BT Development Mentor Program Archives » KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-01-08 5:02 PM
in reply to: #4927181

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Lakeside, California
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Believe me Gailforce if I can mange I'm sure you can too. And I really hope we are looking back laughing in a few months. Hookanandy thanks for the advice I need all I can get and I think I will look into the nose clips. I'm just afraid that going too slow I will sink then the panic sets in and suddenly I'm standing up choking and coughing. But I'm still game to make this happen. Even if I only end up doing one Triathlon. I planned for two this year but after today I feel like one would be a huge accomplishment. Thanks guys!

2014-01-08 11:00 PM
in reply to: Hepcat09

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Hepcat, you are doing great! You absolutely will get better - just keep going.

How many times a week are you swimming?

BTW, I'm an expert at the drowning freestyle!
2014-01-09 3:54 AM
in reply to: chuff920


Surrey, England
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Re swimming I manage 1-2 lengths then have to stop as feel like chest is about to explode! Have tried that tip of breathing out gently before taking air and not mastered that as just makes me panic for air more and then does not end up calm but a flustered rush.

I am lucky in that my gym offers coached swimming as part of membership so going to speak to guy and try and work on this breathing, slowed down approach and everything else people have kindly shared and will try nose clip as never thought of that one. If this does not improve matters I will need to pay a triathlon coach for a few sessions as this is key to the success of Tri in that need to exert as little energy here to do the bike/run, which I am ok with at sprint distance.

I am not too concerned re my sprint in April as worse case scenario I revert to breaststroke for 400m (which is good stroke for me, albeit much slower) - however the 1500m open water (olympic) swim with people clambering over me is beginning to terrify me especially after reading what you can catch in open water swims.

Still determined to crack this however and like other state will laugh at this in the future when all accomplished (well stumbling over finishing line) triathletes
2014-01-09 8:53 AM
in reply to: #4927206

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Lakeside, California
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Thanks Chuff! I've only gotten back in the pool once this week but I know I need to add at least one more day probably need to add two. I have no issues with the run and bike but I also don't want to reduce that training to add another swim day even though I know I have to figure something out. I will make it a point to get to the pool twice next week and rearrange my other workouts. I really appreciate all the feedback from everyone thanks so much!

Gail, how did your swim go?
2014-01-09 9:06 AM
in reply to: Hepcat09

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Hepcat - the pool session last night was pretty good, a bit overwhelming. Only my second session in the pool so still frustrating. But, I have signed up with a master's group and 2 sessions a week are coached. Since the other swimmers are veterans I basically get the full hour of the coaches attention. Yesterday I did about 500 yards of drills. I've never swum (is that even the right tense of the word?) before so swim drills are so awkward for me. It takes me a few lengths to even figure out how to do the drill he has me do. Compared to where I was when I first jumped into the pool on Sunday I'm sure I've come a long way, it just doesn't feel that way.

I'm trying to be patient but that doesn't come easily. My next pool session may be on my own without the coaching so I can play with what I've learned and try to relax a bit without someone watching me.

I would say you should get a few coached sessions so you're not building bad habits from the start. A coach will also help give you some drills to do that will help whatever you need to work on. We have no idea what we're doing wrong unless someone is watching us. Could help your frustration level.
2014-01-09 11:55 AM
in reply to: GailForce

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Hi all! Got in an hour on the trainer this morning. Was scheduled to do an hour of just straight medium intensity riding. So boring! I think it was mentally more difficult than when I have higher intensity intervals. Glad to have it done already though so I can enjoy the rest of the day off.

A lot of you have been discussing breathing issues while swimming. I just wanted to say that this will improve with practice! I remember my first day in the pool I was paddling around trying to do freestyle, but keeping my head above the water. Not efficient, but I just couldn't get my head around the breathing. Eventually, I moved to breathing only on my right side and starting last season, finally learned bilateral breathing. It takes work, but you'll get there.

