BT Development Mentor Program Archives » The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-03-03 12:21 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Americus, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Well, I'm obviously a novice! I hadn't even thought about them being required!!!
Bleh...this is not gonna be fun...a swim cap, in my first race, in June in southwest GA. I'm gonna pass out in the swim or my head is going to melt off. Great....
But besides the heat factor, I can see where it would help you become "present" and channel all those endorphins in the best possible way. Thanks for info!!

2014-03-03 8:21 PM
in reply to: marriedthepoolguy

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
I train w\ my cap on.
If its on funny I feel like it presses more water into my ears.
But if its on right it feels good.

I also train w\ it on as I know its needed on race day.
  • ...
  • 2014-03-03 9:07 PM
    in reply to: Clarkey77

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    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Ive had a pretty crappy week and a half of training.
    Im getting my work in but I am slogging through it.
  • .. not feeling it. nursing a cold as well.

  • Sunday I planned an indoor brick and mainly failed.
    Today I planned a med run 2.5 - 3.5 miles half hour ish.

    after a warm up and about 10 min light jogging I got a stitch/back spasm.
    Had to slow down and walk for a few minutes before picking it back up.
    Got my half hour in, but only a little under or about 2.5 miles.

    then some weights and core.

    Then half hour in the pool - swimming length and form again.

    --I am feeling much more confident about the swim.

  • . But I am worried as I am 5 weeks out before my recovery week before the race.
  • Im hoping to be back to 100% by the weekend and really crank out some good workouts.

    Wed I have a long run planned - 4 miles...
    Ill report back on how I make out.
    2014-03-04 10:37 AM
    in reply to: pfomalont

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    Marshall Michigan
    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Hello - I need a group and yours it right up my alley.
    I'm a Paper Boy in my small town of 10000 - about 400 customers......I've killed 4 cars in the last 15 years of delivering the news paper...a few years back - got in shape - raced a tri in Chicago - ran a marathon - and really loved the training....then as another car was dieing i said to myself...ya know Bill - you could just go run that route.

    Well that was it - running the papers around is almost as fast as the car, I'm hooked. The out comes the MTB - (love MTBing) - now at the correct time weather and attitude - I can ride my bike - (Which is faster than the car) up to 22 miles a night and still run 25min.....things get mixed up all the 60min ride 90min - run 30 bike 100min - whatever I have time for or how I feel.

    6 days a week with a canvas paper bag over my shoulder I run and ride...studded tires on the mtb for winter...

    3500 miles for the bike last year and just over 600 for the run.....most of which is the papers...I have little intense training - but I have built a very good base line for endurance.... I'M SO SLOW - but I keep it going Mon - Sat.

    This year was going to be my year for Iron distance. I talked myself out of it NEXT YEAR WILL BE THE YEAR!

    Going to keep it local this year - a few tri's oly distance....a few Mtb races - I hope a xterra....really had fun with that...but my race isn't coming back this year...bummer..

    Swimming is my time cruncher - if i have time I swim...

    Thanks for the post
    2014-03-04 11:09 AM
    in reply to: Clarkey77

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    Americus, Georgia
    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Clarkey77 - do you ever do circuit workouts with your swimming? For instance:

    Repeat 5 times:
    - Swim 100-200m moderate pace
    - Pushups - 30 seconds worth of pushups (10-40 reps depending on fitness level)
    - Abs of choice - crunches, setups, flutter kicks, leg levers - 1:00 of abs

    I'm looking for some variety. I've been rotating through the five workouts for a couple of months and now I'm looking for a little something different. Would be interested to know if others have done their as well.
    Thanks all!
    2014-03-04 3:54 PM
    in reply to: Clarkey77

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    Deep South, Georgia
    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Originally posted by Clarkey77

    Ive had a pretty crappy week and a half of training.
    Im getting my work in but I am slogging through it.
  • .. not feeling it. nursing a cold as well.

  • Sunday I planned an indoor brick and mainly failed.
    Today I planned a med run 2.5 - 3.5 miles half hour ish.

    after a warm up and about 10 min light jogging I got a stitch/back spasm.
    Had to slow down and walk for a few minutes before picking it back up.
    Got my half hour in, but only a little under or about 2.5 miles.

    then some weights and core.

