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2015-01-02 4:22 AM
in reply to: Qua17

Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Room for another beer drinker?? Ranger IPA is my favorite....

Name Steve

My story, I last raced in 2008 when I completed 5 races and was in great shape!! I even finished on the podium in one!! The next year started with my business nearly drying up, then my Wife and I losing our house in a short sale,. With the depression that followed I stopped doing everything that I loved, except drinking beer. Since then have put on 20 lbs. Over the years I have tried to get back on track, however injuries here and there keep stopping me.

Family, Wife of 22 years and 3 great kids 15, 13,12.

Training as of now.... nothing

Races for 2015 there are a bunch in our area so I will update as soon as I get some training in.

Weight loss 226 I need to get down to around 200 to be healthy.

I also have a blog at (nothing there right now)

2015-01-02 10:58 AM
in reply to: b2b14

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by b2b14

Originally posted by kevinbe

Originally posted by b2b14


Bells 2 hearted is a great beer! Glad you could enjoy it, and hope after that list of goodness you drank plenty of water today.

Ran 3 miles at the local lake trail there are some pretty hilly areas which I like b/c it makes almost any race I run easy in comparison. Today though it seems as though my pace was off. I finished but wasn't happy with my time. I would also like to vent for just a second and ask for a little advise. The lake trail I run is a city [ark and the trail is paved. There are always walkers, dog walkers, strollers, hikers, bikers ect. Normally it hasn't been an issue, when I come up on someone going the other way they see me, I see them and I move to a side of the trial they move to the other. If we are going the same way i will announce "I'm on left/right" because most will start to look over their shoulder as I come up because they can hear me. I say "thank you" as I pass them especially if they moved to make sure they were not in my way. My last run a woman was walking her dog who was off in the woods to the left of the trial owner was almost center or trail. I went to the far right (going same direction) on the very edge of the trail. The dog ran from off the trail across her and jumped at me, I was mid stride which made me knee the dog. I'm not sure if it was attacking or trying to play but I was pretty angry about it. I may have yelled some no so nice things conveying my displeasure (which I now regret but it was my natural reaction). Then today there was a large group walking together I estimate 15 people taking up the whole trail. They could see me coming and I moved to the edge of the trail thinking they would make a lane.... nope. By the time i realized the guy was not going to move it was to late. Being that I am 6'5" 230 I ran thought it but could feel a pretty solid thud as i went by, it was the front person and the ones in the rear had made way. This time I held my tongue at least. Am I crazy for getting upset and feeling that they were not showing basic "share the trail" courtesy? End rant

I am having Oh' Dark Thirty as my new years beer. Brewed in Fayetteville N,C. Imperial Black IPA.

Both scenarios would have upset me as well. The dog thing. Put your animal on a leash in a popular trail area if it cannot handle not running after others. I often p/u rocks on my runs and hold in hands. I've been chased by big dogs, and it's no fun. I will not become a casualty, at least w/o a fight, or at the least, a good stones throw at a charging animal. It's the pet owners responsibility.

If it were me, and I continued to have problems on this trail, I would begrudgingly pick another route, or time to run on trail.

That beer sounds wonderful.

I hate to hurt the dog, it was the owners fault. Glad I'm not crazy for being p'd off though. I was really just those 2 people every other time has been great. So we will see. I typically only run there for my long runs on Mondays while most people are at work.

Trail etiquette is always a guessing game, we have a big dog who we let off lease on trails, and sometimes she runs after other dogs to play, but not ususally people. But we do feel guilty about it and think that maybe we should lease her at all times.... I would say in our town on the trail systems it is a 70/30 split between Leashed/Unleashed. I do agree that it is the pet owners responsibilty though and if someone hit my dog because she was off lease and coming towards them, I would understand completely.

Last night we were walking on a trail and a snowmobile came ripping around a corner, my 2 1/2 year old was standing on the side of the trail eating snow and my wife had to scoop her up quickly and jump into deep snow..... I kinda wish I had a rock in my hand for that D-bag....
(it is a well signed walking 'only' trail but snowmobilers use it to get out of town onto the actual snowmobile trails all the time)
2015-01-02 11:10 AM
in reply to: justinfss

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Lots of new faces and activity to start the new year!

I wrapped up 2014 with a sub 2-hour half marathon! My goal was "somewhere close to 2 hours" , felt good the whole way and came in at 1:57. Next official event is the Rebel Challenge 10k/HM at Disneyland in a couple of weeks, no rest for the weary!

