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2013-01-30 7:39 PM
in reply to: #4574544

Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread

So I have been trying to go high protein, high fat and low carb this week.  I miss my morning toast but generally am enjoying eating chicken, spinach and olives!

This evening after work I stopped at the grocery store.  It was strange.  So much I will not have on my plate anymore.  Plus, I used to bake my week's bread every Sunday.  So I have three loaves in the freezer and about ten pounds of high quality, organic whole wheat flour in the cupboard. 

On a ketogenic diet can one have oranges or are they considered high sugar/high carb?  I love oranges and eat them regularly for vitamin C and just because I love them! Ditto for grapefruit.

About how many grams of carbs should one try and limit one's self to on a daily basis? 

2013-01-30 8:37 PM
in reply to: #4574544

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Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread
For the last 3 days I'm experiencing the following....eating breakfast around 8:30am.  Breakfast is 2 whole eggs, 1/2 cup egg whites, half an avocado, and a teaspoon of sour cream...about 330 calories.  It's keeping me feeling full until about 1-2PM!  Although now that I've mentioned it, tomorrow will be different
2013-01-30 8:37 PM
in reply to: #4602068

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Gatineau, Quebec
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread
sthoresen - 2013-01-30 8:39 PM

On a ketogenic diet can one have oranges or are they considered high sugar/high carb?  I love oranges and eat them regularly for vitamin C and just because I love them! Ditto for grapefruit.

About how many grams of carbs should one try and limit one's self to on a daily basis? 

You need to be eating less then 50g of Carbs a day to reach Ketosis.

The Orange would most likely keep you out of Ketosis, 15g of sugar in an Orange. If you worry about Vitamin C, I would suggest Sweet Peppers. They have almost twice the amount of Vitamin C as an Orange, with a quarter the sugar with a much lower Glycemic load.

2013-01-31 7:07 AM
in reply to: #4601077

Spring/Woodlands Area
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread

That one's on the list to read/buy, but right now I'm going through the original literature (this way I can also start designing new studies).  I'll add the Seebohar book to the list as well.

Unfortunately (fortunately?), my blood panels probably won't be very helpful.  All of my numbers were already good.  I'm hoping to see an increase in HDL, but I'll have to actually go to a doctor, and I'm not a fan of that.

I can't believe they gave you crap about A1C.  That should be standard.  Of course, so should breaking out the different types of LDL since many people with major family history of heart disease maintain fairly low cholesterol numbers.  But I really believe most doctors have little to no expertise in actually preventing conditions.  They are mostly trained to treat (which means pills) disease after the fact.  Most also have little knowledge about the benefits of exercise, which does not include weight loss, or the type/amount/etc. that people should get.  

Sorry, end rant.

2013-01-31 1:19 PM
in reply to: #4574544

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Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread
After today's breakfast...I feel stuffed!  I even reduced the amount of egg white in my egg/avocado scramble.  Maybe I'm finally burning fat???  
2013-01-31 3:35 PM
in reply to: #4603120

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Sunbury, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread
AbbieR - 2013-01-31 2:19 PMAfter today's breakfast...I feel stuffed!  I even reduced the amount of egg white in my egg/avocado scramble.  Maybe I'm finally burning fat???  

One of the ah-ha moments for me when listening before starting this, was when Vinnie T talked about his egg yolk omelette. Throws away most of the whites, the opposite of most "dieters." I think he even said something like "you know who eats egg white omelettes? Fat guys." I soooo resembled that remark.

2013-01-31 8:55 PM
in reply to: #4603120

Spring/Woodlands Area
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread
That sounds tastey!
2013-02-01 9:21 AM
in reply to: #4574544

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread
I have followed a controlled carb diet a few times in my lifetime with limited success. It seems to me that the results are quick due to water loss and what not and then slower as one might expect once you enter the ketosis state. However, I always seem to stagnate after 6 weeks or so and I never seem to enter that "energetic state" that some talk about. I recently committed to following this diet for 8 weeks with very limited carbs. I would say that my protein and fat intake was reasonable and I trained 5 to 6 times a week. I am an endurance athlete so I am a bit skeptical about maintaining this diet during period of heavier training. I made this committment at the start of October because my training was not as long or intense. I figured this would be a good time to give it a test drive. I lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks and then fluctuated for the next 4 weeks. Up 2, down 3, up 2, down 1. Some of the things that I thought might happen, and that I have read on this site, did happen. No bloating, light headed, some headaches and very little energy when I ran. Higher intensity training efforts, although shorter (50 minutes or left), had me slogging through begging for energy. All of my runs were easily 60 to 90 seconds slower per mile.

