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2013-01-07 9:14 AM
in reply to: #4551230

Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
so this bike thing.... the lonw end TREKs are all over my budget...   I suppose I could put one on layaway??  Are there other sources to buying a used one perhaps?  ebay? Craigslist? Are there any site specifically just for bikes?

2013-01-07 9:24 AM
in reply to: #4564519

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
vtate75 - 2013-01-06 4:39 PM

What did your training look like this week (Dec. 30 - Jan 5)? 

Wednesday - 1km swim & 3km walk/jog

Thursday - 6km bike

Friday - 1km swim

Saturday - 5km walk/jog


2013-01-07 10:29 AM
in reply to: #4551230

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Hey guys - wondering if i can join in.  Is there still room?  I am not a newbie to triathlon but i am finding myself at a new crossroads as i am 18 weeks pregnant and looking to keep fit but keep perspective as i head out on the journey to parentdom. 

I have a busy day today but could probably check in more formally tomorrow ...  

2013-01-07 1:58 PM
in reply to: #4551230


Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi there, My name is Kristi and I am a 28 year old,  recently divorced, full time mommy, that has a small home business. I have been motivated by my mother who started doing triathlons last year and I would love to be able to push myself to new limits of physical and spiritual strength! I have been a fitness coach for over a year and still working to get myself in the best shape I can possibly be in. I love running, and played soccer for 14 years growing up. I would love to join your group and learn and do as much as I possibly can and knock off doing a triathlon off my 2013 goals list!!
2013-01-07 6:24 PM
in reply to: #4565953

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
juniperjen - 2013-01-07 11:29 AM

Hey guys - wondering if i can join in.  Is there still room?  I am not a newbie to triathlon but i am finding myself at a new crossroads as i am 18 weeks pregnant and looking to keep fit but keep perspective as i head out on the journey to parentdom. 

I have a busy day today but could probably check in more formally tomorrow ...  

Holy Crap!  I was just trolling here to look for a mentor group to join as well, because I too am Preggo (just shy of 11 weeks).  Congratulations Jen!!!

2013-01-07 6:40 PM
in reply to: #4551230

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

I would like to join too if there is room?

NAME: Daffodil/Laura

STORY:  So I'm not a newbie, not even close, but I am starting a new journey of my life now.  I am just shy of 11 weeks pregnant with our first child.  I have been doing running races since 2000 and triathlons since 2001 and have done pretty much everything there is - from super sprint to Ironman from 5 K to marathon.  I have had a lot of typical running injuries and some not so typical ones (including ACL reconstruction and recovery).  My main goal right now is to stay fit and healthy through pregnancy and do a couple of "races" pregnant.  I have done IMFL (2010) and IMWI (2012).   Long term I would like to do an ironman again in 2014, but that will likely be the last for a while.  I love training long.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with a dog and a Cat and a bun in the oven (due date July 31)

CURRENT TRAINING: Whatever I can through first trimester fatigue and morning sickness.  haven't done anything for two weeks as I currently have a chest infection (ugh).

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Misssissauga Half marathon, Guelph Olympic, Peterborough half aquabike, Ironmna Wisconsin

RACES 2013: ???  Woodstock either sprint tri or try-a-tri depending on how I am feeling come May, Lakeside sprint or try-a-tri depending on how quickly I recover from childbirth (first and last races of the season!)

WEIGHTLOSS: I would like to end the year at the same weight as I was at my IM.  I will gain a lot of weight before then though!!!

2013-01-07 9:27 PM
in reply to: #4551230


Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN


I am interested in joining your Mentor Group.

I am 17 years old, soon to be 18.  It is my goal to do my first tri this Spring/Summer. 

I ran Cross Country for my high school for the past 4 years.  Although I am not very fast, I enjoy running.  I have done some swimming as well as a few shorter distance bike races.  My favorite event (at least so far) would be the biking.  I feel the biking is my strongest event, because I have good cardio and biking does not put as much pressure on my knees as running. (I have had issues with my knees while running in the past, but nothing too serious).