    Then half hour in the pool - swimming length and form again.

    --I am feeling much more confident about the swim.

  • . But I am worried as I am 5 weeks out before my recovery week before the race.
  • Im hoping to be back to 100% by the weekend and really crank out some good workouts.

    Wed I have a long run planned - 4 miles...
    Ill report back on how I make out.

    Try taking a day or two off. If you are slogging through workouts and its not fun (especially if you are trying to fight off being sick) then it is ok to take a day or two and rest. Listen to your body! You are not going to lose any hard earned fitness by resting a couple of days. Recharge your mind and body and you will be ready to come back fresh and motivated in a few days.
    Sunday was a scheduled rest day for me. It was much needed. On Monday morning I was still fatigued and not feeling motivated. Low on energy and suffering from some mental stresses from work etc. I made the decision to take a 2nd day off. Today I feel like new. Had a great run today and ready to move on to a strong week of training. It's amazing what a short reset will do for you. I'm not saying skip workouts whenever you don't feel like doing them, but sometimes if a lack of motivation is persisting then it's Ok to take a day or two and recharge.

    2014-03-05 11:04 AM
    in reply to: Dominion

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    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Hi all,

    Sorry I missed the Sunday check in. Lots of work and lots of skiing was the name of the game this weekend.

    I did a quick peak at your training logs to see what you have done (or at least posted) to everyone who has written in the forum this week.

    Jennifer- You have so swims posted. Seems like swimming is your main focus as I imagine it is for many of us in the winter. I like your discussion about the swim caps. I never had used one until my first triathlon either. I guess I don't have too much of an opinion about them. I never train with them but it does feel sort of cool when you put them on right before a race. I usually have really short hair so it is no problem but I can imagine they are a pain with longer hair. Keep on swimming, maybe its time to get some running and biking in.

    Neil- Wow you have a really impressive training log. Looks like you are really dedicated. I agree with Chris. Be careful about pushing yourself too much if you aren't feeling great. You had a monster Sunday. Did you manage to do all three sports back to back? Keep up the good work but don't burn yourself out.

    Bill- Hello Bill and welcome to the group. You absolutely win as the best training story that I have heard! I love your training log, it is just running, running, running. The best advice I can give for not being slow is to train fast. You would be surprised but it takes very little fast training to start gaining speed. The best way is by doing intervals I think. Try and make yourself run fast for 5 minutes 10 times during your runs. It is training your body to move at a different speed. I have the same problem. I can bike for hours at a slow and steady pace but am trying to get faster on the bike. I think we are all genetically predisposed for a certain speed and training means forcing our bodies to push harder. That is the reason I like to race so much. It is a way to do this and have the fun of competing.

    Travis- Great fun reading your training log. Let's see there was dancing, volunteering, commuter cycling, core, and a few other things. I love the diversity. I also liked the brick of riding then dog walking. That makes so much sense to do at least a walk after your ride. It is all about training those muscles to do three really different sports. Keep on posting your radio times. I would love to listen in.

    Wayne- Here is where my mind needs training. I honestly can't remember if you have joined this group or not? Sorry if I forgot If you are new let us know if you want to join.

    Le'Ann- Wow you have some nice PB's. Congrats on the 23.Feb race. Can you give us a race report? I am curious how it went. From your post I am guessing that it was a challenging race. I saw on your log that you are doing lots of elliptical. I guess in Canada you are still trapped inside mostly. You have a really ambitious race plan. That is awesome! Is the Iron Girl a full ironman race? Keep up the training and I look forward to hearing about your races.

    Chris- Thanks again for keeping this forum alive with great day to day posts. I am often so emailed out (as probably all of you) that I just do have much energy to do more than this once a week recap, though I will try and be better. How is your training going? You think this is going to be a good season? I can't see your training log, not sure if you want me looking (I am curious) and if not no worries I can totally understand that keeping things private in this day is important.