A typical nutrition day for me might look like this:

Breakfast: Three eggs, 4 oz of chicken, tomato, onion, mushrooms and avocado (omelette) with coffee.

Lunch: Green salad with dressing, 6 oz of chicken or ham, celery sticks on the side, and 2 oz of cheddar cheese.

Dinner: Steak (8 - 10 oz), low carb veggies (zuchinni, green salad, brocolli, etc.)

Snacks: I did not snack much as I was not all that hungry, but when I did, it would be cheese or something else low or no carb. Nuts on occasion.

I did also partake in adult beverages on occasion.

I felt pretty good, except when I ran. I never got to that so called high energy state. I never craved any carbs after a week or two. My weakness is in snacking salty foods. I love chips, crackers and the like.

So a couple of questions for those of you more knowledgable on the topic. Was I doing something wrong? Why the initial loss and then the leveling? I understand that my weight did not grow overnight and that it will take time, but four weeks of focus and no results left me feeling frustrated. Can an endurance athlete follow this nutrition path and still train and feel good? I am 6'4", 242 pounds and I enjoy doing IM's.
2013-02-01 10:43 AM
in reply to: #4603315

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Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread
TheClaaaw - 2013-01-31 1:35 PM
AbbieR - 2013-01-31 2:19 PMAfter today's breakfast...I feel stuffed!  I even reduced the amount of egg white in my egg/avocado scramble.  Maybe I'm finally burning fat???  

One of the ah-ha moments for me when listening before starting this, was when Vinnie T talked about his egg yolk omelette. Throws away most of the whites, the opposite of most "dieters." I think he even said something like "you know who eats egg white omelettes? Fat guys." I soooo resembled that remark.

I have a carton of egg whites that I usually add to the whole eggs.  Well this morning, I just went with 2 whole eggs and 1/2 an avocado, with a touch of salt = 263 calories, 14 G protein, 7 G carbs, 21 G Fat....i'm feeling full!!

I'm down 3 pounds since going sugar-free on Jan 1.

2013-02-01 7:57 PM
in reply to: #4604109

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Gatineau, Quebec
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread

gatjr33 - 2013-02-01 10:21 AM Was I doing something wrong? Why the initial loss and then the leveling? I understand that my weight did not grow overnight and that it will take time, but four weeks of focus and no results left me feeling frustrated. Can an endurance athlete follow this nutrition path and still train and feel good? I am 6'4", 242 pounds and I enjoy doing IM's.

I don't consider myself as someone with a lot of knowledge, more like I'm always researching for more knowledge and adapting my life to whatever I find. Most of the knowledge I accumulate, is what works for me. I'm happy to share what I've learned, if it might help.

I started November 15, 2011 at 274Lbs. Lost 12 the first week, 8 the second week. 2 the third, and then went on to loose between 3-4 lbs every following week. It tapered off once I got below 200 to 8-10 lbs a month. Ran my first triathlon on July 07 at 182 Lbs.

I found that I lost more weight when I exercised longer, and did not increase my calories intake. I know that the saying calorie in = calorie out is wrong, but the weight loss might take a lot longer if there is no negative in calories.

I also realized that I could lower my calories a lot and feel no hunger, so I ended up eating about 1500 to 1800 calories a day. It did not affect my energy level for training. I remember my wife telling me "You can't have one sausage with a small salad for supper and be full", but I was, so I stopped eating. A very new experience for me.

It worked until I reached below 200 lbs. I guess by then I was running out of fat stores to fuel my body. I started feeling hunger, so I increased my calories an lost weight more slowly, but I was still eating only 2000 - 2500 calories a day and increasing my training.

I weigh myself everyday, I like to know what works and what does not. If I gain weight I know I ate something I should not have.

I did not have either of the following food for all that time. Sugar, potatoes, bread, pasta, rice or alcohol.The only fruit was half a table spoon of Jam ( With Xylitol) in the morning.