For those getting into running again I have found that the mantra "run often, mostly easy" is a great way to get your running legs in shape. A good "couch to 5k" plan with 3-4 runs a week is a good safe start that helps avoid injury while building up a base. Most of my runs are in the easy 9:30 pace range and I've found that come race day I'm able to hold an 8:30-45 pace due to the endurance base I've built. While that may be a slow pace for the real racers out there, it's a solid "middle of the pack" pace for the rest of us regular folks.

2015-01-02 11:10 AM
in reply to: justinfss

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Glad to be welcomed back into the fold folks!

Going to follow the running advice from Kevin and start slow, 3x week. It is -24 degrees celcius here today so today is not going to be my first running day!
2015-01-02 11:49 AM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by MOlsen

Lots of new faces and activity to start the new year!

I wrapped up 2014 with a sub 2-hour half marathon! My goal was "somewhere close to 2 hours" , felt good the whole way and came in at 1:57. Next official event is the Rebel Challenge 10k/HM at Disneyland in a couple of weeks, no rest for the weary!

For those getting into running again I have found that the mantra "run often, mostly easy" is a great way to get your running legs in shape. A good "couch to 5k" plan with 3-4 runs a week is a good safe start that helps avoid injury while building up a base. Most of my runs are in the easy 9:30 pace range and I've found that come race day I'm able to hold an 8:30-45 pace due to the endurance base I've built. While that may be a slow pace for the real racers out there, it's a solid "middle of the pack" pace for the rest of us regular folks.

see you at Disney mark.

With all the people talking about weight loss who weigh less than I do perhaps I should get into that groove as well. Doing 5 miles today, and hoping that my pace will get better. I was running 8:30-9:00 but in the last week my pace has dropped to 10:30-11:00. It may be a product of running the trail at the lake and not the road around the house or work. Today will tell. I'm running at work so if my pace is fine then i will attribute it to the hills and keep running them till i get better. Still haven't gotten to ride my bike, much anyway i rode with my daughter b/c she wanted to train for her race yesterday. It really consist of me barley peddling and ridding the brakes so I stay with her. It was a great time, but not really a test of the bike.

I have decided to do the police fire games triathlon. There are 5 of us at my department who have done tri's and are interested in doing it. We want to get tops made with our department on them, I doubt we will get any support from the city so with that in mind if anyone has advise on fundraising or sponsorship please PM me. I have contacted a few places and will be contacting a few more, but this is really not my area of expertise.

Edited by b2b14 2015-01-02 11:54 AM
2015-01-02 2:20 PM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Moonrocket

Anyone have any tips on starting up running again after a long time off? I do not love running and signed up for my first race the end of May which has a 4.8 mile run. Time to get started.

I'm starting over with running, having only ran maybe 5 times since Dec of 2010. Couch to 5k plan for me. If you are better off aerobically and weight wise than I am, I would think you could start several weeks into the program.

All the C25k program does is get's you from no running, to walking, to mostly walking, to mostly running, to all running. With a 30min time for the workout.

Whatever works for you, just go out and start something and stick with it.


2015-01-02 2:20 PM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Moonrocket

I would love to see pictures of the bike dog training :-). I'm having a hard time envisioning it.

This is from yesterday...not the greatest of shots, but you get the idea.


lena010115.jpg (155KB - 7 downloads)
2015-01-02 2:23 PM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Moonrocket

Anyone have any tips on starting up running again after a long time off? I do not love running and signed up for my first race the end of May which has a 4.8 mile run. Time to get started.

I don't know about starting it up after a long time off, but I only started running two years ago at the age of 44...I did the Couch to 5K program and found it pretty easily doable. And really....I had never run and FULLY expected the experience to be a failure...two years later, I run a minimum of three days a week and I actually quite enjoy it. There is a 5 to 10 K that you could add on afterwards to get the additional couple of miles.

2015-01-02 3:56 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

Originally posted by Moonrocket

I would love to see pictures of the bike dog training :-). I'm having a hard time envisioning it.

This is from yesterday...not the greatest of shots, but you get the idea.

That is pretty Awesome!
2015-01-02 4:09 PM
in reply to: justinfss

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Just dicscovered that they are running a full Ironman just 5 hours from where I live. Ironman Muskoka.