One possible suggestion for those of you who feel uncomfortable going slow due to sinking, but want to get your breathing under control - if your pool has them available, try holding a kickboard in front of you with your arms extended and while kicking along, practice getting comfortable putting your face down in the water, then turning your neck to the side to breathe. Doing this, you'll hopefully get more comfortable with your breathing rhythm and then you can try to incorporate it into your stroke. On the other hand, if you start feeling uncomfortable, it's easy to just bring your head out of the water and continue kicking along.

Kristina - Trainer rides are generally done on a timed basis. Trainer mileage isn't comparable to road mileage, so usually you just decide to ride for a set period of time. As for trainer boredom, yes, that's definitely an issue. Like Melissa, I have mine setup in front of the TV. It still gets boring, but much better than staring at the wall. Doing interval workouts helps mix things up too, rather than just having all rides be at a constant pace. Also, yes, renting a bike for your Oly is definitely a good idea. I did it for an Oly in FL for the same reason and it worked out fine. Do you ride with clipless pedals? If so, I'd suggest you bring them down with you along with your shoes. If not, then you don't have to worry about that.

Gail - Yes, your effort comparable HR for bike is likely not going to be the same as for running, especially since you have an established running base and don't have one for cycling. Even if you did, I'm pretty sure my running range is higher than my cycling range, although I'm not entirely sure since I only use HR for cycling and use RPE for running. I'd suggest next time you bike that you ride at an effort that feels similar to when you're running at 141. Just keep track of what the corresponding HR is on the bike and you'll have your difference. I also noticed that you mentioned in your log that you were playing around with gearing a lot. Ideally, you'll find one that allows you to hold your cadence in the 80-100 RPM range. Different people will have different spots that they feel comfortable with within this range so it will be up to you if you'd rather average in the 80s or the 90s.

John - Haha, your "partially drowning freestyle" comment cracked me up! Seriously though, please don't drown! To answer your question, yes, I've done some races almost entirely doing the backstroke. It wasn't my initial plan, but early on, I found that my breathing was not going well so I had to flip on my back. It does make sighting more difficult, and it's not very fast, but you definitely can finish doing this if it's what you feel comfortable with.

Hookandy - I'm glad the noseclip is helping you out. In the future, however, I'd recommend you work on phasing it out once you start to get more comfortable with your swim over time. I've heard of people who come to rely on them, then have them knocked off during the swim and then finding themselves at a disadvantage since they don't feel comfortable swimming without it. Definitely use it now, since it's helping, just wanted to mention this as something to keep in mind for the future.

I'm enjoying reading all your posts. You're all very inspiring, and I know you will all be laughing about all of this in just a few months. Have a happy Thursday, everyone!

2014-01-09 1:45 PM
in reply to: KiterChick


Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Tonight is my first pool day...eek. I was supposed to swim last night, but my pool does not have lane swims in the evening on Wednesdays so I'm going to have to adjust my training plan. So tonights the night...I am very anxious. Someone else commented on not being very bouyant and this is definitely a problem for me as well, going to work on not drowning during my swim tonight My training plan only calls for a 12 minute swim, but I will probbaly go for 1/2 an hour since I will likely spend time resting and trying not to drown and will hopefully end up around 12 minutes of actual swimming.
2014-01-09 2:35 PM
in reply to: KiterChick

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Thanks, Sarah. I'll try perceived rate of exertion PRE for my next bike ride. For now I'm pretty sure my HR will be lower than running but no matter.

I am looking forward to a month from now when I think I'll at least be able to breathe in the pool. It sucks learning a completely new sport at age 38. I'm too stubborn and impatient. LOL. BUT, I know because it's difficult we will ALL appreciate our success that much more once we conquer it!
Remember "Nothing worthwhile is ever easy."