From your list, the food is good, but maybe there's too much calories somewhere. Weigh yourself everyday, and see what made a difference. Compare the day you lost with the day you gained and maybe you'll find the culprit

Most of the Ketosis / Low Carbs Gurus out there always mention to only eat when hungry, even skipping meals if you're not hungry. I often had a snack for lunch instead of a meal when not hungry.

Hope this helps.

Edited by outlandluc 2013-02-01 8:06 PM
2013-02-02 6:16 AM
in reply to: #4604109

Spring/Woodlands Area
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread

Have you tried doing the Atkins approach with the different phases?  That might help identify specific foods that give you trouble as well as the optimal level of carbohydrate intake for you.  I've also seen people recommend cutting or limiting dairy to deal with plateaus.

You should also check the following (based on the Phinney review article "Ketogenic diets and physical -performance, Nutrition & Metabolism, 2004, 1:2 doi: 10.1186/1743-7075-1-2).  Overall, review found aerobic performance to be preserved if the below were followed, with impairments for anaerobic work.

1. Adaptation: unknown how long this takes, but longer than 1 wk, well advanced by 3-4 wks.  You're probably okay here based on what you've said, but I hypothesize that adaptation time varies by individual and endurance athletes may require a longer adaptation period based on acquired training adaptations.

2. Sodium and potassium: has to be adequate; the article mentions maintaining daily intake of 3-5 g/d sodium and 2-3 g/d for total potassium.  I'm finding I feel better drinking a water + a little lemon juice + sodium and potassium mixture a few times a day.

3. Protein dose: preservation of lean body mass (and performance) associated with 1.2 - 1.7 g/kg reference body weight daily, plus adequate mineral intake.  I'm not sure if he means actual or desired body weight when he says reference body weight - I'm looking for that information, but it appears to be desired or ideal body weight.  Also want to keep protein to < 25%

Hope that is helpful.  (Not a medical doctor or dietitian disclaimer, but that is what the research studies are showing.)

Helpful website:

Jimmy Moore just did a podcast with Ben Greenfield on exercise and low carb.  I haven't been able to listen yet because my phone blew up, but it might have info that would help.

Good luck.

2013-02-02 7:12 AM
in reply to: #4574544

Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread


I finished my first work week trying to transition to a low carb diet.  Went pretty well.  I have lost a lot of water weight!  My abdomen is visibly less bloated.  I never weigh myself except at the doctor’s office so I have no real measure of weight.  I will go by feel and sight.  Part of my company’s wellness program is free biometric screening.  I am scheduled to have blood work done next week. Those results will serve as my base line.  I will see the oncologist in April and will have blood work done then.  It will be interesting to see if there is a difference in my blood work and other issues.

This diet approach has turned on its head everything I thought about nutrition.  Still trying to wrap my mind around this.   I’m reading food labels like crazy.  This link is useful to find out about the composition of foods:  Along the top of the web page one can enter the food and a nutrition label is produced along with a lot of analysis of that food.  Good stuff.

Question:  Are chicken, bacon, and eggs sufficient sources of animal protein or is beef indispensible?  I am not a huge beef fan and don’t think I will start eating burgers any time soon. 

Tricupcake-I really appreciate the links you have provided.  So helpful.

Outlandluc-thank you for all the information and personal knowledge you are so generously sharing!  I like you sensible approach, too.  That you are willing to allow yourself some indulgences periodically.  Not such a rigid lifestyle.  You are right that we have to live our lives fully.

AbbieR-why did you ditch nuts and bacon?  I thought they were okay to eat?  Are you seeing any results? 

Mandown- what test strips did you buy?  My local pharmacy in the grocery store only carries glucose strips.  I guess I need to go to CVS or Walgreens?


2013-02-02 9:13 PM
in reply to: #4605398

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Gatineau, Quebec
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread
sthoresen - 2013-02-02 8:12 AM

This diet approach has turned on its head everything I thought about nutrition.  Still trying to wrap my mind around this.   I’m reading food labels like crazy.  This link is useful to find out about the composition of foods:  Along the top of the web page one can enter the food and a nutrition label is produced along with a lot of analysis of that food.  Good stuff.

Question:  Are chicken, bacon, and eggs sufficient sources of animal protein or is beef indispensible?  I am not a huge beef fan and don’t think I will start eating burgers any time soon. 

