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2014-01-01 4:56 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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New user
Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Awesome James (saves me writing them all down!)

By the way, "OD" means Olympic Distance.

2014-01-01 8:16 PM
in reply to: cadnams

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New user
Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Hi all,

Does anyone have any idea how to stop sea sickness during open water swimming?

Kwell tablets work for me but I have not tried them in training and I have no idea what impact they might have on performance.

I'd really like to avoid taking pills but I might not have a choice.


2014-01-01 11:34 PM
in reply to: cadnams

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Yang Min Shan, T'ai-pei
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Hey All - I just want to send a short not to say Happy New Year! I hope 2014 is a good year for safe training, racing and achieving new goals. Thanks for all the comments regarding my injury recovery. I just keep telling myself that the recovery needs to be slow and steady. I saw my Doc and PT on New Year’s Eve. I was able to drop the abduction sling and start more active exercises. The PT cranked on my arm for about 30 minutes. She was lifting it above my head for long, slow stretches. On New Year’s morning I was certain that she snapped one of the internal sutures because it hurt so badly. It is feeling much better today and seems to be less stiff. The PT also said that I could start riding a stationary bike next week and I will hopefully start running in a few more weeks. Have a good weekend of training and for those in the NE, stay outta of the snow.
2014-01-02 12:34 AM
in reply to: 0

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, Washington
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by BrotherTri Hey Group, I made a table with everybody’s BT handle and first name. It is on my BT dashboard. I have tried to post it in the group thread but it keeps losing its format. The one on my dashboard has the links to everybody’s training log and makes it real easy to go and inspire people. I will work on it later but if anybody can post it to the group thread correctly let me know.

I'm been lurking here for a bit and realized you closed the Group today but if there is room for one more??  Maybe if I can include the table you're looking for....(it's the only bribe I could come up with


 BrotherTri James
 mcmanusclan5 Matt
 Fraz Frazer
 cdban66 Chris
 tedjohn Ted
 jwthomas Joel
 TK Tom
 KWDreamun Karl
 cbillen Christian
 KTLiz Kate
 darebay07 Gino
 Scottjjmtri99 Scott
 cadnams Chris
 HakunaMatata Danielle
 ghyoc Chip
 sparkieii Dee
 RandyP Randy

Here is my bio:

NAME: RandyP / Randy

STORY: My 1st Tri was in 2005 and completed a number of events since then.  I mainly enjoy the longer 70.3 distance but with a few kids and health related issues I've had the last few years off.  I'm looking to get back into it as I really enjoyed the sport.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 3 kids ages 12, 11, 6

CURRENT TRAINING: How you train in general (what race distances in 2013 or any races so far in 2014, technical or not)

2014 RACES: Jan-HM, April-Marathon, July-70.3, Sept-70.3.  Will sprinkle in a few Olympics as they fit into training.  Long term goal of IMCdA in 2015

WEIGHTLOSS: Need to lose a bit especially after the holidays.

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I don't take myself too seriously and like to have fun with it.  The learning never stops and I enjoy taking this journey with others and cheering folks on.  For me its about getting off the couch, competing with myself, and making a few friends along the way. 



EDIT:  updated group table

Edited by RandyP 2014-01-02 8:41 AM
2014-01-02 4:06 AM
in reply to: cadnams

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by cadnams

Hi all,

Does anyone have any idea how to stop sea sickness during open water swimming?

Kwell tablets work for me but I have not tried them in training and I have no idea what impact they might have on performance.

I'd really like to avoid taking pills but I might not have a choice.


I have heard of people using ginger pills or crystallized ginger for two days before the swim. That seamed to help. btw ginger is natural.

There is Dramamine but I would not take that and exercise.

2014-01-02 4:17 AM
in reply to: 0

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by RandyP

Originally posted by BrotherTri Hey Group, I made a table with everybody’s BT handle and first name. It is on my BT dashboard. I have tried to post it in the group thread but it keeps losing its format. The one on my dashboard has the links to everybody’s training log and makes it real easy to go and inspire people. I will work on it later but if anybody can post it to the group thread correctly let me know.