I have never done a tri before, but have volunteered at an adult tri and 2 youth triathlons.  The challenge and thrill of the tri has been on my mind for a few years now, so I want to make this year the year that I actually do one

I am looking forward to starting my training and completing my first tri!

2013-01-07 9:31 PM
in reply to: #4566942

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
Daffodil - 2013-01-07 7:24 PM
juniperjen - 2013-01-07 11:29 AM

Hey guys - wondering if i can join in.  Is there still room?  I am not a newbie to triathlon but i am finding myself at a new crossroads as i am 18 weeks pregnant and looking to keep fit but keep perspective as i head out on the journey to parentdom. 

I have a busy day today but could probably check in more formally tomorrow ...  

Holy Crap!  I was just trolling here to look for a mentor group to join as well, because I too am Preggo (just shy of 11 weeks).  Congratulations Jen!!!

And congratulations to you, Laura! I was wondering ... i think there was a post a while back that you were going to try as well in the 'off-season' - apparently we were both quite successful! hahahaha! 

2013-01-07 9:33 PM
in reply to: #4551230

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Okay - here's my info .... 

NAME: juniperjen / Jen

STORY:  Well, I always make this too long. Long story short, I started running 7 years ago after being a non-athlete.  I became very addicted to running but after seeing my then boyfriend (now husband) compete in Ironman Canada back in 2007 I was very inspired. I didn't swim or own a bike but I wanted to.  Swimming was the biggest hurdle and I took a lot of lessons – I was incredibly persistent now that I think back on it.  I got a bike, and well, the rest is history.  I would love to say it was easy to transition to tris but I had more than one panicky swim and I found out that I am not very talented on the bike. But again, I persisted.  I love training.  By this year, I've been at it for 4 seasons (?) having completed triathlons of varying distances up to Ironman this year.

We are embarking on a new phase of life and I am not quite sure what to do with myself. I am 18 weeks pregnant and hoping to keep active and enjoy this new wild ride I am on.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a triathlete – baby on the way – due in June.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am a bit in limbo.  I am swimming with a triathlon swim group twice a week for as long as I am able but haven’t picked up much of a groove for anything else for the last month – being cold dark winter I haven’t set a new normal – as if there is one!

2012 RACES: I had an awesome year: I did a couple of run races earlier in the year – a 10k and I ran with my sister for her first half marathon.   For tris, I did my first Olympic distance race, my second half iron and the really big one was Ironman Mont Tremblant in August. I am thrilled with the result – I had a better day than I could have ever imagined!  I capped the year off with a 25k trail race with a friend – it was great fun, if not my best result ever

2013 RACES: Nothing definite but hoping to get in a 10k or two by the end of the year

WEIGHTLOSS: Not a major concern – being pregnant I just want to be reasonable with gain but really I am just going with the flow.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I like to have a support network and likewise be supportive of others. I love how inspiring and empowering the whole sport is and I am eager to share.  I super technically inclined but I am a dedicated triathlete and have quite a bit of knowledge

2013-01-07 10:22 PM
in reply to: #4551230

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
Though not responding to everyone, want you all to know that I'm reading the posts and am excited about all the new people joining. We have quite a range from newbie to IM distance!

Day one - made it to gym - squeezed in a bit of cardio. Looking to get in shape to be able to benefit from an oly training program.

2013-01-07 10:39 PM
in reply to: #4551230

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Texas: Between Dallas & Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi there! I'd like to join your group please! I'm 43, married, 5 kids from a combined household (19yr, 2-17yr,15yr,7yr), and I work full time. I did my first (and only) mini-tri in 2009, and have done nothing since. I have just been watching the pounds come back on and I hate that. I rally enjoyed my triathlon training and want to feel fit again! My goal is to accomplish a sprint this year and I could use some folks in my corner to keep me encouraged and hold me accountable. Is there room for one more in the group?