Good luck out there!
2014-01-09 4:35 PM
in reply to: #4927615

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Lakeside, California
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Sarah, thanks for the heads up on the swim. I am still going to work to swim the best freestyle I can but knowing that I can do any stroke I need to to get through the swim kinda takes some of the pressure off and I don't need any added pressure!
2014-01-09 11:02 PM
in reply to: KiterChick

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Hi Sarah!
I have a totally newbie question. It's been cold and icy and slushy in town (Denver) so I've been on the trainer. Monday 48min, weds 1hr and I've run in between (swimming tomorrow).
I was planing on getting another hour tomorrow on the bike and my tire is flat... I had filled them like they told me, always checking the pressure. The bike has not been outside, only on the trainer. I tried to inflate and nothing. Is it the tube? Is this common?! I'm bummed, the bike is new (I bought it on December) and I haven't ride outside (yet), yes, I'm a wuss and I'd rather wait until better weather comes back. Is a tube really not supposed to last that long? Or ,was it me and my lack of experience inflating? I have no idea, and need help!
2014-01-09 11:06 PM
in reply to: tri-ingnewthings

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
I just listen to music on the trainer, a good playlist... Boring, yes, but I try to stay focused and think of the big picture... Then again, I've done up to 16miles on a treadmill, so I have no problem staying in if conditions aren't safe enough

2014-01-10 3:03 AM
in reply to: Danielavmar

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
So I have my head around the fact that I am slow in the pool and the fact that my breast stroke is faster than my crawl. My first tri is a sprint in May, so I know I can do the 400m in the pool. Yes I may not be up for a prize, but should finish.

So my question, what to wear? I have done the bike part of a tri relay. I wore my bike shorts and my bike top.

What do I wear? Dont want to spend too much this year, but what do you wear in the pool and then on the bike and run.

2014-01-10 7:55 AM
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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
Hi Hookandy,

You will absolutely finish! You have lots of time between now and May, so who knows, you may just win a prize. I doggy paddled my first sprint tri last fall because of an ill fitting wetsuit. It was too big on top, and water filled it in so that it looked like I was swimming with an anchor around my neck - I couldn't keep my head above the water. Meanwhile, my butt bobbed like a cork.

For me, as for what to wear, after researching online "what to wear for a triathlon", I bought a 2 piece tri suit that I wore under my wetsuit. Once I stripped off the wetsuit, it dried quickly for the bike and run. There isn't much padding in the shorts like typical bike shorts, but with the right bike seat and enough time on the bike in practice, I didn't have any issues. I actually prefer biking in my tri shorts because I can't stand thick padding.

I bought my tri pieces off REI-Outlet dot com. They were 2011 models, so they were hugely discounted in 2013. Total cost was $30. I actually bought 2 sets, not knowing what size to get, and returned the ill fitting one directly to the store.

Now that I think back, it wasn't a ""suit" - it was a tri top and tri shorts, sold separately, not as a set, so it was cheaper that way. They match well enough that it looks like a set.

Another thought is to try a suit or separates at a store for sizing, then look on eBay. That's how I buy all my hiking boots. And there's always Craigslist. I've seen some brand new tri suits, tags still on, for great prices.

I hope you'll find something that works for you. Triathlon gear can really break the bank.

Edited by chuff920 2014-01-10 7:57 AM
2014-01-10 12:01 PM
in reply to: chuff920

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
Hi everyone! No workout this morning, but that's because I'm planning on popping over to the gym this afternoon. Hoping the pool won't be too busy if I got between the lunch and after work hours.

Lacey - How did the swim go?

Gail - Hope the cycling treats you better at the reduced HR!

Daniela - Yes, flats are due to your tube being damaged, but no, having a tube go flat after only a month is definitely not normal, especially on the trainer. Unfortunately, not being able to see your tire or tube, it's hard for me to say what the issue is. You could check your tire to make sure you didn't pickup a small piece of glass or something that is lodged in there. It could be that you just had a bad tube that tore at the valve stem. Do you know how to change a tire? If so, I'd swap in a new tube and hopefully, you won't have issues from there. If not, you could consider taking it into the shop and be sure to ask them to find out where the leak was located. If you have another issue, such as faulty rim tape, this will be a recurring problem, so you'd want to get that take care of.

