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2013-01-09 10:01 AM
in reply to: #4569367

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
tgullacher - 2013-01-09 3:42 AM

Hey littewj, I just signed up for TrainerRoad and did my 20 minute test yesterday. I have never worked so hard on the bike before. I think it will be a great tool to improve the bike and I agree with your recommendation.

I don't have a power meter but their virtual power had my ftp at only 102 watts. Which seems really low, but as long as the wattage is consistent, It can use it to track improvements.

Yeah - I don't think it really matters what ftp it says you have.  Mine isn't as high as I thought it would be also. It probably just depends on the trainer your using.  I just make sure my rear tire pressure is consistent every workout.  I did the 8 minute test to figure my ftp (It's still an hour long workout).  If you ever pair it with any Sufferfest video - be prepared for a very hard workout  

Edited by littlewj 2013-01-09 10:03 AM

2013-01-09 12:43 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

A Great Wednesday.

1500 yards in the pool this morning. First swim of the new year. Felt great to be churning out a few laps.

Then followed that with a little 2 mile run.

Tomorrow is a 6AM group ride, then hit the gym, then close it down with another 2 mile run.


Stay motivated and keep up the work everyone. It will pay off!

Edited by Dominion 2013-01-09 12:44 PM
2013-01-11 10:39 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Major Milestone, well at least for me. I was finally able to swim more than 100 meters without stopping today, I did 125 during warmup then did 3x200 on my way to 1400 meters in less than an hour. I know this is nothing for most on here but about a month ago I could only do 25 and I had to stop. My breathing has been holding me back, I almost bought a snorkel today so i could increase my mileage but I decided to give it a few more times before I went down that path, I'm glad I waited! Now I see what people have been saying that once you figure it out you will be able to just keep going.
2013-01-11 11:00 PM
in reply to: #4574784

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

BigAirT - 2013-01-11 8:39 PM Major Milestone, well at least for me. I was finally able to swim more than 100 meters without stopping today, I did 125 during warmup then did 3x200 on my way to 1400 meters in less than an hour. I know this is nothing for most on here but about a month ago I could only do 25 and I had to stop. My breathing has been holding me back, I almost bought a snorkel today so i could increase my mileage but I decided to give it a few more times before I went down that path, I'm glad I waited! Now I see what people have been saying that once you figure it out you will be able to just keep going.


NICE!!  That is a milestone - congrats.

2013-01-12 9:24 AM
in reply to: #4574784

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

BigAirT - 2013-01-11 10:39 PM Major Milestone, well at least for me. I was finally able to swim more than 100 meters without stopping today, I did 125 during warmup then did 3x200 on my way to 1400 meters in less than an hour. I know this is nothing for most on here but about a month ago I could only do 25 and I had to stop. My breathing has been holding me back, I almost bought a snorkel today so i could increase my mileage but I decided to give it a few more times before I went down that path, I'm glad I waited! Now I see what people have been saying that once you figure it out you will be able to just keep going.


Hey get yourself a pull buoy.  I started using one about weeks into my swim training and it worked miracles for my breathing.  Also add some side kick drills into your rotation and in two weeks you will be amazed at how easier it is to breath while swimming.  A third thing I noticed is once I started tucking my chin while swimming the body rotation became much more relaxed as well as the breathing. 

A sample of my routine is 50m side kick drill, 100m with pull buoy, 100m freestyle.  Do that several times or mix it up however you like and I promise the breathing will get better.  I still cant belive how much it helped me.  If your curious the buoy keeps your hips / legs up so you can concentrate purely on your body rotation / form.  I hope this helps and If you already knew all this I appologize for the redundent information.  Here is a video of the side kick drills.


The link below is to a pull float / buoy on amazon.

2013-01-13 1:36 AM
in reply to: #4574949

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Hey firemedic you tuck your chin when you swim??  I am totally new to swimming and am going to a swim squad, my coach told me to look ahead. Where do you look when you swim at the bottom of the pool?

Thanks anything that will make my swimming easier would be great.


2013-01-13 9:12 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Thank you, Firemedic, I appreciate your input! I plan to try the pull buoy again this week.
2013-01-13 9:29 PM
in reply to: #4576707

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

hey guys, 


It looks like we are making some good progress.   BigAirT nice work on your swim.  