I'm been lurking here for a bit and realized you closed the Group today but if there is room for one more??  Maybe if I can include the table you're looking for....(it's the only bribe I could come up with )


Here is my bio:

NAME: RandyP / Randy

STORY: My 1st Tri was in 2005 and completed a number of events since then.  I mainly enjoy the longer 70.3 distance but with a few kids and health related issues I've had the last few years off.  I'm looking to get back into it as I really enjoyed the sport.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 3 kids ages 12, 11, 6

CURRENT TRAINING: How you train in general (what race distances in 2013 or any races so far in 2014, technical or not)

2014 RACES: Jan-HM, April-Marathon, July-70.3, Sept-70.3.  Will sprinkle in a few Olympics as they fit into training.  Long term goal of IMCdA in 2015

WEIGHTLOSS: Need to lose a bit especially after the holidays.

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I don't take myself too seriously and like to have fun with it.  The learning never stops and I enjoy taking this journey with others and cheering folks on.  For me its about getting off the couch, competing with myself, and making a few friends along the way. 


Randy you are in! Welcome to the group. I’ll add you to my list on my dashboard. If you can repost the list to the group that would be great. Maybe make it a little smaller. Thank you.

Edited by BrotherTri 2014-01-02 12:38 PM

2014-01-02 5:33 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Good morning folks, woke up to rain so instead of going running, I rode the trainer. BTW, I get up at 3:30 am since I'm at work by 6:00 and I try to get in an evening w/o too.

Have ya'll watched the movie "The Last Mile" It was filmed partially here in Tallahassee, it is an awesome movie about why we run. After watching it at our running club, we bought it.

What books have ya'll read about triathlons or running? One of my favorites is "Finding Ultra" By Rich Rolls. After reading that book, I started taking spirulina, it doesn't taste to good, kind of reminds me of buzzard vomit, but I feel so much better after taking it. I had just started taking it for a few days and had to go out of town for a week... I started craving it after a couple of days so I went and bought some and will not be without it now. It really seems to help in the longer workouts. It has no stimulants and I can't explain what it does but you know when you are out of town and eat junk and start craving veggies, that is what happened to me with this.

2014-01-02 7:53 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Nutrition now that's a good subject.

I think it is very easy to eat correctly. Most will certainly disagree with that. The problem I see it is just the choices we make. Two sayings to keep in mind, "The body is stronger than the mind" & "You got to eat green to be lean"

I am just as much of a omnivore as the next person. I am not holier than thou and all that other preaching crap about what you should do or should not. I like just about every kind of food out there. Over the years I have been around the world. I have tasted just about every major culture of food out there. Just so you know I am no different than you, just that my choices are different.

One thing that I always ground too is whole raw foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, nothing fried and stay away from processed foods as much as possible. Really the only time I eat out is traveling, like to races. If I eat out it is very simple and usually a salad. I prepare my own food at home. It doesn't take much food to fuel my body. I love BIG salads. By the way spirulina (an algae) would fit into my "Green to be Lean". I could ramble on.

So question for the group:

What plans in dietary nutrition do you employ to help lose weight?

2014-01-02 8:11 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Hey Group,

When replying to a inspire, use the red reply button of the person that inspired you. That way it will kick back to his or her inspire that sent.

Hope that make sense. I see few have just posted a reply under the inspire.

Inspiring is pretty cool to give kudos, congratulations, sympathy or some just harden up. I like checking on people and in support of the group. If your training log is set to private please add me and your fellow group members to your friends list.

2014-01-02 8:29 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Decided to start the year with a swim, the weak(est) point. I did 1500m with a 500m freestyle test at the end (14:01min).
A bit depressing to see everyone overtaking me
2014-01-02 8:37 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
I agree with you. Here is my diet:

Pre-Breakfast a few apricots and pre-workout drink which is spirulina, protein powder and a pre-workout stimulant mixed w/ water to get my lazy rear out the door, then I workout.

Breakfast, silken tofu, mixed w/ protein powder, oatmeal, chia seeds and almond milk - if I need to diet, I cut the oatmal and replace w/ shredded squash

snack 2 boiled eggs

Lunch salad; Spinach, alfafa, tomatoes, cucumbers, craisins, some sort of nuts, hemp, avacodo...Sometimes I add meat. I also have an apple and a banana. No cheese, or crutons and i used red wine vinegar as a dressing.

Snack, normally it is greek yogurt mixed with nuts.

Supper, some kind of meat but very little, then veggies like broccoli, squash, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, beans etc. Sometimes I will add black rice or quinoa if I have a real hard workout.

Bed time snack, normally a spoon of sunflower seed butter, mixed w/ a little protein powder and hemp.