Hookandy - Carolyn is correct that the typical clothing is a tri top and tri shorts. Some people prefer tri suits, since they are a single piece, and thus don't ride up like the tops can sometimes do. The benefit of the tri shorts is that they have a special chamois that doesn't take on much water. If you were to swim in your bike shorts, you'd feel like you were doing the rest of the race wearing a full, wet diaper. If you'd like to save money, you could just buy a pair of tri shorts, swim in those alone, then throw on your bike jersey in T1 to bike and run in. That being said, be warned that putting on a shirt when you're wet is not necessarily going to go smoothly. You could try it out next time you go swimming. If you're not too concerned about your time though, then this would at least save you money. The advantage of the tri tops is that they're skin tight so you can wear them on the swim too and not have to change.

Carolyn - Ill fitting wetsuits are the worst! I need to drop some weight between now and May because my current wetsuit is too tight and while I can get it on, it makes breathing difficult. Not fun!

Keep up the great training everyone and Happy Friday!
2014-01-10 12:06 PM
in reply to: #4915803

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
I have lots of running and bike stuff. Might try my Lycra shorts in the pool. If the don't work a pair of tri shorts seems the way to go.

Feeling the ache today after the pool yesterday.... Think today shall be a rest day.
2014-01-10 1:06 PM
in reply to: Hookandy

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
I have been swimming in short lycra spandex shorts and a similar tank. I don't even have a "competition" swimsuit. I went to a sporting good store and tried a couple suits on - my first time trying on competitive style swimwear. Let me tell you it was quite humiliating. They make the suits so tight that it squeezes any fat you have out the sides. I felt like a sausage. I immediately took the suits off and left empty handed. I hate swimsuits in August forget January! I shopped for over sized sweatshirts instead and felt better.

I ordered a suit online that looked like it had less option for back fat squeeze. I'll promptly return it if it doesn't work because they are NOT cheap!

I also bought a one piece tri suit online from Pearl Izumi because it looked slick. Again it's hard when you can't try on but I'll just return it if it doesn't work.

I've definitely got a little injury to nurse for a bit. Hamstring/IT band that hurts when I raise my leg. Most notably in biking and running but started to bother me on the swim too at the end. I'm going to take the weekend off and maybe swim easy on Sunday afternoon. No need to be injured now, I want to heal up and create a good base nice and easy.

2014-01-10 1:15 PM
in reply to: #4928657

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Fail force,

Don't think anybody needs fat being forced anywhere. Especially as I have to lose the 10+ lbs I put on over Christmas... Then the 20lbs I needed to lose before. Lycra shorts I already have maybe the way forward.

How well do your Lycra shorts cope with the bike? (Don't tell Sarah, but I have a gel saddle so can get away without padded shorts, as long as the do not chaf during the bike or run)
2014-01-10 5:24 PM
in reply to: Hookandy

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Just a general comment about chlorinated pools and bathing suits. If your suits are lycra, chlorine will eat them within weeks, no matter if you rinse or wash them immediately after. I learned the hard way when my Speedo one piece disintegrated on my butt. So save any tri-wear made of lycra for races.

For women, buy a Dolphin Uglie swimsuit. They are 100% polyester (I think) and are indestructible in chlroine. They are also...bright. $25 or $30 on Swimoutlet dot com. They also run small and are TIGHT. I had to go up a size from my Speedo. I think I should have gone up 2.

Sarah - an ill fitting wetsuit is what I get for not knowing how they should fit. At least it was only $75 on Craigslist. Anyone need a women's small sleeveless Xterra Vortex 2 wetsuit? hehe
2014-01-10 5:25 PM
in reply to: Hookandy

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Originally posted by Hookandy

Fail force,

LOL!!! Hookandy, what a typo!!
2014-01-11 4:04 PM
in reply to: #4928746

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
I blame auto correct.... Sorry. Tried on a tri suit today. After a good laugh bought a pair of shorts instead..... Even losing another 50lb it still would not look good on me!
2014-01-11 5:40 PM
in reply to: Hepcat09

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
You're off to an excellent start going 400. Swim fitness and endurance builds the fastest, you'll be at 1,000 comfortably before you know it. You can use whatever stroke you want in a race, and you'll see folks side stroking and breast stroking with some backstroking as well. They are good rest strokes and break things up. For now throw in those other strokes as you build endurance. If you do 50 yards each of freestyle, sidestroke, breaststroke, and backstroke then repeat you'll be at 400. Then work on adding in 50 every other week, that'll add 100 a month and have you around 1000 by July. You'll also find yourself doing more freestyle and less of the other strokes. You're off to a good start, just keep plugging along.