I use the same site for nutrition info. If you look up Pork and eggs, you realize they are pretty complete in Vitamins and nutrients. Chicken is pretty useless for either.

It's not for everyone, but I treat myself to wild games once every two weeks to change the routine. I save so much in groceries, that I allow myself an extra expense. Luckily I have a butcher that carries Boar, Emu, wapiti, Buffalo and Ostrich in my area.

Tried them all, my favorite is Wild boar.

2013-02-02 10:02 PM
in reply to: #4605398

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Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread
sthoresen - 2013-02-02 5:12 AM

AbbieR-why did you ditch nuts and bacon?  I thought they were okay to eat?  Are you seeing any results? 

Mandown- what test strips did you buy?  My local pharmacy in the grocery store only carries glucose strips.  I guess I need to go to CVS or Walgreens?


I think the salt in bacon was making me retain water.  Nuts I think I was going overboard on them and they can stall my weight loss.  I have added some back in this week.

2013-02-05 7:49 AM
in reply to: #4574544

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread

I have been struggling lately.  All self-induced but as I am sure all of you know, carbs can be like a stack of Dominos.  Once you allow some (I am talking "bad" carbs) back into your diet, it just starts the waterfall and it gets harder and harder to stop.

So, my goal for this week is to get into ketosis by Friday.  Today is Tuesday so that should be doable.  It gives me a very attainable goal and I know what I need to do to reach it.

Putting it out here because if I make it public, it becomes more real.  Wish me luck!

2013-02-05 9:18 AM
in reply to: #4606081

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SE North Carolina
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread
I got the test strips from walgreens, they were in the back by the Phamacy. They cost about 10 bucks. I dont know how many test strips there are in the box but it looked like quite a few. My enerygy level is a little better since Im in the 4th week now. I had some chicken wings on the superbowl and I think that may have messed me up a little bit but Ive stuck to the program pretty well. For some reason Ive ben having some headaches in the morning when I wake up.

2013-02-06 8:15 AM
in reply to: #4574544

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread

OK, yesterday went well.

Breakfast of 2 cups of coffee with splenda (1 packet) and a dash of heavy cream.  2 hb eggs and 3 strips on uncured bacon

lunch was some unprocessed lunch meat (Boar's Head natural), swiss cheese and some pepperoni (i know, processed but only a few pieces).

Dinner was shrimp sauteed in olive oil and garlic over baby spinich with cucumber, celery, egg, mushroom and some feta cheese.  Did not even have to use any dressing as the oil and garlic from the shrimp was enough.

Snack was a sugar free popsicle.

Lots and lots of water.  Think I was up 4 times last night to go to the bathroom.

My scale has me down 3 pounds but that is an anomoly.  When I weighed yesterday I was way up, higher than I have been in months.  I think it was a combination of dehydration from the weekends long workouts and the crap I ate on Super Bowl Sunday.  Today's was way more in line with where my plateau number has been.

Onward and downward!


2013-02-06 6:28 PM
in reply to: #4574544

Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread

Sounds like you are on the right track, dodgersmom!  Way to go.  Do you use keto test strips to test urine?  How do you otherwise know you are in ketosis?

Today has been good for me, too.  26 grams of carbs.  It is so hard to find enough to eat.  I think I've had around 650 calories today.  Plus dinner will be two scrambled eggs and bacon.

Does anyone worry about bad breath?  I had read that people on Atkins or a low carb diet in ketosis or close to it have really foul breath from breathing out ketones.

I am seriously craving the crunch from crackers and cheese!  This is really hard.

I'll weigh myself on Sunday.  Hopefully I will have lost something.  I know I lost water weight last week.

Is anyone else combining this diet approach with full Ironman training?  My schedule this year includes two marathons, a half marathon, a half IM and IMWI.

2013-02-06 6:39 PM
in reply to: #4611897

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread
sthoresen - 2013-02-06 6:28 PM

Sounds like you are on the right track, dodgersmom!  Way to go.  Do you use keto test strips to test urine?  How do you otherwise know you are in ketosis?

I have the strips but since I just started this yesterday, I am going to wait until Friday to test.  I doubt it happened so fast.  I ran today and noticed maybe a little less energy, but it might have been because it was in the mid-70s.