2013-01-07 11:02 PM
in reply to: #4551230


Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
I would like to join your tri group. I have wanted to do a triathlon forever and after doing a half marathon last year I feel like the benefits of cross training would help me become more balanced. I have a 20 month old and work full time in education and I find that some kind of training helps keep me sane!

I am registered for 2 triathlons. The first is a sprint in mid April and another one in September but I'm hoping to do a couple more during the summer. I have started a bit of training with running and cycling intervals and am going to start a strong focus on running as that is what I'm dreading!!

I hope you have some space left!
2013-01-08 2:52 AM
in reply to: #4551230

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Saw a sports medicine specialist today about the problems I've been experiencing with my left leg. Looks like I've got Achilles tendonitis/bursitis at the top of the left tendon, where it connects to the calf muscle. Probably from overtraining, but geez... I really thought I was being careful about increasing my distance as safely as I could. Grr.

Treatment: PT 2x/week for six weeks, and I've got to cut my running down to about 3-4 easy miles a week for the duration. I can bike as long as I can do it without putting any pressure on that spot--the doc suggested maybe I can switch out my pedals for non-cleated ones, and get the pedal closer to my heel. Swimming is probably okay as long as I avoid pushing off that leg in turns.

I'm trying not to be too bummed, given that this might well knock me out of the Pasadena tri in March and might make me questionable for the 10k I've signed up for in London this May.  Frown  On the other hand, if I'd waited much longer I could have ruptured the tendon, and the doc says that when they blow out in that location they're usually difficult to repair. Guess I need to look at the bright side.

So... tonight I've decided I get to feel sorry for myself. That indulgence ends tomorrow, when I get an ultrasound to rule out any chance of blood clots and meet my classes for the new academic term. Wednesday, I start the rehab process, with a special focus on strength training and improving my running form. Onward and upward..I hope.

Seeya on the road,

2013-01-08 9:12 AM
in reply to: #4551230

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Sax: the injury sucks but you are doing the right thing.  PT and taking it easy! You can and will get your fitness back but being smart about it is the best thing you can do for yourself.   I had a bad bout of ITBS about 5 years ago and staying active when all you want to do is the thing you can't do is hard ... but i did more yoga and rode the bike trainer.  

It is manageable - best of luck and keep us posted! 

2013-01-08 9:19 AM
in reply to: #4551230

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Room for one more??

NAME:  Yvonne

STORY:   Turned 40, did my first tri oct 2011, sprint rambling rose and was hooked.  i have officially completed my first year of triathlon, sadly got rained out of the rambling rose this past october (and darn it i think i could have won! lol). I did 4 sprint triathlons and many 5ks this last 12-16 months. Did a half marathon w team in training in 2006, so much fun. But got injured training for the next two events, first stress fracture in rgt tibia, then later one in left foot, then eventually one in right foot. So thought maybe tri would be better and so far it has been. I'm now in the middle of training for the nc half marathon in charlotte this march and the aches are starting so I'm working with PT to deal with shin splints and hopefully avoiding stress fractures. Got a new road bike Last christmas, first ever, clip less pedals and all, so I'm finally getting the hang of that and had my inaugural, falling while standing still but still clipped in, moment so I'm good now.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with two kids, 8 & 10 yo girls, both have done one tri and they are currently on a Youth Triathlon Team training for an event in May.  They are rock stars and my youngest, especially, is a natural triathlete.  They've done 5 or so youth tris so far.  My dh is also on board to tri a sprint this April. Working really hard to get the whole family on a healthier path with running and triathlons.  We are Canadians, currently living in Chapel Hill, NC - I like that there are some other Cdns in this group too, going to check out some of the races you all have planned and maybe I can coordinate a tri with a trip back to see family, thus avoiding the Tim Horton's weight gain when I visit lol

CURRENT TRAINING:  1/2 marathon Jeff galloway program, consistently training 3 x week, but need to up this and get back to more s/b/r. Have gained about 15 pounds that needs to go, seems like an endless cycle with me.