    Myself- My training has all but vanished as we had another epic snow week in the Alps. I found the "next" secret ski field in Switzerland, Bruson. It has some of the most incredible tree skiing ever. Great for a day with loads of pow but horrendous visibility. I also took a half day on Thursday and skied the Glacier. it is at 3000 meters and we ski off of it and down the from face of the mountain for an epic descent. To get a workout in me and a few friends went ingot the backcountry. We toured in and then skinned up a couloir until it got to steep and then post holed up the 40 degree face to the top. Talk about a work out. Chest deep snow climbing up a mountain at altitude. It was 4 hours of delicious punishment. Less than a month away from my Ironman. I am getting excited/worried.

    Thanks to all who posted this week. I am sorry if I missed anyone. If you haven't posted in a while please do and I will make you part of the next weekly update.

    Have a great week everyone!!

    2014-03-05 2:07 PM
    in reply to: #4958390

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    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Chris & Paul,
    Thank you for your feedback.
    I took yesterday off even though I had a light workout planned. I am going to have a Med to Long run tonight and will let you all know how I make out. I plan on swimming after- short swim if I feel I did well running - med to long swim I I don't feel the run!

    Yeah Sunday was a Monster!
    It was a planned Brick that I didn't do too well on so I lifted and swam after the brick.
    It was 2 + hours,
    But I lifted between the run and the swim.

    I am definitely putting in the training hours and feel they are pretty productive ( until the last week).
    2014-03-05 7:23 PM
    in reply to: pfomalont

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    Deep South, Georgia
    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    I don't mind if you look at my logs. I have it set to "friends". I'll add you.
    2014-03-05 7:25 PM
    in reply to: marriedthepoolguy

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    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Originally posted by marriedthepoolguy

    Clarkey77 - do you ever do circuit workouts with your swimming? For instance:

    Repeat 5 times:
    - Swim 100-200m moderate pace
    - Pushups - 30 seconds worth of pushups (10-40 reps depending on fitness level)
    - Abs of choice - crunches, setups, flutter kicks, leg levers - 1:00 of abs

    I'm looking for some variety. I've been rotating through the five workouts for a couple of months and now I'm looking for a little something different. Would be interested to know if others have done their as well.
    Thanks all!

    I missed this message - but no - I don't do any circuits w\ swimming.
    I really am only working on form at this point.
    I don't really work on distance either at this point.

    I am confident that I can make the distance, but would like to exit the water without being gassed.

  • ...

  • Todays workout - 4 miles - 50 min on the Dreadmill.... (including warmup and cool down).. then lenghs in the pool.
    The day off yesterday really recharged the batteries!

    2014-03-05 7:41 PM
    in reply to: Clarkey77

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    Deep South, Georgia
    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Originally posted by Clarkey77

    Originally posted by marriedthepoolguy

    Clarkey77 - do you ever do circuit workouts with your swimming? For instance:

    Repeat 5 times:
    - Swim 100-200m moderate pace
    - Pushups - 30 seconds worth of pushups (10-40 reps depending on fitness level)
    - Abs of choice - crunches, setups, flutter kicks, leg levers - 1:00 of abs

    I'm looking for some variety. I've been rotating through the five workouts for a couple of months and now I'm looking for a little something different. Would be interested to know if others have done their as well.
    Thanks all!

    I missed this message - but no - I don't do any circuits w\ swimming.
    I really am only working on form at this point.
    I don't really work on distance either at this point.

    I am confident that I can make the distance, but would like to exit the water without being gassed.

  • ...

  • Todays workout - 4 miles - 50 min on the Dreadmill.... (including warmup and cool down).. then lenghs in the pool.
    The day off yesterday really recharged the batteries!

    Glad to hear the batteries are recharged! It's amazing what even one day of rest can do. I felt great today as well after my 2 days off. Looking forward to a swim with paddles tomorrow, then had a 10k run planned, but weather looks like a high of around 42 with rain, so I will probably skip the run and do another hour on the trainer.

    2014-03-06 7:20 AM
    in reply to: Dominion

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    Americus, Georgia
    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    I was just wondering who else in this feed is a newbie and following the 13 week beginner plan that is somewhere on this site? I "officially" start it on Monday; I've been working up to now on getting my baselines up to par. No biggie, just curious. Thanks all!
    2014-03-07 6:20 AM
    in reply to: marriedthepoolguy

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    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    I was following the 20 - week beginner ironman plan just to keep in shape this winter. It is pretty good and I liked the way it gave my winter some structure. I must admit the last month I have not really been using it but that has more to do with skiing and less about the plan.