I drink amino acid just about all day.

I've cut out most processed food, the more natural it is the better it is for you. Rarely do I eat pasta or pizza. Note, a good alternative for spaghetti noodles is the spagheti squash. I do not eat white rice, white potatoes, white bread etc etc etc

Ever since I read the book "Fork over Knives", I'm cutting back on meat. To be honest I could become a vegan but wife needs lots of iron and it is difficult to get all in veggies. A lot of people who do not eat meat are carbalolics and end up gaining weight.

I'm inerested in hearing what everyone else does.

Oh yea, I do like beer on weekends..sshhhhh

2014-01-02 8:38 AM
in reply to: ghyoc

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by ghyoc

Decided to start the year with a swim, the weak(est) point. I did 1500m with a 500m freestyle test at the end (14:01min).
A bit depressing to see everyone overtaking me

Well that is a very good start.

I wouldn't worry about what others are doing. Their agenda is different and besides you are paceing yourself right. Always look at the big picture, training is a progression and adaptation. You will get better.
2014-01-02 8:44 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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, Washington
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Randy you are in! Welcome to the group. I’ll add you to my list on my dashboard. If you can repost the list to the group that would be great. Maybe make it a little smaller. Thank you.

Thanks.  I edited the post above with the new table.

2014-01-02 9:24 AM
in reply to: RandyP

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Another of many swim questions..
When I started tri's last year I literally could not swim 10 yards. Now I can swim but the 1st 300 really suck as I get tired, after that I get through the pain and can just go but I am INCREDIBLY 2:30 per hundred. I swim on average 3X per week w/ each session lasting about 30 minutes.

I've started a master's swim program. been 2 times and it last for 1:15 minutes.

Has anyone not know how to swim and had to learn later in life. How long did it take to get comfortable in OWS and not "panic"? Just curious and how long it is going to take me.... any advice?
2014-01-02 9:27 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by BrotherTri

What plans in dietary nutrition do you employ to help lose weight?

Don't they say nutrition is the 4th discipline of triathlon? My nutrition practices do't really help me lose weight so much as maintain. After our first daughter was born, I decided to put on all of the baby weight for my wife and I got up to about 220 lbs. I remember looking down and not being able to see my feet one day. Although I'd continued to exercise, the biggest step that I took to lose weight was to stop drinking regular soda (I don't drink a lot of diet soda anymore either). I was a "low-fat" guy and went for a couple of years eating/ drinking only low fat stuff. I managed to knock about 45 lbs off this way. Starting triathlon really helped me to lose a bit more. In fact, I really cut calories way back to the point that my first year of triathlon I was racing at about 155 lbs (I'm 6'1"). I also discovered that I lacked a lot of energy and I really struggled with longer distances.
In the last couple of years, I've had a lot of success by cutting back on the processed foods and eating more natural foods, including lots of fruits/ veggies. On a typical day, I will generally eat a healthy breakfast (homemade fruit smoothie with greens) and lunch, and then indulge a little more at dinner. Weekends I'm much less careful, but those are also the days where I'm burning through more calories through longer workouts, etc.
In the last couple of years, I've stayed between about 165-170 most of the time, and I seem to have a bit more energy for the longer stuff.
2014-01-02 9:27 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by BrotherTri
Originally posted by ghyoc Decided to start the year with a swim, the weak(est) point. I did 1500m with a 500m freestyle test at the end (14:01min). A bit depressing to see everyone overtaking me
Well that is a very good start. I wouldn't worry about what others are doing. Their agenda is different and besides you are paceing yourself right. Always look at the big picture, training is a progression and adaptation. You will get better.

This is really great advice.  It is sometimes hard to remember that single sport focused people are able to put a bit more time and intensity into that sport (or a lot, depending) and that usually shows up in results.

I spent all of last year racing with meh results in single sport events, but much better in my tri's (at least by comparison to the single sport ones like HMs, 10k's, etc.).

Where it really shows up for me is in training.  If I run/ride/swim with runners/roadies/fish, I get CRUSHED.  But, I find that doing so really helps me up my game and understand each discipline a bit better - which I then try to bend to a tri-approach.

So, don't get discouraged!  Plan for your race and race your plan.  


2014-01-02 9:38 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

I have found that simply logging my food makes a difference for me. I use the nutrition log here on BT (basic calorie counting), which isn't the best, but keeps me honest when I use it. 