2013 RACES: NC half marathon charlotte speedway in march, expedition Everest 5k trail adventure race disney may, Smithfield triathlon April , muddy buddy Richmond April, shamrock 8k march, rev 3 sprint Sandusky, ramblin rose October and more but I'm still planning

2012 RACES:   Azalea Sprint Tri (done!),Shamrock 8K (done!), Girls Run the World Sprint (done!), First in Flight 5K April 21(done), Warrior dash in may(done), Tower of Terror 5k Disney in Sept.(done) Ramblin Rose in oct. (started, but cancelled) many other 5ks

2011 RACES:  Rambling rose sprint tri oct 2011 - my first one!

WEIGHTLOSS:   Have lost 35 lbs in the last 14 months, gained some back, need to start logging food again!

WHY I WANT TO BE PART OF THIS GROUP:    I love BT! Totally addicted! I'm reading all the posts, everything, and spending way too much time on this site lol.  I find it really helpful to stay motivated by reading about everyone's journey and all the diverse backgrounds.  I don't know many people locally so I use you all as virtual training buddies.  I like how active this group is already!!



2013-01-08 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4565507

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
MuscleMomma - 2013-01-07 8:09 AM
TresLoca - 2013-01-06 8:27 PM
TryNatTri - 2013-01-06 4:42 AM

What kind of "first" bike options and recommendations does any experienced triathlete out there have?  What exactly is a hybrid?

Thanks everyone!

A hybrid is kind of a cross between a road bike and a mountain bike. They have a wider tire and chunkier tread on the edges than the road bikes do... they are good for road and trails. Perfect for my needs when I bought one last spring! BUT I never would have planned on entering a race... and now I have. I will use the bike I have since I am only signed up for a sprint, but if you are buying a bike with the intention of doing a triathlon, I would NOT recommend a hybrid. A road bike will be faster.


When I did my sprints I only had an old hybrid. I thought that since I was heavy what was another 10 lbs of bike. Then I bought a bottom of the line ($650) road bike. I love it, the difference is amazing. Don't have a biking background, so I still brake going down a big hill, and I probably don't take my turns sharp enough but it still helps. Mitzi

Haha - you sound like me - in every race i have my husband's voice in my head telling me 'Don't brake on the downhills' - i don't do this very much any more. 

Seriously, getting on a road bike was big shift - i was so scared for so long but it is really fun once you get the hang of it!  

We all start somewhere!  

2013-01-08 12:26 PM
in reply to: #4551230

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi all,
When you mention goals including specific tri races please include the distances. Others might know then races better than I, but I'd love to keep up with peoples distances being trained for.
2013-01-08 3:07 PM
in reply to: #4567400

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Nairobi, Kenya
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
saxdiva - 2013-01-08 11:52 AM

Saw a sports medicine specialist today about the problems I've been experiencing with my left leg. Looks like I've got Achilles tendonitis/bursitis at the top of the left tendon, where it connects to the calf muscle. Probably from overtraining, but geez... I really thought I was being careful about increasing my distance as safely as I could. Grr.

Treatment: PT 2x/week for six weeks, and I've got to cut my running down to about 3-4 easy miles a week for the duration. I can bike as long as I can do it without putting any pressure on that spot--the doc suggested maybe I can switch out my pedals for non-cleated ones, and get the pedal closer to my heel. Swimming is probably okay as long as I avoid pushing off that leg in turns.

I'm trying not to be too bummed, given that this might well knock me out of the Pasadena tri in March and might make me questionable for the 10k I've signed up for in London this May.  Frown  On the other hand, if I'd waited much longer I could have ruptured the tendon, and the doc says that when they blow out in that location they're usually difficult to repair. Guess I need to look at the bright side.

