating and when? Are you using any post work out recovery supplements!

And stretching, people forget to stretch after strength training people always for get to stretch!

No recovery suplements right now, while on the diet.  I am eating protein, all day every day.  Like every couple hours I eat something and it's all protein right now, including shortly after workouts.  Yep, I stretch/foam roll/etc.  Tony makes sure it's in my program.


2013-01-10 9:02 AM
in reply to: #4543641

Alberta, Canada
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
yeah just sounds like too much too fast, I would concentrate on lower wieght/resistance and more reps!

equates to the same amount of work with out excess strain, it should save your legs(and avoid walking like a duck!)

Now I have a question, with the ridiculous hours I work, should I try to squeeze in the extra miles now and again (and give up an hour sleep) to get in a longer run/bike, or just stick to my 40-60 min sessions and continue to build base?

2013-01-10 9:13 AM
in reply to: #4571622

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN

Ktieulie - 2013-01-10 9:02 AM yeah just sounds like too much too fast, I would concentrate on lower wieght/resistance and more reps!

equates to the same amount of work with out excess strain, it should save your legs(and avoid walking like a duck!)

Now I have a question, with the ridiculous hours I work, should I try to squeeze in the extra miles now and again (and give up an hour sleep) to get in a longer run/bike, or just stick to my 40-60 min sessions and continue to build base?


For me, and I work some crazy hours sometimes myself, I always shut it down if it gets too late.  My minimum I would like to get is 5 hours sleep.  If I won't be able to do that, I skip the workout.  I'm curious to see what Tony says about this though!

2013-01-10 12:15 PM
in reply to: #4571656

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Waukegan, IL
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
Meulen - 2013-01-10 9:13 AM

Ktieulie - 2013-01-10 9:02 AM yeah just sounds like too much too fast, I would concentrate on lower wieght/resistance and more reps!

equates to the same amount of work with out excess strain, it should save your legs(and avoid walking like a duck!)

Now I have a question, with the ridiculous hours I work, should I try to squeeze in the extra miles now and again (and give up an hour sleep) to get in a longer run/bike, or just stick to my 40-60 min sessions and continue to build base?


For me, and I work some crazy hours sometimes myself, I always shut it down if it gets too late.  My minimum I would like to get is 5 hours sleep.  If I won't be able to do that, I skip the workout.  I'm curious to see what Tony says about this though!

5 hours wouldn't be enough for me to recover from a tough workout. 5 hours nightly wouldn't be enough for me to consistently get quality workouts. I could get my workout time in, but I would have good workouts with much less consistency. I always feel that quality of the workout is as important as the quantity. I aim for 7 a night, and that's tough. I don't have crazy hours at work, but I do have a significant amount of work to do outside of normal work hours (by nature of my job). If I know that I'll need more sleep, I will skip a morning workout and get an extra hour. I definitely notice the difference.

If it were me deciding between a few extra miles or building base, I'd look for some way to multi-task while on the trainer (which I don't have....yet) to get the extra miles in. I'd try to do something else I need to do while on the trainer. I don't like sleep (I'd rather be running!), but know that it is necessary if I want to do well.

Anyway...that's how I see it.

Medium 8 mile run after work today.

Good luck!


- Joel

2013-01-10 2:49 PM
in reply to: #4543641

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Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
Thanks, Tony!

Yesterday the fatigue was still in my bones. I used my rest day and I'll be doing my 8 mile run at lunch today. Yesterday I ate a ton of quinoa at dinner, a couple tablespoons of Nutella, and a little of the potatoes I made for dinner. I have cut out the pasta, sugar, rice, and white potatoes, and I don't think I'm getting enough alternative carbs in with the schedule I've had. I think I'll keep the quinoa in.

I do a recovery beverage for training over an hour and I pack a cooler with it when I'm away from home, especially after brick sessions, which I only do because I don't have enough time in my week for the kind of training I need. In my cooler I have water, my recovery drink, gatorade, and bananas, apples, and at something like a clif bar. I've read you benefit most if you consume within 15 minutes post workout, no later than 1/2 an hour.

K, off to work. Happy Xterra training!
2013-01-10 5:49 PM
in reply to: #4571656

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
Meulen - 2013-01-10 9:13 AM

Ktieulie - 2013-01-10 9:02 AM yeah just sounds like too much too fast, I would concentrate on lower wieght/resistance and more reps!

equates to the same amount of work with out excess strain, it should save your legs(and avoid walking like a duck!)

Now I have a question, with the ridiculous hours I work, should I try to squeeze in the extra miles now and again (and give up an hour sleep) to get in a longer run/bike, or just stick to my 40-60 min sessions and continue to build base?


For me, and I work some crazy hours sometimes myself, I always shut it down if it gets too late.  My minimum I would like to get is 5 hours sleep.  If I won't be able to do that, I skip the workout.  I'm curious to see what Tony says about this though!

You know my response... HTFU...

Yeah its tough with busy scheduled and everyone is different.  If 5 hours works for you, then go for it.  

Not too much too soon; well OK maybe it is.  But it's designed to be, afterall its January in Chicago!  So, better to break you now, then build you up for your next race.  HTFU the rest of the week, next week looks easy.  

In regards to the lower weight / high rep - that doesn't make you strong.  Think about cycling; thats already a HIGH rep / low weight workout.  Mimicking that in the gym is worthless.  It's called STRENGTH training.  It SUCKS doing it and makes you hurt (I just started this week and can barely walk! LOL), but, once it all comes together its REALLY worth it.  

2013-01-10 5:52 PM
in reply to: #4571622

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN

Ktieulie - 2013-01-10 9:02 AM yeah just sounds like too much too fast, I would concentrate on lower wieght/resistance and more reps!

equates to the same amount of work with out excess strain, it should save your legs(and avoid walking like a duck!)

Now I have a question, with the ridiculous hours I work, should I try to squeeze in the extra miles now and again (and give up an hour sleep) to get in a longer run/bike, or just stick to my 40-60 min sessions and continue to build base?

You can always work on the speed work (low volume high intensity) stuff while your workout; and rest days (stretching, foam rolling, etc). Then when your off focus on the extra miles. 

2013-01-10 6:52 PM
in reply to: #4543641

Alberta, Canada
Subject: RE: Tony's Xterra & Short Course Tri Group - OPEN
yay that's what I was kinda planning,

as to the strength training pain going away, it really does after a while.
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