Also I have family who lives in the town where it is being hosted, so I would have no associated costs of accomadations... This is maybe a goal I could shoot for eventually.

700 bucks to do a race seems pretty steep though, what do you guys think about entrance fees, are they getting out of hand?
2015-01-02 5:25 PM
in reply to: justinfss

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by justinfss

Just dicscovered that they are running a full Ironman just 5 hours from where I live. Ironman Muskoka.

Also I have family who lives in the town where it is being hosted, so I would have no associated costs of accomadations... This is maybe a goal I could shoot for eventually.

700 bucks to do a race seems pretty steep though, what do you guys think about entrance fees, are they getting out of hand?

Justin - Doing an IM is a great goal... IF YOU want to do it. It's a LOT of work. I figured it took my 2x as long to train for an IM as it did to earn my eagle scout. The difference - making eagle took me 5 years and training for IMMT took me 14 months. So - only sign up for it if doing an IM is important to you.

As for the cost - it depends. The 700 you spend on a WTC race is really for the experience - the dinner, the expo, Mike Rielly (we even had fireworks). At other races - which are cheaper - you are getting less of an experience. The upside of doing a non WTC race is that the customer service is better (they are fighting for your business) and people are more friendly since you have fewer 1%ers (just a theory I am working on).

Whatever you decide - do what makes you happy!

2015-01-02 5:28 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

Originally posted by Moonrocket

I would love to see pictures of the bike dog training :-). I'm having a hard time envisioning it.

This is from yesterday...not the greatest of shots, but you get the idea.

Mush! I want my dog to pull my bike!
2015-01-02 5:46 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
For the record - I had to give myself a Coors Lite Penalty for skipping my workout yesterday. I didn't blow it off - but with company coming - I simply ran out of time. Today, I got in a bike ride. Holy cr@p am I out of shape. I got winded biking up the first hill from my house. The fact that I weighed in at 231 this morning might have something to do with it. Since August, I've gained a whopping 35 lbs since August. So, I am all in on focuses on weight loss.

I had a thought while out on my ride... WOuldn't it be cool if we could figure out a way to ship each other beer? I would move heaven and earth to finally get to try Pliny the Elder... A contest/swap... Maybe someone with a sense for these things could figure it out.

I also want to create BDAS bike shirts. We came so close last july - Once we get a full crew - it might be cool to design a shirt for us BDASers to sport while out on our rides...

Have a great weekend everyone!
2015-01-02 8:04 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I got in a quick cross country ski today- started way too late and didn't have a headlamp.

I had an inversion IPA in the shower after. The kayaker in me still thinks a cold PBR in a hot shower is the best. It just tastes like the river to me- but we were out of swill. A little hoppy for post workout for me.

The Ironman fees are crazy high, but they seem to sell out so I guess they work from a business perspective. I've only done a 70.3 relay which was crazy expensive, but a ton of fun (and about 4 miles from my house- so super easy). They have an IM there now- but I don't have any interest in that at this point- I hate running too much :-)

I want a shirt!

2015-01-02 8:08 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

Originally posted by Moonrocket

I would love to see pictures of the bike dog training :-). I'm having a hard time envisioning it.

This is from yesterday...not the greatest of shots, but you get the idea.

Very Cool! I think that would be a death wish with my dog - who loves to chase moose.
2015-01-02 10:17 PM
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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
If it's not too late I would love to join this group.

NAME: Chris (cwpeters)

STORY: Completed my 1st tri in fall of 2009. Finished 2nd to last in the U40 Clydes but fell in love with the competition. Over the next 8 months I ate right, followed a training plan, changed a lot of bad habits, lost about 50 pounds and in May finished my 2nd tri just 16 seconds behind the first place in the U40 Clydes. Went on to have a very successful season and eventually got down to 225 lbs. from almost 300. Over the next 2 years I completed sprints, OLYs and a HIM along with several HMs and a Century. Unfortunately I then had a job change and fell back into the old and bad habits. While still competing on a regular basis, I have lost my training motivation and put back on almost all of the weight I once lost.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a wonderful woman for 16 years and father to two boys for 12 (almost 13) and 10 years.

CURRENT TRAINING: I signed up for a HIM yesterday that takes place Feb. 8, so I need to get some run training in.