So... tonight I've decided I get to feel sorry for myself. That indulgence ends tomorrow, when I get an ultrasound to rule out any chance of blood clots and meet my classes for the new academic term. Wednesday, I start the rehab process, with a special focus on strength training and improving my running form. Onward and upward..I hope.

Seeya on the road,

So sorry to hear!  It is a good and important thing to take a moment and "feel your feelings" as I like to say.  I'm so glad you're taking that step to see a PT and follow their advice (obvi I'm biased: I'm a PT, too).  That can be a tricky diagnosis if you don't get on it, like you have.  Great job there!  You will get past it and race on!  I even had it for a while, in my sportier years.  I was the worst (self)patient ever, avoided it, then had to finally break down and work on it.  So glad I did!  No problems, now.  Hug on something squishy, put your leg up on ice, then get on it Wednesday!


2013-01-08 4:03 PM
in reply to: #4551230


Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
Do you girls think 20 weeks is enough time to train for a half ironman? I don't have any swimming training under my belt. I've been spinning 4 days a week and running 10-20 miles a week to stay in shape.
Thanks I'd hate to spend the money registrating for it if I won't be able to train for it correctly.
2013-01-08 5:36 PM
in reply to: #4568689

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Icemomma - 2013-01-08 5:03 PM Do you girls think 20 weeks is enough time to train for a half ironman? I don't have any swimming training under my belt. I've been spinning 4 days a week and running 10-20 miles a week to stay in shape.
Thanks I'd hate to spend the money registrating for it if I won't be able to train for it correctly.

I think it depends on your swimming background.  If you have never swam for fitness or don't know how to swim 20 weeks might be a bit of a stretch.  I think that for 20 weeks to a half IM I would want to be able to do the following now:

1) swim 1000 metres in under half an hour including breaks as required

2) be able to bike at least 20 miles/30 km

3) be able to run/walk for 6 miles.

if you can do this, then I think half IM in 20 weeks is possible.  Is it your first triathlon?  I personally wouldn't do a half IM as my first triathlon.

2013-01-08 10:25 PM
in reply to: #4551230


Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
I have started training for my first tri in April. I run and bike twice a week while gradually increasing distance and including intervals. I will start doing bricks next month - all indoor as I live in Canada and it's difficult to road bike outside. My concern is the swimming! My training is only once per week although I plan to go more but I am so uncomfortable with it! I can swim but just have problems with endurance and breathing. I was actually considering doing biathlons just to avoid the swimming portion. Any tips to help me get through?? The April tri is in an indoor pool but my September one is in a mountain lake in Banff! I'm trying not to even think about that one right now...

2013-01-08 11:35 PM
in reply to: #4569193

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Tanilo - 2013-01-08 9:25 PM I have started training for my first tri in April. I run and bike twice a week while gradually increasing distance and including intervals. I will start doing bricks next month - all indoor as I live in Canada and it's difficult to road bike outside. My concern is the swimming! My training is only once per week although I plan to go more but I am so uncomfortable with it! I can swim but just have problems with endurance and breathing. I was actually considering doing biathlons just to avoid the swimming portion. Any tips to help me get through?? The April tri is in an indoor pool but my September one is in a mountain lake in Banff! I'm trying not to even think about that one right now...

Whoa...I've only been to Banff once, but aren't the lakes up there fed by glacier melt?  Any idea of the water temperature you're likely to get that time of year? 

If this will be your first open-water swim, I would STRONGLY suggest you do some practice swims in the same lake before race day. The water temperature for the tri I did was right around 15C (59F), and it was chilly enough to get me breathless for the first couple hundred yards, even though I have lots of swimming/diving experience. It's just real different from the pool, and you probably don't want to get overwhelmed by the weirdness of it all by doing it for the first time in a race.