2014-01-02 9:38 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

Good morning folks, woke up to rain so instead of going running, I rode the trainer. BTW, I get up at 3:30 am since I'm at work by 6:00 and I try to get in an evening w/o too.

Have ya'll watched the movie "The Last Mile" It was filmed partially here in Tallahassee, it is an awesome movie about why we run. After watching it at our running club, we bought it.

What books have ya'll read about triathlons or running? One of my favorites is "Finding Ultra" By Rich Rolls. After reading that book, I started taking spirulina, it doesn't taste to good, kind of reminds me of buzzard vomit, but I feel so much better after taking it. I had just started taking it for a few days and had to go out of town for a week... I started craving it after a couple of days so I went and bought some and will not be without it now. It really seems to help in the longer workouts. It has no stimulants and I can't explain what it does but you know when you are out of town and eat junk and start craving veggies, that is what happened to me with this.

Haven't seen "The Last Mile," but I'll look into it. I just caught one on TV called Desert Runners that was pretty interesting. It chronicles about 4 athletes that are trying to complete the "Desert Ultra" grand slam that's sponsored by Racing the Planet. Pretty cool to watch as they run in S. America, China, and even Antarctica.

As far as books, I really enjoyed one called "To the Edge." It's about a journalist who gets invited to do Badwater and his experiences with becoming an ultra runner. "Relentless Forward Progress," "Running on Empty," and "Running through the Wall" were also books that I enjoyed.

For Triathlon, you can't beat "Iron War" in terms of the story. It's really well written and combines the story of each competitor with some of the "science" behind their success. For training, I got a lot out of "Breakthrough Triathlon Training" by Brad Kearns.
2014-01-02 9:43 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Only reading lately has been "Born To Run" and "Iron War". Both were entertaining, but I wouldn't take either of them for more than entertainment.

2014-01-02 3:17 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

Another of many swim questions..
When I started tri's last year I literally could not swim 10 yards. Now I can swim but the 1st 300 really suck as I get tired, after that I get through the pain and can just go but I am INCREDIBLY 2:30 per hundred. I swim on average 3X per week w/ each session lasting about 30 minutes.

I've started a master's swim program. been 2 times and it last for 1:15 minutes.

Has anyone not know how to swim and had to learn later in life. How long did it take to get comfortable in OWS and not "panic"? Just curious and how long it is going to take me.... any advice?

Master swim is going to be a good choice for you. Just stay with it and the longer you swim with them the more you will get out of it. I don’t just mean swim fitness. People will help you with your technique. That will take the longest to come around. You are working on swim fitness as well.

The “Panic” in OWS is that just in a race? That could be just going out to fast at the start. Adrenaline is very powerful, most of the time you will not know you are overcome by it. You start the race and BAM before you know it you’re Vo2 max and done.

If its just a fear of open water, deep water, dark water or what ever. Then just doing OWS often with friends will help. Swim with somebody in OWS will take your mind off the fears.

2014-01-02 9:27 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri


Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Now that is an another area for me that needs a lot more attention and effort on my part. I like to eat just about anything, especially good southern cooking (lots of fried food and fat) and BBQ. My dietary plan is simple; eat in moderation and workout more than I eat. So far it has kept me in decent shape but certainly hasn't helped me performance wise.

I have tried several different recovery drinks (Gatorade, power bar, endurox recovery products) on a regular basis but I'm not sure if it is worth the money. I'm thinking about switching to regular chocolate milk, I have heard it provides the same benefits as the name brand products. Any personal experience with recovery products?

BTW going for my second piece of sweet potato pie of the night, Sorry

2014-01-03 5:16 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
James, the OWS's iu let everyone go, then I go. That keeps me out of a lot of races because I hate the kicking and hitting etc, Then I get out there and think,,,you know I can't stand up here if I need to....

Yes I'm trying the master's swim for the month on Jan, it is expensive...if i see real improvements, I'll continue.

OK, next question for my northern friends.... I went out running this morning and it was 34 degrees and about 20 mph winds. I face froze the 1st 2 miles, after that I was OK. I may run a trail HM tomorrow, how should I dress to keep my face from felt like I was getting blistered it was so cold. I also got hot around he end. i was wearing t-shirt, long sleeve technical shirt, sweat shirt, thick long running tight pants, ear muff thing, and a beanie thing?