I am back to the real world this week and done with travels for a while.    I have not heard of tucking your chin in.   Are you touching it all the way to your chest?  I have always looked straight down keeping my head deep enough that only a small circle is above the water.   

What is the biggest thing you fear for your next triathlon?   I will try to help everyone deal with or answer questions.  Keep it up guys we are moving forward!

2013-01-13 10:32 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I think I exaggerated a bit when I said I was tucking my chin however, I mainly said that because I was holding my head to high up so the change to me feels like tucking my chin in lol.  I basically just quit moving my head so much.


As far as biggest fear ... I am still having trouble with shin splints when running on the road despite multiple PT visits, the loss of 45 pounds, new shoes, very good inserts, ankle specific exercises etc.  I have been doing more time on the treadmill so I can safely build the muscles in my lower legs.  I was unbelievably out of shape when I began my trek back in september so it is just annoyingly slow.  As far as the swim goes I am not really afraid of open water as I grew up playing in the lakes, ocean, been through multiple swift water classes etc. however, I am hoping to find a good place to practice in the open water when it warms up.  Cycling is my biggest weakness atm; tomorrow will make my third spinning class and the seat is still very uncomfortable.  I cant wait to get a bike next month so that I can ride outside.  I am a bit scared about riding on the road ... as some of you can sympathize working in emergency services shows you the bad luck that tends to find those that cycle ....

2013-01-14 9:03 AM
in reply to: #4576773

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

You are putting in the work so it is just another hurdle to get past.  

Shin splints   The two biggest factors to remember are 1. stretching most people do not stretch out shin muscles before running.   I have to do this on the bike before I start running in an event and it needs to be done for training as well.   I also love a ball massage after a run workout to keep muscles loose.   A foam roller works too.  

2. Weight and foot striking any additional weight adds pressure that strains the shins.  I know you are working on this so if you focus on the stretching and how you are landing each stride you should overcome the shin splints.    Work on with each stride your foot should land mid foot or flat.   IF you are landing with your heel first you are adding presure to the leg bones.   

2013-01-14 2:53 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I just finished a 6 mile run in my work warehouse.  It's a cross between NASCAR & Frogger.  Dodgin' forklifts all the while making left hand turnsWink  It's freezing rain w/ snow & ice outside so my outdoor runs are over for the time being.  I just can't stand being on the dreadmill for more than 20 to 30 minutes.  I may take a small break from running until the weather clears. 

Have a great week of training everyone!

2013-01-14 4:27 PM
in reply to: #4578050

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
now that is doing battle to get in a run.   I find that Stairs are a great sub, for runs and you might have those in around the office too.  
2013-01-14 9:26 PM
in reply to: #4578246

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

handyhammer - 2013-01-14 2:27 PM now that is doing battle to get in a run.   I find that Stairs are a great sub, for runs and you might have those in around the office too.  


That's a great idea.  I'll probably give that a try.

2013-01-14 9:39 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Thanks for clearing up the chin tuck thing.  My biggest hurdle is the dreaded swim.  I have never swum in open water.  I learnt how to swim about 7 years ago but stopped and haven't swum for about 5 years.  Started swimming again in November and finding it really hard.  I luv the pull bouy and have been trying not to use my flippers. 

I timed 50m the other day at 55mins - soooooo slow.  I find the endurance really hard, the longest non stop swim at the moment is only 100m.....damn its frustrating.

Swim squad tomorrow, thats gotta help.

Happy training guys.

2013-01-14 9:45 PM
in reply to: #4578709

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
runamrun - 2013-01-14 7:39 PM

Thanks for clearing up the chin tuck thing.  My biggest hurdle is the dreaded swim.  I have never swum in open water.  I learnt how to swim about 7 years ago but stopped and haven't swum for about 5 years.  Started swimming again in November and finding it really hard.  I luv the pull bouy and have been trying not to use my flippers. 

I timed 50m the other day at 55mins - soooooo slow.  I find the endurance really hard, the longest non stop swim at the moment is only 100m.....damn its frustrating.

Swim squad tomorrow, thats gotta help.

Happy training guys.

So what are the purposes of using flippers?  I've seen several people at my pool use them and I'm not sure why.  I tried a pair once and I flew threw the water - it was fun but it felt like my arm stroke couldn't keep up with the speed I was generating with my legs.  I probably didn't even use them correctly.  I've been seriously thinking about getting a pair mainly just to change things up. What do you guys think?