That said, swimming is just another skill, and good swimmers are not superhuman... they've just done a lot of it. If you can manage some lessons with a coach, that's probably the fastest way to get there, so you might try that first. Then, it's just a matter of putting in as much pool time as you can.

Good luck, and thanks everyone for the well wishes. Looking forward to starting the rehab process tomorrow. Cool

2013-01-09 6:17 AM
in reply to: #4569193

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
Tanilo - 2013-01-08 11:25 PMI have started training for my first tri in April. I run and bike twice a week while gradually increasing distance and including intervals. I will start doing bricks next month - all indoor as I live in Canada and it's difficult to road bike outside. My concern is the swimming! My training is only once per week although I plan to go more but I am so uncomfortable with it! I can swim but just have problems with endurance and breathing. I was actually considering doing biathlons just to avoid the swimming portion. Any tips to help me get through?? The April tri is in an indoor pool but my September one is in a mountain lake in Banff! I'm trying not to even think about that one right now...

When I decided to do my first Tri I couldn't barely make it one lap without hyperventilating! It gets easier, you just keep at it. I read some tips online for form and those helped. Just get in the pool, swim one lap, pause, swim another, it's just like intervals. Eventually you'll be able to swim more and stop less. For me, once I focused on slowing my breathing and finding the right speed, I was able to swim more laps without stopping. It didn't take long. My first one was 250 yards in a pool, I started training in August and could do the whole thing without stopping by beg of October. You can do it!

Banff is beautiful! I grew up in Canada and that's one place I always wanted to go! Now that I live in the U.S. that probably won't happen can't wait to hear all about it!


Edited by Ybeal 2013-01-09 6:18 AM

2013-01-09 6:37 AM
in reply to: #4569193

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Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

Tanilo - 2013-01-08 11:25 PM I have started training for my first tri in April. I run and bike twice a week while gradually increasing distance and including intervals. I will start doing bricks next month - all indoor as I live in Canada and it's difficult to road bike outside. My concern is the swimming! My training is only once per week although I plan to go more but I am so uncomfortable with it! I can swim but just have problems with endurance and breathing. I was actually considering doing biathlons just to avoid the swimming portion. Any tips to help me get through?? The April tri is in an indoor pool but my September one is in a mountain lake in Banff! I'm trying not to even think about that one right now...

Is there any chance you would be able to afford a couple of sessions with an instructor to help you with your stroke?  There are some simple things that you could change that would make a world of difference but you would really need to have someone there watching your stroke to be able to make those suggestions.  As someone else mentioned, there is no trick to swimming well, just practice.

I also wanted to echo what the other poster said about making sure you get a couple of opportunities to practice in open water before the september race.  the actual lake isn't critical if it is a long way away (unless you live in Canmore or Banff, I'm guessing Banff is a bit of a hike), but I would recommend trying to find out what the water temperature will be, and try to find another lake nearer to you that will be around the same temperature.  If it is going to be less than 70F (20ish C), I would recommned seeing if you can rent or borrow a wetsuit, particularly as you are not a strong swimmer to start with.

Good luck with your training!

2013-01-09 11:27 AM
in reply to: #4551230

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Tri Mommy Tri Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

I can defiinitely identify with being a weak swimmer.  Lots of great advice already

x2 on relaxing - this sounds weird but it really really helped me. I was kicking too hard and using up too much energy and so worried about getting to the other end i was exhausting myself.

x2 on swimming as much as you can - frequency will up your fitness and confidence.  And if you can take a lesson or two that will likely help quite a bit too.

x2 on race prep. Get in a lake - even once before the race  and try out a wetsuit. You can rent them usually from a tri shop or swim specialty store if you have one nearby. 

for the actual race - remember, you can do what you have to do to get through. A goal is to swim freestyle but breast, back, doggie paddle all work too!  Also, i nearly always start at the back and let the more aggressive pack go ahead of me.  AND never forget you can go hold on to a kayak or race support boat to collect yourself. 

But we'll be here closer to race day to work that all out.

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