    I like the way that you can rearrange the training. I put it in my calendar and then for each week you can easily move the workouts. SO basically I took every week and just moved the training to where I knew that I could do the workout. It is very elastic and I liked that. The only negative was that when you logged your workout on the training plan it didn't show up on the training log so I would have to do each upload twice to get it on both logs.

    2014-03-07 6:22 AM
    in reply to: pfomalont

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    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Just signed up for the coolest multi sport event ever!!

    Check out the Inferno Triathlon. It is swim, road bike, mountain bike, run all located in the Interlaken area in the shadows of the Eiger. It has huge ascents on each leg, except for the swim

    So excited to do it!
    2014-03-07 10:28 AM
    in reply to: 0

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    New user
    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    I would like to join group.

    I am 51 year old football coach in Lexington Ky, married to a beautiful lady and together we now have 5 grown children, and 1 granddaughter. I did my first sprint triathlon 2 years ago, and then moved to location that I couldn't swim train anymore. Back in central Ky, I am able to work at it again. I love the same aspects of triathlons as many of you, the challenge and preparation, meeting new people, going to new places and being able to say at age 51 I am a triathlete As with many newbies my worst event is the swim, I thought I was going to drown on my first and only tri so far, and it was in a
    They didn't stage swimmers by times, so I hadn't swam 15 meters, and some little gal came right over top of my head! I got passed again on the turn, so I started trying to speed up - wrong decision. By 100 meters I was hyperventilating, and had to stop in deep end an grab lane rope. Wheew, finally got settled down and finished in a staggering 15:20, little embarrassed but mainly glad to have made it out of pool Ride and run went pretty good, and I reached my main goal I finished! and I wasn't last either. Felt great to have done it, and I knew I wanted to try another a little better prepared and wiser

    2014: I plan to go to Atlanta, Chastain Park, TriPATHlon on April 5th. This is fill in race to get me jump started for summer, I hope I can get ready by then.
    Coney Isalnd Tri - Cincinnati May 24th,

    Cincinnati Tri June 29th (first open water swim) All sprints, but I would like to move up in distance but must become better more comfortable on swim first.

    Maybe another Tri in July or August - who knows maybe an Olympic!

    Training: Last triathlon I ran at 235lbs, I weighed in on my first workout at 258lbs, down to 249 right now, and I am shooting for 240lbs by April 1st.
    I have been feeling little weak last couple of days, may be doing too much on too little fuel. I work out about 6 days a week with lifting part of those work out 3 days.

    Swim: I have been trying to learn Total Immersion techniques to improve my swim technique, and get rid of some drag. Really tough on swim. I can go 400m without stopping now without too much problem, I think some of my issues are psychological during swim. I did get new high of 800m last week on swim, so that gave me new confidence. Any advice in this area is always appreciated!

    Biking: Not done much biking because of weather, but I can get caught up pretty quick on bike.

    Running: is not easy for me either, I am running mile to 2 miles 3 days a week. Continuing to build endurance for race, if weather improves and I can run outside more, that will help.

    I appreciate any advice, encouragement and discussion

    What do I need to do to join group? Is this request enough?

    Edited by coachrains 2014-03-07 10:43 AM
    2014-03-07 11:36 AM
    in reply to: coachrains

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    Americus, Georgia
    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Hiya, Coach! I saw your post from a month or so ago on the 13 week training plan thread. I think that thread must be defunct. But welcome to this one! Paul is awesome and everyone here is nice and helpful.
    I'm also doing the 13 week beginner program. I officially start it this coming Monday; I've spent the past two months getting my base lines up to par. I'm glad to have a training partner on the program!! Good luck to you!!