2013-01-14 9:53 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Hi All,

Sorry for being a little MIA for a while. I've since acquired a tri coach who has written a program for me and follows my progress closely. I'm only into my second week of the program however i think its already paying off. On bigger and more exciting news, I went in an Enticer distance triathlon on Sunday which was loads of fun. Best swim i have ever had and it was in a river against the current. First river swim ever too may i add. Loved it. Fortunately I didn't hear about the Jellyfish (or see any for that matter) until after i had finished the race. Apparently the Olympic race was tortured with the stingers the entire swim. Ouch! The run leg was hopeless. I had to walk some of it as my fitness isn't quite up to speed but thats something i am working on. All in all though i was happy. One step closer to my Sprint triathlon in Fiji in May. Cool

2013-01-14 10:31 PM
in reply to: #4578732

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

susan that is fantastic.   I was getting a bit worried since I had not seen any workouts posted.   Let us know what your coach is teaching and advice given.  

Flippers are great for adding power to your kick.  you will fly in the swim then pay for it about an hour later walking on jelly legs.   If you use them dont forget to do some laps on your back with just kicks no arms.  It will help your biking muscles.  

As you are building on the swim time it is not about the speed.  Keep form and breathing in check and you will see progress.  

2013-01-15 3:42 AM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Hey littlewj  I was using flippers because I'm not a strong swimmer and my coach told me to wear them so I could focus on my upper body more, but now I am using them too much so trying to get rid of them....mind you when we do 400m kicking they really get the legs working, as hammer says they give you a great workout.
2013-01-15 5:33 AM
in reply to: #4578827


Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

littlewj, I've read that flippers are good to help train your ankles to flex properly for the swim. Most people that come from a running background have poor ankle flexibility so the flippers force the ankles into the correct position. I usually do my side drills with flippers on and then some vertical kicking in the water as part of my swim set. After that I take them off.

runamrun, I was in the same boat as you. 3 months ago I was gasping for air after 50m and seriously doubting my ability to be able to do an Oly Tri, but now I am up to 500m continuous. Once it comes, it comes. Keep at it. 

2013-01-15 7:32 AM
in reply to: #4576773

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Firemedic623 - 2013-01-13 11:32 PM I am a bit scared about riding on the road ... as some of you can sympathize working in emergency services shows you the bad luck that tends to find those that cycle ....

I'm with you on that. I'm glad I'm not the only one.  Seen some crazy stuff through the years. 

2013-01-15 8:48 AM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I had a good swim today but as I make progress with my form / breathing  I feel my legs are now the weaker link.  I know I need to kick from the thigh but I end up kicking from the knee's down.  When my legs do kick correctly I can really feel the movement, its almost like riding a wave lol.  I had a few "great" form moments today during my swim and it felt good although it was very few.  I hope everyone has a great day!!!


Oh and congrats Susan on your recent race. 

2013-01-15 11:01 AM
in reply to: #4578935

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Had a great swim last night and bike ride.   Isaac and I destroyed ourselves in the gym this morning.   It is shaping up to be a good week.   

I love hearing the progress on the swim.

Here is a link to a form of endurance swimming.   Isaac lives by it and I am starting my conversion.   It is food for thought and seems to make a lot of sense.  

2013-01-15 3:53 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Another training day in the books. 1600 yards in the pool and a 3 mile run.

Tomorrow I have the 6AM group ride, only without the group.  Schedule keeps me from making the rides this week, so doing it on my own on the day I have available.  Gotta love living in south Georgia, 6 AM outdoor rides in was 58 degrees for the one last week, expecting about the same tomorrow.

Have a great day and Stay Motivated!

2013-01-15 8:16 PM
in reply to: #4579358

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
handyhammer - 2013-01-15 11:01 AM

Had a great swim last night and bike ride.   Isaac and I destroyed ourselves in the gym this morning.   It is shaping up to be a good week.   

I love hearing the progress on the swim.

Here is a link to a form of endurance swimming.   Isaac lives by it and I am starting my conversion.   It is food for thought and seems to make a lot of sense.  


I bought his DVD, I am about to start it this week.

2013-01-15 8:22 PM
in reply to: #4580305

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

That is great I have been watching his online stuff and drills.   I have Isaac to help me out a bit now I have to teach an old dog new tricks.   I have seen the benifits by others and now just latching on. 

Keep moving forward.

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