JW, Sweet potatoe pie...yummy, at least the sweet potatoes are healthy... I love bbq too. What is your base for the bbq, dry rub? sweet liquid? mustard based? vinegar based? it seems to vary around the US.

As far as recovery drinks, I drink amino acid or almond milk w/ a little protein powder.

Edited by KWDreamun 2014-01-03 5:17 AM
2014-01-03 8:05 AM
in reply to: jwthomas

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by jwthomas Now that is an another area for me that needs a lot more attention and effort on my part. I like to eat just about anything, especially good southern cooking (lots of fried food and fat) and BBQ. My dietary plan is simple; eat in moderation and workout more than I eat. So far it has kept me in decent shape but certainly hasn't helped me performance wise. I have tried several different recovery drinks (Gatorade, power bar, endurox recovery products) on a regular basis but I'm not sure if it is worth the money. I'm thinking about switching to regular chocolate milk, I have heard it provides the same benefits as the name brand products. Any personal experience with recovery products? BTW going for my second piece of sweet potato pie of the night, Sorry

I can't imagine life without pie.    Two pieces after a huge meal and weeks of constant pie eating, not so good.  Two pieces once in a while with workouts to be supported (and life to be lived, after all), prolly just fine.  Just my take on it, at least.  I don't bury myself in workouts to be able to eat badly, but I do like to have a sweet now and again.  Like most things, all about balance.

As for nutrition, we've run the gamut.  Went vegetarian for a couple years (except fish I caught and ducks/geese I brought home in the fall) - ended up putting on weight from the crazy cravings.  Now are really just sensibly omnivorous.  Lots of vegetables, but fish/chicken, too.  Still do red meat, but only once in a while and usually as part of something else (chunks and ground in chili, ground in a couple casseroles and - a family fave - RARE burgers on the grill).  More of a treat or ingredient than a staple, for sure.  Added a lot of trendy veggies the last several years (quinoa, chia, kale, etc.) - all good, but I don't see most of it as any different than the "usual" veggies (broccoli, lettuces, root veggies, etc.)… just more variety, which IS a good thing.

Just recently I've been trying to increase my protein consumption a bit.  I think last season I did a lot of carbs during the day (2 workouts most days, so was always trying to "fuel").  Now I'm trying to be less carby when not working out and save the sugars (starches are sugars, physiologically) for before and after workouts.  Again, not slavishly - more just balancing it out.

As for recovery, I like something with a protein:carb mix of about 1:2.  Greek yoghurt, smoothies (made with the right amount of yoghurt/whey/whatever), chocolate milk, pumpkin protein recovery pucks (the Better Half makes a mean recovery "puck" - bars, actually, but she has a way with words).  I try to get the first food in within the standard 30' and then another nibble for as long as the workout exceeded 30'.  So, after a 90' run, I'll eat something usually before I shower (a puck and a small container of choc. milk, a greek yogurt, etc.) and then nibble for 90-30=60 minutes after that first half hour.  Trick is, yet again, moderation.  I'll go for 200-300 calories in the first 30' and then by hunger/emptiness for any time after that.

Just guidelines, of course.  As I read the above, it sounds like I spend a lot of time thinking about food.  In point of fact, we don't.  These are just some general guidelines we follow around the house that shape our eating.  Lots of times when I hop right in the shower and don't eat anything, and others where I am so danged hungry I eat a full meal almost as soon as I get home!

OK - the "TLDR version":  Omnivorous diet, favoring veggies but making sure there is sufficient protein.  Recovery with 2:1 carb:protein for 30' after a workout (200-200 calories) and then nibble for as long after those 30' as the workout was over 30'.  Balance is the most important thing for us.


2014-01-03 8:12 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by KWDreamun

OK, next question for my northern friends.... I went out running this morning and it was 34 degrees and about 20 mph winds. I face froze the 1st 2 miles, after that I was OK. I may run a trail HM tomorrow, how should I dress to keep my face from felt like I was getting blistered it was so cold. I also got hot around he end. i was wearing t-shirt, long sleeve technical shirt, sweat shirt, thick long running tight pants, ear muff thing, and a beanie thing?

Running in cold weather is a personal preference and to give you some perspective here's what I did today.

Todays outside run was 3 1/2 miles at 6am this morning. It was in snow, windy with slick roads. The temperature was 9 degrees, -4 wind chill and 28 mph gusts. It was so much fun and I ran in the snow most of the run. This will be the 3rd year in a row I ran thur the Winter.