    2014-03-07 1:27 PM
    in reply to: marriedthepoolguy

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    New user
    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    thanks Jennifer, We finally saw the sun and warm weather in Kentucky.....I am pumped for a bike ride!!!!
    2014-03-08 7:46 AM
    in reply to: #4916679


    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Hey Paul,
    Thanks for checking out my training log. Yes, there's still so much snow here! Its been very challenging to get outside for runs 'cause the sidewalks are covered with ice and the roads have been narrowed by huge snow banks. Definitely no cycling outside. Just Spin classes for now. The Feb 23 race was a silly fun-run with some girlfriends. We worked at Disney, Epcot Centre together years ago. The one girl was turning 45 so we did the Disney Princess half marathon in tiaras and tutus. Crazy but a lot of fun The Iron Girl Race is a sprint distance. I'm using it as my 'practice race'. Would like to do an Iron Man 70.3 in the fall but having a hard time finding one that fits my calendar.
    2014-03-08 3:49 PM
    in reply to: #4961790

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    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Married the pool guy:

    I am a beginner noobie to Tri.
    I loosely based my training based on the schedules listed, but felt it was not nearly challenging enough (except the swim).
    I took that schedule and ramped it up quite a bit.
  • ....

  • Today I feel GREAT!
    I had two days off - did some core and heavy walking - but today I hit a new PR for distance. I never ran much more than 4 miles. Today I ran 5.2! Not including warmup or down! Totally thrilled.
    Now I need a nap!!!
    2014-03-08 8:10 PM
    in reply to: Clarkey77


    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN

    I must confess I am terrible at keeping logs!

    I really am trying hard to improve though! but lately I'm focusing a lot on losing weight, so I keep a food log for my nutritionist on top of keeping a workout log for my personal trainer...

    and I have a strength training log + the triathlon log lol

    that makes too many logs!

    I am improving a lot with the swim though! just too bad I can't go as often as I'd like to maintain this momentum.

    looking forward to being able to run outside again soon (ever since I pulled my groin running in snow, I've stuck to the treadmill during the winter. I might get back to running in the cold once I'm more fit overall + my core)

    if you have any tips helping to log too many things in too many places, I'm all ears! lol

    2014-03-09 9:52 AM
    in reply to: #4961930

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    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Two tips - log all your workouts here! Tri, strength and fitness!

    I recommend my fitness pal for diet/food logs! Easy to use

    You can keep your weight/measurements in either or both of those logs

    2014-03-10 6:32 AM
    in reply to: Clarkey77

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    Marshall Michigan
    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Happy Monday all - Well last week was a recovery week for my running - have been adding miles for 3 weeks - and man I'm so glad I listened to my body and took it easy last week. Today I feel recharged and ready to start buildiung again.

    I live in Michigan - and well in other years I would have been delivering papers on my MTb bike. This year has been a killer with snow and ice - so my bike broke down in Jan, sat on the fix it rack in my dining room for 4 weeks.....well I finally worked it up this weekend and tomorrow I RIDE!
    Super excited to get back on and also log something other then running in my logs.

    This year I have 2 goals I'm shooting for.
    Running 730 miles - so I can say I ran 2 miles a day every day in 2014. another story - nothing set in stone but 4000 miles by years end.

    Have a super day
    2014-03-10 7:28 AM
    in reply to: Clarkey77

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    Americus, Georgia
    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Thanks, Clarkey!
    I'm really only using it so I don't have to think about what to do each day. I am using it for the running because I am so dang slow. On swim days I'm just doing one of the workouts I posted, and then I bike to work when the weather is good.
    2014-03-10 1:06 PM
    in reply to: pfomalont

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    Marshall Michigan
    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Wow - i just looked at photos from 2013. If it is was the same race - Holy Crap! You are going to be toast by the end of that.

    Those Mountains in the back drop are so cool! What a great place to race - I wish you all the best -

    Money well spent Sir.
    2014-03-10 1:12 PM
    in reply to: Paper Boy

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    Marshall Michigan
    Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
    Originally posted by Paper Boy

    Wow - i just looked at photos from 2013. If it is was the same race - Holy Crap! You are going to be toast by the end of that.

    Those Mountains in the back drop are so cool! What a great place to race - I wish you all the best -

    Money well spent Sir.

    Sorry i forgot how to reply - this is the race that looked so cool.
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