2014-01-11 5:51 PM
in reply to: Hookandy

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
There's nothing wrong with breast stroking through a race. If you're going to use a wetsuit make sure you practice the breast stroke I. The wetsuit, I'm guessing a wetsuit with roomier shoulders and thinner fabric in the shoulders might be a better setup than most tri wetsuits. A little practice will help a bunch, you don't want to get have way into your race and find out that breast stroke and wetsuit combo is killing your shoulders.
2014-01-12 12:42 AM
in reply to: KiterChick

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
Hi, Sarah and group! To train for my supersprint tri, I've been checking out gyms. I'm currently trying out the seven-day trial gym membership to an XSport Fitness nearby (4 minutes from home)! It has a pool, which is awesome. The problem: I need to learn how to swim freestyle. If I enroll in a standard swim class at the YMCA, will I sufficiently learn the technique of this stroke?

Another question: So far, I have alternated days for my workouts (except swim, which I have not started training for yet) with 10 minutes on the treadmill one day, then 15 minutes on the bike another day. I'm really a beginner--lots of endurance to be built! Are there any specific training programs you all have found to be helpful? I've seen a lot of different ones posted on the site, but it's overwhelming. I would like to have just one plan to stick to and to know would get me prepared.
2014-01-12 11:13 AM
in reply to: KiterChick


Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
Originally posted by KiterChick

Lacey - How did the swim go?

My first swim this week actually went ok. The pool was quiet and once I got started I was reasonably comfortable. I swam pretty slow but found a decent pace for me, I did 25m freestyle, 25m backstroke and 25m breast stroke then took a 1 minute break. I repeated this for 30 min and swam about 600m total. My goal for this week was to just swim, stay afloat and hopefully not freak out, then next week I planned to start incorporating some drills to work on form and endurance.

However, I went for my second swim this week this morning and it did not go well. The pool was busier (and I had to share my lane), I don't know if this is what was affecting me, but my anxiety levels were really high, I couldn't regulate my breathing and had a few moments where I started to panic. I attempted to do the same workout as my previous swim but a couple of time I couldn't finish the full length on the freestyle because I would panic that I was going to drown and I would have to finish the length in breast stroke which is where I am more comfortable. This swim was fairly devastating for my confidence. I still stayed in the pool for 30 minutes and did my best to get through it, because I felt like giving up early wasn't going to get me anywhere, but I am anxious to start week two.

Tomorrow I swim again, and luckily I have a swim buddy coming with me (maybe this will help?). I found some beginner swim drills on this website and I am going to incorporate these into my workout tomorrow. My triathlon isn't until July, so I just have to keep reminding myself that I have time to figure this swim out if I just stick with it.

I also did 45 min on the bike today (at the gym) and it was good. I am not overly concerned about the bike and run legs (other than the worry about completing them together with the swim), so I will just need to really focus on the swim
2014-01-12 1:24 PM
in reply to: #4929324

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED

I know what you mean about a busy pool. Went today and it was kid soup. Kids splashing and jumping. Parents standing round chatting, and to top things off they have a rapid current pulling everybody in the pool around the fake island. Good for getting used to the maelstrom of the start, but awful for building a stroke.

Keep going, you will get there. Slow down and then slow down again. You WILL get there.

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date : June 14, 2012
author : IndoIronYanti
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MAPS is Meditation, Acclimatization, Practice, and Strategy, which are key for giving you the confidence and skills to execute the open-water swim in a triathlon well.
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Once you caught your breath, it occurred to you that finishing even a short triathlon might be harder than you thought. After a few "laps" you thought, "I can't believe I'm so out of shape."
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The start of the race I had the jitters. I was watching the other age groups start as they seeded the swim with over 1000 participants.