For this run I wore my Under Armour running tights, long sleeve base layer under a Brooks long sleeve technical running jersey, Pearl Izumi windy jacket, Craft Balaclava, Gore face mask, Nike runners cap, Reebok runners gloves, runners socks and running shoes.

If I would have run longer I would have had another layer on my legs. With that I have run in double digit wind chill. I will pretty much wear the above great minus the wind jacket and face mask for running in the upper teens. Really depends on the wind chill and time running. Everything I wear is ight technical gear and layers can be shed if need.

Hope it helps!


So for a Group Question;

Do you run year round outside and what are you wearing?

2014-01-03 9:20 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by BrotherTri
Originally posted by KWDreamun OK, next question for my northern friends.... I went out running this morning and it was 34 degrees and about 20 mph winds. I face froze the 1st 2 miles, after that I was OK. I may run a trail HM tomorrow, how should I dress to keep my face from felt like I was getting blistered it was so cold. I also got hot around he end. i was wearing t-shirt, long sleeve technical shirt, sweat shirt, thick long running tight pants, ear muff thing, and a beanie thing?
Running in cold weather is a personal preference and to give you some perspective here's what I did today. Todays outside run was 3 1/2 miles at 6am this morning. It was in snow, windy with slick roads. The temperature was 9 degrees, -4 wind chill and 28 mph gusts. It was so much fun and I ran in the snow most of the run. This will be the 3rd year in a row I ran thur the Winter. For this run I wore my Under Armour running tights, long sleeve base layer under a Brooks long sleeve technical running jersey, Pearl Izumi windy jacket, Craft Balaclava, Gore face mask, Nike runners cap, Reebok runners gloves, runners socks and running shoes. If I would have run longer I would have had another layer on my legs. With that I have run in double digit wind chill. I will pretty much wear the above great minus the wind jacket and face mask for running in the upper teens. Really depends on the wind chill and time running. Everything I wear is ight technical gear and layers can be shed if need. Hope it helps! OK So for a Group Question; Do you run year round outside and what are you wearing?

Year round and almost the exact same approach (if not brand) for gear.  

One thing I add is compression calf sleeves or sox as something in between a full additional layer and just one layer on the bottom for intermediate runs.

Another is a pair of windblocking compression shorts (windblocking only in the critical area, so not too uncomfortable - and a whole lot better than without).

I'll only run inside if it's unsafe outside or below zero without the wind.


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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed. Pages: 1 ... 70 71 72 73

Started by marcag
Views: 99240 Posts: 1816

2014-06-10 2:42 PM cdkayak

Shane's (gsmacleod) Coaching Mentor Group - Open Pages: 1 ... 2 3 4 5

Started by gsmacleod
Views: 16211 Posts: 116

2014-05-14 7:37 AM Dominion

Birkierunner's (Jim Kelley) General + Long Course Group (OPEN) Pages: 1 ... 14 15 16 17

Started by Birkierunner
Views: 29734 Posts: 415

2014-05-16 9:06 AM Birkierunner

Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Group version 3-CLOSED Pages: 1 ... 72 73 74 75

Started by slornow
Views: 60945 Posts: 1862

2014-05-16 5:48 PM GoldenSprocket

Playmobil31's Group - Open

Started by playmobil31
Views: 65 Posts: 1

2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : April 14, 2011
author : Kyle Pawlaczyk
comments : 0
A disappointing start to the season need not set the tone.
date : September 14, 2008
author : Team BT
comments : 0
Receive online triathlon coaching via our forums, personal coaching through an affiliated coach or nutrition coaching from our certified nutritionist.
date : October 2, 2007
author : docgill
comments : 0
Is it possible for loners to work in a small group and still have plenty of time on their own? Training in small groups can give many benefits.
date : May 1, 2006
author : Team BT
comments : 0
The day of the triathlon was one of the best days of my life. I felt strong and healthy. Lots of friends and family came to cheer me on. The support was overwhelming.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 0
Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.
date : May 9, 2005
author : mikericci
comments : 0
Athletes should have completed at least one Olympic distance triathlon or swim 500 yards consecutively / bike 15 mile consecutively / run 3 miles consecutively.
date : May 9, 2005
author : mikericci
comments : 0
Sprint distance athletes should have completed 1-3 sprints and/or be able to swim 200 yards consecutively / bike 8 mile consecutively / run 1.5 miles consecutively.
date : August 31, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 0
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