2014 RACES: 2 duathlons, 4 sprints, and 1 almost OLY.

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: HM and then whatever jumps. There are several local races and 1 "destination" race I will continue to do plus hopefully a late season HIM.

BEER PREFERENCE: Abita Beer - Turbo Dog, Purple Haze, and Andygator. Leinenkugel - Sunset Wheat, Summer Shandy, Berry Weiss, and all of the Winter Sampler.

WEIGHT LOSS: Need to drop a good 50+ pounds again. I used the Abs Diet back in 2010 and will be going back to that plan again.

Edited by cwpeters 2015-01-03 1:03 AM

2015-01-03 12:48 AM
in reply to: 0

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

I had a thought while out on my ride... WOuldn't it be cool if we could figure out a way to ship each other beer? I would move heaven and earth to finally get to try Pliny the Elder... A contest/swap... Maybe someone with a sense for these things could figure it out.
I'd love to send you some Deschuttes, or Widmer's.

I also want to create BDAS bike shirts. We came so close last july - Once we get a full crew - it might be cool to design a shirt for us BDASers to sport while out on our rides...
Great Idea. I'm all in

Edited by kevinbe 2015-01-03 12:49 AM
2015-01-03 12:51 AM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Moonrocket

I got in a quick cross country ski today- started way too late and didn't have a headlamp.

I had an inversion IPA in the shower after. The kayaker in me still thinks a cold PBR in a hot shower is the best. It just tastes like the river to me- but we were out of swill. A little hoppy for post workout for me.

The Ironman fees are crazy high, but they seem to sell out so I guess they work from a business perspective. I've only done a 70.3 relay which was crazy expensive, but a ton of fun (and about 4 miles from my house- so super easy). They have an IM there now- but I don't have any interest in that at this point- I hate running too much :-)

I want a shirt!

You had me at Inversion. See David, Deschuttes is something special here in the PNW, and beyond.
2015-01-03 11:22 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by justinfss

Just dicscovered that they are running a full Ironman just 5 hours from where I live. Ironman Muskoka.

Also I have family who lives in the town where it is being hosted, so I would have no associated costs of accomadations... This is maybe a goal I could shoot for eventually.

700 bucks to do a race seems pretty steep though, what do you guys think about entrance fees, are they getting out of hand?

Justin - Doing an IM is a great goal... IF YOU want to do it. It's a LOT of work. I figured it took my 2x as long to train for an IM as it did to earn my eagle scout. The difference - making eagle took me 5 years and training for IMMT took me 14 months. So - only sign up for it if doing an IM is important to you.

As for the cost - it depends. The 700 you spend on a WTC race is really for the experience - the dinner, the expo, Mike Rielly (we even had fireworks). At other races - which are cheaper - you are getting less of an experience. The upside of doing a non WTC race is that the customer service is better (they are fighting for your business) and people are more friendly since you have fewer 1%ers (just a theory I am working on).

Whatever you decide - do what makes you happy!

That last line is really what it is all about for sure!

2015-01-03 11:45 AM
in reply to: justinfss

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
IM fees are crazy, but a friend of mine who coordinates all the races in Raleigh including the IM one said the main guy he talks too said that as long as they keep selling out in a matter of days in most cases they will keep raising the price. I will do the 70.3 in Raleigh 2016 only because it is so close, and the event that got me started in the sport.
2015-01-03 5:22 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
IM races/fees.
This (as with most of us) is my ultimate goal. To hear my name followed my "you are an IRONMAN!" while crossing the finish line get's me all riled up.
The cost is steep, but worth it for the once in a lifetime thing. If I was amazing, and doing several full length events a year, the cost would probably have me doing non WTC races.

Shipping beer.
It's pretty easy. I had a beer of the month club last year, and would get a box with 4 bombers (22oz bottles) every month. They had special inserts in the boxes. I will look around and see if I can find those shipping items online....

BDAS shirts?
Are you talking cycling jerseys, or just regular shirts? For the design, I have a talented brother-in-law that could help with a cool design, if wanted.

I just looked at my training calendar for Jan. Yesterday and Today are my only "off" days. GULP! Beginner cycling program with the continued C25k stuff. Not sure I should be jumping in that fast. I'll be really watching for any possible injury type pains, and will back off instantly if I feel something. I've been down that road too many times!


2015-01-03 6:31 PM
in reply to: cwpeters

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by cwpeters

If it's not too late I would love to join this group.