I do mentally think that all the sweat that accompanied the run was oozing out the last of the stored glycogen in my body.  Hopefully in the process of switching to a fat-burning machine.

2013-02-07 10:38 AM
in reply to: #4574544

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread

Another good day yesterday,  Same breakfast and lunch.  Dinner was a porkchop over baby spinich salad. 

Lots of water again.  Scale had me down 2 pounds.  I know at this point is is mostly water weight but you have to start someplece.

2013-02-07 11:04 AM
in reply to: #4611897

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Gatineau, Quebec
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread
sthoresen - 2013-02-06 7:28 PM

Does anyone worry about bad breath?  I had read that people on Atkins or a low carb diet in ketosis or close to it have really foul breath from breathing out ketones.

After being on this for two months last year, my wife was still worrying about me going Low carbs. I explained that I was not just low carbs, but in Ketosis. She had never heard of it, so googled it. After reading she turned to me and said "That's why your kisses taste different". I asked if it was a bad taste, and she said " No not a bad taste, just different".

She still kisses me, so can't be too bad Smile

2013-02-07 11:08 AM
in reply to: #4611897

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Gatineau, Quebec
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread
sthoresen - 2013-02-06 7:28 PM

I am seriously craving the crunch from crackers and cheese!  This is really hard.

Look up the following site, many recipes for Low carbs bread. No problems using cheese with those. I know it's not perfect but eventually, it fills up the need.

My sister uses a no sugar cheese whiz on celery to get her crunch Smile

2013-02-08 6:58 PM
in reply to: #4574544

Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread

How is everyone doing on this crazy journey to ketosis? 

This week has been pretty good, I think.  Carefully watching my carbs but still think I'm eating around 30g a day.  How can one get much lower?  Nuts and strawberries (5 a day) are the culprits.  Been good about eating lots of raw spinach, avocados, cheddar cheese, eggs, roast beef, turkey breast, greek yogurt, almond milk, bacon.  That about sums up my diet.  How does it sound?

I have been peeing like crazy!!! Seriously, I can't go an hour or so without visiting the rest room.

Are there any symptoms of ketosis other than a test strip? 

Outlandluc-thanks for the feedback on bad breath and the recipe link.  You know so much!  I think I will grind up some almonds this weekend to make flour and tinker with a dessert recipe.

Edited by sthoresen 2013-02-08 6:59 PM
2013-02-08 9:02 PM
in reply to: #4574544

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread

Good day today.

Typical HB eggs and uncured bacon for breakfast.  2 hamburger patties with American cheese for lunch.

Went out for dinner tonight.  Went to a local Mexican place.  Ordered steak and shrimp fajitas which I ate without the tortillas (obviously).  Just some sour cream, guac and cheese.  They were great but I could not help but feel like I was cheating.

2013-02-09 7:18 PM
in reply to: #4574544

Subject: RE: Dedicated Ketosis Thread

Dodgersmom-I so know what you mean about feeling like Mexican is cheating because it is the antithesis of low fat, and we have been taught with great intensity the low fat mantra.  We had Mexican last weekend and it was tough to keep away from the tortillas while the whole fam happily munched away!  Keep up the good work.  Everyday on the right track is a small victory and a step toward realizing your end goal.

Today "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance" and "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living" were delivered to my doorstep!  Christmas in February.  I immediately turned my attention to the Performance book as I am tri and marathon training right now. 

Mu husband mentioned that his hips hurt less today than on other days.  He casually mentioned that he had cut down on carbs the last few weeks.  He actually intimated that he may be interested in trying a low carb diet but wondered if he could ease into it rather than dive in head first.  I think everyone has to find his or her own path.  I am thrilled he is thinking about this.

Today was a good food day.  A cheese stick on my way to a hard 3k swim this morning.  Two eggs and two slices of bacon when I got home.  Of course coffee with half and half.  Lunch was a salad of greens, raw spinach, 1 oz each cheddar cheese and chopped walnuts, half an avocado and one hard boiled egg.  Splash of dressing.  Yum!  Afternoon snack another cheese stick and some sliced turkey breast.  No dinner as I am not hungry.

Tomorrow is yoga and either a run or a spin.  Then cooking for fifty for Monday's Eagle Scout award ceremony for my son.   I've never cooked for fifty.  It should be an adventure.

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