NAME: Chris (cwpeters)

STORY: Completed my 1st tri in fall of 2009. Finished 2nd to last in the U40 Clydes but fell in love with the competition. Over the next 8 months I ate right, followed a training plan, changed a lot of bad habits, lost about 50 pounds and in May finished my 2nd tri just 16 seconds behind the first place in the U40 Clydes. Went on to have a very successful season and eventually got down to 225 lbs. from almost 300. Over the next 2 years I completed sprints, OLYs and a HIM along with several HMs and a Century. Unfortunately I then had a job change and fell back into the old and bad habits. While still competing on a regular basis, I have lost my training motivation and put back on almost all of the weight I once lost.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a wonderful woman for 16 years and father to two boys for 12 (almost 13) and 10 years.

CURRENT TRAINING: I signed up for a HIM yesterday that takes place Feb. 8, so I need to get some run training in.

2014 RACES: 2 duathlons, 4 sprints, and 1 almost OLY.

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: HM and then whatever jumps. There are several local races and 1 "destination" race I will continue to do plus hopefully a late season HIM.

BEER PREFERENCE: Abita Beer - Turbo Dog, Purple Haze, and Andygator. Leinenkugel - Sunset Wheat, Summer Shandy, Berry Weiss, and all of the Winter Sampler.

WEIGHT LOSS: Need to drop a good 50+ pounds again. I used the Abs Diet back in 2010 and will be going back to that plan again.

Chris - You are welcome to join and we would love to have you as long as you will never rub that warm and sunny Florida weather in our faces when we are heading out into the snow to get our workouts in (And yes Nancy Boy - I'm talking about you!)

I enjoyed reading your story as it sounds similar to my own. I too have lost a lot of the fire that used to motivate me and I need to drop the weight. Let's help each other make it happen!
2015-01-03 6:44 PM
in reply to: fifthcircle

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by fifthcircle

IM races/fees.
This (as with most of us) is my ultimate goal. To hear my name followed my "you are an IRONMAN!" while crossing the finish line get's me all riled up.
The cost is steep, but worth it for the once in a lifetime thing. If I was amazing, and doing several full length events a year, the cost would probably have me doing non WTC races.

Shipping beer.
It's pretty easy. I had a beer of the month club last year, and would get a box with 4 bombers (22oz bottles) every month. They had special inserts in the boxes. I will look around and see if I can find those shipping items online....

BDAS shirts?
Are you talking cycling jerseys, or just regular shirts? For the design, I have a talented brother-in-law that could help with a cool design, if wanted.

I just looked at my training calendar for Jan. Yesterday and Today are my only "off" days. GULP! Beginner cycling program with the continued C25k stuff. Not sure I should be jumping in that fast. I'll be really watching for any possible injury type pains, and will back off instantly if I feel something. I've been down that road too many times!


5th - You packed your last post with a lot of good stuff.

Shipping beer - I agree - It's probably pretty simple to do - but I'm wondering about two things: How do we stay on the right side of the law? and How could we set up a competition to use beer as motivation.

BDAS Shirts - I was thinking about bike shirts. I'd love to work designing on. One of our former members came up with a pretty good one and I will reach out to him to give us another option. But feel free to see what your BIL can come up with.

Training schedule: I am injury prone myself and I would just urge caution. I stink when it come to following that piece of advice and I know how hard it is to take it slow - but workouts don't mean anything if you don't make it to the start line. Finally - ice before you start to hurt. Speaking of which - I'm gonna grab an ice pack after I click submit.

2015-01-03 6:55 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Happy Playoffs people. I'm proud to report that I managed to get out for a short run today. I got home from errands late and was tempted to skip it - but the beers I bought at the store got me out the door. Global Warming by Sixpoint (New York) and Mainer Weisse by Night Shift Brewing (MA). It's a fruit beer and I love fruit beers. So, I got in some quick PT and then headed out the door.

Does anyone else love running in the slow? I LOVE IT! I'm so glad I went. What a great run!

2015-01-04 12:49 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Thanks for taking me in. The peer pressure is already working, ran 2.5 miles last night and 3 tonight. No land speed records but I did feel better tonight and was slightly faster. As for that weather thing, I can't make any promises. Today was a record high, low temp and tied the record high. Ran at almost midnight and it was still hot and humid, I could use some of that "winter" you guys are always speaking of.

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